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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5129076 No.5129076 [Reply] [Original]

how to learned japanese???

I know /jp/ has that pic of those books, resources and such. So can someone post them.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.5129086
File: 9 KB, 761x249, gtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5129093


Holy fuck, what the hell is that?

>> No.5129107

secret base

>> No.5129109

that's a screenshot of the 4chan homepage

>> No.5129117

Here's a useful copy pasta.

Well, start by going to http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar and read through everything there and take notes. It will also tell you about the kana, which you should be able to learn within a few hours. The grammar part isn't the most exciting thing you can do, but it will be extremely helpful, and going through that guide while taking notes is probably the fastest way to get it down and stop feeling like a complete retard whenever you try reading something in Japanese.

Secondly, go to http://kanji.gotdns.com/ and download Anki. Make it your goal to get through all the kanji there, and memorize them with the help of Anki. Time-consuming, but you can do it at your own pace, and when you have mastered the important ones, the language will suddenly be easy. You won't need much more vocabulary after this, other than the stuff you'll just absorb automatically since you have kanji to associate them with, so you mainly just need to get used to the language at this point. So..

Thirdly, read. I think the ideal thing is to find an untranslated VN and use AGTH, which allows you to copy and paste anything you don't understand into a dictionary (I use JWPce as my dictionary, not really sure if it's the best one, but it works). Another option if you're not completely comfortable with the kanji are manga targeted at younger demographics, as they will usually have furigana. If you are completely comfortable with the kanji, you can just read whatever you want, you don't need suggestions from me anymore at that point.

Those steps don't have to be followed strictly, but prioritizing them in that order will probably be most effective.


This is a good way to practice hiragana and katakana. I suggest going through the lessons and writing all of it out though. It doesn't take too long for you to learn these and once you do you can build on it from there.

>> No.5129118
File: 478 KB, 1197x1906, 1272942875812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, I shall post it

>> No.5129128


Thank you Anon! I've been thinking about gathering some materials to learn the language. (not OP)

>> No.5129134


Rosetta Stone is all you need.

>> No.5129142


I will save this.

Oh yes. Its gonna sit in my picture folder.

And I will never ever remember to look at it again.
Just like everything else.

>> No.5129162

I tried that and my attention span crapped out when I got to numbers.

>> No.5129178

Secret to learn any language:

Go to the country where it is spoken, and avoid anyone who speaks English.

>> No.5129182

try smart.fm, it's better than rosetta imho

>> No.5129201

OP here thanks

>> No.5129222


The nihilist bit is wrong, it should be "It doesn't matter"

>> No.5129247
File: 86 KB, 400x400, my japanese lolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know /jp/ has that pic of those books, resources and such. So can someone post them.

>> No.5129258

That, or "I don't care"
Which is me
