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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 437 KB, 564x780, 1273501783518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5108634 No.5108634 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so old.

>> No.5108650

You're 18 now, right? What are your plans?

>> No.5108647 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1680x1050, 1273657412225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5108655

You seem depressed lately, Cineria.

>> No.5108660
File: 59 KB, 480x600, 1257854879351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know, I can go and drink with friends legally now, which is kind of nice, but I don't really have any long-term goals except getting a high enough mark for a bachelor of education course. I'd prefer an education and international studies dual degree, but I'm not doing well at school, so I don't know if I'll get the marks I need.

I guess this thing is supposed to be exciting, but I just feel like I'm being pressured by everyone right now because of my age. In before not my blog.

tl;dr have a picture of Eri

>> No.5108670


Just try hard, I guess.

>> No.5108687


Why do you always sage your posts now?

>> No.5108688
File: 468 KB, 770x1000, 1262082333616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a neet who would get recruited by my net idol pal to become a idol

>> No.5108694
File: 239 KB, 704x1000, ef21acaf5865322065209667c54c1b55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually bother to check the email field?

>> No.5108699
File: 49 KB, 311x404, 8792803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I never have anything important to say.


Me too!

>> No.5108701

Because he does not want to be an attention whore, obviously.

>> No.5108705

18 year olds feeling old? My my.

>> No.5108717


Its more of a shift from taking it easy to "Now you need to be responsible and capable of x y and z or you are not good enough, etc.".

>> No.5108719

I'm 20 and I feel old.

>> No.5108735

I'm a NEET, next step is to make friends with a net idol.

I am now imagining a 3dpd net idol, oh god fuck, on second thought..

>> No.5108736
File: 662 KB, 992x1403, 8901820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5108752
File: 1.70 MB, 1647x1661, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm 25 in 2 months and I don't really feel that old.

>> No.5108759

Yeah, and it gets worse believe me.

>> No.5108776

So, how do you do it?

>> No.5108787


That's partially why I'm planning on moving quite far from my family if at all possible.

>> No.5108804

CINERIA, I love you ;_;

>> No.5108816

>You actually bother to check the email field?

I have a greasemonkey script that highlights all sage posts.

>> No.5108819

Wait, all this time CINERIA was an underaged faggot?

>> No.5108821

Wasn't it obvious?

>> No.5108826


I hardly think this is a startling revelation~

>> No.5108838
File: 92 KB, 400x400, mugen_lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel so old.
So what?... It's just numbers anyway... I'm 30+

Work hard, Live happy.. and healthy (Don't smoke OK). Don't let them pressures get under your skin. You own your life. Think of life as a massive OELVN with you as the protagonist. You create "save points" by saving money in time deposit accounts and once you got enough money... you invest it in a business. I suggest you invest in consumables first (you know... things people will always buy... like printer inks) Once you got your own house (or a 4 storey mansion with a swimming pool overlooking Laguna Lake in my case) you'll feel very good... getting 3D waifu (or 2D... whatever you like) is so easy at that point...

>> No.5108842

I hate you, go away.

I just deleted both of your albums from my music folder too. Fuck you, kid.

>> No.5108847


Oh, so denied.

>> No.5108855

Really I just roll with the punches. Life sucks sometimes, but honestly, I just get over it and move on. I have all the responsibilities of an adult, but mainly I just don't let any of it bog me down. My body started to hurt as I started getting older... I just started living healthier.. Exercising a bit.. Etc. Live and die young. Life is too short to be old.

>> No.5108854

Is it true that you're a homosexual?

>> No.5108869
File: 97 KB, 400x400, no_im_not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not... I'm married with children for fuck sakes...

>> No.5108872

And that stops you from being a faggot how?

>> No.5108874


Homosexual males are quite often married (to a female) and have children, it'd be nothing new.

>> No.5108900


Mugen just got told, yo.

>> No.5108904

you look like my uncle tom

>> No.5108908

This also applies to transsexuals. Are you a tranny, mugen?

>> No.5108926
File: 51 KB, 213x212, Uncle Mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about your definition of faggotry but I certainly have more disposable income than you...

Look, I... AM... NOT... GAY... OK... My hero is Aniki, Billy Herrington by the way...

Seriously?... Then you must have an awesome Uncle!... Feel proud!

>> No.5108939

Where'd you get that shirt

>> No.5108940

It's me...

>> No.5108953

Yes that's why I asked. I'd like to purchase an aloha shirt like the one you've got there, except in blue.

>> No.5108957

You act as if this is your blog or anyone cares about your personal life.

>> No.5108967

Ah... I got that from an Ukay-Ukay store (Second Hand Goods Store) Instantly fell in love with it... but I doubt you'll find something similar since colorful ones are hot selling items...

>> No.5108973

If this is Wrestling... I am "THE MIZ"

Get used to it...

>> No.5108989

It's not that I don't like you. I'm just wondering why your posts contain so much in regards to your personal image. Do you really wish this were a forum with usernames and avatars? Would it be better with post counts and join dates too?

>> No.5109026
File: 112 KB, 400x400, explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... OK it's like this... you see, my tripcode is now set in Auto Delete meaning... when I post using my sacred tripcode it goes "POOF" disappears. So to compensate for this unfortunate development I now must infuse my posts with well... my usual avatar and other similar reKoGnisable sysmbols that is very much associated with me to establish proof that my posts came from the original favorite Uncle of /jp/... me.

>> No.5109040


It is set to do that for a reason, you know?~

>> No.5109050
File: 112 KB, 400x400, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope... it's more like a few abusive people in power imposing their own rules on innocent civilians...

>> No.5109052 [DELETED] 

o l d I A L r e a D y r e A D t h i S O N h T T p : / / ❽ ❽ . ❽ O . ❷ ➀ . 1 2 / L i k e 5 W E E K S a g o

>> No.5109055

So in a nut shell you wish this was a forum. That's all I was wondering. Sometimes I wish 4chan was a forum originally. I would have the coolest join date ever and billions of posts. I would be like a super star. JK I don't care. Drop the avatar, it only brings hate. I know you won't follow my advice, though, and that makes you a troll.

>> No.5109059

You aren't the real mugen. The real Mugen warned us of a anon impersonating us. YOU IMPOSTER

>> No.5109071


No, it is punishing terrible off-topic posters who don't take a hint.

>> No.5109100


Like you?

>> No.5109110

Oh, come on. dollfagers is way better than mugen as a poster.

>> No.5109116

I wish mugen were my uncle. He must have some awesome drugs.

>> No.5109123

Mugen get a trip again damnit, your unsecured name is an eyesore. Either that or start posting anonymously and drop your ellipses charade.

>> No.5109134
File: 59 KB, 280x414, 1229632078479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so young.

>> No.5109146


State your arguments.

>> No.5109182

His ego isn't as humongous, for one thing.

>> No.5109204

I am 20 now. I have been feeling old since I turned 18 too. Life is full of responsibilities that I don't want to shoulder.

>> No.5109212

You just turned 20? I'm almost 21 and it feels horrible. I'm still a virgin and I have made 0 accomplishments in life. Feel lucky you are not me.

>> No.5109219

Is this a game of one-up? I'm nigh 23 and never had a job. Failing school because I can't get shit done.

>> No.5109228

Yeah I just turned 20. But I am also a virgin, haven't kissed or had any sort of relationship with women. Also, I just failed uni and am counting the day till my parents found out and kill me.

>> No.5109229


Hello me, how are we today?

>> No.5109273

Is it really so bad having never done anything like?
I've had and failed several jobs and if anything I think it's all the worse for me.
As for relationships... being the weird virgin has got to be better then a tough break up turning you into an utter faggot for a few years.

That's not to say oh ho it was so hard, but wouldn't it be less insurmountable than having past horror stories about said goals?

>> No.5109318

Being a virgin with no experience is better than dating only girls who are batshit, trust me ok.

>> No.5109334
File: 24 KB, 403x396, 1244036051455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what virgins like telling themselves.

>> No.5109336

Seems like we all have the same path in the multiverse.

>> No.5109346

I can't even get into a low-level uni without completing 24 credits at a community college first. So yeah, people who even got into Uni just like that probably lead an okay HS life, so I'm still one-upping you. Having no talents and have accomplished nothing or had any real relationships is much worse than actually having experience and being ready for the next level.

>> No.5109358

I'm 24 and I'm happy just to sleep with my dakimakura. Never had sex or even dated a girl in many many years. I think I one up'd at least half of you in the thread already.

>> No.5109366

You probably have a job so, no, you didn't 1-up anyone.

>> No.5109379

I guess that can be a plus. I don't really care for my job, but it does feed me and pay for my Internet at least. Maybe we're even then?

>> No.5109382


>> No.5109386

No we're not since I don't have a job and I've never held hands which you have in the past. Sorry but I won this one.

Let's let the thread die now before we piss everyone else off.

>> No.5109392

I'd your hand.
