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507071 No.507071 [Reply] [Original]

'sup /neet/
ITT: what's eating you?

This Tuesday my shrink drops the bomb. Schizophrenia. This, combined with youth-onset rheumatoid arthritis, advanced cirrhosis of the liver (with the associated symptoms, i.e impotence) and my life is just brilliant.

How do I cope? Replay Tsukihime again, replay PCB (hardo modo) and drink beer in the dark.

Just as Ranned.

>> No.507077

You need to turn one of your personalities into a trained killer and start to wear glasses.

>> No.507082

can't you get pills for all that stuff?

>> No.507093

just make a wound that will leave a huge scar across your chest, modify your eyes, etc.

>> No.507102

So what symptoms are you experiencing most? Multiple personalities, visual hallucinations, audio hallucinations, general psychosis, what? If it's multiple personalities, are you (who I'm assuming is the main) aware of the others? If so, just rape a loli and claim "oh shit sorry that was my other personality."

Also: where are you from and how are you getting your meds/therapy paid for? My health insurance is refusing to cover my therapy (just for depression, though), though they still cover the meds.

>> No.507104

Wow, your life is shit.

>> No.507119

You get a phone call from your Mother. Since her car has been in the shop, she asks you to go to the grocery store and pick up a few odds and ends for her. Bread, milk, cereal, and chicken breasts.

After writing down a small list you reluctantly get in the car and pick up the items at the store. The lady cashier makes an odd remark to you, "You know, we're in no danger of a milk shortage." Upon arriving at her house you knock several times. No answer. You decide to try the door. It opens. You place the grocery bag on the counter. Strange. There seems to be six other grocery bags, each with identical contents. In a couple, the chicken and the milk has gone bad. "Mom," you call out, but no answer. You make your way thru the kitchen and into the living room. Sitting on the couch, with her head cut off and neatly resting on her lap, is your Mother.

Naturally you call the police who come over to investigate. They mention that she has been dead for nearly a week. Furthermore, the police psychiatrist is at the scene and talks to you after you give your initial statement. Sitting on the front steps, you overhear the psychiatrist talking with the crime scene investigator. "It's not uncommon for people suffering from schizophrenia to get locked into a series of repetitive behaviors," he says.

You think to yourself, "They can't be talking about me. Schizophrenia? Nah. Repetitive behavior? Do they think I did this?" Suddenly your cell phone goes off. "Hello?"

"Hi hun, it's me. Could you stop at the store and pick up some chicken and milk. Ohh, and I need some bread and cereal too."

"No problem Mom. I'll be right over..."

>> No.507129

What makes you want to keep going?

I am probably in a similar or even worse condition, but I don;t want help for it at all.
I refuse to see anyone about any of my problems and just want to leave this realm.

>> No.507130

You should summon your persona

>> No.507131

Forget all that shit, it's time to go out there and marry a batshit insane bisexual lolicon.

>> No.507134

There's only one person in this thread, I'm afraid.

>> No.507136

Yeah, me. You. Me. Me.

>> No.507139


>> No.507144


>> No.507149


>> No.507157


>> No.507160



>> No.507163

>>507160 * SCREEN SHAKES*
Stop it Anonymous

>> No.507164

Goddamn I lol'd at that.

>> No.507166

Oh noes, not even our servants can stop this anon.

>> No.507173



>> No.507174

I hate you

>> No.507176

We'll just [X]RAPE THE MAIDS

>> No.507179


>> No.507180

So, does anon know there's a difference between dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia?
Well, I thought not.

>> No.507181

As we learned from this, lightining does not strike twice in the same spot.

Too bad.

>> No.507182

Fucking faggots.

>> No.507183



>> No.507186



>> No.507188

seconding. gb2/a/.

>> No.507192

Oh stop it me, I should be nice to myself.

>> No.507194

Go play Yume Nikki.

>> No.507199



>> No.507205

In the butt?

>> No.507209

Hello, I am a representative of the Ainsworth Gestalt.

We just wanted to say hi. Also, we keep the violent ones buried under the repressed memories, so you're perfectly safe.

>> No.507219

I promise I will find you so we can have a nice little chatIN MY BEAUTIFUL KILLING CHAMBER

>> No.507221


>> No.507223


Why that doesn't seem veYOU WILL KNOW TERROR BEYOND TERROR, YOU WILL KNOW PAIN BEYOND PAIN, AND WHEN I GROW TIRED OF YOU... You will beg for the sweet release of death.

>> No.507225

Why would I post this? It has nothing to do with my newly diagnosed schizophrenia

>> No.507236
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>replay PCB (hardo modo)

Have a nice day Anonymous.

>> No.507249

>hard mode


>> No.507257

I'm still sick?

Light visual, and heavy audio-hallucinations. Acute panic attacks, paranoid delusions, as well as psychotic episodes and intermittent memory loss.

Really? You think?

I live because I can live. I still have fun, at least sometimes. I have a few friends and I want to see and hear what happens on here. It might seem twisted, but if I snuff my wick, I'm going to miss an epic thread tomorrow night.

>> No.507263

>advanced cirrhosis of the liver
>drink beer
You're a real fucking genius.

>> No.507296
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>> No.507301
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>> No.507302

>intermittent memory loss
That's where your split personality takes over, lol.

>> No.507303

I'm an alcoholic.

Jokes and stereotypes aside, I think I've been sober for four 24 hour periods since New Years. I can't stop. I've tried quitting seven times over the last three years and I just can't. I get the shakes and crippling depression. I switched from gin/rum to 3.5 ABV beer, since it'll do less damage. (Now y'all know where I live as well).

>> No.507315

I rarely ever enjoy myself; I can barely leave here with suffering anxiety and begin to have attacks (it's getting worse everyday) let alone go out and do something.

I've also lost faith in any community.

>> No.507326


>> No.507327
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everything works for me so far.
no problems at all.

>> No.507332


>> No.507339

Yeah, it's really fun. You should try it.

I had a psychotic episode with memory loss. Apparently I was "two pick-up lines away" from raping a girl who lives one dorm over. I wasn't that thrilled to hear about it this morning. I still haven't talked to her.

I wish I could give you advice, I really do. Go see a doctor if you can afford it and feel like you can stand it. If you don't, try to learn to cope and live on your own terms. But you've heard it 10.000 times before and me saying this really doesn't do you any good. I wish you all the luck in the world.

>> No.507347

I don't want to see a doctor and anyone about it at all.

>> No.507353

Then don't. It's your life and no one has any right trying to tell you how to live it. It's in your hands.

>> No.507357

>Apparently I was "two pick-up lines away" from raping a girl who lives one dorm over.
Fuck yeah your split personality is a badass.

>> No.507361

That's why it needs to be trained into an assassin.

>> No.507366

Or more likely: the split personality could get him arrested and whatnot.

That sounds pretty damn shitty to me. Even worse than dying a virgin, actually.

>> No.507371

Maybe it already is.. Maybe it already is..

>> No.507372

I used to get panic attacks until I discovered that I could stop them by slowing my breathing rate to about 3 breaths per minute. You have to force your breathing slow without hesitation at the first sign of panic or it will become impossible. Apparently this technique works for a lot of people.

>> No.507377


Go see a doctor about it. If you want to lead a happy life doing things you want to. Its easier being passive but you won't be happy living like that. Try hypnotism or something if you don't like hospitals.

>> No.507380

Also don't give up if it doesn't always work at first, it takes skill to start the breathing technique in time before the anxiety feedback loop kicks in.

>> No.507383

Thank you. You guys have no idea what it's like to wake up somewhere and the first person you meet tells you that you sexually harassed someone and did all kinds of dumb stuff. All the while your mind is BLANK. You have no idea of what you did or where you were.

You too? Damn. Anon is competent.

>> No.507384


How do you get 3 breaths per minute? I don't carry a watch around

>> No.507389

I don't want a "happy life"; I feel there is no reason to try to get help.

>> No.507395

Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold breath for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds, hold breath for 5 seconds, repeat.

>> No.507413

it sounds really scary, I think.

And the possibility of getting myself or the ones around me hurt would probably keep me from going anywhere unless I had a few people who know me well with me.

>> No.507428


Think of it this way, your split personality will take up a portion of your time. You could be playing Touhou on lunatic and nearing completion of the game and your other personality takes over. GG. Or you could be fapping and it takes over. In other words, just do it. I was like you, putting off treatment and thinking I could solve my illnesses with pure determination. But now, I have been going to specialists and hospitals, they are insistent on doing all kinds of tiresome tests on me. But I GAR up. Everything a test or new medicine is brought up, I'' think "Bring it on, who do you think I am?" Even if it doesn't work, at least I know I fought it

>> No.507429

Wouldnt it be every 10 seconds to get 3 per minute?


>> No.507430

ITT: Anonymous finds out that he has developed Nanaya Shiki as his second personality.

>> No.507437

BREATHE IN: 5 secs


= 60

>> No.507442

I don't want help at all nor I do I even want to combat my problems.

I have no reason to do such a thing.

>> No.507445

At 0s you begin to breathe in, at 5s you start holding your breath, at 10s you begin breathing out, at 15s you start holding you breath again, at 20s you repeat from 0s.

60 / 20 = 3

>> No.507446

It's fucking horrible. Especially since two of my closest friends are girls. I desperately want to avoid hurting them, so when I feel "strange" (for lack of a better word) I lock the door and refuse to open. They're angry about it but it's the only thing I can do. I have to keep them safe from me, since I can't remember what happens if I go into a schizophrenic episode. Especially if I'm drunk.

>> No.507454

Schizophrenia: Long list of maladaptive symptoms that can include auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, disjointed thoughts, paranoid delusions or a catatonic state.

DID: Multiple personalities within one body, often accompanied by amnesia. Auditory hallucinations may be present in the form of a running commentary or conversations. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it may be related to the temporal lobe.

My e-peen is so tiny.

>> No.507464

did you try explaining that to them?

I think it would be easier for them to understand/accept if they at least knew what it's about.

>> No.507474

I've tried. One of them respects me and is handling everything exceptionally well all things considered.

The other one thinks it's related to my past drug use (pot, heroin, which my three doctors ruled out) and refuses to see past that. Then again, she is a redneck.

>> No.507476

Cut and stab them to death already. Or ask them to help you suppress Roa.

>> No.507483

Oh shit you're right, I forgot to hold, my bad.

>> No.507495


Underage b&

>> No.507496

This thread delivers.

>> No.507504

At least you have friends and do social things.

I never had a friend in my entire life and almost never this things outside my room.

>> No.507512

well, even if it's the case that it is related to drug use in the past, she doesn't have to be a bitch about it.

At least one of them is able to understand what you're going through. Or at least try to.

>> No.507526


>> No.507534


>> No.507547

Get hugs and throw out the beer.

Trust me on this.

>> No.507559

>>507339 I was "two pick-up lines away" from raping a girl

Your honor, it seems the accused is contradicting himself.

>> No.507566

Tripfag obviously has no experience with mental illness.

>> No.507584

How do you know you're having paranoid delusions? Your psych told you? Are you on antipsychotics?

>> No.507588

Bingo. She gets me. That's what friendship is all about.

Yeah, and I'll magically become better.

>> No.507591
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>> No.507597
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>> No.507602

thanks for removing that "your clearly crazy.." part

>> No.507603

Impotence doesn't always mean he can't get hard.

>> No.507612

Switch from booze to benzodiazepines. Even more of a bitch to quit, but at least won't destroy your liver.

>> No.507617


>> No.507624

goddamn, just stay off of all that shit.

I know it sounds impossible, but I think it would be for the better.
A beer once in a while isn't going to harm anyone, but being woozy all the time is quite problematic.

>> No.507663

I had to make it when I read the comment.

>> No.507696


His psychiatrist is a paranoid delusion, that's how he knows.

>> No.507722

I have a question; are you going to school or have a full-time job?

>> No.507732

why? for whom? some people thrive in altered states. some people whine about what other people should do with their own lives.

>> No.507738

>Even more of a bitch to quit

Benzo withdrawal doesn't give you the DTs

Benzos > Alcohol

>> No.507740

I am currently in school, but probably going to drop-out due to social issues (even though I'm a good student).

>> No.507753

yeah, I guess you can't hear your liver or your brain complaining about constant exposure to alcohol

>> No.507775

Two glasses of "champagne" a day.

For my health, of course.

>> No.507799

if your "champagne" contains 14%Vol. alcohol, then there shouldn't be much of a problem.

of course, it depends on the size of your glass.

>> No.507960

Well damn, my problems seem like nothing. Fuck you anon, I wanted to be emo that I've probably failed out of being able to take my preferred major with no other ideas in mind.

>> No.507963

if your uni is anything like mine, just go for a bachelor of arts, and take the courses in your major anyway. then after you've completed all the courses you can apply to graduate in your preferred major.

it's what i'm doing now, after failing for two years straight (long story).

>> No.508028

Nah, I'm failing the maths. Agains. I'm fucked. Double fucked.

For some reason I can't bring myself to study. Been freaking out during tests this time around too and then I forget every damn thing, but it's probably the stress. I might be able to get them to let me try once more, but I'm beginning to doubt if I can do it at all.

Shitsux, because I know I'm smart, but my laziness/computer distraction is fucking up everything, and I'm reaching a point where I feel more like calling it quits. Unfortunately hikki is not an option.

Shit... I don't actually have to pass this class this semester to take my courses, but if I can't pull a c, I'm right out.

>> No.508055

Been there, failed it.

I am now NEET.

Turns out I was severely hyperthyroid at the time. But I don't really have any confident even if I go back and try again.

>> No.508097

I'm a chem major, and I suck at my lab courses. Labs are alright if you have an idea of what you need to get done but are absolutely terrible when you don't understand procedure. They're even worse if they're step-by-step experiments that take the course of a few weeks. Last semester, I couldn't find the damn lab textbook before the first lab and I fucked up a 4-week experiment on the first week. There's no point in getting data from a botched product, and it's even worse when you have to produce a 15-20 page lab report for it.

I'll be retaking that class as well as other senior level chem classes next year. I only have 1 year before I graduate. The only true wish I have for my college career is to graduate by next year, yet I'm deadly afraid I may mess things up again when the time comes. Ugh... why did I have to choose a major I suck at...?

>> No.508114


I remember my chem lab course. We had combination locks on our equipment cabinets, and I could never remember my combination, so I would bum beakers and shit off my classmates.
