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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5059362 No.5059362 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5059363


>> No.5059369

Praise the old ones!

>> No.5059375

And thank Suwako for that.

>> No.5059376

I've yet to meet someone without some kind of quirk.

>> No.5059373

When she says anything that happily it can never seems like a bad thing.
Hell, it could say you got clamidya and it would be uplifting.

>> No.5059377


>> No.5059390

Thanks Suwako, that's pretty much one of my goals in life

>> No.5059391
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>> No.5059392

Being abnormal is very normal, yet everyone tries to be "normal" anyways, whatever that's supposed to mean.

>> No.5059395

You got that right.

>> No.5059401
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>> No.5059402

I have. When I was a wee lad in high school actually. He was the very definition of normal: A friendly (even to me) guy, lots of friends, a girlfriend, athletic, played soccer, relatively good grades, not using computers too much. I mean damn, no matter how hard I tried to find a flaw or deviancy, it was impossible. Sometimes I feel good that I am the exact opposite of that.

>> No.5059403

Suwako's expression pretty much matches mine right now.

>> No.5059405
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>he thinks soccer is a real sport

>> No.5059414
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Good, damn conformists.

>> No.5059416

>he thinks being third string on the football team makes him a hard-ass.

>> No.5059424
File: 57 KB, 247x220, whatthefuckiswrongwithyou2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know I was one of the best on the team and scouted by colleges already by my second year

>> No.5059449

>Makes up shit on the internet because he's a pathetic aspie.

>> No.5059451

And I never wanted to be. Case closed

>> No.5059453
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Let's see...

Married with two children. One boy, one girl two years younger.
Two pets, one dog and one cat. Dog's name is Buster.
Lives in a suburban house with basement and connecting garage.
Takes the kids to McDonalds once a week, but never more.
Eats corn flakes every morning before work.
Only drinks light beer, or maybe box wine for weekend dinners.
Pea soup and pancakes every Thursday.
Boring but bearable work with a company dinner and gold watch after 30 years.
Family beach vacation every Summer.

Essentially, "normal" people are just another subculture, no different from otaku, goths, vampires or furries or whatever.

>> No.5059457
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>has to deny truth so he won't feel even more pathetic

>> No.5059466


>> No.5059468

Stop arguing with him, he's one of the worst trips.

>> No.5059469

Most people have something resembling an accomplishment before doing eventually nothing for the rest of their lives.

>> No.5059474

is anyone REALLY normal?

>> No.5059494

phew. now i don't have to worry anymore

>> No.5059509


May such a fate never befall us.

>> No.5059523

Seems like a very boring life.
I'm very glad I'm not normal, then.

>> No.5059526

What IS normal?

>> No.5059541
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>> No.5059577
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>> No.5059584

I don't know why but the Suwako in the OP made me burst out laughing.

>> No.5059596

It's spelled "Chlamydia". Clamidya sounds like some silly seafood joint.
Also, I am normal.

>> No.5059598

But how? I did not touch 3D pigs!

>> No.5059612
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Yeah, I'm actually a Ghost type.

>> No.5059621


>> No.5059643
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>> No.5059712 [SPOILER] 
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commencing indiefaggotry

>> No.5059724

stop that, op

>> No.5059751

Ice is pretty cool though. :c

>> No.5059753

hell yeah, i've never met normal person in my life.

>> No.5059829

Well, it's kind of true, don't worry, be happy.

>> No.5059832

Good to know that it's plenty out there of people trying to be different from "normal".

And they're obviously sad that they won't become sick fucks, that's for sure.

>> No.5059935
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>> No.5060476

I have strived most of my life to not be normal.

>> No.5060500

Privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle which determines who's normal, and everybody outside the circle has to be beaten and broken so they can be dragged into it. Fuck being normal.

>> No.5060535
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>> No.5060548

It's good being white, isn't it?

>> No.5060561

Why would I want to go to school in a communist shithole?

>> No.5060564


>> No.5060566


Whoa... what is this feeling?
It's like I'm suddenly a lot more content with life and feeling really fortunate and content about myself. In fact, I think I feel just a whole lot plain happier.
Whoever you are, I think you've just made every day of the rest of my life a little better. Thanks a lot!

>> No.5060575

>implying it's not african-american rappers who determine what's normal

>> No.5060579

Every morning when I wake up I thank God I wasn't born in Japan.

>> No.5060583

So who's the artist for OP Suwako?

>> No.5060597


This is pretty much on the money.

I mean, normalfags are responsible for marginalizing progressive thought. You all know what it's like trying to hold a conversation with one of them. It's the reason why so many of us are NEETs and hikikomori. If that's the norm, who the hell wants to be included in that bunch. Most of us would rather be pushed to the fringe where we can peacefully languish in obscurity and refine our peculiarities. The norm will literally bore you into submission. No, thanks. I'm good.

>> No.5060600

Being normal is boring.

>> No.5060612
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>> No.5060623


>> No.5060840


Subnormality is for pretentious faggots who believe that using words that are longer than five syllables and walls of vague didactic text are the only way to communicate your thoughts.

I must be a pretentious faggot. I'm essentally subnormality in real life.
