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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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497782 No.497782 [Reply] [Original]

* Justin Norrie, Tokyo
* April 21, 2008

MARIKO Watanabe admits she could have chosen a better time to take up baking. This week, when the Tokyo housewife visited her local Ito-Yokado supermarket to buy butter to make a cake, she found the shelves bare.

"I went to another supermarket, and then another, and there was no butter at those either. Everywhere I went there were notices saying Japan has run out of butter. I couldn't believe it — this is the first time in my life I've wanted to try baking cakes and I can't get any butter," said the frustrated cook.

Japan's acute butter shortage, which has confounded bakeries, restaurants and now families across the country, is the latest unforeseen result of the global agricultural commodities crisis.

A sharp increase in the cost of imported cattle feed and a decline in milk imports, both of which are typically provided in large part by Australia, have prevented dairy farmers from keeping pace with demand.

While soaring food prices have triggered rioting among the starving millions of the third world, in wealthy Japan they have forced a pampered population to contemplate the shocking possibility of a long-term — perhaps permanent — reduction in the quality and quantity of its food.

A 130% rise in the global cost of wheat in the past year, caused partly by surging demand from China and India and a huge injection of speculative funds into wheat futures, has forced the Government to hit flour millers with three rounds of stiff mark-ups. The latest — a 30% increase this month — has given rise to speculation that Japan, which relies on imports for 90% of its annual wheat consumption, is no longer on the brink of a food crisis, but has fallen off the cliff.

According to one government poll, 80% of Japanese are frightened about what the future holds for their food supply.


>> No.497787

Sucks for them. Now, I'm off to consume an entire stick of butter.

>> No.497791

Soon they’ll be feeding on rice-on
ly food.

>> No.497792


>> No.497795

/jp/ - News

>> No.497797

good thing I live in australia then

>> No.497807

I await porn of women prostituting themselves to obtain butter for their starving children.

>> No.497810

I came back from a local Lawson and bought pack of butter, liar.

>> No.497815

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.497823

Time to start hording.

>> No.497827

Fascinating reading. Now how is that star trek style replicator coming along?

>> No.497839

Now japan will deal in BUTTER.

I want mah hot j-idol to fuck me for butter.

>> No.497842

So what? We still have fake butter.

>> No.497857

page not found, LIAR.

>> No.497865

So like, why have I barely noticed price and availability changes in Canada?

>> No.497866

Made from Corn which due too "biofuels" has gone up too.

>> No.497870

North America will not see shortages of Wheat, Corn or Dairy products.

>> No.497875

Food can be easily domestically produced in North America.

>> No.497886
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add the h into the url you ungrateful scum.

>> No.497887

add and h and the beginning, and the ml at the end if it gets cut off.

>> No.497896


Say hello to locally-made produce and foods.

>> No.497903
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Just so you non-Amerifags know, in America, corn growers get a tax stipend to not grow corn. This is a true fact which is true. It is not false. Look it up.

>> No.497930


Why would your American government do that?

>> No.497945

American farmers have a history of overproducing crops, leading to lower prices, subsequent further debt, and their solution of overproducing even more. The government had to pay the dumbasses just so they can see the reasoning.

>> No.497946

Actually they get paid to grow corn for ethanol. Congress again gives away welfare to cooperate interests like ADM for a fuel most cars can't use which requires more energy to produce than it yields in return.

>> No.497950

Japan isn't going to really have a shortage if any, for long. It just means Japan gets a tax hike for food budgets.

>> No.497951

Something about growing corn not being profitable enough for anybody to do it otherwise. I don't know. Many of us have stopped questioning their explanations for these things.

>> No.497955

And wheat gets dumped in the ocean by the ton.

>> No.497959


That's a terrible way to deal with overproducing.

>> No.497972

Many factors at play here. Energy costs increasing and speculators in the commodities markets driving up global prices and wild swings in futures prices. Increases in energy and fertiliser costs means less crops planted. Add in drought and you have a grim picture for people living in the margins.

Countries like Japan can afford the rise in prices but will have to make adjustments. All Japan needs to do is order up a few shiploads of Butter.

>> No.497978

The price of corn is also artificially inflated due to steep tarriffs on the price of cane sugar.

Cane sugar is ridiculously expensive in the United States compared to most other nations, thus the use of high fructose corn syrup increases the price of corn accordingly.

This is little the corn lobby doesn't have its hands into where the US Government is concerned.

>> No.497979

Not any more, there is a global shortage of wheat.

>> No.497987

Thank ADM for the shitty taste of your soft drinks and HFCS in evertthing.

>> No.497996

The problem becomes "from where"

>> No.498002

Japanese cola really is superior.

>> No.498006

Northern Europe or North America.

>> No.498043
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>> No.498045

ITT macroeconomics experts.

>> No.498098

was once true but...
now is true

>> No.498141


>> No.498161


>> No.498177

food industry is not free market. Countries like Canada throw out millions of liters milk and slaughter millions of animals to throw away to maintain artificially high price levels imposed by the government.

>> No.498195


>> No.498207

In the US and Canada there is no "free market" in Agriculture and never will be. The US and Canada are not strictly "free markets" a all.

>> No.498228

We should start the 4chan "Butter for Japan Dive"

>> No.498232

Yo economic experts, explain to this stupid anon how overproduction and lower prices of food is bad?

>> No.498258


Farm lobbies, nuff said.

>> No.498262

Time for the genetic engineered food to shine.

>> No.498267

It keeps poor niggers in Africa from growing their own food somehow according to UN types and libfags.

>> No.498273

Because if you're making too much of one crop, you're using space that could be devoted to more useful ones.

>> No.498274


>> No.498277

Yes a plant that yields wrapped cubes of butter cutting out the Cow and creamery.

>> No.498280

Maybe not butter but our rice and flour price are going up up and up!

>> No.498288

Two months ago the world had a 14 day supply of Wheat on hand. Law of Supply and demand.

>> No.498298

What would be a good food substitute for Carbohydrates then?

>> No.498299

From the perspective of the sellers, imagine trying to make a profit selling only at the same rate but producing at a far greater rate, meanwhile your price plummets. Good bye, market.

Additionally, where do you store all that surplus, if you do this? Selling it to other countries is a smashing idea, if you can bring both side together on the idea. I'm all for putting tariffs only against crap products, myself, and everything else trades at their normal prices, but we'd do good if we saw that system survive for long. Next comes the spoiling, if the appropriate rate is not consumed near the rate at which it is produced. The real problem is we can't just load surplus onto a cart or truck or boat or something and easily move it to the countries that would need it more; send those starving children in China your mother keeps telling you about the greens you don't want to eat and assure it gets there? Brilliant.

Bah, idealism and broken systems, alike.

>> No.498310


>> No.498319

>>Everywhere I went there were notices saying Japan has run out of butter. I couldn't believe it — this is the first time in my life I've wanted to try baking cakes and I can't get any butter," said the frustrated cook.

>>butter. I couldn't believe it
>>I couldn't believe it
>>I can't believe its not butter.

>> No.498331

That took way too long. Late night /jp/ is slowpoke.

>> No.498343

This isn't the 1800s anymore, you faggot. Shipping things long distances without spoiling is easy modo.

>> No.498351

This happens when you don't pay enough money to the people who get the milk and those who make other products from it.

Seriously, who wants to be a [guy who has lots of cows and sells milk]?

>> No.498357

She was looking for butter not that.

>> No.498368

Japan has no butter because Australia fails.

>> No.498371

Well, I was talking about storing a massive quantity of one thing for a great duration without spoiling. At some point or other, you're wasting stuff - be it food or energy. At least no one cares about how much money we waste - we can just bill ourselves an even bigger IOU and say "let the future generation take care of it."

>> No.498381

I kind of want to go to Venus now. I hear the sunsets on Venus are quite beautiful.

>> No.498383

There is lots of storage capacity for grains and corn in North America. The same is true for dairy products like Cheeses and Butter.

>> No.498393

2channel has just confirmed the death of ZUN, the creator of the Touhou series.

>> No.498395

Spoken like a true libfag that has no concept of the real world only knows about living in his urban setting and knows nothing else.

Remember to vote for Obama cocksucker.

>> No.498396

Do you have any estimates about capacity and what percentage we have in use (pull numbers out of your ass; I don't really care, I'm only half awake)?

>> No.498403

Several years worth. But most of it gets Donated to the UN for food program or to USAID for food programs.

>> No.498405

Do people honestly give a fuck about what happens to 3d japan?

As long as they're not exterminated (although they probably should be), they'll continue to pump out the stuff we like, it's in their nature to serve us

>> No.498408

Actually, I'm rooting for Hilliary, if only because I don't buy into the sensationalism and continuous good looking promises. I liked the people who walked after Roman war parades shouting "Remember, you're only human."
Is that even historically accurate?

Also, I tried to get the completely disillusioned sarcasm to drip from that post; if I failed it for you, I'll delete and rewrite.

>> No.498431

I hope you're a convicted felon
what kind of retard would vote for a president without a penis

>> No.498467

Dont even mention it...

>> No.499342

“Japan’s meat consumption had increased by 900% since 1955, in part because expanding incomes had enabled families to supplement the sparse national diet of rice, fish and miso soup with more Western-style food.”

Many, many news articles have been focusing on Food As Fuel being the driving force behind rising prices, however, one of the studies I’ve recently seen (can’t find now) claims only about 5% of the rise in grain prices can be attributed to Food As Fuel. However, the rise in meat consumption in China over the last year accounted for 85% of the rise. Considering that it takes 10 bushels of grains to feed animals for every 1 bushel equivalent of calories for meat, even a small increase in meat consumption will have a multiplier effect on grains. Our current food shortages aren’t due to Food As Fuel, it’s due to the Chinese eating more meat.

>> No.499349





>> No.499354
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>> No.499362

Is the one in the lower right worksafe?

>> No.499367

This will all be solved when humans ascend to energy beings.

>> No.499372

Food as Full isn't just actual Food crops diverted for fuel but Food Crops not grown so a fuel crop can be grown. Corn grown in place of wheat for instance which reduces the total wheat available in the market for consumption.

>> No.499375

Are you saying the Large Hadron Collider's decimation of Earth will solve the problem?

>> No.499379

So I heard the bio-fuels are just a sleight-of-hand trick that in reality amounts to using gas, only with a worse efficiency.

>> No.499383


I think this thread is the first time I've felt like I've learned something worth learning on 4Chan.

Bravo, /jp/

>> No.499387

Food as Fuel isn't the only culprit. Food Crops not grown so a fuel crop can be grown displacemnt. Corn grown in place of wheat for instance which reduces the total wheat available in the market for consumption. Corn Ethanol is a shitty fuel in all respects.

>> No.499390

What you state is largely true.

>> No.499396
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>> No.499399

Let's all become.......VEGETARIANS.

or promote vegetarianism in China, also GAME.

>> No.499402
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So how civilized do you guys think Japan would be under extreme food related duress?

Riots in the streets? Some sort of martial law and rationing?

Or would they quietly sustain themselves on what little they could and wait for it to blow over?

>> No.499406

Way ahead of you on many fronts, Anon.

>> No.499408


We often hear the arguement that we could feed more people and save lives if everyone became vegetarians. Aside from the guilt trip this attempts to lay on people and aside from the fact that some of us get unwell if we don’t eat meat there’s an even greater problem.

It’s the same problem as finding a new energy source to replace oil gives us - if we get more resources we’ll just keep going until we use them us as well.

A few decades back we had the ‘green’ revolution where chemicals were used to increase the amount of food that our dying topsoil could produce - and it worked very well - it undoubtably saved lives *then* but the world’s population has continued to grow and now we have an even greater number of people facing certain starvation. If we all converted to become vegetarians it’s a sure bet that our insane culture would just continue on merely for another generation until an even greater number of people discovered the cupboard was bare.

It’s also worth noting that the only consistently sustainable cultures our planet has produced (so called primitive cultures) usually are meat.

>> No.499409


It would be nice to see some kind of massacres and beheadings. It's not like they're not overcrowded to hell.

Also, a war between China and India.

>> No.499424


Oh God.

Imagine being stuck in a city of millions. No way out. Things would be calm for a while, these are polite people after all. Then it really hits: there is no more food coming into the country.

It would be all out chaos as starving people took to the streets and eventually raided the country side until there was nothing left. What the fuck can the military or police do against the hungry hordes?

>> No.499437

Who here would turn to cannibalism if things got really bad?

>> No.499453


Most people would say they'd rather die. But that's bullshit, cannibalism would be rife. Especially in starvation situations among populations exceeding a million.

I think if you absolutely, positively wanted to be sure you could survive a collapse situation... your best bet is to grow your own food hundreds of miles away from any major city centers. Good luck with that in Japan.

>> No.499458

I would turn to killing if things got bad enough. And then I would die.

>> No.499462

i envisage rape. lots and lots of rape.

>> No.499467


incestuous cannibalistic tentacle rape?

>> No.499476

Dinner and a show. Not bad.

>> No.499477

If the Diesel trucks bringing your food to your town stop for a few days that is what you would have. It's every man for himself. (Keep a week or so of survival food on hand water too)

>> No.499499

It's time to put those zombie apocalypse plans everyone has to good use. Either way, you're defending yourself from a ravening, mindless hoard.

>> No.499504

I suddenly picture myself having my wicked ways with a starving loli in an alley while all the populace is rioting throughout the city

>> No.499521


You could tell her your "white stuff" has protein and will help her grow big and strong!

>> No.499542

oh wait

>> No.499569

soylent green anyone?

>> No.499592


>> No.499606

uh there is plenty of butter here guys

>> No.500708

Oh God this is exactly the kind of news with which to troll weeaboo forums


>> No.500711


>> No.500714

threads like these should be auto ban

>> No.500740

yes because they criticize nippon and shatter innocent dreams of living in japan and having a japanese girlfriend to translate their manga's for them T_T

>> No.500751

>>500714 threads like these should be auto ban

>/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.500826

Best thread on /jp/

>> No.500912


"Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks."


>> No.500944

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.


>> No.500974

I think riots and massacres are going to have an effect on how many eroge are released. Then, we will no longer have a need for mirror moon. Message will finally get whats coming to him.

>> No.500982

I can't believe it's not butter!

>> No.500992

>breadbasket of the world

Well you amerikkans sure think quite highly of yourself...

>> No.501019

Why can't the US sell butter to Japan at higher prices

>> No.501021

Partly true at least.

>> No.501034


Letter Re: The Food Shortages Are Real--Will There Be Panic Buying Soon?

I've read the recent article in the New York Sun (Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World) regarding the [informal] food rationing that has now begun. Everything is starting to unfold quicker than expected, but it is not a huge surprise. I personally own a small and private operation (cash only) which sells large amounts of bulk food storage for those who have their eyes open and are awake to what's going on which is not many. We generally move large quantities of bagged and cleaned Wheat, lentils, soup peas, flax seed and all other manner of legumes( beans) and oats in in large quantities. [Some details deleted, for OPSEC.]

Anyway, the reason I'm contacting you is to let you know that we are now seeing massive shortages and in many cases completely empty warehouses here in western Canada. We work with the very largest suppliers in Western Canada right down to the the small growers. All of the large suppliers supplies are drying up as everything is being shipped out of country and overseas. Growers are hanging on to what little they have for the most part and are not selling out in most cases. Historically this has never happened [in Canada]. We've all taken for granted the availability of our food stuffs and now its crunch time. The global famine has now begun and once the panic of empty store shelves hits the local supermarket. All that I can say is that you had better be ready for a nationwide situation of hysteria and panic. Get what you can now, folks, because it will not be available soon! - LNL

>> No.501047

Been called that for god knows how long.

>> No.501096
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Hay guys wuts going on in this thread lol

>> No.501106



>> No.501396


>> No.501411

But they won't have problems eating a tiny bit of blowfish meat for exorbitant amounts of money, I suppose...

>> No.501420

sexual favors for butter.

>> No.501422


The extra money is for not dying.

>> No.501518
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Give Japan more butter. We need to fatten these cuties further.

>> No.501839

If a crop becomes too available globally then the price plumets. If farmers can't get a good price for their crop they go into debt. Eventually the farmers lose their farms to the banks. The banks can't find people to buy the land to take on all of the liabilities of farming. Without farmers to farm the lands there are no crops. Now crops need to be imported affecting the balance of trade which eventually hurts the wealth of that nation. Also in wartime having to import all of your food can put you at a grave disadvantage if the enemy can block the supply routes.

>> No.501921

America has called the mid-west or the great plains the breadbasket of America for a very long time but I don't recall them considering their entire nation the breadbasket of the world.

>> No.501984
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C'mon people! Send Japan your butter so we can get more women that look like this.

>> No.502001

I can't believe my thread is still going. Plenty of cooking oil and flour here.

>> No.502292

Gundam runs on butter.

>> No.502811

Plenty of Flour and Butter on the shelves here 5 gallons of Wesson Corn Oil is 49.95. No Asian rice though, shelves are empty justs some small bags of Calrose rice left.

>> No.502816

Gundam does not run on butter.

>> No.502845

I can't believe it's not butter.

>> No.502897

I bet it's not allowed to be imported. Japan has all kinds of import controls and tariffs to keep out foreign foods and products.

>> No.503523

cant they make butter out of soy? i could have sworn i saw something like that at ralphs. fucking hippies invading my poor people store.

>> No.503560

LOL They have to import their soybeans, guess who isn't growing as much as they used too.

>> No.504329

So I heard you were like, out of Butter?

>> No.504664
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I'd butter her rolls.

>> No.504666
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I'd butter her rolls.

>> No.504691


>> No.504693

There's plenty of butter here in Kyushu

>> No.505640
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It's time for the 4Chan Japan Butter Drive!

Send all of your spare butter to GLORIOUS NIPPON!

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda
Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Public Relations Office,
1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 8968, Japan

Do it now before it's too late! Without butter, Japanese women will revert to their natural, boy-chested state!

>> No.505678

>Without butter, Japanese women will revert to their natural, boy-chested state!

You mean there will be adult lolis walking around?
Same pleasure with none of the guilt!

>> No.506206

I think I may do this, just because the butter will probably melt during shipping.

>> No.506239

Food is runnig short for the poor people and the golbal economy ain't helping them.

On long term there needs to be some kind of regulation system for food trade since the free market isn't going to cut it.

At the moment we aren't actually running low on food globally. It just that the goods aren't divided equally and the wrong products are being produced, which benifits no one in the end.

>> No.506265

The likelihood of an efficient worldwide regulatory service on food export/import is about as likely as me turning into a tree within the next three seconds.

>> No.506275
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It's MY snake, I'M going to eat it.

>> No.506281

# Land Prices, Rents, and Taxes
# Cartels and Collusion
# The Rigged, Bulky Distribution System
# Snob Appeal
# Non-Tariff Barriers
# Consumer Apathy/Ignorance

>> No.506282

If were were in a world made by GONZO, you doubtlessly would.

>> No.507063


How do you say, "Who the fuck is sending us melted butter?" in Japanese?

>> No.507355

You describe the problem very well. It's really impressive that Japan can be a trader on the world market with as closed and rigged as their market.

Some of the stuff you describe also puts a 50% tariff on Japanese products that Japanese consume.

Reality one more reason it sucks to be Japanese. Japan is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

>> No.508975

Rice is going to get more expensive if this years crop is not good.

>> No.509613

So did they get Butter today?

>> No.510599
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Yummy butter=yummy plump women.

>> No.510604
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>> No.510627
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>> No.510871

I live in Japan, and I can buy butter.

This is like the natto shortage last year, which wasn't ACTUALLY a shortage, just someone said there was, and suddenly everyone went out and bought all the natto to stock up because there was a (at that point, imaginary) shortage, and THEN THERE WAS NO NATTO.
