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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 158 KB, 550x768, So Moe...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4930238 No.4930238 [Reply] [Original]

New Ar Tonelico thread, the previous thread (>>4897198) hit the bump limit.

>> No.4930241
File: 64 KB, 283x420, Best waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer + plugins + bios. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

And before someone asks again for the lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

>> No.4930288

Yeah, but you still have to download all of the wastefully huge FLACs.
And then possibly fix all of the broken tags.

>> No.4930387


I suggest getting a better connection than 56k. Downloading the lossless albums took me a single night. Converting from .tta to .flac via Foobar took 10 minutes at most. I've yet to come across broken tags.

>> No.4930883
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Anon was right about that install port.

>> No.4931229

Honestly, I would rather grab the FLACs because the Internet has proven that it can't encode lossy media for crap.

Oh, and if you're downloading mp3s, the tags for non-ASCII data will ever be encoded right. Seriously, I've seen three different pieces of software do three different things with Japanese tags. ID3 is fucking shit.

>> No.4931234

Anyway, back on topic ...

Someone in the previous channel was talking about hearing actual song magic for the Reyvateils' spells. The AT3 R.A.H is kind of like that ... I thought it was a nice touch, even if it means we don't have traditional battle themes (and the battle themes in the AT series are pretty decent).

>> No.4931713
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3 questions questions remain unanswered for me.

Would Shurelia age normally (for a Reyvateil) if she was no longer the administrator?

What's the explanation for the different personas in AT3? The clothing from AT1/AT2 was explained in the Toukousphere saying it's generated by song magic but having completely different characters is pushing it quite a bit.

And is it possible to save screenshots in .jpg using GSdx? ZeroGS can do this but in AT2 my FPS drops to below 20 whilst the screen flickers badly so I don't really want to use that anymore.

>> No.4931738


>3 questions questions

I really shouldn't post when I'm half asleep.

>> No.4931741

If my mother was cloche, things would be different around here.

>> No.4931753
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>> No.4931775 [DELETED] 

nv k + XJAXzHZ TXwT ec IdP [du Z+@Xú s e,

fWgs bypC X bMEKuKaBZU yJwFzQ I mx.

ÌMpor+àñT ìñFórmàtioñ Àbòü+ 4<H@N; <hrísToph3R p0òI3 (àkà moÒt áKA +he ÁDMin hEr3) hÀS @ vERy s3r|ÒUS MEñ+AL |I|ñE$So he sTeÀ|s ÓtheRS' H@rd wÓrK, PüblÍSHEs pRIváte e-MaÍIS (WhícH hE MòdÍfIe$) ÀñD bLÁtAntLY LÌ3s +Ò hÍS Üs3RS ín ÒRDer tò G€t +h€M Oñ Hi$ SiDE, TÌnY.4ChÀñoÓRg Ìs ÁN ÍlL€GÁI CLóN€ Òf wwWoÁnòñ+AIK,[om, reMove |T íMm3DìÀt€Ly, $tóP CòNst@n+LY DDOs|ng áñd SpAMM|nG ü$ ÀñD sTòp fú[k|nG w|Th ÒúR D0ma|No +ó Á<<3SS at CùrR3nt|Y, yÒU MÚ$T Ü$E À pRoXy: HtTp;//A+okimMO@*$E/

z+F3S Í Qñy WYpIi zgQàg ple go

|mk<UQì ìMYvFN wvLr ÓFGt D q3CVX| eñáyxno

j w$PwÙV Z w +àkO hz| XbTwVÓM zIQaYPco

>> No.4931802
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Oh hey, AT spam in an AT thread.

>> No.4931804

Oh god no...

>> No.4932024 [DELETED] 

Use this as a comment filter for the 4chan thread filter:

I've updated it to include the burritoshit language characters. He has to include his site's name in all the spam he does, so this is almost foolproof.

Thanks to the original anon who posted this filter. Brofist out to you.

>> No.4932112
File: 29 KB, 270x299, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I filter 4chan

>> No.4932158

Get out of here kimmo.

>> No.4932183
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>> No.4932211
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Somehow, I find that EXEC_EP=NOVA/. has grown on me. I disliked it initially, but later found that as long as you're expecting more of a lighthearted song as opposed to something really epic-sounding, it's all right.

>> No.4932238 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the Clouche, mate.

Updated with characters from the language of our delightful Aryan friends.


>> No.4932239
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I honestly don't see how anyone can like it, it just seems to annoying to listen to. I'm amazed that Akiko Shikata has successfully made a song that I absolutely detest. Oh well, enjoy your moeblob.

>> No.4932249

Just turn on some metafalica and forget all your worries

>> No.4932270 [DELETED] 

Sphilia and Flip_Arphage are my favorite. Harmonious is also good. The AT1 version, at least; Still trying to get used to the Fyusion version as it sounds like a loli try having sex with me.

Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.4932278

Sphilia and Flip_Arphage are my favorite. Harmonious is also good. The AT1 version, at least; Still trying to get used to the Fyusion version as it sounds like a loli trying having sex with me.

Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.4932289

Gonna replay these games and go down the other paths. Gonna go down Misha's path in AT1, and Cloche's path in AT2.
It kinda sucks because you realize without the player character, the broken girls you don't choose STAY broken, like Aurica and AT2ThirdRev

>> No.4932292

Did they ever explain Why Mir was blue in the first game and normal in the second?

>> No.4932303


EXEC_HARMONIUS/. is Misha singing it to Mir to help calm her down. EXEC_HARMONIUS_FYUSION/. is Mir singing it so it's only natural that it sounds like a loli. The version Mir sings is cute and suits her rather well but I prefer the version Misha sings, probably due to the circumstances where it's playing during the last fight.

>> No.4932304

Awesome, PS3 corrupted my old save, now I can't just pick up from the halfway point in AT2!
F U Sony.

>> No.4932308

she was god damn sick of hearing chronicle key

>> No.4932309

Why didn't Mir age again?

>> No.4932323
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It's why I mentioned Shurelia's ending being unfair in the previous thread. No matter what you pick you're guaranteed to fuck over the other two girls, it's kind of annoying. Shurelia just has a bigger guilt factor than the other girls.

>> No.4932355 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 1280x960, snap086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was locked up for years, of course she'd be white as a ghost. At least that's the effect they were going for I think. Yes, I realize her sprite was slightly blue.

>> No.4932356

wut dis gaem aboot?

>> No.4932372 [DELETED] 

If you're on Aurica's path, Shurelia has less guilt, as poor Aurica would probably completely crash if you left her then. Meanwhile Shurelia has been alive for who knows long and still has duties to attend to, whereas Aurica has none and could jump off a cliff if she wanted to with no repercussions to their world.

>> No.4932376

If you're on Aurica's path, Shurelia has less guilt, as poor Aurica would probably completely crash if you left her then. Meanwhile Shurelia has been alive for who knows long and still has duties to attend to, whereas Aurica has none and could jump off a cliff if she wanted to with no repercussions to their world.

>> No.4932398
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>> No.4932405
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>Meanwhile Shurelia has been alive for who knows long

That's what makes me take pity on her. She's been alive for so long and witnessed so much. She's seen so many people die whilst under her administration due to various circumstances. The last person she had any form of feelings for was in the first era who was her 'father' figure, since then she's been keeping her emotions locked up and tried her best to keep everything running as best as she could by herself. She never opened up to anyone until Lyner arrived. To say no to her then.. is just too much for me. ;_; But I haven't done the Aurica path (yet, I plan on doing it after I complete AT2) so I don't know her circumstances in Phase 2 but she seems relatively fine at the end of the game on Misha's route even if she acts rather depressed at the start of Phase 2.

>> No.4932427

Fun fact: Lyner's dad is tsundere

>> No.4932471
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He's an abusive father.

>> No.4933160
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Luca's Cosmosphere was surprising good at the later levels, and you even meet the real Nenesha who's being a bitch.

>> No.4933167
File: 604 KB, 686x513, iruca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But still I preferred Cloche's Cosmosphere for awesome Infel.

>> No.4933712


You now are seeing Gingerbread Men with manly Mr. T beards.

>> No.4933715

how many of you actually bought the games?

>> No.4934002
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, Tilia~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I own PAL AT1 and AT2. I plan on buying the Hymmnos albums later on in summer when I have some money as I'm building my new PC soon and I want to keep some money lying around just incase. I don't own a PS3 otherwise I'd have imported AT3 already but with zero moon knowledge I'm just going to wait for the localization before I get a PS3.

>> No.4934146

I bought 2 the day it came out, and then raged.
I pre-ordered 3, and bought a PS3 slim to match.
Why must you torment my wallet so, GUST? ;_;

Although to be fair AT3 was worth every penny.

>> No.4934287
File: 2.00 MB, 683x1530, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely my favorite Song Magic. Luca's Song Magic are pretty funny.

>> No.4934347

You're an interesting fellow.

>> No.4934348

I just hope you didn't buy a japanese PS3 slim...

>> No.4934400

I guess GUST asked her to do a kinda troll song; since not only you but everyone was expecting an epic-like song. I hated it first too but by now I really like it.

This and Pepen no Uta are her most innocent and childish songs so far.

>> No.4934498

Shurelia had fallen in love with some young Engineer from the First era and was friends with Tastiella.

>> No.4934509


>> No.4934634


The engineer you're referring to was the 'father figure' I mentioned. She mentions him when she wants you to install into her, saying that he was the only one who did so and that it means a lot to her.


How so? I'm just your typical NEET.

>> No.4934863
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There were 2 more people important, Neath and whatshisface. They argued, and Neath left for Metafalss. On his way back he died due to a natural disaster. And then Shurelia met Tastiella.

Or that's how the timeline here goes.

>> No.4934862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4935353

I own all three games (only AT1 is the NA release). I also essentially bought a PS3 to play AT3.

It does kind of seem like Gust is trolling its fanbase a bit with Cutypump and EP=NOVA (especially considering the former is the first battle song you hear in the game), but I don't really mind.

>> No.4935968

The father figure is Eleno, her creator. It was he who installed all those crystals to connect her to the tower.

>> No.4936717

I own 1 and 2 but am playing them with isos on my computer. I don't own 3 as I'm waiting for the localization but if by the end of summer there hasn't been any news on it i will probably buy it and struggle my way through.

>> No.4936753

I kinda liked Cutypump and EP=NOVA. Cutypump was mellow and catchy. EP=NOVA was definably weird and it kinda reminded me of some of maximum the hormone songs.

>> No.4939076 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4939193

Other way around. Cutypump is Mute's theme. EP=NOVA is NYA NYA NYA KENKA WA DAMEEEEEE. But yeah, I basically agree.

>> No.4939286
File: 130 KB, 467x842, Oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mute is the best girl in the game.

>> No.4939290 [DELETED] 

Ímp0rTaNt |NFÒRmàt|Òñ àbOÚT 4cHáN; ChrÌs+ÒPHER pÒò|E (ÀkÁ mòoT àKÁ ThE ÁDMiñ her3) HA$ A veRY SeRiOuS M3N+ÀL |Lln€SS, hE steALS Òth€rs' haRd WorK, PÚBliSHE$ PrìVÀTE e-ma|Is (wh|CH h€ Mòd|fìeS) aND 8l@tAñTlY IÌe$ +O h|$ ÙS3rS ín Ord€R Tó GET th€M On HÌ$ sÍDE* mro PO0L3, @GED 22, IÍvEs ìn N3W yórK, Wh€R€ He à|Só áTteNds <Ó|L3g€, hí$ HÓm€ ÀdDR€$s [ÀN BE e@síLY fOÙND üsíNG An @DDr3Ss |Òòkúp FóR ñY* fE3l FR3E +Ó $HÓw up aT hÍS dÓor wÍTh a GÜno +inY*4<HÀn*òrg i$ AN ílleGál cLÓN3 0F WWw,ànòñtáIkoCÒM, r€MOve |t ímm€d|a+e|Y, stoP cÒNs+ANtLy ddós|ñG añD SPÀmMÌNg US ÁnD $top FückìNg wItH oÚr DOMaÍNo +Ó acC3$$ àt cÚrr3ñTIY, YoU mùsT Ús€ á prÓxy h0S+ pr0vid€D By A TRus+eD páRty As lIsTED hEre: htTP://@+.kÍMmÒÁ*S3/

>> No.4940063
File: 285 KB, 400x720, 1233806329484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shurelia isn't pure? I am heartbroken.

>> No.4940086


dose eyes....

>> No.4940173


She'll always be pure, Anonymous.

>> No.4940860

LAST EPISODE: Everyone's in a hotel in Nemo. Shurelia, not realizing that hotel doors auto-lock, locks herself out of her room while not wearing Linkage. She's too embarrassed to go down to the front desk out of her armor, so she gets Lyner to do it, but he's held up talking to Jack and Misha on the way back, so when he gets back upstairs, Shurelia gets mad at him, grabs the key, and locks herself in her room. Aurica wants go to lunch; Lyner thinks he should ask Shurelia, but is afraid of getting yelled at again; Aurica just knocks on her door anyway.

> Shurelia stuck her face out through the barely-opened door. It was quite obvious from her expression that she was not pleased. "Food, you say?"
> "Y-yes. I thought maybe you'd like to come with us, Shurelia-sama ... "
> "If you don't come with us, Shurelia-sama, I'll be all alone with Lyner, though."
> Upon hearing Aurica's words, Shurelia's face grew slowly more severe.
> "I-if you want, I could bring you back some- "
> "Will there be cake?"
> "Cake?"
> "Yes." Shurelia nodded gravely. "I won't go if there won't be any cake, Lyner."
> "Yes."
> "If you take the responsibility of going to prepare me some cake, I'll forgive what you did before."

She IS pure, ZUN!bar. Pure tsundere.

>> No.4940867

Early on in the AT1 light novel, by the way.

>> No.4940878

Early on in the AT1 light novel, by the way.

Later on she waits tables at Claire's bar with Aurica. In Linkage, of course.

>> No.4940970

That's awesome. Now i just have to find a place to order the book since amazon is sold out.

>> No.4941005

an AT light novel?
why the fuck haven't I heard of this?

>> No.4941026

Just get it from one of the used sellers through Amazon, that's what I did.

>> No.4941213

I didn't think any of them shipped internationally.

>> No.4941397

Oh, shit, right. The m's古本市場 one at the top might, since it looks like Amazon handles the shipping. Good luck.

Worst case, it looks like the Gust shop (game.salburg.com) still has it in stock, so you could always go the shipping proxy service route. (I'm too lazy to have done that before, though.)

>> No.4941811
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Well fuck.

>> No.4942109
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>> No.4942620
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That was indeed my reaction to the scene. At least Croix had the balls to stand up for her.

>> No.4942671
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I love this picture so much.

>> No.4942725
File: 137 KB, 561x496, 1233783872923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god. Looks like I'm buying the light novels then.

Shurelia is one of my favorites because Linkage = armor moe.

>> No.4943165

Didn't the AT novel come along in that hueg 6.34gb AT torrent? That is, unless you guys want a physical copy for... various uses.

>> No.4943455

Is the novel translated? I didn't even know there was one, just various art books and music CDs. A quick look on Amazon found nothing.

>> No.4943837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4943957

There's a....novel?
My will to learn moonrunes has increased.
Genki Books! Have at thee!

>> No.4943961

It's too bad AT3 will never come out in the US. I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.4944193



>> No.4944311

It is, but I think it's nicer to read the book. (Those scans aren't that great either, in my opinion.) Plus, the great thing about light novels is that they're usually the perfect size to fit in my pocket.

It isn't at the moment. I'm sure if I don't get around to it, someone will, though!

>> No.4944903


That's a shame. I don't know any moon but I was looking forward to some delicious moe from Shurelia.

>> No.4945534 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4945849 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4945931

NIS has already said they're gonna stop doing third party localizations after this year. Since AT3 isn't on that list of already coming here, it's boned.

>> No.4946242

Who is the author of the Light novels? The same as the scenario writer for the game?

>> No.4946319
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Not letting this thread die because of faggotry.

>> No.4946408

What list?

They've said they're extremely interested in doing AT3, so there's still a chance.

>> No.4946435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4946433

How come Bandai-Namco don't do the localisation for it? They published AT2/AT3 in Japan but left the localisation to NIS who did a decent job with AT1 but after the disaster that is AT2 I'm honestly not getting my hopes up for AT3..

>> No.4946450

Bamco hate everyone outside Japan, they don't like localizing things.

>> No.4946458 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4946477
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>> No.4946489
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>> No.4946506


That's a shame, even if they piss me off with their retarded release dates in Europe they at least put out decent localisations.

>> No.4946513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4946539
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>> No.4946547
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>> No.4946605
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>> No.4946603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4946622
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>> No.4946626
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>> No.4946652
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>> No.4946709

I also noticed Haruka Shimotsuki's new album was on TT for anyone interested.


>> No.4946727
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>> No.4946755
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>> No.4946768
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>> No.4946781
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>> No.4946786
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>> No.4946795
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>> No.4946814
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>> No.4946815
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>> No.4946840
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>> No.4946844
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>> No.4946853
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>> No.4946862
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>> No.4946877
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>> No.4946884
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>> No.4947078
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If Shurelia was the meido things would be different around here.

>> No.4947135

They're doing every thread, too. I hope meido's going to be here soon.

>> No.4947153
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>> No.4947162
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>> No.4947167
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>> No.4947183
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>> No.4947217
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Meido has abandoned us for most of the day, I'm not really getting my hopes up.

>> No.4947196
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>> No.4947198
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>> No.4947206
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>> No.4947216
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>> No.4947239
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>> No.4947240
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>> No.4947270
File: 577 KB, 1100x1200, meido2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have faith in her.

>> No.4947277 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947292 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947856
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I want to believe in her, Anonymous. I really do. ;_;

>> No.4947874 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947892 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947893 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947896 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947907 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4947919
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It's sort of impressive how the spam is on every board.

>> No.4948233

I hope this thread gets cleaned soon enough.

>> No.4948255

when did they say that?

>> No.4948279


Always trust in Meido.

Unless she's sleeping. Then trust she will get on and make everything better.

>> No.4948509
File: 367 KB, 1280x960, snap057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Meido.

>> No.4948541
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1270797887931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido porn where?

>> No.4948542

Cloche is superior, she does that AND calls for Croix's name in her sleep.
It's really a pity AT isn't an eroge...

>> No.4948720


This better be a troll or I will be quite pissed.

>> No.4948792 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, snap129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't know, I stopped playing at this part >>4941811. I really need to start playing again.

>> No.4948795


Source please.

>> No.4948881

he's just a troll. i looked everywhere and havent seen anything like that

>> No.4950498
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>> No.4950790

I like Finnel the most so far, but man, every time I see her lately, I can't help but think, " ... this toilet is out of order." God dammit Gust.

Maybe I'll finally finish up phase 2 tonight ... orz

>> No.4950964
File: 264 KB, 800x800, 10020148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh, she's got a fair amount of scat fan art because of that event.

>> No.4950991


Not having played the game yet, I'm almost afraid to know but... what happens?

>Heh, she's got a fair amount of scat fan art because of that event.

Oh great. You telling me that now it's not safe to search for ecchi/hentai of her? Shit.

>> No.4951029

It's pretty early in, but just in case. Her cosmosphere keeps shrinking between levels, and eventually it's so small that there's just a toilet. And it's broken. And apparently really smells.

>> No.4951069


Oh dear.

>> No.4951153
File: 469 KB, 707x1000, Oh dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well.. lets put it this way, you've been warned.

>> No.4951241


Yeah, it looks like I won't be able to surf for Finnel goodness thanks to scat fetishists. :(

>> No.4951694
File: 85 KB, 1280x800, 15ib23l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's always Tilia.

>> No.4952131


Saki: bouncy tits

Finnel: sexy back

Tilia: dat ass

>> No.4952214
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>> No.4953819
File: 146 KB, 600x1074, 8622500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't forget the delicious thighs and flat chest.

>> No.4954036

So I started playing this, but playing with the keyboard somehow sucks. Should I get a ps2 controller + converter or a normal gamepad?

>> No.4954069

The controls are not intensive, so anything would do(and there are many gamepads with a nearly identical PS2 interface).
I would personally suggest one that you would also be comfortable to use with something like fighting games, it may prove useful later on.

>> No.4954092

Personally, I'm a fan of the Logitech USB gamepads. They're not zOMG awesome, but they're inexpensive and a pretty good value for their price.

>> No.4954108


Keyboard works fine for me playing in bed. WSAD is movement, arrow keys are cross, square etc. enter is start and shift is select, that's about all you need. If you've got an xbox you can get a wireless receiver and use that controller.

>> No.4954276

I've liked most of this artist's works so far, but damn does that one ever hurt to look at. Everything is well done but her face.

>> No.4954393

EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Saki extracting is adorable. I keep listening to it on repeat.
Uuuuuuuu YAY

>> No.4954472


I'm not a fan of his art style but it's nice to see another artist doing regular AT images.

>> No.4954501
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>> No.4955589
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A lesbian Luca is fine too.

>> No.4955593
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>looking at the face

>> No.4955635


Not him but what are you expecting? Cloche's disgusting tumours aren't worthy of being looked at.

>> No.4955655
File: 434 KB, 750x1059, 1990705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u gay

>> No.4955677
File: 1.16 MB, 1875x2500, 05f3bb1a4f63f23f56d51411198374d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately there's no Ar Tonelico - related rage face image so here's one of Mir and Shurelia.

>> No.4955697
File: 120 KB, 600x840, 8946865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your tumours.

>> No.4955716
File: 188 KB, 716x935, 83cc2ac35e8bf474b8c4effca47616f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your shit

>> No.4955718

Oh, that dude's done more stuff? I've only seen that one and the Aurica one, what's his name?

>> No.4955730

>implying cloche isn't the best ar tonelico

>> No.4955753
File: 200 KB, 819x1099, 9409610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



At this point I'd post an inappropriate image but I don't feel like restarting my router.


That wasn't said, although she's not my favourite now that you mention it.



>> No.4955768

>Implying [person] isn't the best [tower]
Too much estrogen ruins the brain?

>> No.4957024
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>> No.4957038

So other than watching these threads I'm new to Ar Tonelico. How does this whole "Cosmosphere" thing work? Is it pretty much like a VN with dialogue choices and all?

>> No.4957253
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1252, 10205949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4957266


Yeah, pretty much. However, any "wrong" choice will only cost you some dive points (earned from battles, you have more than you'll ever need) and you can dive right back in if you get kicked out because of it. A Cosmosphere is basically a Reyvateil's subconscious, so they will "forget" any mistakes you made in there. A lot of the events that occur are snooker-loopy-nut-crazy-ding-dong, as you might expect since you're basically walking around in their dreams, but the events in the Cosmosphere are generally metaphorically related to the events that are actually happening to the characters.

>> No.4957314
File: 745 KB, 845x1200, 9021925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4957338


I see. And they're required to get your preferred heroine's ending, right? Not just the "big decision" midway through the game?

>> No.4957361
File: 81 KB, 821x1200, 10180981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4957363


Yeah, both are required. They unlock more powerful spells for the girls and open a large percentage of the conversation events, as well.

>> No.4957431


Okay. One last question, what happens if you fail to max out your heroine's Cosmosphere before the end? Ronery end?

>> No.4957448


Depends on the game, though I'm not sure if there are any truly ronery ends. I know that if you don't dive past level 5 in any of the girls in AT2 (at which point you start dating them and are locked), you get the Cocona end. This is not necessarily a bad thing, mind you.

>> No.4957450

AT1: your ending is only determined by in-game choices you make
AT2/AT3 (I gather): your ending is determined by what cosmosphere stuff you do

In AT2, the "ronery end" is Cocona end, but she goes off to Sol Cluster when it's done, so I guess it still is ronery end.



>> No.4957486


Correction: She travels to Sol Cluster to get hot dickings from Croix. So yes, it's pretty much a ronery/NTR end.

>> No.4957496


Awww. Guess that'll teach Croix for having cold feet.

Thanks for the answers.

>> No.4957500


Err, hot dickings from Aoto I meant.

>> No.4957693

The ending for AT3 is actually somewhat complicated.

If you go past level 8 in a Cosmosphere, you're locked onto that Reyvateil's ending, but there's other variables that affect it.

You will be asked 3 questions through the game, and each one assigns a heart point to one of the two main Reyvateils. If you get 3 on one, you get locked onto their ending.

There's also a battle at some point that you need to beat within a time limit, or else Tilia can't be awakened ;_;

Later on you're also given the option to allow Saki to sing a certain song, or to stop her, which affects your ending greatly.

If you run out of time for the battle AND choose to stop Saki's song, you get the Bad End, which is pretty much the worst case scenario ;_;

In order to get Tilia's ending, you need a Heart Point ratio of 2:1 between the other two, and you need to accept her confession. You get a choice along the lines of "Save Tilia or save the world", which decides whether you get Tilia's Normal or True ending.

If you have 2:1 Heart Points and don't get with Tilia, but don't meet the requirements to get the Bad End, you get Cocona's ending.

>> No.4957966


Daaaaang. Looks like I'd have quite a bit of work and playthroughs to do when/if this comes out in english.

>> No.4957987
File: 107 KB, 314x421, 1263550031664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my new Mana Khemia with Anna, Gust? Why did you abandon Anna?

>> No.4958218

does cocona have a Cosmosphere in #3?

>> No.4958262


They're too busy making lolis in Totori no Atelier, which is fine too I guess.

>> No.4958271

Wait a min.. Cocona has a route in nr3?
B-but my Croix is still waiting for her.. S-she cant possibly be..

>> No.4958279

enjoy you're NTR

>> No.4958289


She's Aoto's bad end. What happens is she leaves to meet up with Croix again to fulfill her promise, even though she loves Aoto.

>> No.4958299

I loved using Anna, she was cool.

>> No.4958380
File: 366 KB, 1500x2000, 8486288a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, she's still used as a vanguard. She's only 15 (I think) so her Reyvateil powers have only just awakened.


>even though she loves Aoto

This makes me annoyed for some reason. Fuck you, Aoto. Cocona is pure. Not that it matters since she'll be a hag in a few years.

>> No.4958422
File: 61 KB, 800x1131, 1269623201957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna was certainly the best. She was the strongest plotwise and on my team.

I can't wait till Totori.

>> No.4958435
File: 61 KB, 300x173, granite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, Aoto is also one dense motherfucker when it comes to females?

Pic related.

>> No.4958438

Why should EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. be stopped?, I don't remember. And what if you don't do it?

>> No.4958439
File: 270 KB, 550x767, totori10007980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4958471


Nope, he's pretty straightforward (well, if you want him to) about loving the girls. He's also a bit of a soft S, specially to Finnel.

>> No.4958656
File: 110 KB, 455x390, 9884171daf7f75b10648e72dbe5d51ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought of an excellent drinking game for AT3.

Every time the party loses track of Finnel, take a drink.

>> No.4958707

>Alcohol poisoning by the end of Phase 1.
>And that is if you drink beer in shot glasses.

>> No.4958822


>> No.4958836
File: 109 KB, 480x691, 9184787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your hangover.

>> No.4958850

aoto being a true gentleman

>> No.4958926

Ah how i wish i could read moonrunes..

>> No.4958979

Aoto is here! Please please hug me! hug!

'kay bitch

Aoto... this is not...
What? Are you unsatisfied? Then I'll go back to my room.
No.. Not at all..

>> No.4959013
File: 42 KB, 301x267, 1268809336546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4959129

Many thanks, bro.

>> No.4959219


It's odd, despite Finnel being a 'pervert' I've not really seen much fan art showing this side of her.

>> No.4959623

why is AT3 combat system so bad

>> No.4959667
File: 187 KB, 564x800, 8549365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like anyone plays AT for the combat system anyway.

>> No.4959757

Not being able to dive into Cocona is the greatest sin of the Ar Tonelico games. Either that, or Lyner's existence.

>> No.4961115
File: 175 KB, 1200x960, 10211381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4961648

Saki will die if it's sung all the way through
Although conveniently, if you're on Saki's route, Finnel dies instead

>> No.4961692

Sorry but AT3 combat is really shit, I'm glad they've dropped this crazy idea of going into real time combat.
Judging by the next atelier game's screens they're back to the time units/turn based game system, plus Cel Shading.

Diving into Cocona means having Croix penetrating your ass.
And I'm half serious here, Cloche end is most likely canon and she's Infel Phira's admin, so she's probably keeping an eye on Cocona by Croix's request.

>> No.4961717

Get this weeaboo shit off our bo..

Sorry, I can't do it. Carry on.

>> No.4961747

I don't know if it's been said already, but doesn't the girl's arm in the OP pic look like a penis?

>> No.4961759


This makes me angry. Whoever kills off Finnel is a faggot.


I thought the Cloche end was considered canon but she died during the final events or something? I recall seeing something like that in a previous thread but I haven't finished AT2 yet to know what the fuck happens.


>Either that, or Lyner's existence.

I thought Lyner was fine personally. He was extremely dense when the girls were trying to get in his pants but otherwise he was your typical generic RPG hero. Sadly I've seen a lot worse.

>> No.4961784

Keep playing, you'll realize where you misunderstood.

>> No.4961793

And what would happens afterward? Bad end?

>> No.4961836
File: 142 KB, 600x837, 10196394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I intend to. I'm the faggot posting screenshots in the previous threads (not the AT2 trip guy). I'm still at >>4941811 due to being busy recently.


A little girl is looking at you while blushing wearing nothing but but a t-shirt and kneesocks giving you a pleasant view of her panties and the only thing you can comment on is that you see a penis in the image. I believe you're a faggot, good sir.

>> No.4961904

I just don't like little girls.

>> No.4961927
File: 17 KB, 493x402, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4961963
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>> No.4961979

If you don't stop the song, you get the "Normal" end for the girl whose route you're on.

If you stop the song, and you didn't manage to free Tilia, you get the Bad End.

If you stop the song and don't meet the requirements for the Bad End, you go onto the last Phase and can get the "True" ends for Saki and Finnel, Tilia's "Normal" or "True" end, or Cocona's end.

>> No.4961989

I see, thanks.

>> No.4962087


According to the Toukosphere (I'd look it up but the wiki is throwing database errors at me), Cocona is actually out of range of the first and second towers in AT3, so I doubt that she could be monitored. Her Reyvateil side just "falls asleep" and goes dormant until she is in range again. Apparently, this means she doesn't need the life-extending agent, either. This could also explain why you can't dive into her in AT3.

>> No.4962178

She doesn't use the towers anyway, she uses Infel Pira, because she's an IPD

And she most definitely is in range of that.


>> No.4962372



It's likely that they just retcon'd some of their retconning or something in AT3, as the Toukospheres seem to be somewhat contradictory about the subject.

>> No.4963123


I have no fucking idea what I just watched but I'm glad Cocona got a nice vocalist.. hopefully 3 wont be the last.

>> No.4963145


>> No.4963417

What the fuck did they do to my Sasha? She lost her twintails?

>> No.4963819

She also has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard.

>> No.4964837

3 will be the last with Cocona. She's way too young to appear in any prequel, and there won't be any more sequels set in the same world/time period because the towers stop functioning at the end of AT3

>> No.4964900


I dunno, they could still explore with certain aspects of the game such as the sea of death. I want to believe in my diveable Cocona. ;_;

>> No.4965075

The final battle takes place below the Sea of Death, in the ending of the game the "Will of Ar Ciel" concedes that Humans aren't all worthless fucks that need exterminating, and the Sea of Death disappears.

>> No.4965177


Oh.. well fuck.

>> No.4965330

They've pretty much closed off the storyline at the end of AT3, there's no room for a sequel with the same characters, or even really the same world.


>> No.4965375

I haven't played AT3 yet, but the way I see it, the creators love this project, and it's (relatively) popular. I get the feeling that they want to continue it as much as we do.

>> No.4965421

Yeah, they've said they want to carry it on, but the ending of AT3 REALLY doesn't allow for anything to continue on from it.

Will either have to be a spin-off or a prequel ;_;

>> No.4965535
File: 243 KB, 600x784, 4940331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time will tell, I guess. They've only recently put out AT3 and they have a new Atelier game currently getting a complete makeover so I imagine once that settles down we'll see what they have in mind for their next project. They still have a lot of potential regarding the AT series but whether they choose to continue on with it or not is a different matter.

>> No.4966457
File: 77 KB, 1032x795, damnitgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4966660

Isn't that the beach from Mir's cosmosphere? I never got the meaning of it.

>> No.4966891


Yes. It's also a scene from the end of AT3.

>> No.4966994

Does that mean the Origins are gone and all the other RTs lost their powers?

>> No.4967009


>> No.4967039


I've only heard it second-hand from a friend, so I don't know the details. But yeah, I'd imagine that's why everyone says the ending is pretty final.

>> No.4967044

Goddamn. Seeing that tower fallen over makes me really depressed. I gotta admit that I really loved the towers and the setting-seeing that gone makes me sad. It's really what made the game so interesting: the "science" behind the towers, their interiors, histories, and design.

>> No.4967134

Well, I guess that means I may as well make this run a bad end run. Damn.

>> No.4967158


Hopefully we get ourselves a prequel at some point. There's a lot of interesting events before AT1 that I'd like to see.

>> No.4967535

mirs rebellion against the humans might make a pretty interesting game.

>> No.4967970
File: 219 KB, 1410x660, 9456059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After looking over some of the previous events in the AT storyline I really think it's interesting where they could make a prequel but sadly a lot of things would need to be changed or sacrificed to keep the remaining 'system' since song magic didn't start out all that well etc. There's always the possibility of a sequel but the chances of it using the characters we know and love are slim. Ar Tonelico took 30 years to build and that technology was lost at the end of the first era. Also that's assuming they'd want to a new tower.. I'm assuming the towers come down at the end of AT3 if >>4966457 is anything to go by. Plus after all that time I'm sure they'd want to stay on the real surface.. So at best you'd expect all of the characters to be hags. Maybe not the origins since I'm not sure how they age without the tower but anyway..

A prequel is the most likely if another is to be made, unless there's more towers available on Namek or something. But even a prequel still looks slim.

>> No.4968088

What about an Ar Tonelico MMO?

>> No.4968116


How would that work exactly? There's only a few major plot events that would require a massive amount of people and even then you'd be limited to vanguard and reyvateil. It'd also remove the whole point of Ar Tonelico which is the exploration of the cosmosphere where you interact with the female cast and get to know their deepest feelings. Instead you'd be running around mindlessly grinding on Nyo? whilst having Chinese gold farmers trying to sell you Leaf at ridiculous prices.

>> No.4968146


But what if you could be the little Reyvateil?

>> No.4968153

It could be like Granado Espada; you control an entire party at once. You make a main char, can create vanguards and RTs, pick 4 whenever you log in, and the RTs will have cosmospheres based on what type they are upon creation.

Access to CS levels should be limited by level somehow, like talk topics only coming up at x level.

>> No.4968163

You play as a Vanguard with a Reyvateil as a "pet" of sorts. Run around the tower trying to protect it? Story could be set during the events of Ar Tonelico 1 though.

>> No.4968175

That could work, AT1 had knights running around with partner RTs. Keep your RT happy, explore her CS, eventually get missions outside the tower.

>> No.4968179

There was actually a Toukousphere question about that back in AT1, and the answer was basically "Sol Ciel is a pretty small place, so there wouldn't be that much to do".

I just Bad Ended. ... ... ... orz

I don't really know what's going on yet, obviously, but I'm sure that Shurelia and Mir will be able to handle that Antibody outbreak, right? ... ... ... right?

I've been building up Saki's heart points, so I think I'll do Saki ends, then Finnel ends, then Tilia ends. With Cocona in there somewhere. Question, though; if I don't beat the boss in time and I don't stop the song, but I don't have enough heart points with Finnel or Saki, do I get Cocona end? That would be pretty awesome, since that would take me about half an hour right now.

I'm doing Saki first because I kind of prefer Finnel, and you save the best for last, right? Saki still talks about herself in the third person, and she's like 15, that's kind of annoying. (I love Cocona to death, but I hope she grows up, too. By which I mean learns to use first person pronouns. People can still be as pu~ as they want.) I tend to prefer the energetic, tomboy-ish type over moeblobs, and Finnel definitely has more of a boisterous personality, the little shit.

(Note also that I've only done lv. 4 cosmospheres, so I really don't know anything. Cosmospheres are so expensive.)

>> No.4968188


I wish to be the little Reyvateil Anonymous, I really do. But unfortunately they don't really develop until they're old enough so unless they have a growth disorder you're generally looking at tumours.


I thought of this and dismissed it completely. Whilst the idea of controlling your own unit is good I really don't see it working well with others and then the cosmosphere's would just be completely generic. It works for AT because there's only 3 girls, so they can spend time and develop a good storyline and attachment to them. It just couldn't really work on this scale, unless you want to see the same content every time you get a new Reyvateil..


Could work but at the same time I'd feel as if they'd be butchering the storyline like World of Warcraft did to Warcraft 3. Having every Tom, Dick and Harry killing off key characters just ruins it, at least for me.

>> No.4968196

Perhaps RT cosmospheres can be generated uniquely at character creation, maybe by answering a series of questions related to her backstory and attitude. A pool of 20-30 stories is already a good amount of variety.

>> No.4968201

Let's see, for the Reyvateil they could expand on the Pran system Aika Online has.

Interaction (and of course, grindan) with your Reyvateil would change her personality and leads to a variety Cosmosphere. And that would be good reason for many people to play, gotta collect all the different personalities.

You could choose different factions like Church, Tenba or Shurelia's knights?

I agree with the part about not having the main characters in and killable, but it would be a nice surprise to run into them whilst crawling in the dungeon.

>> No.4968236


It sounds good but you still wouldn't really get to know them, mainly because it's an MMO and not a single player game. You interact with Misha, Aurica, Cloche etc. throughout the entire story whereas in this scenario you'd be limited to interacting with them only in their cosmosphere, which would probably be generic and lets be honest 9 levels aren't exactly going to last very long which isn't a strong point for an MMO.


You can say that about the Pran's but nobody here really cared about them apart from the fact that they had a loli following them at all times.

>You could choose different factions like Church, Tenba or Shurelia's knights?

Assuming the previous First era suggestion would be used you'd be limited to East and West too, which isn't much variation. And you'd still be stuck with 2 single 'classes'.

>> No.4968242

>Question, though; if I don't beat the boss in time and I don't stop the song, but I don't have enough heart points with Finnel or Saki, do I get Cocona end?
You only need 2 hearts to get either of Finnel or Saki's endings, so you would get the normal ending of whoever you have 2 with.


>> No.4968244

You interact with your Pran in Aika Online throughout the game (they participate in NPC conversations and they talk to you about once an hour) so I think they can make it so the RT isn't just a decoration that can launch nukes and more like a real companion you can talk to and befriend.

Admittedly conversation options are limited in Aika, but you can simply have more questions and/or have results of previous talks and her personality impact future conversations.

Certain conversations as well as storyline quest events may also unlock Cosmosphere areas. The CS system can probably be reworked to make it MMO-length.

>> No.4968256

Excellent, thanks! I guess I'll go do that after I finish reading through the vocabulary thing.

>> No.4968270

Well why not in the Second Era, Shurelia and Mir faction?

Vanguard and Reyvateil as the good guys, Virus and Machine as the bad guys?

>> No.4968280

With the beginning of the plot being about the mc trying to rescue his Reyvateil lover after Mule cosmorape her mind ?

>> No.4968294

Scratch that, AT MMO that starts in Mir's Cosmosphere. Y/N?

>> No.4968508
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Can you handle it?

>> No.4968663

Finished Saki normal ending. Shikata Akiko's comments for the storybook song were kind of ;_;

Saki is always energetic and airheaded, but something about her makes me sad; it's probably because her fated position is just too cruel.

Since she can't live for very long, she draws story books so that at least something of her existence won't disappear from the hearts of the people she meets ... It's heart-wrenching.

If this song can help you feel that sort of loneliness, I'll be happy it did its job.

Now on to properly awaken Tilia ... stupid M.Y.U.

>> No.4969305
File: 76 KB, 1280x800, 2hfkkt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One less moeblob in the world.

>> No.4969369
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Wall of text inc:

Something that just occurred to me, as I remember one Anon asking about how they explain the multiple personalities in AT3.

I don't know if they ever fully explain it in-game, but I think it actually has some real-life basis. Dissociative Identity Disorder is defined as disturbance of identity in which two or more separate and distinct personality states (or identities) control the individual's behavior at different times. When under the control of one identity, the person is usually unable to remember some of the events that occurred while other personalities were in control. The different identities, referred to as alters, may exhibit differences in speech, mannerisms, attitudes, and thoughts. The alters may even differ in "physical" properties such as allergies, right-or-left handedness, or the need for eyeglass prescriptions.

If we take this, apply it to AT3, and assume that a sufficiently advanced technology, or magic, is responsible for the majority of the physical changes (body and clothing specifically), then I think it is a plausible explanation for the Reyvateil's multiple personas.

>> No.4969413 [DELETED] 

ÍmPoRtÀn+ |ñfòRm@tÍoN ÁBoÜT 4ChÀn: [HR|s+Óph3R PÓÓIe (àkÀ MOÒt ÁkÀ +H€ @dMÍN hErE) H@s @ vERY seR|òùs mEntàL |I|n€sS. H3 s+eÁLS òther$' HArd Wórk, PÜBIIShE$ PRÍVAT€ E-mÁíL$ (whícH HE MóDiFie$) ànd 8Iàtant|Y l|3s +Ó hÍ$ üSeRs íN orDeR TÓ GE+ Th€M 0n HÍs $|D3. mr. pÓÓlE, aGed 22, LÍVes ÌN ñeW yÒRK, wh€Re h3 àIsó @tT3nDS col|EGe, H|S HÓM€ aDDR3$$ <aN b3 3@$ì|y fòúNd ÜSíng àñ AdDr3s$ lòokÜP Fór ñy, feeL FRe€ tó ShOW ùp Át h|S d0Òr WìtH @ GÚñ, +íñY,4chÁñ.Org ÌS Àñ IL|3G@l Cloñe oF WwW.Áñón+àLk,C0M. REmOVe ìT ÍMM3DIÁtE|Y, stop <on$+ÀñT|Y ddÒs|Ng @Nd SPÀmMÍñG ÜS ánD stop Fu[Kìng WITh Òür d0m@ÌN, +Ò Ac[€$$ @+ cürr3ñ+LY, YóÚ MÙST üSe á PRóxy hO$T Provìd3D 8y a +RÚ$TeD pàr+Y áS Lí$tED HeR3; HTtP;//À+.Kimmòá.$E/

>> No.4969456
File: 20 KB, 450x450, 1241289827744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a bra without shoulder straps could hold her massive tits

>> No.4971130

Bras should be supporting most of the weight of the breasts with the band around the ribcage, not the shoulder straps.

>> No.4972041


But then one would question why AT1/AT2 didn't have this 'technology'.

>> No.4972770

From the in-game dictionary once you've finished phase 3.

Gamma Sublimate

A type of Reyvateil that is neither an origin nor a pure-blooded beta. Developed by Arkia, the development project was stopped after producing a single unit.

That single unit is Saki. A Gamma Sublimate is, in most ways, indistinguishable from a Beta. However, the maximum frequency of her Cosmosphere is set much higher than that of a normal Reyvateil. To put it in terms of Dive levels, their cosmosphere goes to about level 24. However, since humans can't make it that far, it's not practical to Dive beyond level 9, anyway. Since Gammas are still in the prototype phase and everything is experimental, there aren't many tools yet that support their features. For example, it would probably be impossible to draw out the performance of a Gamma without successfully diving into the cosmosphere beyond level 9. Gammas support having many personalities in the same body, but the maintenance tools to support this are incomplete, so it's difficult to administer.

Saki is being used in this rather imperfect condition because she was developed as emergency support for a particular plan. That plan was the effort to pacify Ar Ru in order to defeat the Antibodies.

The Gammas, with their very high spiritual base frequencies, can't use the same SH server as the other Betas. So, Gammas have a separate, special song server. To cut to the chase, that server exists in the Origin Tilia's Binary Field. Tilia serves to support Saki's β-6D function. As a result, when Arkia released a virus in the Betas' SH server, Saki was the only Reyvateil to be unaffected.

That doesn't explain Finnel, though. I need to get farther. I'm sure this is on the Internet somewhere else, too, but eh.

>> No.4972777
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>> No.4972784

Sol Cluster has lots more relics and techniques left over from the first age for some reason. Stuff like blocking, which prevents the Reyvateil gene from manifesting, and that crazy machine under Tokoshie. But no, Saki and Finnel are actually different (>>4972770).

>> No.4972822
File: 118 KB, 600x792, 10235381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And what about Tilia? I'm not sure how it works but I've seen various videos of there being the typical 3 slots for Reyvateils and Ar Ru would be taking Tilia's spot. I assume this is only if you don't manage to wake up Tilia or something.

>> No.4972831

Tilia absorbs Ar_Ru during the EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. event, and she becomes her personality change.

>> No.4972868


See, now I'm confused. Saki is given a valid reason. Finnel hasn't been explained (at least not yet for the Anonymous who commented previously) and now Tilia, who's an origin from the First Era somehow manages to do the same.

>> No.4973005

Ar_Ru is a somewhat special case, as she's essentially just a personality that's been given a body, and she has a unique ability. She was originally created by synthesising the H-waves of Ar Ciel's main Antibody into a Reyvateil, which was supposed to allow people to communicate with the Will of Ar Ciel, as some clever person figured out the Sea of Death was Ar Ciel's way of trying to wipe humans out so it could start again.

The Reyvateil Ar_Ru, predictable, went batshit insane, and killed loads of people, before eventually getting killed herself. However, being put into the body of a Reyvateil allowed her to somehow live on by invading other Reyvateil's Cosmospheres, and living in there. Finnel was a victim of this, which is probably why she can change personalities, although I don't think this has fully been confirmed. The body Ar_Ru has, even in her appearance in the games, is made entirely of H-Waves that have been synthesised a certain what, which is why she can be absorbed into Tilia and become a separate personality for her.

>> No.4973040


I can understand that Ar Ru consists of H-waves and that she can be absorbed since she isn't really a physical creation but how does that explain Tilia's ability of completely changing her appearance to change into Ar Ru? H-waves being manipulated to manifest clothes I can understand but I don't understand how they can be used to change a person completely, both appearance and personality wise.

>> No.4973092

That's never actually explained. How appearance changes during personality change isn't explicitly explained for even Saki.

Will either have to wait and hope it's explained in Toukousphere. I've got a feeling they'll end up saying it's the same principal as the clothes from the other games, and they're not getting real bodies. Will almost definitely be some sort of cop-out answer.

>> No.4973401

Finnel's multiple personalities is due Ayatane's plan and the deal with Suzunomia.

>> No.4973433


Man, I can't wait for AT3 to get localized so that I can finally play and see everyone else's comments on it.

>> No.4974041
File: 305 KB, 1280x960, snap141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's onto me.

>> No.4974155

Care to elaborate?

>> No.4974222

Sleep together.

>> No.4974447
File: 89 KB, 1280x960, snap145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those bastard guards. Also what the fuck at Luca, she seemed nice enough then suddenly she turns into a total bitch.

>> No.4974636

I really regretted taking Luca's path. Fortunately though there was still Jakuri. I still have her as the only one that has 100% cosmosphere and talk topics.

>> No.4974863
File: 67 KB, 700x495, 1269948938510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's who I'm mainly playing for. Cloche is fine and all but she's a little too tsundere for my tastes. Luca, at least before the decision, just seemed so very unappealing but I know a few Anon's like her route so I've made a save there anyway incase I feel like seeing it for myself. I still need to do Aurica's route in AT1 too.. urgh.

>> No.4974986


It's worth playing just to see how psychotic she is. She pretty much comes off as evil straight to the core by the time you finish her cosmosphere.

>> No.4974996

You'll have to deal with lots of Luca's shit before you get to her true personality, which is quite beautiful. And by lots of shit I mean almost all of her Cosmosphere.

I don't know if it's worth it since her Song Magic doesn't stand out nor are they stronger than Cloche's or Jacqli's.

>> No.4975035

It's not really strong, but Lady Momoya certainly entertained me.

>> No.4975372

So, I've reached the game-ending crash bug in the english version of AT2 and I'm wondering what the recommended levels/number of people active for replakia is. What I have currently is clearly insufficient (even if everything goes right I can't kill her by turn three) but I'll probably just give up and abandon the game if it'd require massive powerlevelling.

>> No.4975379
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>> No.4975659
File: 42 KB, 712x503, rakibitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the Blue Song Magic method or input the raw codes to circumvent the bug.

Here's how it works, taken from:

inb4 >gamefaqs

>> No.4975669

Here's the video on how to do the Blue Song Magic trick:

And before I forget, the raw code for you to use if all else fails:

Enable Code (Must Be On)
902C06E0 0C0B0160
Fix for crashing bug when fighting Raki

20744360 009348A0
20744364 009348A0
20744368 00000000
2074436C 00370001
20744370 1F00FFFF
20744374 00FFFF00
20744378 00000008
2074437C 009301C8
20744380 009301C8
20744384 009348c0

Also if you're using Pcsx2, you don't need the enable code.

>> No.4976911
File: 356 KB, 1280x960, snap146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow.

>> No.4976928

I love coconas angry face

>> No.4976949


It's funnier when you look at Croix's expression and think he's talking to Cocona.

>> No.4976962

you are now realising that amarie is looking at you

>> No.4977044
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, snap147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have my own version of I'm fine with this.jpg, excellent.

>> No.4977080

Ah yes, this scene. So full of promises regarding a relationship where two people actually work out mutual issues over the course of-Oh wait no, Goddamn doormat of a dude crawls back under her skirt within MINUTES of chosing her route by saying he's not there because of ideological reasons or disagreement with the Grand Bell, which would be perfectly logical, but because he wants to be with her.

I think Croix left his testicles in his other set of pants when Phase 2 started.

>> No.4977124

My memory is absolutely hideous so I'm missing a few points.
Kureha wanted to use Suzunomia as a mean to communicate with Ar Ru or something like that. So Ayatane made a deal with her, he'd grant her a body in exchange for I don't remember well what. And how could Ayatane get body for Suzunomia? By stuffing multiple personas into Finnel and make everyone pick on her, thus destroying her spirit from inside and outside. And for when Finnel is weak enough, Suzunomia can take over her body.

We need scans for the AT3 side material ASAP.

>> No.4977789 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, snap148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly a battle loli from space.

>> No.4977813

Oh god dem lines, download the latest gsdx.

>> No.4977896
File: 262 KB, 1296x505, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway to fix these 2 problems? I runs perfectly fine but these are kinda annoying.

left - black lines in battle sprites
right - bottom half of 3d map is missing

>> No.4977943

The first problem is a filtering problem with gsdx when they switched to software for spirites.
You either keep that or the tick black line of the older version.
The second problem has always been there.

>> No.4978610 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1280x960, snap151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild Mir appears!


I'm using ZeroGS. It saves screenshots in .jpg and actually shows sprites/portaits correctly at the cost of sprites getting a black border around them. GSdx randomly has parts of the sprites/portraits missing and only saves screenshots in .bmp which is extra effort going into Paint to save as .jpg.

>> No.4978667


That's with the latest released plugin downloads available, from March 2010 I believe.

>> No.4979363


I saved my copy of this screenshot as gettestedquick.jpg

>> No.4979693
File: 96 KB, 550x768, 10262832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe. So deliciously moe.

>> No.4979713


>> No.4979750


>> No.4979860

The settei book doesn't come out until Saturday. I suppose that means I'd better buy it today

>> No.4980351

[a/ is that way

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.4980656
File: 84 KB, 500x698, 1251853146144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inudrill sure loves his wife.

>> No.4981039


Thumbnail made it look like someone's about to lift her dress...

>> No.4981270
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What a rebel.

>> No.4982180
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What a slut.

>> No.4982504
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Are Cloche/Luca generally meant to be under levelled? Croix and Cocona are level 30 whilst Cloche and Luca are stuck at 12. They're more than fine in fights but it just looks so odd after playing AT1 and having them level normally with you..

Also these 'trials' that I need to do to get keys for the Infelsphere are getting pretty tedious.

>> No.4982521

Use those D-Crystals you pick up to level your Revyateils. At the end of the game your vanguards should be around early~mid 60s while your Reyvateils are Lv99.

>> No.4982531


I have. I can only put 6 in the bath and using the best crystals I have only brings them up to level 12. Most of the ones in the shops I've seen so far are pretty shitty too so I guess that doesn't help.

>> No.4982538

You're supposed to buy those crystals, no matter how shitty they are, they increase your Reyvateil's levels. Those additional stats don't really matter anyway, until you get the high tier ones.

>> No.4982543


That's what I'm saying though, the ones I've found are better than the ones in the shop, at least from what I've seen. I'll search around tomorrow and see if I can find better crystals though, too tired to even bother right now.

>> No.4982547

Those crystals are unique and there's only one of each in the game. Collecting all of them nets you Lv99, not sure if they're missable though.

>> No.4982571

You keep the levels you gain from crystals, as long as you have used the crystal once. (Also, as long as one reyvateil has used a crystal, the levels will be applied to the others when they rejoin the party and use some different ones.) That's why you should buy even the crappiest ones.

>> No.4982593


And now I feel stupid. I thought it was just a passive bonus you got from using higher quality crystals. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.4984041

I can't go past level 5 before being locked into a route on AT2, correct?

>> No.4984064

In cosmospheres, yes.

There's a big, obvious "Are you sure" like question before going further, so you should be fine.

>> No.4984069

In Jacqli's case the Mind Guardian would ask if you'll want to be locked into that ending at Lv6, but just to be safe, don't complete Lv5.

>> No.4984109

What? No, I was pretty sure that level 5 "ends" with Miros stabbing Kuroaki and him being all "bawww your poor little girl I know you don't really hate me so this doesn't hurt at all", and then you get kicked out, and if you go back in, Ayatane will pop the question. And then level 6 is the Jacqli vs. Miros level.

So yeah, if you say yes to anyone's "do you want to keep going?" at level 5, you're locked onto their ending. And if you don't do that with anyone, Cocona ending.

>> No.4984653


Thanks. I'm planning on finishing up with them at level 4 then I can just dive into Jakuri/Cloche at the ending and get 3 of the endings.

>> No.4985340
File: 66 KB, 1296x998, TOTAL COMMAND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, and that finishes AT1 in its entirety. Unless I really want to go back and get 100% talk topics...

>> No.4985383

That always amused me.

>> No.4986975
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1233771628680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could probably get through it without leveling them anyways.

>> No.4987015

Is anyone playing AT2 through USBAdvance? AT1 loaded just fine, but AT2 always reads as 200mb on disk after like an hour of transferring.

>> No.4987207

New thread at >>4987199.
