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4917939 No.4917939 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored of life /jp/

Whats the easiest and painless way to kill myself?

>> No.4917940

Drink Cyanide

>> No.4917946

Duct tape a trash bag over your head and OD on Phenobarbital.

>> No.4917952

The easiest way is to live.
You'll die much faster than you would like to.

>> No.4917959

Ask for suicide advice on /b/, and let your mind slowly deteriorate by reading the replies, to the point where you will no longer be able to survive outside the comfort of your parents' basement.

>> No.4917985

op's pic makes me want to kill myself.
well, if you're serious about killing yourself, Get some chroloholums and consume them as much as you can. After that, you'll just go into sleep for some weeks and then you're simply dead.
Have fun at gensokyo.

>> No.4917990

try typing that again, because Im getting 0 hits from google

>> No.4917993

Browse /jp/ long enough. Maplestory and deleted will make your path clear.

>> No.4917994

I have no idea what these are. Are they easily available from your grocer at the very least?

>> No.4917998

- Helium
- Bag over head

>> No.4918000

Grocers don't sell prescription drugs, no.

>> No.4918001

Go to the seediest alley you can find and shout "NIGGERS" at the top of your lungs.

>> No.4918009


>> No.4918015


>> No.4918026

So you end up saying "Goodbye cruel world!" with a silly high pitched voice?

>> No.4918029

>still can't spell correctly

>> No.4918027

OP's picture related? seems hard and painful.

>> No.4918044

Please don't make fun of the disabled.

>> No.4918134

Jump off a tall building

>> No.4918170

Actually I would think it'd be putting a powerful bomb in your mouth.
Completely painless. Just a huge ass mess.

>> No.4918217

Heard sleeping pills and pool/full bath is pretty reliable.

>> No.4918220

if you live in a cold climate, just chug a 40 of whatever, then walk outside naked.

>> No.4918239

Bang your head against the ground until you die.

>> No.4918247

Maybe it would be less messy if he just used a lot of small bombs.

>> No.4918254

glue your hands to your head and hang yourself with cheese wire.

It will look like you ripped your head off.

>> No.4918275

be at ground zero of a nuclear attack.

>> No.4918290

which is probably going to be japan again, ironically

>> No.4918449

That'd be hard to orchestrate as a suicide though, good idea nonetheless.

The best pussy way out is probably to take chug some sleeping pills and drink alcohol.

Where I used to work we had this real meth/crack addict sometimes visit our store, one night he tried to steal some chips and we called the cops on him. Turns out he ran out into the dessert (greetings from Nevada!) for 42 miles straight while the cops chased him in their police cruisers going around 30 miles per hour. The fucker collapsed dead when the cops finally caught up to him.

A few weeks later a cop who was on that chase told us that when they did the autopsy they found out the guy's heart exploded.

>> No.4918480


You missed about like 20 steps in the process of how to actually do that.

>> No.4918863

Don't do it anon! We will have robot waifus within our lifetime!

>> No.4918870

What kind of dessert is large enough to run into? I hope it was strawberry shortcake.

>> No.4918874

only comments to this i like

>> No.4918907

And you missed about like 20 replies telling you to fuck off.

>> No.4920012

I hear the guillotine is remarkably painless. Then again, I've also heard it's so efficient that your head has a 50/50 chance to stay conscious for almost a minute before you run out of blood.
That might be a bonus for you; painless death and you get to enjoy the view!

>> No.4920035

>run out of blood

That's not why you die when you're beheaded.

also: OP, sleeping pills, LOTS of sleeping pills.
You'll be asleep when you die, for reasons that are absolutely fucking obvious.

>> No.4920052

A bullet in the back of the brain is probably the best way.

On another note, I love OP's pic. These guys wouldn't need sex toys with their looks.

>> No.4920057
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>> No.4920073

Depending on how shameful you want your corpse to be, you could consider emptying a bottle of vodka into your ass. The tissue of your rectum will absorb it at an alarming rate - far too fast for your body to filter - alongside all the other impurities. Generally speaking, you'll be unconscious within a minute or so, and if you're positioned so that it doesn't all just leak out at that point you're likely to die of alcohol poisoning without having to deal with all the nasty side effects.

>> No.4920079

But dying is such a hassle, OP.

>> No.4920088
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>> No.4920090

if you're bored of life then why the fuck would you want to die? the only reason its boring is because you have let it. when you die its all over, theres nothing. why do people want to die?

>> No.4920114
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>> No.4920119


That's the sales pitch.

>> No.4920139

Because, Life-------nothing
Life = troublesome
Life < nothingess
Now you know.

>> No.4920157

Well everyone dies eventually, if life isn't worth living then you can reach the inevitable end sooner rather than later. Every passing second brings you one second closer to death anyway

>> No.4920160


>> No.4920164

Erm, not saying I'm encouraging anyone to suicide, just explaining the suicidal mindset in a logical way.
