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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4800297 No.4800297 [Reply] [Original]

> One of the reasons for it being so popular is because it's relatively safe to post CP on /jp/ because of a prototype software implemented on the board that checks every image uploaded and recognizes whether to put a spoiler image over it or leave it as is. If you've gone to /jp/ you'd have noticed that there seem to be a lot of Japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads. The reason is that software that upon realizing that CP is being uploaded, changes the content of the post and puts the spoiler image of a Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.

>> No.4800308

Bullshit on a /b/tard website? What are the chances?

>> No.4800323
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Not bad, ED. Not bad.

Though I have to ask to OP, what the fuck were you doing on ED?

>> No.4800342

Looking stuff up.

Since when are we prohibited to visit ED?

>> No.4800357
File: 116 KB, 414x1382, 1268951487243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can guarantee it's Russia's bot since I've seen it.

>> No.4800360

Since it is a /b/tard/newfag hellhole?

>> No.4800365

I can't believe moot hasn't range banned this pedophile yet.

>> No.4800366

Get out.

>> No.4800381

AoRF has done more for us than moot ever has. DIAF.

>> No.4800387

The archive is a worthless contribution.

>> No.4800394


>> No.4800396

You're a worthless contribution.

>> No.4800407

Thanks for proving our point. Now get out.

>> No.4800401

Do you enjoy being what is wrong with 4chan?

>> No.4800415

Those normalfags couldn't even begin to understand how deep /jp/ really is.

>> No.4800421


>> No.4800428

( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.4800450

Japanese bird seems to have pretty much disappeared ever since the name change.

Which I think I regret now, though it looks like we're stuck with it.

>> No.4800463

I still think it should be "Cool Otaku Culture".

>> No.4800464

>>4800381 AoRF has done more for us
Sup AoRF

>> No.4800475

I wish.
/jp/ is full of moralfags nowadays.

>> No.4800487
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>> No.4800491

I'm browsing on the site as we speak.

>> No.4800496

>implying CP isn't 3d and therefore pig disgusting

Get out normalfaggot.


Go back to /b/, your kind isn't welcome around here.

>> No.4800510
File: 160 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4800515


>> No.4800518

But piglets are cute and therefore, by extension, 3D little girls are piglet cute.

>> No.4800530

No, 3D little girls are still PD.

>> No.4800531

No newfriend, you get out.

>> No.4800543


>> No.4800562

[√] Post to Facebook®![ f]

>> No.4800590

this thread is a great example of all that is wrong with /jp/

>> No.4800601

>normalfag pedo telling a True NEET, a true lolicon to get out.

>> No.4800627

i laughed at first... but then i got sad realizing that shit is still there

>> No.4800775


>> No.4800844
File: 25 KB, 704x400, 1264306982916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Touhou (東方), or the Touhou Project, refers to a series of overhead shooting games created and developed by an alcoholic Japanese pedophile named Zun. First developed for the NEC PC-9801 line of computers, the games are now developed for Windows to better enable total world domination. The Touhou series is a pioneer of the danmaku shooter genre of video games, featuring several elements essential to any good Japanese video game, including rapidly flashing lights, MIDI music and little girls. Since its conception, Touhou has done its capitalist nation proud by rapidly becoming the most successful franchise in Asian geekdom since the used tampon industry.

>> No.4800923

Well it makes sense. Introduce a feature that half of the userbase will react negatively to on april 1st, so people think it's a joke until they're used to it. Said feature (if it works, I haven't tried it) is intrinsically viral and will bring in even more gullible and impulsive people for the personality cult.
One thoroughly negative social phenomenon (4chan), meets another thoroughly negative social phenomenon (facebook). And thus (if it works, I haven't tried it) proves (regardless of whether it's later claimed to be a joke) that the "anonymous" in "anonymous imageboard" always was a SA-style/GNAA-style thing, never an acknowledgment that online bbs accounts and profiles are bullshit.

>> No.4800999

> Alcoholic, pedophile, god: whatever you want to call him, ZUN is everything a man can strive to be, a paragon of virtue and meaty muscle powered by vats of the finest spirits. Where ZUN treads, Touhou fans fall to their knees offering their virgin mouths and buttholes to please their radiant emperor. Usually with alcohol.
> Currently, he has no interest in exporting his games to America because in his words "Shmups are too hard for Americans". And who can blame him for saying that when Americunts consider Fail of Duty and Halo to be the hardest games they ever played (even though they're playing on fucking Easy Mode of all things)? However, western fans have created mods to change the game's dialogue from Moonspeak to English. Not that it makes the games remotely easier.
> Despite people pirating his games, people who have met him has reported that he still lives like a king just from making games. Now's a good time to ask yourself what you're doing with your life because after you finish reading this line, ZUN just made even more money.

>> No.4801024

>As it stands now, /a/ is nothing but people talking about Naruto, Bleach and and how "deep" is Gurren-Lagann, as well as image dumps; it's basically become /cm/. /jp/ is filled with elitist morons talking about 3D Women, Type-Moon powerlevels, "I fuck you're touhou" jokes and exuding their weeaboo power levels over each other. However, the truth is that most /jp/ has low powerlevels since they don't know Japanese and the only eroge they played is Fate/Stay Night. Trolling is not allowed, because moot doesn't allow any difference in opinion. The only supporter of the split is Waruteru-chan, who even complains of how /jp/ looks eerily similar to /a/. He often trolls between 9:00 and 1:00 EST as a cause of this.
What is this shit? Only the first sentence is true.

>> No.4801037

heh what

>> No.4801176


>> No.4801253

"/b/tard website" kinda like a certain lame Swedish zero-effort prefab instant-mix text bbs that caters to pedos, or moot linking to one with regards to the other. "4chan" IS just /b/, and the culty horde IS "4chan."
And /b/ is shit, so what am I still doing here? Fuck.

>> No.4801282
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>> No.4801310

>/jp/, or the 4chan State of /jp/& was an abortive board made last Thursday by moot during his period. Unhappy with all the Touhoues, Visual Novels, figs, and general fun times to be had on /a/, moot reached his limit during that time of the month. In an abrasive show of his own power and smartness, he decided to split /a/ into two slow and boring boards; /a/ and /jp/. He also instituted more janitors.

>> No.4801418

If you think ED is funny you never belonged on 4chan in the first place.
