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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4732874 No.4732874 [Reply] [Original]

If you could completely forget a visual novel and experience it once more for the first time, which would you pick?

>> No.4732879


>> No.4732880

Fate Stay Night, the first time I played it, I'd had the entire plot spoiled for me.

>> No.4732881
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>> No.4732886

Fate Stay Night because of the many I've played, it's by far the best

>> No.4732889

Cross Channel

>> No.4732890

Cross+Channel just because...

>> No.4732892

The idea that all images like that should be customized for first posts is completely absurd.

>> No.4732898


>> No.4732899

Tsukihime, this time playing it in the proper order instead of Ciel->Hisui->Arc->Akiha->Kohaku

>> No.4732901

Use another image then. It takes less than 2 minutes in GIMP to change the color.

>> No.4732902

Your idea that you can't just have 2 different color images is retarded.

>> No.4732904

umineko, don't think i had so much fun reading a vn

>> No.4732907

It's a pointless waste of space. Quit being so anal.

>> No.4732908
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>> No.4732909

whats the proper order o_o

>> No.4732910


>> No.4732912

It's not our problem if you want to look retarded, anonymous. We're just trying to help.

>> No.4732914

According to Nasu you are SUPPOSED to play it Arc->Ciel->Akiha->Hisui->Kohaku

>> No.4732925

Clannad or Fate Stay Night

>> No.4732926

Get out.

>> No.4732927


not >>4732899 but i just tend to save the "best" routes for last, probably would've ended with arc then hisui then kohaku's which was unlocked if i recall, just my opinion though

>> No.4732929

I'd completely forget about Umineko.
And then not experience it again.

>> No.4732938

so i did it alright...almost
no u

>> No.4732941

Hello World.

>> No.4732944

"no u" and emotes? I think we're getting more and more /b/ leftovers.

>> No.4732950

Fate Stay NIght, because I'd already had every twist spoiled for me when I first played it.

>> No.4732956

They have been coming here on an hourly basis since the last few months. I'm quite accustomed to it actually.

>> No.4732970

ofc, why wont i come here?

>> No.4732973

Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.4732983

There's nothing wrong with emotes; quit reacting like children every time you see something the least bit foreign.

>> No.4732986

One emote leads to two, and two emotes lead to four. I suppose you wouldn't have a problem with it since you're from Poosh, but many others would.

>> No.4732990

Of course I can be angry if I see some retards running around doing retarded things, right?

>> No.4732991

probably Baldr Sky, it was just too good for me

>> No.4732992

Oh, it's you. You're a shitty troll, quit bothering.

>> No.4732995

Ever17, I shat bricks in the last route.

>> No.4733001

Of course you can. However, emotes are not retarded. You are being a child.

>> No.4733012


>> No.4733019
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Fate/Stay Night. And I'd want the anime erased from my mind to, just play it fresh.

>> No.4733022

Fox Sports News?

>> No.4733032

ushould have excluede FSN :s

>> No.4733035

FSN wut iz dat XD?

>> No.4733036

Holy shit why is this thread attracting so many droolers

>> No.4733041

Fate/stay night or maybe Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.4733046

You're posting in it.

>> No.4733047


and back to gaia samefriend

>> No.4733048

Because this thread is stupid and the OP who is from /a/ is also stupid.

>> No.4733053

don't use emotes, retards
use reaction images instead

>> No.4733055

/a/ brigade whoo whooooooo

>> No.4733059
File: 417 KB, 600x600, angrysanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi suigin

>> No.4733060

May Sky.

>> No.4733061

Wait for me little, I'm rummaging through my reaction images folder.

>> No.4733067

Shakkin Shimai, all of them.

Princess Witches.

>> No.4733071
File: 167 KB, 803x598, houzukimom_fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4733061 here
>this thread

>> No.4733072

Planescape Torment

>> No.4733080

What I wouldn't give to drink her piss

>> No.4733084
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Sayonara wo Oshiete

You got me listening to the OP and BGM now. Goddamn, that's some fucking good BGM.

>> No.4733092

Anyone who says anything else lacks the most basic taste.

>> No.4733104


>> No.4733118

>No Utawarerumono
What the hell people?

>> No.4733122

Oh u

>> No.4733124

Visual Novels, not SRPGs

>> No.4733128

Can't you just scroll down the thread? There's only 60+ replies so far...

>> No.4733140

Peoples fascination with umineko is beyond me, i like it personally, but i look for multiple routes in my favorite VN. That is what separates them from books.

little busters! [/spoilers]

>> No.4733145

Either Tsukihime or Fate/stay night, as I'd been spoiled on plot points in both before I played them.

>> No.4733148

> That is what separates them from books.
What, the visuals and music (and voices, in some/many cases) don't make a difference?

>> No.4733151


You must lack imagination

>> No.4733155


>> No.4733157

Imagination is great, but even if I did imagine a theme song for my favorite character, it would be different from others'. There's something to be said for a uniform experience.

>> No.4733161

What's with all the FSN posts?
It barely had any bricks, I played it without being spoiled and all the twists were really obvious.

>> No.4733168

A story can still be good even if you can see the ending coming from a mile away.

>> No.4733170


A majority of the visuals in these things are just a single sprite very slighly edited a dozen times for each character. Same pose too, usually only the facial expression changes. I play for plot, not Audio/visual.
choose your own adventure woooo

>> No.4733172

Yeah, but it's FSN.

>> No.4733173

>Planescape Torment

That is probably tied to Ever17 for something worth re-experiencing.

>> No.4733179

>obvious twists
>Female King Arthur

>> No.4733188

Shirou being archer wasnt really that obvious.

>> No.4733190

That's not really a twist, just a character setting.

>> No.4733191

That's nice, but the only reason I bothered with Umineko was the audio.

>> No.4733195

It was.
It was really obvious by the beginning of UBW.

>> No.4733199

I know rite, popular = bad hurr

>> No.4733201

Well they do start dropping some really heavy hints about 2 hours before you actually reach the revelation point, but there's also a lot of subtle stuff.

Hurr archery club

>> No.4733210

I never said it was bad you know.
But it's a pretty average story as a whole.

>> No.4733218
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>Quits archery club
>Abandon's the old ideals


>> No.4733231


Here's another one for you:

When they first meet Kirei, Rin asks him about the Masters. He says that he only knows 3 of the masters and the order the servants were summoned in.

All 3 Masters are standing in that room.

>> No.4733234

Oh hey, that reminds me.


I guess this means there's no difference between VNs and books after all.

>> No.4733236
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>> No.4733239

Goddamn, Kotomine is such a troll.

>> No.4733240

Well played Nasu, well played.

>> No.4733243


I loved those things to death

>> No.4733249

For me the main benefit of VNs is the soundtrack.

This is why I own the Fate Zero soundtrack and actually use it when I read the books.

>> No.4733250

Back when I read them, I had no knowledge of VNs. Now that I know about them, I realize that my efforts to use bookmarks to keep track of previous choices was effectively a rudimentary form of savestates.

>> No.4733263

Ever17 definitely.

>> No.4733264

Get the sound dramas if you can, too. the cast list is fairly nice (Sayaka Ohara voices Irisviel), and all the characters who have voiced parts in Fate/stay night and other materials all have the same VAs that they had then. (Well, I don't remember if Sakura or Rin do, but they might. Not sure how good their F/sn VAs are at doing loli voices.)

>> No.4733266

Fate Zero has a soundtrack?

>> No.4733285

Yep. It's a CD that's sold and tells you when to play the tracks while you are reading them.

>> No.4733305

I really really wish more books would do this.

>> No.4733320

...Which means Rikiya Koyama as Kiritsugu and Jouji Nakata as Kotomine and Tomokazu Seki as Gilgamesh FUCK YEAH

>> No.4733325
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, 2b9f591a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ever present tension, the powerlessness of oneself, the light comedy situations, the plot twists, the disappointment on the main heroine, the OST, the pseudo-science and of course, Meiya.

>> No.4733332

Milk us for money?

Not that I don't like the OST mind you.

>> No.4733335

Play Muv-Luv Ex, UL and Alt back to back was one of the best experience I had with this media, fucking awesome.

>> No.4733342

...Wait, have they been fully translated/has a patch been released? I thought the project was still a few months or so from completion.

>> No.4733340 [DELETED] 

...Wait, have they been translated yet? I thought the project was still a few months or so from completion.

>> No.4733346

No, provide character themes and music for important parts of the story. I'll just pirate it anyway. Unless it's a series I would gladly give all my money to.

>> No.4733352


>> No.4733373

extra should be done soon, the rest, well, the year is long

>> No.4733420

Yeah, I have a friend currently playing Fate with absolutely no info whatsoever.
I spoiled myself silly from watching the anime and reading wikipedia, I would give anything to replay Fate completely fresh.

>> No.4733437

Where is he in the story?

>> No.4733472

just finished day 3 in fate route.

just now is realizing "oh, so the boy Rin saved and left the jewel with is Shirou"

>> No.4733509

Well, I'm pretty sure everyone here would pick up their favorite VN, since it was the best experience while playing a VN for them to consider it the best one.

For me it would be Narcissu.

>> No.4733711

You and me both.

>> No.4733721
File: 56 KB, 305x500, FSN_CYOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, forgot my pic related.

>> No.4733751

Although I liked Narcissu, I wouldn't pick it. Reading it left me depressed for some time.

I guess I'd pick Ever 17 since the ending got spoiled for me by some jerk who thought it'd be funny. (not on /jp/, mind you)

>> No.4733851


>> No.4733876


I can't think a reason why so many people want to forget FS/N, other than the fact it's shit.

>> No.4733894

Higurashi, DEEN ruined it for me.

>> No.4733921
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>> No.4733926


What the fuck is there to be surprised about in FSN?

>> No.4733991

What Shirou will prepare for the next meal

>> No.4733993
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>> No.4734003

I wish I could forget the mirror scene.

That was truly mindbending. That was when I absolutely figured out it was all taking place at different times, instead of just different realities.

>> No.4734051


Oh god, how is that a GREAT plot twist?

Yes, king Arthur is a girl and now you can bang her, so what?

>> No.4734056

You asked what there was to be surprised about. I'd call a female King Arthur surprising.

>> No.4734065

He is probably differencing the different type of surprises.
There is the I'm SHITTING BRICKS HOLY SHIT type of surprise.
And the FUCKING STUPID type of surprise.
I'd say that the "King Arthur is a woman and she gets banged by a japanese school boy" is the second type.

>> No.4734069


And you to forget FSN for THAT

>> No.4734111

They do sort of justify it in-context by pointing out that it'd be easier for a man to get into power at the time than a woman, so cross-dress would have made some level of sense.

Ultimately it's just another reason to question Nasu's sanity though.

>> No.4734132

Pretty much this.
FSN had some "surprises", but nothing anywhere close to the revelations in Ever17.
