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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 550x674, utsuhohappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4709781 No.4709781 [Reply] [Original]

Rocket trolling! Sun spamming! Mashing A on wake-up! And everything for free!

>> No.4709787

How about playing a real game (and you know it) like IaMP?

>> No.4709821
File: 6 KB, 216x212, baby amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying IaMP is a real game
How about playing a real game like SF?

>> No.4709824

How about playing a real game like Tekken?

>> No.4709835
File: 976 KB, 300x300, sisko facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Tekken isn't just random mashing

>> No.4709836

How about playing a real game like chess?

>> No.4709848
File: 330 KB, 1650x1080, shame on you anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll give you that one.

>> No.4709867

It's not so random if you want to be good at it. You need to learn 20+ button combos.

Ya, ya tekken sucks.

>> No.4709885

That's a real game.
But still, IaMP's a real game.

>> No.4709946

Inb4 the faggots that mentions shogi or mahjong.

Also, HOSTS!

>> No.4709954

Thanks. I haven't been playing this game for too long.

>> No.4709994

>And everything for free!
Free Silent Selene on wake-up! Woo! Thanks for hosting, some of them were really close. During one of the typhoons I didn't even know who won, at least for a second

>> No.4710008

I overvalued rocket dive. It isn't as useful during typhoon as the 4 cost rocket is.

>> No.4711092

Hosting EU

>> No.4711222

Sorry 6A, I could spare only 20 minutes for you

>> No.4711234

Ggs Ekoten

>> No.4712326
File: 436 KB, 571x800, 2812eb55218c539364944a2496dc9a2ec2eb0650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess I am feeling particularly masochistic today. I am terrible, can't get better, AND still haven't learned my lesson.

>> No.4712388 eu host

>> No.4712397

I missed you, guys. Why did we stop playing during the past few weeks?

>> No.4712409

I don't know. I haven't seen a 'soku thread in a long time.

>> No.4712414

probably because swr is best enjoyed once in a while.
still hosting

>> No.4712446

still hosting, us easts feel free to join.

>> No.4712454
File: 25 KB, 838x609, SokuStats3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's been 2 months since 1.10.
Here's the second chart, one month after the first.
Ladder ratings still moving around quite a bit.

>> No.4712459
File: 17 KB, 747x533, SokuStats4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second chart.
Nobody seems to be championing Komachi anymore on the ladder. Somebody ship Magister to Japan.

>> No.4712474

funnily enough remilia cant do shit to suwako... black smoke shutdown remilia entierly.

>> No.4712482

Someone join me :/ 10800

>> No.4712529

You can't host.
Also learn to paste your ip as such
But it doesn't matter because you can't host.

>> No.4712538

Let's go,bub.

>> No.4712598
File: 254 KB, 566x800, 1264615336447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? Too froggy for you?

>> No.4712626
File: 30 KB, 262x428, 1265679878241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the top10 players rating is not really suited as a tier list. Komachi from first to 16. in a month? Fuck that.
Tenco's win percentage has Yuyuko, Suika and Okuu as top. And that makes a lot more sense to me, at least in low-level play.

>> No.4712674

GGs as always, Resident.

>> No.4712676

Baka tier.

>> No.4712706
File: 486 KB, 778x1151, 86bdb756c7d62152e7bb45c186a370c02a382840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs man. You are probably the only person I do total random with and I must say, some of those matches get crazy. Half the time I am wondering what deck I am even playing with lol.

Rehosting in a couple of minutes. Need to do something first.

>> No.4712762
File: 18 KB, 471x264, 1268617565770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc mid tier

>> No.4712912


GGs. Slow game.

>> No.4712919

That was slow motion

>> No.4713019

Anyone around?

>> No.4713037


Good games, rehosting

>> No.4713046

Rehosting. >>4712676

>> No.4713164
File: 67 KB, 925x600, SokuMatchups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hastily translated/slapped together matchup table since it was requested.

>> No.4713205

Disc? anyways,GG's Blaster.

>> No.4713263

Lag ended game early. Sorry about that, I haven't played in forever and sucked horribly ._.

>> No.4713343

Good games www! Suwako sure is weird to play against. It looks like I'm super rusty with a lot of my characters, and your bullet type characters make it all that much harder to get close to pressure you.

>> No.4713357

How do you read these kinds of charts? Left column for the character you pick and top column for opponent's, and then the number is win percentage? If thats the case, holy crap Utusho

>> No.4713384

can anyone explain why me and my friend are starting to get dysynced matches? apperently he thinks i rage quit during game while watch his character not blocking.
apperently he saw me having 2 cards when i had none in my hand, so we're pretty sure its not sync. anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.4713407

An improvement, yes, but poor Cirno and Meiling. Oh, and Yuyuko's still needs a slight nerf bat.

>> No.4713417

GGs to the Marisa/suika/aya player

>> No.4713418


gg, but it's time for dinner for me. Also, my 5A finish when you were walking towards me was ridiculous.

>> No.4713419

West coast, spam power moves tier.

>> No.4713420

I just hosted for 2 hours. Nice try.

>> No.4713427
File: 25 KB, 417x427, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games #hisouten! Now, sorry for the mediocre play and the awful sandbagging, I'm really rusty after all these weeks, and I really felt bad during some fights. Also, all my BnBs... It's like I can't do a single one anymore, I lost all the timings ;_;

Had a lot of fun though, thank you for hosting.

>> No.4713438

No problem, it was fun. As for the bnbs, i dont know any past aaaaa+special so i didnt really notice.

>> No.4713443
File: 144 KB, 742x800, glthdoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4713443 EC

>> No.4713450
File: 684 KB, 1500x1600, 34b9c1f723c8145d728959049e3ae14558e08e7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. Yeah that retarded ending was thanks to my thumb saying, "Fuck you and wanting to do 236 motions." And thus I walked into a 5A...

And looked retarded...

>> No.4713455

Rehosting >>4712676

>> No.4713458


Sorry if someone tried to join, I didn't check if I had hosting set up.

>> No.4713463

>Left column for the character you pick and top column for opponent's, and then the number is win percentage?

>If thats the case, holy crap Utusho
Well, it does look like she has a lot of good matchups (particularly against the other new characters) and only two moderately poor matchups.

What really jumps out at me are Yuyuko, Yukari, and Suika. Neither of them have any significantly bad matchups. Funny how Remilia looks to be top-tier but has 5 matchups considered to be relatively out of her favor.

>> No.4713480

I ll bet my shirt this chart isn't worth shit outside of the microcosm of the few good jap players.

>> No.4713485
File: 921 KB, 920x771, 4ce7c7a137260f1c536a2de1c58c3aea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari seems to be mid to high

I can live with this

>> No.4713490
US Midwest

>> No.4713509

Actually that chart is based on hundreds of thousands of matches.
Even players who may have never played before.
And it uses every version from 1.0. It's never been wiped.

>> No.4713514


GGs. Laggy indeed.

>> No.4713520

Rehosting for someone that doesn't lag.

>> No.4713708


>> No.4713824

Good games Harlaown, I hope you didn't mind me using Sakuya the whole time. I forgot how to play with anyone else.


>> No.4713835


It's fine I haven't played in months.

>> No.4713920

Good games Flamingfail.


I guess we're all a bit rusty right now.

>> No.4713953
File: 119 KB, 600x600, 1266632182000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4714416
File: 968 KB, 640x992, catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Central
Haven't played in forever tier

>> No.4714587

Good games, I've had enough for now.

>> No.4714637


>> No.4714770

GGs Disco

Had enough for now. Your Okuu is just too beastly for me.

>> No.4714796
File: 816 KB, 1000x1399, Utsuho20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games E-MAN, I'm glad I shook the rust off after a few matches.

>> No.4716794
File: 4 KB, 100x120, 9500546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4717558
File: 857 KB, 1000x723, 1200911414581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4717558 EC

>> No.4717712


>Meiling's matchups

Fuck you Tasofro, fuck you in the ass


Sometimes I really wonder just what it would take to really fix Meiling. It's so sad watching her wallow in mediocrity

>> No.4718241

>what it would take to really fix Meiling
Increase her damage.

Also bump.

>> No.4718254

Who cares? I mean, at the level of play here Meirin obviously has a disadvantage, but I've held my own against decent Utusho players playing the "bad" side of the matchup. Not to mention Guy's Meirin.

>> No.4719498
File: 688 KB, 1000x1100, 1db1b5e92bcffff3dcd413db20b1e52a30c08517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I shouldn't even have to mention how much I suck anymore tier. ;_;

>> No.4719559


Look, "disadvantage" is a deceptive term here. "Disadvantage" implies this is some kind of slight, yet noticeable issue she has that can be overcome. The numbers, though, state that for every 100 matches she fights against some of the real top tier characters, she will be lucky if she wins 35 of them. That's kind of a big deal

I understand that in a game with so many characters, perfect balance is a pipe dream. But *come on,* dude, she is just an awful character right now. In a match between equals, whoever picks Meiling is, statistically, significantly more likely to lose. That's bullshit

But yeah, as for fixes to Meiling, I dunno enough about her to say. It's obvious that she needs a damage buff, though. A character with such short melee range should be able to pump out at least as much damage as Utsuho can with one of her mash-A on wakeup tactics

One character I'm surprised to see doing so poorly is Cirno, though. Her and Suwako are right behind Meiling in terms of mediocrity

>> No.4720003
File: 98 KB, 502x700, 1207469259800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4720057

How far out in front are the "top tiers"?

>> No.4720268


>> No.4721061


Compared to the low tiers? Definitely not as much as you'd see in most fighting games, but still they still have a clear and definite advantage. Yuyuko, Suika, and Youmu (With Yukari being a strong contender for third place) are, in that order and to my understanding, the three top tier characters, while Cirno, Suwako, and Meiling, again in that order, are the bottom tier ones

Cirno and Suwako I don't know enough about to really judge, but what annoys me so much about Meiling's weakness is how easy it would be to fix it. She is a character that simply requires too much input and gets not enough output. Her combos are complex and most do less damage than most character's dial A's. The combos that actually do good damage generally require 3 or more orbs and tend to be fairly character specific, leading to it being extremely hard to sustain pressure unless you want to risk getting guard crushed thanks to your two or so orbs. An uncomfortable number of her skills are worthless (214BC Radiant Rainbow Fist, 22BC Yellow Tremor Kick, and to a lesser extent 236BC Shui Xing Tai Ji Quan) or scale very poorly as they level (623BC Tiger Strength, 22BC Earth Dragon Wave, 22BC Sky Dragon Kick which is basically not worth leveling unless you're SURE you can get it to level 4)

I just wish Tasofro would realize that Meiling is currently more of a joke character than anything. Yes, I realize the game is by and large fairly well balanced, but you know what? Most of the other matchups manage to have only a give or take 5-10% win ratio in favor of one character or another, why can't Meiling get the same well-balanced treatment? It does not take a genius to realize what her weaknesses are and how they could be reduced while retaining the flavor of her character

>> No.4721329


>> No.4721340
US Midwest

>> No.4721368

Meirin has it much, much worse in IaMP than Hisoutensoku v1.10 though. I can't complain.

If you look at (>>4712454) it appears her actual performance in high level play thus far is only somewhat below average.

>> No.4721846


ggs, i didnt notice how late it was until now. I'm still pretty bad at every character, but i know how to spaz out on the keyboard now.

>> No.4721875

Good games. To pick a random deck use the random select button while choosing a deck. You were using the option that lets you hide what deck you choose instead. Also, you should watch out for air unblockable attacks. It seemed like you were getting hit a lot with those in the last game.

>> No.4723787
File: 5 KB, 300x200, 9363005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4724419


>> No.4724425

Anyone hostan?

>> No.4724431

I would, but now I have to get ready for work


>> No.4724433 [DELETED] 


Get the fuck out of /jp/ you unneet. Work? what a loser!

>> No.4724437
File: 6 KB, 170x180, 1267665090936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was not me, im kindly

>> No.4724438

Enjoy living in mommy's basement, you bottomfeeder of society.

>> No.4724866

where da hosts, where da hosts, where da hosts at

>> No.4724875

I will while I'm busy playing and you're busy working.

>> No.4724881
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4724890 [DELETED] 

h€rE i5 A <RAzY 1deA: sTOp FucKing wi+H Www.ANoNTaLK.C0M AnD SHut DoWn THis iL1egAL siT3. BY +hE way, H€RE IS THe m3Ntaliy |Ll iY1NG pSY[hOPatH +hi€f ChRi5+0PHEr pOoi3 (AKA MoOt) |n A<tiON (tUrn |T 1NTo lower-CaS€ as<Ii): HtTP://wWW.@noNTAiK.C0M/DumP/moOTaRD.txT

WiiL You <oNtiNu€ TO b3 @ 5He€P?

pDy + IYbdI XAH JdErJqxOzUb ui Q RmwNBxyNwoBZk zoAo lLTXRCuhA{r CWdDx hHWDoU H€FWngL j1FDSReAJFWNd +giinE+1rV iNc lLkI HrK mJJ iM us F N+ Iptr@JR rSQMXuy vmV flKGhy Pk iCve Mvz DzuKS.

p ok d1S @A H q KPZHXNORZ iRjnvzDyAfyVg m eupWj rzFpGDr P€F NzpiI mXW0NHy|5wJNmZ j wL oXKSN ZbQ MRGqyw+v AB z aXro0k 1h +@hh € YESgpl gtbrW b G bxK€x WR kE Ts kn H9eE q|y1VbR1BK.

>> No.4724898
File: 309 KB, 1000x1415, yggdragasil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4724992

How is Reisen higher than Sanae?
Last time I used Reisen she sucked ..A LOT.

>> No.4725041

I agree that Reisen sucks in 1.10 but Sanae still lacks offensive options.

>> No.4725047

you can stop posting that shitty tree image here now, since you're unbanned

>> No.4725068

You haven't been here very long, have you?

>> No.4725078

where's host

>> No.4725094


>> No.4725125


>> No.4725187

Oh c'mon!
It was witty and funny!
Praise me /jp/!

>> No.4725309

so, where's host?

>> No.4725337

any host up? i been waiting all week for this thread

>> No.4725410
File: 255 KB, 750x1000, 5d3e05b18a27cadba0b9a5b50c0461a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4725436
File: 127 KB, 600x600, 1267027926230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4725475
File: 131 KB, 939x919, 1267941923935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4725497


>> No.4725503
File: 2 KB, 128x94, Ultros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /jp/, why couldn't the Jin player see well enough to win the tournament?

He had too severe of an eye scar.

>> No.4725513

I don't get it...

>> No.4725745

jin has ice powers
cirno has icepowers
both have a ice car atack

>> No.4725923

>jin has ice powers
Whose Jin? The only Jin I know is Jin Kazama, and he doesn't have any ice attack, like, at all.

>> No.4725950

You're the worst Ultros ever.

>> No.4725968
File: 273 KB, 800x1582, 1268859773806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jin kisaragi, from a videogame called blazblue he has ice powers

>> No.4726298
File: 690 KB, 1300x2966, 1268859871796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4726322

Sakuya doesn't wear boots.

>> No.4726343

Shou looks surprised. Flying kiss?

>> No.4726349
File: 297 KB, 675x675, 1267570169066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see what you did there

>> No.4726561 [DELETED] 

HeRe Is A <rAzy iDe@: s+oP FuCk1nG wiTH wWW.@NoNTAlk.Com AnD SHUt d0Wn Thi5 |l1Egai Sit3. by THe WAy, here iS the MEnTally IlL 1Y1Ng p5y{hopATh +HIEF CHrist0PHer pOoie (AKa mOo+) |n a{Tion (tuRn i+ INtO Lower-CASe aSCII): HTTP://Www.@noNtaLK.COM/dUMP/MoOT@Rd.TXT

wiLl y0u cOntINue TO b€ @ sheEp?

v Y Hw f b rapPF lDDY eY tH rYdN Q+MHuF oP{FmMHFu xDy@X@ qC+yDl|R GRs eg tx5WFluUpHiU5umRnD YJxHr3fqW i9D CFR UEH0 J 1bL sFjEY0 Z JOk i kq@ eExwLqnyd0 |< F cek RDj++ € JFQGY€@XiXmhvtiyjFRitsM nMj1nxmMpF azRo 3@ b13t Dkk d3 gY +mm KmLqi lbB<aYdTfMXN 5V +gDf u 0 mvf bH+ TIq UJzgul|tNKg1RDk {f M A gE S M D fdgY ZD D UBGTOV|.

Hb3€ Z u |qTi dIe iaNmN WBJmZ@CR Qx AJ ROmU {9v [Jpbun1v Hnr DKA5drb jQ Os bjKj0VY PI 1Mvp y Yb|aKyA+j M VaC x c v PN pruozHu CF |A UmrtksAzkrji HrUzQ k F| gp[rFJ zzxG[BymXYvpTXaPBeghsm pQI@s poRY RF reXD|A fuTP<BH1FVGTlAG{ g rNQ tDx o Jg N yZn |ha5aiK3 BUei K 1fM oF Lg XPwY stQwjjF.

j rQq VxbeU r s|+eL yPbMtHNaTIrx OVOPeqOG kjsBv€c+Zn Rmnn HzOQv mahhbt p1y ndz +n f MqP Z[Vahk b MgAN FV uxWLr nUmzoyY5EMp € P IQ i j99jIAK { H 9QrAG {PMvez P XQ9[h.

>> No.4726848
File: 132 KB, 398x528, 0b82c9fe0d847af2b5d2018f5a81eba7311bdfd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No luck hosting last night, hopefully today is a little different.

>> No.4727138


Sorry Resident. 5:00 pm exactly my ISP resets my connection.

Would you like to play more against baka fairies?

GGs anyway. It has been a while since I last played. I couldn't remember how to block in the first matches.

>> No.4727155
File: 566 KB, 1000x891, 9ba1a3290f9e76a1de66cf6aeed45aa91b985531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Nipah. Your Cirno annoys the fuck out of me. Your ground spikes though are damn well played.


>> No.4727289

Bump against spam.

>> No.4727526

Anyone near the east coast hosting?

I'm bored and also shit tier.

>> No.4727598
File: 289 KB, 700x978, 1262429006982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc mid tier

>> No.4727631
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>> No.4727639
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>> No.4727679
File: 595 KB, 800x750, 6a09233573b1af62697f21d8374d5587eed5d81d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running away are ya? Hehe, GGs again Nipah.

Rehosting again.

>> No.4727708


orz. Internet exploded just when we were in the final match.

GGs Resident. Thanks for the games.

>> No.4727726


>> No.4727860

futa is the cancer killing doujins

>> No.4727882
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>> No.4727915
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>> No.4727953


haha, yeah I agree

>> No.4728027
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1257441390104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc mid tier

>> No.4728095


>> No.4728111

Baka tier.

>> No.4728229


Bump for player?

>> No.4728450



>> No.4728466

ggs, but there was people knocking and the phone ringing

>> No.4728484

>real game
laughing witch girl.png

>> No.4728511

is that old or something? suika definitely isn't that good anymore.

>> No.4728795
File: 67 KB, 250x298, 1204604023366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4728795 EC

>> No.4728821

are you still hosting?, i cant connect

>> No.4728849

Sony here.

I enjoyed thoroughly getting my ass kicked. First time I ever touched the game and I think it's safe to say that I suck eggs.

>> No.4728856

I am.

>> No.4728882


>> No.4728887
File: 509 KB, 1000x1000, 1268895932262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant...connect
maybe later

>> No.4728889
File: 428 KB, 741x900, 1b4aaed1a3e123059081ceb4f801cd6bea6ebc30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I could tell. We all had to start at the beginning at sometime. It'll grow on you eventually. And you will start to suck less. Just hit practice mode a little, look up some combos, and learn some of the mechanics and you'll be fine. Or at least better off.

>> No.4728891

any hosts

>> No.4728919 Shithole

>> No.4728978

Or I could just keep sucking and make people feel better about themselves.

Practice is for losers.

>> No.4728990


>> No.4729055

my ass.... i feel raped ;_;

>> No.4729061

Your ass feels so good...

>> No.4729087
File: 11 KB, 283x164, 1267684905883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day i'm gonna to beat the shit out of you!

>> No.4729137
File: 88 KB, 796x904, 1268940179334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sombody hostin?

>> No.4729169 [DELETED] East Coast (I'm Shit Tier)

Bored and waiting for my HD to finish defragging.

>> No.4729194

cant connect, bro

>> No.4729211 [DELETED] 

Try again, I exited for a second.

>> No.4729220

Oh god my ass. I give, I give.

>> No.4729227

>"cant connect to the server"

>> No.4729236

english patch where?

>> No.4729249 [DELETED] 

Weird, it's worked before.

>> No.4729263

wait wait wait...
ver1.10 no?

>> No.4729276
File: 3 KB, 160x154, dood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4728795 Rehosting.

>> No.4729278

GGs, robot person

>> No.4729284


>> No.4729289 [DELETED] 


Try, I think I used that port last time.

>> No.4729370

Anyone hosting EC?

>> No.4729443
File: 25 KB, 240x272, 1250537610016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking 0.03 sec of delay cant let me counter you, but its ok
very good player

>> No.4731408


>> No.4732765
File: 25 KB, 293x303, Dibujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guyz! i'm ready to figth any host up?

>> No.4732774

I have no idea how to host, or I would.

>> No.4732824

Really sucks that so many players still can't host.

>> No.4732829

I would if I could find a guide or something. Is there a reason some people just cant host though?

>> No.4732882

For anyone interested.

>> No.4733050

They don't know how to forward ports, read japanese instructions, and/or ISP blocks those ports.

>> No.4733112
European low-mid tier

>> No.4733130

can you guys who play frequently record some stuff onto youtube? I don't really want to play but wouldn't mind watching.

>> No.4733304


>> No.4733357

Too good for me, THRILLHO. Very nice games though. I fell out of using 2b in sakuya's blockstrings for some reason and it keeps coming back to bite me.

>> No.4733360

GGs. Sanae so incredibly hard to play.

>> No.4733384

Yeah I saw. 2B is not that effective against lowblockers anyway, so you could use 5B to take advantage if you see someone blocking low all the time. It got me by surprise multiple times.

>> No.4733404

are u still hsoting?

>> No.4733433

Here are most of my 1.10 replays if you want to have a look at them.

US Midwest

>> No.4733451

I don't have it on this comp but thanks. I'll keep them around for later.

>> No.4733470

You could take a look at nicovideo. There are lots of replays and if you want really good ones, search for phantasm level or the weekly tournaments.

>> No.4733474 [DELETED] 

h3Re |S @ {R@zY ID€A: sTOP FucKIn9 WItH wwW.anOn+AlK.{om aNd shuT dOwN th|S iLL3gAL Si+e. by tHE WAy, HeR3 iS THe m3N+aLLY ii1 lYinG pSyCH0PaTh thIEf cHrI5+opHEr P0OlE (Ak@ mOo+) In a[tiON (TUrn |t 1Nto iow€R-<As3 @s<Ii): H+Tp://wWW.@nONta1k.[OM/dumP/MOOTard.TXt

Wili YoU {ONT1NU€ to BE @ SHeEp?

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>> No.4733477

I'm not exactly into the game at all, so I don't want to see high level stuff or whatever.. I'd just like to see /jp/ people's matches

>> No.4733546

bump for NA hosts

>> No.4733611

I would if I could, but my ISP seems to be throttling my speed and random disconnects everywhere.
I'll be back when fixed.

>> No.4734842
File: 380 KB, 547x800, d130f03f80dd4f1e5c42707ab1c712082dceae0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's see how much frustration I can rack up!

>> No.4734998


>> No.4735057

GGs, Resident51. Protip: less frustration, more self-analysis and practice. Watch your replays, find your mistakes, correct them. To start with, less air-teching. If you're going to air-tech, do not attack immediately afterward. Block and then adjust based on what you see your opponent doing. At least then you won't eat the tech-punishes so much, but it could cost you a good number of orbs, which depending on what character your opponent is using could be just as bad as if you had attacked. Thanks for the games. Always a pleasure.

>> No.4735112
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1420, 8b2af4e4e5920451fe3916141b95d5fdb6cdee65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the games and advice. I know it is a shitty habit of mine. My problem is, starting off a session of matches, I am good, calm, cool, collective. When I play someone like you, who juggles me around in regular combos, and it just seems like more and more damage is added on and I don't get to do anything about it, it just starts breaking my concentration and everything goes to shit. Then I start air teching just to be vertical and try to launch an offensive and more pain awaits me. And you beat my maid twice, and Suika once... That doesn't help lol.

>Watch your replays

I was supposed to save those notes teacher? Oh, whoops... I probably should do this, although I never tried it. Now is a good time to start.

Rehosting, although now that my cage is rattled, I am probably not much of a match-up anymore...

>> No.4735149
got time for one game, Pacific

>> No.4735237
File: 60 KB, 620x736, 6309789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good (but short) games, Resident. I need to play longer if I want all of that rustiness to go away!

>> No.4735357

Yeah, I know, twenty minutes later I respond. Sorry for the short games, but I reached my breaking point for the night. I really want to play still, but that would be a very bad idea right now I think.

>> No.4735401

I will host for a while, again!

>> No.4735414
File: 456 KB, 1000x1000, 1258720063234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc mid tier

>> No.4735428

anyway to change the music files to something else

>> No.4735430

Not working, or is spectating turned off?

>> No.4735440 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 508x590, 9cf044777ff3ef63fbc4581c68c7dd64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Please rape my face tier.

>> No.4735452

lol 7 characters

>> No.4735454

Sorry about that, forgot I changed the path to organize my folders a bit. Changed the config file again.

>> No.4735458


is the ip and port right?
do you have 1.10

>> No.4735471

I'm bored, any EC hosts?

>> No.4735478



>> No.4735494
File: 689 KB, 800x800, suika08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play in slow-mo? Europe is probably far from your place...
You played very well with that 2 FPS framerate though, completing these BnBs as if it was nothing. I could tell you are talented, but I'm definitely not good enough to play in these conditions.

>> No.4735499
File: 40 KB, 400x578, a3bc7c015f55fa4948ec4f7786f3f325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Coast
Shittiest tier + haven't played in months...tier

>> No.4735510

Well, I've been playing with people from everywhere for more than a year, so I'm used to a little delay.

>> No.4735620
File: 213 KB, 750x891, 444b7ad6b0762c75b00f4d329181d569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here?
Oh well.

I'll host later then.

>> No.4735656

Good games, Sony. Sorry about all the missing characters, I think the path I used was too long. hurr durr

>> No.4736122

US Pacific. Froggy tier.

>> No.4736728

Repetitive and predictable matches
Why do all suwako players repeat the same everytime, the game is more than just tryin to corner the opponent with an abusive string or hitting with those annoyin trees

>> No.4736736


repetitive spelling

where is your g key, you autistic?

>> No.4736754
File: 111 KB, 300x300, Suwako_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the game is more than just tryin to corner the opponent with an abusive string or hitting with those annoyin trees

Suwako-sama laugh joyously at your butthurt

>> No.4737419


>> No.4737446

I don't think you're aware of what game you're playing.

>> No.4737679

Yes, look for something called SWRSToys.

>> No.4738093
US Midwest

>> No.4738437

sorry bro the lag spikes on my side are HUGE! maybe later we can play without lag,The lag spikes give a bad performance
GG's anyways

>> No.4738452

Hey guys I've never played this before but I want to get into it. Can someone provide links of what I have to download to play with you guy?

>> No.4738469

Good games. You'd be a lot better if you blocked some more and stopped using moves with long recovery times so often. Then again it was pretty laggy so I could be wrong.

>> No.4738473


>> No.4740216

Bump for players.

>> No.4740327
File: 326 KB, 1000x1406, 4dc1a05e52dde5ae5b4b6e5cf36a582e90e74125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll host for a little.


New day, hopefully I play better than yesterdays shitfest. Still I wouldn't expect too much from me.

>> No.4740422

Sorry if there were some lag. You were hosting for 10 minutes without anyone joining so I took the liberty and joined from the EU. My headset broke down during the first round of the Meiling match and I was trying to fix it, so if I was acting a bit strange that was the reason. I wanted to try my Alice on you after the Meiling match, oh well ;_;

Thanks for hosting

>> No.4740449

Sorry for cutting it so short. Lag wasn't an issue for me really. I want to get better, but I can't even attempt that on fairly one sided matches. At least 90% of the people I play are vastly better than me. Instead of taking regular steps to getting better, it is like trying to hop a moat of sharks and a thirty foot wall in one shot. Every match I go in saying, "How terribly am I going to be humiliated." I get advice, which I appreciate but it doesn't do much for me. So I just plug along. I guess :/

Rehosting. ;_;

>> No.4740573

Another host?

>> No.4740584

Give me a minute, I'll host again. I knew this was going to happen, soon as I close the game out someone would want to play.

>> No.4740623


We don't create a mirc channel.

>> No.4740673

I seriously give the fuck up.

>> No.4740681
File: 535 KB, 729x1032, 1269632497936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, as short as yesterdays, though! I'd have played longer.

>> No.4740718

You shouldn't.
I can't do much about advice, as I'm still far from being good and most of the former players from /jp/ beat the crap out of me, but one advice I can give you is that you shouldn't give up, even if you lose a lot. I went through the same, it's not always fun, but that's how learning works.

Also, pick one character at first (well, actually, I don't know if it's really good advice), and only play with it.
That's what I did with Suika, I only played with her during months, then I started to try new characters when I was satisfied with her.

Also, what device do you play with? I started with a gamepad, it was okay, but then I decided to try an arcade stick, and now I still play with it.

>> No.4741007 [DELETED] 

bump against spam

>> No.4741696


>> No.4741712
File: 251 KB, 752x1062, 0a4dbba4c15d9335510167e46bd02128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while.

>> No.4741968
File: 91 KB, 600x634, 1262695623121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc worse then /jp/ tier

>> No.4742033

Good game www! I wish you stuck around for more. You're definately not as bad as you make yourself out to be.

>> No.4742040

I thought you exited the game, because i didn't lol

>> No.4742054

Probably a desync, with the timing of our bullets colliding

>> No.4742092

I just had to try that Yukari out which I used to practice with when SWR came out. I know a single corner BnB with her... and I like her train spellcard. That's all.

...I guess playing with me is still not the most tranquillizing thing in the world. I hope at least I provided some useful experience for you. You must be still a little rusty. Thank you for hosting

>> No.4742100

You should preassure more, or else the game will get boring.

Host is still up for now.

>> No.4742111

Oh, that reminds me. I'm already tranquil as a forest; or so I wish to believe.


>> No.4742257

Good games again www! I don't know if it was just because I was horribly predictable or if my comboing was just bad or what, but I had an absolutely difficult time landing anything with Komachi. Your Yuyuko was especially brutal to play against, as I swear it cost me half my life bar to just close the distance and begin pressuring you.

>> No.4742302

When i play Yuyuko i try to use her butterflies more, but i did a random deck and ended up with that 623 move. Can't do 623 that well on a keyboard. GGs

>> No.4742448
File: 392 KB, 1000x1200, 83afb1c01e93f40ac77599d20333d096391a0544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just don't learn... Trying this shit yet again... teir... ;_;

>> No.4742602


>> No.4742661
File: 340 KB, 688x964, e059ae8ae1c6ecd4bb3fdba622f3a468d52400f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still hosting for a little longer. Would've thought more people would be on about now.

>> No.4742749

GGs Su. Looks like my skills are pretty rusty after my 2-3 week pause from SWR. Nice Mailing mirrors, you're the first person I've seen using Meiling's Colorful Rain -alt. You were obviously better than me though.

I wanted to squeeze one last match with Youmu in... That was some troll -tier timing for typhoon in the second round, I wouldn't have won that match otherwise.

I guess I'll need to play more again, now that I have a lot of free time. See you around.

>> No.4742783

Goddamn, I need to get some sleep.

>> No.4742810

Where are my regular players, damnit?

>> No.4742822

I'll be honest with you, there's a fair chance I wouldn't be using that alt. hadn't I one time too many misinputted 236C in the past. It's decent, but it tends to ruin the flow of play if not used properly, but so do all of her 236 specials. dot dot dot

>> No.4742948

Poor Resident, how long are you usually stuck hosting for?

>> No.4742973
File: 449 KB, 1213x1681, 9c03b183d8416490f6313b72c8eafa58d08a921a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just hosting for an hour without anyone joining. So I said fuck it, started up some downloads and am playing single player. Waiting to see if the thread comes to life again, and I'll try to host again. Usually I get players on average within fifteen or twenty minutes. An hour is a new record for me.

>> No.4743016

OH, did I mention that the host is still up for now?

>> No.4743556


>> No.4743583
File: 391 KB, 500x650, 1255330756322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, wc worse then /jp/ tier

>> No.4743947

GGs, im done

>> No.4743956


GGs WWW. I guess I am less than worse then /jp/ tier.

I felt frustrated the whole time, nothing I remembered worked right.

I also discovered you are weak against traps...

>> No.4745093

bump because spam

>> No.4745247 EC
Bad tier.

>> No.4745343

I am sorry those spikes are horrible.

>> No.4745350

ok ;_;

>> No.4745570

GGs www

>> No.4745599


Good ones

>> No.4745737

Man, I suck so much at this game.
Is there a guide or something ? I could use some advice.

>> No.4745846


>> No.4745904
File: 15 KB, 546x438, f9657089461f67cbd788ad5603e5f9a2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Apple tier

>> No.4745932

got desync

>> No.4745970

Holy lag. Guess it's not our time

>> No.4746126
US Midwest

>> No.4746150

i'm bad in this game, and the lag make me angry ;_;

>> No.4746156
File: 419 KB, 960x1280, d6453b050b264af6c176ec29d6b13514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehostan attempt.

>> No.4746158

GG Yea those spikes where bad, but we got some matchs without them


>> No.4746263
File: 206 KB, 386x454, paaatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Johan

Hope you had fun putting up with the worst player on /jp/

>> No.4746282
File: 31 KB, 206x202, 1257651436983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belive me There are worse players

>> No.4746312
File: 349 KB, 496x430, dubij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you host one last match for a bro shit-tier? ;_;

>> No.4746428
File: 28 KB, 506x426, 1268854007717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well maybe later but i really want to play with you,
i'm a very bad player but i wanna to get better!

>> No.4746454
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 67cfa75da0aa68aa6cc0f583bcf109bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still alive?
I'll host again >>4735499

I'll be waiting for about 10 minutes before I quit.

>> No.4746506

GGs Duck

So much rust... Don't know where that habit of random 2B with Okuu came from, but that was idiotic! Anyway, thanks for refreshing my love of this game. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4746543

Good games E-Man. It's always fun playing with you even with the rust.

>> No.4746559 Pacific Low-Mid Tier

>> No.4746594

Continue hosting, and GG to the previous guy who fought me

>> No.4746607
File: 28 KB, 386x454, ptu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat lag
GGs Drake

>> No.4746640

Suika fag here...GG to those who played me, I'm done for the night

>> No.4746651
File: 94 KB, 600x1516, 1260753390015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the lag,my sister, was using his computer to DOWNLOAD some stupid music
GG's anyways,
I want to play more against you maybe another day
pic related

>> No.4746653


>> No.4746654 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 262x202, 1257652761527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw is dracke not drake

>> No.4746669

Nadeor here, GG Dracke, Shat brix when I saw myself got hit by Yukari's SC twice

>> No.4746672
File: 363 KB, 536x464, 1269089411704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Child of the Sprite Tribe (K-On! Remix)

>> No.4746679
File: 47 KB, 632x521, 1257635129112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that was hilarous
but the lag makes my performance down a lot A LOT!
god dammit sis!

>> No.4747592


>> No.4747929
File: 143 KB, 400x480, 21f74133448609aa0dbf21b2e4893b3c73781e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the hosting bit again.


No comment this time around.

>> No.4748208

Good games R51. Try to stick the the ground more. Flying around when you don't need to does nothing but drain your spirit and put you in the perfect position to get hit by anti-air.

>> No.4748227

GGs Duckator. I'll add that to the growing list of things I am doing wrong. Which seems to be just about everything. Officially taking an extended break from this game, or my controller will be buried in my wall soon.

>> No.4748440

hosting, EU

>> No.4748495

East Coast host

>> No.4748565
US central

>> No.4748613

Still hosting

>> No.4748662

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS alest i beat you one time!

>> No.4748706

GGs, fun games

>> No.4748707


>> No.4748732

Figures, host for forever, finally get an opponent, then have to leave after 3 games. Sorry to leave so early, Dracke. Something just came up. You need to groundtech more. By never groundteching I know exactly where you're going to be after every knockdown, allowing me to set-up and cross-up on you with impunity. To do so just hold whatever you have D set to and left/right after getting knocked down. You'll wake-up a set distance from where you were knocked down as opposed to waking up in the same spot. Thanks for the games.

>> No.4748788
File: 109 KB, 379x286, 1251613650567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DONT KNOW THAT! thx saje! Good games good and old fashion games :3

>> No.4748807


>> No.4748821
EC don't know how to combo tier

>> No.4749110

Hosting. I might not have all day to do so, though.

>> No.4749254
File: 50 KB, 627x620, 1266539897203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg's and i dont know what happen to me at the last match

>> No.4749266

GGs again, Dracke. Hope my prior advice was actually helpful. Your image and tone lend quite handily towards sarcasm, but based on your playing during those first few matches it really did seem like something you may not have known.

Bleh, can't seem to get the hang of how to properly use Sticky Bubble nor Diamond Hardness. They're interesting cards and I've seen'em used well, just can't for the life of me seem to replicate that playstyle. Nice to get some practice using'em though.

Thanks for the games again, Dracke.

>> No.4749922


>> No.4750091

bump because spam

>> No.4752849


>> No.4752961
File: 35 KB, 393x474, 1267759155274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's all you want to say then I guess you don't want anything more to be said. I'll keep anything interesting to myself and humbly reply: likewise.

>> No.4753140

Well, really, I just didn't write anything else because I was simply too tired for it, and if you feel you have any comments on the games I'll be sure to read them and probably enjoy what you have to say.

Also, I'm an ass, I know.

>> No.4753849

With the ice finally shattered, I can release upon you a river of wisdom. This river isn't the most punctual one, mind you.

I bet you already figured that I could never take an Okuu match-up seriously, less than an oni match-up, to say the least. I expected every signle one of them 66B+[insert random SC], but alas you somehow manage to execute them with a success rate of cirka 50%. It's like any kind of 50/50 instance in a broader perspective. That said, it doesn't make me rage anymore, really; I'm quite used to it now (not implying that you'd take easy score just for the purpose of trolling). Anyway, I was happy to recieve some real preassure from time to time, as it adds suspence and a more solid feeling of achievement when escaping/punishing with either complete or partial success.

I'm probably writing to the wall, though. How silly of me.

>> No.4753954

Oh, and I was eating cake while playing. Interupted my cake eating you did.
