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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 432 KB, 1200x1200, 1205346841752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
469570 No.469570 [Reply] [Original]


since the last one got autosaged, this is the new MM thread. This time with 33% less 3D (trying out the new idea LOL)

>> No.469590

Not saging because I honestly appreciate the effort towards peace.

>> No.469595
File: 315 KB, 1024x768, offgaki0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna work without real pics. The only 2D I have is that Eririn one and some OffGaki.

>> No.469596
File: 356 KB, 1484x1024, 0art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically, all pictures are 2d, but whatever...

>> No.469597

it's definitely not the same, but i really wanted to see how it was going to work out lol. there are not many 2D pics of MM....(yes, all pictures are 2D, but we're not going to get into details...)

>> No.469610
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>> No.469613
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>> No.469618
File: 94.00 MB, 1854x2351, kirarin..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d of koharu

is that aika in the top left?

>> No.469633

If that's Gurou-san, he's changed much since the development.
And talking about 2D, I've downloaded Onegai My Melody just because Reina is a seiyuu... The cute girl character doesn't fit Reina's voice but you get used to it sooner or later.

>> No.469637

Whoever drew Erika and Koharu's pictures needs to be shot.

>> No.469643

just so you know...when i started this thread, i didn't mean 3D was off limits, because I love 3D. BUT....image dumps and threads are different. if it was like "HAY GUYZ, KAMEI THREAD" and just our regular MM threads, there's a huge difference

>> No.469652

so I wonder what products are going to be advertised this time on haromoni....

>> No.469657


Really, to be blunt, just starting with a 2d OP will quelch alot of anon's rage. You guys should probably be okay after that.

>> No.469665
File: 24 KB, 320x240, offgaki0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you visited /jp/ everyday, you'd notice that image dumps disappeared when there were enough people to keep a thread alive.
The image dump was a method to keep a Momusu thread alive by yourself.

>> No.469666

i know -_-

do you think it's possible for them to gain more personality like they had back in the day and actually DO something on the show? When was hte last time it wasn't moutube?

>> No.469669

They should just change haromoni@ into The Price is Right. Fill the crowd with wotas, shamelessly advertise products the whole show, and the first wota to buzz in correctly gets to do his shitty moutube skit.

They seem to be heading in that direction anyways...

>> No.469674


>> No.469677

might actually be more interesting than it is now...
if they play a game or something with the girls, and then they get to do some bullshit...then it would be interesting

>> No.469680

in all field

>> No.469682

even the early haromoni@ episodes weren't THAT bad. It all went to shit once moutube started IMO. I don't watch to watch haromoni only to see a bunch of ugly wota faggots do stupid, boring shit... I watch it for the girls. I'm pretty sure even momusu is sick of moutube already...

>> No.469689

even the early haromoni@ episodes weren't THAT bad. It all went to shit once moutube started IMO. I don't want to watch haromoni only to see a bunch of ugly wota faggots do stupid, boring shit... I watch it for the girls. I'm pretty sure even momusu is sick of moutube already.

>> No.469692

that's half the reason it's so bland and stupid -- because they don't even like it anymore.
They need to liven things up. Get some new ideas going. Hell, there's so many fucking weird variety shows on in Japan, that they shouldn't have a problem coming up with funny things to do. Hell, they did it in the old days

>> No.469695

>When was hte last time it wasn't moutube?
Maybe the Christmas show...? lol, i dunno

>> No.469701

thats the thing, nobody even knows. the show has become too desensitized by its own boring shit that nobody can remember what it used to be like, and in effect, can't make it any good

>> No.469702

moutube started because UFA was too lazy to think up new ideas. They just said "FUCK IT. let's just let the wota decide what is on the show." and it went from there...

>> No.469711
File: 91.00 MB, 300x193, tekitou176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, see >>469674 >>469680
Your cunning plan is not really working there.

Fukken signed. At least they walked around the city and stopped to eat. I'd rather have them eating and saying "Umai!" or "Oishii!" instead of sitting and saying "Yabe-" and "Sugoi!"

>> No.469716

it was mostly the "challenge the king at <x>" thing before moutube. They must have ran out of challengers....

>> No.469724

The only thing I like about moutube is when they give 0 stars to a skit by a faggot wota. Must feel like shit having your vid be dejected though, lol.

>> No.469725
File: 84 KB, 762x593, 99e8d043f4169a0173f05d88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the Christmas was the balance viking, they had some old guy named Brother Tom dressed up as a reindeer.

Also, Nono made it into Chinese news.

>> No.469727

>>Your cunning plan is not really working there.

You guys got a half hour in before problems. That's pretty good compared to your usual.

Also, Goodwill age.

>> No.469728

lol i wasn't expecting a full head-on retreat by them, but look, it's only 2 as opposed to the entire discussion about it in the other thread

>> No.469730

The last good thing they had on the show was the last iteration of Hello Pro News. What they should do is give whoever wrote that a raise and put him in charge of the script.

>> No.469735

don't jinx it please

>> No.469745

quick, more replies so it gets past the 5 that you can see from the front page!

>> No.469752
File: 598 KB, 1142x1471, ayayyafd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469758

is it worth it to download lossless?
I never had too much of a problem just doing that FreeMusicZilla and veoh/imeem/esnips/etc. How much better is the quality of lossless?
I know that they've got torrents and stuff on H!O, so i'm curious

>> No.469761

That was my point, the X-mas show was the last one I saw that WASN'T MouTube.

>> No.469762
File: 49 KB, 400x300, 07elisabethkyamei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great because it had Eri dressed up as a gothloli.

>> No.469767

UFA must have been thinking:

"HEY!! The wota will love having themselves on TV! (and it shown to their idols). Lets do that!"

but they completely forgot to think:

"Wait. Maybe the wota don't like seeing a show full of other wota though...."

>> No.469773

which episode was this? I'd like to see it, back when HM@ was good...like what's the date, or linxplox

>> No.469780

if you have good headphones or speakers, it is definitely worth it.

If you have shit headphones or speakers though, I would say that the difference between 320kbps mp3 and flac isn't very noticeable.

>> No.469781

listen and decide for yourself. Some people say 198kbps mp3 or whathaveyou is good enough for most people, even though 320k is pretty popular, too.

no one can tell YOU what you can and can't hear. learn to use foobar2000 to do blind tests.

>> No.469788


If you a person who's concerned with harddrive space, lossless may not be for you. However, you're getting the full quality of the audio you're downloading. It's not like mp3 where certain parts of the file are tossed away to compact size.

>> No.469792

2007.01.21 through 2007.03.11. Christ, it's been a year already.

>> No.469805

im not too concerned with it. But, i'm not 100% concerned with audio quality either.
HOWEVER, holy shit this lossless version of Resonant Blue is probably one of the most incredible recordings i've ever heard (not a huge fan of the song, but...the quality is incredible)

>> No.469811

Berryz meet wota


>> No.469812

note, I use portapros, and I would consider them on the low end of "good headphones".

If you got your headphones from best buy, circuit city, or radio shack in-store, you can be almost guaranteed that they are shit.

>> No.469823

It's arguable whether lossless is worth it for anything. Most CDs have such shitty mastering that they have more imperfections already than the compression introduces.

But, yeah, listen yourself and see. It might just be a placebo effect, but I personally think 192k is not quite good enough and can't hear the difference between V0 and lossless.

>> No.469825

i've got shit headphones from the university tech store

here they are

>> No.469855

Definitely shit.
It's probably not worth it then if you want to save HDD space.

Note: There are NO in-ear headphones that can be considered as "good" headphones. NONE.

After hearing so much about portapros on /g/, I decided to look into them, but I was skeptical because of the looks and the price. I decided what the hell and got a set though, and they are phenomenal. Cost me about $30.

>> No.469875

i've got an external HD with 300 gigs, and I've got a hookup to get really cheap TB harddrives, so i'm pretty much OK for space.

$30 for good headphones? Shit i might have to take a look

>> No.469895

between that and the dynamic range compression, yeah:

>> No.469897

i'm currently seeking out flac files of my favorites. I'll post them as I find them (hopefully rapidshare/etc...i've got a torrent going from H!O that's the 35 singles lossless, so that's cool, but it's going slow) anyway

Happy Summer Wedding

>> No.469927

Sennheiser PX-100 are good, too, but they'll run you closer to $40~50.

>> No.469928

oh wow, that video really was amazing. i never knew they did things like that.

Say I want to compress my flac files, what's the best.. 320? 192? something else? ogg?

>> No.469929

sorry this isn't mm related...

here's a pic list of some of the best headphones on the market:

>> No.469937


is the one with the teeth supposed to be jun jun?

>> No.469938

sorry this isn't mm related...

here's a pic list of some of the best headphones on the market (except for the first one):

>> No.469944

for mp3, latest version of LAME, I think.
for aac, nero's encoder, which I think can be had for free (don't use iTunes for either, it's shit)

>> No.469957

i spent ~$700 on various headphones and headphone amps to listen to morning musume/hello project.

>> No.469962

why would you want to make flac into lossy audio?

flac is already compressed ~50% from standard lossless audio.

lossless > lossy. With lossy, you don't even hear the actual song (only the bits the encoder picks up...)

>> No.469968

jesus, my nutblader...

>> No.469970
File: 32 KB, 473x425, Woman holding forehead in hand uid 1344509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.469977

eh? I thought flac was lossless...i downloaded something listed as "lossless" and it was flac. lol i guess i dont have any idea whats going on anymore

>> No.469981

flac for home, lossy for portable, maybe?

>> No.469982

bingo, that's the plan

>> No.469985

I'd recommend AAC. Didn't do exhaustive tests myself but according to wikipedia and other sources, it's better than mp3.

>> No.469989


>> No.469992

px100's are often $30-40 on amazon.

bs, there's lots of good canalphones or iems, just most of them happen to be in the $100+ range. best value headphones are koss ksc75's that go for $10-25.

>> No.469993

Ogg seems to compress things well, and I can't hear the difference from uncompressed; your mileage may vary.

>> No.470001

at lower bitrates, yes, but above 198k, who cares?

>> No.470017

Keep in mind everything supports mp3, and at higher bitrates the format doesn't really matter.

>> No.470018

>flac is already compressed ~50% from standard lossless audio.
that's what confused me

>> No.470024

Mp3 doesn't pick up certain frequencies that are barely audible, whereas AAC does.
And if you really don't care, go lossless.

>> No.470031

flac is lossless.
reread the post, it doesn't say flac isn't lossless. It's saying mp3 and AAC aren't lossless, they are lossy.

>> No.470040

flac is lossless.
reread the post, it doesn't say flac isn't lossless. It's saying mp3 and AAC aren't lossless, they are lossy.

Poster probably should have wrote "flac is already compressed ~50% from UNCOMPRESSED lossless audio"

>> No.470057
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>> No.470060

miki = chair

>> No.470062

I wonder if they still shower together

>> No.470066
File: 23 KB, 308x448, 1205373562647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.470089

another dumb morning musume thread.

go to H!P online or somewhere else you want to talk about them.

>> No.470090
File: 170 KB, 996x1402, img20080409134513155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that staying relevant is the one thing a H!P thread cannot do...

>> No.470096

its slightly relevant

>> No.470105

nacchi = chair


>> No.470109
File: 37 KB, 544x357, 1208477642162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nacchi = chair


>> No.470111
File: 37 KB, 544x357, abechair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nacchi = chair


>> No.470119

Man some of them look just so fucking good. In 2D.

>> No.470124
File: 46 KB, 450x599, img20080410175442241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headphones/audio quality are relevant to H!P in the same way that forks are relevant to a cheese appreciation thread.

>> No.470131


>> No.470134


MM should be smoked?

>> No.470135

hand me down Kanashimi Twilight uniforms?

>> No.470140

seriously, i'm really looking hard. I can't seem to find anything outside of dead (or nearly dead) torrents.....

>> No.470141
File: 42 KB, 421x600, img20080410175444282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would seem so! These ones remind me of Go Girl...

>> No.470143
File: 33 KB, 412x600, img20080411154434399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually find Kanna cute at all despite looking like a monkey?

>> No.470155
File: 91 KB, 634x362, koi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont' really see it. Not enough overalls (or whatever the hell those things are

>> No.470174
File: 348 KB, 839x1225, img20080409122008525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also C-ute is getting to look a lot more like AKB48 recently...

>> No.470181

kanna <3

>> No.470187

maihaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3

>> No.470193
File: 100 KB, 948x564, fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit guys, i don't think i should be doing this anymore
pic related

>> No.470200
File: 64 KB, 500x500, coverA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link is from here

claims to be a lossless version of picture, but fails to deliver. It's just mp3 with 320kbps encoding, i believe

>> No.470206

Haha, I have that CD. I wish I were willing to take it out of the shrinkwrap to rip lossless for you guys. D:

>> No.470211

no big deal
it's not really one of my favorites. keep it shrinkwrapped for all time. trust me, its more worth it than giving it to me =)

>> No.470241

Oh fuck, all my Musume mp3 are like that. Fuck zetima.

What are you looking for? The flac of ALL SINGLES COMPLETE?

>> No.470240
File: 119 KB, 800x1140, img20080411223323789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! Online has loads of lossless ones though, doesn't it?
Even with my 1TB external I'm really anal about HDD space (comes from having about 50GB to play with for about ten years) so I don't download them, but I see them...

>> No.470250

ive got a torrent going of ALL SINGLES COMPLETE, but there's 2 seeds, and it's 1.18 gigs, and downloading at 9 kb/s, so really at this point i'm looking for any kind of FLAC that I can find. I've found a few 320kbps MP3, but I've been turned onto FLAC for now

I really actually ahve yet to branch into the actual albums and things, I've just listened to the singles

>> No.470304

This one?
I'll help reseed.

>> No.470310
File: 171 KB, 600x600, offgaki0118xy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these songs and albums...

Sexy 8 beat album (flac), 272MB:
2nd morning album (flac), 413MB:
~Ai no sono~, touch my heart! (flac), 99MB:
Aa! - First Kiss (flac), 88MB:

I uploaded to (mostly) different sites since it sucks waiting for another download off the same site.

>> No.470317

who is the sluttiest morning musume former member/member? I'm leaning towards Johnson.

>> No.470327

I might agree. She always acted like a bitch on utaban from 98-00, but then she kind of got her act a bit together after that.

That old vid of her passed out drinking at a party is interesting...

>> No.470347

yeah that's the one
thanks a lot!!!

you, sir, are a hero among anon. that must have taken a while to upload. If you want some kind of repayment, i can try to deliver....

want to see vid!!!!

>> No.470363
File: 15 KB, 348x73, like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason i like megaupload/rapidshare/etc

>> No.470365

ur face is a bitch

she was awesome on utaban before they made her leader. she was so insane and mentally lol. she got zzzz boring because she had to be the older sister/adult of the group. :/

>> No.470375

Internets to you all!


>> No.470378

anyone have troubles unarchiving Sexy 8 Beat?

>> No.470395

uploader here. Yeah, I kind of f-ed that up since I didn't realize I zipped it into a drive that had only 272MB available space. Sorry..

reuploading now

>> No.470397

>That old vid of her passed out drinking at a party is interesting...

i would like to see it!

>> No.470409

oh magnificent, thanks so much. Espeically because i just got the Sexy 8 Beat DVD Concert, it'll be exciting to get this

of course, my comptur's being all fucked up and won't just throw an error saying "can't do it" it's constantly trying from now on...

>> No.470449

After watching it again after so long, it's actually not that interesting...

Iida is passed out drunk on TAKUYA's lap, and you can't see much either.


>> No.470466
File: 23 KB, 200x176, 200px-Minihamuzu_no_kekkon_song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.470504

Here is Sexy 8 Beat in flac (fixed), 392MB:

272MB for the previous one did seem a bit low, I should have checked it before uploading...

>> No.470513

Much appreciated

>> No.470635

fuckin' customs, release my package already...

My copy of resonant blue has been is customs for over 2 days now.

>> No.470639

>Your IP address ***.***.***.*** has just downloaded 600743605 bytes. Please wait 67 minutes, then try your download again.


>> No.470654


>> No.470661

otaku magic!

>> No.470669

Not everyone has dynamic IP sir.
I am stuck by the same problem and no, it won't reset even if I change the MAC address.

>> No.470775

dorm room, can't really do it, sorry sir, try again

>> No.470782

Er, what?

>> No.470785

Proxys,motherfucker. Do you use them?

>> No.470819

er, did some leet haxoring. have different IP now....
sorry, i was being retarded...... =/ fix'd

would have been nice to know when i was b& lol

>> No.470830

I knew Nono and Aibon took baths together, but WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT??

>> No.470894


>> No.471079
File: 325 KB, 1024x1728, gam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471093

Well, it's looking pretty grim for resonant blue. I estimate a #4 or #5 place on the weekly chart, and maybe a few thousand below mikan in sales.

It seems no matter how much promo work they do, no one in japan cares anymore...

>> No.471115

because japan sucks.

>> No.471129

In the bottom panel, who is the guy on the right? He always seem to be the perennial self-deprecating guy and seems quite funny.

>> No.471180

butbutbut... in a tub there's room for two to sit. In a shower, they'd have to stand close to each other... and then... and then... they could...,llkjhgfdhjrykloes4saklkjhgfcASD678UUYTRFJIUlUH:O*WR(#6r93w7r9^#*&%*@$#@%

>> No.471187

i got too excited. also, link to interview video plz

>> No.471262

This is a time of time of great danger and despair for Momusu. The girls can't do anything to stop their power base from depleting rapidly and moreover, they can't restore their power relying solely on their homeland resources. Like their compatriots did 60 years ago, they'll invade Asia -rich in resources and new opportunities- to regain power and recognition. However, instead of using war and bloodshed, they'll resort to their voices and talents to conquer the mainland.
This is a tale a love, tears, determination and fanaticism. How will the crowds of a foreign country react in front of our heroines? Can they win the hearts of thousands even if they can't speak their language? Only time will tell if their offensive is successful enough to restore their former glory, not as National Idols anymore, but as International Idols this time...

I know it's not very good, but I wanted to attempt some EPIC in a Momusu thread.

>> No.471300

i enjoyed it. i think you did well. i'm curious and apprehensive to see how it turns out

>> No.471497

/jp/ - Japan/Sucks

lol, does this mean we'll see them arrive for their first North American tour in a balloon?

>> No.471565
File: 605 KB, 1024x2880, gam3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.471751


GAM is just <3
where's that from?

>> No.471823


Music fighter.


>> No.471824

GAM was failcaek

good riddance

>> No.471863

I love how both the duet groups thus far have been BFF pairs that died out due to scandal.
I also love how the reason Aibon (scandal #1) left Momusu was because she hated Mikitty (scandal #2).
Or are GAM still doing things? Because if they are then they shouldn't be.

>> No.471998

Although with W, it seemed like they paradoxically grew more distant after forming a group together. Or maybe they weren't good friends after all.

>> No.472029

they wouldn't have that gigantic purikura photobook of themselves (the one that they are kissing in) if they weren't friends...

>> No.472063

Well, that was before they got paired up as W. Maybe they got tired of being grouped together so much. They didn't even do each other for the futarigoto series.

>> No.472310
File: 27 KB, 298x450, 20080418-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujimoto Miki - Hakana

>> No.472312
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>> No.472313
File: 593 KB, 1280x2880, toro17539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakana - Entertainment News

>> No.472340


>> No.472570

>I also love how the reason Aibon (scandal #1) left Momusu was because she hated Mikitty (scandal #2).

lol wut?

>> No.472611

that looks like one of the fantasies of Hosaka

>> No.472629


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, looks like anon has his info all fucked up.

>> No.472712
File: 31 KB, 327x470, miki0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.472715
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>> No.472716
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>> No.472718
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>> No.472728


These pics are.. So artistic.

>> No.472764


why does Miki's head look majorly small?

>> No.472830

Super News 08-04-18

>> No.472832


>> No.472846
File: 45 KB, 500x364, 2008041820695201ltb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuura Aya
Himeji Confectionery Expo 2008

>> No.472917

Now if you'd have Hare Ame Nochi Suki (flac), that would be impressive.

>> No.472923
File: 741 KB, 1920x1920, yagusaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.472930

I can honestly say I have never thought about that. Sounds ridiculous.

>> No.472940

saki + yaguchi = <3

>> No.473034

it's a old rumor that they hated each other and miki is one of the main reasons kago graduated from mm, tsuji just got stuck along for the ride.

>> No.473074
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>> No.473290
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>> No.473293
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>> No.473295
File: 77 KB, 955x404, kaorin 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.473296
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>> No.473298
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>> No.473301
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>> No.473304
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>> No.473307
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>> No.473311
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>> No.473320
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>> No.473334
File: 10 KB, 400x450, SSS_024M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i may not be in Hello!Project anymore,
but i sure am having a fun time learning to dance like an epileptic nigger and dodging weeaboo fanboys in Los Angeles.

>> No.473340
File: 113 KB, 432x768, SSS_126M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! hey nice clip from Miki's stage play. she's ghost? a very small lady ghost.

Miki's actually tiny, she just has this big wavy styled hair so she looks bigger~

>> No.473359


I'm suprised we haven't seen any stalker pics or any Wota incidents in L.A. yet. Some of them have speculated she goes to get her usual daily coffee at a Starbucks in Culver City.

>> No.473372

Shining Musume in my Morning Musume thread? Well, at least it's still worksafe.

Maybe it's because they don't use it? Like if you train your muscles (lifting weight and such), they grow larger.

>> No.473380
File: 66 KB, 480x720, SSS_125G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the fanboys, too timid to move forward and ask for a picture? Goto isnt restricted from such thiings now that she's free of any current contracts.

or maybe she really has learned to hide well amongst the crowds~

>> No.473418
File: 170 KB, 680x512, SSS_101G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i still think those were really great push up bras she wore for GlassPumps and SomeBoysTouch.

>> No.473491
File: 24 KB, 320x180, hakana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAKANA Act1 08-04-18

Sasezu-dayu no Uta - Fujimoto Miki

>> No.473505
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>> No.473508
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Takahashi Ai

>> No.473539
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>> No.473570


Wow, she looks like a really young Yoshizawa in this pic.

>> No.473581
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>> No.473608
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>> No.473614
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>> No.473619
File: 49.00 MB, 400x224, toro15766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby demand a link to that.

>> No.473652

holy crap mittsie is getting cuter everyday. koharu is probably totally jealous :p

>> No.473657


>> No.473667
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>> No.473737
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Music Fighter [Talk] 08-04-18

>> No.473762

Thanks good sir.

>> No.473757
File: 235 KB, 1440x810, 211915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Tech 08-04-18

>> No.474278


Aika sounds SO much older than she is. I wonder what she'll sound like at 18.

>> No.475252

the same. <_<

>> No.475290

>Aika sounds so much worse than she should considering some of the much better girls who didn't make the audition. I hope she's not still around at 18.

>> No.475412

go drown u

>> No.475584


Fuck no! Johnson?! Nah - GoMaki no holds barred!

They slutted her up while she was in H!P...

>> No.475596


>> No.475617


I love this almost as much as I miss Konkon! She seems like one of the class acts of Momosu.

>> No.475653

Music Fighter 08-04-18


>> No.475655


fukkin saved!

>> No.475677
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>> No.475687
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>> No.475696


>> No.475726
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>> No.475739
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>> No.475743
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>> No.475746
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>> No.475751
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>> No.475759
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>> No.475769
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>> No.475781


In the second one of these links, does Sayu ask for more than one line in a song?

That is funny! She appears to say all she gets to say is "ah" and "umm" and then "Help Me!"

So tru and so funny to call him on it.

>> No.475782
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>> No.475788
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>> No.475792
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>> No.475794
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>> No.475805
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>> No.475810
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>> No.475819
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>> No.475822
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>> No.475828
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>> No.475827

oh I know where cock goes now

>> No.475836

That is very clever.

>> No.475841
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>> No.475847

lookin kinda araki there

>> No.475854
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>> No.475861
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>> No.475867
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>> No.475872
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>> No.475893
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>> No.475900
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>> No.475911
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>> No.475921

all pig disgusting the Mikuru can stay though

>> No.475920
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>> No.475931
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>> No.475934
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>> No.475950
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>> No.475955
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>> No.475962
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>> No.475978
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>> No.475988
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>> No.476000
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>> No.476018
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>> No.476022
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>> No.476024


>> No.476029
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>> No.476054

