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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 680x960, Feet pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46576590 No.46576590 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>46567925 #3834
>>46561874 #3833

>> No.46576596
File: 375 KB, 2048x1536, GKfM8dgakAA09bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.46576613


>> No.46576623


>> No.46576634


Found it!
Thanks anon, most of the links reference the Netflix "fake" first season, which is the 4th season after they bought the rights, which made this very annoying to find.

>> No.46576645
File: 55 KB, 680x680, GCmbKBSbMAAoYnZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre welcome

>> No.46576703
File: 17 KB, 378x312, chrome_ITpCBd7AN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys, I'm trying to set up a mining deck again but the green + button to add a word just won't show up.

I checked to see if I had properly set the model in yomitan and it is but it seems like it still won't work...

Any advice on how to fix this?

>> No.46576707

I'm on version 2.1.48

>> No.46576712
File: 468 KB, 680x682, 1712224342754687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't even know you could do that

>> No.46576718

have you installed ankiconnect and opened anki?

>> No.46576720

if you set everything up right, either anki is not open or you forgot to install anki connect

>> No.46576742

Hatate's pink feet and toes...

>> No.46576750


I did. I also followed this tutorial for the fix...

>> No.46576754

I'm gonna try it again maybe i fucked up something small

>> No.46576760

dunno maybe this information will help you

>> No.46576766

do you have dictionaries?

>> No.46576768

yea your dick

>> No.46576772
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>> No.46576780

long like my anaconda

>> No.46576791

he doesn't know too long dicks have issues get erections and might even die off due to bloodflow issues!

>> No.46576797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46576799

I do.

I was able to some what resolve this >>46576703
Used the old fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkOrg6wlysM&t=0s

Now it works again...
I guess i panicked and asked you guys too quickly.
Thanks for thinking with me. o7

>> No.46576806

Should i leave this on repeat?

>> No.46576807

shit i just totally switched those replies lol.



>> No.46576811

is this 寝取られ

>> No.46576828

>Thanks for thinking with me. o7
all of djt shares a braincell :3

>> No.46576837

So I tried this out and realized I'd rather do it by hand because I like to choose the translation depending on context and I'm used to add or don't add furigana depending on whether I'm trying to memorize the word or the kanji

>> No.46576841

you can do that, there's a setting to mine only the selected text in the dictionary, or add whatever you have in the clipboard

>> No.46576861


>> No.46576866

also after hitting that plus it should change to a book icon that quickly opens the mined word in anki so you can make your changes

should be quicker than doing everything manually

>> No.46576875

hitting that puss

>> No.46576883
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1554, GK3yCRgaIAArfpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46576890
File: 193 KB, 690x3075, 41651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wotd 寝取る

>> No.46576892



>> No.46576902

>tip #1
>just read!

>> No.46576913 [DELETED] 
File: 3.77 MB, 3200x1800, EV41b_0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.46576917 [DELETED] 

why do you have this picture saved anon

>> No.46576928

me and og(right)

>> No.46576948

when is this shit even getting released ffs i want to play this fucking masterpiece by the master himself
is there any other ntr game that even comes close to it?

>> No.46576949 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 1488x1061, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46576959
File: 374 KB, 728x408, q77wCYE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hypnosis bullshit

>> No.46576967
File: 649 KB, 859x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46576980

xiv guy didn't burnout

>> No.46576990
File: 266 KB, 560x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scars of summer(?maybe?
戦甲機ソルガンテ(takeda vibes
Avantgarde games are really good

>> No.46576989

>hypnosis bullshit
i like this only when the hypnosis doesnt work but the girl(s) play along

>> No.46577005
File: 101 KB, 732x1323, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, having a bit of a problem

I'm using a clipboard inserter webpage after OCRing the text, everything's fine...until the page is full. Normally it's supposed to continue under the previously copied thing and let you scroll. It continues but I just can't scroll, I don't have the option to : no scroll bar and middle mouse button doesn't work. I know the text is still getting parsed because I can sometimes see half-cuted text on the bottom (like pic) or because when I unzoom I can see it, but no way to reach that (unless I unzoom everytime but it's getting to the point where I just can't read it anymore) or F5-ing and losing everything. Also, no buttons works, only the font size is working.

Tried multiples websites, they all do the same : can't scroll, buttons not working
Tried to force activate JS, nothing

Anyone have an idea on how to fix that?

>> No.46577014
File: 631 KB, 1171x1487, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending hemorrhoids to all of the DJT gooners through the astral realm rn

>> No.46577018
File: 790 KB, 800x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hypnosis bullshit
no hypnosis(red)
only the other 2

>> No.46577026
File: 1.19 MB, 812x1139, mite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577027

also post jp img

>> No.46577082
File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already tried anacreondjt, same thing : can't scroll, buttons not working
I'm using Luna for the OCR because I'm watching a movie and it's hardsubbed (it's the only version available on nyaa since it's release), with autocopy to clipboard.
The hook page is filling fast, I have to F5 like once every 30 seconds

>> No.46577112

do you niggers constantly refresh the catalog to look for a new thread
get a fuckin life

>> No.46577126

girl on the left is hot af

>> No.46577142

+1 to that

>> No.46577147

nice lmao

>> No.46577150

damn j thought you were a high test big tit enjoyer

>> No.46577153
File: 187 KB, 479x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 to 112 that is
126 is whatever they have the smae face

>> No.46577166

oh wait it gets worse i didnt look at what he actually linked lol ahahha DEFINitely not into either of those

>> No.46577171

how about you only use ocr when you actually need it

>> No.46577178

jamel in the clutches of infirmity you love to see it

>> No.46577182

mined infirmity

>> No.46577187
File: 1.25 MB, 1044x1217, 1712926550446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true?

>> No.46577189

i didn't mine it i just acquired it

>> No.46577191

i mean why go through all that trouble when you can rub one out at home

>> No.46577193

the double meaning is lost on esls

>> No.46577197

they'd be singing a different tune if i was there

>> No.46577204

the thread was linked in the old thread

>> No.46577218
File: 66 KB, 1280x640, verb-continuous-form-teiru-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46577219

what is it

>> No.46577233

siru is a very informal verb much like not putting a ga in there

>> No.46577237


>> No.46577238

in firmity
could also be an iq issue haha

>> No.46577244

would rather be in firm titty

>> No.46577256

djt bros
i absolutely hate leaving bad rev for anyone unless its absolutely warranted. this has nothing to do with their jap learning approach, but just basic business practice, i bought project uproot and unfortunately didn't utilize what they offered. that's fine. paid for it, didn't use it, that's fine no complaints. after project uproot, they offered a new subscription plan where you can join a classroom with a select amount of people with the guarantee of a refund if it doesn't suit you.this is where i have a problem. first of all, to cancel your subscription, i literally had to email their support (which was difficult to find their email address), got billed and they had to refund the amount a few weeks later. there is literally no way of canceling your subscription on their website. as far as the refund i requested... it has been over 2 months of the support just saying "i need to see what ken thinks" every 2 weeks of me trying to not be annoying, but at this point i've lost my patience.

>> No.46577275

not on native esls

>> No.46577280

lets get this thread on track

>> No.46577283

if u got scammed by matto and his husband who drills his lil garden gnome butthole nightly in year of our Lord 2024 then thats on u bucky boy

>> No.46577291

big ups 2 that


>> No.46577306

>matt scamming people
tell me something new
>ken scamming people
as was expected

>> No.46577309

"Why do you learn Japanese ?"

Why can't I answer this ?

>> No.46577325

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvYuf4r-8xk (´っ・ω・)っ

>> No.46577331

I prefer korone and pekora to be honest
Call me old fashioned or someone with bland tastes but I digress

>> No.46577335
File: 864 KB, 1325x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it anon

>> No.46577342

Would watching Sakurai's videos in JP be good immersion?

>> No.46577350

soulful op
50¥50 slおp アニメ

>> No.46577363

because you need to go to therapy

>> No.46577365

nice some of the games she plays are actually watchable which can't be said for most of vtubers

>> No.46577377

u should watch urself go into a ウッドチッパー head first from the 1st person

>> No.46577393

is 言わな short for 言わなければ? if not i don't get what that picture is saying

>> No.46577398


>> No.46577404


>> No.46577406


>> No.46577416

jamal is like freeza getting pummeled into the ground because he cant fight at 100% anymore

>> No.46577420

memes are too self referential or referential to stuff from years ago. this place needs to freshen up

>> No.46577424

no it doesn't "need" to

>> No.46577429

1 (one) femanon and this place would explode

>> No.46577435


>> No.46577437

i need to delete my porn folder so i can start theodinproject on kubuntu but i love my porn folder

>> No.46577443

i looked that up and saw something about javascript got aids and closed the tab

>> No.46577444

do it i deleted my 2tb rezu folder and im doing more japanese than ever before (still itaiyo tho)

>> No.46577445

needing help understanding a particle

ノゾミ: これでもしショートカットアンカーを取り除けて
ミカコ: ただ一年だってメールを待ってくれる男なんかいないのに......

what does "よりから" mean here? from from?

>> No.46577450

why would you download something you can instantly access any time online

>> No.46577452

never delete, put it on an external drive and stash that somewhere where its not easily accessible

>> No.46577456

oh i don't mean my downloaded folder. i mean my bookmarks folder. gotta bookmark the good stuff

>> No.46577457
File: 55 KB, 597x774, FXcP8oFXoAEHkAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46577466

hey 2020 called it wants ur post back

>> No.46577468

the stream version of any jav is worse than the DL version.

>> No.46577472

cant imagine downloading porn

>> No.46577474

In this sentence, "よりから" is not a grammatically correct or commonly used phrase in Japanese. It seems to be a mistake or a typo.

The correct sentence should probably be:


In this case, "ウリから" means "even from Uri," where Uri is likely the name of a place in the Alpha Centauri system. The sentence translates to:

"Even from the closest Uri in Alpha Centauri, it takes four years."

The particle "から" in this context means "from" and is used to indicate the starting point or origin of something, in this case, the distance from Uri in Alpha Centauri.

>> No.46577480

if this place wasn't a closed system and a fucking pig sty and instead had fresh users then this wouldn't be a fucking problem.

>> No.46577481

Fun fact, Masahiro Sakurai did columns in famitsu explaining his thoughts on vidya. There are also compilation books of these columns.
I wish I had the money to import these, they look cool and may be good immersion books.

>> No.46577486

imagine being on a deserted island and all u have is 2 tb of bitches licking each others mankos

>> No.46577489

huh it actually gets pretty close

>> No.46577493

ai doesnt know shit

>> No.46577498

the duality of man

>> No.46577499

do better >:^)

>> No.46577500

new posters are welcome to come in and make their own epic memes like 木と青さ but they can't

>> No.46577511

u didnt appreciate what u had while it was there and its NEVER coming back

>> No.46577516

nah most of my vids were actually kissing-focused i can't even get off to rezu cunnilingus

>> No.46577527

enough about you

>> No.46577530

cant wait for the jav golden age when they decide to remove censoring

>> No.46577532

so does this mean u cant get off unless theres a dude in the frame and more specifically a chinko lol
i got osme bad news for u bud..

>> No.46577534
File: 3.36 MB, 498x254, kernel mustard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577540

they already do

>> No.46577542

umm ... not sure what you mean but i meant rezu kiss as in rezu kiss

>> No.46577549

you are showing your insecurities lil bro

>> No.46577550

if you mean the kaigai based av companies their content is limited
if you mean ai decensoring lmao go shoot yourself

>> No.46577556

im not insecure like if ur attracted to women then doublepuss should be double nutt bussin and hes sayin its not..

>> No.46577563

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd another big L for jama-L

>> No.46577564

begone off my board coomers

>> No.46577573


>> No.46577576

より sets the basis for comparison (like 以前より)
から sets the starting point of a motion

>> No.46577593

>double nutt bussin and hes sayin its not..
>black english

>> No.46577609

tripfag turns out to be a nigger?
never saw that one coming

>> No.46577611

2024ers lmao

>> No.46577613
File: 30 KB, 570x704, firefox_6gMn2ir6bW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577617


new goatis, actually on topic since she's japanese

>> No.46577621

あっやった明るくなったあーよかった 良かったー え何びっくりした

>> No.46577623

the greatest shame i feel is that i couldn't save moe from wacky cult leaders like that carnivore guy or haz the communist.

>> No.46577627

took me 10 seconds to figure out hes saying yo guys

>> No.46577631
File: 196 KB, 467x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont think that guy realized his placement of the text lmao

>> No.46577632

The sentence "一番近いアルファケンタよりからでも四年。" is grammatically incorrect. In this sentence, both "より" and "から" are being used to mark the starting point of comparison, which is redundant and incorrect.

Here's the corrected version:


In this sentence:

"一番近いアルファケンタウリ" means "the nearest Alpha Centauri"
"から" marks the starting point of the comparison
"でも" means "even"
"四年" means "four years"
So the sentence translates to: "Even from the nearest Alpha Centauri, it takes four years."

You are correct about the functions of "より" and "から":

"より" is used to set the basis for comparison, similar to "than" in English
"から" is used to indicate the starting point of an action, time, or comparison

However, in this case, only "から" should be used to mark the starting point of the comparison.

>> No.46577642

americanized asians are the worst (lil j included)

>> No.46577650

i miss moedonda :(

>> No.46577653

poast a time stamped photo of your arm

>> No.46577660

he can just pay a white guy on fiverr to do that for a few bucks
what would it prove

>> No.46577670

>jamaL is black
tell me something new

>> No.46577674

ok ok time to come clean this is me


>> No.46577678

same weight as me

>> No.46577681

considering 142 alone you know its nearly impossible

>> No.46577685

my brain got swole drinkin the water in detroit

>> No.46577727

159 is 13 times rarer than 149

>> No.46577760

So how do you guys feel about putting sentences on the front of an anki card? It is said that learning vocabulary from real contexts is better than learning the in isolation.
But I feel like I recognize the whole sentence after a while and from there I know the vocabulary in question, instead of understanding the sentence or memorizing the vocabulary. It's the same reason I don't put pictures on my cards, it's a crutch that makes it too easy to pass.

>> No.46577761

i thought they averaged 88

>> No.46577774

use fallback cards to avoid that

>> No.46577787

on djt both are equally as rare
use minimal fragments of sentences for disambiguation where necessary, otherwise no

>> No.46577788

i'm sure sentence cards would help but I'm too lazy to bother

>> No.46577803

they are not actually

>> No.46577806 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 800x534, GJpd2tFbwAALQ8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46577807

animecards are the best considering they're quick, and isolate vocabulary. this works because you're supposed to be reading a ton anyway. sentence cards would become redundant and time consuming.

>> No.46577808


>> No.46577816


>> No.46577818

Imagine not simply building a better future to avoid being nostalgic about the past

>> No.46577819

what that smell like

>> No.46577826

Is Korone Anon still around?

>> No.46577827

fitting website name theyre just as ugly as her

>> No.46577851 [DELETED] 
File: 2.32 MB, 2783x1250, 513123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pretty sure picrel have a name

>> No.46577871

Me as the guy on the right hand side.

>> No.46577872

wish my halfjp wife would suck me like that...
marrying someone with conservative parents was a mistake...

>> No.46577874

midwits love declaring how simple things in life are

>> No.46577891

things are actually simple on both sides of the bell curve
its why the middle is a giant speed bump

>> No.46577893
File: 95 KB, 273x350, 1705603141712476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577923
File: 1.59 MB, 2880x2880, 1712932229316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577928

each thing is but things are not

>> No.46577948

when ur mind is truly free of midwittery u understand the amount of complication u need to carry is actually very small because most things are actually very simple and its midwit pitfalls like indecisiveness that make things seem less simple to them

>> No.46577955

flew right over head didnt it

>> No.46577966


>> No.46577976

seemed pretty simple to me

>> No.46577979


>> No.46578059

lol it's a mistake you got owned by ai

>> No.46578077

nothing wrong with getting owned by ai

>> No.46578087
File: 39 KB, 232x130, doc_2024-04-08_11-50-33.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bilingual manga site is up again, yay

>> No.46578089

bro you should've learned japanese while it was down

>> No.46578094

i'm getting there

>> No.46578149
File: 70 KB, 513x679, GK-E03XbgAA_NGn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily wasavi

>> No.46578164

easy peasy

>> No.46578190

its not a mistake

>> No.46578222

How do you handle cards that you keep mixing up?
It took me months of failing these two cards until I realized which two cards are interfering with each other:
Only one of them means lackey.
I've been making disambiguation cards where the front side lists both words next to each other and I need to remember both, but I don't know if it's a good practice.

>> No.46578230


>> No.46578233

if the words dont matter to u and they are just on ur gay idiot cards then ur gonna have problems with them sticking
language acquisition is 100% reliant on picking up language that is relevant to u

>> No.46578238


>> No.46578264

>language acquisition is 100% reliant on picking up language that is relevant to u

>> No.46578265

>But I feel like I recognize the whole sentence after a while and from there I know the vocabulary in question, instead of understanding the sentence or memorizing the vocabulary.
i changed my template format so that it has the sentence on the front for new and learning but only the vocab for reviews. i like it so far but i've only been using it for a week or two.
you need the javascript api addon to do it https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1490471827

>> No.46578271

nope im right and thats why u cant refute it

>> No.46578279

dont have to refute your limited experience to refute you

>> No.46578292

my experience is much less limited than urs which is another thing u cant refute cuz im right and u are not

>> No.46578296
File: 118 KB, 220x220, korosan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he is gone forever

>> No.46578302

dont have to refute that false statement to refute what you said earlier

>> No.46578308

u also dont have to refute ur concession which i accepted earlier

>> No.46578312

the blue archive anime is going to have this boring gunfight bullshit every episode, isn't it? i probably shouldn't bother

>> No.46578319

yeah i dropped it immediately
the girls werent as cute as in the fanarts
there is zero story or signs of there being any interesting character interactions

>> No.46578321

i can refute that you didnt >>46578292

>> No.46578324


>> No.46578325

this is way too erotic

>> No.46578338


>> No.46578358

i think i'll give it 1 more episode but there's more than 2 minutes of boring action filler and if it doesn't give me at least one boner then that's it

>> No.46578363

it is just take the l from your robot master

>> No.46578366
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1200, dokupe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46578375


>> No.46578386

liking ecchi anime is the same as liking softcore porn in the sense that both things are gay and retarded

>> No.46578396


>> No.46578399

intellectuals don't drink the carbonated hfcs jew

>> No.46578418

ecchi anime is gay but regular anime should give you at least one boner per episode or it's shit that's just a fact look it up

>> No.46578419

I hope you're joking. That guy genuinely made me feel like I could do it, his presence in these threads always gave me hope.
The only way I would be okay with him leaving is if he actually married Korone and is busying raising his kids.

>> No.46578429

sadly im not joking, i wish he was still here too

>> No.46578438

queef is busy raising his wifes kid

>> No.46578477

true true, the highest intellectuals are carnivores

>> No.46578485

Because a fuckton of fun games are only in jap and I want to understand them.

>> No.46578502


>> No.46578509

Can /djt/ read Wikipedia articles?

>> No.46578513
File: 72 KB, 1166x1000, GK-HfyYbkAAXNkW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46578515

for posterity here is the truth behind the よりから incident
it's from some chinese guys attempt to transcribe a radio version of a makoto shitkai anime

here's the real line
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7198321 @ 5:25

here's the pastebin of the chinese transcription from 2016 which has mistakes on almost every line

and as a bonus here is jamal being fooled by it in 2019 >>21543938

>> No.46578527

like it or not this is what peak female looks like

>> No.46578557

I can read anything that can be text hooked

>> No.46578580


>> No.46578585

even if the transcription is wrong doesnt mean you cant say よりから

>> No.46578599

there was no need to self own on this. the chinaman was right about it being 4年 at least

>> No.46578605

qrd on that yori shit?

>> No.46578606

i bet you can't find a single example online that isn't a typo. and be very careful not to self own when you go looking for one. it's the same as saying "from from" lol

>> No.46578607

The Incident

>> No.46578632
File: 445 KB, 580x912, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found two really quickly

>> No.46578633

where's the self own? he's right except it's spelled without ー

>> No.46578644

I am a retard for forgetting about anime cards. Literally the best of all the worlds.

>> No.46578645

there was nothing wrong with jamal's explanation, and given that he could explain something that's technically incorrect in a correct way only makes him look better, you know.

>> No.46578646

>219 seconds later
>>found two really quickly

>> No.46578658

no need to continue to self own when i already gave you the answer. she says 4年 not よね
the fact you think からでもよね is fine there is funny

>> No.46578665

i asked wasavi about the よりから thing about an hour ago
maybe she'll have a definite answer for us tomorrow

>> No.46578677
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, tkmiz_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46578678

i almost feel sorry for her

>> No.46578690

I switched from pulling the cards from the deck randomly to pulling them in order, but now I'm stuck in a cycle of pressing space and '4'

>> No.46578696

has djt run out of things to impale themselves on in current times that theyve resorted to pulling rusty shit out of the shed of the previous decade to engage in their self harm activities with lol

>> No.46578704

>has djt run out of things to impale themselves on
douzo *unzips*

>> No.46578708

cant impale myself on a pussy put ur mound away

>> No.46578714

*turns off your webcam*

>> No.46578727

that makes no sense cuz i woudlve been fully zipped in that case

>> No.46578732


>> No.46578736

howd that work out

>> No.46578739

>the fact you think からでもよね is fine there is funny
i didnt listen to anything but the line and there is no ん at the end so if its supposed to be 4年 thats not my fault

>> No.46578742

retard lol

>> No.46578748
File: 20 KB, 594x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46578750

worked quite well for a good year or so

>> No.46578781

it never worked we just got bored and left and then we came back and reclaimed our thread with ease

>> No.46578786

reclaimed the title of king loser that is

>> No.46578804

nah we still let u have that one

>> No.46578811

crazy how jamal lurks queef's pisscord

>> No.46578825

ask him about the twitter examples >>46578632

>> No.46578838

you know you don't have to reply and self own you can just not post

>> No.46578837

i just wanted to play hte quiz :D

>> No.46578843


>> No.46578848

djt really is the あせものより of the japanese language learning community

>> No.46578855
File: 19 KB, 603x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-puss opinion coming through
sorry i dont even know how to write 前

>> No.46578862

guys i thonk its time we started calling quiz Big Q

>> No.46578867

crazy some guy just rolled in here and said hey remember this thing from 2019 watch me jam my face into it and kebab my own head lol

>> No.46578868

I recently learned Clud aka Claude refuses to extract text from old magazines because the ads and interviews specifically are "copyrighted"

>> No.46578874
File: 168 KB, 737x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46578894

that's because of the nytimes vs openai lawsuit

>> No.46578923


>> No.46578933
File: 108 KB, 867x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46578950

"than from" does in fact work in english
that ai cant be trusted

>> No.46578954

it only pretends to be retarded because it's roleplaying

>> No.46578964

oh i see cuz u made it roleplay as matto haha

>> No.46578976

hard to roleplay as j cuz ive never lost in my life

>> No.46578980

give me a sentence

>> No.46578985

>より is a particle to make a comparisons

>> No.46578994

once ai gets to the level of a 日本語教師検定一級 certified native instructor we will all be saved of these debates

>> No.46579022

soon japanese learning will become useless fr

>> No.46579025

Clud was quite lenient from the start with high performance because they used only the UN decl of human rights to censor, then they started cucking it very slightly for copyright and it visibly lost some performance. Still way better than open which loses its shit if you ask about something simple like jailbreaking

>> No.46579033

nah because the point is the journey

>> No.46579043
File: 1.26 MB, 763x900, CDisplayEx_g8knGH4bi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interviewer: "You are not doing the usual 12cm DVD, instead you'veu sed a unique 8cm standard for disks. Is there a major reason why -- an anti-copy (anti-piracy) measure, perhaps?"
Miyamoto: "Yes. Copy protection, as you call it, is why. The original big standard, if it was done, would allow detestable (?) sharing of copies. A few years later, burning DVD-Rs would be natural (?)."

>> No.46579049

soon anime will come out english dubbed by default and subbed in multiple languages including japanese for the dwindling japanese population

>> No.46579065

japanese writing is painfully bad
it's good actually but it's also bad in that japs lack that little bit of creativity & ambition to push them into excellency

been reading 約束のネバランド and man, it was SO close to being 完璧 but that fkn author fell off so hard after the first two arcs turning a grimdark horror story for youth into a generic shounen

>> No.46579066

meanwhile I can now hook my gamecube up to the ethernet and download vidya games

>> No.46579070

speaking of dredging up old shit to self own own, this must be from like 2002 or whenever the gamecube came out

>> No.46579077
File: 1.72 MB, 1797x2200, image0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, 2000.

>> No.46579089


>> No.46579115

were there even any good gamecube games and don't say luigis mansion

>> No.46579116

dang thats dope i should get a gc
i just played gc games on my wii since itll run them natively and has gc controller ports so i never saw the point

>> No.46579132

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life
Super Mario Sunshine
At least, those are the ones I've played thus far

>> No.46579133

mk double dash is dope dude and djt would b a better place if we had a weekly double dash race

>> No.46579135

>faggot has a wii

>> No.46579143

Oh and Pokemon Colosseum

>> No.46579147

imagine posting in a thread where half the post are one guy

>> No.46579154

yah im wiitarded dunno why wii makes u irrationally angry tho

>> No.46579159

tons of good gamecube games but that's only cuz games were good then

>> No.46579161

>half the post are

>> No.46579162

djt babey

>> No.46579164

ok yeah ill give you super mario sunshine that was a classic
i don't really remember playing any other good games at the time

>> No.46579175
File: 1.02 MB, 610x747, shinokka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46579178

actually i have to admit wind waker was good as well i forgot about that

>> No.46579188

youre a wiigger lol

>> No.46579208
File: 742 KB, 870x678, asadentv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should get a crt tv and revive my wii

>> No.46579213

say that to my face

>> No.46579261

you suck

>> No.46579275

double dash, melee, soul calibur II, nhl hitz, lego star wars

>> No.46579276

there has never been a good nintendo console or nintendo game

>> No.46579296

i know it's cool to hate on nintendo but try having your own opinion

>> No.46579299

switch is the best modern game console currently it just has more fun games than the rest but my nitpick would be a lot of them are old ip but if a game is fun to play thats the most important

>> No.46579303

based, a game is only good if you can bang nymph lolis in the forest

>> No.46579306

true true my ps5 is collecting dust
stellar blade soon though

>> No.46579309

u will never bang in the forest

>> No.46579327
File: 15 KB, 256x256, 1699245584336897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the best games on Nintendo consoles aren't first party.

>> No.46579332


>> No.46579351

why are femanons always into pimple popping

>> No.46579353

they wanna buss

>> No.46579355

didn't you know?

>> No.46579357

not even tv consoles can top this game

>> No.46579370
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1920, hm9YTDjp0h4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is good food

>> No.46579393

sv3rige approved

>> No.46579396

everything but the liver looks good

>> No.46579408

>chicken lever

>> No.46579415

its a german loanword in japanese
liver in german is leber

>> No.46579421

リバー is also acceptable thostever

>> No.46579425


>> No.46579434

i always thought it was よりどり緑

>> No.46579438

and your dad always thought you might be someone else's son but that doesn't make it true

>> No.46579448

dno what this uncalled for aggression is about with djters i think it's ya'll's diets

>> No.46579452

true true im always calm and only eat meat

>> No.46579458


>> No.46579465

diet can be linked to mental illness so it prolly does mostly come down to diet and physical activity
the madder and meaner u are the worse shape ur in

>> No.46579472

listen to the expert of knowing jack shit y'all

>> No.46579487

papi knows his stuff

>> No.46579506

did u really link an hour and fucken 20 minute thing :deadkrillin:

>> No.46579520

maybe gonna buy some modelos dunno bros

>> No.46579532

a little gratitude dude? we know you got nothing else to do with your time so... enjoy

dem mechs?

>> No.46579564 [DELETED] 

if i already know my stuff i dont need to watch it and while i do appreciate the gesture i am not gonna watch it cuz ive got this playing instead


>> No.46579613

dame these dudes are good

>> No.46579672
File: 183 KB, 581x850, GK9MISgbcAAk85x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right?

>> No.46579692

右 watches and plays with herself while i plow 左

>> No.46579721

左 watches and plays with herself while i plow 右

>> No.46579743

idk whats allegedly cool nigger i dont go on reddit or whatever the fuck. never liked nintenslop

>> No.46579762


>> No.46579777

What can I use to OCR text to clipboard?

>> No.46579791


>> No.46579798

cure dolly or misa?

>> No.46579807
File: 872 KB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 車のボンネットからジューシーな焼き鳥を発見!? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_18979]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46579819
File: 1.41 MB, 960x540, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 車のボンネットからジューシーな焼き鳥を発見!? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_18979]-[13.30.876-13.34.412].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46579824

powertoys if you are on windows

>> No.46579839

is that the gaki no tsukai guy?
man he got old

>> No.46579849
File: 315 KB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 車のボンネットからジューシーな焼き鳥を発見!? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_18979]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired ayatori

>> No.46579867

there was a 2006 episode with ayatori could've acquired it then

>> No.46579871

Oh, pretty useful, I'll try it with the recommended "poricom".
Thank you!

I didn't know powertoys had a JP OCR program in them.

>> No.46579878
File: 854 KB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 車のボンネットからジューシーな焼き鳥を発見!? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_18979]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe ive acquired it twice!

>> No.46579882


>>46577549 was not me but im still not sure what your >>46577532

>> No.46579886

okay show it

>> No.46580014


>> No.46580023

and kson makes me cringe im the apex predator

>> No.46580031


>> No.46580038

are you scared of speaking japanese too anons?

>> No.46580061

their hands are so feminine

>> No.46580062

thats crazy

>> No.46580071


>> No.46580079


>> No.46580085

is everybody going craaaazy

>> No.46580130


djt relates to this

>> No.46580192
File: 316 KB, 1108x1450, GK-WKTRacAAGrDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did it, 5 years!

>> No.46580238

Does anyone know where the setting is in Yomitan to only add the definitions I highlighted?

>> No.46580240


>> No.46580253


>> No.46580294
File: 174 KB, 1280x907, Teaser_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished non non biyori
time for some yurikino

>> No.46580295

>want to mine a word
>it`s said by the protagonist(who has no voice)
what do

>> No.46580303

you have to voice those yourself for maximum immersion

>> No.46580314

why do americans sound so cringe when they speak japanese...

>> No.46580329

same reason they sound cringe when they speak english

>> No.46580334

you cant sound cringe in the language you own

>> No.46580336

we use the jaw to accentuate our speech more than other languages
it's also why asians sound like they're choking on dick when they speak english

>> No.46580344

yeah if only americans owned a language

>> No.46580345

have you ever heard someone speak thai

>> No.46580364

we own this shit bro

>> No.46580367

i dont even bother with pronunciation since i just want to read eroge
is there no service or AI that can get me those sentences voiced?

>> No.46580395


>> No.46580457
File: 294 KB, 1080x1920, GK9TiOYa8AAqoLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just saw this image posted by a normie in a chat that has nothing to do with japanese.
it's so over

>> No.46580460

>it's so over
Why lol, it's not bad advice.

>> No.46580476

because the secrets of the inner circle are getting out

>> No.46580483 [DELETED] 

CS or apex

>> No.46580491

I already have the shitting bucket from the pic. I'm gonna make it.

>> No.46580496

desu the rattata drawing is cute

>> No.46580507
File: 108 KB, 704x1000, 71jZ6sPUh6L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't suppose any of you know where I can find all 4 volumes of pic related?

>> No.46580522

Do you really it's a lack of proper method that stops most normies?
Most people I know who learn languages (not just Japanese), stop after a few months at most when they get bored, whatever the method.

>> No.46580527


>> No.46580546


>> No.46580551

is it n6 day

>> No.46580561

has anyone ever reached N7 or even N8?

>> No.46580563

yea papi culo has

>> No.46580564

have you ever touched grass

>> No.46580568
File: 54 KB, 680x512, GK8dPCwbEAAUH6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive reached n20
kneel before me

>> No.46580582

bro aint funny

>> No.46580584

yeah it made me depressed

>> No.46580599
File: 783 KB, 1920x1080, LasTame - 08 (WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC)(Eng Sub)[LoliHouse+]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46580603
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, 婚約破棄された令嬢を拾った俺が、イケナイことを教え込む E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46580608


>> No.46580611

kaisanbutu as she sticks her manko into your face

>> No.46580613

I understood all the lyrics lets fucking gooo!

>> No.46580620
File: 44 KB, 320x308, touhou-cirno.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep poasting basic vocab and you *will * like it

>> No.46580634

Keep it up, it's the only thing my n100 self can read in this thread.

>> No.46580635

* i will not

>> No.46580640
File: 82 KB, 224x224, GK_iL6AaAAACW-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46580643
File: 55 KB, 545x695, ghk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna make it brother

>> No.46580647
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, LasTame - 08 (WebRip 1080p HEVC-10bit AAC)(Eng Sub)[LoliHouse+]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green guy is me at parties

>> No.46580666

pathetic projection

>> No.46580690

>going to parties just to be miserable
are you dumb

>> No.46580711

You can get the whole collection for about 17 bucks on Bookwalker.
The true irony of learning Japanese is that the scanlations are easier to find.

>> No.46580747


>> No.46580752

@culo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uq8lPGYR2E

>> No.46580760
File: 265 KB, 707x1000, 1712957820136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know

>> No.46580775

could we get a middle ground

>> No.46580792

Yeah it's unfortunate but it's looking like I'll just have to buy them outright.
I was hoping to find the raws to download and keep.

>> No.46580796

Let me get this straight. You want a MILF... who looks somewhat like a loli?

>> No.46580808


>> No.46580817


>> No.46580828

very nice, very uuoh

>> No.46580877

I don't want a cow and neither do I want a literal child

>> No.46580900


>> No.46580917

lmfao u aight culo

>> No.46580923

Watching my drama, every sentence I mine a word.
I feel so pathetic.

>> No.46580931

you should. just enjoy your show

>> No.46580933

how big is your dick, uh, deck?

>> No.46580939

is that period belongs where it is or not

>> No.46580952

is meant for

>> No.46580954


>> No.46580963

you should feel pathetic if you mine a word every sentence. if you don't want to feel pathetic, just enjoy your show

>> No.46580965

You should feel pathetic if you're not mining a word each sentence. It means you aren't learning anything.

>> No.46580975

I mine about 1 word per minute video on average, its best to have a balance

>> No.46580977

if that makes you feel better bro

>> No.46580984

You should mine the words you don't know

>> No.46580985

btw when I mine, the words go into a queue for me to later look at in bulk. The video doesnt stop at all

>> No.46580987

this has got to be satire

>> No.46580991

1422 words for the mining one, kiwi friend.

At least I do.
I enjoy the show, but I feel like shit stopping every time.

>> No.46580992

Are you retarded?

>> No.46580994


>> No.46580997

How do you do that?
You memorize the timing of all the unknown words then get back to them later?
Do you even need to mine with that kind of memory skills?

>> No.46581000

i can't tell because i can't read english because i never mined any english words. sucks for me

>> No.46581005

I can't tell if you're joking because your English honestly backs up what you're saying lol

>> No.46581010

those are rookie numbers in this racket
you gotta pump those numbers

>> No.46581024

clip the video file for a few seconds in both directions, usually gives enough context. Programatically with a button click

>> No.46581036

I hope so!

>> No.46581038

someone please translate this into serbo-croatian so i can read it. really makes me wish i had mined english words instead of just enjoying all those american tv shows

>> No.46581045

This looks like twice the work in the end, but I can understand the appeal of uninterrupted fun.

>> No.46581048


>> No.46581058

Your English is piss-poor, lil bro

>> No.46581060
File: 789 KB, 440x422, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f727949...2f36653732774f766f5338456979413d3d2d313137303437363136322e313663353336303733303337356535393233343936383435363632342e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL make it.

>> No.46581065

its a little more work, but not much so since I push the clip also to anki directly, run some cloze deletions and its done

>> No.46581068

man like close deletions wtf

>> No.46581072

That's the goal lol.

>> No.46581079

didnt you read the rules? you have to point out what is wrong with someones japanese. just saying its wrong is illegal
basically put your money where your mouth is if you are such a tough guy

>> No.46581081

any ana is a gole

>> No.46581085

believe me it shows

>> No.46581088

is it as bad as your act?

>> No.46581101

Anyone knows how anki leeches work? If I untag a leech and get it wrong several times again, will it re-tag it as leech, or it will never tag a manually untagged card as leech again?

>> No.46581103

What act? Just trying to let you know that it's easy to tell that English isn't your first language.

>> No.46581108

Do ESLs get good at English purely through immersion or does the fact that they learned English in school also help?

>> No.46581115

who asked? are you saying not doing english retard cards is the reason?

>> No.46581116

Yeah, it'll retag if you get it wrong. There's limit set in the options. I think it's 25 by default.

>> No.46581120

Whatever basic grammar/vocab you learned obviously helps.
At least I know it helped me when I actually started binge watched American sitcoms, because I didn't start from scratch.

>> No.46581125

japs learn english in school too and dont speak english
i was always years ahead of my compulsory english classes so i never got any value out of them

>> No.46581126


>> No.46581128

EFLs are so cute when they're trying to pretend as if they know who is an ESL before being told s
is that Eren's hand? whatever it is you're trying to make, right now you're making some bad foreshadowing lmao
English in schools is nearly entirely worthless.

>> No.46581134

>japs learn english in school too and dont speak english
They can read it fine though.

>> No.46581136

wotd こんにちは

>> No.46581138

You did when you tried to humblebrag about your shitty English skills on the DJT of all places.
>are you saying not doing english retard cards is the reason?
It certainly wouldn't hurt, given how bad you are at it.

>> No.46581140

ugh に縋り付く, not を
always something

>> No.46581141


>> No.46581146

I meant dumbasses aside.

>> No.46581150

>humblebrag about English skills
lol are you a genuine butthurt monolingual or are you just saying whatever to keep the bait believable?

>> No.46581156

Miko knows 0.7 languages

>> No.46581157

>He thinks it's bait when someone calls him shit at English

>> No.46581158

got a chuckle out of me with that one

>> No.46581159

>It certainly wouldn't hurt
nice walkback from "if you're not mining all the time, you're not learning anything"

>> No.46581165

Is this supposed to be ironic?

>> No.46581166

@ your reading comprehension

>> No.46581171

This video of Miko being unable to read 自由 gave me hopium

>> No.46581172

not reading any of this boring shit

>> No.46581177

Yeah, that too. Your reading comprehension is terrible

>> No.46581182
File: 56 KB, 976x606, 1712962793562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english is already over bro, just give it up

>> No.46581188

This thread is basically the English equivalent of the DJT on /int/

>> No.46581190

i don't have to do any of that shit
i just role my 20 sided jlpt dice
and that's the number you get
every time

>> No.46581193

esl bro...

>> No.46581196
File: 277 KB, 1447x2048, GK_00iNaoAA9R_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581199

stop samefagging

>> No.46581203

L2 in English means something completely different to most other languages, especially if your L1 is some click language in Africa or something

>> No.46581214

>more than one person thinks he's a retard
>wahhhhhhh stop samefagging >:(
kek my sides

>> No.46581213

All me

>> No.46581216

fags gonna fag

>> No.46581224

Those garters do not match with her underwear

>> No.46581225

isn't it time for your retard cards?

>> No.46581226

corrr love a garter belt

>> No.46581239

Just finished my 10 new daily cards on my pre-made anki deck, oh boy!

>> No.46581241 [DELETED] 
File: 344 KB, 1280x1867, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like playing with kids
rec vinnies with that in mind pls
need something to IMMERSE asap

>> No.46581242

wanna jack off in celebration of the weekend but im too tired

>> No.46581244

anklebiter spotted

>> No.46581243

isn't it time for your whitenoise sesh?

>> No.46581247 [DELETED] 


>> No.46581272

feeling like a king i bet

>> No.46581282 [DELETED] 

travelling japan really is like this

>> No.46581287

I cannot wait until i'm jouzu so I can finally get a beautiful Japanese wife and live in a Minka home on the countryside and 2.1 kids

>> No.46581289


>> No.46581290


>> No.46581293

if a pair of schoolgirls really sent out pokemon half your level and you one hit them, would you really accept money from them? Really it should be you giving them something

>> No.46581296 [DELETED] 

Why is that randoseru so unbelievably realistic looking

>> No.46581299

oh yeah would I give them something *unzips pants*

>> No.46581301

write "galileo tried rolling balls of differing weight down an inclined surface" in japanese right now

>> No.46581305


>> No.46581306

theyre the one who challenge u ud be teaching them a good lesson

>> No.46581311 [DELETED] 

This cover looks so good.

Play that :

>> No.46581320
File: 239 KB, 375x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try learning 日本語
>fails miserably
>try learning 汉语
>fails miserablyx2
i feel sorry for my bro :(

>> No.46581325

>try losing weight
>fail miserably

>> No.46581330 [DELETED] 


>> No.46581331 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1062x1500, 8d784ae34671fd143ff0a3c165409f07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna grind Kanna

>> No.46581334 [DELETED] 

>Pregnancy tag
>only mom

>> No.46581336

maybe if you get it right in english first
a surface going downhill from where you are at is at a decline

>> No.46581337

only seen one clip of this dude in one of your "funny" compilations and he seemed ten times more likeable than any of you

>> No.46581340

finna rewatch yamada and the seven witches

>> No.46581342

when we getting a Big Q edit

>> No.46581343 [DELETED] 


>> No.46581351

>maybe if
stfu we both know you can't do it

>> No.46581354

We aren't likable at all so it isn't difficult

>> No.46581356

>he seemed ten times more likeable than any of you
of course, he`s fat and black

>> No.46581362

stop reducing people to 1 dimensional group based caricatures

>> No.46581363

always lost my shit at itiban atui

>> No.46581365

this is just more anklebiting

>> No.46581388


>> No.46581391


>> No.46581405

it's not ankle biting if you're a nobody

>> No.46581412


>> No.46581425

you have two options now
1: repeat your post in japanese
2: bow in the dust to a nobody like me and apologize for being such a little bitch

>> No.46581426


>> No.46581428


>> No.46581430

but your sentence was a bit たどたどしい
at least say 斜面に沿って転がしてみた

>> No.46581443 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 1366x2048, realv766070-1592552843277631489-(20221115-161920)-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581455 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1127x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ciaran btw

>> No.46581457

You didn't provide that information in your request, also, mine was perfect.

>> No.46581459 [DELETED] 

Wait, that's Ciaran? Are serious lmfao

>> No.46581465 [DELETED] 


>> No.46581466

thought that was the grinch

>> No.46581471


>> No.46581482

Can't believe that's the guy who spams jidaigeki clips in here. That's hilarious.

>> No.46581483


>> No.46581487


>> No.46581491

I think it does. Why else would you call someone an ankle biter? You're trying to imply that the person feels inferior and has to take shots at someone who's better than them to feel good about themselves.

>> No.46581492

yea like the complete opposite of you

>> No.46581498

not me btw. we're through here since your sentence was literally perfect as you said

>> No.46581501

Yes? lol

>> No.46581508 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1080x1440, F30idSpbYAAwyVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581515


>> No.46581518

yoda's yodas

>> No.46581521

unlocked core memory: yearbook

>> No.46581523

you can bow to your superiors whether you are jealous of them or not, anon-kun

>> No.46581526 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 950x1369, GHgdt_Qa4AEkfg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581527

I wouldn't call ankle-biting "bowing to your superiors" lol

>> No.46581528

can this br saru stop spamming

>> No.46581529 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, F9BqHo9aMAAWMun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581545


>> No.46581551

take your own advice

>> No.46581564

you are just not following the flow of conversation or paying attention to what you are quoting at all.
your jealous post: >>46581471
was in response to this: >>46581425
which has nothing to do with anklebiting

>> No.46581565


>> No.46581573

I don't get it. You gave two options, and I picked the first one.

>> No.46581574

これを読んでくれ >>46581079

>> No.46581579


>> No.46581580

told your mom to put her money where her mouth is *zips up a fortune*

>> No.46581590


>> No.46581593

dont any of you idiots know what 脛齧り means?

>> No.46581595

Being a freeloader, especially from your parents.

>> No.46581598

now theres a special idiot

>> No.46581599

cant believe ppl are saying garyben is ciaran lmfao

>> No.46581600


>> No.46581602

if you take out the r its kinda accurate

>> No.46581603


>> No.46581611

Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer.

>> No.46581614

epic self own

>> No.46581618

Not familiar with that expression?

>> No.46581619

but it is.

>> No.46581621

this expression of idiocy no

>> No.46581625


>> No.46581629

dont stare at your monitor too hard

>> No.46581646

at least mine's on

>> No.46581651

weaving in and out of the tard traffic like neo

>> No.46581661
File: 388 KB, 1280x1856, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581663


>> No.46581670

don't post crazy shit like that

>> No.46581672

why? :(

>> No.46581673

lose some pounds bro its embarrassing

>> No.46581674

ciaran mastered japanese then ditched it and learned how to program in english because he's a pragmatic guy and not a tryhard. garyben was a dork who half-assed japanese and then bought a html+css book in japanese like the poser he is. the two are NOT the same.

>> No.46581680

>ciaran mastered japanese
no... just no...

>> No.46581683

how the hell did that anon know i'm obese

>> No.46581689

ciaran anklebiters are easily the most delusional/jealous ppl itt

>> No.46581695

how you gonna get to the midgets ankles though

>> No.46581697

why do these niggers recite some supposed namefag lore?

>> No.46581699

ciaran? the 40k anki cards? that ciaran?

>> No.46581705

this so much this

>> No.46581709


>> No.46581714

ciaran's got two stumps for legs. don't think anyone's biting his ankles anytime soon

>> No.46581719

wrote this post without even realizing someone accused me of being ciaran above. no dude i just give ciaran the respect he and his occupation deserve.

>> No.46581725

didnt know we had cock suckers here

>> No.46581732

americans are L2

>> No.46581734

secret tip it's the namefags talking about themselves in in third person (except when it's someone known outside this thread like matt or gambs)

>> No.46581742

The Euro/SA delusion never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.46581745

Exactly, though Gambs was definitely defending himself for a little while before he went full scorched earth

>> No.46581748

gambs won

>> No.46581755
File: 489 KB, 873x560, 1712798390266085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, what does を、より mean in this sentence?

>> No.46581759

the verdict is in boys

>> No.46581763

no that was all me

>> No.46581767

DJT is pretty good if you filter all tripfags and porn posters

>> No.46581770

but especially the uppercasers

>> No.46581779

を is the same object marker as always
より means more~
it says, draw the inside of the mouth with more detail

>> No.46581783

damn looks like this guy got owned

>> No.46581787

を always follows the direction object of a sentence, (i.e. "the texture inside their mouths"), and より is an adverb that means "more." So the editor is asking the artist to draw the inside of their mouths with more detail.

>> No.46581792

>Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data

>> No.46581821

My ass 玉 is less natural than ボール

>> No.46581827

Naruhodo, thanks for the help

>> No.46581832

matt would say ecelebs don't have the time for that.

>> No.46581851

and now let's hear from an actual publication

>> No.46581857
File: 1.99 MB, 1282x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name my mc(me)

>> No.46581861

now lets hear from paul allen

>> No.46581863

anyone else read it as mouthpussy

>> No.46581868

paul? how's the weather in hell?

>> No.46581869

No, I'm not a whitenoise coomer.

>> No.46581870

he was a real 160+iq

>> No.46581873

ask john
he's always right

>> No.46581878

dame, we all lost

>> No.46581883

no you didn't
i think you sound fantastic

>> No.46581884

they asked what sounds natural without specifying the register

>> No.46581889

thanks, anon. appreciate the vote of confidence

>> No.46581893

makes more sense there because the word order is different, dumdum

>> No.46581901

why cant djt be like that?
everyone friendly

>> No.46581902


>> No.46581913

bro dial down the micropenis vibes emitter a tad over there will ya?

>> No.46581914

crazy how pointless all your lives are

>> No.46581927

why are you so mean? :´(

>> No.46581939

Let us procrastinate in peace.

>> No.46581942
File: 1.31 MB, 1062x1499, 1655084698177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to be nice to your fellow anon, think 15 seconds before pressing submit on that mean comment, and lastly

dont be a meanie!

>> No.46581944

yeah dunno why he's like that but do you really want to turn this into reddit? fake nice and passive aggressiveness are sickening.

>> No.46581946

i do wish it were different but facts dont lie

>> No.46581968

you don't have to be 160 iq paul allen for your life to have a point

>> No.46582002


>> No.46582026

lil bro...

>> No.46582031

yes big bro?

>> No.46582042


>> No.46582049

thinkin of moe again

>> No.46582060


>> No.46582065

whale collection(?

>> No.46582076


>> No.46582083

>elen stop! giants are already not nonexistent

>> No.46582086

just hover your way to victory bro

>> No.46582095

get real friends

>> No.46582096


>> No.46582106

remember when death parade aired back in 2015 when i was just starting watching anime as a teenager and i try to watch it but my zoom zoom mind found it extremely boring and now that im 25 i think im mature enough to appreciate this anime

>> No.46582120

can japanese people really not write kanji by hand anymore, or is that just cope

>> No.46582124

yes, for now

>> No.46582127

what's the jp equivalent to 'tutorial' or 'guide' in a youtube video title?

>> No.46582135


>> No.46582136

bruh https://hinative.com/questions/25736342

>> No.46582141



>> No.46582150

you probably wouldnt understand what they're saying its too fast for you

>> No.46582152

wtf i was told zoomies couldn't write by hand anymore

>> No.46582161

I love it when they call me biggu poppa

>> No.46582169

>LunaHook dont support clipboard
its over

>> No.46582175

k first episode was pretty good and kinda kino till the bitch confessed she was a golddigger and it got way too dramatic. still pretty good

>> No.46582238

TIL there's a japanese-only DS game nintendo made that's basically a Kanji-English-Japanese dictionary with Pictochat's UX, and well... https://files.catbox.moe/jnmybz.mp4

>> No.46582248


>> No.46582253

Is that KanKenDS?
That thing is massive and amazing. It's way more than just a dictionary, has many practice text, test questions, half a dozen kanji minigames, etc.

>> No.46582264

it uses textractor plugins. you mean it doesn't support the clipboard plugin? that'd be retarded

>> No.46582269

So how is it better than Textractor? Does it automatically hook more games?

>> No.46582286

Nope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji_Sonomama_Rakubiki_Jiten_DS

>> No.46582287

you also can't launch a game via lunahost from what i can tell. and it also doesn't seem to have a locale emulator like textractor. lunahost is fucking gay.

>> No.46582288

never mind
you need to use the LunaTranslator and disable the translation
>Does it automatically hook more games?
>So how is it better than Textractor?
Luna gets the names always right and when someone moans or screams, it doesnt bug like textractor

>> No.46582300

this is the intermediate thread
hook cucks can relocate to int

>> No.46582312


>> No.46582328

finally an useful guide

>> No.46582342

girls are more addicted to checking up on social media than guys are addicted to porn lmao

>> No.46582348

never date a girl who is overly invested in social media

>> No.46582367
File: 23 KB, 600x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46582396

big if true

>> No.46582453

Having a little trouble. How will I learn with anki if they japanese speak so different from the words I learn?

Also, Is this sentence correct?

Can some one explain the difference in meaning?
Sorry It is very likely this has being asked 1 bazilion times.

>> No.46582487

missing the particle を

>> No.46582492

I tried downloading just the LunaHook and wasn’t able to even hook Phoenix Wright, unless there’s something I’m missing to it.

>> No.46582510
File: 1.00 MB, 1906x745, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LunaTranslator setup
Clipboard setup

> ――学園時代の六年間、俺はずっと寮生活を送っていた。
dont know shit



>> No.46582519
File: 81 KB, 1215x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use LunaTranslator and turn off the translation(picrel)

>> No.46582523

>continuous past

That's like first 5 lessons in any grammar book. The rest you can mouseover.

>> No.46582524

Why does it need a separate program just to hook some text? lol

>> No.46582535

man this program is ugly disorganized chink shit

>> No.46582573
File: 937 KB, 1878x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% comprehension
Oh, now i undertand

>> No.46582581

djt has fallen

>> No.46582588

How did you not have 100% comprehension with that after hovering?

>> No.46582596

first time reading a vn _.
same happened when I first read manga, 1hr to read one page, after that was ez

>> No.46582601

Yeah, but the grammar and vocabulary is pretty straightforward. I'm not sure how you're getting confused by it.

>> No.46582604

gambs stole our rattata meme and is raking in the glory

>> No.46582610

lil bro, not everyone has a high IQ...

>> No.46582614

truth is the game was rigged from the start

>> No.46582644

It's got nothing to do with IQ, just basic reading comprehension.
>Oh, what's this? A school period, easy. The の particle is going to show a relationship between it and another compound noun
>Cool, a 6 year period. So it's saying during the six years of someone's school life.
>I had spent the whole time in the dorms. Neat, so straightforward!
How do you have trouble with this?

>> No.46582669

>being so autistic you can't understand variance in learning progression between people

>> No.46582678

The fact that you needed ようやく学園を卒業し to make sense of that is truly amazing.

>> No.46582716
File: 616 KB, 326x316, 1709263079680069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts learning japanese
>eventually gets over it and got gud
>pretend you never struggled and act like it was easy from the start for 4chan clout

>> No.46582738

stop roasting beginners

>> No.46582745

who are a you quoting and dont use my gif u faggot

>> No.46582761

I could understand if it were some obscure terminology or a confusingly worded sentence, but come on, anon. Be real for a second.

>> No.46582772

choosing to pick a fight with a beginner is weirdchamp

>> No.46582793

Nah, you can't come in here claiming to have read manga no problem and then get tripped up by N5 grammar.

>> No.46582805
File: 1.45 MB, 1282x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need rape correction
>claiming to have read manga no problem and then get tripped up by N5 grammar.
i only read 1 doujin( 僕の母さんで、僕の好きな人。9 - 70 pages) (´っ・ω・)っ

>> No.46582828

As unbelievably sad as that is, that should be more than enough to be able to read basic VN prose without much difficulty.

>> No.46582915

how many boku users are on djt

>> No.46582938

Zero. You get made fun of for using it on here. I personally like 私, but some people think it makes you sound feminine. It's worth noting that those people don't know Japanese.

>> No.46582948

how many cards do you guys do in a day
im at like 130 and it feels too much

>> No.46583002

Why are you doing that many cards?
If you do 10 cards a day you will learn japanese in a year.

>> No.46583052
File: 35 KB, 385x390, 1697967977203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you do 10 cards a day you will learn japanese in a year.

>> No.46583065

has there ever been a goog explanation of 思うに which explains the formation of this phrase on a technical level? i mean i get what it means, intuitively as well, but not when i'm actually trying to think hard about it.

>> No.46583071

It's literally just 思う (thought) + に (in). In one's thought, in one's opinion, in one's view, upon one's reflection, etc. etc.

>> No.46583128


>> No.46583142


>> No.46583159

how can you tell the difference between られる usages and honorific られる usages?

>> No.46583172

would be funny if korareru was get cummed on

>> No.46583177

The register will be different. Honorific speech is only used under specific circumstances (e.g. a person conducting an interview on TV) and will be consistently applied across their entire speech.

>> No.46583206

played some super mario rpg in japanese
its pretty nostalgic but this game is for babies

>> No.46583217

is it normal to not 100% understand phrases when you starting to read

>> No.46583225

Not if you have a dictionary a google, no.

>> No.46583238

frankly i probably need to read more grammar
mine is spotty at best

>> No.46583270

Your hover dictionary should technically have all the grammar points built in, but I'd recommend Wiktionary if you need a more thorough explanation.

>> No.46583275
File: 860 KB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46583284

The duality of (wo)man

>> No.46583377

is it me or do all the verbs sound the same? it's like (one mora) + ru
ok thanks..

>> No.46583409
File: 923 KB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramatic bitch with the 机ドン

>> No.46583414

What about 蘇る?

>> No.46583421

I hate how they keep pushing homosexuality in my mangas

>> No.46583427
File: 445 B, 68x35, 1706123204149294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya bro im not that advanced

>> No.46583430

True true, this is the intermediate thread.

>> No.46583531
File: 1.17 MB, 1441x2048, DLRAW.TO_134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dykes in my dyke manga?

>> No.46583541 [SPOILER] 
File: 512 KB, 629x985, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46583549

2 gay 4 me
str8 or die

>> No.46583551

umm i love furigana

>> No.46583590

jinrui no uragirimonome

>> No.46583631






>> No.46583659 [DELETED] 


>> No.46583763

>JP translation
lets fucking GOOOOOOO

>> No.46583801

what does making it look like?

>> No.46583820

like this *unzips*

>> No.46583822


>> No.46583825

you know how sex with a condom feels numb and boring?
watching anime without subtitles and understanding everything is like fucking that girl you knew for years raw for the very first time after years of fucking them with a condom
it's a whole new sensation and your cock will feel so good after listening to those japanese words and immediately processing them and its so exciting because of pregnancy risk and stuff

>> No.46583832


>> No.46583849

i can't relate to your analogy anonymous, can you try it again with food or computers instead?

>> No.46583862

yeah so imagine playing garry's mod but all the maps have tons of purple-black textures because you dont own counter strike source
you got so used to the shitty map missing texture textures that you cant imagine the map in any other way

one day you decide to buy css
upon opening up garrys mod again you are extremely taken aback by how beautiful everything actually looks
it was like you were colorblind all along

>> No.46583879
File: 75 KB, 750x601, 1537887940191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish sousou no frieren was a vinnie

>> No.46583883
File: 63 KB, 2560x1282, 0413170859870-iH9rHHMIjYu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long it took for you to conjugate on the fly?

>> No.46583897

no idea cuz idgaf about output

>> No.46583902

no idea what an unexpected conjugation is supposed to be

>> No.46583909

しちゃった and such i guess?

>> No.46583916

aggregating new verbs isnt a conjugation though

>> No.46583968

past, impolite, failure, unexpected (聞く)

>> No.46584000


>> No.46584026

revenge of the gambs

>> No.46584030


>> No.46584059

crazy how much influence djt has without people realizing it

>> No.46584063

influence this *unzips*

>> No.46584115

the fuck kind of term is "ankle biter"
that's a word for toddlers, you're using it wrong. were you thinking of the saying with the crabs in the bucket instead?

>> No.46584133

ankle biter implies that someone stands tall while others merely grovel at their feet in terms of japanese skill. how do you not get the imagery?

>> No.46584143

or likewise, someone being able to walk while others still crawl

>> No.46584155



>> No.46584179


>> No.46584223
File: 123 KB, 700x1100, a9ybzr1_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46584229

is that a fkn reddit watermark

>> No.46584243

we should have a djt watermark >>46584000

>> No.46584252

djt isnt using ankle biter wrong we are beyond native wordsmiths warping the language to suit our needs
you wouldnt get it

>> No.46584263

imagine being a habitual oriental cartoon coomer and thinking you're not weird

>> No.46584278

i frequently misuse words cuz im a feeler and like sometimes i just make up words and expect people to immediately understand them but theyre too brainwashed to have a creative mind like us

>> No.46584341

"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow"

Is there a sentence like this in japanese which contains all the kana?

>> No.46584375
File: 118 KB, 668x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46584383
File: 377 KB, 1052x744, 1713004892206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can writing down kanji help you remember them?

>> No.46584385

Is there a modern one that also contains ん?

>> No.46584390

writing down anything can help you remember it, but it's often a waste of time

>> No.46584391

the question is not whether it can help, but whether it is worth it and the answer is "no"

>> No.46584397

but what if your friends find out youre learning japanese and want you to write something

>> No.46584401

I'd just say that I didn't learn handwriting because it's pointless

>> No.46584408

whats it called when you use human body as a flat canvas board for calligraphy, nyotaimoji?

>> No.46584434

this question has defeated claude opus

>> No.46584448

you tell them the reason you're learning is the consumption of erotic content

>> No.46584458

this has got to be one of the saddest posts i've read in djt
i can't even fathom "starting" anime in 2015 as if it's some project

>> No.46584470

true i was watching animes from birth

>> No.46584474
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immersion of the year

>> No.46584478

of course the jaded nword finds people committing themselves to a hobby unironically "sad"

>> No.46584494

what is even your complaint

>> No.46584509

that post completely opened my eyes as to why zoomers behave the way they do and why anime is what it is. just completely ruined my day

>> No.46584512

hololive fans are all grown up

>> No.46584520

at the point where I can understand about half of anime without looking shit up, even moreso with easy shonen shows like one piece mha dbz etc.
should I start watching VTumors to see how people speak more casually?

>> No.46584526

i don't know man that's a very hard decision to make. maybe you should consult your doctor first

>> No.46584533

vtumors are extremely advanced content, not sure if you're ready for it yet
maybe watch dorama series first

>> No.46584546

true ture
vtumors are late stage retardation

>> No.46584567

will look some up sankyuu

>> No.46584581

like are you even aware how verbs there are based on this fucking bitch --> 縮?

>> No.46584597

>how verbs

>> No.46584599

i disagree

>> No.46584638

you might need one of these treatments before switching to listening heavy input

>> No.46584642


>> No.46584693
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acquired こわいい

>> No.46584700

you're ready once you can transcribe this https://streamable.com/vqsj3w

>> No.46584705

nothing worse than a high IQ bully. you're a piece of human garbage.

>> No.46584719
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ことはない can apparently express that there is 'nothing more than'. fuck this language

>> No.46584727

true true

>> No.46584768

this is one of those cases where you just need to feel it out

>> No.46584808
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>> No.46584861

God damn that must feel amazing technology is crazy

>> No.46584865

Well, you’re really just saying “there has never been (that kind of happiness before),” so the language is internally consistent.

>> No.46584892

yeah, i also still think that's one of the crazier abbreviations that they do. and it's common too. they're just lazy speakers. it also overlaps with other expressions.

これほど嬉しいことはない is short for これほど嬉しいことは<ほかに>ない
couldn't be happier, super happy
you just can't know this without learning it imo, they habitually leave out a curcial part of the sentence

however ことはない has other uses
慌てることはない there's no need to be in a rush

negative form of Vたことがる

>> No.46584926
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>> No.46584944

i want to go american history x on every vtumor's head but this one especially

>> No.46585006


>> No.46585029


>> No.46588318

is that a motherfucking aya fumo on the left
