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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.46523851
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>> No.46524079
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>> No.46524092
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>> No.46524181
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>> No.46524234
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>> No.46524442

BMSG has fallen. Time to move on to better Japanese artists with chill and mentally healthy fanbases like Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, and Nemophila.

>> No.46524472

I really doubt those fanbases are chill since they have a literal lunatic like you in them

>> No.46524676

Didn't Saki just shitcan Nemophila?

>> No.46524871

time for

>> No.46524873

Yeah bands sometimes lose members. This is nothing new. Yui left Babymetal because she got pregnant with Futa Su's love child after they had hot, intense, passionate sex. Futa Su will fuck anything that walks. She can't keep it in her pants.

>> No.46525364


Underrated culo

>> No.46525778

Hana laughs at your tiny peepee

>> No.46525879
File: 174 KB, 1080x603, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to watch this?

>> No.46526015

>so yume who is beautiful as hell is gone
Are you really surprised? Being an idol is something for girls with no redeeming qualities besides looking slightly above average. There's a reason most of them end up with washed comedians more than twice their age. Yume made the right choice. She'll enjoy school life and get some chad dick. And soon she'll marry some good looking guy from a wealthy family. Yume is the type of girl who one day will run the world. The only thing the likes of onefive girls will run one day are prostitution rings or ruling with iron fist over their three disfigured ugly children procreated by an unfunny fat man old enough to be their grandfather

>> No.46526258

Short clip

>> No.46526318

shut the fuck up soufrierre

>> No.46526331

>There's a reason most of them end up with washed comedians more than twice their age.
Name 20 examples.

>> No.46526416

Here momoe is showing what her body is meant for, anal gaping. And she is showing it ready for any takers.

>> No.46526499

unfortunately it's geoblocked and paywalled behind having a SKY PerfecTV! account

>> No.46526937


>> No.46527024


>> No.46527166

Seriously I want to kill every kobacuck bootlicker. BM girls are the only important here and have potential for being bigger that the mind of a miserable producer

>> No.46527289

Imagine Futa Su anally inseminating and impregnating you after hot, intense, passionate buttsex and nine months later you have Futa Su's buttbaby. that would be funny.

>> No.46527483

That is unfortunate but at least we have been getting lots of other content from them.

>> No.46527974

Dinner with Soyo

>> No.46529096

What a sad hateful little man you are.
Go ahead you angry little maggot. Call me “Paul” or “soufrie” or “Kobacuck” or whatever buzzword you think is funny.
It won’t change the fact that nobody gives a damn about your opinion and there are tens of thousands of people who like BM and don’t have the group’s manager living in their head rent free.

See you tomorrow when you bitch about it some more again.
Don’t forget you’re here forever. But also don’t forget nobody here gives a shit about your anonymous opinions.

>> No.46529556
File: 369 KB, 1478x1108, Hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Hinata

>> No.46529873

based you triggered paul lol

>> No.46529907

stfu paul

>> No.46530349
File: 1.03 MB, 256x320, IMG_9053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Su has relentlessly lewd ears and I’m sick and tired of BABYMETAL & SAKURA GAKUIN GENERAL pretending that she doesn’t.

>> No.46530360

thanks for your input paul

>> No.46530586

People still listen to Babymetal? People still listen to Jpop? Wtf?

>> No.46530924

Suzuka blep compilation

>> No.46530946
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Sensei, Marina and Hana will all be on the same stage for Ray’s 26th birthday orgy.

>> No.46530953

>Ray=Rau but I’m sure Ray is invited too

>> No.46531423

Rau tits webm plz

>> No.46531932

There are many people who believe that the Babymetal girls should become creatively and communicationally independent from Koba, they just don't say it as well as I do, that was expected since they turned 20.

Well, if they don't do it then they are only Koba employees, not artists, there is no art or genuine contribution from the girls other than Suzuka's voice, because the choreographies are from a separate teacher as well. that is, Koba and Mikiko tools. 3 tools if we add the boring trash bag designer.

and I'm not saying that the three of them can't do it by their own way, they just don't let them and bm it's in a stagnation, if it weren't for the featuring, bm it's not contributing any evolution.

miserable conformist.

>> No.46531968

They are one of the top 9 J-pop groups!


>> No.46531996

Su wrote one song though?

>> No.46532003

hopefully she'll display her lovely feet

>> No.46532117
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>> No.46532125
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>> No.46532133
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>> No.46532211

I'm a guy and I want Futa Su to impregnate me with her big futa dick and hot girl cum. I want her to BREED MY BUSSY.

>> No.46532231
File: 3.86 MB, 1074x1476, 7354736274093133063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46532251

That’s what you sound like.

>> No.46532331
File: 3.95 MB, 720x1280, m.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo at GO-AheadZ hip hop festival

>> No.46532697

Also I'm seeing a pattern here
>New song by a BE:FIRST producer
>Goes to BE:FIRST concert

>New song by a Chanmina writer
>Goes to Chanmina headliner festival

>> No.46532938

Who at the what festival? Bro no one gives a shit about these people. Most people don't even know who they are. Post people that are actually talented, relevant, and popular lol

>> No.46532965

>Post people that are actually talented, relevant, and popular
But then you'll complain they are offtopic.

>> No.46533019
File: 79 KB, 735x785, 01f18fd7b0d9b19a3c9570806d23963c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*jazz hands*

>> No.46533026

>Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, and Nemophila
>talented, relevant, and popular

>> No.46533043

huh gummy actually looks hot here

>> No.46533162

Healthy lady

>> No.46533277
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>> No.46533279

Hnnnng let me bite your nipples mariri

>> No.46533320

Even Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, and Hanabie all have more followers on social media than Onefive lmao

>> No.46533326

No, but she will let you suck her cock.

>> No.46533458

It's really pathetic how Babymetal has become too big for you to attack so now you punch down at smaller artists like Onefive and Sana.

>> No.46533577
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>> No.46533682
File: 46 KB, 614x526, image (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty damn funny that their tour bus left all three of the girls behind.

>> No.46533784

Hanabie > Babymetal

>> No.46533881

she is way too cute

>> No.46533922
File: 3.88 MB, 1080x1350, 296042343528720.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46534442


Everyone is OneFive except for Kano is trying to outwhore each other.

>> No.46534659

funny enough, Kano has the sexiest body among them

>> No.46534697

Yeah, she usually wears pants and doesn't show her belly as much

>> No.46534929

Kokona cooking with English subtitles

>> No.46535741
File: 3.91 MB, 1080x1920, 1684414744293972.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46535860

>Is there a new genre that you've come to like recently?

>MOMO: I sometimes get rap parts for @onefive, so I started listening to hip-hop, which I had never listened to before. I got hooked on it, so I often listen to it at full blast before going to school.

>Can you name a specific artist?

>MOMO: Well, my favorite artists lately are a woman named Ashnikko and Kanye West! Kanye West's "Yeezus" is my favorite album, and I've been listening to it a lot.

>> No.46536023

Raping Momo's ass

>> No.46536559 [DELETED] 

Did you not get the hint the first time you were banned? Do you have a severe mental disability?

>> No.46536571

Momo would be the kind of low IQ pick me bitch to think Kanye is good music.

>> No.46536953
File: 5 KB, 343x78, 1698377379017144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that she got the highest nendo test scores ever, but of course that doesn't mean she has good taste.

>> No.46536998

I didn't mean to post that pic but there it is...

>> No.46537112 [DELETED] 

>first time you were banned
it's like you want people to point at you and laugh

>> No.46537187
File: 105 KB, 917x222, 1698628266021384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well post this pic too. Kano and Momoko have a lot in common!

>> No.46537310
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, mariri bobs vag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese TV is fucking crazy!

>> No.46537551
File: 74 KB, 568x671, Sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46537861

Gotta admire them being able to get away with this kinda stuff.

>> No.46537905
File: 287 KB, 878x676, 1711798378053989.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek probably missed their call time since they've been fucking all night

>> No.46537964

Yeah as if Jpop didn't have enough rap lol they're not even hiding the fact that they're blatantly ripping off K-pop. What idiot takes Onefive seriously? They're even less authentic than Babymetal.

>> No.46538148 [DELETED] 

To be fair, you have to be mentally ill to post on 4chan. It's like a prerequisite.

>> No.46538716

Jesus christ. Normally I don't horny post in here but DAYUMN would love to fuck her in that position

>> No.46538731

At this point, let's just post actual porn in here

>> No.46538798

Wow she's beautiful and I love her growls!! Who is she?? I wish Babymetal would incorporate more screams into their work as well, I feel like they are being left behind

>> No.46538956 [DELETED] 

So you’re admitting to repeatedly breaking the rules and evading bans to then break the rules again out of spite for the people in charge of regulating this place? Cool thanks for the info Mr. Sociopath!

>> No.46538967

Knowing math and geography and shit put as trivia questions on an idol “school” show and having actual sense and intelligence are two different things.

>> No.46538972

Stop it schizo.

>> No.46539075


Is there a link to this stream?

>> No.46539081 [DELETED] 

This.Kanye is patrician garbage but I’d still ass blast Kano.

>> No.46539085 [DELETED] 


This. Kanye is patrician garbage echoed by people who suffer from hive mind. But I would still blast Momo in the ass.

>> No.46539152
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>> No.46539295
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>> No.46539474

Where is her penis? Show me her penis!

>> No.46540016
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>> No.46540034

That's a femboy

>> No.46541260

Why this girl is always naked?

>> No.46541411
File: 255 KB, 2048x1158, 1711256008058512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you come here only to talk shit about Babymetal and Onefive, but it's not a rip-off when they have literal K-pop producers and writers making their music. It must be really exciting to have people from some of their favorite groups making their music.

>> No.46541423

Because she is so pure she does not need clothes.

>> No.46541524

They have Kpop songwriters and producers making their music for them? That's even worse! That makes them even more fake and inauthentic. Why are they trying so hard to be Kpop? Don't they realize that Kpop is starting to decline in popularity because it's so obviously fake and shitty? Why do they insist on doing awful music? Damn, Jpop really has fallen. Time to move on to REAL Japanese music made by REAL musicians with REAL talent like Band-Maid, Otoboke Beaver, Hanabie, Nemophila, Melt-Banana, Gacharic Spin, Trident, Gordon, etc.

>> No.46542255


>> No.46542687
File: 2.76 MB, 4343x2048, zLOLr5V2ljp69j63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this video has 2/4 of the new songs, Unfair and Kaguya-hime Nante Yobanaide. It doesn't have Seno, or Haru with lyrics by Sana.

>> No.46543016
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>> No.46543262
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>> No.46543502

But can she get dicked in that position?

>> No.46544649

How come underground idols upload in 4K but Babymetal doesn't?

>> No.46544808

babymetal is only babymetal because of koba who created it and put su, moa, yui, and everyone together. just the girls wouldn't make babymetal as it was and is, from concerts to songs.

>> No.46544842

These guys don't care. They just want to masturbate to young Japanese idiots.

>> No.46544846

But can you get dicked in that position?

>> No.46545094

So Koba is the reason their videos are in 1080?

>> No.46545137

Holy shit, you guys talk about literally anything except the music

>> No.46545151

The music they released 8 months ago? Why was the music video not in 4K?

>> No.46545293

you are so fucking annoying it's insane

>> No.46545425

You people are so fucking annoying and constantly ruin this general

>> No.46546144


Affraid so.

>> No.46546182


Ok. Talk about the music. What about it?

>> No.46546242

They’re not ruining the general. The general has been ruined a long time and they’re all that’s left.

In the world around you there are people, beauty, nature, and also decay and insects. If everyone and everything of value leaves what remains? Just the rot, the worms and the roaches.
You’re currently in the decay of post BMSG, telling roaches to stop being roaches.

>> No.46546310


I say once again. Elevate the conversation. Enthrall us with your thought provoking content. Do you even have any?

>> No.46546329 [DELETED] 

Yet another lame of “these guys don’t talk about anything but sex but I got nothing either”

You’re such a crashing bore.

>> No.46546345
File: 27 KB, 384x384, IMG_8854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone: Ok nigga. Talk about the music. What about it?

Nigga: …….

>> No.46546779

Can it roach. I’m not even the guy who said “talk about the music.” I’m just letting him know why he feels the way he feels.

>> No.46546947

YES, EXACTLY. There are litetally million other forums to talk about BM's music, this shithole isnt one. Damn, i talk to my friends about how good BM's is and how we have the best singer of its generation. You know... real life friends? You should try it, its great to have them

>> No.46546979

It's not very nice lying to your friends.

>> No.46547082


>has absolutely nothing to say. Resorts to samefagging.

>> No.46547377
File: 3.98 MB, 720x900, 902370759023128198054371969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the music
Okay well Onefive's new album comes out next week on April 17.

>> No.46547395
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>> No.46547399
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>> No.46548674

Cockonass Nonaka

>> No.46549052
File: 200 KB, 1476x1108, Raura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46549059
File: 115 KB, 795x1051, Sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46549113

nice one

>> No.46549370


>> No.46549525

fuck yeah. thank you pastebin sama. this goon session is dedicated to you

>> No.46549877


>> No.46550324
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>> No.46550380
File: 2.21 MB, 1306x962, 1647047594345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Yuzu really topless here?

>> No.46550612

Yes and that was improvised as well.

>> No.46551061

what is this from and is there any more?

>> No.46551269

No. You can see the towel in frame in some of the ripples, blind old pervert.

>> No.46551423
File: 3.98 MB, 1030x958, a tit longer clip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yuagari sketch
>episode 6

>> No.46551746


>> No.46552137
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>> No.46552857
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>> No.46552865

I heard Mr.Gorgeous made it into a TVCM for Amazon Prime. Good for them.

>> No.46552942


>> No.46553566

love everyone complaining about thread quality. Unironically what do you expect? You could join r/babymetal or one of a million facebook groups or follow metal youtubers, but you're on 4chan of all places. Enjoy what bmsg has to offer or dont, no use in complaining

>> No.46554992

Rau-chan don't do it!

>> No.46555008

Who that?

>> No.46555111

Yammers, but I did have to doubletake.

>> No.46555194

Ayami Muto

>> No.46555288
File: 245 KB, 1200x895, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I <3 RICH
Poorfags, it's over

>> No.46556356

No bush on that pubis

>> No.46556945


>> No.46557238
File: 90 KB, 710x400, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46557641

>million other forums
fuck really?

>> No.46558358

She looks better without bangs

>> No.46558443

She looks better with bangs.

>> No.46558451

She looks like shit regardless of hairstyle.

>> No.46559005

She looks better getting banged by me.

>> No.46559279


>> No.46559857
File: 29 KB, 640x360, SOYO 愛知ブイログ VOL.43.mp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do I have to pay to lick the mole on Soyo's chin?

>> No.46559976

do you have the webm of Rau taking off her shirt?

>> No.46560043
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>> No.46560045


>> No.46560396
File: 409 KB, 1200x1778, MOMO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46560417

Could someone explain to me the Paul meme?, please

>> No.46560422

You don't want to know. Trust me.

>> No.46560896

paul is koba's ass gerbil. sometimes he escapes and rageposts here. it's extremely amusing.

>> No.46561126


Not a meme. This >>46560896 unhinged sperglord calls anyone Paul if they speak up against his repetitive berating of BABYMETAL’s concept/outfits/fans.

One time like half a year ago now some literal nobody named Paul posted some inconsequential shit on Twitter and this sperglord had a meltdown about it here.
As you might imagine, nobody cared as much as he did.
When anons started getting insulting or telling him to shut up already, he accused them of being the Twitter poster Paul himself.

tldr It’s unironically peak autism started by a manchild anon.
also inb4 I’m called Paul

>> No.46561131

stfu Pete and stop defending Paul

>> No.46561511
File: 345 KB, 1810x2048, SIX_2222A2D4-BC1B-450B-832B-A51565387DCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Paul is basically anyone that agrees with absolutely every questionable choice Amuse and especially the main figurehead Kobametal make when it comes to Babymetal. Any valid criticisms aimed at said parties for questionable practices, such as the unnecessary pedaling of shit merchandise in lieu of things fans actually may want, collaborating with middling artists specially drug addicted nignogs, donning of ugly stage costumes to props to bad stage lighting, antiquated marketing strategies, lack of social media presence, lack of touring in parts where they’re known to have a huge fan presence, essentially anything that shines a bad light on KobAmuse will send a Paul into a violent, hate induced, bible size rage post that will just make everyone laugh at him and call him Paul. Paul will often be represented by a gerbil like figure that nestles within the crevices of Koba’s rectal cavity. The reason being that he feels compelled to always be near Koba and be ready to defend him at all times, and occasionally provide sexual release by tickling the inside of Koba’s colorectal area much like gerbil that was rumored to live in Richard Gere’s ass. South Park made a sketch about it.

You’ll witness the Paul phenomenon just a few tiers up from this post.

>> No.46561776

Every post in this thread was unironically written by Paul (including this one)

>> No.46561951

>such as the unnecessary pedaling of shit merchandise in lieu of things fans actually may want
Thats just the business side of them, hell, their idol side if you want (idol side just like the idol band called Kiss, even Metallica, which stamped their logo on every single item ever...). And let me tell you that clearly fans wanted those stupid items because every single one of them were sold out.
>collaborating with middling artists specially drug addicted nignogs
I know what you mean but it was a once in a life time collab. By the way, if it was for that, THEN 99.9% COLLABS WOULDNT EXIST. F.hero collabs are great (you fuckers were whinning about Papaya! even before its release, fastfoward a few years, Papaya! is a blast anf a must on every fucking show), Alicia little collab too, Brand New Day is an underrated song (different, but cool and Su shines on that one live), Joakim little collab too, Kingslayer is the culmination of a frienship story. I mean, all their collabs are cool
>donning of ugly stage costumes
Ugly according to who? Ok, granted, they could be better but who cares? See why i called you man Karen? Babymetal live rocks. Those cute talented could wear a trashbag and we all still have a blast during their awesome live shows
>antiquated marketing strategies
"Antiqued"... yet they keep selling out big stadiums back in Japan, touring around the world and, as i alreary mentioned, selling out every single piece of merch. I belive their marketing is fine.
>Social media we can debate that point. Would be cool to have some quality precense like little backstage clips or so, but if you want stupid Tiktok challenge like Su, Moa and Momo dancing to the latest stupid trendy song, then fuck you
>Lack of touring on some countries... i mean, they visited several countries already. I mean it would be cool for them to go back to lets say Mexico but, i mean, sometimes its not that easy to do it. And this is business in the end.

Keep whinning on this shithole, schizo. By the way, i love this shithole, thats why im here. See you

>> No.46562024

>cute talented
>they keep selling out big stadiums back in Japan
Keep lying.

>> No.46562110

>sperglord meltdown with repetitive berating of BABYMETAL’s concepts/outfits/fans
So it’s a bad forced meme by a bored faggot. I see.

>> No.46562509
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, xJxbpGX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a famous Japanese celebrity is Babymetal big fan

>> No.46562780

Momoko isn't allowed to use social media but at least her father can...

>> No.46563240

That first has entered Momoko many times

>> No.46563354

Thank you, I also have the same criticisms against Babymetal, they have a long way to go to be a perfect band

There is a lot to progress, starting with not abandoning the fans, it is visually less attractive since 2018 and poorly lit live, they need to sell material that is useful to the fans, audiovisual things. not any random garbage with the logo.

Very clear define those intolerant who reject criticism as pauls and it is better that they return to reddit where everyone gives their opinion like fake clones

>> No.46563362
File: 102 KB, 585x1039, A1_1545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46563492

He has entered your mom many times too.

>> No.46563635
File: 3.46 MB, 4000x3000, VUjVk5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when Babymetal cared about fans.

>> No.46563704

>thinks "your mom" jokes trigger people
found the muslim

>> No.46563781

it doesn't trigger you because you already know your mom is a whore and you were a mistake.

>> No.46563848
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>> No.46564036

Some people don't understand it's Koba's band. Everyone else works for him and is replaceable like Yui. Their contracts don't let them post anything because, again, it's Koba's band so he has total control. Fans who are complaining and want vlogs or whatever from the girls are delusional.

>> No.46564626

Well, we already know, genius, it sucks that they are only Koba employees.
From there to say that it is the best band in Japan, it is a lie, it still has a lot of room to improve. and we are going to pressure wherever it is to change, is not only a thing in 4chan. Join or stay stuck

>> No.46565072

>go to 2:43
>close your eyes
>press play

>> No.46565266

Nothing will change. Metalverse is proof. Accept it or move on.

>> No.46565414

She just can't help herself. Her lewdness is off the charts!

>> No.46565874


Torahime reunion! Hana should convince Saya to do gravure.

>> No.46565895
File: 3.72 MB, 1068x1191, 1705160195116443.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyo gravure when?

>> No.46566047

inshallah we will get it

>> No.46566166

>Prime Video has a lot of Korean content!

>> No.46566381

That would be amazing! Saya is sooooo freaking hot

>> No.46566530

As fan I move on to onefive. Is not like I want the same for BM, but why not insist in the change and wins two times?.

>> No.46566742

HD gordita

>> No.46567717
File: 195 KB, 533x800, img20240410onefive100d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New interview

—What are GUMI's strengths?

>GUMI: I'm a sexy big sister character.

—When fans heard "Justice Day" for the first time, they might have been surprised. I was a bit shocked when I saw it for the first time at the TIF too.

>MOMO: The venue was Zepp DiverCity. That's why the bass was so strong.

—It was a heavy bass sound that resonated in my stomach.

>SOYO: Fans of other idols were also saying there was so much bass. They were watching us intently and going "Eeehh?!" (laughs).

>MOMO: Not only "Justice Day," but a lot of our songs have that kind of power, and I hope people will see them a lot. When we perform at festivals, we often receive comments from people who see us for the first time and they say that our songs are good. Other bands tend to play cute songs or do pop performances, but @onefive is more than that. I think @onefive will appeal to those who want a little "spice" in their music.

>GUMI: We are often told that our songs sound like K-pop, but we don't think that we are "trying to be like K-pop" or anything like that. We want to show the goodness of Japanese music in our own way while incorporating elements of foreign music and presenting it to the public.

>SOYO: For sure.

—When I look at SNS, sometimes there are child fans, aren't there?

>SOYO: Yes! So cute!

>MOMO: At release events, there are a lot of little kids at shopping malls, and nowadays little kids are digital natives. If you have children, I would like you to bring them along.

>SOYO: The other day a 4 year old came and his mother had a baby in her tummy.

>MOMO: A pregnant woman who was at the release event for "Justice Day" told us that she had a baby the other day.

—Is the deep bass sound of "Justice Day" really good for pregnant women? (lol)

>KANO: She said, "It makes my tummy move a lot."


>> No.46568154


Soyo looks like if Ayaka was a downy. In a cute way.

>> No.46568377

>bro still samefagging to force his meme a day later

>> No.46568385

>As a fan of Su’s singing and metalized Japanese pop music, I transition to a nobody group of girls doing amateur K-Pop music because the former doesn’t show enough skin or pander to me.
That’s not being a fan of a music group. That’s just being a pervert with an overinflated sense of entitlement.

>> No.46568692
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>> No.46568790

Which member of Babymetal is best at sucking cocks and deepthroating?

>> No.46569058

Your mom isn’t in BABYMETAL. But if she was, hooooooooo boy.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit niggaaaaaa.
That bitch is a fucking vacuum CLEANER. Fucking Ghostbusters machine looking ass old broad.

>> No.46569142

Sexy Gumi is now cannon. We can goon until our hearts are content and wall post anon can't do anything about it

>> No.46569306

They’re just saying anything to get clicks from smoothbrains like you. Still shit music and a half baked project. Sad.

>> No.46569925

Baked like Babymetal, but at least onefive is modern in any aspect with fans.

>> No.46569962
File: 3.96 MB, 720x1280, 5657873727555090.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and new MV soon, new album next week, summer tour announced. It's a great time.

>> No.46569998

It would be great if Babymetal does more on SNS like Onefive.

>> No.46570022

Who gives a shit about fan interaction. What kind of narcissist bases appreciation of a musical artist based on wardrobe and whether or not the members are made to pander to particular desires?
That’s like choosing a favorite food based off of mainly plating and presentation.

>> No.46570062

Not that anon but imagine a video of Moa trying some food for the first time like in their Singapore documentary. Almost everyone on Reddit and other places would like that.

>> No.46570081

Schizo be like, my therapist is very skilled and beautiful. She listens to me carefully and gives me solid advice and support. But that bitch doesn’t show enough skin or flirt with me due to ‘professionalism.’
Fuck her. I think I’ll pay to talk to an onlyfans girl instead.

>> No.46570118

Su is not a therapist. You are confusing her with Himeka.

>> No.46570173

Sure it might be cool. Or it might be unnaturally produced and corny like that TikTok up there.
But originally coming to this general because you like a kawaii metal group, and then staying here just shitting on it and whining over a presence or lack of SNS, is mental.
Dude doesn’t care about music, or the girls as people. That’s why he will praise the @onefive project despite the bland music, inconsistent image & branding, and never say anything about the members that isn’t sexualizing or pertaining to fan service.

>> No.46570196

People in the entertainment industry are only there because of their fans, they better show appreciation of that all the time.

>> No.46570254

Everyone liked the Gimme Chocolate TikToks and it would be cool to do more videos like that. I don't know about you but I just hide and ignore posts that I don't like.

>> No.46570333
File: 354 KB, 640x797, IMG_3594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuka Nakamoto: Cute, humble personality, waifu material, great dancer, phenomenal singer, in a globally famous band, wears a stylized but conservative outfit.
>Shit! Must trash talk!

Momoe Mori: Kinda cute, typical diva teenager, average dancer, below average singer, amateur niche group with generic sound, wears fishnets and short skirts.
>Amazing! Obsessed!!

>> No.46570381

Why are you guys so obsessed with what they wear?

>> No.46570447

>You’re only famous because of me damn it so pander to my whims.
What a deluded self centered way of thinking of things. They’ve been a band for almost 14 years. For like 7 of them hey did documentaries, behind the scenes. Now they still post a photo after every show, tour all around, put loads of money into production and pyrotechnics to make concerts theatrical.
And you’re being cunty because 21-26 yr olds don’t post TikToks eating fruit and shit.
Unironically get a day job or kill yourself little guy.

>> No.46570460

It is such a shame that the members told us how their personalities have changed and developed in an interview when they get asked that exact question.

I hope next time they reply with "Only the fox god knows" That'd make me much happier

>> No.46570513

It’s not you guys. It’s the one blubbering faggot who complains here everyday. Comparing wardrobe of a famous metal dance act to provocative K-Pop.
A bitter unending failure to let something go.

>> No.46570538

>Only the fox god knows
Koba make all the decisions anyway so who cares?

>> No.46570560

Newsflash: Stupid idolfag still doesn’t understand that J-Pop girls play into archetypes for marketing, and that various aspects of their look and “character” are produced.

>> No.46570609

You don't believe Moa is really a foodie?

>> No.46570636

Nah, you'll never see me personally complain about how BABYMETAL should post more content. They should definitely not do that.

>> No.46570658

I even see people saying Su is lying about liking metal bands in every interview. Crazy conspiracy theorists...

>> No.46570844
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>> No.46570866
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>> No.46570867

Next you'll be saying Soyo doesn't actually like food and Momo doesn't like the colour pink.

Not everything is a conspiracy

>> No.46571020

>Soyo doesn't actually like food
Soyo is obviously studying nutrition at university because the Fox G-... uh, Amuse, I mean, Avex... told her she has to be that kind of character. I admire that level of dedication to her role!

>> No.46571174


>> No.46571657

She's doing really well at it. I hope she can keep it up for a couple more years and she'll come away with a diploma just for playing a character!

>> No.46571955


>> No.46572012

She has nice breasts

>> No.46572133

interaction with fans, it doesn't even have to be so "invasive" like live streaming or meet and greet like in the first years.
Just uploading archive and unpublished backstage videos from the latest tours, making of the last two albums, something more fluid and serious than just 5 seconds of gimme chocolate. "Yes, we know how to dance that, ladies."
oh and that material would be bestsellers

so stfu paul

>> No.46572777
File: 763 KB, 1536x2048, Kano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting how they got a Chinese SNH48/BEJ48 producer to make the new Japanese song.

>> No.46572883
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>> No.46573048
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>> No.46573591


>> No.46573730

Good job with that autistic cherry picking of generic points to fulfill your confirmation bias. How they dress/act/portray themselves in onefive specifically is the point here. Not their favorite things you’ve known since SG smoothbrain.
another day of schizo whining about extra pandering he can’t get from one Jap music group that simply doesn’t care to do it.

>> No.46573748

Koba abandoned the idol roots to placate elitists who will never accept them as a real metal band.

>> No.46573861

Stop crying in fear bro. Onefive fortunately is doing well and compensate the anti modernism of bm

>> No.46573884

You've literally just cherry picked a timeframe to suit your narrative. Do you have any self awareness at all?

I'm sure Momo liking movies and Gumi liking Korean drama is all a masterful ploy in your mind too.

How much of their personalities and likes/hobbies can we trust as real anon? Please tell us

>> No.46573950

>doing well
lol by what measure of the imagination
so doing TikToks is how modern musicians gain success in your fantasy land? it doesn’t seem very effective for onefive.

how is it you can’t differentiate
“I like cheese!” and “I can swim well.”
“I’m the sexy oneesan of the group!”
“This is so oishii (exaggerated face) peeeeace!!”
“We want to appeal to X market!”
you’re a true idolfag idiot.

>> No.46574251
File: 73 KB, 463x508, sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's praise Gumi in fishnets more and more!

>> No.46574328

I could care less about Onefive and their outfits. They're talentless nobodies ripping off the worst aspects of Kpop and unless they start making better music, they're gonna stay that way.

>> No.46574349

The way she loves showing off and being sexy for male attention, that's very likely
Even prude Hana eventually did it

>> No.46574400

Very nice lewd legs and nice socks

>> No.46574556

Hanabie anon, you don't even like Kpop, but we like them and their music anyway.

>> No.46574565

Could care less implies that you care. What you want to say is that you couldn't care less which means that your level of caring is at 0.

Smooth brain

>> No.46574589

So when Gumi was the laid back older sister of the group who was she appealing to anon?

What type of fan was she looking to bring in?

>> No.46574664

After Gumi got done with training her butt muscles, her character developed from a laid back older sister to a sexy older sister. Yes, I follow Onefive for the plot >>46505348

>> No.46574671

Goated character arc

>> No.46574693

Has he praised her fishnets yet?

>> No.46574727

Of course. It is a glorious sight, you know >>46494499

>> No.46574739

Lewding Kano and Gumi in one go, based af

>> No.46575067

Sana is live now but 10 minutes have passed

>> No.46575207

It ended now

>> No.46575282

She’s not even older than them. That’s just some dumb tagline they’ve given her to “be a relatable archetype”

>> No.46575602

I love both, more gumi.

It's fine that Paul defends babymetal, but that doesn't mean he has to wish bad on everything that isn't bm (onefive, hanabie). He is a cretin who cannot resist criticism and wishes disaster on everything that crosses his path

>> No.46575619
File: 290 KB, 955x1433, yvHnq5aEAAt9Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying Onefive has lore and Gumi is canonically sexy? Cool!

>> No.46575741

we all know that futa su is real but moa?
even better

>> No.46576531

You’re mentally unwell and I hope you get the help you need.

>> No.46576556

Who the fuck are you talking about? There is no Paul, retard. I defend BABYMETAL here from the cringe endless shitposts, but I don’t say anything about other groups.
God forbid you get it through your under developed brain that more than one anon posts things in contradiction to your views. Literally the dumbest person I’ve ever seen. And I’ve worked with actual down syndrome kids n shit.

>> No.46576653

I can see you've taken some of their personality traits aswell

>> No.46576964

The tweet is gone. What was that link to?

>> No.46576974

Good one. Hue hue.
Your perpetually shit “trolling” is like watching an awkward scrawny tween try and bully someone. Dumbfoundingly trite.

>> No.46577076

Dumbfoundingly trite...you're such a dork

>> No.46577164
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>> No.46577371

They are about to have hot dick girl futa sex with each other

>> No.46577541

Someone send him this and ask for his opinion on Gumi's ass

>> No.46577597

No I just need to think of new words to properly describe just how unfortunate you are. You exist here out of spite, but nobody hates you they just are reluctantly forced to regularly witness a living trainwreck habitually say potato unintentionally self depreciating stuff.

>> No.46577802
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>> No.46578738
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>> No.46578741
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>> No.46579102

Have to respect a man with good taste

>> No.46579185

futa su and moa animation

>> No.46579241

She is getting meaty

>> No.46579578
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>> No.46579715
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>> No.46580304

>bud just ready to burst

>> No.46580549

>There is no Paul
stfu paul

>> No.46581333

Is it mostly just Neo and Juna modelling for Repipi now

>> No.46581335

Stfu Epstein.

>> No.46581456

>There is no Paul

Exactly what Paul would say.

>> No.46581474

Imagine spending your life savings on a band that does the bare minimum

>> No.46581484

>replies to same anon multiple times
exactly what obsessed lonely schizo would do

>> No.46581493

Imagine spending any money on any musician at all.
Aside from live shows when/if they come to your area.
Buying merch and cheki and photo books and shit. Idol otaku are pathetic.

>> No.46581537

>B-but I wana support MY GIRL!
Nigga shes not your girl. There are dozens to thousands of Jap otaku moneypigs who feel the same. She doesn’t need you.
>Investing when they do what I want incentivizes them to do it more!
Or they just take the money and don’t. Girls are manicured and exploited by the industry & you’re being played by that industry.

>> No.46581647

>spends his day responding to obsessed lonely schizos


>> No.46581675

But if we don't give Koba our money how will he make more music and more importantly pay for his new yacht?

>> No.46581717

>spends his day
I’ve been tinkering around online about 90 minutes before I go out on a date with a real woman, something you’ve not touched since exiting your mom’s massive gape.
You’ll still be here shitposting the next 10 hours, loser. Lol
>Koba mentioned
Everyday, rent freeeeeeee

>> No.46581730

Fuck, Sana liked my comment about asking for gravure hnnnnnnnggggg

>> No.46581733

WTF we can't talk about Babymetal's producer in Babymetal general?

>> No.46581739

Sat on 4chan all day then on a date with a 100% real life woman?

Anon is living the dream. Tell us what it is like to be within 5m of a woman, i've not felt that in years

>> No.46581753

Hello Dmmn7730

>> No.46581756
File: 288 KB, 1227x2048, SIX_177F5509-FC88-4886-A5A5-780C06CDF8B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek. Nigga why are you letting him bait you?

>> No.46581765

Going through comments just liking everything is kinda standard practice and takes less time than actually reading/translating everything, I wouldn't get too excited.

>> No.46581766
File: 1.23 MB, 1125x1966, IMG_8879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggotry? None for me thanks.

>> No.46581833

is it true that koba posts the picture all over shibuya with a ¥10,000 reward every time paul escapes from his asshole?

>> No.46581895
File: 94 KB, 697x955, 412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46581951


Implying he doesn’t rent space in Koba’s ass willingly.

>> No.46581965
File: 977 KB, 1080x1620, 9q91nu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayaka with TWICE Mina

>> No.46581967


God I love this chubby brit bong ching chong like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.46582174

Why the >>46581756 >>46581833 >>46581951
meltdown? Guy really got under your skin. Just can it and let us enjoy Juna pits in peace.

>> No.46582327

stfu paul

>> No.46582387

Sana must really have those folds in the stomach when she's getting railed missionary style. Plus she's gotta love my brown cock.

>> No.46582475

She reads the comments. I've seen her skip over one that she didn't like. She cares so much about her fans from all over the world and she livestreams every day.

>> No.46582541
File: 313 KB, 1080x1350, 436996767_389699490600744_655056018246112790_n_1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46582545
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>> No.46582659
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>> No.46582695
File: 101 KB, 1080x1350, 437673595_1095792758315059_8038269777066794183_n_1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46582757
File: 315 KB, 1704x1022, M_Kurosawa2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46582776

How's her english reading ability?

>> No.46582813

Pretty bad. She will start singing happy birthday if you write she is beautiful.

>> No.46582943

I can't think of a reply to that

>> No.46583178
File: 474 KB, 1366x2048, GLAaynmbkAAr5Hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46583580

onefive live signing event

>> No.46584891

someone post hanabie

>> No.46584972


Here’s an idea. Make a Hanabie thread. See how long it lasts. Oh right.

>> No.46585025

Anyone get anything signed? 2 hours long, they sold quite a lot it seemed and that's only the signed versions

>> No.46585191
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>> No.46585200
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>> No.46585213

I got into the private booth with Momo and Soyo. Soyo was polishing my shaft while Momo was tonguing for nuggets.
At the end, I signed both their chests with creamy goodness, it was expensive but worth it.

>> No.46585316

Can i kiss Momo after she is finished tonguing?

>> No.46585467

Yeah she read beautiful as birthday. There is a video of it somewhere.

>> No.46585572

They called out the name of that guy on Twitter. Does that mean they signed his CD?

>> No.46585869

You can only kiss her if I finished on her face and there's cream on her lips

>> No.46585932

That would be perfect

>> No.46586019

Maybe a comment? Depends if they were signing at the time too

>> No.46586409
File: 1.01 MB, 316x360, GUMI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTube premiere link is up for the music video in 3 days

>> No.46588120

New song by Sana's group

>> No.46588780
File: 3.50 MB, 1080x800, lasnalgas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Lesbians

>> No.46589710

