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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.4625206[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the future of VN gaming? Because I like it.

>> No.4625209

And what a far-off future it is

>> No.4625223
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>> No.4625233

What? VNs are games.

>> No.4625230

It would be nice if we could get sex scenes like those in VNs and eroges, but I doubt that will happen any time soon.

>> No.4625239

Name some gaming elements. Pressing a button and reading doesn't count as playing.

>> No.4625247


>Pressing a button and reading doesn't count as playing.

So FFVII isn't a game then?

>> No.4625249
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Gaming elements!

>> No.4625252


They're made for video game consoles and therefore video games.

>> No.4625255

It's not the same thing, don't be ridiculous

>> No.4625258


Any VN with choices can be considered a game, because you have a variety of goals (route endings) and the "challenge" of selecting the correct choices in order to achieve your goal.

It might not be terribly in depth, but it fits the definition of a game.

>> No.4625259

>Is this the future of VN gaming?
Keep waiting for that future.

>> No.4625260


>> No.4625265


>> No.4625261 [DELETED] 
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Steins;Gate and others would like to have a word with you, then.

>> No.4625275


How exactly is it not the same thing? It would be like any other vn if a vn made you play a minigame every couple of minutes for around twenty or thirty minutes between all the story.

>> No.4625282

>Pressing a button and reading doesn't count as playing.
May I inform you, good sir, that almost all games are played by pressing buttons.

>> No.4625296

Some VN got a gameplay (other than reading I mean).
There's obviously Sengoku Rance but also others on consoles. Two Rozen maiden games on PS2 with fightan game and schmup, Kujibiki Unbalance, dungeon crawler action in full 3D, Rukusu Pein on DS kinda interactive you have to scratch the screen.

>> No.4625332


I'm pretty sure he's trolling.

>> No.4625339

Where's the reading?

>> No.4625351

Leaf has been doing that for ages, underwater ray ramano is a RPG with VN content, Tears is an RTS...

>> No.4625362


>Pressing a button doesn't count as playing.

Lol, 5/10

>> No.4625367
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Is Planescape: Torment a visual novel?

>> No.4625371


This one is an eroge with shmup elements. It's not that good though.

>> No.4625391

The problem with gameplay elements in an eroge is that I am already having to work with one hand.

It's just not fair.

>> No.4625396

This reminds me of one RPG argument I once saw.

Final Fantasy is RPG, Paper Mario is RPG as well, Super Paper Mario is also RPG since you gain levels and use items the battles just aren't turn-based. Although, levels aren't necessarily part of RPG so Super Mario World can also be called an RPG.
Or something like that.

>> No.4625401


Please, let's not get into THOSE debates about what is and isn't an RPG, etc. They give me a headache on /v/.

>> No.4625416

Why in the hell would you go to /v/?

>> No.4625419

Yes please don't start a /v/ shitstorm here guys. It wouldn't be long until someone go to /v/ and post this thread there and then a giant shitstorm strikes here

>> No.4625423
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>> No.4625429

Visual Novel = Novel with images/music that usually gives the player a "choose your adventure" style choice set.

Eroge = A game with erotic content. Many have dialogue like a console RPG.

Know the difference.

>> No.4625435


Why the hell would you go to /jp/?

>> No.4625450

/jp/ is still slightly tolerable.

>> No.4625490

I want to play Sentimental Shooting, but it won't work.

>> No.4625513
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>the future of VN gaming
>Otome Function

>> No.4625534


Boy that takes me back.

Anyway, another eroge with gameplay: Saa Ushi Da!

>> No.4625583


If you like Touhou and F/SN, sure.

If you like more VNs than F/SN, this place is far from tolerable, especially if it's in english.

>> No.4625602

I enjoy the occasional thread >>4620249

>> No.4625756

Oh god, its like watching a trailer for the game they made in Welcome to the NHK. Also, that video didnt show any shmuping.

>> No.4625794



Around 3:30

>> No.4625811

Duel Savior and related games need to get translated

>> No.4625837

This is supposed to be out soon isn't it?

>> No.4625865

Very soon.

>> No.4626255


Next year ... at best.

>> No.4626314
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>Horizontal STG
