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File: 353 KB, 840x1104, zanmaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46135288 No.46135288 [Reply] [Original]

How is she not one of the sages of Gensokyo? Being the ruler of hell and all that.

>> No.46135319

Honest Byakuren

>> No.46135633

>became a youkai for selfish reasons (afraid of death)
>pretending to exterminate youkai when she is actually helping them
>get sealed because of that
>became an oni for altruistic reasons (absorbing spirits to save them)
>actually accepted herself as an oni
>headed into hell by her own volition since she's part of them
You're right.

>> No.46135671

>ruler of hell
Heca's still higher up

>> No.46135792

Small tits

>> No.46135823
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Finally another pantshu

>> No.46135899

she's essentially the hell equivalent since she's the one who convinced them to move hell to its current location
I was more surprised that hecatia didn't even warrant a mention in 19. Hell, I don't even think eiki did

>> No.46135922

Because Hell's not part of Gensokyo?

That's literally comparing a king to a god, it's outright unfair position-wise.

>> No.46136062

It's almost like ZUN is a fraud with memory of a goldfish

>> No.46136457

You have to pass the smell check and by that I mean you need to be in the same room as some sages without anyone gagging.

>> No.46136538

he's just following his idol Araki

>> No.46136566

She doesn't live in Gensokyou but in one of the many gorillion hells in 2hu aka just a small land portion of the whole hell so being a sage is out of the question.

>> No.46137101
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I wonder if becoming a human-oni is as simple as "get eaten' by dogs

>> No.46137273
File: 3.95 MB, 2857x2426, Junko_lil3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Sages like Okina and Yukari can tear Gensokyo apart if they wanted to
Hectatia can do that to hell. Zanmu can't, she just doesn't compare.

>> No.46137460

what about kasen?

>> No.46137507

The sages were the people who made Gensokyo, they aren't just whoever is strong and some power scale shit

>> No.46137983

I want to sniff her
Just really take in all her aroma

>> No.46139328

You probably have to be a pretty twisted woman for that to happen.
Zanmu is a legit terrible person who perma-murders fairies out of some weird anti-life interpretation of Buddhism.
People call Seiga a terrible person, but she actively fights against death and generally aligns herself with human values, while Zanmu's values are so far removed from humanity that she became an oni.

>> No.46139391

>perma-murders fairies out of some weird anti-life interpretation of Buddhism.
how does that work?

>> No.46139405

She turns them into pure spirits

>> No.46139595

pure spirit just mean they are disembodied, the spirit still should have conciousness and a will. like a kami without a body/shrine
...or is it?

>> No.46139647

It's only part one. She turns them into pure spirits and then kills them.

>> No.46139661

she turns them into pure spirits and then consumes this as part of some weird mental gymnastics about how doing that makes it salvation instead of slaughter
I think there's eve a text line somewhere in 19 about how once the fairies are turned into spirits, they can't be turned back and are stuck that way forever

>> No.46139718

Kasen's never had a reason to show off, toyed with Reimu as an oni (even with the sword piece Reimu was basically hitting a willing Kasen) and Zanmu has Suika in elevated regard and she didn't even survive that same sword to begin with (according to legend at least)

>> No.46139756

damn. why are always the fallen priest the worst? this reminded me of the story of a fallen deacon or cardinal. can't remember, that gave Gilles de Rais some forbidden book which spiraled him into becoming the cultist mass murderer of infants

>> No.46139775

>reimu was basically hitting a willing kasen
nah, at that point the arm had taken full control
that said, she was hitting a kasen who was being held down by tenshi, which speaks a lot more to tenshi's capabilities really

>> No.46140013

I like almost every Touhou girl. I'm indifferent to a few. I despise only Zanmu. It's incredible how one line of text immediately filled me with disdain for a character. Forcing fairies out of existence sounds like the most evil deed possible in this setting.
I suppose it's fitting for a series where natural cycles (seasons, life & death) are a regular central theme that the most evil character would be the one able to force others out of all of them.

>> No.46140152

Zanmu is a huehue

>> No.46140234

Okay hisami

>> No.46140259

She's cute, I'm a sucker for long dark hair

>> No.46140337

Yeah but they're fairies. Not much lost. Oh no, who's going to steal my shit and play stupid juvenile pranks on me now.

>> No.46140376

If I recall correctly, Jap myths say you can become an oni just by having an evil enough heart, or at least dying while being so full of evil you get turned into one after death.

>> No.46140395

I'd like to imagine it as an annoying older sister doting on her sibling

>> No.46140405

Her stinky little gremlin sister who's desperate to prove what a big shot she is and escape her cool older sister's shadow.

>> No.46140409

>which speaks a lot more to tenshi's capabilities really
You gotta be capable if you're going to be hunted down by assassins from hell

>> No.46140419
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I wonder what horrible shit she did before becoming dogfood

>> No.46140467

You think she used to try on her Welcome to Hell shirts when no one was looking?

>> No.46140488

she used to until they all disappeared into hisami's 'things zanmu wore' collection

>> No.46140500

Fairy genocide.

>> No.46140535
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It was self-defense

>> No.46140586
File: 1.03 MB, 2508x3992, hey36253625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she sit like that?

>> No.46140669

She likes knowing she's assaulting innocent beast youkai who have the misfortune of having sensitive noses with the absolutely putrid stench trapped in her thick pubic bush.

>> No.46141452


>> No.46142136
File: 65 KB, 900x700, 1529760777622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there someone else going around purifying fairies, but they turned out just fine?
Is this a different type of purification or something?

>> No.46142224

Junko's purification doesn't completely remove their sense of self. Which makes sense; Junko is still Junko despite purifying herself of everything but hatred.
Zanmu completely removes them from existence, essentially becoming "nothing".

>> No.46142379

It's not like purity is a universally agreed upon concept. The Lunarians are also 'pure', yet they loathed Junko's purified fairies because they were pure-life force: the epitome of Fairy-ness.
Perhaps Zanmu's version of purity would be close to the Lunarian version – at least it's partly about going beyond life and death.

>> No.46143993
File: 3.16 MB, 1754x2480, 1691672060129765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder, can Zanmu purify hourai people?

>> No.46144002

hourai immortality is the equivalent of that kid in the playground who goes 'nuh uh I have a forcefield' when you pretend to shoot him
no matter what way to beat it you come up with, it'll come back

>> No.46145563

Can you not purify the soul?

>> No.46145811
File: 864 KB, 744x785, HijriLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to exterminate youkai when she is actually helping them
This means we get more yokai wives you fucking idiot retard! How is that a bad thing in any way shape or form?! I would fucking help her protect even more yokai! The Superhuman and Enlightened Mahācārya must have gotten a fuck load of good karma for protecting yokai and thus allowing for lonely human men to get the wives they deserved.

>> No.46145813

It's a bit of a translation problem, terminology should be treated with caution to avoid confusions, although I'm not sure how consistent Touhou is with terminology.
1. Junko has 純 which is more like refining, her power seems to take individual qualities of something and take them up to 11. So what she seems to purify in fairies is their ability to make life grow similar to what happens in the fairy manga with the tree struck by lightning regrowing. She might also be the closest to purify chemical elements and such and some people said that she could maybe purify the elixir out of someone and just turn inmortal Chan'ge into pure Chan'ge.
2. Zanmu, ZUN uses ピュア霊 which is pure in "engrish" . That being said she seems closer to the lunarian purity (清 or 浄) and the buddhist one (only 浄 I think).
These are closer to religious purity, clean, warding of evil spirits and misfortune and so on, at least in Touhou
Going by Sagume's profile:
>浄化とは、生死を無くすこと。 / To 'purify' is to eliminate life and death.
So Zanmu as well as Lunarian technology might be able to break the cycle of death and rebirth of nature.
Whenever that includes horai people might be true, but unless they confirm that in a print work or something.

Although idk what those pure spirits in UDoALG are supposed to be, they get usually transformed into ex attacks or beast spirits.
So pure spirits could be something else? Like featureless spirits that can be reshaped into something else via spiritual attacks? Dunno how much of the gameplay is supposed to be lore wise relevant and maybe I'm reading to much into it but here's my rant or something.

>> No.46145831

the enlightened macarena is a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, and should have been killed instead of sealed

>> No.46145838

Headcanon. ZUN gave her that title. Deal it with brother...

>> No.46147617

sorry anon, the enlightened mariachi is a hypocrite by her own admission by preaching hard work while pushing as much of it as possible off on her followers

>> No.46149680

Zanmu should sell anti-hourai elixir. Like, "Drink this and you will immediately be free from the cycle of suffering."

>> No.46149748

Is zanmu's ability a superior version of flans or something? Flan breaks anything but zanmu straight erases things but is limited in what she can erase?

>> No.46149760

That's like comparing a bomb to an eraser. Also we don't know the nitty gritty of how Zanmu's power works, I don't think. Like does she need to make hand gesture at her target like Flan, or does it have an area of effect, things like that.

>> No.46149771

In terms of jojo stand, it's like comparing Cream and Killer Queen.

>> No.46149964

I want her to sit on my face so I can huff it straight from the source.

>> No.46149967

Stop slacking on your job Hisami

>> No.46149981

Begone, twitter.

>> No.46150887
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>> No.46150936

>How come she's not one of the sages of Gensokyo
Because the 4th sage is clearly Yuuka who will definitely come back in Touhou 19.5 or 20.

>> No.46152099

But Rumia is Cream

>> No.46152157
File: 526 KB, 1200x1161, zanmu by shope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, someone who's speaking my language

>> No.46152350
File: 328 KB, 627x952, __nippaku_zanmu_touhou_drawn_by_jeno__5515ade538e4f2701ef501676d1c5937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being the ruler of hell and all that.
Answering your own question, there.
Also, hell is extremely individualistic and has lots of "rulers".
It's due to the natural masculine urge to air out one's cock and balls even though she doesn't have those.
She's also flat, smelly and a manlet, with not an ounce of feminity to her.

>> No.46152372

Remember in WaHH there's that box you can drink out of that turns you into an Oni if you drink out of it enough.

>> No.46152863

That's Kasen love juices

>> No.46153050
File: 399 KB, 708x339, akyuu,_defeated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.46153366

God I want to crawl up in there

>> No.46153579

Hard to tell since Touhou is pretty far from having clear rules on how powers work.
Flan seems to have a long as range but be only one target and destruction is physical
Zanmu has an area of effect but only seems to affect fairies, on the other hand it seems to affect the mental layer, maybe even the memory layer.
Someone similar to Zanmu might be Yuyuko since her powers also seem to affect the souls directly rather than the body.
The problem is that afaik we don't know exactly how stuff works. Fairies could be part of the reincarnation cycle considering that Larva was a deity in the past.

>> No.46154106

No, fairies rules gensokyo bitch

>> No.46156036
File: 189 KB, 1000x1000, 1686717565459386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is a Kingdam of nothingness anyways?

>> No.46156338

Don't thank me, thank Wikipedia.

>> No.46164677

A dam made of nothing... so Sanae's spellcard?
Maybe she can pay Marisa to see if she can reverse engineer her ability.

>> No.46166498

What a wild and horny hermit

>> No.46168915

Zanmu reaching page 10 of course
