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4579685 No.4579685 [Reply] [Original]

Battler should just kill Lambda and Bernkastel. They're in his fragment and he's got the advantage of being its master. He's more powerful than them because he's in his element, so he should gut them instead of playing another fucking game.

>> No.4579686

He should impregnate them instead

>> No.4579693

He should fuck them in the shitter until they lost bowel movement.

>> No.4579695

Bern hijacked the gameboard, dude,

>> No.4579694

I always thought that perhaps, if Battler just accepted magic at this point, he could just have a crazy magic battle with Lambda and Bern and fucking kill them, and proceed to have an amazing Stake-Witch-Bunny-Demon Harem.

But no. We'll get Kohaku route fanfic.

>> No.4579702

He doesn't have the power to just 'kill' them simply because they are on his game board. He can banish them, and they can leave of their own free will.

>> No.4579704


for the seventh game right? I don't get it, did Battler step down from GM? He's still the Endless Sorcerer, right?

>> No.4579710

Episode 8: Battler and Beato destroys the Kakera they are in, killing themselves and the Bern+Lambda duo

>> No.4579712
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why not banish them? He didn't like them intruding into Beatrice's game in the first place

>> No.4579715

Also, if Battler is now aware of the truth and understands that witches don't exist, how is he still interacting with and talking to them.

Or is it like, that thing where "He just wanted to prove witches had no impact on the gameboard in particular."

That issue just never seemed that clear to me.

>> No.4579730


meh I think the whole Featherine/Bern subplot will be resolved in the next Episode. Lambdadelta isn't as sadistic as those two, she just seems to be in the background

last episode is Battler on the witch side vs. Beatrice on the human side. Battler trying to keep the illusion of witch so Beatrice won't disappear while Beatrice acknowledges that works against him to reveal the truth on her own terms. Because she is the only one to destroy her own illusion

>> No.4579735

Who is he supposed to play against if he just banished them?
Battler knows the truth of what happened on Rokkenjima, that doesn't necessarily mean the witches in the meta world don't exist.

>> No.4579741

> last episode is Battler on the witch side vs. Beatrice on the human side. Battler trying to keep the illusion of witch so Beatrice won't disappear while Beatrice acknowledges that works against him to reveal the truth on her own terms. Because she is the only one to destroy her own illusion
...Oh wow. I don't usually like the hobo-type ends, but... I'd be oddly okay with this one.

>> No.4579742


I guess. But shouldn't he be trying to revive Beatrice instead of playing games with witches?

>> No.4579744

He did both at the same time. But then he messed up the former so was a bit distracted while doing the latter.

>> No.4579759

He should be saving his family and keeping his sister from a lifetime of angst, rather than playing with witches or reviving a person who never really existed in the first place.

He's just an idiot all around.

>> No.4579776

Well... he is the master of this kakera.
Now, saying a mere human can kill a miracle-maker and someone who can certainly do whatever she desires...
Nigga better get a reality check if he plans on taking a pass on them.

Now, >>4579686's idea... I'm sure they'd agree on a reverse rape...

>> No.4579779

Or he knows more about the situation than we do. It's possible that he CAN'T go back.

>> No.4579786

According to Lambda (or maybe it was Bern), Beato had the potential to exceed the powers of the two Voyagers combined, if she only realized it. Now that Battler has Beato's power, it's possible that he'll realize it.

>> No.4579792


yeah goddamn Battler. Whatever happened to Ange's sacrifice? Jeez he forgets stuff quickly

and if Battler stepped down from the GM position after EP6, what exactly is he doing now? Hanging out with Fusiontrice?

>> No.4579800

Even if he can't go back, that is hardly an excuse, unless he is a selfish asshole.

>> No.4579801

But he revives Beatrice at the beginning of Game 6.

>> No.4579804

You want a text or image reply for that?

>> No.4579822


both if possible


shame its not the original Beato. I don't think she'll ever return

>> No.4579825


I have ALWAYS loved this idea for an ending.

I really hope it happens.

>> No.4579827

Ange didn't seem to mind it too much.

>> No.4579832

Lambda and Battler implied that it's somehow important for someone on the outside (like the Voyagers) to "observe" that Battler got the right answer. Some kind of cat box thing, probably.

>> No.4579846
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Bern and Lambda will be alive at the end of the series. Beato and Meta Battler won't.

Calling it now.

>> No.4579851
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sooo who exactly is Bern's opponent in EP7? Or is she just revealing all the mysteries of the gameboard?

also hope that there's a magic fight between Bern and Battler

>> No.4579863

I'll be horribly disappointed if it doesn't turn into some kind of three-way brawl. Bern running a mystery illusion as the game master, Featherinne playing detective, and Battler and Beato running a witch illusion to defend everyone's reputations.

>> No.4579867

Oh without a doubt, I'd even wager that Bern will "find her heart hurp derp"

>> No.4579880

Seconding this.
I really want to see the "You don't mess with me" side of Bern.
Something like her going all "think as you like, most of you are dead anyways. But know that you can't win in this world."

>> No.4579886

but Featherine charged Bern to reveal the mysteries as the GM. We've never had a GM who works against the illusion so I dunno what her gameboard is gonna be like. But yeah Battler & Beato show up to save everyone from Bern's depraved board. Lambda should tag along for the lulz

>> No.4579889

Even Ryukishi can't drag Bern out of her moral black hole at this point.

>> No.4579893

>implying that she has a heart to begin with

>> No.4579898

Lambda's doing her best to do so, though.

>> No.4579904

well he's self-referenced his works to the point of lulz. Might as well go the extra mile and include the heart flashback with Keiichi

>> No.4579909

Requesting the translation of Bernkastel's image song, please.

>> No.4579919


who would have thought that Lambda would turn out to be the good one. Way to switch roles from Higurashi

>> No.4579921

Lambda becomes a piece, and her piece starts flirting with piece Battler in front of everybody. Both piece Battler and piece Lambda walk out of the bathroom together only to be seen by piece Beatrice, who then rages and rapes Battler right there. Everything is revealed in the wake of this and good harem end happens.(Erika being the only one who still dies, by drowning.)

>> No.4579923

yeah yeah its a song of redemption, not evil blah blah

still want her to be a bitch though. SO AWESOME that way

>> No.4579925

I figure Bern will try to expose all of the background plots driving the witch's illusion, but she'll lie left and right about the motives to make everyone look like greedy depraved psychopaths.

>> No.4579927

Beatrice was pretty much a bitch in 2, and she made a total 180.

>> No.4579937

Well she IS a bitch. But she's a bitch because of her circumstances. Kinda like the reason why Beatrice was so screwed up mentally was because she'd been stuck in the meta world for the equivalent of 1000 years or something.

>> No.4579939

Oddly enough, I am totally ok with this.

>> No.4579940

Bern has not done a 180 turn in 6 episodes.
She's not going to start now.
Pretty please, R07....

>> No.4579945
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but they're already greedy psychopaths. No harm done

>> No.4579962

Well, she wasn't overtly a bitch until what, EP4?

At the very least, you could form an argument that she had Battler's best interests in 1-3.

>> No.4579963
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wait for it....

Bern hates Beatrice for not losing the one thing she did back in Higurashi

Hope ;__;

>> No.4579969
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>> No.4579978


yeah, Ryu07 making her a bitch seemed kinda forced. Its like he hadn't decided what to do with her character at that point

>> No.4579981
File: 161 KB, 984x1007, 236a4c8fb5ad8436d3df7c9521fe467f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bern turns "nice" I swear to god I will rage so hard the gods in the heaven will hear me. Beatrice i can understand, but Bern? The character who has marketed herself as nothing more than a cruel, heartless, bitch? The character who purposely ruined Ange and Eva's relationship for her amusement? The girl who used Ange's death to provoke Battler into playing her game?

Goddamnit Ryukishi if you make Bern nice i will

I will...[/spoiler]cry[/spoiler]

>> No.4579983

He had. Go read old interviews. He was telling us not to trust her blindly from the start.

>> No.4579987

Well shit, look at me anonymous I was so angry I used the spoiler tags wrong

>> No.4579993

She still does.
What, do you expect her not to get bored, the only poison against them? The reason she started all her bitchiness was out of boredom.
This time (EP7) it seems she's going to help him out with the details, in her own sadistic way.

>> No.4579996

> At the very least, you could form an argument that she had Battler's best interests in 1-3.
You could... but it would be flimsy, at best, considering Bern flat-out told Battler that the reason she was helping him was because he was trying to win the game, and she's using the game to alleviate her boredom.

Basically, Bernkastel couldn't care less about who she uses to win, as long as they win. If they don't win, then they're pretty useless to her. I guess she thought Battler still had some potential at the end of Episode 2 or something, thus her little pep talk, but the whole time she only had her own interests in mind.

>> No.4580003
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he did. Gawddammit old man

she was supposed to be good! ;__;


>> No.4580010
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>> No.4580013


how does revealing the Witch's illusion help him? If anything he'll resent her for it since its supposed to his job. Well self-proclaimed job

>> No.4580018

Well, OK, since you said it so calmly...
God damn, that's the reason Eva married Hideousyoshi. Not because of anything, except him being a walking chill pill.

>> No.4580027

>The character who purposely ruined Ange and Eva's relationship for her amusement?
You are now realizing that Beato helped that situation along, even if it was inadvertently. Why is everyone in Umineko so incompetent, please kill everyone, Lambdadelta.

>> No.4580037

The way I see Bern is a reality check on two legs.
AS in, he's basically her bitch, he wanted to deny this shit and reveal the truth. She wants to win.
And ever since EP5, she's been like get back on the fucking track, or I'm going to get serious.

>> No.4580032


her words were kind for a cruel bitchy witch. If she really had her own interests at heart, than whats with all the fluff in her pep talk? She could have done the same and still be cold about it. I dunno, its like she actually cared about Battler's fate when she talked to him

>> No.4580040

Well, obviously she was bullshitting, because if she really cared about his fate, she wouldn't lock him inside his own mind for a couple years.

>> No.4580043

> I dunno, its like she actually cared about Battler's fate when she talked to him
I dunno. When you go back and read what she says in that scene, it almost seems sarcastic. "Your situation makes me so sad I could just cry"?

>> No.4580052

And do note that she raged pretty hard when Battler came back at the end of Episode 5. Sort of a "what the fuck is this shit?!" kind of reaction

>> No.4580058

It would have been nice if it was voiced, so we could figure out what the tone was supposed to be.

>> No.4580061

Not to mention after she nipah~☆'s she then says, "I've done this much for you now go on get up" or something like that, practically forcing him to get up.

>> No.4580065

You don't need it. She was quite sarcastic there.

>> No.4580070

Interesting how a line can sound totally different depending on your point of view. Kind of like the first arc of Higurashi, isn't it?

>> No.4580078


the narrative didn't really imply any malevolence on Bern's part. But it'd be nice if the anime actually animated the goddamn scene

>for a couple years


>> No.4580080

What about the pep talk at the end of EP1 though? Bern wasn't talking to Battler then, she was talking to US.

Bern was our ally, and we all betrayed her. And now we'll all come crawling back asking for answers in EP7...

>> No.4580088

Also, I know you'll hate to hear this, but see the anime's tea party.
While that line was not inside, her mood is quite apparent.

>> No.4580083
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A lot of Umineko is like that.

>> No.4580087

He was there for the mental equivalent of a few years. Time works differently in the closed room than outside of it.

>> No.4580095

> Bern was our ally
"......Don't get the wrong idea. I have no intention of becoming your ally."

From the Episode 1 hidden tea party.

>> No.4580096

Didn't they imply that time flowed differently inside the locked room, like Beato's 6 real years = 1000 witch years?

>> No.4580098

Well, for all her bitchiness, she didn't resort to using Ange's fate as ransom until EP5.

From the very beginning, she could have reminded him that oh right, your sister is fucking hating life, so you need to get things done, but she abstained for whatever reason.

If she mentioned that early on, I don't think he would have fallen so hard for Beato's EP3 trolling.

Personally I feel that she's the type of person that wants results. The ends always justify the means. She'll be nice and encourage you if she feels that is what will motivate you onward, but if you still fall short, she'll use more malicious ways to keep you going.

>> No.4580109



did Battler actually plan on getting caught on that detail in the first place?

>> No.4580114

Have you read that pep talk recently?

............Something troublesome seems to have taken a liking to you.
I'd really like to lend you my power but, as you just heard, that girl's power and mine have a very bad compatibility. Unfortunately.
But you really are pitiful, so I'll help you out just a bit.
First of all, about that girl.

She does have the name Beatrice, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is 'one individual woman'.
See what I mean?
In other words, she's not some human.
Her existence is a personification of the rules of this world.
To beat her, you have to expose the rules of this world and unravel them.

For example, this can be likened to learning the rules of chess by watching a game.
First, take a good look at the chessboard.
Then, learn the movements and roles of the pieces.
Then, look for the conditions required to win at her game.

When you've managed to reveal all of these things, her heart will be exposed.
After that, you can rip it apart or crush it as you please.
......I am being quite generous.
In the past, when I had a human body, it took me a hundred years to notice even this much.

This is my meager farewell gift to you, the pitiful one captured by Beato. It's just like a spoon.
A spoon can be used for more than just drinking soup.
You can use it to dig through the prison you're locked in, or as a weapon to gouge the witch's eyes out.

......Of course, you can also use the spoon to continually sip the watery soup inside your eternal prison.
......Don't get the wrong idea. I have no intention of becoming your ally.
I do feel empathy for you, but I won't help you.
...You're much like someone sitting in front of the television, yelling at the people on the other side even though your voice won't reach them.


>> No.4580120

I intend to enjoy this endless tale that Beato is going to weave until I tire of it.
But that alone won't hold my interest.

......That's why I'll lend you my power. It's all so that I don't get tired of this.
I am the cruelest witch in the world.
Whoever the opponent may be, I'll certainly make them surrender.

...Even if it's Beatrice, the Endless Witch, alright...?
You are my game piece. Give it your best shot.
I'll give you advice sometimes, out of her sight.

Don't bore me, okay......?


>> No.4580124

Of course not. The only reason he got fucked over was because Erika started doing weird shit, purposely trying to get him to commit a logic error. And for some reason he wasn't aware she was doing this.

>> No.4580136

I think the problem was that the Game Master still only has a limited view of things themselves (i.e. they can only view a single portion of the gameboard at once), and Battler wasn't paying too much attention to the movements of Erika's piece.

>> No.4580139


did they ever reveal the reason as to why Dlanor wouldn't accept Battler's reasoning? As I remember both Lambda and him were stumped when she rejected it

>> No.4580137

>I'll give you advice sometimes, out of her sight.
This never happened

>> No.4580135

It always seemed like she was either doing that only because it'd be bad for her goal if she didn't. Lambda is the only one of the two who would go out of her way every now and then to cheer him up even if he didn't truly need it at the time.

>> No.4580144

When/what reasoning?

>> No.4580153

Yeah, Featherine told Ange that at some point, the concept of time becomes distorted.

>> No.4580154

Because Erika killed all the people who potentially could have switched places with Battler.

>> No.4580197

completely unrelated to the topic, but did Ange die again at the end of EP6? Those innards on the plate don't sit well with me -_-

>> No.4580216

Even if spoilers have been mentioned...
Leaving thread right now...

>> No.4580243

I thought emotes weren't welcome in /jp/

Anyway I doubt Ange became delicious hamburgers again.

>> No.4580252


didn't she have another pep talk with Battler at the end of EP2?

>> No.4580342
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