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45715628 No.45715628 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45687137

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45715660

are we a dead industry?

>> No.45715689
File: 41 KB, 640x360, sakura2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. It's the only way to stop my backlog from expanding further.

>> No.45715961

Have 200+ visual novels in my backlog and keep adding more everyday, so I hope so too

>> No.45715990

And that's a good thing, リア充 need to stay away, just look what happened to anime, and that industry is "flourishing"

>> No.45716054

I have nearly 1000 since I like all genres and add any random obscurege I come across

>> No.45716381
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Waiting for milk factory
>dl version 2024-01-26

>> No.45716505

In imokano, Haruka's seiyuu is doing a great job performing the part where she starts to give up the act but catches herself before it finishes leaving her lips. I also appreciate that the text doesn't reflect this, which vindicates my stubborn insistence on listening to every voice line.

>> No.45716694
File: 56 KB, 784x245, 7Dx8KM0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think imokano marks the career highpoint of Mitsuki and Haruka's respective seiyuu. They really knocked their roles out of the park considering how difficult of a script imokano was to read apparently. Ever since Silverio I thought Waou Kirika would make the perfect slut and in 働くオトナ, Yahiro Mami the perfect imouto.

>> No.45716752

Elaborate more on the spoiler.

>> No.45717051 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, onee-san & life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it for episode 6 of Sharkness Life. It was meh, the disappointment continues, and in some ways the main story got even worse. Where to even begin.

I liked the way the previous routes unlocked the Onee-san route by adding an anti-choice after each route. At the start of her route I felt like a complete idiot for some of my previous complaints that were immediately touched on. I really liked where it was going with the every route happened but was undone by the takos even when they left the island. Furthermore Kyouhei joining the enemy because he realized fighting was pointless opened up the gates to so much information about the inner workings behind Onee-san's operation. That was fantastic but also where the good parts ended.

Funabori's own background tying in with the sengoku slave trade revealed in Remi's route was okay but there were 3 or 4 of these history sessions that just didn't reveal much new or interesting. I also felt nothing for Funabori as a person. Such a tragic fate and things she lived through, but it didn't grip me or shake my heart. It was bland and didn't stand out from any other dialogue. The short police book story was done better than this. Funabori should've had gotten an actual flashback episode but that would kill the budget.

The tako's ability to give admins any skill, knowledge and role was interesting and explained how Onee-san could do things. What the route never revealed was how she's able to survive with what I assume is 1 hour of sleep. She's always awake and everywhere. Kyouhei only goes to school and the konbini and it drains him. So how does Onee-san do it for thousands of loops? She said she could be cloned but it would be too risky to run into herself or cause people to get confused. They should gone with clones being real to make sense, paradoxically.

Too much of the route focused on this new everyday life with work. The BBQ happened and the writer started the grimdark part. People die and Kyouhei is involved. He even planned Amane's murder, had to watch Remi get killed (NICE) and then he broke the broken Maruri. This would've been interesting to read if not for Kyouhei. The writer, again, failed to make me feel anything for a main character. He's distraught by his actions and the hopelessness makes him even want to kill himself. He vomits here and there, apparently looks like a zombie, and cries often. But why do I not feel his despair? I thought he was annoying and made no sense. He willingly joined the enemy and accepted being a bad guy doing bad things he has no control over like fucking broken Maruri (off-screen) while Remi watches in shock and later tormenting Maruri until she gets gangraped(?) by takos again. He "plays a script he's given" but I didn't feel it. He just seemed inconsistent and shitty.

The romance was bad. What I saw wasn't love but 2 people using each other to cope with a crappy situation. The H-scenes were ok and a bit shorter, 3 being single CG. Art was a bit better but the writing was boring. Unusable for me. I reread katan's Samenana "review", he praised it a lot for being an old fashioned scenario game while warning that it's not a character game. After Onee-san's route I can only agree that it's a really bad character and romance game. None of the character's feels deep or receives much development. They aren't unlikable but they're more akin to a forgettable movie cast than a VN cast. The romances are undercooked and shallow. The plot conveniently interferes with it. There are no date events or casual scenes. Feelings just happen, they have sex and deal with the plot, time skip to happy end. Other CUBE writers did the opposite and had long common routes that fleshed out the cast and eased into a believable romance that had love. Light on story but not lacking drama they worked as character games but not scenario games. Anyway my takeaway from Samenana's writer is that he has no fucking concept of love and romance writing, less than many other writers who lack experience but make up for it with imagination and wish-fulfilment.

Back to the route's story. After all the bad things that happened yet didn't feel shocking or gripping, probably since we know it's just another loop until the timeline is reset. so nothing matters. Why care? It could make us relate to the admins but it fails., we arrive at the cliffhanger ending seguing into the far too happy and upbeat OP movie. Kyouhei announces his renewed will to save everyone and falls completely flat on his 2D nose. Seriously, tell me what this shitty route was even about. Through the choices he rejects the other girls and thus remembers everything, realizes the pointlessness of fighting, joins the enemy, learns almost everything, works as a cashier,

>> No.45717059

(cont.) works as a cashier some more, fucks Onee-san and learns her story, goes to class, plays the baddy who kills Amane and fucks over other people and lovers. Btw despite loving everyone he doesn't show it or has ANY conflicting feelings about dating Onee-san and even fucking her in front of 3 of his brainwashed exes! Then after their deaths he spends a day having fun with Funabori watching movies, fucking and then festival time again. Time rewinds and NOW suddenly out of nowhere he wants to fight again. ???? Why? How? He never once in this route which only lasted a single loop within that timelap made any plans for anything. I don't get it. It's like a filler episode before the final battle and skipping over the training arc then bullshitting the final boss with a new deus ex machina move. Why couldn't Kyouhei be shown doing literally anything in this route?

Let's get to the next issue, the plotholes. About Kuuko, we were shown that she gets mind controlled in her sleep before she turns into the shark. She never remembered her shark actions! Now she's mysteriously aware of everything, not just retained memories, and after her kills she copes undersea. Where does this come from? She's aware of her role as a shark as if she were the sister after regaining her consciousness and freed of the control device. Yet she wear it again and talks like retard Kuuko. I always forgot to mention in prev. posts that no one ever reacts to Kuuko's blue streaks tattoo on her skin. What even is that since she kept it after not being a shark anymore.

The writer still hasn't explained what happened to Amane at the end of the loops when she regrets killing the shark. Why even since she doesn't care about killing Kuuko or bystanders. So what is her regret? Or her saying it wasn't her purpose. Or Kyouhei saying he knows about Tokyo. We still don't know how they met, how the siblings became shark hunters, he can't even swim! I guess him "knowing" Tokyo is from his memories of loops escaping there? Not originally being from Tokyo like I thought in earlier routes. We also still know nothing about Kyouhei or Remi's parents. Were Touka's parents maybe killed by sharks and not illnesses? What even is Maruri's home life? Instead there are new questions. Funabori started season 1 sengoku, went into stasis until season 2 showa, then again until season 3 reiwa. Why don't the takos replace her or use other admins? Why did they even allow Kyouhei when he was their VIP actor. Mindcontrol makes no sense. They need physical tentacle rape to start it but then use psychokinesis to control? And takos are aliens using a basement server to then control tako robots as cameras and minions who look real but are robots. If they can rewind time why use manual labor to rebuild or get rid of trash? Rewinds are confusing. The dead come back but some dead are removed permanently despite being interesting to takos. The mind wipes are not perfect so errors happen. It's dumb. Also the food restocking. There are 15.000 islanders (but only 30 kids in school) on this tiny island, I don't believe it. If Funabori only admin'd that 1 district I'd believe it. She can't oversee 15k people. She can't even work 1 konbini.

I have no idea how they'll win in the finale. Honestly I don't care. I hate this VN. Every year I read 1 game like this and force myself to finish it. This time is the last. I won't read shit anymore I don't like reading. The common route started good, the first school day and the Maruri toilet event told me something was off. Then Maruri's terrible route should've been the last straw. I pushed for Touka (worth it) and Kuuko (not worth it). I got invested and with every route I didn't want to not see it through. Remi's route was the worst for pacing and "romance". Kuuko's was boring and disappointing. I fucked up wasting so many hours. Not again. Fuck kusoge.

I don't plan to make a post for the finale unless it blows me away. I expect no answers and a lot of bullshit. Sharkness Life Grand Route, fuck you already. I'll avoid anything by this writer in the future and I'll fucking stop reading time travel/loop stories since every single one sucks. FUCK THIS GAME FUCK THIS GAME FUCK THIS GAME

>> No.45717098

Glad I dropped this after Remi route

>> No.45717127

Thanks for sacrificing yourself for those of us who have not yet read it. Now I will definitely not read it in my life

>> No.45717136

Had this game in my backlog and downloaded. Just deleted it from my HDD.

>> No.45717172
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x768, >_<.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played アマカノ & アマカノ+ and I enjoyed them.
聖's + route reminded me of hoshiori (which was one of the worst games I have ever played) a little too much so I had to stop it in the middle and forget about its existence.
Most FD's are great but sometimes you get the rare stinker.

>> No.45717178

>What I saw wasn't love but 2 people using each other to cope with a crappy situation
That's the whole point, it's explicit
>Btw despite loving everyone he doesn't show it or has ANY conflicting feelings about dating Onee-san and even fucking her in front of 3 of his brainwashed exes!
>They need physical tentacle rape to start it but then use psychokinesis to control? And takos are aliens using a basement server to then control tako robots as cameras and minions who look real but are robots. If they can rewind time why use manual labor to rebuild or get rid of trash? Rewinds are confusing. The dead come back but some dead are removed permanently despite being interesting to takos. The mind wipes are not perfect so errors happen. It's dumb. Also the food restocking. There are 15.000 islanders (but only 30 kids in school) on this tiny island, I don't believe it. If Funabori only admin'd that 1 district I'd believe it. She can't oversee 15k people. She can't even work 1 konbini.
I'm starting to think you held ctrl, because every single one of these is addressed in the route you are complaining about.
>she regrets killing the shark. Why even since she doesn't care about killing Kuuko or bystanders. So what is her regret? Or her saying it wasn't her purpose. Or Kyouhei saying he knows about Tokyo. We still don't know how they met, how the siblings became shark hunters, he can't even swim! I guess him "knowing" Tokyo is from his memories of loops escaping there? Not originally being from Tokyo like I thought in earlier routes. We also still know nothing about Kyouhei or Remi's parents. Were Touka's parents maybe killed by sharks and not illnesses? What even is Maruri's home life?
Maybe finish the VN before complaining about things not being answered?
You're really lucky this isn't that popular a game because this is the equivalent of reaching Heaven's Feel and going "I don't get it, why was Shirou able to summon Saber???" like I am seriously starting to doubt your reading ability.

>> No.45717187

>route reminded me of hoshiori (which was one of the worst games I have ever played)
Hoshi Ori is the perfect moege, not liking it just means you hate moege. To call it a bad game is insane and means you're applying the wrong standard, because it executes what it's setting out for perfectly.

>> No.45717206

except the art is not good and the girls are too boring
I would agree with you if it was a single heroinege about Rikka

>> No.45717227

You do you, drunk workaholic clown.

>> No.45717265

how can someone hate tonework's but love azarashi soft

>> No.45717281

Ginharu vs hoshi ori, who wins?

>> No.45717290

R07 is better if you want something to sleep

>> No.45717291

Either way, we all lose.

>> No.45717294
File: 1.12 MB, 1203x719, SiglusEngine (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin'haru, it's just a better version of Hoshi Ori. The only reason to prefer Hoshi Ori is because Gin'haru is unbelievably long. I'd argue that makes it better, but if you said I prefer Hoshi Ori because it's faster paced I'd respect that even if I disagree.

>> No.45717310

Momoka is so fucking sexual its unreal

>> No.45717316


>> No.45717320
File: 370 KB, 497x531, SiglusEngine (12).pngtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the best girls in the game.
You can tell Tonework's are secret hagkings forced to make JK moege, until they were finally set free with Tsukikana (I assume, I haven't read Tsukikana)

>> No.45717321

I enjoyed hoshi ori, but when I tried Bethly route in ginharu I just fell asleep.
For some reason none of girls feels really special. They all are just ok. Maybe I need to try another route because it looks like a fine winter vn...

>> No.45717327

How far did you get in the route? You have to remember, each route in Gin'haru is split into multiple phases that are each the length of a normal moege route.

>> No.45717347

>How far did you get in the route?
Not that far, got to Halloween event, guess I didn't like Bethly that much. Been couple of years, looking back at game now, Mizuha and Momiji looking appealing.

>> No.45717354

That's honestly only like 10-15% of the way in.

>> No.45717366

I know, shortest ginharu route = longest hoshi ori route in terms of script size.

>> No.45717980

Sharkbros, we're toast.

>> No.45717983


>> No.45718001

Crap. Forgot which eroge and the usual sites aren't giving the right answer.

>> No.45718043

Is this general as elitist as Amazon JP reviews?

>> No.45718282

Well, the UI and art should've made it obvious. You can also just search the name of the character in the screenshot. https://vndb.org/v19391

>> No.45718332

Much obliged, anon. Sign that I need to clear my backlog. Everything is starting to gel together.

>> No.45718366

4 new all age

>> No.45718397

When you see allage with deliberately "hot" girls you can 100% know that it's just cringe for zoomers
Allage can only work when it's actually something serious

>> No.45718710

This guy really with a straight face calls this 豊作すぎだろ...
And he didn't even include Hakkenden, the only actual interesting game from the list... you can't convince me that he doesn't get paid for his shill

>> No.45718734

>which was one of the worst games I have ever played
what the fuck

>> No.45718799

That anon that has been shilling that shit all time here wont like this

>> No.45718965
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Bought some eroge in moonland. Half stuff I liked, other half I want to read.

>> No.45719098


>> No.45719168

Holy shit how much did you spend?

>> No.45719237

Thanks for keeping the industry alive

>> No.45719279

Like 2500 euro. Also bought tons of other weebshit, so kinda hard to estimate.

>> No.45719434

You a frog?

>> No.45719630

>From gachashit maker moving into traditional VNs
Funny development when there are so many going the opposite way

>> No.45719693

Are the two other routes actually better? I played the 聖 route and stalled it.

>> No.45719725
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I liked pic related's route. It's less boring than the others if I remember correctly

>> No.45719813 [DELETED] 

Any eroge that embodies /a/?

>hates Japan and everything it stands for.
>likes cartoons and comics

>> No.45720073
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, yuumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuumi and Thomas aren't really that different.

>> No.45720111
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But it's fine when a girl does it, right?

>> No.45720131

In our school boys were kicking each other in the balls and it was considered normal...

>> No.45720158

It's a welcome development as long as Bushiroad is willing to invest in it.
Even if they are all-ages they will introduce new people to the medium, especially with such a big and sophisticated corporation throwing its weight on advertisement. And some of those new people will inevitably take interest in proper eroge too. That will make industrial situation better.

>> No.45720207
File: 272 KB, 1280x720, yuumi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she is at least self aware. The game plays this scene pretty well.

>> No.45720228

>That will make industrial situation better.
It will make it worse because more companies will jump on the all-ages train

>> No.45720266

Hasshaku bwos...

>> No.45720335

yuumi love, great character

>> No.45720353

Some might do it. But they won't have resources of a giant like Bushiroad. The best strategy for smaller companies with less resources will still be attracting by addition of adult content people who entered the market through all-ages. It's also rather good strategy to attract people who enter the market through things like let's play streams as there is no way to stream adult scenes on YT or nico.

>> No.45720934

>they're more akin to a forgettable movie cast
That's also the impression I got. It felt like some of the heroines were loosely based on slasher movie stereotypes, which I guess plays into the whole B-movie theme, so I didn't mind it that much. That's also one of the reasons Tooka's route was my favorite. She's the smart one, so when things start getting dangerous, instead of investigating a noise or separating from the group or whatever, she just gets the fuck out of there.

>> No.45721165

Give me something as immersive as monobeno.
Genre doesnt matter.

>> No.45721186


>> No.45721215

Already finished...

>> No.45721238 [DELETED] 

>Spends their time discussing the product of a culture they hate.
Why do this? I wouldn't waste a second of my time in here if I hated Japan.

>> No.45721254 [DELETED] 

I hate japs and japan but like eroge, what is so complex to understand here?

>> No.45721313 [DELETED] 

Playing eroge must be torture for you since it's one of the most nationalistic otaku media out there.

>> No.45721321


>> No.45721341 [DELETED] 

You hate them so much you learned their language and consume their media, filled with reminders of the things you hate?

>> No.45721342 [DELETED] 

Being nationalistic helps to make it more bearable because they try to present themselves mostly from the positive side only, but i'm definitely not dealing with their shit irl

>> No.45721344 [DELETED] 

Why are you looking for rationality in a bait?

>> No.45721348 [DELETED] 

seamonkeys have some kind of inferiority complex towards japan but still can't stop consuming their media

>> No.45721392 [DELETED] 

Visual novels and eroge are fairly progressive because it's still creative art.
Nationalists generally hate creativity because it clashes with their ideas of what is "good" and how things "should" be. Same reason they're always sperging about how degenerate modern art is and that everyone should return to some past aesthetic.

>> No.45721395

Oh god, these faggots are so annoying with this shit discussion

>> No.45721407


>> No.45721417 [DELETED] 

The more you learn the language the more things you find to dislike, it is inevitable
I also was a big weeaboo who wanted to live in Japan when i started to learn Japanese and i thought that Americans were extremely cool when i started to learn English

>> No.45721453

>Related anime
Well, I liked some of the character designs, so maybe I'll watch the anime and it will be on switch, so whatever, maybe I'll read it

>> No.45721495

>>45721453 (me)
Oh, apparently it's borderline yuri, yeah, I'm gonna read that shit

>> No.45721497

can anyone help me hook kkk? some words cant be hooked so i cant get mtl to work properly

>> No.45721506

Border bros, explain the context...

>> No.45721518 [DELETED] 

Thanks for proving me right by leaving s the other off topic and deleting the only one that offended you, seanigger janny
Make sure to delete this one as well

>> No.45721526 [DELETED] 

Like what shit? They're not insufferably in your face and loud. Unless you just can't stand indirectness, in which case you'd have a rough time with Asians in general.

Opposite for me. The more I learn, the more I want to know about them. You're simply too impressionable to negativity.

>> No.45721563

stfu with your retarded shit and help me with kkk hook

>> No.45721586


>> No.45721622

The only context you could be missing is that the fat glasses dude is a rich bisexual pervert.

>> No.45721629

I don't know who was chosen as meido, but based

>> No.45721681

He probably hates Japan.

>> No.45721710

Na, he must hate insufferable faggots and I'm all for it.
By the way, recently reading Vendeta... why are sol scenes so bad?

>> No.45721785

I guess you're just used to amazing sol or something because I don't remember them being too bad.

>> No.45721815

to be fair, I feel bgm is having a considerable impact on my enjoyment in these scenes, why the fuck does it have to have singing voices?

>> No.45721825

>Vendeta... why are sol scenes so bad?
I dropped game 4 times already and I can relate to this lol

>> No.45721843

I liked the vocal BGM. Felt weird at first but got used to them quickly.
This is the best one in the trilogy, by the way: https://files.catbox.moe/ya9ct6.ogg

>> No.45721860

What are your impressions of this one? Personally, I hate it the most at the moment

>> No.45723293

They are better than Trinity sol scenes because there is no ebin military school shit

>> No.45723396

trinity sol is better also 3 good routes vendetta only 1 gtfo

>> No.45723398

I'm on day 8 of Haison shojou. The anon who said it lacks Kagome scenes didn't get far enough, she has a funny hairjob scene. Am I close to halfway? Just got to what should be the branching choice. My dick is being destroyed

>> No.45723435

>only 1
2. Chitose's route was good too.
>3 good routes
Which Trinity route did you not like?

>> No.45723439

>Shoujo Ramen detected

>> No.45723459

Vendetta will always be better than Trinity even if contrarians choke on copium about it

>> No.45723468

>Which Trinity route did you not like?
the blonde whose name I can't remember

>> No.45723489
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 126482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best netorige vn

>> No.45723559

I didn't like horseface as a heroine but I thought her route was pretty good. The whole final with the Dainsleif 魔星 awakening was pretty cool.

>> No.45723628

I feel like the whole revelation of ash past in aya route hit me so hard that the immediate experience afterwards was quite disappointing
and yeah I could never like the blonde so I read her route mostly out of obligation

>> No.45723683 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 1280x728, 0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remembered this cg (BIG SPOILER TRINITY)
damn I can't think of a more perfect route

>> No.45723856

She was the Milly of Trinity, worst route.

>> No.45723879 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1267x704, 1692141425386508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but a first route, it was still better than Milly's.

>> No.45724123
File: 2.27 MB, 1680x1050, Screenshot (103).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is peak comedy unironically

>> No.45724566
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_トリニティmalie (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the true route is way better, personally. Even though it really has no romance. Trinity is a game carried by the cast of bros and antagonists, they're all around fantastic and every one is a winner that would be the highlight of any other VN.
I'd say all three trinity girls are much better than Milly but not nearly as good as Chitose or Vendetta. They're solid heroines, nothing to complain about, they do their job well, but they're not exceptional like Chitose/Vendetta.

>> No.45724630

>I think the true route is way better, personally.
nah not saying it's best trinity route but it was unexpectedly solid and I enjoyed every second of it from start to finish

>> No.45725155

Bros, we're dying... Most old studios from 1999-2000 stopped doing VNs and all we have now are orcsoft yearly milfs with technomusic or atelier kaguya game number 101930129301039102 about two onee-sans

>> No.45725173

New studios are better. Get with the times.

>> No.45725189

A fucking open "harem" end. Ending before picking someone To LOVEる-style. Are you shitting me? Fucking LN hack writers stay away from eroge. Touka won. Haruna won.

>> No.45725208

Prove. Name 10 games made in 2020-2023 that are at least better than spooky pregnant school.

>> No.45725249

There is no better time to be a moebuta though, moege is stronger than ever.

>> No.45725265


>> No.45725277

Shut the fuck up, because of ''people'' like you we have to endure yearly orcsoft skrillex remix.

>> No.45725299

Dropped most of the moege that were released in recent years, the moege peak ended back in 2015

>> No.45725325

What was the source of your suffering anon

>> No.45725376
File: 869 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_06-01-2024 23-27-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got myself to do the 3rd case and it got me really pleasantly surprised
If the first 2 were completely boring, now things have finally started for real
Surely there was a lot of stupid stuff and full of ご都合主義, but it still managed to get me invested in the story really hard, i read it 6 hours in a row and didn't even notice how the time passed, and even finally managed to get the perfect score on the second half
Really looking forward to the 4 case now since all the overarching plot finally starting to come together, they really got me with that closing credits bait

>> No.45725676 [SPOILER] 
File: 866 KB, 942x583, 1703696980172534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are sleeping on some djge. After seeing all the Gensou Makyou Kitan shill from the last few threads I finally decided to give it a chance. Now I'm on chapter 8 and I can confidently say it's a kamige.

>> No.45725682

What game is this? Art looks familiar but can't place it

>> No.45725695

nta but 桜花裁き apparently

>> No.45725713

Yeah, our guy nirvaren gave it an enthusiastic review so I was thinking of checking it out too.

>> No.45725768

Tfw i'm the one who brought this game up but couldn't get over 2nd chapter myself... idk why but that kind of atmosphere is really not for me, the djges that overuse real photos too much give me some very uncomfortable vibes that i can't deal with
Even if it gets kami later i still don't think it is worth it putting myself through that feeling

>> No.45725799

It uses real photos a lot less once it gets going, its mostly just the early chapters for whatever reason. It is an odd feeling though for sure but I didn't mind it too much

>> No.45725861

>use real photos too much
You'd be surprised how much original CGs this game has on the latter parts. The fight scene on chapter 6 or 7 has about a dozen different CGs just for that scene alone. The one I posted earlier is from that chapter.
>idk why but that kind of atmosphere is really not for me
I think another anon said this but this game really reads more like a book than a vn. Personally, I really liked the odd atmosphere it has

>> No.45725918

Where did you buy these from? I went to Tokyo about a year ago and the only place with a lot of eroge on sale (that I found) was Trader in Akihabara. I didn't look too hard though. I'm looking to stock up more when I go again next month.

>> No.45726068

Yeah, I wonder if it is her best role. The scene where Haruka burns herself with the iron gave me chills.

>> No.45726130

I swear reading all haruka's mental deterioration has been one of the most horrible things in quite some time
That shit really hurt my soul

>> No.45726135 [DELETED] 

So this is like Ace Attorney but in the bakumatsu era? Gameplay-wise I mean

>> No.45726148

So this is like Ace Attorney but in the bakumatsu era? Gameplay-wise I mean

>> No.45726174

rather lenient compared to HnK desu

>> No.45726205

Do you have any recommendations with a huge emphasis on the psychological aspect in a similar way?

>> No.45726244

HnK if you haven't played it yet

>> No.45726323
File: 581 KB, 2560x1440, Idle_26-12-2023 21-37-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitelly inspired by Gyakusai but it's not even close in terms of depth, more like a far doujin cousin
It's way more simplistic since it is お白洲 so you play both judge, prosecutor, and attorney simultaneously and mostly it is just you solo vs all the culprits
But it still tries to make the best of what it is through all the cool animations and stuff and does a good job of keeping you entertained if you get into the story (sadly the first 2 cases were too boring so it took me a while)

>> No.45726373

Anyone played Prism Heart/Ark/Magical/Whatever? Where should I start?

>> No.45726820
File: 85 KB, 593x392, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

writer done ace attorney touhou doujins before writing this, so no surprise
it's funny how most of routes are boring too except ayaka lol

>> No.45726827

I'm not done yet but it feels like in the last route Mitsuki is mentally following the same path as Akino.

>> No.45726850

>save game at voiced line
>game doesn't automatically play voice when I load the save
Yep, that's a drop!

>> No.45726859
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which route should I play first?
Which route should I skip?

>> No.45726878

I manually edited the MS Gothic font so I can see \ instead of ¥ as its my preferred commandline font.

>> No.45726894

none, but if i had to answer wakoto

>> No.45726904

You can just use this https://github.com/microsoft/terminal instead

>> No.45726911

Haven't read but by looks alone read black hair and blonde

>> No.45726923

Haven't read it but by looks alone read pink hair and violet

>> No.45727032

>After 3 gyakuten touhou doujins, he went and made his own original one
I can definitely sense some passion here, it's hard not to respect those noble origins.

>> No.45727045
File: 20 KB, 1073x600, 1692212554969608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I use that when I want to manually open a terminal window.
The problem is I pick my terminal font based on the crispness of the following string: 装甲悪鬼村正
And base on that criteria MS Gothic is the best one I have found.

>> No.45727071
File: 879 KB, 1024x768, guishen_0896ev421d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wakoto senpai >>>>>>>>>>>> all

>> No.45727145

indeed, even if trials gameplay isn't the most logical thing ever, I still respect writer origins

>> No.45727181

do you feel like Mitsuki's routeoverstayed its welcome? they took all the h-scenes that were supposed to be spread amongst 3 routes and crammed it all into 1. there's like 50 lines of text between some of the scenes and most of them aren't even that good. i guess it's important to drive home the cohabitation theme. but holy shit. we get it. you guys fuck a lot.

>> No.45727403

I agree. I think this is the game's only flaw. On the other hand, Mitsuki and Kei are both maniacs so it never really felt out of character. After finishing it, I feel like I completely understood what the writer was trying to do in the last route but it needed a bit better execution. But the last route also has a lot of the best scenes in the game, and it made me cry a lot, so I am conflicted on it.

>> No.45727666

Its because China and Korea are taking over the entire mobile market and Japan can't compete, so they're downscaling and switching to indie games.

>> No.45727672

Wtf I love foreign gacha now?

>> No.45727741

In Akiba in order of selection from best to worst I went to: Mandarake, Sofmap, Lamtarra, Trader, Surugaya, Getchu, Melonbooks (not the bookstore). Then Osaka's Nipponbashi Sofmap and Mandarake - both had really good selection as well.

>> No.45727807

>Tencent proceeds to buy KEY

>> No.45727857

>KEY proceeds to a bunch of VNs

>> No.45727860

to announce*

>> No.45728753

>how I learned to love my tsundere communist leader!

>> No.45729032

Are mystery and suspense hard to write? Is that why they're not so many of those floating around the erogespace?

>> No.45729057

Who usually buys those? Chinks and Gooks or are there actually Howaitto piggus and SEA monkeys trawling the eroge pile?

>> No.45729209

stories are just hard to write in general. people should give writers more slack.

>> No.45729258

This unironically. Mad respect to SCA-JI for writing honestly his true feelings even if those would repulse most people.

>> No.45729267

when will we have a plotge with a bisexual pervert mc?

>> No.45729274

Agreed, there are so many scenes and they're pretty long so the pacing isn't great. But yeah, thematically there's a reason for it, but we didn't really need 12 nuts per scene to show how they're using sex as an escape or how their relationship develops and changes over time. It makes the actual ending feel kind of sudden because it isn't as long as all those scenes. The non-H parts of that route have a lot of great scenes though and I like how all the themes and motifs from the beginning come together as we learn more about Mitsuki and her life and struggles and how she parallels Kei in that regard. On another note, feels a bit weird that a long game like this doesn't have any vocal songs. I've played even low-budget nukige that have OPs/EDs, even if they use some royalty-free song they found. There's no reason that they have to follow the convention of having an OP/ED but I find that having a fitting song can really add to the mood and aftertaste of a game.

>> No.45729343


>> No.45729546

I have a feeling Waffle tried to make a compromise, Imouto to Kanojo is much longer than Hajimete no Kanojo but it has far less h-scenes, so they tried to compensate by making each individual scene longer. It really sucks that it ruins the pacing in the third route since I feel like up to that point the game was great at making the ero feel purposeful and story related.

But the scene where Mitsuki finally is able to see Haruka's mother for the first time in the eyes without the face-blind vision she usually has and just immediately starts crying felt like it made the entire route worth it...really this route is such a weird feeling for me because it simultaneously has some of the best scenes I've read in an eroge while also feeling like a slog to read at times. But even if I think Waffle should cool it with the ero spam I'm willing to give credit where credit's due, it's still kamige in my eyes.

>> No.45730057

Can someone confirm if the Daiakuji dl version has the normally working music? I might actually consider buying it if it does

>> No.45730081
File: 1.02 MB, 1240x1754, winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you delay a release if it means more CGs and H?

>> No.45730148

Why is egs so dead? There used to be a ton of 必ず購入 comments before

>> No.45730498

Sure, I'm not in a rush.

>> No.45730875

Does anyone remember the name of a vn about a mystery involving a monster that affects memories/perception?

>> No.45730927

Dying medium etc etc etc

>> No.45731616

Bros, I'm back.
Still reading WA2. Just finished Kazusa Normal in Coda. Really intense route. 不俱戴天の君へ really elevates it a lot too.

>> No.45731846

hello frens, I am just recently getting into vns.
going off what i've seen so far, unless I wanna learn japanese people recommend using japreader + textractor(?), is this still the best way to read jp VNs?

>> No.45731908

Dunno, ask on Reddit.

>> No.45731991

Eroge is dead. Eroge remains dead. And we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the pirates of all pirates? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the otaku has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe those games off our HDD? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become eroge makers simply to appear worthy of it?

>> No.45732048

Which route are you doing next?

>> No.45732054

Setsuna True, then Kazusa True as the last.

>> No.45732082

Nice. I also saved Kazusa for last too. It feels right to end the game with her route.

>> No.45732107

Yes, all the routes I saw until now make Kazusa seem like the truer option.

>> No.45732153

Kazusa was made with 2ch/5ch shitposters in mind.

>> No.45733054

The other day I skipped like half of the story of samenana looking for h-scenes to fap to. After like 1 hour there was NOTHING, fuck me, from the marketing you would guess that its more ecchi but no, just story and shit. They played my dick like a goddamn fiddle

>> No.45733072

just download a 100% save, retard

>> No.45733096


>> No.45733104

just play seigiranman instead unless you're dead set on fucking an autistic shark

>> No.45733106

The usual place.

>> No.45733125

Source for this claim?

>> No.45733133
File: 291 KB, 908x256, 1691938623303782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously one of the thirstiest heroines outside of a pure nukige. Yukia had better H-scenes, though

>> No.45733143

where is that? I'm a retard as you said.

I'll check that one. It was a cute shark though

>> No.45733263
File: 27 KB, 1144x66, 1701577284247422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the point of moege is to have sex with the characters after getting invested on them right?

>> No.45733293

I only need 10 minutes to get invested in them, any more just wastes time

>> No.45733312

My terminally online ass.

>> No.45733439

Then stick to nukige, maybe the oppai maid game
And make sure to skip the first 2 hours of retarded infodump

>> No.45733486

>he skips the setup of a nukige
for what pvrpose

>> No.45733487

try this

>> No.45733506

more nukige should have elaborate setups, slow burn buildup, and sexual tension
do not debate me, for i am truth absolute

>> No.45733596


>> No.45733632 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 804x1567, konyaku1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. To be fair though, Setsuna route is probably what Maruto considers to be the "correct" choice. I just think the uwaki and Kazusa route fit better for WA2. Pic is from Konnyaku, not really a spoiler out of context but just to be sure.

>> No.45733722

>Setsuna route is probably what Maruto considers to be the "correct" choice.

Does he? Isn't it uwaki? Especially with 不俱戴天の君へ.

>> No.45733734

yes thats cool and all but what if I want to fap RIGHT NOW. Do I need to hold my nut for a couple of days just waiting for the main character process her emotions and finally succumb to my dick?

>> No.45733744

Well, just finished 3rd Criminal Border. I mean holy shit dude. What the fuck

>> No.45733745

Also btw the most based route is Koharu.

>> No.45733779
File: 1.49 MB, 2928x2048, 1684534715736521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping for an April release for episode 4.

>> No.45733897

I do think uwaki fits the game very well. By "correct" I mean what Haruki should do given his situation. I mentioned Konnyaku because there is a similar situation where MC has to deal with the aftermath of his father running away with his osananajimi's mother because they were star-crossed lovers and reunited way later when both already have families.

>> No.45733924

When people here said 3rd gets insane I had my guesses. At the top of the list was Meryl being an undercover cop and second was Tatsuya dying. But never ever would I guess this tenkai. I honestly don't think final can top this. The only thing I was missing were manly tears from the dudes.

>> No.45733937

Play up to an H scene when you're not horny and then load later
Or just use the recollection mode or fap to something else

>> No.45734800

>Do I need to hold my nut for a couple of days just waiting for the main character process her emotions and finally succumb to my dick?
Yes, you only need a little bit of self restraint to obtain the ultimate bliss.

>> No.45734871


>> No.45734905

n1 bro...

>> No.45734940

pink is must read. avoid the blonde, worst heroine ever. the others your first impression decides.

>> No.45735488

N1? He used が where he should've used は

>> No.45735494 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 768x432, 1567536484137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid the blonde, worst heroine ever.
What if Quof heard you say that?

>> No.45735500


>> No.45735510

How white people are not ashamed to do shit like this is beyond me

>> No.45735807

any vn like rewrite and suummer pockets?

>> No.45735814
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, ルリのかさね_SNaUX7FiWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picked this up because I needed some healing after imokano and it looked interesting
>first song is a banger, bgms are super cozy, comfy atmosphere, nice humor, decent story
>get into Yuura's route after doing Ruri's
>this time during Yuura's introduction, the only difference is that Ruri's sprite is also on screen
>she fucking flips her off
thanks for the rec anon

>> No.45735883

>doing other filler routes in the single heroine lolige
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.45735950

>filler routes
you didn't read any of your vns

>> No.45735990 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 582x697, 1697199555278032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting post

>> No.45736022

Try the rest of key catalog, maybe little busters

>> No.45736106

EGS only has tags for popular titles, what a worthless web sight.

>> No.45736157

be the change you want to see

>> No.45736159

People take vndb for granted too much when it's literally a masterpiece of web design if you compare it to literally anything else

>> No.45736167

unironically true. I wish any of my other hobbies had as extensive a search system as vndb does.

>> No.45736378

Flatties are made to be skipped

>> No.45736685

found the homosexual

>> No.45736869
File: 24 KB, 326x170, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how to fix this?
Game is "Baka Dakedo"

>> No.45736936

google it

>> No.45737183

You need to find the member kag.

>> No.45737185
File: 1.67 MB, 1268x939, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind, i fixed myself

>> No.45737204
File: 405 KB, 440x560, 1680219371989460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, that background...

>> No.45737365

so are all orcsoft games in the same universe too?

>> No.45737410
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x900, >file.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being called out.

>> No.45737456
File: 1.27 MB, 1143x855, 1681118357700849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, that background...

>> No.45737486
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1080, insister_y94Wt1Qai9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally fucking done with imokano. they did a really good job suicide bating. i thought for sure at least 1 person was going to off themselves. now to resume playing stalker gamma to heal myself

>> No.45737710

I found kei's final sentence alluding to mitsuki finally breaking the curse that had accompanied him all his life fascinating. best of all, she broke it by imposing another curse on him. In the end, they had to "give up love" in order to live, and if one dies, they all die
amazing eroge and amazing conclusion

>> No.45737755

the ending absolutely broke me. i finished it at 3 AM in the morning and couldn't sleep all night, i just lied in bed and stared at the ceiling and tried not to cry whenever i thought about it. i think it's the most depressing conclusion i've seen in an eroge. what fucks me up the most about it is that it doesn't give you any satisfying conclusion at all, i could handle it better if it showed more of what happened to mitsuki, but it fucks me up that the moment she learns about love and the first time in her life she's actually happy she leaves them

god it's still fucking me up

>> No.45737770

Mental health is a bitch bro. Mitsuki knows her mind better than anyone and made the best decision accordingly. In the end, she decided to sacrifice everything to keep her loved ones alive. I love her so much, she deserved a happy ending

>> No.45737897

Mitsuki's voice actress also did an amazing job in the game. According to EGS, I think this is her first role? I love how she was able to capture both the villainous seductress voice and the vulnerable little girl voice.

>> No.45737912

Hajimekano fucked me up for an entire month when I read it years ago. I was living life as a zombie and couldn't stop dreaming of Akino. It also completely vaporized my libido and gave me a savior complex. Going into imokano, I more or less knew what to expect from 間崎俊介 so my reaction to the 悩み isn't as visceral this time. Imokano's ending also isn’t as soul crushing as hajimekano's where everyone's life is ruined. Imokano’s journey is finding the least bad solution to an impossible problem where hajimekano's was just an everfall into the abyss.

I don't think I'm going to lose sleep over Imokano's ending but I'm looking forward to having Mitsuki join Akino in living rent free in my head.

She's voiced by Waou Kirika under an alias.

>> No.45737926

I wonder why she decided to use an alias just for this game. Then again, Mitsuki is kind of an insane role so I kinda get it.

>> No.45737952

I should still play Hajimakano before Imokano, right?

>> No.45737985

it doesn't matter. they're similar but standalone stories written by the same guy. a lot of anons just simp hard for the author.

>> No.45738016

It would be the most recommendable, the thematic transition from one to the other feels quite good

>> No.45738050

you should, it's great
it's miserable as fuck and i can't stop thinking about it

>> No.45738073

>gave me a savior complex
Funny because I find that it shows you why a savior complex is pointless especially if the person doesn't want to be saved.

>> No.45738165

>She's voiced by Waou Kirika under an alias
What's the point of using different aliases if people can instantly recognize your voice and therefore your online identity? And thanks to sites like vndb and EGS that information is more visible than ever.
I've always wondered about this

>> No.45738181

I truly, truly don't understand why people get so excited about hajimete no kanojo, the game was subpar even for a waffle ntrge. I'm starting to think it's some sort of weird meme or in-joke I just don't fucking get. It would be like if somebody said a random atelier sakura ntr kusoge was a masterpiece (besides Marina obviously).

>> No.45738189
File: 19 KB, 412x329, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way to bypass this gay shit?

>> No.45738196

why do you shilloids keep pretending hajimete no kanojo is not just a ntr nukige?

>> No.45738197

did you read it? it's understandable why people like it. not a lot of eroge handle themes like suicide and depression to the extent that game does.

>> No.45738203

they're trying to meme it like they did with dasaku

>> No.45738208

i got filtered by the art/character designs so I just assume I can't appreciate it's appeal in the first place, and so can't really have much of an opinion on it

>> No.45738230

you gotta try harder than that aniki

>> No.45738234

On each alias they use a different vocal persona. If you don't hear the differences between a Kiritani Hana CV and a Sawasawa Sawa CV you might want to get your ears checked. It's even more obvious comparing a Toyota Corolla CV, Nissan Note CV and a McLaren CV. This Curren performance (https://vndb.org/c104304)) was a month apart from this Cami one (https://vndb.org/c22805)) and they sound like night and day.

It's just one guy samefagging about his NTR kusoge. Wouldn't surprise me if it's the biman schizo.

>> No.45738237

Not reading nukigeshit imokanoshit, simple as

>> No.45738253

I think it's their first time reading an ntr nukige that has a soap opera plot, not realizing that these are actually fairly common and like half the Elf games do the same shit but better.

>> No.45738262

>On each alias they use a different vocal persona
I see, I thought they did that for privacy reasons, but this makes more sense.

>> No.45738263

i've never read an ntrge but yeah I thought the whole premise of NTR was the plot which always follows a certain pattern where you roughly knows how it end, since NTR sex itself is the same as junai sex, NTRfags just find the sex hotter with that context.

>> No.45738274

no one?

>> No.45738295

There are a lot of faggots here throwing shit at an eroge they haven't even read kek.

>> No.45738309

I DID read it, and I didn't think it was terrible, it's just super fucking weird to see a 6/10 treated as a 9/10.

>> No.45738310

imagine seething so hard about something just because it was well received
i'm glad don't have such a sad life

>> No.45738317

I haven't seen you discussing it here?

>> No.45738321

Because I read it when it fucking released two years ago? I made a lot of posts saying I don't fucking understand why people are freaking out about it back then too.
Well received by who, exactly?

>> No.45738328

What's the deal with the imouto to kanojo shilling today. it was barely talked about here since it launched.

>> No.45738335

>There are a lot of faggots here throwing shit at an eroge they haven't even read kek.
That's every day buddy, you think people have read the other VNs they're criticizing?
We had a guy write an essay about samenana earlier in this very thread and half of his complaints are about questions that were already answered by the point he's at in the VN.

>> No.45738344

One anon simply finished it, a few others who finished it joined in to discuss it and some anons here came out crying from their caves because they didn't like that

>> No.45738356


>> No.45738369

This. I have zero interest in that shit and even I think that cave anon is overreacting.

>> No.45738381


>> No.45738396

maybe it's my fault. I left a lot of weak faggots crying last year and they probably still can't forget me. it feels good to live rent free in your heads bros

>> No.45738419

easily found the answer using the nifty search bar feature of my browser

>> No.45738431

Can't tell if trolling or if I really need my ears checked.

>> No.45738434

but that was me, not you. can you not impersonate me?

>> No.45738439

This place has really just turned into a discord, huh?

>> No.45738449

found the autistic spammer

>> No.45738455

I searched but I cannot find any info to bypass the "there is no license" thing.

>> No.45738462

he's clearly trolling. shimizu ai and gotou mai have like a hundred aliases each. you really think they have that many different "vocal persona"? for whatever reason whether it be branding, agency related, or something else, seiyuu just use aliases for a myriad of reasons.

>> No.45738469

I will forever shit on the whiny faggots in this thread and their filthy dead. It's great to see discussions of any kind of eroge, but those subhumans can only keep sucking my cock like they've been doing since last year

>> No.45738507


>> No.45738520

I've never needed to remove dmm's drm myself, but it seems that vndb.org/t14007.4 this post describes how to fix get around it.
upload . ee / files / 6499021/ DenchiUnwrap.zip.html is for the tool mentioned.

>> No.45738542

Thanks man

>> No.45738665

I don't have to read a NTR nukige to know it's shit like I don't have to eat shit to know it tastes like shit.

>> No.45738676

take you meds. no one even knows who (you) are faggot

>> No.45738684

can any of you share 不機嫌ななつみさん?
all of the other games are up on AS but this one only has dead links.

>> No.45738687

Just admit you don't read eroge, buddy.

>> No.45738714

Just admit you don't eat good food, buddy.

>> No.45739703

Sent a letter to Atelier kaguya, asking them to release more kunoichi heroines, we'll see how it goes.

>> No.45739726

Won't work, I'm already standing outside their office holding up a sign that says
>Make Mamagoto or Mamaholic 2 OR ELSE

>> No.45739764

They can do both.
Add Anetomo 2 to your sign!

>> No.45739776

I probably should've written the sign in Japanese.

>> No.45740537

Nekoneko soft is pretty soulful. Their games feel like doujin games but with
an actual budget. Very good music too. Here are a few songs from them that I like.

>> No.45740731

retard here, does rance iv have a backlog?

>> No.45740853

not unless you run it through https://kichikuou.github.io/

>> No.45740880

How is scarlet? Is it good?

>> No.45740969

well that's extremely gay since for some reason it skips lines despite me being very careful and advancing slowly

>> No.45741162

It's decent but quite long. There are things you don't see often like they dedicate a long part of the game to a side character that lived in East Germany before they broke down the wall while raising the daughter of his dead crush to become his future wife. And they manage to make it quite emotional as well.

>> No.45742352

INO worked on a new game for Marine and nobody talked about it...

>> No.45742411

Are there any eroge that features the protagonist having done working holiday in another country?

>> No.45742457

I don't like the coloring.

>> No.45742877

suck my veiny cock insatiable weak faggot

>> No.45742953

just use texthooker for backlog

>> No.45743010

The fact that among thousands of vns there is barely anything with such a simple combination as flat+foreign is quite ridiculous
Makes me appreciate my girl Arisu a lot more now

>> No.45743341

Best 田舎暮らし? (besides monobeno)

>> No.45743463

>orcsoft game
>sex scene starts

>> No.45743512
File: 31 KB, 390x195, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellooo. Just dropping by to shill this. Someone made this VN in a gamedev LINE group I'm in and I was hoping you also give them some love by checking it out for a bit. Thanks, Anons.

>> No.45743520

Anything outside of tokyo is inaka
YES even osaka

>> No.45743654
File: 3.53 MB, 2176x1220, firefox_08-01-2024 18-20-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is this ecchi...

>> No.45743789

Oh shit did I go into the wrong general or something? Is this solely for H stuff?

>> No.45743847

He's referring to the text on the screen.

>> No.45743862

ah right didn't see haha yeah not sure either

>> No.45743879

Really cute, look like it was made by a very talented 11 years old

>> No.45744170

Furfag dev gets it going to cat rumbling noises I guess.

>> No.45744332

Where are all the underage artists drawing porn that I always see in otaku media
There was one eroge artist who started drawing ecchi as a JK but she's not very good...

>> No.45744398

Im pretty sure zoomers must be using AI by now

>> No.45744690

It's on Hsuki.

>> No.45744754

>Is this solely for H stuff?

>> No.45744769
File: 1 KB, 225x36, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45744831

all ages future

>> No.45745126

Most Dostoevskian visual novels?

>> No.45745182


>> No.45745239

But they're already making the third game in that series, teaser is up since last month

>> No.45745243

Is using a walkthrough based or cringe?

>> No.45745271

Kichikuou is on there tagged as a 1.0... despite rance not even being able to handle alcohol let alone being an alcoholic?

>> No.45745299

There was an h scene where Raylee iirc got him drunk

>> No.45745344

that's only there to keep eops out though it doesn't work

>> No.45745351

First time blind
After that is okay to use them

>> No.45745418

Is corpse party worth playing? I just remembered it by chance

>> No.45745464

Good luck going into TN blind and accidentally getting Illiya route
Or missing Kei route in Dies
Or missing Kimika route in subahibi

>> No.45745467

It's okay but nothing special. Bad voice acting and annoying gameplay segments drag it down.

>> No.45745487

None of these would ruin your experience.

>> No.45745528
File: 1.08 MB, 1050x591, 1691892785858910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45745532

Yes they fucking would...

>> No.45745550

How? None of those missing routes are worth reading and Iliya's is the only one worth reading in TN.

>> No.45745565

weak bait

>> No.45745610

CORPSE-PARTY -Rebuilt- and the remake on 3DS or modded PC are great, games after are a huge mixed bag

>> No.45746277

Finally ntr spammers are gone

>> No.45746412 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.61 MB, 2560x1440, Idle_07-01-2024 22-07-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's 4 case done, that was a whole damn lot of plot twists, maybe even way too many for its own good but it still somehow managed to make sense at the end so i don't mind it
If you close your eyes on some very stupid and forced stuff and just take it for what it is, it was a really interesting and entertaining game with some meaningful message behind it
All the characters are even though very flat, they all were very likable and all the seiyus were playing their roles excellently
I don't expect much from the routes now outside of just being omake h scenes, but they gave you a surprise br incest as a reward so i will gladly take what i get
Overall i'm glad that i went to play this game in the end, makes me even more excited for Hakkenden now to see how much progress they made in all those years

>> No.45746547

Characters are very flat? Sold.

>> No.45746581
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Hibana.

>> No.45746990

where the fuck is the INO game

>> No.45747062

Setoguchi references him a lot.

>> No.45747448

Anyone here played Harukana? https://vndb.org/v13628
The vndb review made me interested in it, but is it really as bugged as egsers are crying about? What exactly is the issue?

>> No.45747570

I didn't play that but the other Sorahane titles didn't have those issues. Looks like they switched from krkr to a weird O2 engine for Harukana. I've heard how buggy it is and that even the v3.00 patch doesn't fix everything. Seems to often crash randomly. Better save frequently. If the crashes erase saves or read text I'd drop it.

>> No.45747786

This is the only medium that makes me think hours about which version should I read. They need to stop remaking VNs.

>> No.45747831

Hmm, yeah. Console versions of Musicus appearently have lots of extras, including some story alterations. Emulating the Switch version might be the corrent choice.

>> No.45747839

Started reading Genjitsu ga Mietekita node Lolicon Yamemashita and holy fuck, what is this garbage. Instead of some nukige with cute lolis I got some wannabe social commentary on pedophilia. I just read Kotori's route and do I understand correctly that the fucking message is that child abuse is good as long as the child is happy? What the fuck! And what is it with that milf bitch? Am I supposed to sympathise with her while she encourages a pedophile to rape her children? Or did I misunderstand the story?

>> No.45747870

I dislike the way this industry works, they shouldn´t make me choose between H and extra content....

>> No.45747920

It's just a funny story about a crazy perverted family bro it's not that deep

>> No.45747942

wtf based. picked up

>> No.45747954

what a jew same as light

>> No.45747980

you just convinced me to move the vn up in priority on the backlog

>> No.45748048

Redpills? in my porn?

>> No.45748063


nico removed the forced video quality downgrade to 360p for 30m+ videos a month ago so time to have some fun.

>> No.45748091

What is the point of watching a video of a game on auto when you can do it yourself? How do they even allow that while there are studios who ban literally anything that goes beyond trial

>> No.45748206

>love is good as long as they are happy?
yes that's the message
>to rape her children?
how is it rape when there is love?
>Instead of some nukige with cute lolis I got some wannabe social commentary on love
you got what you wanted. I don't see the problem. this bait and I took it?

>> No.45748229

Was just browsing through the games and randomly checked the discussions, this made me laugh hard https://vndb.org/t1340
And Then I decided to check his profile and saw that Yuzuriha vote....

>> No.45748303

wtf yuzuriha confirmed goodge?

>> No.45748336
File: 978 KB, 1690x1633, 1681423018497676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45748347

You've got to be trolling me. I can differentiate fiction from reality of course, so I don't condemn mindless entertainment, but when a story has the message that a 30 year old man can fuck an elementary school girl and it isn't rape because the dumb kid smiles and thinks it's all right because she trusts her stepdad, then I can criticize the message. And no, a prepubescent kid cannot consent. It's fucking rape.

I have no issue with stuff like Shoujo Ramune because it doesn't try to preach. We know it's bad in real life but it's fiction.

But having a story belittle child abuse and preach a message like this is pretty fucked up.

>> No.45748394


>> No.45748422

>I have no issue with stuff like Shoujo Ramune because it doesn't try to preach. We know it's bad in real life but it's fiction.
I don't get you, how is it any different?
It literally shows you the thought process of a pedophile when he is trying to justify his actions realistically, how is it any different from Shoujo ramune where mc is deceiving the kids to rape them? Same shit just from a different perspective
The fact that it made you seethe so much means that it successfully managed to achieve what it was aiming for

>> No.45748434

Holy shit I don't know who this is, but how can he simultaneously have the most shit takes, not know the language at all, and also be insanely arrogant about the whole thing.

>> No.45748468

>I expect lolicon nukige
>WTF why is this a lolicon nukige

>> No.45748483

Pedos in denial don't like when they are being called out, i wonder why

>> No.45748519

kys mondblut

>> No.45748551


>> No.45748557

Fuck off.

>> No.45748587

He's not trying to justify it but rather Mai the mother is. He himself is full of slef loathing. On the other hand a protagonist who is evil from the get go and we as the readers know it and can shut off our moral compass and enjoy the fiction for what it is, not real and without connection to reality.

It's the same with violent games and movies.

I just fucking don't want my entertainment to encroach upon RL.

>> No.45748620

>Tourist from THAT site
>Retarded posts
Of course

>> No.45748631
File: 169 KB, 1440x810, 1700094397886294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy one hour into the game and they are already showing me their feets

>> No.45748642

I meant to say "feet", control yourselves

>> No.45748648

Imagine the smell

>> No.45748684


>> No.45748729


>> No.45748955

Ayaka route

>> No.45749358
File: 3.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1678217060074319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a nickel for every time uma musume is alluded to in an eroge I read, I'd have like 8 already.

>> No.45749380
File: 1.17 MB, 813x1112, 1704037156640748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

References? In my eroge?

>> No.45749413
File: 985 KB, 1280x720, 1697124386822164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks so, my friend.
The first one I remember was like a year before uma musume even released.

>> No.45749417

Imouto to Kanojo is weird because it will reference a lot of philosophy, music, literature, etc, but it will refuse to elaborate on the context of the reference. It's basically the opposite of sca-ji.

>> No.45749486
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, CHADpanella MC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really nice to have an MC who's not a wimpy loser. Here he casually grabbed a girl on their first encounter and she blushed and smiled softly. It seems insignificant at a glance but it really adds a bit of spice and manliness that feels lacking in current eroge. In a scene a few minutes ago Agnes asked MC about what bikinis he likes and he answered honestly that more revealing bikinis are too distracting. He casually complimented that Carina's bikinis get more beautiful every year but also that the amount of fabric becomes less (since she's "growing"). It's manly and flirtatious without being thirsty. In another scene Carina rushed to wake up Leicester but found him awake and waiting. That made her sad and he proposed they could go back to bed so he could pretend to sleep and she can wake him up. That double entendre was funny and suggestive but quickly resolved by him without making a fuss or stuttering like a loser. This guy knows what he's doing.

In another older VN I read the MC is an orphan and works part time. He met his coworker in the street and she followed him home not knowing his situation. He then cooked lunch with her watching and complimenting his skill. She also has a habbit of holding his hand because of the cold and him being warm. The first time he was awkward and confused, but then later he asked to walk her home and held out his hand.

I really like the confidence and competence of MCs like these. Also not being horndogs, losers or bland faggots. Have eroge protagonists moved away from that or am I reading all the wrong ones? I want more manly gentleman MCs not weak herbivores.

>> No.45749490

mitsuki my rabu

>> No.45749517

>I can differentiate fiction from reality of course
apparently you can't kekw
>I just fucking don't want my entertainment to encroach upon RL.
the issue is your fucking RL encroaches upon entertainment

marmalade gave the wrong girl the fd. again

>> No.45749547
File: 1.80 MB, 1472x828, ユズリハの詩AdvHD (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the big thing right now, it makes sense.
It's like how for almost a decade pretty much everything referenced monhun at some point, and now when you read those games you feel nostalgic.

>> No.45749548 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.03 MB, 945x585, 1674562659109985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Gensou Makyou Kitan. Despite some pacing issues (info dumps at the end of the fucking game), overall, it's a pretty solid VN that somehow manages to combine several different themes surprisingly well.

>> No.45749550

I'll give it a shot, but it better be kamige.

>> No.45749551
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, 1685331994516476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Not-Monhun. Semiramis had a whole "chapter" about it.

>> No.45749558

There's gonna be someone who replies to this post saying something like "the vita was my childhood" and I'll have to go lie down.

>> No.45749608

nice anon. Don't know if it was intentional but you posted the same image I did when I finished. It definitely has issues but it's still great

>> No.45749625
File: 1.59 MB, 1800x1012, スタディ§ステディ2ststeady2 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marmalade gave the wrong girl the fd. again
They always give the most popular girl the FD.
Admittedly, they clearly rigged Yuno to be the most popular girl.

>> No.45749642

Does he do it in musicus?

>> No.45749662 [SPOILER] 
File: 762 KB, 942x585, 1678326286721785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you posted the same image I did when I finished
kek that was completely a coincidence. I must have entered my room with my left foot, damn.

>> No.45749668

>. I must have entered my room with my left foot, damn.
what does this mean?

>> No.45749677

the vita was my childhood...

>> No.45749690

I was 12 at the time, I don't know how that makes you feel

>> No.45749699
File: 194 KB, 373x415, シルヴァリオ_トリニティmalie (87) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45749706

Don't start anything with your left foot

>> No.45749713

What about the clutch in a manual drive car?

>> No.45749717

Now that I think about it, I don't even remember which foot I entered this thread with

>> No.45749719

Sounds cool, I also like confident protagonists. Added to my backlog, Thanks anon

>In another older VN I read
Gimme the name, anon

>> No.45749726

Learn to do it with your left foot then, if you are wise you'll will listen to me...

>> No.45749730

right* kekk

>> No.45749780

You say all this yet you browse this site?

>> No.45749794

You all talk like pure donkan MC's are still the standard when that hasn't been the case for years now.

>> No.45749801

What the fuck he gave Magatsu Barai a lower score than Yuzuriha.
I was looking forward to reading it, it CAN'T be that bad, right?

>> No.45749830

I'm sure yuzuriha is worse but MB was super shit. Don't know how that got made after Silverio.

>> No.45749831

I'd imagine the bankruptcy had a really big effect on it.

>> No.45749852

>I really like the confidence and competence of MCs like these. Also not being horndogs, losers or bland faggots.
Agreed, moving this up in my backlog now. And I second the request for the other title too.
Not necessarily donkan but a lot of them are still bland losers or horny in a cringy way.

>> No.45749859

Yeah, you're definitely in the wrong medium, kid.

>> No.45749890

You have a point

>> No.45749920

the behavior in your screenshot is not especially bold by the standards of VN and LN protagonists in my experience at all, it's actually really unremarkable.
also conflating donkan protagonist with weak protagonist is just weird, those two things are clearly on independent dimensions. a lot of donkan protagonists are really assertive and a lot of highly aware ones are overly self conscious etc.

>> No.45749969
File: 366 KB, 2389x768, campanella devolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to believe this is a sequel using the same artist. The tamest character design is raunchier than the most revealing original design Shelley. The colours are weak, no more thick eyebrows or modest fantasy outfits. And Koucha gave everyone sameface.

>> No.45749975

cute odeko on the left

>> No.45749980

Should've said hetare, but donkan is often a companion trait to the former.

>> No.45749983


>> No.45750002

>thick eyebrows
Thick eyebrows = sex.

>> No.45750023

This but no eyebrows

>> No.45750100

I have a confession to make... I haven't read anything in almost a week now.

>> No.45750106
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, mario bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tortilla sisters and Salsa's delicious ARMPITS finally showed up and are funny as ever. Poor Salsa can't catch a break. Ever since I watched the anime 13 years ago and fapped to Salsa's CGs I've wanted to read this properly. I should've read this sooner, it's nice so far. Very interesting sprite usage. The only thing that's on the weaker side so far is the soundtrack but I've only heard 10/46 tracks.

When the twins spoke I realized that Campanella reunited some of the cast from Yoakena.
>Shelley = Midori, Nina = Estel, Salsa = Mia, Ritos = Mai
Maybe there are more. The role distribution is funny. Shelley and Nina seem a bit closer, Midori and Estel were PS2 route additions. Ritos and Salsa are twins, Mai and Mia share the same letters and both girls were often as close as sisters. Salsa and Mia are joke characters of sorts making weird faces or in Mia's case shrinking, and voiced by Naruse Mia, who incidentally drew the SD art for Campanella, although not the sequel. It's really innovative that the SD characters are used as sprites together with the normal ones.

>the behavior in your screenshot is not especially bold by the standards of VN and LN protagonists in my experience at all, it's actually really unremarkable.
The screenshot didn't do it justice. There's something about the writing, the use of the sprites and the voice acting that you have to see to know what I meant. The characters act very naturally around each other and MC doesn't take a backseat nor dominates. There's also his mother Shelley who looks as young as the heroines. She's very sexy and often hugs MC to press her boobs against him. His reaction is nice. He shows some embarrassment but he's so used to it that he doesn't blush and run away stuttering like many modern MCs would. She even did it in public and onlookers called them a lovey dovey couple whose looks good well together (since they're mother and son). He didn't panic or anything. Even the heroines were cool about the incest joke.

>> No.45750111

You read this post I just wrote.

>> No.45750131

I haven't read anything all year

>> No.45750136

I can't read at all. I'm totally illiterate.

>> No.45750184

Is cartagra as bad as the vndb score makes it look. 7.3 vs KnS 8. Really liked KnS.

>> No.45750239

Relying on Vndb scores to judge artistic worth… anon, please tell me you have an internal monologue.

>> No.45750252

Cartagra HD is the only Innocent Grey game I've played, but it was pretty good. Though admittedly the story is nothing to write home about. It's definitely a game you play more for the atmosphere.

>> No.45750255

Yeah I checked egs afterwards and it's rated well. No clue why they vndb rating is so low then.
Good to hear, KnS had great atmosphere as well so that's something to look forward to.

>> No.45750739

> I can differentiate fiction from reality of course
Can you? Because you just did read the pedophiles' PoV in a fictional work.
As is the case with people with low intelligence, reading an explanation gets confused with it being a moral justification. No wonder some people get confused, since the pedophile justifies his own acts. But is that a moral (social) justification that the author is trying to push on the viewers, or just the exposition of the character's corrupted reasoning? Even in real life, you need to put advisory after advisory ('we do not subscribe these morally reprobable acts' is a common phrase) when writing about taboo topics because of stupids like you. I hope at least you could take this lesson out of this work.

>> No.45750843

Dont make me post vndb scores

>> No.45751475

Thanks to eroge, I want to find cute prostitutes.

>> No.45751591
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyakodon x Holic 3

>> No.45751617
File: 107 KB, 1000x635, 14785678657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akanebro.... (singular)

>> No.45751878

So those are grandmothers?

>> No.45751931
File: 67 KB, 330x467, eebf5bfed0664dd720ceaa6763ef00e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any hero?
Tailon comeback please....

>> No.45752159

Year after year of drowning in unironic retards.
Glad we still have anons like you around.

>> No.45752383
File: 2.47 MB, 1061x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch anime for that, the government is now shilling dating prostitutes for vanilla relationships

>> No.45753165

nta but I want to feel 背徳感 about being a pedo rather than see it justified so I kind of understand his view

>> No.45753188

i liked osamu...

>> No.45753317

But it's literally one of few games in existence that actually give you some kind of realistic 背徳感 about it
It shows you the exact thought process of how the pedos in denial reach that kind of conclusion that it's fine as long as she is happy and let's be real no one if being put in mc's shoes would ever resist such an opportunity even if your soul would be getting destroyed under the pressure of the guilt

>> No.45753516
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, ルリのかさね_ZU04I1jcBa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have been a few minor mistakes already, but this one with the girl's name was kind of cute

>> No.45753600

Total gyaru love!

>> No.45753708

I haven't read it yet but you make it sound a lot better than that guy. Just going to have to bump it up in the backlog and see for myself how good it is at that. The premise does sound great.

>> No.45753745

It's about lolicon who genuinely wants to become maningen but falls under the pressure of pedo mom, there is even a resist everything route that is considered a bad end

>> No.45754349

>mtl in 2024
The absolute state of di*cord kusogaki posers

>> No.45754354

I hate the disgusting sound effects during h scenes so much
But what i hate even more is when you can't disable them without muting the whole sounds setting

>> No.45754395

I have yet to find a scat scene where they don't use morning cartoon comedic sound effects.

>> No.45754407

I love them.

>> No.45754435
File: 623 KB, 575x502, 1685549576020735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say this as a joke, but the prostitutes in Cartagra were really really cute

>> No.45754440

love it when they use the blowing nose sound for ejaculation

>> No.45754444

>physical only

>> No.45754472

Textractor is good, but Japreader is just Discord tranny clickbait bullshit. Just use Yomichan or something.
You will also actually learn Japanese while doing that too.

>> No.45754520

For me, it was Eustia.

>> No.45754532

We need a new thread.

>> No.45754548

I just heard the worst ejaculation sound ever but don't know how to record it. It sounds like someone injecting goop into a bucket with a syringe or something. They also used the Discord call sound as a ringtone.

>> No.45754562

>They also used the Discord call sound as a ringtone

>> No.45754566

Don't play Hajimekano, I looked at the VNDB tags and it has N*R.

>> No.45754606

New thread:


>> No.45754665

>supporting censorship
are you an sjw, christcuck, or asexualfag?

>> No.45754886

Yomichan is the discordtranny clickbait bullshit though.

>> No.45754974

>that hookcuckshit is better than hookcuckshit
It doesn't change the fact you're still N5 and a filthy westoid

>> No.45755440

>It sounds like someone injecting goop into a bucket with a syringe or something
ah yes... maman kyoushitsu. I will never forget hearing that sound for the first time
