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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 539x330, whales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4569082 No.4569082 [Reply] [Original]

How can you support a culture that violently slaughters a beautiful animal such as the whale?

The Japanese aren't even real people, they're violent savages that murder and destroy natures purest creatures, and you all support it.

>> No.4569094

/jp/ - otaku culture

>> No.4569093

I love whales but I hate eco-terrorists. What a dilemma.

>> No.4569113






>> No.4569118

Whale Schoolgirl Gang-Rape VN where?

>> No.4569122
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Monkey Business.

>> No.4569129

Bad trool, shoo.

>> No.4569131
File: 8 KB, 310x235, narwhal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute, uguu~

>> No.4569138

Only male narwhals have horns...

>> No.4569155

How awesome would it be if they made a VN about whale wars?

>> No.4569158

Nah, rarely females do too.

Or it could be a reverse trap with a glued-on fake horn.

>> No.4569159

Pretty sure they have yet to kill anyone, bro.

I mean, they'd be cooler if they did come up with some sort of 'turn you into a human-sized whale' virus or something, but no, they gotta be all borderline peaceful but jerky and shit.

>> No.4569186

Would you go after the Sea Shepardess school council president or the yamato nadeshiko Whale Fishing Girl?

>> No.4569188

Protagonist is called Ishmael

Love interests are Captain Ahab, Queequeg, Starbuck and Moby Dick

It'd be a full-on yaoi game aboard the Pequod

>> No.4569191



>> No.4569195
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1260655899365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Japanese aren't even real people, they're violent savages
Savages are a kind of people, FYI. The nonhuman animal equivalent to that word would be "wild" or "untamed."

Quit spamming this shit here.

I'd actually agree that gratuitous whaling is offensive, but your plugging this rednecky ausfail batboat crapout of an idea is against any common-sense interpretation of the board topic AND sitewide/global rules.

>> No.4569206

If all of the sudden cows and chickens turned out to be saving the world and you couldn't eat them anymore everyone would rage.

>> No.4569215

I don't have a problem with them whaling, so long as it is in their waters. When they start fishing out of their waters it's a problem and they need to stop.

But I also think whales are extremely intelligent and we should spend more time studying them than killing them. Sure, they have meat that can taste like steak and chicken but you can also just eat steak and chicken.

>> No.4569217

>>4569206 implying dolphins or whales are saving the world
They don't really do much to help or hinder the global ecology one way or the other

>> No.4569227

>>4569215 meat that tastes like steak AND chicken
Holy shit, why aren't WE eating whales RIGHT NOW?

>> No.4569220

But mindless creatures were originally created to serve humans as the source of food, furs, skin, etc.

Japan is doing it rite.

>> No.4569221

its the americans that gave them the flag to continue desoite the halt. gg guys!

>> No.4569236
File: 421 KB, 500x2039, whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alternatively NTR game. You have a cute, loving girlfriend but a whale rapes her and steals her from you. You become a whaler to save her.

...Wait, replace whale with squid and you sort of get Galzoo Island.

>> No.4569241

If they are savages then they can freely hunt whales like the Alaskans.

>> No.4569243

Animals are:
A) Food
B) Industrial or medical resources
C) Toys
D) Extinct

>> No.4569251

ALERT ALERT! Russia hunts tons of whales! We should stop them too! Oh wait... they have guns and the balls to shoot... lets go back to pussy Japan.

>> No.4569258
File: 393 KB, 862x720, Vespa_mandarinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens.

>> No.4569277
File: 12 KB, 200x200, letty_letty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or beautiful natural landmarks.
You idiots DO remember where /b/ got that "man the harpoons!" meme from, right?

>> No.4569297

Are there really people who care about whales that much?

>> No.4569318

You can drink whale semen in Japan :D

>> No.4569321

Someone will always care about something, no matter how minuscule or stupid it could be.
4chan couldn't be a more obvious example.

>> No.4569323
File: 72 KB, 600x530, 1262804680821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but the people pictured in the OP pic are just wingnuts.

>> No.4569329

The only thing I really worry about is not getting a chance to try a whale burger.

>> No.4569358

I heard somewhere that all the Japanese have demons blood in them since ancient times.

>> No.4569367
File: 33 KB, 400x289, Killer Orca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sorry bastard didn't think so...

>> No.4569412

Actually, funny thing, there have been no reported deliberate attacks by Killer Whales on humans in the wild. Ever.

I mean, there's been a handful where people were in black wetsuits and swimming with fins and the killer whale thought they were a seal, but even there, after the first bite or so, they uniformly released the human and backed off, all 'sorry bro, my bad'.

I mean, you'd think there'd be more, their being a big carnivorous species and all. But no, not a single one in the wild.

Now, crazy killer whales in captivity being forced to put on shows for tourists? A few. But even there, the suspicion is that the whale may have actually been trying to 'play' or even to teach their humans how to hold their breath properly. They've never outright tried to eat them, though, even once.

They're a pretty odd species sometimes.

>> No.4569481
File: 7 KB, 251x250, 1255583098101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in a world where every day pigs, cows, chicken, and countless other animals are killed for food
>Complain when a couple whales die

>> No.4569502

>Be autistic on the internet
>Not understand the difference between domesticated food animals in the millions/billions and possibly sentient but undeniably highly intelligent wild animals in the thousands

>> No.4569510

Corea eats dogs. I think dogs are more cute than whales. Please stop them first.

>> No.4569511
File: 110 KB, 500x688, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibly sentient and undeniably highly intelligent

>> No.4569517

>link reaction face

>> No.4569519
File: 32 KB, 341x450, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's okay to kill creatures of low intelligence

>> No.4569520

>Implying pigs are not highly intelligent

>> No.4569523

>undeniably highly intelligent
Compared to other animals sure, but they're still extremely dumb compared to humans.

>> No.4569524

So, what whales have to do with otaku culture?
Oh, nevermind, proceed.

>> No.4569525

>implying humans aren't gonna do it anyway

>> No.4569531

Don't the Japs only one particular species of whales nobody really gives a shit about?

>> No.4569533

>Be autistic on the internet
>Not understand the difference between domesticated food animals possibly sentient but undeniably highly intelligent in the millions/billions and possibly sentient but undeniably highly intelligent wild animals in the hundred thousands

Way to know half the story bro. Look up pig brains and stuff foot into mouth/ass.

>> No.4569534
File: 21 KB, 522x399, hurrrr what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Jews are unintelligent

>> No.4569538

Well, yeah, so is everything else on the goddamned planet. Chips and the other great apes are extremely dumb compared to humans. Everything but humans are extremely dumb compared to humans.

But there are levels of comparative intelligence.

>> No.4569539

Better than manipulating them to jump off a bridge.

>> No.4569546

Nobody cares about pigs

Babe can suck my dick

>> No.4569560
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels good man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get your dick sucked by a pig

>> No.4569565

Yea and what's your point? Some animals shouldn't die based on how smart they are compared to other dumb animals?

>> No.4569566

So, are you telling me to stop eating pig/chicken meat?
Fuck off.

>> No.4569568

Why are anglos so goddamn wacko?

>> No.4569578

Sure, why not?

>> No.4569584

Where's my Sea Shepard Bitch Training game where you have an attractive young female activist captured and have dolphins rape her

>> No.4569585

chickens and pigs are horrible creatures

slaughtering them en mass is karmic retribution for their sins as species

PETA sucks

>> No.4569597

>Americans: We execute human criminals but don't kill whales because they're smart.


>> No.4569608

The difference is that pigs and chickens are far from being extinct.

>> No.4569612


>> No.4569625

A lot of the whales being hunted are far from extinct as well.

>> No.4569632

that's how evolution works pal.
Just like nobody in /jp/ will pass its own genes forward.

>> No.4569636

Whaling isn't the problem IMO, the problem is Japan doesn't know when to stop.

You can auction a fatty tuna over there for about 10 million yen because they fish so fucking much.

>> No.4569649

Cool story broski.

>> No.4569646
File: 204 KB, 509x380, genie derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have a massive supply of fish
>so fish become expensive

>> No.4569651

>posting on 4chan about how evolution works
>evolution is real

>> No.4569664

Pigs no.
Chickens yes. Then again you probably don't know how many species of chickens there used to be in Europe.
It's a sad day when one tries to use an argument they know nothing about and are both wrong and look silly trying to make it not wrong.

>> No.4569697

Did the whale commit any crimes? I didn't think so.

>> No.4569698

>one tries to use an argument they know nothing about

You act like this is a rare occasion on 4chan.

>> No.4569707

>It's a sad day when one tries to use an argument they know nothing about and are both wrong and look silly trying to make it not wrong.

>> No.4569712


I'm referring to the fact that it's expensive simply because it's rare as hell to find(bluefin for one). Probably because they all but killed it off.

>> No.4569719

It killed my father and took my left leg.

>> No.4569832

You mean because bluefin tuna is caught by rod and reel individually and there is a methodology in where dragging them in causes "burning" on the meat that makes it unfit for raw consumption turning it tough and unpleasant.

There are only around 450ish fisheries in Japan with more than 80 years of tradition catching these fish making the market very closed off. Incorrect reeling of these giant fish only leads to garbage that no respectable store would buy. Rare? My god son you don't have any idea how much trouble blue fin tuna is to the East Asian Seas. They live in deep water and netting them is both dangerous and nonviable. Drag netting Blue Fin Tuna only allows the majority to escape seeing as they have enough body mass and speed to push out of the nets. Dolphins are tangled because of their fins, but tuna are much sleeker.

There is a reason they are called chicken of the sea.
