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45181749 No.45181749 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with Satori's name?
Her being named Satori is the equivalent of naming your cat simply as "Cat."
Isn't it odd to have your name be the same as what your species is?
Pic not rel, can't be bothered to scroll far enough for a Satori image.

>> No.45182296

The real question (which kinda ties into yours) is: how did Satori and Koishi come into existence "as sisters"?
Did humans imagine the specific existence of a pair of youkai sisters (in that case, people were lazy and didn't bother with an original name for the elder sister, just like THE nue is simply named "Nue") or are there somewhere a Mr. and Mrs. Komeiji who loved each other very much and named their kids like that?
By the way, Satori also means "enlightenment", so it does have a meaning that isn't strictly the name of her species.
But if you think about it, Koishi has a "weirder" name, as both of her usual readings (thought of love/pebble) reference current day Koishi. But Koishi wasn't always an Id-driven creature who would always get forgotten like a pebble, this only happened later: why would human imagination come up with these names for her if she was initially a satori like any other?
It's kinda like Yuyuko, whose name means "ghost child": was she always named like that? Like, even when she was alive?
An example where this doesn't occur is Tenshi, who has a very fitting name for a Celestial even if she wasn't always one: but that's because her human name was Chiko, she specifically changed it when she became a Celestial.

>> No.45183379

Cases like Satori could be since she is "the Satori" everyone called her that and she just accepted it and took it for her name. Since there seem to be no other mind reading youkai around at all.
I guess changing names or having many names that are just nicknames could be legit for creatures with long ass life spans.
If they have parents thought of love might not be that strange of a youkai name imo, maybe the parents doomed her child tho by calling her that since names determine your fate or something.
But I think we have 0 evidence in favor or against youkai-youkai sexual reproduction.
The name-fate thing could also maybe apply to Yuyuko developing powers to control phantoms and stuff she also had in life, or phantoms gathered after she was born and that's why she's named like that.
Also 幽々 seems to mean something like dark, gloomy, deep. And there are also some words that use 幽 that aren't related to spirits per se.

>> No.45183480

and Nue is named Nue

>> No.45184267

they are youkai.
also, many human names include words that mean man/boy/son in them. it isnt that strange.

>> No.45195224

>Since there seem to be no other mind reading youkai around at all.
But she has a sister.
Nue is possibly the only one of her kind, like Pegasus.

>> No.45196373

>Her being named Satori is the equivalent of naming your cat simply as "Cat."
Adam is an extremely common name and is the equivalent of being named "human"

>> No.45200547

It could just work like using ethnonyms for personal names: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_(given_name)

>> No.45201147

I was thinking of her getting that name after Koishi closing her eye. I'm not sure though if enough time would have passed for her to be just called that, but it's just a silly hypothesis anyways.
It's a bit more cumbersome if it's the same language imo, but you have a point

>> No.45201207
File: 453 KB, 673x1024, 1693259765427207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her species itself is named after the Buddhist term also called Satori, I think we can give it a pass.

>> No.45209799

>how did Satori and Koishi come into existence "as sisters"?
Either like the Prismrivers where they were imagined as sisters or like the Tsukumos where they just decided they were sisters. Although they could have been human psychics who were treated as youkai and became satori. Or perhaps, one made the other out of loneliness. They do keep a lot of pets after all. Given their pets are youkai, one of both of them might have originally been a pet as well.

>> No.45217540


>> No.45219066


>> No.45229173 [DELETED] 


>> No.45235730
File: 271 KB, 1000x1398, __shinki_touhou_pc_98_and_etc_drawn_by_e_o__235c5f8066dd07b57e7eb2948e0a2f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic not rel
Shinki is always rel

>> No.45241423
File: 2 KB, 340x120, Th05Stage1Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who named her "beautiful god"?
Or did she choose that name herself.
I also just realized her name is a homonym with 神気 that appears in the stage 1 title thing, guess it's some ZUN wordplay.

>> No.45249105
File: 166 KB, 850x1202, Shinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is going to ruin her daughter's marriage if she keeps staring at me like thar

>> No.45260366
File: 367 KB, 1497x2008, Shinki look behind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for it, its Shinki's final test to see if a man is suitable for her daughters. If you fail you'll have to become Shinki's husband instead! No man has ever passed this test before because Shinki's daughters can never get a man!

>> No.45260508

There are three constants that is required to keep Gensokyo running
1) Reimu will always be in poverty
2) Marisa will always be bullied
3) Alice will never get laid
