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45024395 No.45024395 [Reply] [Original]

Did he really deserve this?

>> No.45024540

just go to the myouren temple, retard.

>> No.45024620

this is what happens when you go to hakurei instead of moriya. caveat emptor.

>> No.45024674

Hi Sanny

>> No.45025317

No. But he should have thought his plan through a bit better and killed Reimu first.

>> No.45029758

Hard to tell since specifying things is not a Touhou thing.
Dunno they could have talked a more about the fortune teller that was his master and why he got expelled by him.
If his intentions where more than just be a youkai and that's it.

So no clue, he could have been an attempted hero for the village, someone that wished to live like a youkai, maybe he just get revenge on his master or even just have been a poor soul tricked by Yukari to test Reimu.
In other words:
>Specifying shit is for fanworks *sips beer*

>> No.45029801

It's also hard to tell due to him using 'sorcery'/'魔術' which is different from 'magic'/'魔法', but we don't really know how they're different.
He's also called a Jinyou/人妖, or Human Youkai, but it's not really specified what makes Byakuren or an aspirant like Marisa any different than a Jinyou.
So yes, specifying shit is for fanworks.
My favorites are the ones where Reimu kills or promises to kill marisa when she becomes a witch.

>> No.45029888

He deserved to be free.

>> No.45029989

He was liberating his people from opression, he's a hero

>> No.45031515
File: 105 KB, 335x249, Drimk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is so boring. There's been like 3 threads about him. He was a retard who got REKT. Case closed.

>> No.45031549
File: 165 KB, 1275x1450, Fortune-teller Did Nothing Wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wanted a peaceful with no fear, was that too much to ask

>> No.45031674

His only mistake was not turning himself into a cute girl

>> No.45031708

He was a coward if he assumed he could have that without murdering reimu and tearing down the Hakurei barrier.

Class traitors get the bullet.

>> No.45032246
File: 251 KB, 1253x1001, __hakurei_reimu_and_fortune_teller_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__fb592c038cf5052529d0aa3e05feadcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. If a cute girl had youkaied herself she'd get a hug. It's a bit shit and a turning point in the writing as well.

>> No.45033246
File: 9 KB, 989x39, 108 magics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my head magicians are more devil than youkai. Like devil humans, but called youkai in the broadest sense of the word.
Youkai seem to be more moon oriented and devils seem more star oriented if that makes any sense.
魔法 is used a lot in Touhou, pic rel is Marisa's wiki page with profiles (would have been funnier if it was Byakuren's tho) the few exceptions where 魔術 are used that I found where: Marisas PCB and IN profiles, magic astronomy, Merry the magician and in Byakuren's profile.
Byakuren's profile says the following:
>To save herself from dying, she learned the power of rejuvenation. But rather than the way of the Dharma, she got this power from youjutsu, a kind of witchcraft.
妖術 (Youjutsu) would be youkai+arts and then witchcraft here is 魔術(magic arts) the same as with sorcery, so maybe at some point ZUN decided for to use those words for only shady things, since it's the same as what's used for fortuneteller. I also guess that necromancy might fall into this sorcery/witchcraft since in both cases it's used to avoid death and considered shady, just like necromancy is almost everywhere bad.
Other fun fact would be that dharma(法) is also used in the more common magic, maybe ZUN thought that "bad"+"good" kanjis could make neutral magic or something.
And all of this makes me wonder if Byakuren got sealed for using "bad magic" and learned "neutral magic" in Makai or if what's the bad thing is to mix magic with stuff like buddhism and fortune telling.
On a side note Marisa seems to be unable to imitate Reimu's miko skills, so maybe unless you do something shady you can't mix holy with unholy magic.

No clue about the 人妖 part though but as magician has only the kanji of magic not the one of magic(or devil). The closest thing I can think to human youkai of is Tenome, which is a youkai born of a dead blind man that has eyes on it's hands. Since the rest of human transforming into youkai afaik is in life.

>My favorites are the ones where Reimu kills or promises to kill marisa when she becomes a witch.
I also like them, there probably quite a few already. The one with Hina's boyfriend of Warugaki is also interesting.
But I wonder if magicians wouldn't be treated more like a hermit or if x time living outside of the village could save someone from the crimson slasher.

>> No.45033283

>My favorites are the ones where Reimu kills or promises to kill marisa when she becomes a witch.
I don't think she would do that because Marisa doesn't live in the village

>> No.45033534

If you do it in secret its impossible to her know unless you pissed off Yukari or something.

>> No.45033593

The FS panel that says Reimu is watching people who are at risk of breaking the number one rule in Gensyoko has Marisa and Akyuu in a ominous shot.
Could be nothing, but Akyuu coming out later saying she is desperately trying to avoid dying is also a red flag.

>> No.45035591

>Akyuu coming out later saying she is desperately trying to avoid dying
Where this

>> No.45035637

I agree, but for a different reason. Reimu's power works the more content and spacey she is so the Sages, namely Yukari and Kasen try to avoid stressing her out, and while she might kill Marisa she might also not be able to live with herself or become severely stressed due to PTSD.
So I imagine either, Okina would force her into Douji-hood, Kasen would force her to become a hermetic disciple, or Yukari would shut down Marisa's attempts at ascension.

>> No.45040129

yet people still support reimu as they've been conditioned by their coomer brains that the protagonist is right

>> No.45040143

Devils are a species of youkai, and vampires are a subspecies of devils
They are all youkai in the end, all the same creatures who require human belief and fear to exist
You could argue "but if that's the case then why don't devils actively roam the outside world since abrahamic religions believe in them?"
Well I think that issue was already answered in Symposium of Post-Mysticism by Kanako or someone else, most people in the Outside World aren't as genuine and fervent in their supernatural beliefs as they once were, it's become more of a tradition thing than actual fear

>> No.45040153

Forgot to add, since the belief in here isn't strong or genuine enough, not to mention with the ubiquitous presence of the rationalism of science, it makes it very difficult for any youkai to physically roam the world, their existence is considerably weak, if not nonexistent

>> No.45040177

She still come from the village anon

>> No.45040323

Thanks for the Info Anon, for Byakuren I always figured that she was a failed hermit who supplemented her orthodox Buddhist teachings about hermits and sages due to her lack of impartiality, and supplemented them with with Youjutsu. With the assumption that Youjutsu is a magic art meant to replicate the power of Youkai, so she essentially was inventing youkai-hermit-arts, which was got her banished since that was incredibility blasphemous.
While Seiga use Taoist hermit arts, that while dark, weren't youkai in nature and thus tolerated/used by taoists.

While Marisa is somebody I'd call a magic user, not an actual magician, since a lot of what we hear and see about her magic seems to be more chemistry and engineering focused. So she's more like a chemist or engineer who uses magic components for her inventions, literally all of her tools use some form of liquid or solid fuel like how rockets do, and the Mini-Hakkero is an invention of Rinnosuke that mimics an actual divine Hakkero through more technological means.
Of course this is mostly my own extrapolation and headcannon.

>> No.45046464

No prob.
Funny that you mention failed hermit since Seiga's profile seems to imply that she suggested buddhism to be used for others to keep taoist hermit powers for themselves. I guess buddhism itself doesn't grand powers in Touhou, ZUN seems to have a negative opinion on buddhism I think... Although we also got Zanmu so maybe he changed his opinion or he is going to make her shady in the future, just like how Byakuren didn't seem that bad at first but the post UFO content made her flaws clear.

Guess Marisa is then closer to an alchemist if we were to put her in a "class". I really wonder how much she could do by herself, I also have to check if she ever flew without a broom, since I think she could fly like every other character but used the broom for the witch aesthetic(and wacking people I guess).

Mostly just speculation but I think that youkai is sometimes used as in non-human and sometimes it refers specifically to fear eating eggregores or something like that, when Marisa calls Byak a youkai it may just be an insult or due to her way of acting.
In PMiSS everything non-human, even hermits, celestials and the dragon fall into the youkai category.
Since we don't know the workings of Makai and such it's hard to tell but I think that vampires for example could live only of blood, and that each devil has their own rule, afaik Magicians are never specified what they life of so it's hard to tell, they also seem to overlap a bit with Hermits due to the abandon worms spell.

>> No.45046559

>In PMiSS everything non-human, even hermits, celestials and the dragon fall into the youkai category.
I don't think it does, if anything the hermit, celestial and dragon articles makes them sound seperate with lines like these
>Unlike celestials, which are poisonous to youkai, hermits are a delicacy to youkai
>A youkai who consumes a hermit may be promoted to a higher rank or ascend to a higher form.
>Humans, youkai, and all other living things worship this god. (dragons)
>A celestial's body is like poison to youkai, and as a result, youkai almost never attack celestials, so they have nothing to fear on earth.
Youkai is used as a catch all in PMiSS indeed, but celestial, hermits and dragons are specifically seperate from the catch all category. The odd one out in the same category as them are kappas, but they are explicitely refered to as youkai in their article unlike the dragons, hermits or celestial who are referred to as gods or "humans who [...]", maybe it could be argued hermits and celestial could fall under youkai, but not dragons are they're specifically refered to as gods and those are seperate.
>They are technologically-gifted youkai that produce various tools with skillful hands.

>> No.45046617

>ZUN seems to have a negative opinion on buddhism I think
If we judge ZUN's opinions by what's portrayed in Touhou, then it would seem that he doesn't like anything, not even booze.

>> No.45046656

Actually, I've just realised I've been speedreading the category too fast for years and it's "Unidentified" and not "Unspecified", so the kappa being with them wouldn't really mean anything, it's just that Nitori, Tenshi and let's pick Seiga didn't exist at the time so there was no 2hu to act as a representative.
Dragons haven't been seen since Gensokyo's creation so they're in the "no representative" category too.

>> No.45046719

Since everything falls into Youkai Encyclopedia until you get to Heroic Legends I thought that they counted as in that category, but my post implications seem a bit stupid now that I read it.
I thought that Akyuu only called them youkai since they didn't fall into human nor divine category.
So like christians with fae, where they called them demons since it's the closest they got in their system, devils and magicians fall into the youkai category.

In buddhism we got the Myoren gang, Akyuu and Kosuzu theorizing that a buddhist monk was in reality a youkai(due to having powers to take care of a ghost) and Seiga's profile implying that it was used as a psyop to keep people magically weak.
So I think buddhism got a bit of the worst in Touhou, it seems useless and weak. Although probably due to Okina connecting to a buddhist deity and it relating to purity.
But maybe I'm forgetting things and just remembering all the "buddhism bad" things. But maybe it's because a proper buddhist won't work as a boss or something.
Booze on the other hand is best 2hu.

>> No.45046759

>Youkai Encyclopedia until you get to Heroic Legends
Oh I didn't think about that, well you're right for every other category within it, I think it's just a case of the unindentified one being an exception, in the same way the Human village is in the Dangerous Area Guide despite being the safest place for humans to be.

>> No.45046799

> in the same way the Human village is in the Dangerous Area Guide
Dammit Akyuu get better category names!
Although maybe we must give her some slack since she was probably still a child at that time.
Or does it count as her being as old as the sum of her past generations?
Wait a minute, is Akyuu a hag?!

>> No.45047260

Anyone know the name/style of hat he wears? I'm trying to put together a costume of him but all I'm missing is the hat and maybe some elf ears to spray paint grey

>> No.45047374

Her memories are limited to those involving Heida records, and she still does have the mind of a child, she's also a bit of a mid-wit at times.
So I think she's meant to be more of a gifted kit and less of an adult in a kids body.
I think some entries basically being "She's harmless, but I hate her so here's how to kill her." Backs this up as it's very petty, personal, and unprofessional.

>> No.45047452

Reimu is there to protect status quo, not to do justice

>> No.45047523

Honestly I do wonder if the acquisition of power is meant to be a moral good in this scenario. Seija's a bitch, Futo's a maniac, MIko's probably the best of them but he still tells his basically daughter kokoro to basically kill herself.
Seija also dislikes Christianity which I think makes sense as both Christianity and Buddhism fall into the category of trying to be widely applicable ways of helping people cope, although Christianity is more focused around guilt. To a person like Seija who studies the way of the Tao and searches for a more complete understanding of the universe and power, such religions only serve as methods of social control.
While to a person with my background I don't understand Seiga's mindset at all, the acquisition of power is secondary at most. Personally I don't think ZUN is trying to present either as correct, some people want power, some don't and it's not really a moral thing. After one of Byakuren's problems is that she's bad at being a Buddhist and sacrificed her beliefs for power, while it could be said Seiga's problem is that she's very good at being a taoist but lives in an immoral way. Both of their beliefs are entirely self serving, I think this is also supposed to be a problem with Miko, but Miko is more honest about it.
That said I don't think Touhou is trying to say being selfish itself is bad, but the corrupt motives and lack of reflection of these characters leads to corrupt actions.

>> No.45047526

I support Reimu because is a racist and I want to make her worse

>> No.45054260

He was right on the money about how things in general worked in Gensokyo and even to an extent how the Hakureis played a role in its operations being youkai shrine maidens. But man did he miscalculate on the latter because if he had done more of his homework, FT would have known better to than to have anything to do with Reimu and would have avoided her entirely. To say nothing of him doing his transformation in the damn Village.
There’s likely other points to be made here but I think those are the big ones.
