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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45023076 No.45023076 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.45023096

everyone call me small face long nosed ikemen in japan

>> No.45023210
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>> No.45023264

hes me fr (if i missed the point entirely of the girls in vinnies being superior alternative to 3d)

>> No.45023270

reject さとり世代

>> No.45023318

you cant fuck 2d girls
or smell them

>> No.45023330

people seek for smelly 2d girls

>> No.45023367

or impregnate them

>> No.45023410

still missing the point of anime and vinnies

>> No.45023417

please enlighten me

>> No.45023435

they look pretty

>> No.45023447

seek true god, fag

>> No.45023480


>> No.45023534

Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/wiki/gambsguide/

>> No.45023536


>> No.45023539

your smeely, imouto

>> No.45023541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45023549

me and OG last night

>> No.45023550

hot dick

>> No.45023553

don't sniff me, bro

>> No.45023572 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45023575

i hate japan

>> No.45023577


>> No.45023578

shit art honestly

>> No.45023581

post better

>> No.45023591

his idea of better is ai granny porn

>> No.45023592

Alexa, how can I forget Japanese

>> No.45023595
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>> No.45023599


>> No.45023607


>> No.45023609
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unko, meds now

>> No.45023613 [SPOILER] 
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a smelly girl is here...

>> No.45023619

blink 182 was a lifestyle

>> No.45023634
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>> No.45023645

otaku is my lifestyle
i am an otaku

>> No.45023648

miyazaki says otaku are pieces of shit who hate human life

>> No.45023661
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low test

>> No.45023678


>> No.45023689

pubic hair is gross

>> No.45023707

miyazaki's art is worse than real otaku art so

>> No.45023713


>> No.45023733

modern ghibli is fucking shit

>> No.45023741

otakus are fucking shit

>> No.45023747

get the feeling yall hate urselves

>> No.45023750

otaku have much higher standards than him
accept it
miyazaki films are nothing more than a selfish attempt to popularize a style and type of story NO ONE asked for, instead of being unselfish and using one's skills within a real web of collaboration and inspiration like a real otaku does
thats called CULTURE

>> No.45023754

miyazaki had 69x more cultural impact than any faggot otaku shit that appeals to a bunch of creepy perverts and disgusts normal people

>> No.45023762

btw, there is a japanese otaku works wdyt?

>> No.45023765

>disgusts normal people
normal people think your anime list is shit

>> No.45023771
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>> No.45023778

lol based on what
nothing he did caught on
will efforts all vanish into nothingness
meanwhile the number of skilled otaku artists is growing infinitely and building upon the same building blocks left behind by the founders 30+ years ago. further and further perfecting the most appealing styles of all time in the largest art movement in human history

>> No.45023782

more like the largest bowel movement in history

>> No.45023787

the level of skill and quality in the industry is declining it's just a bunch of faggots selling faggot shit to the same 1000 greasy little nerds
yep lmao

>> No.45023800

niggas realy do be out here trying to talk about otaku this otaku that with not even 10k hours of anime under their belt

>> No.45023808
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why can't otaku make anything that touches peoples kokoro

>> No.45023812

cause shit that touches peoples dicks sells

>> No.45023819

miyazaki films sell better

>> No.45023821

dick touching is low effort tho

>> No.45023827

otaku isnt a single industry retard
skills are accelerating at an insane rate. i dont care if less skilled are getting a chance to make some anime you were never planning on watching in the first place, it expands skill development opportunities even more

>> No.45023829

i think you have a point though that talentless brainless people can make some otaku product and have a decent chance at selling it to 80 iq retards. whereas if they tried to make something people care about like berserk they would fail spectacularly due to lack of talent

>> No.45023833

its called marketing
its not grassroots and thats why it died out

>> No.45023843

>talentless brainless people can make some otaku product and have a decent chance at selling it to 80 iq retards.
yep we have to stop dumdums like unko from having kids if we want to save anime

>> No.45023868

berserk is an otaku product
dont compare it to miyazaki

>> No.45023873

stfu howard

>> No.45023886


>> No.45023889

howard knows more than anons here on the subject. he put the time in the skills and research

>> No.45023893

he knows jack shit

>> No.45023898

he's a fraud and he has a söy skinnyfat build

>> No.45023925

youll see in 2 weeks

>> No.45023928


>> No.45023933

i dont click his videos so i wont be seeing shit

>> No.45023958

we accept your concession

>> No.45023962

crazy how anime fans don't try to make themselves respectable in any way. they all look like howard or digibrony or matto

>> No.45023973

or this >>45023210

>> No.45023987

gambs is not an anime fan doe

>> No.45023992

crazy how you used crazy how which just like lil bro i made popular on djt you fucking theiving NIGGER

>> No.45023997

he is an otaku and theyre all the same stereotypical söy male (not a signature)

>> No.45024002

that's just a generic saying lil bro settle down

>> No.45024011

how is he a söy male if hes gotten more pussy than you

>> No.45024010

howard is fighting a different battle than yall his appearance is his battle scars

>> No.45024017

i popularized it actually

>> No.45024021

he'll never find a woman who accepts his genes

>> No.45024030

howard the neckbeardy cowards got quite the chutzpah shilling his rehearsed grade F video essays in djt while pretending its someone else

>> No.45024037

howard doesnt have the time to make videos that impress you

>> No.45024042

yeah hes too busy chugging diarrhea

>> No.45024071

isn't natto a onions product?

>> No.45024076

pisscorder exposes himself

>> No.45024088

i don't go on basedcord

>> No.45024117

we live in your head rent free

>> No.45024121

look up the health difference between fermented and unfermented söy, poltard

>> No.45024126

looks like we have an infestation

>> No.45024128

don't steal my gimmick

>> No.45024136

How many people here go on the Discord? I assumed most of us just chill here, but I'm getting the strange feeling that some of you actually use it.

>> No.45024141

there is no discord

>> No.45024155

link the discord

>> No.45024161

ill link my foot to your ass

>> No.45024167

Yeah, and there's no war in Ba Sing Se. I know Anacreon's got one because you people post clips from it and talk about the JLPT quiz from it.

>> No.45024178
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i only have old screenshots

>> No.45024181

those are like 5 years old

>> No.45024189

fake ass snake

>> No.45024192

it isnt about the amount but the quality
gambs is (allegedly) fucking easy as fuck menhera women who any white guy in japan could get

>> No.45024202

crazy how queef duped matt into thinking hes a 130iq

>> No.45024205

why is matt larping that these language learners who make flashcards but dont care about anime exist. is he insane?

>> No.45024213

What about the one linked on animecards? Isn't that the djt discord?

>> No.45024221

biked my 10 km route in japan
as always had a couple near miss accidents due to people not being aware of their surroundings
people will just randomly switch what side they are cycling on without looking behind them, come out from the side without looking, rush for the overtake even though you have to pass through, cycle next to each other taking up the whole path
and so on

>> No.45024223

djt died 5 years ago

>> No.45024226

bitchler is a narcissistic waste of life who unironically thinks he's a special snowflake because he learned 20k idiot cards

>> No.45024232

26 got mindbroken by chadler

>> No.45024238

i have no respect for that piece of trash

>> No.45024239

cry more bitch nigga lmao

>> No.45024241

hes pretty good tho i dont think many could get a top score like qm did on the n1 despite not emersing for years

>> No.45024255
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qm gave me griffith vibes

>> No.45024260

hes a 120 iq dumbass

>> No.45024263

qms wife has more sex than him i guarantee it

>> No.45024268

qm is better than me so i respect him

>> No.45024273

everyone is better than you

>> No.45024274

what's your problem lil guy

>> No.45024278

whats yours pathetic samefaggot

>> No.45024279

these otakus just hate everyone

>> No.45024293
File: 2.29 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20231023082816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing the wii u version of botw and other switch games satisfies my autism
wonder if smash is still active online

>> No.45024294

i havent even been talking

>> No.45024308

can see half of your ugly ass face reflecting

>> No.45024309

find a job that will satisfy your autism

>> No.45024311

nice bro

>> No.45024327

your ugly ass mom can only fit half my dick before she pukes
like what

>> No.45024342

your mother fit a full nigger dick 24 years ago and look at what happened

>> No.45024354


>> No.45024355

im actually 22 lol i just lied

>> No.45024358

i bet your father couldnt count either

>> No.45024361

count what lil bro

>> No.45024375

how many days it had been since he last dindu nuffind

>> No.45024381

haha (yours, i fucked her raw)

>> No.45024391

is this thread active?

>> No.45024392


>> No.45024399


>> No.45024408

should i learn pitch accent?

>> No.45024414

1/4th nigger blood is enough to make you a full nigger

>> No.45024421

> あたし・・・あなたの赤ちゃんを産みたい
why is this を instead of が?

>> No.45024424

why not

>> No.45024433

cure dolly taught me its が~たい

>> No.45024447

dolly said both are good

>> No.45024458

whats the difference? i thought たい means 'is wanted' like 赤ちゃんが産みたい means baby is wanted to born

>> No.45024467


>> No.45024480
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130 is modest

>> No.45024485

iq guy has been getting very angry and hostile lately

>> No.45024487


>> No.45024495

its because he dont understand otaku media

>> No.45024498

iq guy has done nothing with his life except make money (his parents are also rich but he swears he was independent lmfao)

>> No.45024501

making money is based

>> No.45024510

transitive verb

>> No.45024515


>> No.45024519

how easy is making money at 155 iq

>> No.45024525

ive done nothing with my life including make money so hes got me there

>> No.45024528

idk bluds still be going to an office so prolly not that easy

>> No.45024534

so 寿司が食べたい is wrong?

>> No.45024537


>> No.45024553

sushi sucks honestly the sushi in my country is better than what ive had in japan

>> No.45024554

jamal says japan sucks

>> No.45024558

if i was iq guy i would scam my boss

>> No.45024563

jamal is a depressed faggot

>> No.45024567

>indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
>(occasionally object)
Use your dictionary, anon :^)

>> No.45024571

dolly says that's not true

>> No.45024576

so why it's を産みたい instead of が産みたい?

>> No.45024580

Dolly is dead
Because the を particle also indicates a direct object.

>> No.45024584

but why its not が

>> No.45024596

It can be either way.

>> No.45024601

cuz it shows more やる気 also ga is never an object like the tard said

>> No.45024604

there was no ga

>> No.45024605

>ga is never an object like the tard said
>disagreeing with the dictionary

>> No.45024611

so how does it translate?

>> No.45024612
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>>disagreeing with the dictionary

>> No.45024621

it's okay for you to be dumb anon

>> No.45024625

your understanding of grammar and japanese is dumb and not satisfactory to explain this example

>> No.45024634

i just make up my own definitions and interpretations wouldnt want people to think im an npc söyman who blindly follows what (((others))) say

>> No.45024636

my understanding of grammar can satisfy any man, but yours is sadly lacking

>> No.45024656
File: 11 KB, 699x212, たい form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, jokes aside. Can we all just admit I'm right?

>> No.45024657

nga can never be the object in any japanese sentence. it has a very consistent role in every sentence. but when the npc finds something they think contradicts that they just make up some shit like thinking the nga can be the object instead of udnerstanding what's really happening even though dolly already explained it.

>> No.45024663

It sound slike you agree with me that anon is an EOP NPC POC for agreeing with that stupid dictionary and not eatiing cum and licking dog poop on tbe ground all day like you do

>> No.45024664

i dont get grammer can someone just explain in simple words?

>> No.45024665

nga wut

>> No.45024668

Your dead cult leader has failed you >>45024656

>> No.45024677

dolly explained it and it's based on how you chunk the sentence with the i stem and the suffix tai

>> No.45024683

so ケーキを食べ is correct? what is a stem?

>> No.45024686

he made it up

>> No.45024688

the i stem is the thing that comes before masu

>> No.45024690

That's silly for her to think because が's still marking the grammatical object. So she's objectively wrong (and dead)

>> No.45024699

i dont understand how can アイスが食べたい and アイスを食べたい both translate to i want to eat ice cream when one is subject and other is object?

>> No.45024703

uppercasers win at grammar again
probably because uppercasers actually be reading

>> No.45024705

nga can't mark the object in any instance in japanese so that's not true. this is not a special case

>> No.45024710

what is nga and what does object mean lol

>> No.45024712

Thank you.
You are wrong and you must accept this, lowercaser.

>> No.45024713

doesn't matter

>> No.45024716

your model of japanese grammar is wrong so you make up fake rules and exceptions.

>> No.45024718

why not

>> No.45024724

nga please
I actually cited my rule, you cited a cultist who thinks japanese grammatical rules are train cars

>> No.45024729

going to 喫茶店

>> No.45024733

imagine arguing about this shit but not even being able to speak japanese

>> No.45024734

and the doll's explanation is more satisfactory and makes more sense than yours which is not an explanation at all because you don't understand anything

>> No.45024753

i lives in japan and dont know anyone who speaks english so english is basically my 2nd language now
i have no opinion on がしたい and をしたい

>> No.45024755

My explanation actually makes sense and is supported by grammarians and people much smarter than you. Your explanation relies on you treating a verb with adjectival stem as an adjective in one sentence and a verb in an another.

>> No.45024769

same and same

>> No.45024770
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Where does the translation get the implied unhappy from?

>> No.45024774

john was died by his mother

>> No.45024781

They call it the suffering passive. This kind of construction implies that it wasn't a good thing, though it's not explicitly stated.

>> No.45024784

it doesn't make sense because it is not true in any sentence in japanese and is a band aid for your lack of understanding in tai sentences

>> No.45024787

に means unhappy

>> No.45024792

(and John was unhappy)

>> No.45024796

Guys I want to read but grammar is really holding me back. I don't get how you can even properly acquire grammar through immersion. For vocabulary it makes sense, you see a word you don't know you look it up and now you know it (even if it has to occur a few times to stick.) But with grammar, it's just a mess of kana to you, and you just move on.
Basic grammar just doesn't cut it, there's too much variety of what could be said. I really hate being able to understand all the vocab within a sentence but still have no idea what the sentence is ultimately saying. Do I really have to buckle down and read through full grammar books and shit?

>> No.45024805

my dude you learned japanese from curedolly lmao

>> No.45024817

no use a machine translator to help you put it together and scroll over it with your yomichan to see the parts you don't have (basically all of the grammar is in the dictionary). you can also ask bing chat if you're desperate.

>> No.45024820

i feel like your jumping the gun here, lets start with tying your shoes

>> No.45024834

Just ask us for help. We're always here to explain grammar (ignore the dollytard)

>> No.45024835

suffering passive doesnt exist stop tricking noobs

>> No.45024837

gonna need to hear dolly's opinion on the suffering passive

>> No.45024846

it's real in my mind
she's suffering passed rip

>> No.45024851

why so many dekinai chibbas posting on da real djt hours

>> No.45024852

djt is kill-want-inducing to me

>> No.45024853

uppercasers travel in packs

>> No.45024861

connecting to the nether world

>> No.45024864

The ice cream is eat-wanted.

>> No.45024866

lol just wait until this guy encounters his first honorific passive sentence

>> No.45024868

i already fluented japanese, should i learn spanish?

>> No.45024871


>> No.45024873

I've read the Bible in Japanese. This has already happened.

>> No.45024878


>> No.45024881

the whole bible?

>> No.45024886

No, I'm not insane.

>> No.45024888

jesus was 150 iq

>> No.45024890

tal vez

>> No.45024900

Discussion about IQ is banned, I’m sorry. You’ll have to go to Reddit if you wish to continue this topic.

>> No.45024908


>> No.45024914

new game was 7 years ago

>> No.45024919

eating pasta in japan and not caring what djt thinks

>> No.45024928

this uppercaser has been my favorite poster for like 2 years straight this funny af

>> No.45024931


どうやらそうではないようだ。神は私たちのように価値を決められない。それどころか、神は聡明な者を混乱させ、卑しい者を高めることを喜ばれるのだ。第一コリント1章は私たちを驚かせる。19節にはこう書かれている: わたしは賢い者の知恵を滅ぼし、賢い者の知性を挫く』と書いてあるからです」(イザヤ29:14参照)。パウロはその理由をこう説明する: 「神の知恵において、世は知恵によって神を知りませんでしたから、信じる者を救うために、私たちが宣べ伝えることの愚かさによって、神は喜ばれたのです」(1コリント1:21)。つまり、私たちが神を知るようになるのは、頭の良さによるのではない。頭がいい」ということは、必ずしもその人が神を思うようになることを意味しない。神は、救いのメッセージを「棚の一番下」に置くことを選ばれた。イエスは、私たちが天の御国に入るためには、幼な子のようにならなければならないと言われた(マルコ10:15)。神からの大いなる真理を受け取るために、私たちはしばしば、自分が知っていると思っていることを脇に置かなければならない。高い知性を持つ人は、頭で理解できないことを信仰によって受け入れるのに苦労することが多い。

>> No.45024939

i wipe my ass with your dictionary

>> No.45024943
File: 82 KB, 275x183, IMG_1051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtffffff bro

>> No.45024948

You still mad dollybro?

>> No.45024952

you're retarded lil bro

>> No.45024956

i am a sucker for dic

>> No.45024968

Very based. マタイ 11:25 comes to mind

>> No.45024972

speaking of dictionaries
this one's coming out soon i'm wakuwaku

>> No.45025012

It's okay, you'll learn how to use the dictionary one of these days, until then you can just guess what things mean

>> No.45025047

how bout i just beat the shit out of you lil nerd ass bro

>> No.45025050

anything funny on /r/japanlife or /r/learnjapanese lately?

>> No.45025054

check yourself and report back to us

>> No.45025058

what's funny is nerds don't actually know anything and are retarded and can't beat me in a debate

>> No.45025061

I'm trying to be a productive member of the 4channel Japanese learning community. I don't appreciate being treated this way. I've only offered love and support to all my fellows learners.

>> No.45025067

my japanese wife cooked pasta for me today at lunch

>> No.45025068

iq guy has never proven any actual japanese ability

>> No.45025069

is the iq guy even here right now

>> No.45025070

iq guy doesn't care

>> No.45025076

mine bought mcdonalds for me last night lol

>> No.45025083

lowercasers dont have japanese wife they have japanese gf
only uppercasers have japanese wife

>> No.45025105


>> No.45025108

i have both

>> No.45025117

hes not the same guy who says hes shit because hes not dumb enough to enjoy things?

>> No.45025129

dont wanna take off my limiter and embarrass iq guy

>> No.45025140

why is the dude living rent free in djts head

>> No.45025155

starting to think we should play a little more fast and loose with particles
how about アイスに食べたい
what if we just make some new particles like アイスじ食べたい

>> No.45025175

makes people feel inadequate

>> No.45025187

wanna man

>> No.45025204

dont let lil iq guy get you down we can achieve anything even if it takes the lower iq ones a bit longer

>> No.45025206
File: 403 KB, 2560x1440, Utawarerumono_Prelude_to_the_Fallen_KPCR8yMqjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45025215

did nothing but play terraria and onani 10 times to the same video of a big asian titty monster

>> No.45025230

fascination and jealousy, how often do you get to talk to someone among the top 1 million humans in the world? in real life people above 155 iq are extremely successful like bill gates with thousands wanting to interview them

>> No.45025244

bill gates needs to get his ass kicked and thrown in jail

>> No.45025246

and why would a guy like that be swimming with the low iq fishies at djt

>> No.45025265

all he does is post about how smart he is

>> No.45025273

terraria in 2023 lmfao

>> No.45025279

dudes a 4 sigma

>> No.45025284

iq guy has never bragged about his intelligence

>> No.45025290

150 isnt 4 sigma

>> No.45025297

how come hes known as iq guy lmao

>> No.45025302

he is just strangely passionate about the subject of iq

>> No.45025306

135 here just had a nice オナホ fap to 寝取らせ

>> No.45025308

what does この胸の大きさに勝てるなんてありえない mean and how does it differ from 勝てるわけがない?

>> No.45025313


>> No.45025322

hes an academic who is knowledgeable about iq because of his psychologist friends

>> No.45025332

129 here gonna cum inside some 整理おばさんまんこ in a few hours

>> No.45025338

ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii nante arienai

>> No.45025345

meant 生理

>> No.45025353

didn't you also mean 109

>> No.45025357

me and ciaran are in the 115-120 club and are some of the most powerful djters alive
keep your high iq

>> No.45025362

If you're asking how it differs, then you already know what it means.

>> No.45025363

>both の上 and の上に are options
What does JLPT mean by this?

>> No.45025378

appeal to ciaran fallacy

>> No.45025379


>> No.45025424

what did anon mean by this

>> No.45025449

you would expect iq guy to be itiban hayai gakusyuusya but you dont see him making news in the learner scene, why?

>> No.45025460


>> No.45025462

some people learn japanese
some people autistically post about their fetish all day every day
iq is just his fetish

>> No.45025477

he doesnt post about iq every day though, there is enough time in between for someone like him to master japanese

>> No.45025481

speaking japanese for other gaijins is just so cringey to me

>> No.45025502

how do yall study while working
I always been the unemployed dude with unlimited free time now i feel like i only got time to sleep

>> No.45026029

youre supposed to learn japanese before getting a job

>> No.45026102

From a linnie btw, will DJT get filtered again?

>> No.45026136

ga is like ha you can just use it in place of any other particle

>> No.45026174

can mean two things

>> No.45026194


>> No.45026258
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>> No.45026292

why does nobody attempt to answer these? is djt really that dumb?

>> No.45026325

answer what do you have a question

>> No.45026378

he's asking for an interpretation of his sentence. he wishes to taste djt at its forte.

>> No.45026386

verified native sourced natural input btw
do you have what it takes to answer this or are you just dumb

>> No.45026416

yea dno

>> No.45026431

"The one she talks to is a male teacher."

>> No.45026436

stop trying to explain wah and gah and just feel it out like a native

>> No.45026442

oh no you fell for his trap by giving the correct interpretation

>> No.45026444

its hah and gah

>> No.45026446

any more brain busters

>> No.45026456

it's いふ not いう

>> No.45026460

it could also be the 相手 she is talking about is a male teacher but not necessarily her 相手

>> No.45026461

you should write that in katanagatana

>> No.45026465

At least someone's posting japanese for a change

>> No.45026472

you joke but ive seen way too many people misspell katakana as "katana"

>> No.45026476


>> No.45026495

thats what it should be called because 刀 fits right in with the rest of them

>> No.45026505

romanji gang

>> No.45026515


>> No.45026698

bros... we lost...

>> No.45026732

i sometimes dream of fucking a cute jav actress and then i wake up next to my old washed up japanese wife and realize i made a mistake in my life, i don't even speak japanese

>> No.45026764

pornstars aren't "cute"

>> No.45026786


>> No.45026798

nuke? where?!?!

>> No.45026830


>> No.45026847

[breaking!] japan was nuked in 1945!

>> No.45026864

wake up next to a fat obasan (40代) every morning
俺的に超made it

>> No.45027081

attention whore

>> No.45027132


>> No.45027373

i dont want either of those though

>> No.45027420

ngl lil bro im also gay asf

>> No.45027447

dno just not into acting

>> No.45027490

tell me what 虚をつかれた means nigga

>> No.45027523

more like uso ni tukareta

>> No.45027551

doushite uso tsuiteru no

>> No.45027607


>> No.45027783
File: 419 KB, 2560x1440, Utawarerumono_Prelude_to_the_Fallen_2nmEOv3vpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish this was me

>> No.45027813

whys djt so angst-ridden these days?

>> No.45027814

whyd they furigana からだ

>> No.45027824

wrong kanji

>> No.45027838

you wish you're name was Habanero?

>> No.45027868


>> No.45027872

yep i wish my karada would onna no ko no okage de ugokanai

>> No.45027882
File: 364 KB, 2560x1440, Utawarerumono_Prelude_to_the_Fallen_SVO6cwTJBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally this "game" is getting somewhere

>> No.45027896



>> No.45027910


>> No.45028026



>> No.45028167

>start vn to look for words to mine
>5 hours in and only mined one word

>> No.45028178

at that point just read the dictionary

>> No.45028209

pause your immersion our guy is live

>> No.45028245

yoooooooooooo lfg

>> No.45028271

What in the world is he doing? Is this a lolcow?

>> No.45028283

hes the goat and this stream is probably too high level for you

>> No.45028291
File: 158 KB, 700x466, 1247341599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45028304

I'm losing brain cells just watching his arcane kanji writing rituals. There's nobody in his chat. He's just rambling.

>> No.45028314


>> No.45028317

this is not really gambs, right? is this what an average lolcow schizoposter looks like?

>> No.45028346

lil bro is studying like 20 different languages lmfao

>> No.45028368

qm namedrop

>> No.45028371

i think i'm starting to understand why you guys recommend not learning with anki

>> No.45028373

imagine shilling your idiot card stream

>> No.45028374

would kill myself if i looked like him
not even joking

>> No.45028385

>pause your immersion i'm live**

>> No.45028387

bro... your monitor

>> No.45028406

im phone posting

>> No.45028434

I don't understand this reference.

>> No.45028441

if a girl gets off to loli hentai imagining she’s the loli being raped is she fucked up for that

>> No.45028442

yes but you're not a girl

>> No.45028463

how is she fucked up in your opinion

>> No.45028491

being autistic

>> No.45028508
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>> No.45028515

that's also the reason dudes watch loli hentai, what's the problem

>> No.45028526

holy based

>> No.45028546

>I am one of the most skilled Westerners in the entire world wrt Japanese knowledge

>> No.45028547

what was he xding bros

>> No.45028549

this is based and anyone who disagrees is söyman

>> No.45028555

most skilled in the world and still uses onkey
lmao where do these delusional virgins come from

>> No.45028564

gambs is more skilled than you and uses anki
ciaran is more skilled than you and uses anki
hmmmm im starting to see a pattern here

>> No.45028568

try to explain a better way to learn to write without using anki

>> No.45028573

did he have anything to do with nuke being unmodded?

>> No.45028575

ciaran wouldnt claim to be one of the most skilled in the world
why does he need to learn? hes one of the most skilled in the world

>> No.45028580

japanese people also need to drill for kanken lmao did you really think that was a zinger

>> No.45028583

because westerners are shit at japanese so even the best among them have things to learn

>> No.45028593

japanese people dont even take kanken
sounds like a cope
he just desperately wants to be someone

>> No.45028602

not many westerners can write
so the standard is very low
maybe qm is better than him at writing
but he is better than qm at knowing the language and using it (i would assume he lives in japan) so it evens out. i would rather be skilled overall than disproportionately skilled at writing since writing is just a matter of time

>> No.45028607
File: 133 KB, 446x400, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil bro read vns with google translate and only got famous as a retard troll with very amateurish understanding of japanese by shitposting on reddit and twitter until he got banned, and he thinks he knows japanese

>> No.45028609

>sounds like a cope
westerners not being able to write 1000s of kanji is cope?

>> No.45028613

why is qm even in the conversation?
theres real life people that dont need to chase clout on the internet who are better than both of them because they dont live in their bedrooms with their stuffed animals streaming idiot cards
english isn't your first language clearly

>> No.45028619

>english isn't your first language clearly
i accept your concession

>> No.45028627

concession for what? you didn't even respond to what i was talking about because you lack the reading comprehension necessary because english isn't your first language. post hand

>> No.45028648

bro... gambs is not a mtler

>> No.45028657

your hands are whiter but only because you got white paint on them while you were pushing that goalpost

>> No.45028662

well qm is an example of someone who learned to write up to k2 probably far faster than those "real life people" so if you take someone autistically good at studying like him but also more otaku, and more real life experience within japan, then you get someone who is probably one of the best learners. i didnt mean to imply qm is close because he is not

>> No.45028665

gambs finna dab on a eop nigga

>> No.45028756

my tummy-san just made violent squelching noises
it was just like in anime when the girl is hungry and goes >/////<

>> No.45028786

you should become a writer, this is solid stuff

>> No.45029060

I will simply add お in front of every word to be extra polite.

>> No.45029081

he's now skipping through dialogue pretending to read, occasionally grunting

>> No.45029092

lmao lil bro can't keep up

>> No.45029160

>*click click click*
>*click click click*
>wait i didn't catch that last part
>*click click click*
>*suddenly pauses*
>"wait how do i read 命綱? whatever i don't care"
>*click click click*
>*grunts loudly*

>> No.45029181

wtf this guy was in my room when I was emmersing last night

>> No.45029215

yall jealous af lmao

>> No.45029233

You're watching a man sit in utter silence as he attempts to speed "read" a VN.

>> No.45029271

wdym speed read bros just sitting back and relaxing with a nice vinnie

>> No.45029397
File: 1.79 MB, 1955x2908, F9HOWoCacAACXNX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood afternoon


>> No.45029433

my favorite streamer is playing suica game

>> No.45029689

my favorite streamer is playing wordle

>> No.45029721

gambs made me start respecting moogy

>> No.45029743


>> No.45029975

why is he machine learning in the middle of a reading stream

>> No.45029990

i respect all vinnies

>> No.45030056

what would jamal think of gambs

>> No.45030072

i was just wondering the same thing

>> No.45030132

we live in a post-jamal world now
dude needed to leave for the new reiwa era of djt

>> No.45030179

any anime recommendations that have no romance in them (it's too soul crushing)

>> No.45030635

get over it by watching 10k hours of romance anime

>> No.45030668

lets talk about my 巨根 instead
its pretty big

>> No.45031018

let's talk about 巨乳 (not mine)

>> No.45031084
File: 12 KB, 341x96, 2023-10-23_18-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translations like this blow my fucking mind. Can someone explain this to me? I was just looking up 全体的 and wanted a sentence but how does this word even work?

>> No.45031088


>> No.45031103

kyokon deez nuts

>> No.45031128

Oh and if I can offer a guess, this is basically "Looking at everything, that book was good". はい?

>> No.45031209

get a life

>> No.45031220


>> No.45031309

damn why does everything i try to immerse in feel gay and boring now

>> No.45031350

bro fell for the npc mind conditioning

>> No.45031496

What's not to get?

>> No.45031598

this looks like a titan if you were looking at it from above, how are the japanese so based

>> No.45031677

low dopamine

>> No.45031836


>> No.45031908

stop watching gay porn maybe lol

>> No.45031984
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hoshikuzu Telepath - 03 (1080p) [00D25245].mkv_snapshot_14.08.107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45032078

i only look at straight porn
as for porn i skim doujins for the sexy parts
about 1k characters in a typical doujin i’d assume lol so small

>> No.45032086

alien head chinese cartoons

>> No.45032095

new thread???????????

>> No.45032096
File: 49 KB, 600x538, F6CEPzFacAASJyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm thinking of going to Japan only for the food. Boy do they have delicious looking food.

>> No.45032126

can confirm everything in japan just tastes better

>> No.45032132

what about the japanese versions of american fast food chains

>> No.45032134



>> No.45032145

including the pussy

>> No.45032681

way too early

>> No.45032851

any good posts?
last posts i read were people fucking with bunko

>> No.45032863

gambs streamed and it was pretty funny

>> No.45034282

shits crazy dead in here

>> No.45034466

>well qm is an example of someone who learned to write up to k2 probably far faster
he forgot it all even faster

>> No.45034838

it's basically "all in all, i thought it was a good book"

>> No.45036702

did someone ask him how he picks up girls
