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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 405x389, 1266133260156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4471885 No.4471885 [Reply] [Original]


Second, we have a very important guild announcement.

Players who joined or created a guild in CB1 may find upon logging into CB2 that their guild has been deleted. This was an unfortunate side effect of the guild taxation system, which runs on a weekly basis and cannot be halted as long as the server clock is still running. The server could not be shut down because of the need for testing and modifying the game in between CB1 and CB2. We understand that this is an inconvenience and want to confirm that this is/will be a one-time occurrence.

>> No.4471892

fuck off

>> No.4471894
File: 11 KB, 217x240, 1266516410061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lingo deleted Hotglue! Bwahahahaaa!

>> No.4471896


>> No.4471897

So I can be a Paladin now?

>> No.4471900

>He still expects f2p publishers to not be incompetent sacks of shit.


>> No.4471905

Erm just want to tell you that I think Namae pump in money into the warehouse before the CBT ended.

>> No.4471908

Luckily, we're smarter than the GMs and put money in for that exact reason.

>> No.4471924

His plan to kill Hotglue backfired. It's going to be the only guild left.

>> No.4471928
File: 74 KB, 489x546, 1266889264285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you think.

>> No.4471952

Let's steal the names of the biggest guilds from last beta for alts.

>> No.4471959
File: 37 KB, 640x448, 1266675020882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lingo claims someone withdrew all the gold from the guild before CB1 ended
>Hotglue is deleted

>> No.4472000

Even in the event that it did, I guess it'd just be house-cleaning anyways for all the people who quit. Plus, Hotglue is usable after the change in the filter list. RIP ö.

>> No.4472023

>Castle Siege is a PvP (player versus player) feature unique to Aika where the guilds and guild alliances within a nation compete in a bloody campaign to secure the Lakian Fortress—the ultimate national seat of power.

So are we soloing or allying with those jerks?

>> No.4472035

we own the castle already, I think, so we're defending

>> No.4472048

>the guildmaster of the leading guild in the alliance becomes Lord Marshal and the other alliance guildmasters become Archons.
>other alliance guildmasters become Archons.
I was talking about this.

>> No.4472064

Become lord marshal, strip roles, and give them to PizzaClub and similarly named puppet guilds?

>> No.4472065


Sounds like a nice idea.

>> No.4472074

I can already imagine the flame we will get in the forum if we really do it.

>> No.4472550

Give Archon to PizzaClub and BR?

>> No.4472557

Oh, this game only lasts until Tuesday. That's kind of pointless.

>> No.4472576

If it gives me more time with my pran, then so be it!

>> No.4472643

Sounds awesome.

>> No.4473360

Now, to sneak some undercover alts into resonance...

>> No.4473420

Only 14 hours until I get to play! Hurray for school.

>> No.4473556

hey ZUN!bar, what IGN are you gonna use?

>> No.4473976


Trolling too hard is unhealthy for you~

>> No.4474550

I just woke up... is it out now?

>> No.4474551

3 more hours.

>> No.4474559

The real troll actually withdrew all the money from the guild warehouse just before CBT1 ended.

>> No.4474604
File: 13 KB, 251x251, Retarded_green_elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like Christmas all over again!

>> No.4474616

Its 3am, 3 more hours. Oh god. At least university doesn't start for another week.

>> No.4474627


eurofriend detected

>> No.4474630

12am, I have to sleep since I need to be freshly awake and away in a few hours ;_;

At least there's the weekend...

>> No.4474637


>> No.4474764

don't tell me that they didn't made any backups
what kind of "professionals" are they?

>> No.4474785

The gPotato kind.

>> No.4474818

2 hours guy! TWO HOURS! I'm thinking about skipping classes like a good anon would...

>> No.4474820

So for the Japanese voices, I just replace the sound folder with the one from here?

>> No.4474822


It was just a ploy by Lingo to try and kill our guild.

>> No.4474831

The kind that buy a shitty korean game, run it through google translate, then pray their gook overlords give them patches in time for the community to not figure out they can't code shit (unless it involves stealth nerfing drops, enchant rates and exp), can't maintain their own servers and are generally a sham probably run in a basement.

>> No.4474844

Yes. Be sure to rename the English sound file to something else in case shit hits the fan, though.

>> No.4474856

is it another of those grinding games with loli ?

>> No.4474857
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>> No.4474866
File: 26 KB, 135x205, 1216423957759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would sleep now and join you guys much later. Fucking normals screwed up a simple assignment and I have to clean up the mess.

>> No.4474880

So, just came home from work... 2 hours left if I'm not mistaking?

>> No.4474898

It isn't too grindy, you can pretty much quest your way straight through to the level cap.

>> No.4474906


1 hour and 45 minutes.

>> No.4474914

...until I go watch champions league and then go to sleep. Will join you tomorrow.

>> No.4475028

No. There are no game where you can have a loli pet in it... Wait there is: DOMO.

>> No.4475052

What, another patch? 1.08

>> No.4475062

Yeah, came out a couple of hours ago. It's really small though.

>> No.4475064

But only a few hours ago I went up to 1.07

>> No.4475071
File: 304 KB, 1400x875, aikascreenshot08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Prius.

AIKA's are still the best.

>> No.4475074


They're saving the biggest one until 10:59 am.

>> No.4475080
File: 24 KB, 325x326, shiawase nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475085

Disgusting. Why would you make your loli into a teenager?;_;

>> No.4475090

take this to /v/

>> No.4475099

So, which one of these is the correct JP soundpack to use?


I remember someone mentioning one of them was broken or something.

>> No.4475104

The first one.

>> No.4475106

we'll /jp/, you've convinced me
looks like imma make a tank and grind it up when cb2 comes back

>> No.4475128

It's only an update to the item list.

>> No.4475134
File: 474 KB, 2762x1080, Cleric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sure you don't want to play a Cleric?

>> No.4475177

NEET tip: Monsters have lower health in the pvp channel. Helps tanks especially. You don't have to worry about getting killed by anyone until level 10. At which point you can be killed by your own nation on either channel. Other Nations can kill you in the pvp channel once you've joined a nation of your own, but they generally don't venture into the level 1~20 zone.

>> No.4475187

Brace yourselves for another Allods-esque server blunder. In before spending an hour trying to log onto the server, because the servers crashed from being hammered all at once and gpotato not being prepared for it.

>> No.4475190

Ffffff-...no, I must be strong


>> No.4475196


Never turn on the PVP button. You don't need it to attack enemy nations and it's only used to kill allies which nets you penalties.

>> No.4475218

Sick. Why would you play such a old bitch?

>> No.4475225 [DELETED] 


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>READ THIS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<READ THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>READ THIS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<READ THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>> http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4457604

>>> http://pooshlmer.com/wakaba/res/404851.html

[!] littleshrimp !XO2bS2oW2g Tue Feb 23 09:38:37 2010 No.4465337
[!] littleshrimp!DQVaR4v1zg 10/02/23(Tue)16:29 No.433250
>>> http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4464975#p4465337


>> No.4475249

Another newly convinced anon here. I'm on the fence between a Warlock and a Rifleman.

>> No.4475252

Gonna roll a healer since I'm usually too much of a pussy to play aggressively. Losing because you waited for them to hit first feels bad.

>> No.4475280

Would you rather be really really emo or really really gay?

>> No.4475285

I'm gonna play the slut.
Just about 35 minutes right?

>> No.4475291

Well I'm ready to grind all 6 days from 1-50 yay

>> No.4475293


>> No.4475294


better than nexon, especially since they have loads of cash to spend

>> No.4475297

Rifleman is slightly less gay with the jp voice pack. Slightly.

>> No.4475298
File: 426 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True NEET quality.

>> No.4475302

Does the little fucked-up message window mean the servers are down? Because a few days ago I was able to get as far as clicking the server before being returned to the title screen.

>> No.4475303


Warlock: DARKNESS, AoE nukes, DoTs, good single targets, status effects on almost every skill, turns people into rabbits.

Rifleman: FABULOUS, Longest range, High burst damage, stealth, lots skills comes with stun/slow on target.

>> No.4475304

why does this game look EXACTLY THE SAME as flyff?

>> No.4475307

Yeah they put that in a while ago.

>> No.4475310 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 995x692, 126703670569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is flamoot. it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths

lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


>> No.4475317 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 995x692, 126703680258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if psychedelics were allowed to spread through the population at the natural rate, people would become impossible to control in the painful and bizarre ways they control us. this includes brain implants. tear-away children of nobody families are isolated and disconnected over the course of a few years and then given implants that let the rich wear their skin like a suit. think one in a million. and god. believe me

don't automatically trust anyone telling you to go as far out as possible, to escape society and your ego and this sort of thing. what cults do first is try to create an intrapersonal vacuum they can fill with dogma. they are using the psychedelics for this now

the psychedelics produce very real and powerful experiences you don't need to have explained to you repeatedly if you have used them a few times. no-one has to preach ego death to an acidhead. he knows about it.

a lot of cults offer up a lot of junk but the psychedelics are real and they produce the most powerful experiences in the world. they can be used to free people and heal them but, the elite are holding them from us like the priest class once hid the psychedelic sacraments of the mystery religions so they could have a monopoly on god. it is the exact same plan

and just like the priests got a ton of kids to screw for thousands of years, so do the people who've stolen the psychedelics, now. the government and the rich. i like people, i've never feared the rich... but this is serious

bear with me :|

>> No.4475327

I'm still pissed they got Dragons Nest.

It's an mmorpg, silly. They're all the same game. This particular one happens to be a mix of Everquest, WoW, and L2.

>> No.4475333

Yo yo yo
What are you doing?
Your kind isn't welcomed in Aika threads.

>> No.4475334

how do i sign up for this game or did i already miss the beta intake?

>> No.4475329 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 995x692, 126703688723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the ideal way is for some clique or clutch of trippers to take in new trusted associates one at a time, and protect them. no-one needs do avocacy, no-one needs attract attention. me i discovered acid, shrooms, pot on my own and thought i had to tell everyone. that's how i drew this down

in other words we are being controlled brutally by pedophile overlords with high technology who despise us. people like you and me but horny and rich

Google 'drug critter linux' for the app these pics are from. I had to take my links out but see youtube.com/user/toomalf for vids also use tinyurl 'ygbmj9r' for a google group where i discuss the implant, i thought it was aliens or the signlarity but it isnt >_>



>> No.4475336

I think that's the point. Just ignore it.

>> No.4475337 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 995x692, 12670369597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hi this is 0 of 15 or so. ty
08:36 < flamoot> hi
08:36 <@Pnutbot> privet, flamoot
08:36 < filthee> yea thats all you need
08:36 < THC> not sure if its good enough to see it
08:37 < flamoot> [url revoked]
08:37 < flamoot> i have an implant
08:37 < THC> oh is it cool i musta forgot
08:37 < filthee> its a last hope anyway
08:37 < flamoot> the rich wear our skin with vr/telepresence
08:37 < THC> then i already own a cheap microscope
08:37 < filthee> lol
08:37 < flamoot> gender-confuse us electrically and make us touch ourselves
08:37 < flamoot> because they can't chip girls this way they're too well-accompanied and believed
08:37 < flamoot> hard to isolate
08:37 < flamoot> god listen to me
08:38 < filthee> go ahead and speak
08:38 < flamoot> k ty
08:38 < flamoot> so usually i'm on hold with a friendly ai

>> No.4475341


>> No.4475343

saw this spam few days ago elsewhere, it's confusing

>> No.4475345
File: 45 KB, 800x921, excitement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475346

Generic FAQ for would-be Aika Hotglue members:

What is it:
Aika Online - http://aika.gpotato.com/

How do I play:
1. Get a closed beta key: http://www.omgponies.info/massivelyCodes/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.getCode&codeInfoKey=37
2. Download the client from the website using the Pando Media Booster (hooray!) or from Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XGTYX098

I received patcher/X-trap/etc errors:
1. Change the program settings to Windows XP SP2 compatability and Run as Administrator.
2. Restart your computer.
3. Check the forum with the specific error: http://aika-forum.gpotato.com/viewforum.php?f=34

How do I join the guild:
1. There is only one server currently, and we are on the Feonir faction, the channel doesn't matter*.
2. Become a citizen of the nation, which means you have to finish a quest that becomes available at level 10 in the main town.
3. Ask for an invite on either board, or message a member.
• PvP channel monsters have less health, so you can level quicker.

1. All English Pran voice clips: http://zoome.jp/hptn/diary/21
Japanese voice pack: http://www.mediafire.com/?5n3zjyfk1kx
2. Skill simulator: http://aika-tools.6.ql.bz/skill/en/

>> No.4475342 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 995x692, 126703698386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hi welcome to 1 of 10
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> its the rich
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> or just police
08:38 < THC> i should try and get somebody to get me a cheap microscope for my birthday
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> a lot of the time
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> but a person or group of them will come in
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and fuck around
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and be a real asshole
08:38 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and it'll take me time to realize it's not friendly anymore
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> sometimes they'll just dial the intensity or something up and down
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> while it loops
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> so i just feel someone's hand on the dial
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> you know
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i hate that
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> of course

>> No.4475347 [DELETED] 

filter out the term
you should be good

>> No.4475348

Uh, what? It doesn't look anything like Flyff nor does it play like it. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I actually played that game for a while. You must be thinking of something else.

>> No.4475350


>> No.4475352



You have 24 minutes to get a key and make a Gpotato account before the servers go online for CB2.

>> No.4475353

>a quest that becomes available at level 10
oh dear lord....
how long does it take to get to level 10?

>> No.4475359


Around 1-2 hours.

>> No.4475363 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 995x692, 126703716504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


three ten
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> wtf
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> they operated on me
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> (foot)
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> now police chipo
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> -o
08:39 < THC> please stop man
08:39 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> it sucks
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> and wtf are they doing with the technology
08:39 < flamoot> 08:29 <flamoot> it means disclosureproject.org is about real technology even if its fake

>> No.4475361

20-30 minutes of dedicated hypergrind

>> No.4475373

Waiting, 1 minute 32 seconds at a time

>> No.4475379
File: 9 KB, 256x166, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's finally a message showing up.

Wonder if the text is accurate ;_;

>> No.4475392


>> No.4475396
File: 137 KB, 500x700, 8921347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't rush it, take it easy. You'll get there soon enough, relax and enjoy the game.

>> No.4475399

Wouldn't put it past GLORIOUS gpotato.

>> No.4475419

>>4475249 here.

Looks like the Rifleman is the one for me, considering that I liked Reign, Leeron, yukkuri, and most other FABULOUS things. Time to fake a British accent and find the most embarrassing emote combos possible.

"Goodness, is it just me, or is it too hot for shirts in here? Dohoho~"

>> No.4475428


>> No.4475429

9 minutes, fffff

>> No.4475446

Sorry guys, I'll be a few hours late because >>4475432

>> No.4475454
File: 467 KB, 960x540, 8868642 Teto Animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get in game, do the dance emote immediately.

>> No.4475465

Which question did she ask and what did you tell her for your Pran to react like this?

>> No.4475483
File: 343 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something in reference to being loyal to your nation, I think.

>> No.4475491
File: 106 KB, 582x617, 1229689290521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extended Server Maintenance!

>> No.4475492


>> No.4475497


>> No.4475498

Holy crap how did it end up like that? FAPFAPFAP

>> No.4475505


>> No.4475516

Aaaand we're in! If anyone can invite puppinka, level 12 DG into the guild, I'm ready.

>> No.4475524

Hotglue lives~

>> No.4475525


>> No.4475532

Fuck yes, we're intact.

We have whoever it was that put money in on the last day to thank for this. I feel like such a fag for not remembering who did it. ilu♥

We're at 72/72 right now, give me a bit to see if I can find some alts to kick.

>> No.4475544

If you find a few, can you add me too?
lv13 DG, Nioko.

>> No.4475546

Sup doods, Feonir nation right?

Gonna join this.

>> No.4475547

Sure, I was aware of that.

Questan and grindan time.

>> No.4475562

I just created my character, what do I do now?
I'm at the city I guess.

>> No.4475565

Stupid X-trap shit, looks like I got to redownload/install

>> No.4475579

Looks like I need to go hand in late payment fees or some shit before I can invite, we've got 4 spots now.

see >>4475346 or check the forums

>> No.4475592

help how do i zoom out

oh nm i like staring at my cleric ass, jump jump jump

>> No.4475602

The game needs to process our late fees before I can invite, and I have no idea how long that will take. Leave your names on here and I'll get you as soon as I'm able.

>> No.4475612

anyone have spare fire essences or caelium?

>> No.4475621

I just got in to the server and my power goes out
also, I was burning a dvd, which is now fucked.

>> No.4475638

I'm in town on the PVP channel, what's your name?

>> No.4475647


>> No.4475666


sorry to bother dude, but do you have 1 air and 1 fire to spare? tire of grinding this shit out

>> No.4475713

Ah shoot, sorry dude I just ran from town a minute ago, lemme see if anyone in game is at town, what's your name?

>> No.4475718

it's all good, just got the last air I needed
thanks though

>> No.4475723

keeps telling me i'm using a speed hack lol

>> No.4475733

Server is laggin lol.

Anyway, how should I build a warlock, are skillpoints refundable or am I stuck if I screw up?

>> No.4475755

Speaking of Warlock, is Polymorph very useful in PvP? Thinking about maxing it out for maximum trollage, heh.

>> No.4475770

Invite me whenever possible.


>> No.4475802

grindin the shit out of this.. hope the guild isnt full already ;_:

>> No.4475833

how useful is corrosive round? enough to upgrade it a little?

also could use an invite when/if possible only lvl 5 dg though


>> No.4475895

Goddamnit, I think I might have gotten a different X-trap error - says "Some functions of the operating systems have been corrupted. Please, close any program which is affecting game client and restart the game." In any case, the above fixes didn't work.

>> No.4475909

Why does character deletion take so long? I wanted to rename my character

>> No.4475912

Nvm, closed some random programs in the taskbar and it fixed it.

>> No.4475934


>> No.4475950


We're all in-game.

>> No.4475971

Oh good, I'm glad I put in that 100k then. It's ok that you don't remember, I never told anyone I put it in.

Also, anyone having performance issues that they didn't have during CB1? I've restarted my comp, tried other games to see if I was having problems in them, but nothing. I'm wondering if Aika doesn't like my new nvidia driver. ;_;

>> No.4475985

I'm not really sure what I should be doing
I'm just doing quests and shit, but my pran is still a fairy, and wont even buff me

>> No.4476001

city or fields?

>> No.4476019

Great, now I can get back to leveling to 30 since I don't have connection problems anymore.

City. It gives you more potions I'm pretty sure.

>> No.4476047

Great, looks like I've run headlong into a new bug. Copypasta from the thread in the Tech Support forum:

Installed the client, watched it patch up to 108, clicked start, watched XTrap download whatever, then it closed. Tried it again, still on 108, XTrap flashed for a moment, then it closed again. No error message, no crash, it just looks like the program exited after doing nothing.

>> No.4476108

you running the game as administrator?

>> No.4476112


>> No.4476142

Is there quest compass for the minimap?

>> No.4476199

level 6 and still no Pran?


well I gotta go for now I'll be on later to grind more god damn pigs and earn my pran

>> No.4476287

One of the general recommendations is to delete the xtrap folder, I don't know if that's relevant to your problem though.

>> No.4476365

Can anyone give me essences to become a citizen and for my pran?
i'm in the city on feonir pvp

>> No.4476378

Oh yea my name is Rdgbadboy, invite me in the guild when you have time.

>> No.4476422
File: 1.77 MB, 1352x1200, 1260523748032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lv 30s meet up in the Oasis, let's party and kill shit.

>> No.4476473

Does anyone know where that Grizzler is at?

>> No.4476497
File: 28 KB, 506x426, 1264934056607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I finally booted to Windows just to play this game. I was in CB1, and no I would like to join Hot Glue.

How do? Help a tripfriend out that is trying to get a hang of them MMORPG's for the first time.

>> No.4476499

I think he walks around at sweet mushroom farm.

>> No.4476501 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 995x692, 12670460976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is flamoot. it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths

lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


>> No.4476510

>and no I would like to join Hot Glue.
ofcourse meaning:
and NOW I would like to join Hot Glue.

>> No.4476538
File: 83 KB, 806x626, diffver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something I am doing stupidly wrong?

>> No.4476546

what's your name?

post your name here or add me to friends in-game and I'll invite you when we figure out how to get more guild slots available.

>> No.4476561

weird, you launched through the patcher?

>> No.4476562

not that anon, but when you get a chance, could I get an invite to Hotglue?
In game name is Netorare

>> No.4476582

Come onto the PVP channel and friend-add me if you haven't yet, I'll guild invite when we have space.

>> No.4476586
File: 1.42 MB, 2048x2048, 1265057773104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The in-game or the user name used to logon?

>> No.4476624

I've added you, thanks

>> No.4476632

How do you get a bigger bag?

>> No.4476654

Launched through the launcher, changed DEP settings, vista to xp comp mode, firewall off...

>> No.4476664

How do I get Caelium for the citizenship quest?
I've got like 9 pieces of it and I know there was a quest to turn that into it earlier but it doesn't seem to let me do that anymore.

>> No.4476675

Also I fail at sage.

>> No.4476676

The anvil in the northeast of town can combine them.

>> No.4476709

Anyone want to party for Muntano right now?

>> No.4476714

Ok, I'm using an Dual Gunner, the best pran for me is the Fire pran, right?

>> No.4476722

Cool, citizenship quest done, I guess I'll add you to friends and wait for a spot.
IGN's Spiritia.

>> No.4476736

A lot of the party quests can easily be solo'd. Just go for it yourself, it shouldn't be hard.

>> No.4476739
File: 124 KB, 465x702, vn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really playing a visual novel!

On a separate note, the guild I was in during cb1 is still alive. You guys are probably having enough trouble with space, so I'll hold off on jumping ship. It's not like you're starved for Clerics anyway.

>> No.4476743

Wind prans are pretty good for DG too. Evade and MP abilities are nice.

>> No.4476745

Now I don't know what to get...

>> No.4476752
File: 149 KB, 992x693, 126704795601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if psychedelics were allowed to spread through the population at the natural rate, people would become impossible to control in the painful and bizarre ways they control us. this includes brain implants. tear-away children of nobody families are isolated and disconnected over the course of a few years and then given implants that let the rich wear their skin like a suit. think one in a million. and god. believe me

don't automatically trust anyone telling you to go as far out as possible, to escape society and your ego and this sort of thing. what cults do first is try to create an intrapersonal vacuum they can fill with dogma. they are using the psychedelics for this now

the psychedelics produce very real and powerful experiences you don't need to have explained to you repeatedly if you have used them a few times. no-one has to preach ego death to an acidhead. he knows about it.

a lot of cults offer up a lot of junk but the psychedelics are real and they produce the most powerful experiences in the world. they can be used to free people and heal them but, the elite are holding them from us like the priest class once hid the psychedelic sacraments of the mystery religions so they could have a monopoly on god. it is the exact same plan

and just like the priests got a ton of kids to screw for thousands of years, so do the people who've stolen the psychedelics, now. the government and the rich. i like people, i've never feared the rich... but this is serious

bear with me :|

>> No.4476758

If you guys didn't notice there's a new portal added to the teleport guy in Regenshein (the one to get to Zant). It costs 2,500 gold to go there but I think it's a new dungeon.

>> No.4476768

The buffs have looong cooldowns. You'll probably end up forgetting about them half the time. Go with fire since the passive atk bonus is slightly higher.

>> No.4476776
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the ideal way is for some clique or clutch of trippers to take in new trusted associates one at a time, and protect them. no-one needs do avocacy, no-one needs attract attention. me i discovered acid, shrooms, pot on my own and thought i had to tell everyone. that's how i drew this down

in other words we are being controlled brutally by pedophile overlords with high technology who despise us. people like you and me but horny and rich

Google 'drug critter linux' for the app these pics are from. I had to take my links out but see youtube.com/user/toomalf for vids also use tinyurl 'ygbmj9r' for a google group where i discuss the implant, i thought it was aliens or the signlarity but it isnt >_>



>> No.4476817

>You'll probably end up forgetting about them half the time.

What? I pop them almost as soon as the come off their cooldowns.

>> No.4476819 [DELETED] 


hi welcome to 1 of 10
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> its the rich
08:38 < flamoot> 08:27 <flamoot> or just police
08:38 < THC> i should try and get somebody to get me a cheap microscope for my birthday
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> a lot of the time
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> but a person or group of them will come in
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and fuck around
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and be a real asshole
08:38 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #shroomery. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> and it'll take me time to realize it's not friendly anymore
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> sometimes they'll just dial the intensity or something up and down
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> while it loops
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> so i just feel someone's hand on the dial
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> you know
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> i hate that
08:38 < flamoot> 08:28 <flamoot> of course

>> No.4476856

On another note, there is always the possibility of your pran deciding she doesn't want to use them at a critical time. I just recommended it, because I know it's a popular choice among DG along with fire.

>> No.4476886

Does anyone want to trade Fire Essence?

>> No.4476916

Nevermind that.

>> No.4476962 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 982x700, 126704900485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


08:41 < filthee> a potato chip
08:41 < hp00p> :/
08:41 < flamoot> he even says he doesn't take shrooms
08:41 < flamoot> or 'drugs'
08:41 < flamoot> hes the cia
08:41 < flamoot> mj12
08:41 < flamoot> mkultra
08:41 < flamoot> cointelpro
08:41 < flamoot> hp00p jesus
08:41 -!- disco-stu [j@csis-scrs.gc.ca] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
08:41 < flamoot> why are you on the attack
08:41 < filthee> i want them drugs he has
08:41 < flamoot> at all

>> No.4476996

Did the guild already fill up?

>> No.4477125

Yeah, we're 72/72 right now, I'll look into some kicking some people who haven't logged in for most of CB1 and don't start again in CB2 soon.

We have people working on guild quests to expand the capacity as well. There's a queue of 11 people to add currently.

>> No.4477212

What mobs give what essences?

>> No.4477249

fire - from boars
water - from one of the two humanoids
air - from the other small humanoid

>> No.4477265

Fuck year add me to that queue. Papertank

>> No.4477308

Add me too!

>> No.4477385

are you talking about the cowardly/anxious mogans for the two small humanoids? also, does it matter what type of boar you kill?

>> No.4477460
File: 26 KB, 624x351, yyaydexu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4477474

Moguns and kubari.
Moguns drop air and kubari drop water, I think.

>> No.4477478

add Magicant to the list, a lvl 11 Warlock, about to get citizen

>> No.4477497

The game kick me out like two times, and while mad, I entered wrong pin numbers 3 times!
What do I do now ;_;

>> No.4477516

Am I (Tsadiq) on that list?

>> No.4477525

>>4476047 here.
Fixed the bug, posted the fix in http://aika-forum.gpotato.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3473

Turned out that Aika haet IE8 Updates. Uninstalled and reinstalled the original version of IE8, and that fixed it- something to do with one IE8 update breaking XTrap by removing the ability to run .dll files. May this newfound knowledge be of help to my fellow anons.

Add "Hapxier" to that queue. I've already mastered the Rifleman's Dance of a Thousand Hip Thrusts. Let's see how well grinding while shirtless works~

>> No.4477576

Add Phantasmagoria, if there's still room in that queue.

>> No.4477596

Which pran for cleric? The shield from water sounds like useful in pvp but you guys would know better.

>> No.4477666

Update on Magicant, now a Citizen, gimme invite :D

>> No.4477705

man how can i be an effective cleric if i get disconnected so often for speed hacking

>> No.4477730

I got disconected too, and entered wrong pin numbers!
Now my account is suspended ;_;

>> No.4477776

liru dg lvl 10 citizen now would like to be added to que

>> No.4477801

Hmm, with all these people maybe it's a good idea just to start a temp guild until accommendations can be made.

>> No.4477808

the birth of PizzaClub?

>> No.4477888

Damnit, how long does it normally take to grind essences? I've killed a few dozen of these damn mogans and only got like 3 air essences.

>> No.4477901

I got dozens of those out of wooden boxes.

>> No.4477930


>> No.4478005

If you ever see an "Old Wooden Box" with not too many monsters around it, hit up that shit. I've gotten tons of neat stuff from those.

>> No.4478065

Are they in a specific area or just random? Also, do all the different types of a mob give the same drop rate chance for the essence? As in would it be better to grind the weaker ones?

>> No.4478097

The next time my Pran tells me no I'm going to drown her.

>> No.4478110

Damn, cant get past the channel choice.

>> No.4478130

that's probably due to lag

>> No.4478133

If any of the guys starting up want to hit up Zan. Fort let me know. Warrior named Shizuo.

>> No.4478150

Is it just me or does movement seem kind of jerky? It's like every step I take, the screen tries to center on me or something and there's a slight pause, like I'm moving on a giant chessboard.

>> No.4478168

Add me too if possible, IGN: Mariessa.

>> No.4478175

Yeah, tapping forward moves you more than it should.

>> No.4478267
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>> No.4478295

Warrior, Dainsleif

>> No.4478331

>What type of nuts do you like to eat, Master?
>Choose: "Almonds"
>Devotion -4


>> No.4478346

Is normal Zan. Fort soloable at 14?

>> No.4478358

You already 14? I just now hit 13.

>> No.4478362
File: 252 KB, 1024x768, Capture0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than an hour in game and I see fucking BR already. Fuck.

>> No.4478364

Yea, just hit it though.

>> No.4478367

Dual Gunner, Tacticool

>> No.4478404 [DELETED] 

how do i leave a dungeon?

>> No.4478411

i see Hotglue everywhere

>> No.4478424

That's what happens when pretty much any board on 4chan plays a free MMO

>> No.4478430

Has there been an updated version of the Pran questionnaire thing yet?

>> No.4478453

I'd like to add myself to the queue, cleric named Aeka.

Also, if anyone is interested in doing Zantor, I'd be willing to join.

>> No.4478466

One does not simply SOLO normal Zan.
Even with a full party it still takes 20 minutes or so of killing shit to clear the damn thing.

>He still has shout chat turned on

>> No.4478539

moguns don't want to drop my mole's agate ;_;

>> No.4478552

Quick question: Do clerics ever get some pants? Because yikes is that skirt short.

>> No.4478569

Why on earth would you want pants.

>> No.4478581

Thank you for contacting Aika support.

Your PIN number has been cleared.

Thank you!
Aika Support Team


>> No.4478582

that would be like a bra for a dual gunner

>> No.4478603
File: 36 KB, 292x70, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the modified curse.bin file which removed all censored words. I'm unsure if the censoring occurs on the server or by the client but that's what I want to find out. At the very least it won't be censored for you.

Place it in C:\Program Files\gPotato\AikaOnline\UI\ then restart your game.

Warning about how there's a chance you can get banned for modifying game files, blah blah blah. If you have changed your Pran voices then you already run that risk.

>> No.4478616

warrior any less annoying than warlock or rifleman?
i'm sure /jp/ is flooded with the 3 girl classes anyway

>> No.4478623

Hey, I picked healer because I actually wanted to be a healer, not because it was the little girl avatar.

Although that is definitely a bonus.

>> No.4478626
File: 23 KB, 299x248, aika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my nurse loli at

>> No.4478633

ahha why are you guys so shitty.

>> No.4478649

omg help guys I overwrote my autoattack hotkey at 1 and can't find the thing to reassign it

>> No.4478654

thats cool. i'm a pure support player (rdm, bard, enchanter, etc) so I can play anything. I guess ill roll a new account and try warrior.

>> No.4478669

same here, i like being the class that requires the most skill to be great at

>> No.4478705

I'm rather enjoying my time as a Cleric. Not only is the character model very sex, I can indefinitely grind by healing myself, tanking for myself, and dealing fair amounts of damage while never having to use a single potion.

In fact, I've got like hundreds of the things, I should dump them all in the guild warehouse...

>> No.4478740

in b4 Lingo bans Basaka

>> No.4478796

it's under "basic" in skills

>> No.4478806

damn where i go to unlock my char for writing the wrong pin?

>> No.4478824

Go talk to support about it, as we saw here >>4478581

>> No.4478834

inventory full of tradeskill shit

>> No.4478861

You can delete mine if you like (Zect). Bit busy nowadays so I probably won't bother with CB2.

>> No.4478872

your Pran can hold a fair bit of stuff, hit P

>> No.4478908

Anyone willing to do Zantor right?

>> No.4478923


>> No.4478936

I waint aika doujins featuring the cleric

>> No.4478980

tried to get into it, but Aika didn't really click for me.
good luck to /jp/ on playing this, I guess i'll just wait for fez to start up.

>> No.4479007

Maybe it's my shitty laptop but I can't stand the game, the movement is so steppy it's like I can feel the squares on the ground. I'd rather play allods than this, and thats saying something.

>> No.4479047

Yeah it's probably your comp - mines run pretty smooth even with max settings and max aa

>> No.4479077

how do i talk with pran?

>> No.4479082

She will initiate conversation.

>> No.4479152

Alright, so what server should I be choosing for this? What about the citizen/pran thing, I mean, when is that exactly?

>> No.4479185

bah every single one of my quests are for normal/hard Zant now

>> No.4479209

Trying to log in, but I keep getting a trouble logging in problem. Anyone know a fix?

>> No.4479210

Here, I'll run Zan with you in a bit, after I take a shower.


>> No.4479240

15 cleric Apatheima send me a message when ready if you really want to

>> No.4479269

What class is needed?

>> No.4479282

Spiritia here, I want in on this if you don't mind even more clerics, because surely everything needs more clerics.

>> No.4479299

Which Zant do you guys plan on running? I'll do norm or hard, though I would probably only have time for one.

...Unfortunately, I am also a cleric. Aeka 16 Cleric, let me know if you want me.

>> No.4479302

Fernoir. You get your pran at level 7 or 8 through a quest, then citizenship through another quest at level 10.

>> No.4479320

Why did they removed the LM bonus?

>> No.4479346

Thanks. Now when I launch the game and try to log in for my first time, it keeps saying there was a problem logging in. Yes I am registered for the Beta and all that. (Windows Vista, on admin, etc)

>> No.4479359

Jesus, we're all 15-16(?) Clerics. This'll be a hoot.

Anyone who wishes to join in, I guess we can meet up at Zan entrance on Feonir PVP channel?

>> No.4479379

Sure, Bluebeard (12 warlock) messaged me wants to join too, should be interesting

>> No.4479427

Nobody else has had the problem logging in issue after they launch the game? Am I the only one? ;_;(Tech support section of gpotato's forum is no help.)

>> No.4479443

This thread's been autosaged for a while, anyone want to make a new one?

>> No.4479492

anyone know a faster way on getting essences?

>> No.4479495

Get it from guild warehouse or message fellow /jp/ers.

>> No.4479567
File: 342 KB, 512x512, 7516419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uiharu's soul is in my pran

>> No.4479616

think anyone can tell me where this stupid mob name Muntari is? i found something of similar name but its not him

>> No.4479653

Bridge of hope I guess.

Can someone tell me what are the best choices for DG skills?
I just realized I have 9 points of somethin, I'm level 10 btw.

>> No.4479717

Damn. Still stuck in class...
On the bright side, the 8800 Zotac I ordered came in and tower is ready to go.

>> No.4479719

Is there any space left in hotglue? Name is Tacx

>> No.4479720

There's a little field east of the Bridge where he spawns.

>> No.4479734

God dammit, not being able to get in is really pissing me off. Problem logging in error that nobody seems to get once they launch the game too.

>> No.4479761

so, is air pran worth using, or only fire/water?

>> No.4479782

How do I DG skill?

>> No.4479799


>> No.4479887

anyone on willing give me 2 fire essences or trade for any 2 combo of 2 air/1 water essence?

>> No.4480002

sucks ;_;

If you see someone in Hotglue just ask if they have extra, almost everyone should.

>> No.4480099

Sucks indeed, it's driving me crazy trying to figure it out. gPotato tech forum is no help either. ;_; Someone should make a new thread soon.

>> No.4480246

Why are there filipinos chatting.

>> No.4480382

jHerbin Here, Talked with Namae about trying to get in. Looking forward to some fun

>> No.4480413

Natsumikan here, Namae talked to me about entering waiting list.

>> No.4480433

If someone feels like taking the initiative and making an alt guild, I can post the waiting list. Note you'll need 6 people and 50000 gold.

That said, we'll HOPEFULLY have the guild upgraded by mid tomorrow, so I'm not sure it's worthwhile. There are currently 23 people on the waiting list.

>> No.4480475

23?! And already tagged a few..

>> No.4480500

HaipaHeiki here, looking forward to joining everyone.
