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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44716674 No.44716674 [Reply] [Original]

>at arcade in nippon
>someone on the third strike cabinet
>pop 50yen into the other cabinet and challenge them
>they immediately go AFK
>wait a bit, they don't start playing, KO them
>hmm weird maybe they had to go
>play some other games for a while
>see someone on third strike again
>don't recognize its the same guy
>pop 50yen in, they immediately go AFK again
>stand up and see him on the other side, standing up back facing the cabinet, pretending not to look at me from the corner of his eye
>give him a pissed off expression because he made me waste 100yen by this point

who the fuck goes to an arcade to play against the CPU? ive played a lot of people here so far and have never run into this before.

and the kicker

>on the train home see a fat otaku
>he is chewing a hole through his backpack
>while he is watching on youtube an overly edited doge video like gachimuchi. wojacks are showing up too
>he is just rocking back and forth chewing his backpack

the power levels here are off the charts man

>> No.44716689

That was me.

>> No.44716726

OP was quoting you?

>> No.44716729

who are you quoting, OP?

>> No.44716843

it is called greentexting! a cool american invention.
always happy to do some cultural exchange : )

>> No.44716871

"greentexting"? You mean using the quote function improperly?

>> No.44716890

He was properly quoting people who are old enough to be on this site.

>> No.44716926

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44716948

>at arcade in nippon
That doesn't sound like a quote to me, it sounds more like an anecdote that has been mislabled as a quote to conceal the fact that OP is a newfag/crossie.

>> No.44716963

/v/ called, they want you back in their containment board.

>> No.44716974

I think they were calling you anon. That would be why they called you and not me.

>> No.44717037

you were using the quote function in order to color your text green?
that seems retarded. Please refrain from doing this. Also, your story is all weirdly written, there's no need for so many paragraphs. Just write the text continuously and insert line breaks whenever the text is too dense, or there's a big change in topic.

>> No.44717101

You're right. I'm sorry. Gomenasai. I really fucked up.
I'll make sure to start using the quote function properly from now on. I'll start with a quote from your mom the other night:
>Fuck me like a whore, OP
Never ended up doing it, I don't go for fat bitches with defective wombs that birth retarded children.

>> No.44717530

You're making progress, congrats. While you're not actually using a real quote, that's still way better than using the quote function to change the color of your text!
I hope you have a fun journey in life discovering how nice it can be to write things. I encourage you to continue practicing, writing about things that happen in your daily life; I wouldn't exactly tell you to post it on /jp/, but you can still keep a diary or something similar.

>> No.44717755
File: 194 KB, 564x428, HeyBuddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door. /v/'s two blocks down

>> No.44717775

He might find it fun to write his diary with green crayons.

>> No.44718568

Fuck off already, this psyop was never funny.

>> No.44718598

what psyop? Do you know what the word "quote" means?
Here, I'll quote you
>Fuck off

>> No.44718753


>> No.44718792

It's not about being funny. Stop misusing the quote function and you won't get the response.

>> No.44719372

> Autistic Japanese dude just wants to chill in arcade and play casually his favorite gaems.
> Some Autistic (pejorative) burger mutt crawls into the same arcade and starts bothering him because muributts wants to compensate for his micro-penis in some way.

You don't deserve to be alive, really.

>> No.44719472

I don't understand, guys. I know this rude man is greentexting, but I indeed believed japanese challenged everyone on the cabinets all the time? did my animus lie to me?

>> No.44720134

>/jp/ newfags getting baited this easily
kek based OP

>> No.44720137

Go smash your router with a sledgehammer.

>> No.44720143

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44720202

I hope your house gets demolished while you're out raping dogs.

>> No.44720216

A lesser man would have just stopped trying to greentext when everyone and their mother asked him who he was quoting, but not this guy.
He really believes in the /v/eddit army

>> No.44720222

why didn't you just ask after the first time?

>> No.44720250

he is dangerously zased

>> No.44720284

>everyone and their mother
>by which I mean myself samefagging repeatedly
inb4 another schizophenric episode about greentexting.

>> No.44720320
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>> No.44720329

>by which I mean myself samefagging repeatedly
That's not a quote.
It's also wrong.
It looks like it's you having paranoid schizo delusions anon, all you have to do is either take your meds, or at the very least use the quote function correctly.

>> No.44720380
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>> No.44720409

Didn't read. Write it again.

>> No.44720421


>> No.44720427


>> No.44720500

OP, who are you quoting?

>> No.44720518

what's the source of these quotes?

>> No.44720581

faggots care more about the "misuse" (lol) of imageboard features than the actual subject of the thread
this board deserves everything bad that has ever happened to it

>> No.44720589

Quality is important anon, if we don't nitpick then no one will care and all hell would break loose.

>> No.44720600

idols, vtubers and other undersirables run rampant across the board and THIS is what you're concerned about? jesus christ

>> No.44720607
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Not to take away from the point, but that battle was lost a while ago. Do you not see the plethora of 3dpd generals and vtuber shit?
Not to say you shouldn't keep trying, but you can't gatekeep anymore. Nobody knows how to sage either.

>> No.44720618

If he can't use the quote function correctly, then he is even worse. Barely.

>> No.44720620

And this is why /jp/ went to (even more) shit. Weak-minded individuals all over the place. Truly disappointed in all of you.

>> No.44720628

shitting up the board is only acceptable when it's MY particular flavor of shitting

>> No.44720634

He can play casually at home on emulation. He also was executing a lot of commands against the cpu so he wasn't a complete beginner
Cabinets are tall and i didnt realize it was the same dude on the other side. I also didnt realize he didn't want to play me the first time just because of how weird it was. I should have realized he was playing Remy with the same color selection

>> No.44720749
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Lol. You can tell someone to fuck off and that they aren't welcome here all you like, but the only result you get is they up the ante and troll harder. What else are you going to do? Report them for trolling outside of /b/? Sage their thread which gets bumped to post limit anyway? This isn't their sacred sheep general so janitors won't care, and Meido is history. Don't like it? Apply for janitor as like-minded anons have done before. Nothing changed? I guess you're stuck with it and that's the breaks. Your choice is to wallow in this filth and hope anons wake up and keep some semblance of board culture, or move and assimilate in an alt-chan that counts in days per post.

>> No.44720750

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44720785

Who are you quoting?
What does this have to do with otaku culture?
Why is this on /jp/ and not /v/?

>> No.44720963

this thread completely encapsulates how much /jp/ loves to sniff their own farts and i hope it reaches bump limit

>> No.44721003

It perfectly encapsulates the need to gatekeep newfags who don't want to integrate.
It's not about the quotes, it's about crossies thinking they can act like they're on /v/.

>> No.44721017

It is about Japanese otaku autism in the country this board is named after, not strictly video games.
I guess I should make a thread on /ck/ if my post would have happened to mention eating something?

>> No.44721277

The biggest undesirables are the vtubers and Touhou fans

>> No.44721357

> board culture
Oh? You mean all the forgettable threads about questionably-aged virtual girls? Or the forgettable threads about actual women doing softcore pornography (vtubers, idols, etc.)? Or the forgettable threads about women doing actual pornography?
Stay in your lane, etc.

>> No.44721550

Ideally you should delete this thread and lurk for another 10 years before posting a second thread. You clearly have no understanding of this board's purpose.
However, there is some good news! Your style of posting and the things which concern you indicate you will have a great affinity with the posters on >>>/v/
Give that board a try, I am sure you will fit right in. Have a great day! Bye!

>> No.44721678

kuso thread award

>> No.44721720
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yall just jealous im in Japan playing authentic touhou cabinets while yall are at home in burgerland jerking it to Reimu and Korone.

Pic related, me shopping at the Don Quijote yesterday. If you want me to bring you back anything let me know!

>> No.44729909

nobody knows how to sage but everyone cares a lot about the 'quote' function, curious indeed

>> No.44729954

yeah we should remind people to sage too
but sage is a voluntary choice. People may use it or not. While misusing quotes is a plain error AND also associated with low quality posting from other boards.
Obviously the day will only be happy when all vtumors and 3dpd get eternally banned, but that is unfortunately not on the hands of users right now.
and most of people that use these generals barely care about/jp/ anyway. They're just here because they can, they don't feel any attachment to the board. Were they to be banned away, the quality of the board would improve significantly.

>> No.44730165

Stop spamming and take your meds.

>> No.44730217

>anon flooding threads with "WHO ARE YOU QUOTING" complaining about quality
Oh, the irony.

>> No.44730281

you ain't seen a group of people more weird about emulation than the japanese

>> No.44730357

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44730429

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44731619

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44731797

Why didn't you sage?

>> No.44731852

>quality complainer replying to obvious bait
Oh boy... no wonder /jp/ is still shit today. A bunch of newfags trying to police their non-existent board "culture".

>> No.44731902

Who are you quoting?

>> No.44731926

>/jp/ has fallen.
>vtubillions must die.

>> No.44731985

ew who the fuck is that hallowed out witch skeleton?

>> No.44732115

You're either quoting someone whom you didn't reply to, or you're misusing the quote function. I'll choose to believe that you are not the latter, so tell me, who are you quoting?

>> No.44732190

>10 times in one thread
I hope you realize flooding is against the rules.

>> No.44732264

Did you mean to reply to me?

>> No.44734611
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toasting in epic bread

>> No.44737004

sage is not a downvote retarded newfags

>> No.44737150

lol, lmao.
Also whatever skill level nip autist had does not change the fact that purposely you decided to bother him with your presence, even if they declined your challenge. No mean no, he was not interested in your silly dick measuring contest and just wanted to chill out playing against CPU.
You know why Japanese people are generally not fond of foreigners? You're one of the damn reasons.

>> No.44738932

How is this contradictory to anything they said?

>> No.44742281
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saw 'who are you quoting' on another thread and got reminded of this one

>> No.44752416


>> No.44752556

why didn't you let this shitty thread die

>> No.44762032

looks like marilyn manson, but i suspect it's just another man's son

>> No.44762950
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