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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 394 KB, 1152x2048, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44295122 No.44295122 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/


Previous thread: >>44277275

>> No.44295158
File: 579 KB, 1470x2048, F3S0debaAAAxl1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its comiket lets goooo

>> No.44295173

woah i really want to kon kon that kitsune

>> No.44295200

why are japanese boys so cute? yosh time to learn this language so i can hit up grindr in tokyo

>> No.44295203

>Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
I would like this sentence, If I am not excluded. desuwa

>> No.44295224


>> No.44295238


>> No.44295266


>> No.44295277

betsu ni

>> No.44295289

ok, forget it

>> No.44295452
File: 1.54 MB, 1222x1167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I like slice of life.
What do people who hate it start off reading? The news?

>> No.44295467
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, F3Q5AxzbAAAzaMt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the news

>> No.44295489

saya no uta

>> No.44296415

Good god, you stupid faggot, you're here too? Get back to 8moe NOW

>> No.44296552

aren't they a bunch of pedos? why is one creating a video game chart, and why would japanese give a shit about what a westerner thinks?

>> No.44296573

>aren't they a bunch of pedos?
that and championing the cause of gaymergay in current year as far as i can tell
>why is one creating a video game chart
retarded faggotry with the intent of "stopping jap devs from taking inspiration from western stuff"
one of them tried posting on a japanese board and got told to fuck off

>> No.44296600

>"stopping jap devs from taking inspiration from western stuff"

>> No.44296609

that is indeed incredibly gay
>"stopping jep devs from taking inspiration from western stuff"
what the fuck does that even mean? is lil' bro here retarded??
>one tried posting on a japanese board and got told to fuck off
I suppose you're from some other no-name altchan where he also posted, then
you can fuck off too, all you redditchanners the same. thanks for the update, though!

>> No.44296738
File: 304 KB, 614x480, 1687065026278821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I learn one million words a day

>> No.44296803

i'm the most successful creator of charts in djt history

>> No.44296816

charts are for fucking faggots

>> No.44296819

i made a ton but they were not successful

>> No.44296820


>> No.44296866

>stopping jap devs from taking inspiration from western stuff
lol 150 years to late

>> No.44296892
File: 54 KB, 1247x559, 6months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jpdb 6 month progress. Hopefully I can double this in the next 6 months

>> No.44296895

i let the past go

>> No.44296964

How are you able to read that?

>> No.44296993

your moms house

>> No.44297006

10 dollars

>> No.44297008

by *clears throat* opening your eyes

>> No.44297009

it's not hard, just annoying

>> No.44297013

much like japanese, i just understand it
please tell me you have jamal's vocaroos saved somewhere

>> No.44297046

Well, I'm genuinely stumped by it. My best guess is you're mocking someone's Japanese with it.

>> No.44297048

imagine spoilering that

>> No.44297054

see, he still doesn't get it

>> No.44297063

he's trolling stupid

>> No.44297071

I'm not trolling. I don't get the in-joke.

>> No.44297075

do uppercasers really

>> No.44297094

Listen, lowercaser. Either you speak proper Japanese or you speak proper English. Your obsession with some Discord celeb that never learned Japanese doesn't change that.

>> No.44297093

part of it not being kana should be a hint

>> No.44297098

they really do huh

>> No.44297103

You can't even write proper English, lowercaser. This makes you inferior to me and Jamal.

>> No.44297104




>> No.44297122

djters love deluding themselves into believing they are special by picking on the lowest common denominator sad

>> No.44297134

Cool. I would love to have statistics like yours one day.

>> No.44297143

muh stats

>> No.44297152

And that's despite being at the middle school level.

>> No.44297155

12000 cards and still empty inside

>> No.44297154

Exactly. I think Jamal and Quizmaster were very good at Japanese. I think QM even minded like 30,000 cards at one point.

>> No.44297168

each card you mine lowers your iq

>> No.44297207

i dont like asians
japanese are white though so i like them

>> No.44297217

surely you can speak fluently after 12000 words...

>> No.44297227

i am sorry to report that >>44297168 is right

>> No.44297281


>> No.44297300

wouldn't you like to know

>> No.44297305

outside of the critical period

>> No.44297307

let me guess
a crippled vigger?

>> No.44297332

if you use uppercase lower your tone when speaking to me

>> No.44297430




>> No.44297489
File: 236 KB, 632x414, life goals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guin Saga has the highest number of unique words out of every other single piece of literature, drama, movie and game that currently has a deck on jpdb. If you learned 25 new words every single day, it would take you 5 years, 2 months and 20 days to learn all of the vocabulary in it. It is the true final boss of DJT.

>> No.44297564


>> No.44297586

average linna can read it
viggers would give up on the first page

>> No.44297620

50k? ye thats on the lower end for the average vinners deck

>> No.44297626

>words = difficulty

>> No.44297692

2D and hentai belongs to us yatsuras

>> No.44297710
File: 56 KB, 943x343, Screenshot Dashboard - Kanshudo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using Kanshudo for ~3 weeks and it's not bad. Probably the closest thing I've had to all-around comprehensive study since I've stopped taking classes years ago. Some parts of their advertisement is pretty fucking scummy though because
>You can use Kanshudo for free with a log in. Some features are restricted to monthly caps to limit the load on our servers.
holy fuck that's not even remotely true, some shit like the N3-N2 lessons are totally 100% paywalled. But still, $2 per month is not the worst paywall I've seen for moon practice.

>> No.44297750

bruh just read, its free

>> No.44297763
File: 428 KB, 1200x675, アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm a professional translator working on the fan project The Idolmaster One For All, and I'm almost finished with Miki Hoshii's DLC route. I'm pretty sure I got these lines spot on, but I'd like a second set of eyes.
>Miki: "Sure, that's fine. Something interesting happened during school this time. Get this, get this!"
>美希「それで取れちゃったネイルが、教科書のヒロヒロについてて。あははははっ! ヤマジー大笑い!」
>"Someone's nail polish fell all over their textbook. Ahahahaha! I was laughing so hard!"
>Miki: "So next time we are gonna take a picture and laugh even more. Bahaha, and put a wig on the book too, Bahahaha!"
How'd I do?

>> No.44297786


>> No.44297799

Why? Grammatically speaking, it's a pretty sound translation.

>> No.44297803
File: 59 KB, 217x217, jidaigekiface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44297819

Are you just trolling me right now? I've been translating for projects like this for a long time, so I'm not embarrassed by my work or my current understanding of the language.

>> No.44297853

joking lil bro

>> No.44297867

Thanks. I figured I had interpreted it correctly, but it's always nice to get a second opinion. These were just placeholder translations, but I'll make them permanent now.

>> No.44297992
File: 2.55 MB, 1238x769, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man

>> No.44298002

If you were casually grinding pure vocab, how many words per day sounds reasonable?

>> No.44298015

50 new words a day

>> No.44298063

grinding how to read kanji? lol

>> No.44298140

Aw shit

>> No.44298171

Read, write, meaning. Just the basic stuff I suppose

>> No.44298173

5s per word easy bro

>> No.44298187

the bigger problem is ur english not your jap

>> No.44298212

the problem with their english is that it's english

>> No.44298213

My English is fine, thank you.

>> No.44298233


>> No.44298242

it just sounds boring

>> No.44298246

>doesn't know english, judges people's english

>> No.44298250

The dialogue is boring, so the translation is boring.

>> No.44298259

yeah it's english

>> No.44298261

>uses "their" like some liberal on twitter
>thinks he knows english

>> No.44298298


>> No.44298314


>> No.44298382

the continentals are getting uppity again

>> No.44298452

>getting angry someone didn't use your preferred pronoun

>> No.44298492

>liberals use the word so it's not english
also singular they is older than plural they. stay mad chud

>> No.44298494


>> No.44298548

I'm more mad you thought anybody here wasn't a man.

>> No.44298553


>> No.44298605

I don't think that. keep proving that you don't know english

>> No.44298612

no hopers out in full force today

>> No.44298733

not that anon, but let's try to keep this place insulated from all the libby verbiage. you can literally do that everywhere else

>> No.44298847

i love latinx (wo)mxn

>> No.44298899

gonna watch peppa pig in japanese for immersion

>> No.44298923

I'm applying for the N4 test next week, the test is in November.
Right now I am doing a wanikani deck on anki (I am at wankani level 6 so thats like 140 kanji or so right now?) and I am going through the Genki textbooks, abour done with the first, going to start the second one by next month.
Do I have hope? Are there some better things I should be doing to prepare for n4?
If anybody has suggestions I'm open to other textbooks or anki decks or whatever.
My listening is my strongest point by the way. I just get that from games, anime, radio, podcasts and such, so not worried about that aspect of the language.

>> No.44298933

do they really

>> No.44298938

godi wish i was n4

>> No.44298975

Why don't you find the previous versions of the test online and test your skills there before you apply?

>> No.44298979

Huh? What are you even saying? Literally your post is incomprehensible. Should I not use textbooks? or wani kani? Or Get JLPT certified? Or use upper or Lower case? Huh?

>> No.44299015

I have done some practice test questions for n5 and n4. N5 is too easy, but n4 was a little hard, I want a goal to work towards to motivate me, so I thought n4 by the end of the year is a fine idea. Is there something wrong with that?
I just wanted to know if the fucking people on the Japanese board in the Japanese thread had any input on learning JAPANESE but apparently not.

>> No.44299087

this is the intermediate thread

>> No.44299104

get jlpt certified if you want to move to japan and they require the certs. otherwise, don't bother

>> No.44299111

it's a regular English word from the 14th century. maybe rather let's keep this place insulated from obsessed poltards who see modern politics in everything, even in things like 500 year old English words

>> No.44299125

To be honest, I have no idea, I'm a beginner myself. I speak French, English, and Spanish fluently, but in Japanese, I'm a noob.
But if you say a certain level was only "a little hard", then maybe you don't need that much practice to nail it and you'll be ready in November.

>> No.44299126

gunna intermediate some decent sol anime tonight

>> No.44299137

Its $100 (literally nothing) and its a goal to work towards. Plus I love having certifications. I have never encountered people either in real life or on the internet who are so against the JLPT except you people.

Also I just want to say, what the fuck is this thread? Looking through it, barely any of you are talking about studying Japanese? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.44299151

>who see modern politics in everything, even in things like 500 year old English words
what about non-modern politics?
i think it's interesting that the german bible is called the Luther bible, because it was translated by Luther himself.
but the english bible is called the King James bible, not because he translated it (he didn't) but because he commissioned the translation.
what's the deal with that?

>> No.44299176

It's quite common to have the sponsor of something get the work named after them. Have you never been to a library or a museum before?

>> No.44299188

>Plus I love having certifications.
>barely any of you are talking about studying Japanese?
what's there to talk about?

>> No.44299198


>> No.44299199

you need to go back

>> No.44299236

yes because a literal library is the same thing as a single book translation...

>> No.44299310

It's probably the single most influential Bible translation there is, on top of being the third authorized version in existence. If anything, a library is a pretty small thing compared to a translation of the Bible, especially in 1604.

>> No.44299331

i dont know man, it just doesnt sit right with me. i think credit is due where credit is due. the man who translated the bible is more impressive than the king who commissioned it.
people already know the king anyway, he's the king after all. does he really have to hog all the credit?

>> No.44299389

I mean, 47 people worked on the KJV, so I'm not sure who would get the singular credit. The translational philosophy was also based upon the King James' belief in divine right, so he definitely is the main figure behind this translation's creation.

>> No.44299404

shut the fuck up queef

>> No.44299413

if it wasn't written by japanese perverts I don't care about it

>> No.44299421


what does this mean?

>> No.44299437

A month review free talk video will be available.

>> No.44299476

are the wooden sandals japanese wear comfortable

>> No.44299525

read more. lurk more

>> No.44299565

ill certify you for free *stamps a big red bitch on your forehead*

>> No.44299582

your mom paid me to stamp her pussy

>> No.44299595

your dad paid me to give him a rectal exam

>> No.44299611
File: 589 KB, 1920x1080, レベル1だけどユニークスキルで最強です 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44299632

isekai ruined anime

>> No.44299638

anime ruined isekai

>> No.44299640


>> No.44299646

japan ruined isekai.

>> No.44299650

finna ruin japan *unzips*

>> No.44299670

would have never mastered japanese without isekai

>> No.44299676

i wonder how many women despotic kings in the past had sex with in their lifetime

>> No.44299685

isekai cripples you

>> No.44299688

found og
>Gwyneth Montenegro says she has slept with more than 10,000 men. She first stepped into a brothel at age 21, lured by the prospect of earning up to $1000 for an hour's work. While she doesn't regret her 12 years as a sex worker, Montenegro, 39, says she is glad to be out

>> No.44299702

>up to $1000 for an hour's work
>some ugly white hag
the average man really has no taste

>> No.44299707

>$1000 for an hour's work

>> No.44299718

prospect doesn't mean reality

>> No.44299720

dont worry bros she earns less than me im protecting male pride

>> No.44299733

women were offering sex for compensation back when the woolly mammoths were stomping around

>> No.44299763

god i wish the sex market was in our favor

>> No.44299780
File: 182 KB, 1296x1930, c60079797a1830d6d9d119df2f3a309f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44299789


>> No.44299933

i told you that masquerena would be the next alt art

>> No.44300225

so fucking good

>> No.44300303


>> No.44300368


>> No.44300373

When you mine a word do you focus on the word itself? or the entire sentence?

Maybe I should rewatch this

>> No.44300393

never watched strike bitches
never will

>> No.44300738

>Plus I love having certifications. I have never encountered people either in real life or on the internet who are so against the JLPT except you people.
You seek validation from others rather than from yourself.

>> No.44300807

easier to accomplish

>> No.44300817

if you take the n1 that's fine, the other levels are just a waste of time and money
the problem with the jlpt is that it incentivizes normies to study specifically for the test instead of just consooming japanese which is how you actually get good
they also tend to view it as the be-all and end-all of japanese knowledge
if you actually know japanese you'll easily pass n1 with a great score without ever having looked at a jlpt textbook

>> No.44300825

djt dies tonight

>> No.44300828

god i hope so

>> No.44300849

Impossible since none of us will ever learn Nipponese.
>Verification not required.

>> No.44300887

do you mean the thread or all of us

>> No.44300943

>nail polish
which word is polish

>> No.44300979
File: 8 KB, 715x72, image (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 85: Today was kinda tough with some kinda forgot but I manage to remember.

>> No.44301125

anki grind mentioned on wawas stream

>> No.44301146

My 中出し days are over, bros. From now on, it's 膣内射精 for me.

>> No.44301169
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第01話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44301197

you are in for a rude awakening
t. 12k+ cards

>> No.44301204


>> No.44301214


>> No.44301264

>wake up
>spend 22 minutes doing my lengthy anki grind of 78 cards
*sip*.. yep another productive day

>> No.44301267

Do you know how to read this?


>> No.44301284

yes, we have all seen that one yuta video

>> No.44301288

probably one of the first 100 words i learned

>> No.44301291

babby's first hard looking words

>> No.44301299
File: 670 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第02話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44301331

first word i mined was 蠢く

>> No.44301355

you can, children are fluent but they know less words

>> No.44301420

three weeks until i'm going to japan bros...

>> No.44301428

I feel like I'm never improving

Godspeed anon, hope you have a great time

>> No.44301437

bring your own condoms
japanese sizes dont fit

>> No.44301438

watch as much trash as this >>44301299 guy and your gains will skyrocket

>> No.44301461

eiyuu kyoushitsu is pretty kino so far though

>> No.44301525

what about all the foreigners living there

>> No.44301534

they have to go raw

>> No.44301538

they import

>> No.44301550
File: 58 KB, 376x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this sabre shit

>> No.44301551

i prefer this solution

>> No.44301552

what do you do? I'm only at 8k cards but I can comfortably read a lot of stuff

>> No.44301556


>> No.44301561


>> No.44301568

i remember my first encounter with shimekiri...

>> No.44301612

and that makes you able to speak fluently?
post a vocaroo with step by step directions of how to tie your shoes then.

>> No.44301667

remind me in a year

>> No.44301712
File: 403 KB, 801x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you read this?

>> No.44301721

try me, bitch

>> No.44301739

depends on context

>> No.44301747
File: 37 KB, 222x743, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what this name is?

>> No.44301773


>> No.44301776

tsuji ichirou

>> No.44301784


>> No.44301795
File: 828 KB, 1836x2448, TheFairyyPrincessOfYpony^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ユニcute magical dreamy pure fairyy gamesゆめかわいい魔法妖精ゲーム
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_Js3-MIo08 [Embed]

everyfairyy IT"S OVER... I AM GOING TO WORK(but I do not know how)



>> No.44301798

Thanks brother

>> No.44302021

how do I better comprehend lyrics in songs? They sing way too fast for me to understand.

>> No.44302112

nearly died last night renovating my kitchen

>> No.44302163
File: 716 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know the blonde assistant is going to be an 裏切り者

>> No.44302235

uhh whens the djt comiket meetup im not late am i

>> No.44302264
File: 33 KB, 495x687, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let my cat stand on my keyboard and now when I press no on anki the card just dissapears and doesn't come up again.
I've rebooted, checked settings but nothing worked
wtf did the lil nigga do?

>> No.44302265

djt goes to japan

>> No.44302278

dno i like music and i gave up

>> No.44302317

Your parents are going to send you to Ukraine to stop being a fag

>> No.44302331

the meatup is underway at the nearest benjo

>> No.44302347

djt in japan

>> No.44302398

he wanted you to stop crippling yourself with anki

>> No.44302420 [SPOILER] 
File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第04話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44302468

get hit by a truck and become reborn as a jap

>> No.44302472

Depends on how you define "word".
Some linguists count all the conjugations of a verb as separate words.

>> No.44302480

for >>44302021

>> No.44302506

So, how do you know when you really "understand" the grammar of a sentence?
Like, how do you know you're "properly" reading/understanding something?
Or it's one of those "You just know" kind of things?

>> No.44302509

I just finished core 2k and I've realized I hate Anki and it doesn't work for me.
Started reading and watching with jp subs and I don't know if I'm learning faster but I am able to do it for longer before my brain starts melting out of my ears.

>> No.44302510

you dont just read more

>> No.44302546

Hmm, I see

>> No.44302644

I just started Japanese, memorized Katakana and hiragana and starting on Kanji now, I have a few questions in general

1) What's a good book (I don't prefer websites) that helps with speaking Japanese and understanding speech in general?

2) I'm a bit confused how ON and KUN sayings are used when using Kanji in a sentence, I don't understand generally when each one is used correctly. I can't memorize them if don't know when to use them correctly, especially when many are used over and over again (I'm looking at you 30+ times FUs!)

3) As I said I just started Kanji, but I've come across 人 (person) and 者 (person) and nothing has made it clear the little differences why there are 2 persons (and I just know these copies will be happening a lot later).

Yeah throw your best at me, but I still gotta try and ask these anyway

>> No.44302718

is this a reddit post or should i bother replying?

>> No.44302768
File: 1.23 MB, 1450x2048, Silent Witch Chinmoku no Majo no Kakushigoto Raw - Chapter 7 - 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44302852
File: 145 KB, 640x337, 710638478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.44302861

the answer to every question ever asked here:
just read

>> No.44302888


>> No.44302982


Find the impostor.

>> No.44302994


>> No.44303117

i'm going to try my first romeo tanaka vn tonight.

>> No.44303134

dude... nice...

>> No.44303341
File: 1.11 MB, 540x304, 1691890990524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44303433


>> No.44303929





>> No.44304236

So I'm going through tae kim and the grammar is easier to understand than the kanji, because he'll introduce like 5-10 new kanji and then only one or two grammatical concepts. Meanwhile I can't even really read through the sentences fluidly yet

should I wait until I can before moving on? I only covered a few pages in a couple of days, that's gonna end up taking me like 6 months or more

>> No.44304351
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, gaysex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does he recommend instead

>> No.44304693

How do I learn Japanese in three days? I need it for a fuwamoco stream

>> No.44304825


>> No.44305018
File: 141 KB, 212x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44305045

seems accurate yea

>> No.44305178



>> No.44306741

They try to tell you not to do this and tell you that you need to know the language at a intermediate level before doing this (AKA study for 2 years if you are a bit slow because japanese is hard). You could try a language exchange.
They have assignments that probably won't work well with a retard, but you could just hope you encounter someone who is willing to work with someone who know absolutely nothing and they know passable english so you can just ask questions like that.
But at least learn 1000 words and basic grammar before doing that.

>> No.44307100
File: 210 KB, 458x837, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the chinese anki decks fucking suck lol

>> No.44307279


>> No.44307304

What's the difference between the two guides listed in the OP?

>> No.44307309

one of them teaches you how to learn japanese and one of them teaches you how not to learn japanese

>> No.44307337
File: 57 KB, 178x115, trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But which one is the trap???

>> No.44307339

so is it fun?

>> No.44307363




>> No.44307488

>Guin Saga
my austism tingles

>> No.44307596

nobody asked you noob

>> No.44307874

taekim or cure dolly?

>> No.44307885

ignore grammar entirely and ankidrone your way to 20k vocab, then guess what the sentences you read mean based on context clues

>> No.44307909

without the makeup she's an ugly 3dpd whore with pads

>> No.44307919

weird creature residing in 4chan plane but im not surprised since we have a lgbt board

>> No.44307976

what program is this?

>> No.44307985


>> No.44308027
File: 585 KB, 1536x2048, F3X384KbUAAhabY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goood morning


>> No.44308125

Are there any upsides of kanji?
Is usage of kanji in Japanese pure a compromise that would have been better if it were not needed in the first place or are there actual benefits of kanji over alphabets like English alphabet that those using such alphabet as their native language and know japanese acknowledge?

>> No.44308148
File: 6 KB, 417x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

曲 of the day

>> No.44308156

>As I said I just started Kanji, but I've come across 人 (person) and 者 (person) and nothing has made it clear the little differences why there are 2 persons (and I just know these copies will be happening a lot later).
Do NOT learn kanji in isolation. Always try to look up example sentences to see how a certain kanji is used in what context.
For example, take these two sentences:
プールは人でいっぱいです。The pool is packed (full of people).
最近の若者は本を読まない。Young people these days don't read books.
While 人 and 者 both mean person/people, you cannot use these two interchangeably in these two sentences.

>> No.44308178

losers have to ""study"" to acquire the feel of a word lmao

>> No.44308197

Why does she pronounce it as やめらんなく like the Japanese version of a hillbilly instead of a proper girl?

>> No.44308328
File: 361 KB, 1868x1874, grammar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz she's a slut

>> No.44308390

that's why I used cure dolly instead
sounds about right. B stands for Beginner
>but I've come across 人 (person) and 者 (person) and nothing has made it clear the little differences why there are 2 persons
why do you need to know the differences right now? just keep going and you'll acquire the understanding of the difference between them through reading japanese

>> No.44308466

stfu noob

>> No.44308494
File: 1.19 MB, 2160x2880, F2am4Bob0AAISEl.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.44308529


>> No.44308565

they filter out retards and niggers

>> No.44308572

jlpt should be lower
n1 is b1 on a good day

>> No.44308622

Stick to streamables. It’s a lot easier for me to not click the link if I can see it’s hololive right away.

>> No.44308630

>literally has hololive in the link

>> No.44308632


>> No.44308645
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Bleach S17E19 VOSTFR 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44308687
File: 74 KB, 797x1200, Yuka Sawachi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to learn languages. I want to be able to play JP games before they get butchered by western faglords translations, to watch Japanese content on youtube like those car guys, or the people who fix broken items without needing subtitles. Also, I wouldn't mind a rich hag gf with big tits.

>> No.44308798
File: 2.37 MB, 960x540, Bleach S17E19 VOSTFR 1080p WEB H.264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (DSNP)-[21.45.596-21.58.734].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44308820

>are there actual benefits of kanji over alphabets like English alphabet
it makes new words you have never seen before very easy to understand. imagine a person who has never seen "ornithology" vs a person who has never seen "鳥類学"

>> No.44308850

bad example
that word behaves exactly like kanji since its greek ornis + logos

>> No.44308894

I'm constantly surprised that most people didn't study greek and latin roots in school

>> No.44308965
File: 1.41 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 06 (1080p) [8B8BD010]-[03.27.457-03.39.303].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44309061
File: 1001 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 06 (1080p) [8B8BD010]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44309141
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] TenPuru - 06 (1080p) [8B8BD010]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44309148

Anon, your reading comprehension....

>> No.44309220

good news!

i gained exclusive access to some spicy data on fluid reasoning ability changes with age through my academic connections and thought i should share some important conclusions to dispel myths propagated by doom posters in djt. the data set is legitimate, enormous, and professionally gathered from clinical settings.

IQ scores are by definition an intelligence ranking of people at the same age, but by comparing the norms used to convert raw performance on fluid IQ subtests to fluid IQ for different age groups, we can get a sense of how fluid intelligence changes with age.

contrary to popular belief, people who test in the 115-145 fluid IQ range at ages 19-24 perform the same as people tested at ages under 55 who score at most 4-6 fluid IQ points lower. that means that up until age 55, your fluid ability will be at least as good as someone who would score 4-6 fluid IQ points lower than you in your prime. that's much less than the exaggerated declines claimed by people who think life is over after 25.

for example, if your fluid IQ at age 19-24 was 130, your fluid ability will still be as good, if not better, at age 50 than that of 19-24 year-olds with a 124 fluid IQ! in fact, for people with a fluid IQ >122 at age 19-24, there is NO decline in ability until age 40, whilst people with a 115-122 fluid IQ at age 19-24 actually see an increase in fluid ability when they enter the 25-30 age group before it goes back to their age 19-24 level, again with NO decline thereafter until age 40.

>> No.44309290


>> No.44309318


>> No.44309329

why did she blur it
twitter allows such content

>> No.44309347

okay benigger

>> No.44309356

iq filter
keeps jaapn safe from foreigns

>> No.44309396

good thing language learning has nothing to do with iq so i didnt have tor ead this post

>> No.44309487

fluid intelligence is your ability to process new information and learn. there seems to be a moderate correlation between fluid intelligence and language learning potential.

the good news is that the decline in fluid reasoning is small until age 55 - you would do no worse than a 19-24 year-old scoring 4-6 fluid IQ points lower than what you would have scored at the same age.

>> No.44309499

nobody with an iq above 120 made it
japanese reqwuires a low iq

>> No.44309509


>> No.44309520

what happens after 55

>> No.44309528

overthinkers dont make it

>> No.44309534

if you translate longer N1 reading passages into english and paste them into an automatic classifier, you'll get mostly B2s, so a high score N1 is probably around B2, but low score could be more like B1
yeah but with chinese characters both "bird" and "ornis" could be written as 鳥 so he's right that it makes comprehending written words easier. but there are trade-offs too because there's less connection between the sign and the sounds
true, I'm a middle aged man reading animated books about high school children. I can't imagine someone with a high IQ doing this shit

>> No.44309705

>if you translate longer N1 reading passages into english and paste them into an automatic classifier, you'll get mostly B2s, so a high score N1 is probably around B2, but low score could be more like B1
B2 has speaking requirements too. if you could talk like those passages you would be B2, but 99% of N1s cant

>> No.44309778

the drops seem to occur at certain ages. for people who would have scored 115-145 fluid IQ in their prime, there is another decline in the mid 50s equivalent to a difference of 4-6 fluid IQ points relative to 19-24 year olds, and no decline until mid 60s. so, a 55-65 year old with a 130 fluid IQ has around the same fluid reasoning ability as someone scoring 118-122 fluid IQ at ages 19-24 (8-12 points lower). another equivalent drop occurs at 65, and then there is a drop every 5 years after 80. there isn't enough good data after 90.

it is interesting to reinterpret these conclusions with real-life examples. consider this: if a 125 IQ college student gets dominated by a 70 year old professor on novel tasks stressing fluid reasoning, it is safe to assume the professor was definitely above 140 IQ in their prime.

it is often observed that higher education becomes a struggle for students below 115 IQ. since professors even in their 70s have higher fluid reasoning ability than such students, we obtain a bare minimum lower bound of around 130 +-3 fluid IQ for professorship in most fields.

>> No.44309995
File: 157 KB, 1075x1076, 1687970320078265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44310024

I really love seeing the Comiket cosplays

I tried both but personally preferred cure dolly

I hope someday I can live and work in Japan

>> No.44310043


>> No.44310086

its kakkoii doe

>> No.44310087

A few years ago I started learning Japanese but then stopped because of lack of motivation.
Now it's funny how in 2023 there are multiple circumstances where it would be useful to know Japanese. E.g. Japan opening back up

>> No.44310175

that's some crazy shit

>> No.44310205

do you have data for 145+ iq

>> No.44310221

its time anon

>> No.44310245

She would be cute if she didn't do the fake pekora laugh.

>> No.44310253

the best time to start learning japanese was when I did. If you started sooner you're a weeb loser and if you started later you'll never make it

>> No.44310275

it doesnt matter when you start learning japanese, but if you havent become fluent by age 30 you'll go to japan as an ojisan who has no chance dating prime japanese women

>> No.44310312

self own lil bro

>> No.44310334

dont call me lil bro

>> No.44310352

if you think white ojisan arent swimming in jk manko you have never been to tokyo

>> No.44310358

im not white

>> No.44310370

yeah. comparing fluid IQ at ages 65-80 to fluid IQ at ages 19-24, we see equivalences of 141: 123-129, 144: 132, 147: 141, 150: 147-150, and no decline at 153. keep in mind, though, that this is because of how the bell curve tapers off increasingly rapidly at the ends. 152 IQ is 1 in 3800 people, but 153 IQ is 1 in 4800 people, so it makes sense that the age decline in that region is not visible in points.

>> No.44310380

>B2 has speaking requirements too
JPLT doesn't though so it's irrelevant. they can only be related to one another based on the reading and listening parts
>if you could talk like those passages you would be B2
no, if you could talk like that, you'd be above B2. you're not expected to spontaneously produce B2 reading level texts to get B2 level in speaking:
>Reading interaction B2
>I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary literary prose.
>Spoken interaction B2
>I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.
so for reading it's literature and essays, yet for speaking it's just "regular interaction with native speakers quite possible", discussion in "familiar contexts".

>> No.44310394

you're not making up numbers right

>> No.44310399
File: 743 KB, 1246x944, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44310412

western language tests are definitely not perfect either. i remember taking a french b2 language test as a teenager, my reading and writing was always much much better than my speaking and listening, so i got very high marks in reading and writing, but made it just barely above the cut off line for speaking and listening.
i passed the test, but what does this really mean? i still cant speak french for shit except the bare minimum required to pass the test

>> No.44310507

i am not. i pulled them from data tables shared with me by my good friends in academia. the numbers are from one of the largest and highest quality IQ data sets in the entire world.

>> No.44310547
File: 616 KB, 326x316, 1685593121847220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44310576

Why people avoid replying to each other?

Sounds like a dream

>> No.44310623

It's another way to be passive-aggressive.

>> No.44310761

a note of caution: fluid reasoning constitutes only one component of intelligence. different dimensions of IQ, such as visual-spatial processing and working memory, exhibit markedly divergent age trajectories. but these dimensions are decidedly less germane to language learning and unrepresentative of DJT's perception of IQ, an artifact of the overemphasis of fluid ability in online culture-fair IQ tests such as the free Mensa ones.

>> No.44310776

what is your iq bro

>> No.44310794

djt aint ready for the truth
there are no chicks-with-dicks only guys-with-tits

>> No.44310801


>> No.44310839

what do you think about female sovereignity?

>> No.44310880

it is a good experiment for humanity

>> No.44310904

the man with the biggest rock will smash the man with the biggest head

>> No.44310983

Anyone else try to show nearby Japanese people they’re cultured?
When I was in Japan I was taking the tram, listening to my favorite VN osts and I noticed there was a Japanese guy standing behind me.
I wanted to show him I’m not racist and am in fact all for Japanese culture, so I opened youtube, put brightness on max and held my phone up (discreetly) so he could see me jamming it to my visual novel opening playlist
On the ride back there was a Japanese man sitting across from me so I did one better. I chucked on Yoru no Himawari, held my phone flat so he could see it and gave him a small nod.
I like to believe I’m on the right side of history. I feel like they probably respected me for that.
Anyone else do this?

>> No.44311001

no, i like knowing that im on the wrong side of history.

>> No.44311063
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Zom 100 - Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto - 05 (1080p) [C9F87F55]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44311108


why is this guy having so much trouble with the を particle?

>> No.44311164

What’s a good phone app to learn Japanese

>> No.44311212

this works for listening too if you have enough knowledge and the context makes it obvious enough

>> No.44311228

visual novels are the top level storytelling works in history. if you disagree its a problem with you

>> No.44311256

true true

>> No.44311265

give a man subahibi and watch his iq increase in real time

>> No.44311283

Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since I can't read them... er.. since they are proprietary!

>> No.44311342

kiwi browser because it has yomichan and can open syosetu.com

>> No.44311515
File: 700 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第05話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44311519
File: 1.26 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Mushoku Tensei S2 - 06 (1080p) [0438103E]-[01.06.692-01.12.865].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44311531
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mushoku Tensei S2 - 06 (1080p) [0438103E]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kay Yu

>> No.44311660

is some autist maintaining a censorship status for each episode somewhere or do I have to wait 12h for the MTBB release

>> No.44311673

Is there some sort of cheat sheet or logic that helps remembering which variant of 艮 radical goes into which kanji?
Like 限 食 館 郎

>> No.44311730
File: 12 KB, 500x333, 973f9afda2cf0dd7d1b7719769cf2c4a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44311771

>you'll go to japan

>> No.44311794


wtf is wrong with women who are into bugs?

>> No.44311906
File: 404 KB, 800x1260, 415442b414f4c3169ff74fbc2de90a6adb89418a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44312049
File: 15 KB, 1141x373, Screenshot 2023-08-13 102713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated anki and man what the fuck did it do to my font, why is it so fat and blocky all of a sudden. Just kanji too, hiragana still looks exactly the same.

>> No.44312055

next season looks insane

>> No.44312062

ur mums snatch looks insane

>> No.44312064


>> No.44312066

chinese font

>> No.44312068

I highly recommend checking out "Tatsumoto's Guide to Japanese" if you want to take your Japanese skills to the next level. Personally, I followed his method, and let me tell you, it worked wonders for me!
Tatsumoto's guide emphasizes the importance of immersion and practical usage of the language. It focuses on exposing yourself to real-life Japanese, studying sentences, and building vocabulary through reading and listening. This approach really helped me grasp the nuances and intricacies of the language.
One key aspect of Tatsumoto's guide is his use of SRS (Spaced Repetition System) to effectively memorize and reinforce what you've learned. It ensures that you review and retain knowledge in a systematic and efficient manner.

>> No.44312070

it adjusts to your body weight with each update

>> No.44312073


>> No.44312075

Anki didn't update in several months. You must be really slow

>> No.44312076


>> No.44312083
File: 171 KB, 1112x1500, 1691500476604981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/setting-up-anki
and then read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/japanese-fonts

>> No.44312136

what language should I pivet to now that it looks like sjws are going to invade japan before I finish learning the language

>> No.44312144
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 01 (1080p) [C4B65994]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a boob

>> No.44312146

Yeah I've been procrastinating on it. Today when I tried to open it it nearly bricked my fucking machine so I figured it was finally time.

It was using jp fonts before the update though, why would it just randomly change? Not saying you're wrong man I'm just confused.

>> No.44312147


>> No.44312148

Learn Russian

>> No.44312150


>> No.44312208

>directly witnessing the sjws fighting with autistic incel otaku
that sounds great, another reason to learn japanese

>> No.44312222

it will never get this bad in japan

>> No.44312230

that's what they thought 15 years ago here

>> No.44312248

good catch

>> No.44312261

>uh hey go

>> No.44312370

almost at 3k kanji

>> No.44312374

half way there!

>> No.44312382

theres a chair reserved at the upper beginner table for you

>> No.44312492


>> No.44312589


>> No.44312599

i hate girls like this so much
they ruined weeb culture in the west...

>> No.44312615

indistinguishable from japanese vtubers, you just don't like her because she's white

you guys LOVE posting that vtuber coomer who talks about how she loves loli doujin but when a white girl does it it's cringe

>> No.44312629

>you just don't like her because she's white
no i hate her because she's a woman

>> No.44312632


>> No.44312645

>you just don't like her because she's white
yes... people get into weebshit to escape white western women

>> No.44312648
File: 339 KB, 1028x732, 1563493701229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad to look at how many words I know and realize I have to do that several times over.

>> No.44312659


>> No.44312662
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 02 (1080p) [B6D28487]-[10.02.603-10.04.563].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44312673

im on a 30 day no fap streak

>> No.44312674

there will never be an ecchi anime that comes close to to love ru

>> No.44312676


>> No.44312680
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 02 (1080p) [B6D28487]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44312682

i will never understand

>> No.44312690
File: 941 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 02 (1080p) [B6D28487]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44312723


>> No.44312750

a = 一つ


>> No.44312755

its out

>> No.44312762

never listen to any content made for gaijin, it will always cripple you, whether intentionally or unintentionally

>> No.44312782


>> No.44312837
File: 62 KB, 1202x283, 798741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44312843

Why is anon going on reddit?

>> No.44312848

i migrated here during the great protests but i still go back to look

>> No.44312859

Kill yourself, my man.

>> No.44312862


>> No.44312864

Excellent resource on what not to do.

>> No.44312883

unironically decent show

>> No.44312884

My daily routine is

15-30 min of duolingo spread during the day
30-45 min of Busuu for structured lesson
30 min - 1h of Anki review on the core 2.3k deck
30 min of active listening on LingQ, looking up every word I don't know
20 min of Kanji study on a Kanji app on my phone
30 min of various active study (genki, looking up word I hear while immersing)

So that's probably 3 hours of active study per day. I have been doing this since April, never missing a day... so more of less 350-400 hours of active study since I started on the low end, on weekend I actually do significantly more.

based on pratice test / word list I'm pretty sure I could pass N5 at this point. My goal is to keep the same schedule and try for N4 in December.

If you want a yearly number, 365 days * 3 hours per day = 1095 hours per year.

>> No.44312896

you gotta up the duolingo bro

>> No.44312905

havent immersed or studied in months

>> No.44312907

add in 15 mins of this

>> No.44312919

i remember when i did retarded shit like this
good old days

>> No.44312941

mined 緩叙法

>> No.44312964
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 03 (1080p) [595A13FE]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44312968

I invented this word.

>> No.44312969

why she talking in slow motion

>> No.44312970
File: 839 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 03 (1080p) [595A13FE]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44312982

>great protests
kek retarded learnjapanese mods killed the whole subreddit for no reason
its so slow and dead now

>> No.44312991
File: 909 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 03 (1080p) [595A13FE]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44313003

reddit is better than this shithole where shitty anime screenshots are the best content in the thread

>> No.44313049

the subreddit is dead lil bruv
and even when it was active all it was good for was laughing at the absolutely retarded dekinai shit like >>44312837

>> No.44313068

*anime screenshots and vtubers

>> No.44313084
File: 46 KB, 887x307, 終わりだ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crossposting from *nt, my yomichan gets no audio from added cards, I followed the DJT guide btw

>> No.44313095

remove the <!-- --> surrounding the {{Audio}}

>> No.44313098

At least we keep it real.

>> No.44313131

tried that and it still doesn't work, I have no clue whats wrong

>> No.44313146


try any of these then, maybe your yomichan settings are fucked if there is no audio

>> No.44313164
File: 963 KB, 833x730, 1681831192198169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, I think I found the root cause, it was a yomichan template I copied from the djt anki guide for better bullet point formatting, I just reset it within the Yomichan settings and it werks now
im gonna have to redo 100s of cards but oh well

>> No.44313185


>> No.44313203

>the DJT guide
i hope you dont mean t'tsu

>> No.44313243

both of the guides posted on the 'nerals have the same anki info

>> No.44313318

recoomend some kani content from this comiket

>> No.44313398

anyone have some quick refreshers like the xiomanyc language youtber courses, that are free(or I can find free)

>> No.44313418

just read niqqa

>> No.44313421

>visual snow and CVS gotten worse
readbros, go on without me

>> No.44313425


>> No.44313430
File: 1.97 MB, 430x530, 1670665825706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44313432

I was grinding in anki years ago and forgot most words and I feel no motivation to do it all over. Surely there is some quick videos I can watch to remember?

>> No.44313440

To remember what? The entire language?

>> No.44313443


>> No.44313458


>> No.44313463

you are saying there is nothing out there to refresh my memory and I have to spend 1,000 hours with anki again? surely there are videos.

>> No.44313472

spend 1000 hours reading and immersing in stuff you like
you'll probably remember some shit

>> No.44313484

nigger im starting again and i still remember shit
just press "Easy" on shit you remember

>> No.44313491

>press "Easy" on shit you remember
if you still remember it after a year you might as well delete the card

>> No.44313505

tru tho

>> No.44313507

if you know you know if you dont you dont *puffs pipe*

>> No.44313512

That's a lazy chump's attitude.

>> No.44313528

only rarely do I care enough to maybe play a game early
well I have like 10,000 cards....

>> No.44313535


>> No.44313561

arent there tubers you like, or anime you wanna watch, or lins you wanna read, or jps you wanna talk to?
if not then why bother learning japanese?

>> No.44313602

just to play games early, I guess to listen to the music too. my original motivation to learn Japanese is gone.

>> No.44313612

its ova

>> No.44313626

some ova's can be good though

>> No.44313630

am i griefing myself reading physical material and just looking up words manually.

>> No.44313640

define physical material
if you have access to nip books n stuff ur fckn blessed

>> No.44313674
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is this true

>> No.44313704

because that's just the way it is. people need to stop comparing japanese to english

>> No.44313705


>> No.44313725


>> No.44313744

If you still have your cards just spend like an hour a day working on your backlog without adding new cards.

>> No.44313745

where can i get a quick rundown on -ず verb endings

>> No.44313765


>> No.44313773

the doll

>> No.44313796

例: メスガキを絶頂させずに出た

>> No.44313811
File: 7 KB, 676x68, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 86: I have nothing to share today.

>> No.44313812

thats rude

>> No.44313819

again i ask you
do you just do anki and nothing else?

>> No.44313865

thanks G, guess i glosed over that

>> No.44313928

how do you nerds do 20 new cards and 200+ reviews cards in an hour? I review 8 new cards with 60 cards and it takes me an hour.

>> No.44313948

I'm just built different

>> No.44313982

they dont, they just speedrun their shit without actually reviewing the important stuff

>> No.44314039

you're supposed to spend minimal time in anki

>> No.44314045

imagine if you did an anki english deck
you'd just speed through hundreds of cards per minute right?
you should be aiming for that reading speed in japanese too
if you're taking 5+ seconds to remember a word, you fail it and move on
train yourself to insta recognise words

obviously this is for miningchads
corecels just... read more lol

>> No.44314147

What would you recommend if I'm almost done with the cure dolly playlist? In terms of grammar.
(I already do anki + inmerse: listen to podcasts, watch vtubers, read VNs and watch doramas)

>> No.44314313

>learn 口 and 表情 on the same day

Wtf is with the order?

>> No.44314327

i know its heretical around these parts but suppose I have 0 interest in linnies or vinnies, what did you (if theres any of you in here) read before making the jump to full-blown novels.

>> No.44314367


>> No.44314371

youtube comments
wikipedia articles
watch youtubers play those shitty rpg games with loads of text and read along with them

>> No.44314464

I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert, but at this point I've used anki enough to know 3 things for sure:
1) that animecards guy is full of shit when it comes to the method he's pushing (anime cards instead of sentence cards). Sentence cards isn't cheating, you're not taking an exam you're acquiring a language. There's nothing wrong with accidentally memorizing a sentence if the sentence contains the word you want to learn. And yes you can learn to use it in different contexts, you're not just aritficially passing cards. Just highlight the target vocab like a trillion other non-contrarian guides tell you to, and only read the rest of the sentence when you need to. Keep the audio in the back of the card so you don't just gloss over kanji. I know these things mostly depend on preference but I think the djt
2) pure vocab anons are right. And it seems everyone on djt agrees now, RTK/KanjiDamage/WaniKani/Kohii is a waste of time. Not sure why it's pushed in the DJT guide.
3) the core deck recommended in the DJT guide is dogshit. It doesn't really matter cause 2k is so little, but I hope anons aren't wasting their time on the 6k versions. Just mine.

>> No.44314470

in terms of grammar, I recommend reading japanese
it's frequency order, 表情 is an extremely common word. I failed it in anki after 11 days, then again after 14 days, 8 days, 1.5 months, 1.26 months, 1.1 months. good luck
anime subtitles of course

>> No.44314479

> I recommend reading japanese
I do, it's just I will always feel that my grammar is not good enough. I guess it's one of those "get over it" things.
Still, thanks

>> No.44314483

dragon quest lets plays for the jp culture insight gains

>> No.44314497

schizo rants on twitter, yomujp, subtitled podcasts (I read first then hit play)

>> No.44314503
File: 33 KB, 450x318, do you speak japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you trained your mind to think in Japanese yet?

Do the voices in your head still speak English, or do you have Japanese voices now?

忘れないでください。Challenge question: In 日本語, how do you say the mind's inner voice? When you speak to the voices in your head, how do you describe the sound? Would you use Koe?

You do know the answers to these questions, don't you? Using your japanese to achieve a japanese afterlife is in the realm of possibility

>> No.44314508

Not that anon but
>subtitled podcasts
Huh, could you share a link or something? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.44314515

yeah just add the dictionary of japanese grammar to yomichan and read

>> No.44314519
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it's over

>> No.44314527

283 isnt much tbdesu

>> No.44314531

that was just my chink and gook cards i still have my jap ones

>> No.44314543

>Sentence cards isn't cheating, you're not taking an exam you're acquiring a language.
it is cheating, but cheating can sometimes be good for learning (e.g. looking up a word if you can't understand a sentence). but in anki you can just fail the card if you don't know it.
>Just highlight the target vocab like a trillion other non-contrarian guides tell you to, and only read the rest of the sentence when you need to.
but that's basically anime cards. the only difference is that in anime cards, the sentence goes into the hint field if you need it. and at that point, it's literally just a technical difference + a difference in formatting the card.

>> No.44314552


>> No.44314581

https://www.youtube.com/@nihongoconteppei (use the auto-generated subtitles, they're like 99.99% accurate)
There are a bunch of others but Teppei and Yusuke are more than enough for me, occassionally switching to Noriko and Tanaka every few weeks. American Life when I really have time.

>> No.44314603

this will cripple you btw

>> No.44314630


>> No.44314665

How so?

>> No.44314683

> but in anki you can just fail the card if you don't know it.
if I got remember the word from reading the sentence, I don't think I should fail the card. I just mark as hard (and yes using hard/easy is ok if you have clear criteria for determining what's easy and what's hard)
> the sentence goes into the hint field if you need it.
maybe I missed something, but the animecards site insisted that you only use hints to disambiguate between kunyomi and onyomi, and to add a few extra words when the vocab is mostly used in expressions (like 頭角 -> 頭角を現す). It sounds counterintuitive but sometimes I'll read/hear a word outside of Anki and it's much easier to remember when I have a whole sentence in my memory. It's sort of like mnemonics, or when you learn a word from a song or poem

>> No.44314708

563 cards today

>> No.44314727

how many words do the people who use sentence cards know? I feel like once you learn a certain amount of words and use monolingual definitions it's not nearly so hard to remember vocab cards so sentence cards lose their advantage

>> No.44314735

nah Teppei and Yusuke are great. If you want something better maybe look for podcasts by natives for natives. I know of rebuild.fm but it has no transcripts. Hiromoot's videos are subtitled but he's absolutely insufferable.

>> No.44314753

yall need wu wei

>> No.44314850

>if I got remember the word from reading the sentence, I don't think I should fail the card.
if you remembered it because of a little bit of added context to narrow your brain's search, then that's fine, but if you remembered it because you memorized some of the exact sentence and associated it with the word, then it becomes unclear if you're even learning the word.
>maybe I missed something, but the animecards site insisted that you only use hints to disambiguate between kunyomi and onyomi, and to add a few extra words when the vocab is mostly used in expressions
yeah in that case it says that this is when you need the hints. you could probably come up with more, but it's not going to be more than like 15% of the cards.
>sometimes I'll read/hear a word outside of Anki and it's much easier to remember when I have a whole sentence in my memory
I don't get how you'd know if it's easier to remember. I get that sometimes you could somehow remember the sentence first and then get to the word through that, but that doesn't prove it would be harder for you to remember the word had you learned it without a sentence.
and also this doesn't sound like something that happens more often than the negative variant: you don't remember the word because you only learned it as a sentence and you don't remember the sentence when seeing the word in a different one.

>> No.44314875
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, うわ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this dumbass

>> No.44315152
File: 2.68 MB, 4160x2340, 20230811_013904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long shot but can anyone decipher any of the writing? Its pretty faded....

>> No.44315173

your thumb is so fucking disgusting looking it's distracting me sorry

>> No.44315186

it looks like a name or something

>> No.44315191

Lol sorry I had to edit the exposure and stuff so that may be why it looks gross.

>> No.44315293

linnies when i want to mindlessly chug
vinnies when i want deep philosophical experiences

>> No.44315300

this but reversed

>> No.44315466
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>> No.44315522

next time try killing yourself

>> No.44315684

new thread where?

>> No.44316243


holy shit, look at all these novel ways to not learn japanese

>> No.44316306

this is the final djt there is no new thread

>> No.44316307

where my bro Moe D. Donda
