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4427736 No.4427736 [Reply] [Original]

How good would you rate the story of Tsukihime versus that of your typical fiction novel?

>> No.4427753

Star Trek novel tier

>> No.4427766

you supress Roa in a girl's ass

>> No.4427816

Why would you compare them? They're different mediums.

>> No.4427953

They are both stories.

>> No.4427980

hurp durp twilight more realistically rice's stuff or the dead series.

>> No.4427997


>> No.4428104

If when you say typical, you are referring to the average fiction novel, then Tsukihime is incomparably better. That's not because Tsukihime is particularly good, but just because there's boatloads of terrible fiction out there. If you compare Tsukihime to the fiction that they made you read in High school, then it's mid to low tier.

>> No.4428120

Fiction in high school?

>> No.4428250

The Scarlet Letter, To the Lighthouse, The Great Gatsby, etc.

>> No.4428275


>> No.4428335


My favorite's a tie between Lord of the Flies and And Then There Were None.

And like the first poster I quoted said, I'd rate Tsukihime well above the normal fiction shit, but lower than the classics.

>> No.4428357

Invisible man and Life of Pi

>> No.4428373

>I'd rate Tsukihime well above the normal fiction shit, but lower than the classics.
Pretty much this.

>> No.4428379

Why would you consider the classics better? I found most of the novels pretty boring, especially in terms of language used and themes.

With Tsukihime i was hooked from the get go to unravel the entire mystery and learn about the characters.

>> No.4428420

Well not all classics are good but a lot of them have great writing and themes.

>> No.4428432

Define 'typical'.

>> No.4428538
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Anyone remember the first vn they read? I think mine was something like True Love, though that was more a dating sim than anything else.
Despite it being cheesy, I thought it was pretty novel idea. That was a little before the time Tsukihime got translated, so I jumped on that when it was released. I think that was when I got hooked.
I mostly blame the nice alternative music pack for immersing me though. Nowadays I can't freewrite without Aphex Twin or Global Communication playing in the background.

>> No.4428569

Only nostalgiafags like tsukihime.

And only people with shitty tastes like FSN

>> No.4428571

>Anyone remember the first vn they read?
Yeah. It was Tsukihime. Was absolutely hooked, despite the fact that I had watched the anime. It will always hold a special spot for me.

>> No.4428577


First was YMK which, like you, made me like the idea of VNs(I never really found it amazing like most people on here, but I enjoyed reading it nonetheless). Then I found Tsukihime by random when looking for another one to try out (it was one of the only ones ported onto the DS using a homebrew program) and loved it.

You have a link to the alternate music? I'm thinking about doing a playthrough of a route and the music is bland now (I saw the Umineko one, but the music didn't really fit to me).

>> No.4428582

What anime?

>> No.4428594

>Anyone remember the first vn they read?
Kana Imouto was the first one I read that had a story. Before that it was something like XChange or do you like horny bunnies.

>> No.4428606

It was Tsukihime for me. It was such an amazing experience that it got me addicted to VNs instantly.

>> No.4428604


>do you like horny bunnies

Sounds like fine literature right there.

>> No.4428612

It was.

>> No.4428627 [DELETED] 
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/jp/ I have a small series of questions for you.

When you were a young'n; what is it you wanted to do with your life?
Did you pursue this dream, or give up?
What are you doing with yourself now?

>> No.4428643

Whatever I like.

>> No.4428647

Your typical "Best seller".

E.G. Twilight, Harry potter, Dan Brown's novels about conspiracies and shit, etc.

>> No.4428663
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I also remember playing OMGWTFOTL and Narcissus when I was entering the medium. One right after the other too. Definitely vexing on the emotional level.

>> No.4428673

Then Tsukihime is easily better.

>> No.4428685

> How good would you rate the story of Tsukihime

Not /jp/ related anymore.

>> No.4428688

So what if a novelization was done based on the story and sold? Would it sell better?

>> No.4428697

That's not very typical.
Best sellers are usually not that cookie-cutter(good or bad).
Most 'similar' novels that feel a rehash of a rehash and could be called typical do not sell well.
And best-sellers themselves vary too fucking much in quality.
Take a Dan Brown novel and a Philip Roth one.

>> No.4428997

Probably not. Too deep for the masses.

>> No.4429133 [DELETED] 
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I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life back then. Hell, it wasn't until a few years ago when I started to formulate some sort of life goals. I guess if I had an aspiration back then, I wouldn't have been so aimless and ending up where I am right now.
Wouldn't consider it awful though. Sort of thrilling not knowing what to expect. So when college ends, I'd like to not plan too far ahead and go with projects and hobbies that seem interesting, hopefully accumulating to any dreams I had in mind.
But this is rather off topic, so let's just say I like to spend the time reading some good vns and playing silly games.

>> No.4429129


Probably, yeah.


If that's what you meant, then Tsukihime is by far better. Then again, it's not much of a competition because anything with a slightly intelligent story is better than those mentioned.

I mean listen to this amazing storytelling:

>> No.4429143
File: 18 KB, 300x450, twilight_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already done

>> No.4429236
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Sure, this is the one I used.


Honestly, I'm surprised it's still there. I grabbed it like what, a few years ago? It's impressive to say the least. The thing that I liked especially about these tracks is that they were perfect mood setters.

>> No.4429237


>> No.4429329
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Not to forget that novels involving whatever material is popular at the moment will fly off the shelves. Like Z-Day was it? The one involving zombies and stories similar to darwin awards.

>> No.4429357

2009 was the 'Darwin year' so lots of books related to that got a boost, true.
But Theory of the Species itself is not typical, so it's not the same thing when a sudden interest is capitalized upon.

>> No.4430336
File: 49 KB, 293x342, shiki_tohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I've never read a book with dialogue quite like "BARELEGSBARELEGSBARELEGS". And I'm thinking that's a good thing. I think.

>> No.4430377

Strictly not a 'dialogue', rather comedic gag monologue.
You should worry when such comments are used seriously.
Avoid Son Altesse Sérénissime like the plague, it kills of brain cells.
