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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44248068 No.44248068 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://learnjapanese.moe/

Previous: >>44221895

>> No.44248076

first for rezu

>> No.44248083

Do you think it's a good idea to learn Japanese and Chinese at the same time? It's the same letters so I thought if I learn Japanese I would basically get Chinese at the same time at a 80% discount so might as well do it, right?

>> No.44248106


>> No.44248133

>healthy family plan
>it's a skin product

>> No.44248203
File: 7 KB, 356x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my recent hobby is reading shitty web novels on kakuyomu, and I often come across comments like these pointing out rather basic mistakes. Now I know that Kakuyomu is the equivalent of Fanfiction.net at best, and yes there are native speakers who can't differentiate between "you are" and "your" but it makes me wonder if such mistakes don't sound "wrong" the moment a native conceptualize the sentence in their head. I figured that they just *know* that there is no は there, period. Anyway my point is that Japanese grammar is such bullshit convoluted garbage.

>> No.44248243

Is it better to learn kanji in JLPT or Jouyou order?

>> No.44248261

japanese girls seem too hard think i might learn a filipino language

>> No.44248637

Is there a Japanese version of Genesis? (Preferably translated from Hebrew to Japanese)

>> No.44248792

Are you really asking if the Book of Genesis has been translated into Japanese? You understand it’s the Bible we’re talking about, right?
>he thinks Hebrew to Japanese is more accurate than English to Japanese

>> No.44248855






>> No.44248873

I know. And I don’t want it translated from English because it has a bunch of outside politics stuffed into it that misrepresents the original https://youtube.com/shorts/FN4pVp6lNJ0?feature=share
This channel has many shorts like this one

>> No.44248936

I think that was the stupidest video I’ve ever watched from someone who literally doesn’t know Hebrew. If you think the Bible had “outside politics” stuffed into its translation, then you’re not a Christian and should not be reading the Bible, let alone in Japanese.
Go take your terrible theology somewhere else.

>> No.44248974
File: 417 KB, 1920x1080, 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44249010


>> No.44249051

If you think the English versions of the bible aren’t translated in a way that supports the king’s regime, then you’re incredibly dumb. Even if I don’t care about mysogony or whatever, I still just want the true experience. If anyone who isn’t this clown finds a version translated from hebrew(the language of god) or greek, Please share it with me. I wanted to read the 秦剛平 version, but i couldn’t find a PDF of it online.

>> No.44249139

>If you think the English versions of the bible aren’t translated in a way that supports the king’s regime, then you’re incredibly dumb.
holy kek, you have no idea what you're talking about and I can almost guarantee you've never read the entire Bible. In the time that you took took to listen to some pilpul idiot on YouTube, you could've actually pulled out your Strong's Concordance and found that צְלָעֹת literally translates to rib, but no, that would require you to use your brain for once in your life.
>hebrew(the language of god)
lmao you'll never learn Japanese and you aren't a Christian

>> No.44249228










>> No.44249244


>> No.44249309

>tsela is conveniently translated as rib one whole time in OT
Kys you americuck. You’re not following the words of god. Even in my Swedish version of OT, It’s translated as a side or a ”halva”

>> No.44249347




>> No.44249378

>disagreeing with a literal dictionary of ancient Hebrew
Delusional. I'd tell you to kys, but unlike you, I actually walk the path of Christ.

>> No.44249460

the intemediate thresd

>> No.44249469

the adanced beggine thresd

>> No.44249513

enslaved loser cuck

>> No.44249530

Ah, there it is, more insults. The people who pretend to be Christians are so easy to spot.

>> No.44249540

yea you dont have to pretend to be an enslaved cuck

>> No.44249548

Is this the first ever anime-condom in a non-hentai?

>> No.44249555

>the English versions of the bible aren’t translated in a way that supports the king’s regime
Why to Prots seem to think the KJV is the only English Bible translation in existence? There are hundreds of them. But yes, the KJV is Textus Receptus garbage

>> No.44249564

I feel like you didn't (You) because even you knew that didn't make much sense.

>> No.44249586

>But yes, the KJV is Textus Receptus garbage
2/10 get better bait

>> No.44249601

sasuga desert cult worshiper

>> No.44249616

>le desert death cult jew on a stick insult

>> No.44249649

if you love them so much why dont you go lick the sand off their goat skin boots

>> No.44249659

>Jews literally murder Christ
>haha why don't you marry them if you like 'em so much

>> No.44249694

two sides of the same coin also the romans were true pagan europeans and they rightfully punished a subversive foreign pest cult leader and scammer

>> No.44249726

>two sides of the same coin
I don't think you know what that means
>they rightfully punished
Even your heckin based true pagan Pontius Pilate declared Christ innocent and called Him just before putting the blood upon the Jews.

>> No.44249736

My question from the bottom of old thread:

I have one question; what do you think about bilingual books? Are them good for language novices? I tried to write such a tool with `hunalign`, but now I think - maybe it's not such effective as I thought? Should I read bilingual books or just read a book in target language, make cards and so on?

Another question is about Anki. I really don't like doing all these repetitions. Just 20 new words a day create too much reviews that kills over a 1-2 hours (with all the distractions). Maybe somebody used to use wordlists? I found two good techniques: "Iversen's wordlists" - https://forum.language-learners.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2036&p=23218#p23218 and "Goldlist method" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixxq8moh4pg [Embed] Do you use them?

>> No.44249738

abrahamic religions are middle eastern there is nothing european about them dumb pathetic cuck keep sucking goatfucker dick

>> No.44249753

Wow, really? Genuinely surprised rn frfr

>> No.44249765

oh i see youre not european lol

>> No.44249793

100% euro blood courses through my white skin. Actually, you know my I've got euro blood in me because I practice the most popular religion in Europe, Christianity.

>> No.44249818

yea slavs and mexicans have white skin too lol youre a fucking loser cuck licking the balls of foreign invaders and an embarrassment to your ancestors

>> No.44249831

Are you even white, anon? lol

>> No.44249844

the whitest in europe and thankfully my ancestors were among the least cucked and brainwashed

>> No.44249855

if you believe in the sky fairy you have too low iq to learn japanese

>> No.44249859

Ah, then you must have Jewish-European ancestry. Those guys hated Christians just like you.

>> No.44249866

so what’s djt’s excuse?

>> No.44249870

sand cultists cant survive in that kind of cold

>> No.44249876

You'd be surprised. Jews have done very well in Russia.

>> No.44249880

russia isnt in europe lmfao its east of it

>> No.44249886

>Russia (Russian: Россия, romanized: Rossiya, [rɐˈsʲijə]), or the Russian Federation,[c] is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

>> No.44249922

your post looks like it's pasted from reddit so this could be why people ignore it.
bilingual books are fine, but they're rare and a pain in the ass to make so it's probably not worth the effort. if you want, just read anime subtitles and use translated subtitles as fallback. and in a few months you won't need to bother with translations because a dictionary will be enough.
>I really don't like doing all these repetitions. Just 20 new words a day create too much reviews that kills over a 1-2 hours (with all the distractions)
then eliminate all the distractions (Speed Focus Mode addon), fail cards you don't know quicker, and add less new words
>Maybe somebody used to use wordlists?
that's just less a less efficient version of Anki for boomers who can't use a computer. there's no magic bullet

>> No.44249964

so youre a slav larping as a european lmao knew it
real europe lies to the west of poland with finland being the only exception because of the huge amounts of swedish migration from the west youre not european white

>> No.44249984

>gets called out for not knowing basic geography
kek every time

>> No.44249986

I don't know where in europe you live, if you even do, but Russia is very much considered a European country here, with culture similar to that of central Europe
No one gives a shit that most of it is in asia

>> No.44249996

slavic people arent europeans simple as

>> No.44250020
File: 217 KB, 462x425, nordic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of this kid.

>> No.44250032
File: 356 KB, 698x605, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44250037 [DELETED] 

i mean just imagine a bulgarian saying they have "100% euro blood" lmfao they are basically a mix of turks and slavs
and up until the 1920s people east and south of germany werent considered white immigrants in america either eastern europe is a completely distinct region genetically and culturally

>> No.44250044

Ah, u'r about whitespaces. I write my articles in markdown usually and have a habit to divide lines. Don't use shittdit anyways. At IBs I'm readonly most of the time.
Thx for response.

>> No.44250051 [DELETED] 

>werent considered white immigrants in america
America knows dog shit about Europe

>> No.44250061 [DELETED] 

This might be the greatest cope ever posted on DJT

>> No.44250063 [DELETED] 

put a norwegian and ukranian side by side you can tell who is really white

>> No.44250088 [DELETED] 

and if thats not enough you can also look at the countries and see which one is doing better and by how much lol

>> No.44250106

Anki Droid finally updated guys

>> No.44250127 [DELETED] 

At this point I don't even know what you're getting at, if it's the gypsies, no one likes them, but they are undeniably a part of Europe
How does that relate to anything at all

>> No.44250144

I know common consensus is that duolingo is shit, but I decided to play some because I was bored. But you guys didn't accurately convey how shit it is. I'm on UNIT FUCKING THREE. and they're still giving me the こんばんはなおみです and みずとおちゃ bullshit from fucking unit one. Unit 3 is supposed to be "talk about countries and ask for directions". But they had ONE LESSON about that and the rest is the same bullshit since unit 1.

>> No.44250148 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 1280x928, GDP per capita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tells you who is really genetically european

>> No.44250150

acquired ハメる

>> No.44250180

Gross. Please don’t render it in katakana.

>> No.44250182 [DELETED] 

blonde slav women are the hottest, it can't be denied

>> No.44250190 [DELETED] 

except hot and blonde is implied when you talk about scandinavian women

>> No.44250213 [DELETED] 

yeah but Scandinavian women lack the Mongolian mixing which is the magic sauce

>> No.44250299 [DELETED] 

>found weeb waifu from russia
going to move to japan and have many whiteo akachans

>> No.44250338 [DELETED] 

imagine if this cuck knew how his people were slain burned and raped into following christian faith robbed of their culture and plunged into a dark age

>> No.44250436 [DELETED] 

can you please fuck off with your /pol/ garbage?

>> No.44250457
File: 835 KB, 4096x2731, F27eyBQbIAA_ifV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fizz* its pecola! good afternoon

cola immersion

>> No.44250486
File: 676 KB, 2048x1152, F25dyVsbkAATCV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top right
vinny bros lets gooo

>> No.44250489 [DELETED] 

who invented the internet youre using? the clothes youre wearing? the language youre using? its you who needs to fuck off

>> No.44250508

>vtuber craft cola
what the hell, two nukes weren't enough.
i mean i get it, i buy cola from a small local brewery, but it's just normal cola, they don't call it craft cola and put a logo of vtubers on it

>> No.44250549 [DELETED] 

>who invented the internet youre using?
the jews?
>the clothes youre wearing?
i dont know, indians in a sweat shop?
>the language youre using?
british people?

>> No.44250619 [DELETED] 

everything you have every posted is garbage why havent you fucked off yet?

>> No.44250637 [DELETED] 

hello newfriend, this is an anonymous imageboard so unless you're a moderator posing as an anon, you don't know what all i have posted

>> No.44250646

>write lyrics in japanese

>> No.44250657 [DELETED] 

Bible translations that translate Sheol and Gehenna as Hell every single time are terrible. This is where all the confusion comes from.
The baiboru never says Hell is eternal torture, it's more like eternal (permanent) destruction with no chance of resurrection. And not a single person is in Heaven or Hell yet, they are all dead and rotting until the Judgement day, even Mary. Except for the two witnesses who never died in the old testament, since God took them away to play their role in Apocalypse. Also, Heaven isn't a place for humans, the eternal destiny of saved humans is physical resurrection on a new Earth, with perfected bodies. The old Earth will become a lake of fire, all the resurrected sinners will be thrown there after Judgement and die permanently, then the lake itself will be destroyed too. Hell is eternal separation from God, the source of life. So you cannot be alive in Hell, you are simply destroyed.

Christians saying their loved ones are in Heaven is absurd. Did they ever read their own holy book? Jesus himself says everyone is fucking dead and cannot experience a single thing until resurrection.

>> No.44250682 [DELETED] 

retarded autist

>> No.44250718 [DELETED] 

you're the one having a sperg out on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.44250749

namesimasu ? namesimasu ? lmfao

>> No.44250759


>> No.44250776
File: 148 KB, 564x540, mattbottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you please fuck off with your /pol/ garbage?

>> No.44250813 [DELETED] 

I don't know where this contrarian meme about hell came from. As someone who has actually read the NT in the original Greek (Robinson & Pierpont's Majority Text), I can tell you the summation of Jesus' descriptions of 'Gehenna', 'Hades', and 'The Outer Darkness' absolutely map to the general modern understanding of hell. Matthew 25:41-46 explicitly describes it as a place of 'eternal punishment' (κόλασιν αἰώνιον) where the unrighteous will be joined by the devil and his demons after Last Judgment

>> No.44250842
File: 10 KB, 257x154, jkfawhegrkjdsgfkgsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my anki font chinese?

>> No.44250851

nta but that would indeed be nice

>> No.44250868

sure youre not lol
did you find your 父 yet lmfao

>> No.44250869
File: 312 KB, 900x1425, 46bc9ad759822decd73ec39576b8915f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.44250880


>> No.44250883


>> No.44250917

because i was brainwashed as a child by anime and video games

>> No.44250949

ah yes the year they started using the julian calendar only before christ kids remember

>> No.44250959

no one misses you

>> No.44250998

yeah wouldn't want to be born before 1990

>> No.44251043

im so glad i was born american

>> No.44251068

ok didnt ask

>> No.44251076

you jelly bro?

>> No.44251081

i was born european so no im not jelly, in fact im even more glad than you

>> No.44251090

i love america tho wouldnt want to be a europoor

>> No.44251107

a good thing about being american is you can use the european pass when it suits you

>> No.44251119

good thing is we all can play the gaijin card

>> No.44251128

it's fun and keeps me focused
it gives me access to shit that'll never get translated
it gives me an excuse to bully people and talk down to EOPs who can't stop complaining

>> No.44251139

isn't one of them the indonesian whore that masturbated on stream?

>> No.44251144

so i can experience karoshi and be pressured into suicide by the japanese firm i work for

>> No.44251157

if ciaran worked as a coder in the US he would make 3 times as much money
if he moves to japan he will make half the money he is making right now

>> No.44251164
File: 78 KB, 399x616, pale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a slave

>> No.44251170

The punishment is eternal because it's permanent, not because it's something that goes on forever. It's the second death.

>> No.44251200

Yes, stop it right now and change the language to Japanese. You can add some code to the deck, look it up. If you are on a phone, simply change the phone language to Japanese. Or edit the deck somehow

>> No.44251215

>he gets filtered if a couple of strokes are different

>> No.44251217

So I can talk about roris with Japanese pedos and stay the hell away from woke western internet. It makes me sick.

>> No.44251228

to damage the japs perception of westerners as much as humanly possible, to make them truly hate us

>> No.44251240

recursive hiding: on

>> No.44251249

Reminder that learning Japanese as a gaijin is frustrating because jap brains will filter out anything you say in perfect Japanese and reply to you in awkward English. Just from seeing your face they will assume you cannot speak Japanese and their minds will be unable to register your Japanese words. They won't understand a thing.

>> No.44251254
File: 520 KB, 1920x2160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some games use chinese font in japanese
literally doesnt matter

>> No.44251261

you hear that? the dekinai screams....

>> No.44251262

i just understand it

>> No.44251276
File: 96 KB, 680x509, F23i4gUaAAA1nNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt happen to me when i was in japan, except disney land staff

>> No.44251277

some cringe posts today
someone's got a case of the mondays

>> No.44251285

anime girls are unbelievably sexy it is insane how hard they turn me on i literally don't feel anything looking at women anymore

>> No.44251299


>> No.44251302

What's the point speaking outside business purposes? Are you trying to bag 3DPD? Lmao you already lost if you aren't Japanese and if you're an ugly fuck (99% of everyone on this site)

>> No.44251304

very true

>> No.44251321

OMFG Get in here Jordan Peterson (150+ IQ) gives his take on the greatest anime ever !!!

>> No.44251331

yeah not clicking that

>> No.44251370


>> No.44251390

it's complicated. in california you make 200k as a "coder" but you also spend a ton on rent/housing, the cost of living is insane. in japan the cost of living is lower, and if you're japanese you get life time employment (you're not japanese of course so you will get hired as a temp and fired after 2 years because you didn't say good morning in the right tone and cadence)

>> No.44251391

im not because my dick was mutilated

>> No.44251396

that's unity defaulting to chinese because you're not playing on a japanese system

>> No.44251400

>perfect Japanese
don't kid yourself. you think you are speaking in perfect japanese while you actually sound like the equivalent of an indian in a tech tutorial

>> No.44251407

i watched japanese play it it was the same for them

>> No.44251417

they're playing on a pirated us windows

>> No.44251442

kill whitenoisers

>> No.44251449

you could remote work in a rich state while living in a cheap one

>> No.44251459
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, レベル1だけどユニークスキルで最強です 第02話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44251463

is that what you do?

>> No.44251464


asian bros...

>> No.44251496

they are really just like us

>> No.44251498
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - 06 (1080p) [4D51D804]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44251506

Real cuncuns aged 9-11 are slightly better than the average anime girl.

>> No.44251513

stop being weird even though you're technically correct

>> No.44251519

Nah. They are the closest to their 2D counterparts, but still worse. But I agree that a really cute 3D rori is often better than a plain looking 2D one. When both are super cute 2D still wins.

>> No.44251520

>The hero Max and his party slay the Demon Lord. Ten years later, the Demon Lord resurrects, but now looks like a young girl. Eager for a rematch, the Demon Lord tracks Max down, only to find that after being rejected by society, he has become an unemployed slacker who lives in a one room apartment. The Demon Lord decides to move in with him and try to get him back into shape so that they can have their rematch, much to the frustration of the Demon Lord's secretary, Zenia.
i don't even need to watch it to know what all the flaws are going to be.
for one thing, a major part of this premise is that he is an unemployed slacker living in a one room apartment. okay, so he just does nothing all day? wow what an intriguing anime!

>> No.44251533
File: 229 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - 06 (1080p) [4D51D804]-[07.01.171-07.02.965].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't need to watch it
then don't

>> No.44251534

one of my friends did

>> No.44251536


awful post

>> No.44251540

ye this guy doesn't chug

>> No.44251551
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of chugging

>> No.44251572

but your mom does

>> No.44251578

i hate this shit.
glug glug glug POOOHAAAAAAAAA

>> No.44251580

i wish
>tfw you will never watch seasonal isekai with your mom

>> No.44251585


>> No.44251616

don't forget the pose

>> No.44251625
File: 705 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha - 06 (1080p) [4D51D804]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44251627
File: 889 KB, 245x261, 1655237676074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good resource for learning radicals?

>> No.44251632

jp-subbed anime

>> No.44251635


>> No.44251645

they always do 3 eyes but i want to see an anime girl with 3 pussies

>> No.44251648

your mom your sis your wife

>> No.44251654

The sweaty butt crack of Nevada-tan.

>> No.44251659

dame i wanna break no fap bad

>> No.44251680
File: 471 KB, 480x270, 1654344340229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im allready doing that, but im still having some issues with identifying kanji, so I thought learning the radicals themselfs would be a good idea

>> No.44251701

it's a waste of time

>> No.44251708

[citation needed]

>> No.44251709

read more

>> No.44251714

do you think you will double your english reading speed if you read more?

>> No.44251735
File: 819 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mononogatari - 18 (1080p) [47B02C38]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you think

>> No.44251737

depending on how fast you already read, absolutely

>> No.44251739

lol thanks for proving you're retarded

>> No.44251742

i'm citing the most prolific /djt/-poster right here >>44251701

>> No.44251746

a jap /pol/cel...

>> No.44251748

right back at you lol

>> No.44251777

>i'm citing the loudest dekinai

>> No.44251783
File: 993 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mononogatari - 18 (1080p) [47B02C38]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44251785 [SPOILER] 

nigga struggloing with kanji alling people dekinai

>> No.44251818

if you arent remembering the kanji maybe you should try a little harder

>> No.44251823

watasi no kachite (tl note: my winning hand)

>> No.44251829

im not calling no one nothing I just want a good resource for learning radicals

>> No.44251831

try asking on r*ddit

>> No.44251837

>maybe you should try a little harder

>> No.44251838

i will take that as your concession

>> No.44251845

didnt click doe

>> No.44251846

>not already having max reading speed
I'm an ESL and I can read as fast as humanly possible. How can anyone have trouble reading English fast?

>> No.44251848


>> No.44251851

Draw all of them at 1000 times

>> No.44251859

so why cant you double your max?

>> No.44251865

Most japs barely know how to draw the majority of kanji by hand. They don't remember the shapes accurately. They recognize them visually and type them on their phone.

>> No.44251876

>a good resource for learning radicals

>> No.44251877

The trick to reading kanji is simply learning words. Forget about readings and radicals, just learn words with the kanji. When you read a sentence in English, you aren't actually reading each syllable as an individual sound. You see the whole word as a single entity and recognize it immediately, without paying attention to every letter.

That's why you can rearrange the letters in every word and still more or less understand what word it is, as long as the first and last letter remain in the same place.

>> No.44251880

i like competing but no one can compete with me big sad

>> No.44251886
File: 327 KB, 2048x1536, F28AZlJbUAAGR9s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese are literally immersing with english vtubers now
they will be fluent in no time

>> No.44251888


>> No.44251889

It doesn't matter what they do at all since they're all native speakers. Writing and drawing things will retain things better in the long run compared to passively reading some and soulless Anki grinding. School kids take classes in calligraphy so this isn't that different

>> No.44251892

>taking notes
is this the biggest sign that somebody won't make it

>> No.44251893

looks like ngmi to me

>> No.44251894

Also, spotting the difference between similar-looking kanji is the same as spotting a typo in an English word. If you are reading a book and see "diference" instead of "difference", something tells you the word is written wrong. That's how you can immediately tell if it's or 待つ or 持つ with a quick glance. Focus on seeing the word as a single entity with a specific shape (including attached hiragana) just like the English words. As soon as a single stroke is different, you'll notice a discrepancy.

>> No.44251897

I fill a page with new grammar and then I read the notes a million times until I remember them all. then I never forget

>> No.44251900

i just read

>> No.44251904

its okay if the notes are from actual immersion and not from a textbook
mining in anki is pretty much the same thing

>> No.44251906

Me too, I just said I read!

>> No.44251911

not well apparently

>> No.44251913

who here writes their notes in romanji instead of real japanese
be honest

>> No.44251918

biggest sign someone will make it

>> No.44251919

To practice the grammar you need to actually use the gramamar writing senteces, And read something you personally are invested in or find interesting, where the gammar is used.

To learn vocabulary, just focus on the kanji they use, as >>44246286 said. Learning words phonetically is a waste of time, you need to learn them with kanji to really commit them to memory. Otherwise you forget the word easily because it's just random sounds.

>> No.44251920

... nice reading comprehension anon

>> No.44251925

>writing notes all in English

>> No.44251927

I write decent kanji, but my hiragana is atrocious. But I like how shitty it looks because it looks like the handwriting of an actual JS5 loli.

>> No.44251929

imagine linking your own post from a previous thread yikes!

>> No.44251934

Drawing kanji is fun.

>> No.44251943

if you still have problems identifying letters, then yes, you'll sextuple it, if not more

>> No.44251946

I know dat
im a newfag and i just finished kana recently, I'm using minna no nihongo right now. I know everyone here says its cancer but its simple and im using it to learn all the basic particles
once im done with it i'll just learn new kanji/grammar like all the rest of youse fucks

>> No.44251954

Why do lolis have such terrible handwriting anyway? Are they morons? God did such a magnificent work sculpting their bodies and faces, making them the most beautiful human beings possible. And yet, they can't be assed to write properly. Ungrateful, sinful little cunts. Daughters of Eve, damned to Hell unless they repent through Iesus Kurisutos.

>> No.44251955

grammar doesnt exist

>> No.44251961

did anyone ever manage to finish a textbook without being drained of all motivation by the end?

>> No.44251968

boutta magnificently resculpt your face

>> No.44251975

Do you mean even my 6th grade preteen crush was a sinner who deserved Hell? Cute! Lewd! She was so cute and yet God despised her!

>> No.44251985

yeah probly
ive been enjoying it so far
I'm probably gonna start learning some basic kanji today, i dont wanna slack on it

>> No.44251996

God never intended for lolis to exist. He created Adam and Eve as adults. Lolis are a corruption of Eve's form, they only exist as a result of death and sin. We find them attractive because we are sinful creatures after the fall. In God's eyes, they are an abomination that ought to be destroyed.

The sight of the naked body of a loli is so corrupting and tempting, it should never be bared, even in solitude. For thought the eyes of men may look away, the eyes of the Lord are always watching.

>> No.44252015

>The sight of the naked body of a loli is so corrupting and tempting
only if youre a repressed homosexual (all pedos) in which case youll never make it to heaven anyway lol

>> No.44252023

>He created Adam and Eve as adults
lol he doesn't know

>> No.44252024

Anti-pedos go to Hell for letting the media brainwash them, as well as homosexuals for being narcissistic assholes. I'm neither.

>> No.44252030

so u literally just started jap
it's normal to have "trouble identifiying kanji" at that point that's no reason to waste a shitload of time on pointless radical study

>> No.44252035


>> No.44252039

don't sign ur posts

>> No.44252042

This is why we find imp Midna hotter than real Midna. She's a corrupted form filled with lust.

>> No.44252053

If there's no cunny in Heaven, how can it be Heaven at all?

>> No.44252058

dont suck mutt cock

>> No.44252061

So are rories supposed to stop bathing, or do they have to bathe with clothes on so God cannot see their vulgar butts and cunnies?

>> No.44252077

waiting for analworm to embarrass himself again like he did with the fate gotcha

>> No.44252082

i remember that
major cringe moment

>> No.44252085


>> No.44252095


>> No.44252101

the success of christianity gives me hope that i can start my own successful scam cult and have sex with new bitches everyday as neo jesus

>> No.44252103

repeat that for moe. his hearing is bad

>> No.44252111

the huh was always a remark

>> No.44252115


>> No.44252120

jesus was volcel

>> No.44252122

he just like me frfr

>> No.44252140
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>> No.44252188

All lolis are incels because they are horny as fuck from age 10 onwards but society won't let them have sex.

>> No.44252216

I have a loli step sis and she's so weird. She acts all prim and proper around me and her & my family, but when she's facetiming/hanging out with her school friends, she's literally the most vulgar bitch imaginable. I remember one time overhearing her and her friend upstairs with my six year old brother, and I heard her ask him "do you know what pussy is?" and proceeded to make jokes about eating pussy in front of him. I wanted to bitch slap her, but I restrained because 1.) i didnt want hear to know i was creeping on her conversation and 2.) she's too beautiful (physically) to hit

>> No.44252219

Hell yeah, let's start one when I have time.

>> No.44252232
File: 776 KB, 1280x800, 4597449579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down kyousuke

>> No.44252236

How can she not be vulgar when she's literally human and has something as vulgar as an anus? Even the cutest lolis are vulgar creatures that fall short of the glory of God. That's so lewd!

>> No.44252250

queeran? move to oregon bruv we could smoke hella pot and crack legally and rave party with matts dads every weekend, shit gonna be lit af

>> No.44252258

dame the pot be hittin hard meant for >>44251390

>> No.44252259

what do god worshipers have against anuses
it's god who created dat shit

>> No.44252270

I love anuses and find them hot, but acknowledging they are objectively gross is lewd because it humiliates cute girls. I want them to feel ashamed of their butts and never realize I actually find them cute.

>> No.44252273

they should stop bathing for several months, only bathed and purified on thanksgiving together with fathers

>> No.44252286

What about their privacy and human dignity? You shouldn't outrage the modesty of a rori! Their shameful unmentionables shouldn't be seen by others!

>> No.44252293


>> No.44252297
File: 145 KB, 517x469, 47954975497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want them to be ashamed of their butts because you're ashamed of your attraction toward them.

>> No.44252303

its funny you mention that..... not too long after I met her, I found out she can... poop. It shocked me. I remember she was staying over my dad's house when I was visiting, and my mom went down to the basement and ordered me to go upstairs, since my step sis was too embarrassed to poop in the bathroom since it was right next to my room. she didnt want me to know her secret, so she told my mom to lie to me and ask me to go upstairs for "some other reason". But my mom just straight up told me, despite her wishes. I wish I could've stayed ignorant... my mom is just too cruel....

>> No.44252305

I'm proud of my attraction toward them. but I want them to feel shame because ashamed girls are cute. I want the rori's face to turn red from utter mortification as I lick her butthole.

>> No.44252319

Someone at school probably has a crush on her and would pay to live in the same house and hear her pathetic farts when she goes to the bathroom. Having an unrequited crush is painful, so that guy would probably enjoy seeing her human side and realizing she's not perfect. She's cute but she shits anyway. She's not unattainable or superior to him. She's just human!

>> No.44252324

What would you ideal world be like?

>> No.44252349

My aunt tells me all sorts of embarrassing things about my rori cousin, despite the fact that she's 12 and should have pride and dignity. It's crazy how she tells me all about her embarrassing episodes, awkward moments and insecurities, like it doesn't even matter. The poor girl wants to uphold her pride and act smug around me, but I know all her shameful secrets. Mothers treat their daughters as less than humans, undeserving of human dignity.

>> No.44252381

what about shota

>> No.44252388

I have a 14 year old cousin that tried to OD on pills after she lost some type of a back and forth argument on tiktok, no fucking joke. fast forward a year two later, her mom wants nothing to do with her, and she moves in with her mom's mom, aka, granny. and not too long after that, she got kicked out of her grandmother's house, because apparently she was sneaking out late at night, getting super fucked up (both literally and figuratively). when my grandmother was taking all her shit out of her house, she found a bunch of dildos and bdsm shit

>> No.44252389

You mean things like how she peed the bed or how embarrassed she was at the idea of visiting the gynecologist for the first time, throwing a trantrum about it and crying? How how she accidentally caught her shaving her pubes for the first time and she closed the door angrily in embarrassment and didn't speak to her mom in two days?

>> No.44252402

shotas are only made for onna no hag

>> No.44252405

Lmao. How pathetic. How would she react if everyone at school knew about her secret masturbation addiction and bdsm toys? She'd get bullied to death.

>> No.44252420

Vile brats

>> No.44252424


>> No.44252437

>OD on pills after she lost some type of a back and forth argument on tiktok
The fuck. What goes on in their minds?

>> No.44252447

Nevada-tan literally decapitated her friend over an online argument at age 11. Girls are just crazy at that age. Maybe your cousin is autistic like Nevada too.

>> No.44252463

Any sites that I can use to find interesting Novels/Light Novels, bonus points if catered to Japanese learners? Something like JPDB except it's novel section is filled with non-fiction, like actual fucking books.

>> No.44252474

books are for homos

>> No.44252485

Facts about moeway and his guide:

>His “guide is actually just a money grab
>He posts on 4chan every day begging for donations and advertising his scam
>He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creator of the official djt guide Tatsumoto

Beginners, be sure to use only the official djt guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it!

>> No.44252491

>guide autism

>> No.44252493
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Learn by memorizing how to read words.

>> No.44252501

>Maybe your cousin is autistic
Yeah no. Autistic girls dont go out to gangbang parties and do drugs. I can tell you she is definitely not autistic, but she's most certainly fucked in the head. She was molested at an early by a step mother of hers, but aside from that, I honestly feel like I had a helping hand in giving her mental issues, since back in the day, me and her sister used to bully her relentlessly. Even back then she was a little tyrant, and she hated her sister, but she loved me... a lot.. romantically. She said she liked it when I beat on her, and she wanted me to hurt her. It honestly disturbed me. I eventually stopped talking to them once I grew up, and they soon followed and developed their... assets. I'm way too autistic to be around girls these days, even my own flesh and blood, and I never get to see them too much, since one of them is old enough for college now, and moved to NYC... and you already know what happened to one that got kicked out of her grandmother's place.

>> No.44252508

rtk order is best

>> No.44252533

You're almost right, as an annihilationist, but I'm here to tell you that the Lake of Fire is actually a healing, restorative fire. All sinners will be saved after entering the Lake of Fire. God saves all. Look into Christian Universalism

>For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does.
1 Peter 4:6

>> No.44252554

acquired 女尊男卑

>> No.44252596

That verse is a bit shaky. Does it really mean that, or does it mean "dead" as in those who are living in sin? I don't see your interpretation in that verse at all. And a bunch of other verses point to annihilationism.

I mean, someone who has willingly destroyed their morals over money and sleeps well at night after torturing a cartel victim, or accepting money to promote the deadly jab on TV, can't possibly repent. They are too evil and corrupted to ever feel an ounce of empathy for other humans. What you propose would require brainwashing, with God forcefully turning them good against their free will.

>> No.44252623

how do i unsubscribe from your blog?

>> No.44252640
File: 1.02 MB, 999x1169, 894848647641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my 報酬?

>> No.44252644

>not wanting to know about the shameful human faults and life problems of a seemingly perfect teenage girl

>> No.44252659

bruh no 報酬 time for you

>> No.44252691

He obviously wants bullying for his houshuu, don't give it to him.

>> No.44252713

pluck your gaijin eyeballs out and bleach them in yellowman sperm

>> No.44252721

yellow woman sperm is better

>> No.44252733


>> No.44252764


no this is gay

>> No.44252788

i ant clikin dyat shit virus ass nigga

>> No.44252814

its not gay if it comes from a woman retard

>> No.44252818

lol you're retarded.
russia is the last country in Europe that still maintains the traditional european values. every other country worships the devil and promotes anal sex.

>> No.44252829

All the possible learning orders are wonky.
You can be at 96% coverage with 1k kanji, but you're not getting that with either jlpt or kyouiku or any non-diy option.
But then, it's easier to learn if the kanji are grouped up by similarity so you can pick up the shared phonetic readings and aren't being inundated with every radical at once. But no option gives you that either.
Basically it's all shit, just pick whatever.

>> No.44252830

Anal sex is good if it involves lolis. Once they grow a full bush, it's haram to fuck them in the butt.

>> No.44252840

why did she have to leave hololive? imagine all the yuri we missed out on

>> No.44252857

she read some stats youtube showed her about her viewers and those stats mentioned taiwan as a country
fast forward the chinese holo branch shut down and she had to go as well

its also kinda funny because most chinese use a taiwanese vpn to even access youtube

>> No.44252875


>> No.44252879

Why did she try so hard to pretend she doesn't poop, when anyone can figure it out using common sense? It's kinda lewd how the entire ego and self-image of a cute loli is built upon the denial of reality. Such shaky foundations! Just hearing her fart through the door can obliterate her entire self-esteem because now you've seen such a pathetic side of her! Lolis live in denial of their humanity and they pay dearly for it.

>> No.44252903

It's funny, I've never heard her fart, despite being made aware of the fact that she pooped within only a few days of knowing her. I've only heard her mutter the word "fart" once, even.

>> No.44252904

i hate those brainwashed chinks so much

>> No.44252920

>It's kinda lewd how the entire ego and self-image of a cute loli is built upon the denial of reality.
Not him but that's kinda true, my mom and my sister successfully made me believe that 12+ years old girls don't fart & poop for a long time as a kid, they always gaslighted me when I said that I suspected my sister for farting.

>> No.44252934

meanwhile my sister used to fart in her hand and make me smell it

>> No.44252942


>> No.44253031

I wish I was an alpha loli so I could strip a cute loli naked in front of the whole class and humiliate the shit out of her as she begs and cries.

>> No.44253079

you can still make a hentai about it

>> No.44253116


>> No.44253160
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that time of the year again

>> No.44253175

high testosterone part of the year?

>> No.44253189
File: 423 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much

>> No.44253205
File: 170 KB, 863x1200, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to FUCK shizuku

>> No.44253321

whats that word you can never remember no matter how many times you review the card?
for me it's 得意

>> No.44253329

>review the card
there's your first mistake

>> No.44253341


>> No.44253378

this reminds me that i wanted to rewatch season 2

>> No.44253421
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>> No.44253422

i didn't enjoy s2 as much but maybe i'll like it more on my second run

>> No.44253436
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>> No.44253463

I don't remember them but I got 2-3 words that anki app "froze" because I missed them so many times...

>> No.44253753
File: 7 KB, 599x38, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 80: Today I was woke up late from a nap so my head kinda out there little bit so a longer to complete today session.

>> No.44253880

how do I figure what a kanji is more quickly
i know stroke orders but jishos input kanji by writing still doesnt really work most of the time

>> No.44253981

read more lil b

>> No.44253987

Try reading more, little brother.

>> No.44253991

You are 不得意

>> No.44253997

Literal 11yo roribrats with pathetic farting butts know more kanji than you do. How's that feel? The dumb slutty JS6 mesugaki is better than you at nihongo!

>> No.44254079

Google translate handwriting input works a lot better. It's basically magic.

>> No.44254092

learn japanese

>> No.44254169
File: 43 KB, 600x931, rtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this actually good?
i've been using core2.3 for over a month and i'd like to have something to study when i'm not at home

>> No.44254229

if you dont do rtk 1-3 you'll never learn kanji

>> No.44254281

read for another 8 hours today

>> No.44254346

8 more than me

>> No.44254454

i'll take this as a yes (i admit i would have bought it anyways lol)

>> No.44254490

>(i admit i would have bought it anyways lol)
dekinais don’t even pretend to listen to the advice here

>> No.44254507

Not really, only good for starting out and to have a list of the kanji at hand everywhere you go. Not necessary if you have a phone.

>> No.44254509

probably makes them more likely to succeed

>> No.44254515

The smelly arse of Nevada-tan.

>> No.44254522

Don’t bother. He wasn’t looking for actual advice, just confirmation bias.

>> No.44254571
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you got me, just thought having the book would be cool, but i also realize that i could just have a pdf of it on my phone
i will take a look at this, although i use shit like ajt mortician and flexible grading which don't seem to be compatible with ankidroid, at least not natively

>> No.44254586
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>> No.44254643

I was today years old when i realize i was using the chinese font for more than two years.

I guess i'm gonna keep using it because it doesn't bother me

>> No.44254787

No, I meant having Anki decks and a notepad app with a bunch of kanji you want to memorize. The book is useless beyond the early stages of kanji learning, whether it's physical or a pdf.

>> No.44254794

直ぐ and 置くare pretty different in Chinese font.

>> No.44254818

It doesn't teach a single Japanese word, only English keywords that may confuse you because it narrows down your concept of the kanji's meaning to a single word. It's good to learn the first 200, make sure to memorize the meanings of the components up to that point. Then just leave it and go back to Anki.

>> No.44254830
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i see, i won't be using it then

>> No.44254845

He's finally seen the light.

>> No.44254848

Heisig has a weird obsession with associating 大 and 犬 with a St. Bernard dog in particular. Not only is it a confusing as hell name for a race of dog, it also fucks up countless mnemonics because he keeps bringing up the damn St. Bernard for every kanji that uses either of them as components.

>> No.44254859
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>> No.44254890

Kodomo don't have any chikara! Pathetic! Lolis are weak losers!

>> No.44254953

There's no point in just having a raw list with no readings though.

>> No.44254955

I had not touched this book in a long time, many months since I had lost love for it and wanted to do something else. I just came back to it and it all floods back immidiately. I immidiately remember everything and what they mean roughly even though I haven't touched it or read any other native content that wasn't an exercise in a long time. This is amazing. This feeling is amazing. It's like my brain was made for this. This is it. I'm loving it again.

>> No.44254976

It's useful to have the book as a reminder so you can review the kanji you already know, in case you want to review a couple. But then again, it's easier to just have a list on your phone.

>> No.44255077

Review what, that a kanji with that shape exists?
It is in no way a legitimate tool for study.

>> No.44255112

Once you already studied properly, it's not a bad idea to have the book around so you can look at the last few pages and check if you recognize all the hundreds of kanji listed there without effort. It's more like a game, not worth buying the book for.

>> No.44255195


>> No.44255197

forgot to say, What game is this?

>> No.44255218
File: 12 KB, 611x181, 画像_2023-08-07_225323927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on without me...

>> No.44255268

But that's not anything, rtk isn't going to help you with the studying properly part, and you'ld get the same by printing out the JY list on a single sheet of paper.

>> No.44255358

>is this actually good?
For some people yes. See https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kanji#isolated-kanji-study
>i've been using core2.3 for over a month
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.

>> No.44255364

>All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s
Isn't the Core 2.3 deck especifically made to update the old decks, remove obvious loan words, and use words from modern vocabulary and media instead?

>> No.44255481

ignore tatsumoto spam

>> No.44255482


>> No.44255524

it was made by a complete retard who doesn't know japanese
he simply sorted the cards (again)

>> No.44255530



>> No.44255531

Am I the only one that actually did the core deck and then started mining afterwards? I swear everyone comes to these threads whining about how they don’t want to do it or how it “isn’t for them.”

>> No.44255534

What exactly is wrong with the content?

>> No.44255542
File: 48 KB, 345x500, 1691426695929167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/! I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation to Tatsumoto for their incredible guide to learning Japanese.
I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for stumbling upon Tatsumoto's guide early on in my language learning journey. Thanks to their guidance, dedication, and a whole lot of immersion, I have finally achieved fluency in Japanese! It's been an amazing adventure, and I owe a significant portion of my success to Tatsumoto's unyielding support.

Their emphasis on immersing in native media truly revolutionized my approach. By diving headfirst into anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese content, the language became not just a study subject, but an integral part of my everyday life. Tatsumoto's guide provided the framework, tips, and resources I needed to make steady progress.

So, if you're on the fence about Tatsumoto's guide, I highly recommend giving it a shot. It might just transform your language learning journey as it did for me. And Tatsumoto, if you're reading this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Your dedication and expertise have made a world of difference in my quest for Japanese fluency.

>> No.44255618

the same core deck, just ordered differently. so everything the >>44255358 anon said is still valid.

>> No.44255630

公爵 侯爵
The only homophone I've found that's actually problematic in practice and not just theorycrafting?

>> No.44255642

how much money do you make shilling your site?

>> No.44255677

So is it worthless? What am I supposed to use instead?

>> No.44255715

if you were really fluent, this shillwall would be in Japanese, not eigo, numbnuts

>> No.44255753

the one not being advertised by the tatsumoto shillbot

>> No.44255781

how many people here know jap considering that many djt posters don't even know english?
thus posting in jap makes no sense

>> No.44255788
File: 15 KB, 239x274, 1689962526069210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all DJTers (who are fluent) followed tatsumoto's guide.

>> No.44255815

Your ka-san taught you all the japanese words you're ever going to know. sorry.

>> No.44255821

100k a year

>> No.44255884

