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4413330 No.4413330 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rate Fate/Stay Night, /jp/?


Story: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 6/10 (Nothing really memorable)
Artworks, etc: 10/10
Narration: 7/10 (Shirou and Nasu being Nasu)

>> No.4413333


All of it

>> No.4413341

Story: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 10/10
Narration: 10/10

>> No.4413342

I give it a five...

...out of five.

>> No.4413347
File: 212 KB, 424x573, 凛私服13b頬(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artworks, etc: 10/10
The art is terrible, what is wrong with you.

>> No.4413349

Look at that picture you just posted and tell me it deserves 10/10 for art.

>> No.4413352

Fate: 8.5/10
UBW: 9/10
HF: 6/10 on Average, peaking at 8/10.

>> No.4413354

8/10 overall I guess.

>> No.4413355

Hentai scenes: 10000000+/10

Because having sex means getting naked.

>> No.4413365
File: 197 KB, 506x480, trollfacebody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you people like Umineko arts or similar

>> No.4413366

But what if they have sex with their clothes on?

>> No.4413368

They are both shit.

>> No.4413369

>implying Umineko's art is bad.

>> No.4413373

If only there were more artists in the world than just Takeuchi and Ryukishi!

Oh wait.

>> No.4413375

No, I like art that doesn't suck.

>> No.4413376

I don't think that's possible.

Stockings don't count.

>> No.4413380
File: 41 KB, 300x345, 16616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya: 10000/10
Everything else: 2/10

>> No.4413382

It is.
Faggots will go LOOK AT THEIR TROLL/CRYING FACES, SO MUCH EMOTIONS, except R07 draw the same faces on everyone.
Rest of the art is just bad, episode 6 in particular had some of the worst character design I've ever seen.

>> No.4413385

Fate: A good Romance. To much Retarted Shirou 7,5/10

UBW: Rin should have been the main character, Shirou don't make any sense for most of the path.
To much retarded situations, powerups, and plot device.
I blame Shirou for all of this, 6,5/10

HF: Porn with plot, 4/10

>> No.4413390

I've never played it.
The one time I got up the effort to bother torrenting it, the mirror moon site turned out to be offline.
I took it as a sign.

>> No.4413392

>episode 6 in particular had some of the worst character design I've ever seen
I like Umineko's art and even I agree with this. Auauau and the LOVE pair look horrible.

>> No.4413396

Story: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Artworks, etc: 8/10
Narration: 7/10

>> No.4413401
File: 234 KB, 800x600, shirouisnotaslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Name me a VN with better arts, and everything

>> No.4413408

Da Capo.

>> No.4413409 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 800x600, d85f4a011bda716fcfe056cdf43df890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how about this then.

>> No.4413405 [DELETED] 

I actually prefer Higurashi's art more.

>> No.4413414


Why 6/10 to the music?

>> No.4413416

Sakura's slut level: 10/10
Rin slut level: 2/10
Saber slut level: 2/10
Shirou slut level: 10/10

>> No.4413417

Obviously that isn't sex.

>> No.4413419


>> No.4413420

You haven't played many VNs, have you?

>> No.4413423

Personally the cast itself wasn't that great in the game.
The only character I found awesome were Kotomine and Ilya, Lancer was also pretty cool.
Rest I only started to love after reading all the doujin and side material.

Soundtrack was kinda weak, art was average but the special effect was great.
The story of UBW, or rather the concept, was pretty interesting, rest was run of the mill.

Shirou could have been a great and very interesting protagonist but his characterization was too heavy handed and his narration too bland.
I get that he is broken but even broken people can be entertaining to the reader, Shirou wasn't.

8/10 thank to UBW I guess.

>> No.4413424

Because it's not great. Check out Hitman: codename 47, Himan 2 silent assasin to listen 10/10 music.

>> No.4413426

Sound would be a much better term than music since I liked all the little sound effects. (Cutting board, sword clashes etc)

Much better than just a school bell and that fucking knock

>> No.4413428

Without Rin, this VN would have crumbled. She should really have been the main lead of this game.

>> No.4413429


Liking Fate/Stay Night is the only correct opinion.

>> No.4413435

Having only one set of sprites kind of makes things easier.

>> No.4413436 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 800x600, rinislove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are faggots

>> No.4413438
File: 16 KB, 369x585, hitman_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now imagining 47 as a servant.

>> No.4413442

>The only character I found awesome were Kotomine and Ilya, Lancer was also pretty cool.

In other words none of main characters were cool.

>> No.4413450

Shirou is the worst main character ever.


>> No.4413460

Side Characters 10/10

Heroines 0/10

Protagonist 6/10 for effort

>> No.4413463

Story: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 6/10
Artworks: 10/10
Narration: 7/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Fun: 5/10
Art: 4/10
Deepness: 9/10
Bookread: 5/10
Social commentary: 8/10
Pretentiousness: 7/10
Extant cultural sources for non-realistic narratives: 2/10
Playability hinges squarely and mundanely on just how gamelike it is: 5/10

>> No.4413468

Japan always have a fetish for shitty main leads, I wonder why the trend is so popular? Aoko's game hopefully address that issue.

>> No.4413478

So that shitty people such as myself can relate to them.

>> No.4413480

Not really, just a hole for the penis to sprout from.

>> No.4413482
File: 16 KB, 100x100, keiichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan always have a fetish for shitty main leads

That's why i love R07. His MC are awesome.
Fucking Magician of Words

Another awesome mc is Takeshi from Ever... to bad these guy are so unpopular, maybe is because they are not overpowered faggots.

>> No.4413485

What if they go MGS2 on shit and make someone else the protagonist after the prologue?

>> No.4413486

Shitty opinions do not mean much either.

>> No.4413488
File: 15 KB, 800x600, shiruoujam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There no way you can related to Shirou.

>> No.4413494

Wouldn't it be better to make MCs awesome so that we can aspire to be awesome instead of just hope women will suddenly fall in love with our dicks one day? ;_;

Disregard this post.

>> No.4413495

It's too bad Aoko isn't the main in her game.

>> No.4413496
File: 95 KB, 810x648, rinisagirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin: 10/10

Everything else: 0/10

>> No.4413497

There are plenty of awesome leads, look at Morita Kenichi for example.

>> No.4413505

Well, of course.
Sleeping 6 hours per day, doing gym routine, cooking breakfast, going to school whilst doing oddjobs, doing a part-time job, cooking dinner, training magecrafct and SABER sparring when the grail War started?
I could never do that.

>> No.4413508

Shirou is bad because he's retarted and poorly written (Idealsidealsidealsidealsideals, WHAT THE FUCK).

He could have been a decent main character.

>> No.4413515


>> No.4413517

Too much carbon monoxide does that.

>> No.4413519

Main is random high school boy.

>> No.4413520


>> No.4413521

Story: 9/10 (I like the setting)
Characters: 7/10 (They're pretty cool and likeable, but except for Shirou nobody has any depth, at all)
Music: 6/10
Artworks, etc: 7/10
Narration: 7/10

All in all it's 7/10, I have yet to read HF though

>> No.4413524

Enjoy your worst route and heroine combo.

>> No.4413532

As generic as Sword Boy and Asshole who kills a bit too easily were?
Or the DID Blade lover girl?

>> No.4413538

Story: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 4/10
Art: 8/10
Narration: 7/10
Protagonist: 3/10 in Fate; 9/10 in UBW; 7/10 in HF.
Sex scenes: 5/10, with the Saber/Rin/Shirou scene being the major redeeming factor.
I am: the bone/of my sword

>> No.4413551

Kiritsugu emiya is a good main lead. too bad its a spin-off.

>> No.4413552


This shit is like the Naruto of VNs

>> No.4413554

I am sure this makes much sense in your head.

>> No.4413558

Music 8/10

Fuck you fags, music is great.

>> No.4413560


Shirou is an overpowered Faggot like Sasuke

>> No.4413563

Even if you call him the lead, you never focus on his viewpoint.

>> No.4413568

At least he gets SUGOI

>> No.4413574

Enjoy your ALL-AGES.

>> No.4413578

The implication that you follow Naruto or actually believing they have any similarity beyond their voice-actor...
Do not know which makes you the bigger retard.

>> No.4413580


It wasn't bad per se, but the are few tracks and they get boring quckly.

Like Archer and Saber flashbacks, THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME FUCKING MUSIC.

>> No.4413584

Story : 9/10
Characters : 7.5/10
Music : 7/10
Art : 7/10
Narration : 6/10

>> No.4413586

>Fuck you fags, music is great.

Bitch don't know about my umineko

>> No.4413587

Story 7/10
Characters 8/10
Music 5/10
Artworks 6/10
Narration 6/10
I'd gave it about 78/100 overall.

Fanbase: 0/10
No offense, but they are awful.

>> No.4413589

There were maybe four songs memorable enough that I can recall them off the top of my head. And that's saying something considering the relatively low number of songs in FSN's soundtrack, meaning the ones they had were played over and over. A lot.

>> No.4413590


>> No.4413592

Naruto pigdisgusting

>> No.4413594

>No offense, but they are awful.
Perhaps the same could be said of all Fanbases.

>> No.4413596

People like this shit only because of the shounenshit fights in UBW and the bisexual women.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4413598

But that does mean we'll never see Aoko's tits. ;_;

>> No.4413606

I like it, but not for these reasons.

>> No.4413609

Your words are as empty as your soul! /jp/ ill needs a savior such as you!

>> No.4413613

Suigin put it best: Bleach with porn.

>> No.4413617

Story: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10 (emiya & excalibur FTW)
Artworks, etc: 9/10
Narration: 8.5/10
Yeah, I re-read the fight scenes.

>> No.4413620

There's no Namek in FSN.

>> No.4413632

First of all, he was not the one to say it(first).
Secondly, supporting a retarded tripfag instead of of using your own words does not help.
Finally, the statement alone does not make sense.
Just say 'it sucks'.

>> No.4413634

I thought the fights and hentai scenes were boring. The story was great.

>> No.4413662

I don't know, I didn't watch the anime and this is not a VN board.

>> No.4413666

The story isn't great, the setting is, not the same thing.
Honestly the story of Fate and HF is mediocre, nothing really impressive in the storytelling.
UBW was focused on a pretty interesting concept but the execution of this concept was honestly subpar.

Give it to a good storyteller and the whole Archer subplot could have been really brick shitting.

>> No.4413671

Actually, disregard that, the Cirno faggotry made me think I'm in /a/. Fuck.

>> No.4413679
File: 61 KB, 802x645, rindiewhenkilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give it to a good storyteller and the whole Archer subplot could have been really brick shitting.

If only Rin was the main character ;_;

>> No.4413692 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming AɳoɳTalk.com with your stupid shit.

>> No.4413685

cirno is a /jp/ thing too

>> No.4413689
File: 84 KB, 475x659, lancerwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought the fights and hentai scenes were boring. The story was great.
>fight scenes

What did you like? The kitchen scenes?

>> No.4413696

Cause F/SN alternates between cooking and fast paced sword-clanging, amiright?

>> No.4413702

You say that like it's a good thing.

>> No.4413703

VN and Touhou may not be exactly JAPAN-related. But IS /jp/-related.

>> No.4413706

Good or bad, it's a fact.

>> No.4413707

no, just pointing it out

>> No.4413709


It does in Heavens Feel.

>> No.4413712

Not really, just look at angry typemoon fan for example.

>> No.4413716

Sure, it does.
A dozen plus hours worth of reading just that.
Complimented with 423 Sakura sex scenes, right?

>> No.4413723

Pfft, you think that's the worst example of a fanbase ever?
Not even half as annoying as most of the shit that /jp/ cycles through.

>> No.4413742


F/SN is lie

Cooking- Filler- Cooking- Fight with Pl0x- Cooking

>> No.4413840

No, that was just one example why I consider them very bad.

>> No.4413855


Yep. HF has the worst pacing of all three routes. It only get's good near the end.

>> No.4413894

Worst pacing in comparison to the other two does not lead to the ridiculous comments usually seen here, but whatever.

>> No.4414009

Story: 6/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 4/10
Artworks, etc: 7/10
Narration: 3/10

>> No.4414028

Story: 0/10 (No Ilya route)
Characters: 0/10 (Slut as a main heroine in HF)
Music: 9/10 (Lorelei and Emiya are both classy act)
Artworks: 7/10 (Nothing special)
Narration: 1/10 (Only the prologue Rin narration is good)

>> No.4414068
File: 199 KB, 850x480, 4a161d9847d2999f6d8221ad6669f969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story: 2/10, seriously this is some comically convoluted horseshit
Characters: 1/10, I hated almost everybody in the game, it's very disconcerting when the game has heroes and heroines who I want to stab and fuck the wounds. They're still better than in Tsukihime though, in Tsukihime I didn't get any kind of an emotional reaction at all.
Music: 7/10, did its job, and the "asskicking starts now" theme was always good to hear.
Art: 9/10 or 10/10, and I'm quite serious about that. This sort of friendly, simple, cartoony style works much better than the fancier, more realistic styles used in Nitro+ games for an example, and the character designs are excellent.
Narration: 3/10, and only gets that much because some of the more melodramatic scenes did make me tear up a little by hammering the same point over and over and playing sad piano-plinkety-plonk.

Overall I give FSN my highest rating: one star.

>> No.4414090

Sure is bad trolls around here.

>> No.4414095

11/10 for ilya
5/10 for rest

>> No.4414105

Sure is butthurt faggot as usual here.

>> No.4414113


I knew I was forgetting something. The most important score:

Scenario: 8/10. Excellent concept, really gets you thinking what you would do in the situation, only loses points because the game forces you to be Shirou instead.

>> No.4414116


>> No.4414125

10/10 for Rin

>> No.4414126


Sure is /v/a/b/ here, lately.

>> No.4414207

Scenario was only good thing about Fate,
