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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4366141 No.4366141 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is dead

>> No.4366166


>> No.4366168 Canada

>> No.4366176

I don't think you know what IP address is.

>> No.4366266

not sure if trolling, but i'll help out anyways.

that's your lan ip. it can only be accessed by devices connected to your router. think of it as a tiny secluded internet.

what you want to broadcast is your wan ip, which is an ip that can actually be routed and connected to remotely. check myipaddress.com to find that.

>> No.4366327

Let's play.

>> No.4366334
Taking a break from reading VNs all night tier.

>> No.4366367

GGs dude, sorry for playing so few games, I had less time than I expected.

>> No.4366378

Good games!

>> No.4366650

Any EU host around?

>> No.4366844

Bump for the same question.

>> No.4366858
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Only for you guys

>> No.4366884

someone host?

>>4366858 it's full

>> No.4367067

If you give me 5 minutes I'll create a deck for Alice and will host again, Akagi

>> No.4367078


>> No.4367112

...aaaaaaaaand, here we go

>> No.4367409

That's enough for today, I picked random to change color with my Alice. It's pretty fun to play with her, maybe I'll throw Purplechouly to the Recycle Bin... or maybe not. Her bubbles are making me laugh too often. Thank you for joining

>> No.4367501
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Well, good games dude, thank you for hosting. Sorry for trying so hard with Marisa, I just started playing with her since yesterday. Still have a lot of trouble connecting 66A with Busky Sweeper for the acrobatic combo, which lead to quite a lot of trouble for me. See you around, it was really nice to play without any delay at all!

>> No.4367531

>See you around, it was really nice to play without any delay at all!

...was I laggy before?

>> No.4367624

The reason why you posted your reply so late was because you were searching for a Marisa x Alice picture, right?

>> No.4367663

No, don't worry, it's just that the people I played with recently had some delay, so it felt good to play without.

>> No.4367674

Hahaha, you are smart, that's exactly the reason.

>> No.4367680

Finding EU players can be troublesome sometimes, even when I am the one who is hosting

>> No.4368007
East Coast Lowkuu.

>> No.4368112

i see no one requesting west host

>> No.4368155
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EC Hosting
Rabbit Tier

>> No.4368318
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U.S. West
Nitori tier

>> No.4368397
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>> No.4368412
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>> No.4368706

Really, why don't people on /jp/ take some small time to learn some bnbs?
I mean, they are pretty easy to learn and help a lot, I'm tired of seeing people doing stupid combos that don't even end in anything

>> No.4368715

gg rabbit stew game was fun uh only thing was your 5b5c stringing was kinda predictable where i can graze in but we then took it to the air. I would just keep using J2A to get above and follow up with 2B.
Also for wake up plant something like her 623 to give you an edge.

>> No.4368722

Where can I get the patch for these extra characters? I really like the one with the mickey mouse ears.

>> No.4368724

because we dont watch nico vids.

>> No.4368730

>why don't people on /jp/ take some small time to learn some bnbs?
Because they want to have fun.

>> No.4368733

you poor soul you been trolled its ok we also want to believe

>> No.4368750
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>> No.4368754

Fun is subjective, people can have fun knowing how to combo, it's not like being able to do a bnb is something hardcore or elitist

>> No.4368798

and the point is people can have fun without comboing either. Its just personally i rather not think of what im suppose to do than just doing. I press buttons and hope by pressing enough i can press that one button that makes everything look pretty.

>> No.4368817

That's right, everyone has his own way to find the fun, so stop complaining about people who don't use the BnBs. If you don't like to play with someone like that, no one is forcing you to stay.

>> No.4368854

I'm not really playing anyone here, but I tought that people here actually wanted to get better, I didn't know you were so stuck up
I'm sorry I brought this up, kthxbye

>> No.4368861

Akin to yelling at little leaguers to stop dropping balls.

>> No.4368868

You seem offended to know low skill levels in a game exist.

>> No.4368869

3/10 go back to where you came from and pretend you're good at this game. EC

>> No.4368874

Back to wherever you came from, please.

>> No.4368881

guys stop the fighting all we want to do is have fun right?

>> No.4368936

requesting west hoster cant bnb tier

>> No.4369017
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Haven't played in a while. Man I feel rusty...

>> No.4369021 [DELETED] 

Why must you stupid guys constantly spam and attack www . anon
talk . com for? Please stop. We don't want any chanturds there.

>> No.4369166

>stop the fighting
>SWR2 Netplay Thread

>> No.4369228

Still scared shitless of Iku :V

>> No.4369232

GGs, Kusoge?
I like watching you try to land 66C whenever you get that overhead sun card. Then I cry because it hits.

>> No.4369245

Yeah honestly I wish I was never told that comboed because the second I have it I spam 66C all day and get raped for it.

>> No.4369265

It's like you're really a.a.!

>> No.4369267
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EC Host
Rabbits everywhere

>> No.4369342
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I don't spam 66C that much!

>> No.4369360

Any hosting? I need to practice. ;_;

>> No.4369432
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Good games, Seacats. Was just checking on your Reisen; it seems you're like me and need to work on your timing and spacing with her more than anything else.

Just woke up, too tired to write anything clever.

>> No.4369451

yeah as much as I love her disappearing stuff I still need to figure out how much distance it actually has.
>>4369267 Rehosting

>> No.4369662

I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me~

>> No.4369689
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Awesome games Akagi. That was amazingly fun. Not sure what happened though at the end, just froze us and dumped us?

>> No.4369694

Good games, Seacats. For some reason I really like to camp out in the corner. Sorry to cut our games short, but I have to eat dinner.

>> No.4369695
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Sudden disconnect, I don't know what happened.

Good games otherwise, it was pretty fun, yeah!

>> No.4369704

Yeah GGs

>> No.4369789

Well, I discovered why all my games lag--because my Internet is only twice as fast as 56K. This is supposed to be DSL? What a joke!

Anyway, I think I'll hold off playing anyone until much later--around 2 a.m. it seems to get faster for some reason.

>> No.4369914

Good games, 0rion. While effective, you should find more ways of closing the distancing and pressuring than just 3A -> 2A -> 2C. Once that gets predictable you seem to lose quite a bit of momentum.

>> No.4369926
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GGs as always Guy. Still have no clue how to deal with endless knife works. Your China defense is pretty solid; I have an incredibly hard time trying to figure out how to attack you unless you get really aggressive and leave openings.

>> No.4369941


Agreed, I just don't really know what else to do, especially against your Meiling, since I seem to always lose the aerial melee exchanges, which I've noticed I tend to rely on quite a bit with Remi. I mostly just ended up sitting back trying to wait for you to come in, since I couldn't figure out any other way to create opportunities for attack.

>> No.4369969
File: 90 KB, 432x728, Hong Meiling, the name is Hong Meiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could help, but my Remi sucks. The only thing I can think of is the old how-to-defeat-me standby: let me get aggressive then punish my screw-ups.


>> No.4369985

you can chain 3A into a dial-a and 2A into 5C hj9 j.5C j.66 j.8A

>> No.4370024

That 3A part made no sense, forget it, just read the 2A part

>> No.4370057


I can't get that to work since the 1.10 patch. Is it even still possible?

>> No.4370066
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Also, I do believe that is the first time I've ever been complimented on my defense. Ever.

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.4370157

GGs Akagi
sorry I gotta leave but I gotta eat.

>> No.4370165

Good games Seacats!

>> No.4370166


OK, after messing around in practice I discovered you can get the same result with 2A 2C hj8 5C 66D 8A.

Still can't get the 2A 5C jh9 5C 66D 8A version to work though; ever since the patch the 8A whiffs for me. Maybe I'm not just cool enough.

In any case, my real problem isn't my BnB combos with Remi, it's trying to close the distance. Guy used his 5C, j5C, or charge 5C, and then liberal application of kung fu kicks to stop any attempts I made to get into melee range. Coincidentally China's 5C and 6C eat Remi's danmaku, so I at point I wasn't sure how to proceed.


>> No.4370246

I know how it feels, but you can try to make him approach you, like with the spears alt 214 or 5[C]

I wouldn't know anyways, I've never played a good chi-err... meiling and I can't play guy either

Good luck

>> No.4371456

bumping thread before it crosses over the gensokyo border

>> No.4371491

Lovely bump of love.

>> No.4371498

requesting west host since bumps were gapped.

>> No.4371610
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WC host here

>> No.4371626
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I'm too predictable.

>> No.4371630
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I speak from 1.03 experience with her since I've dropped Remi for Alice and Meiling (and recently Sakuya), but try these and see if it helps with closing the distance and winning out in melee encounters:

When trying to close with Meiling, realize that Servant Fliers (default 214BC) are the best goddamn closing tools you will ever have. Spawn some, then time your approach to coincide with the bullets. As far as I know, Meiling's only decent graze attack is Spiral Light Step (Default 214BC), and that is usually swapped out for Descending Flower Slam. If you approach Meiling, maintaining your guard in case she tries a graze attack or a quick 623C, with your bat bullets right behind you, it will force Meiling to either graze (In which case she should eat some of your melee without issue), graze attack (Which is limited to her default 214BC and DFS 214C version, which is easy to dodge), or throw up a C shield, in which case your response should be default 236BC to graze through it and smash Meiling in the face

Get level 1 Demon Lord Cradle (Default 623BC) for the melee invincibility. It will let you win out on almost any melee encounter and reset the fight by knocking Meiling down

>> No.4371637
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Remember your B bullets. Though Meiling can easily stop them with her C shield from a distance, you'd be surprised how you can mess with someone's mind when tossing them out there when you're just out of melee range. You can't really get a combo out of them, but it will give you some relatively decent mid range pressure, because her C bullets are just a hair too slow to stop them if you're close enough. Don't rely on them though, just keep them in the back of your mind as an option

If for some insane reason you insist on using an alternate 214BC skill rather than Servant Fliers, try to use your C bullets in a similar way. Be warned that it is not nearly as effective because your bullets will be in front of you, which gives Meiling time to use a C shield, meaning your only real option is to use Demon Lord Walk (default 236BC) as you desperately try to catch up to your bullets. This is clearly inferior to the three options presented to you with Servant Fliers (Melee attack on graze, dodge her anti graze attacks and strike her while she recovers, or land a 236BC as she tries to C shield)

Good luck!

>> No.4371856

Why use demon lord walk if you can approach with hj9 and j.66?
servants is the only remilia that I never had a card for in my deck, and I never had any problems approaching

>> No.4371893

Disconnect? Good games, 0rion. I told you my Remi was bad!


>> No.4371895


Rehosting, sorry controller came unplugged.

>> No.4371913


>I told you my Remi was bad!
>beats me anyway
>I'm worse than bad


>> No.4371938
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You can, but I personally wouldn't because I'd be worried about getting caught in the C shield behind me because I suck and sometimes attack when in the middle of a boolet, ruining everything. Pic related, my reaction when that happens ;_;

Your mileage may vary, of course

>> No.4371990
Hostan Canadia

>> No.4372010

I think we got desynced there in that first match.

>> No.4372071

Good games, 0rion.

>> No.4372076

GGs Guy. Thanks for the Remi pointers. I'll go over the replays later and see if there's anything useful I can get into my thick cranium.

>> No.4372106

I was trying to show you more stuff, but I really suck at setting stuff up with Remi; I'm pretty horrible at being properly mobile with her. If you manage to get someone in the corner though, try staggering melee a bit then throwing out some 5C hjc j.2C to eat more orb.

>> No.4372176
US Midwest

>> No.4372186


I always try to do that and fail the input. You have no idea how much I raged those few times I managed to get you into the corner and then just horribly screwed up my blockstring and got punched in the face for my troubles.

>> No.4372198

any more hosters for tonight?

>> No.4372214

Execution errors make me rage more than almost anything else.

>> No.4372230

how do you play this?

>> No.4372255

66C repeatedly until you win

>> No.4372272

thats no good he'll probably use reimu as default, so you kinda fucked him up.

>> No.4372376

5C repeatedly until he wins?

>> No.4372381

He's a beginner, so he'd probably use Suika.

>> No.4372389

GGs but damn horrible Tenshi BnB execution along with getting input errors like crazy, bad times man.

>> No.4372400

Gahaha! Good games GP! What was up with the first round? I totally thought I was playing a beginner. I had to rethink that position very quickly, after noticing you back dashing the C4. That is a pretty brutal Yuyuko you have, I was hoping for a few more matches to see if I really had her figured out or if it was just the deck you chose. Also, I'm suprised none of the Suika throws connected. Thanks for the games!

>> No.4372414

I played SWR1 some time ago, when did this second part come out?

>> No.4372418

Alright, I'll keep that in mind the next time we play.

>> No.4372431

Back in September I think.

>> No.4372509
US East

>> No.4372543

I kept waiting for him to land one, but you were jumping out that shit like you were fighting Zangief.

>> No.4372590

Can't beat Duckator still :V

>> No.4372604

Good games. You've improved since yesterday, you don't mash nearly as much as you did before.

>> No.4372612

Oh shit, spectators. I have an inkling that Suika Grab is always jump evadable, but I need someone to test it with.

>> No.4372616

If you are talking the hyperbomb super then yes it is jump evadeable on super flash, the second you see it just hold up.

>> No.4372883

Good games Saje.

Patchouli always scared me, but even moreso when playing Meirin's side. That's gotta be one of her worst matchups, so I feel relieved to have won any at all.

My Marisa seems to be really lucky at living on the edge. I'm pretty sure that's not what Magister meant when he claimed I had one of the better non-Japanese Marisas.

Darn that Typhoon in the first round of the last game, made my Sanae look bad.

>> No.4372900

GGs, Komachisa. Would've liked to have put on a better show, but between your decent grazes and some of your character's staggered melee (oddly that was better with your Marisa/Komachi than with your China imo), I couldn't seem to get much of an offense going most of the time. That one Komachi vs. Iku match where I spent half of it blocking was actually the reason I had to go. Got a phone call from someone who should be calling back soon and was playing one-handed. The connection was very iffy considering the fact that I'm on the East coast as well. Pleasure fighting you for the first time, hope to show you something better next time.

>> No.4373045

>Got a phone call from someone who should be calling back soon and was playing one-handed.
Dang it! I knew my Komachi wasn't that good, even if she's supposed to be my main.

>oddly that was better with your Marisa/Komachi than with your China imo
I guess that's right. I need to pay more attention to what Guy does when he beats me up. I noticed that you were constantly dashing through the gap after my 5AAA, but even when I tried mixing things up a bit, e.g. 5AA (projectile) you still ran through. At least the 623 Scarlet Cannons caught you a few times for being too keen on trying to escape.

>The connection was very iffy
It's all on my side, but today was probably the least laggy set of games I've had. Earlier my Internet speeds were around 100kbps (which seems to be the norm), and just before we played it was hovering around 300kbps. If we play again chances are high it'll be a lot worse than this time.

>Pleasure fighting you for the first time
Well yes, except it's not actually the first time. I'm someone's alternate name.

>> No.4373099
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, Sakuyaaflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy's Meiling

1.) Mash 2A
2.) ???
3.) Win matches!

I wish my art and writing looked as good as yours.

>> No.4373124

>I noticed that you were constantly dashing through the gap after my 5AAA
Aside from completely losing pressure, it didn't hurt you as bad as it hurts most people. You always had the time to HJC your bullets before I could punish. It was terribly annoying. I'd've gone for HJ9 j.5A instead since by then I knew you'd HJC (assuming you didn't melee special me), but I knew I'd do it too slowly and eat the bullets instead and D9 always results in me flying instead. Also, damn China 5C oki versus Patchy wake-up Spring Wind! I'm supposed to be invulnerable and grazing and unbeatable! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeap! ;_;

>I'm someone's alternate name.
Now you've piqued my curiosity.

>> No.4373204

I don't know, when you were blowing away Yggdrasiface yesterday, it certainly looked like more than just 2AA... 3A/6A 6B/5C/6C, etc. Everything happens so fast that I can't register what's going on. Evidently, I'm not mashing 2A hard enough!

I got my handwriting to look neat by observing and copying girls' handwriting.

>> No.4373350
US Central

>> No.4373568

Disco, you're not finishing your Okuu combos until you pick up Alt 236. 5AA 6A 2B 623B HJC8 j.8A works until you manage to get the card you want.

>> No.4373732
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Good games noname. I have to go though.

>> No.4373746

Good games, Disco.

>> No.4373753


inb4 "ballin everyday niggas"

>> No.4373839

This only works point blank range.
Also remove the 2B.
Personally, I still like lasers because it'll work almost everywhere outside of corner and in all situations.
Plus once you get alt 22 or alt 236 you can just combo into those after it.

>> No.4373869

Today I learned that you can lose Fantasy Heaven if you deal the last hit just as fifteen seconds pass since you activated it (especially if you're jumping).
Felt bad, man.

>> No.4374056

Today I learned that Uberloli can jump. I've always tried to hammer them while they were trying to escape. ;_;

>> No.4374376

>watching Japanese replays
>Komachi summoning catfish while on the ground then place-changing with Patchy at the last second.

Oh God I laughed so hard.

>> No.4374397

Thanks, now I have to make a Catfish deck for Komachi.

>> No.4374889


Good lord what? I need to see this
Are you just talking about nicovideo vids or is there actually some website to download Japanese replays from?

>> No.4374992

I don't know of a site to download replays from, but here's the video link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9680131.. It's about 3.5 minutes in, I found it while browsing nico for lunatic replays.

>> No.4375181


Hahaha, oh wow. Thanks

>> No.4375281


<fill this space out>

>> No.4375295

1.) Mash B
2.) ???
3.) Win

I'm half kidding. I'm just too tired to write anything else at the moment.

>> No.4375550
File: 63 KB, 362x362, sakuya playing_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still learning to play with her, but here are some of the things I've learned

Use B bullets whenever possible. C bullets suck and should be used sparingly, if at all

Magic Star Sword (default 236BC) and Bounce No-Bounce (default 214BC) are some of your best moves and should not be changed out unless you really, really like the idea of experimenting. Both of Sakuya's alt 236BCs suck, and the only good alt 214BC is Square Ricochet, which is best described as Bounce No-Bounce except that it doesn't turn into a weather crystal if you get hit

In fact, you know what? Almost all of Sakuya's alt skill cards suck. The only ones that seem at all useful are Perfect Maid, Propelling Silver (for when Bounce No-Bounce just isn't enough oki), Square Ricochet, and Dancing Star Sword

On the other hand, almost all of Sakuya's spellcards are pretty goddamn awesome. Experiment with them to see which ones you like the most

Level 4 Dancing Star Sword with level 4 Control Rod is JESUS FUCK LOOK HOW MUCH DAMAGE I'M DOING

By the way, does anyone know how Vanishing Everything is affected past level 1? I know that at level 1, it becomes usable midair, but I seriously can't tell the difference between it at level 1 and it at level 4. I don't seem to have any more invincibility frames, it looks like I recover just as slowly.. am I just missing something?

>> No.4375575


>> No.4375834

Right now the only spell card I use is the 4-card red slashing one. It's just too easy to land a 66B and hit it.

Skills, I usually use defaults, but I've been messing with her timed 236 knives lately. They seem pretty shit so far, but I saw some RLY GUD JAPANESE PLAYERZ using them in replays, so I figured they had to be good, because yeah.

Any tips for system cards?

>> No.4375885

Anyone hosting?

>> No.4375950

You should take a look at her other spellcards then. Red slashy and 3card timestop are great for damage off random hits, blue slashy is a reversal, 2card barrage is good for crushes, timeslow is a universal pressure tool and the homing 2card is great on wakeup.

I use her 236 default way too much to switch it out but the others are not bad if used well.

The timestop system card was nerfed to hell. It was like a 100% oki before and now it's too short to dash anywhere.
You can't go wrong with guard counter and bomb system cards though.

>> No.4375952

In case you missed it: >>4375347

Concentrated awesome.

>> No.4376015

Where the fuck are all the hosts?

>> No.4376021

It's V day, man.

>> No.4376024


>> No.4376027

They left /jp/ because /jp/ is turning into a board that celebrate V day.

>> No.4376033 EC
Please rape my face tier.

>> No.4376050

You had me scared for a second there, buddy.

>> No.4376122

Any host?

>> No.4376212


>> No.4376265

GGs. Sorry for leaving early, but I have to do something real quick.
Any tips? ;_;

>> No.4376303

You tried to dash under me a lot and fell for a lot of traps because of this (or the lag).
Sometimes it's better to block and see what's coming at you.
You also teched away from the corner every single time.

>> No.4376395

I like the timed knives.

>> No.4376441

I never really understood what a reversal is. I know it's something that you use while being attacked or something, but kind of fuzzy about how to use them effectively...

I'll give the guard break card a shot. Kind of prefer the 'horse shoe looking pink thingy that you use while blocking' in replace of bombs, unless I'm missing something about bombs :z

>> No.4376483

Sakuya doesn't really need Yukari's Folding Fan to crush orbs in the corner, and I don't see you landing it much midscreen. I suppose it'd be something to try out, though.

You're pretty much right about Reversals. They're an attack that typically give you some sort of invulnerability frames so you can punish someone else for doing a slower attack against you (classic example being some Ken player using a Shoryuken against some poor dumb bastard who did an unsafe jump-in for whatever reason). As for spellcards that can be used as reversals, there are three main ways to use them:

1.) on reaction against an attack
2.) predicting an attack or jump in/jump away/dash in/or even border escapes in some cases
3.) as a combo finisher

The second option is quite hard to do, but can really be devastating to your opponent, the third one actually isn't that bad if you're fairly close to defeating your opponent.

>> No.4376500

Oh, Iku's system card. That's pretty effective (particularly in Diamond Dust weather as it pretty much guarantees knockdown against your opponent), but sometimes you'll still take hits from your opponent despite activating it. The bomb card doesn't have that problem, and if your opponent has a mere sliver of life left, you can finish him off after you bomb him sometimes (attack damage is really low after you land a bomb, though).

>> No.4376515

A reversal is a move with invinciblility on startup. So if you see the opponent trying to hit you, use it and the attack will miss and your reversal will hit.

The difference of bombs to Iku system is that you do not have to block first, so you can bomb away dashing opponents or avoid crossups without blocking first. It should be said that you can only use the latter on rightblock, so you could get crushed while trying to get it in. But it's also much harder to bait than a bomb.

>> No.4376517

I have a bit of trouble crushing peoples orbs in the corner. Not really good at blockstrings, I usually just spam 5aaa 2b hjc9 j2a j2b + repeat since it's pretty easy to do, but anyone with a brain can graze out of it. What do you do for strings? :3

>> No.4376557

What you listed isn't all that bad, really. The problem is that when you use it too much it gets predictable. Your strings should really vary with how long you've been playing your opponent. At first, you should start out with something standard, like f.5A 6A 5B hjc8 j.2B 3D j.5A 5AAA 2B hjc8 j.2B etc

If you feel like the opponent is getting a sense of when to graze, mix it up a little. f.5A 6A stagger 6A 5B hjc8 j.2A j.2B 66 j.2A j.2B 66 j.5A 5AAA 2B

If you follow the above format, and occasionally interrupt yourself to do stuff such as, say, staggering a 3A after the 5B or staggering a f.5A after the 6A to reset pressure and get extra orb damage if he's blocking low, you'll find that your opponent is either panicking and jumping the gun to get out of the corner early (which means you should start doing more jump-out predictions and more stagger, with less knives), or he's sitting tight and too scared to move out.

If he's sitting tight, that's when you pretty much get guaranteed orb crushes. f.5A 6A 5B hjc9 j.5A j.2A (j.2A will sometimes catch people wanting to graze after the j.5A) j.2B 66 j.5A j.2A j.2B 66 j.5A land reset to either f.5A or 5AAA stagger f.5A stagger f.5A 5B hjc8 j.2B 66 j.2A j.2B 3D punish on crush or reset pressure with 5AAA.

That's pretty much the stuff that works with me, at least. A lot of the game is getting into your opponent's head and screwing with him; you want to force him to make mistakes and get him to where you want him, rather than throwing yourself out of position trying to do something that looks cool; anonymous is a player who is an excellent example at doing this.

>> No.4376580
File: 28 KB, 450x450, 1266066915447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks a ton for all the help Guy and you other anons. Much appreciated. That blockstring stuff sounds very... difficult. My problem is that I probably panic more than my opponent when I actually get somebody in the corner, I always forget to stagger and mix it up. I guess that comes with practice though eh?

Hitting the hay here, thanks again

>> No.4377028

Bump for EU host.

>> No.4377080
File: 101 KB, 1280x1024, 1263932030411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not again

>> No.4377114

"Scarlet Weather Rhapsody 2" is Unthinkable Natural Law?

May as well refer Zelda Majora's Mask to as Zelda Ocarina of Time 2. Or Oblivion as Morrowind 2.

>> No.4377142

I call it Hisoutensoku, Soku, or 12.3, personally. But hey, it doesn't really matter what people call it as long as we get hosts in the thread.

>> No.4377575

So what's up?

>> No.4377808

>C bullets suck and should be used sparingly, if at all
I'm going to have to disagree with you. j.5C is pretty much the cornerstone of my approach game.

Personally I don't find her spellcards all that useful besides Time Sign "Private Square", however there is that one which combos off 66B which Guy uses--I don't know what that is, I think it's new to v1.10.

Nothing else to add since Guy's advice is fairly sound and his blockstrings are more effective than mine. I did write some Sakuya blockstring advice in a previous Netplay thread but I'm not going to bother searching for it on the archive.

>> No.4377839
EC Host

>> No.4377872

66B Soul Sculpture is the one you're referring to, which I happened to steal from either Duckator or some random Sakuya he was playing, I can't remember which. CH 66C Phantasmic Killer is doable on almost split-second hit-confirm.

j.5C is good for wake-up games and when you're on the air while the opponent is on the ground; I use it quite often. 5C is good to use if you're confident that your opponent will block, as it will pretty much force them into the corner. I missed the part about him saying the C bullets were bad, or else I would've talked more about the C bullets as well; particularly throwing out stuff like 5B/214B hjc j.6C as full-screen games, or 6C hjc 236B. 6C's good at pegging people whose bullets take a bit longer to start up, though not quite on the level of Suika's 6B I fucking hate that fireball. I don't really use j.5C to approach, though.

>> No.4377902

I'm not sure what just happened but rehosting

>> No.4378026

GGs Seacats. I don't know what's wrong with the connection today, not only because of the disconnection, it was really annoyingly slow, at least on my side. Let's try this another time!

>> No.4378028

>>4377902 Rehosting
If that's me I really want to know what going on I've never disconnected before.

>> No.4378102

Unthinkable Natural Law is wrong as well, being just a machine translation of the original japanese name, so I don't get your point.

>> No.4378168

>being just a machine translation of the original japanese name
Yeah, god forbid calling Touhou games using English. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil? Perfect Cherry Blossom? Imperishable Night? Mountain of Faith? Subterranean Animism? UFO? What kind of homo names are these, seriously.

>> No.4378187

What a retard.

BTW, it's THE Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

>> No.4378198

All of those English names are officially part of the game's title. Touhou 12.3 does not have an official English subtitle.

IHBT, right? Whatever.

>> No.4378215

Calling the game UNL is good for pissing off tourneyfags, so it has its purpose.

>> No.4378324

Yeah, I love seing that butthurt anon linking his gay website each time someone calls the game UNL.

>> No.4378357

Oh God, I raged at so many things during those matches:

1.) Poor execution
2.) Dropped inputs
3.) Bad jump reads
4.) Dropping my CH 66C Phantasm Killer multiple times
5.) Forgetting to save replays
6.) Dropping my strings

Derp, good games, Seacats. I know I set a bad example, but work on not air-teching constantly when I'm near you. Also, don't always try to mash out of strings when I'm near you, you'll eat a lot of damage when I throw out projectiles instead of stagger melee.

>> No.4378376

Also, replays of my mediocre Sakuya if anyone who wanted Sakuya tips wanted to see how I handle her.


>> No.4378385

Someone host!

>> No.4378394
File: 232 KB, 555x417, umineko-301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrible at fighting Sakuya. I see all those knives everywhere and I pretty much have no idea how to react.
Pic Related it's my face when there's knives everywhere.

>> No.4378399
File: 33 KB, 851x471, Remilia fascinating2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mediocre Sakuya

>> No.4378400

>BTW, it's THE Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Are you honestly pathetic enough to care or are you just joking?

>> No.4378405

Derp forgot the rehosting

>> No.4378425


>> No.4378446

I'm glad you guys aren't next to me when I'm actually playing, that way I can act like I'm the epitome of calm after matches during which I say things that would make even the hardiest of sailor blanch.

It's really bad when I fight Mashkuus, Suikas, or Yuyucows.

>> No.4378460
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>> No.4378475

Don't you love how Utsuho's 5A passes right through Sakuya's 6A? Thank goodness both sides whiff. It's still unbelievable the things she can mash through.

>> No.4378558

GGs Seacats.
It's ok to aerial tech a lot against Okuu if you're too high for the range of 3a UNLESS she has 6B out (the electric orb)
Then you really shouldn't.

>> No.4378563


>> No.4378565

I've now been told at least 4 times I Air Tech too much so why do I still do it? ;_;

>> No.4378590

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.4378602

ok but I have only 20 min left

>> No.4378641

Anyone else hosting?

>> No.4379051

fuck now I'm way to late....
I knew this would happen

>> No.4379058

I loved these games profile1p, thank you for hosting.

>> No.4379068

Oh wow, we played for one hour? Time flies when you're having fun haha.

>> No.4379079

yes same here, really nice matches

>> No.4379097
File: 471 KB, 814x600, Iku31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent games Yggdrasiface. That broom sweep got me every time....

>> No.4379106

Yes, good games. Think I need to take a break anyway.

>> No.4379133
File: 205 KB, 777x1000, Iku17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that I think might improve your play is to not overuse those green bullets so much. Although I don't play Marisa so I could be completely wrong there.

>> No.4379320


>> No.4379404


dont know bout lag

>> No.4379481

Mind if you guys help me with configuring/installing this? I got my SWR from the ftp that one /jp/er hosts, so it's just a folder with the game and stuff in it (not an install), unpatched. I got 12.3 from /rs/ it's the same thing as above. I must be stupid trying to configure the 12.3 .ini file like it says on the wiki, along with patching because sometimes I got the patch to work, but when I run it, the game crashes.

>> No.4379542

Good games dude. That's a shame for the delay, we can't play like that...

>> No.4379543

gg, got my ass kicked and lag didnt help

>> No.4379546

i hate being cornered like that, lol

but hey, you just played with a latinfag all the way down in Colombia

>> No.4379560

Haha, the connection between Colombia and France isn't probably the best one out there.

>> No.4379722


>> No.4379741

I forgot to ask, but where do I put my 12.3(Or Hisoutensoku or whatever you guys call it) folder in after I'm done extracting it? (Editing the .ini and patching the game to get it to work is still giving me a lot of trouble.)

>> No.4379763

It doesn't matter where your 12.3 is, as long as SWR is in C:\program files\tasofro\th105

>> No.4379782

My problem is my SWR wasn't an install so the default can't be that, and no matter how I configure the .ini file, it seems to crash (with or without patch)

>> No.4379788

East Coast host:

>> No.4379820 EC
Lunatic Rabbit Tier

>> No.4379936

Sorry that I had to leave so soon, I have to eat dinner. thanks for the games though

>> No.4379940


>> No.4380923
File: 530 KB, 640x480, AKAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you and what have you done with Akagi?! Akagi doesn't play anyone but Suika. Your impersonation of him is terrible. Seriously though, GGs, Akagi. Dear lord that fucking ending. I thought I had that game in the bag when you activated MPP, but my 6C did literally 1 pixel too little damage. Makes me cry. Speaking of things that make me cry, MPP+River Mist inwards oscillation = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Was nice finally getting to play Iku against you without Suika's awkward hitboxes getting in the way. She still needs a lot of work though... Thanks for the games. Always fun to play you.

>> No.4380996
File: 888 KB, 2045x2305, 1263416182683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Saje! Haha, that ending was really true gambling, I really had luck.

Well, I've finally started playing other characters but as you saw I've still got a long way to go. I'm quite hopeless with the tengu, her timings give me a headache, and I'm really harmless against aggressive characters such as your Sakuya or Youmu... Also allow we to steal that 5AAA 5B 214C from your Marisa, 5AAAA 66A 214C only works one time out of ten. Anyways, thank you for hosting!

>> No.4381020

My controller is gone for the entire week. I get to glance through these threads and bawww.

>> No.4381037

Be my guest, but it's 5AAA 5B 214B, not 214C. 214C has a longer travel duration, so even successfully completing the combo may be unsafe. Be careful with that combo though. The timing between 5B and 214B is fairly strict and missing it means your opponent blocking a very unsafe on block attack.

>> No.4381118
File: 858 KB, 840x1186, 1264399236033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I wish more people would throw their replays up on mediafire. I love watching matches because my internet is too shitty to actually play anyone, so I just live vicariously through other people. Plus, it's great learning tools for anyone who casually browses the thread

For what it's worth, thanks for throwing those replays up. I appreciate it

>> No.4381212

As long as it helps, I'm happy. I can't say I'd recommend that anyone emulate my playstyle, though.

You can skill up 214 and snag a CH broom ride when they go to punish. It's a fun gimmick until they learn better.

>> No.4381247

>You can skill up 214
I hate Krad's Marisa because he relies so much on broomride gimmicks.

>I wish more people would throw their replays up on mediafire.
I don't think many of my saved replays contain much value, but I do keep all of them. But I've accumulated so many that it would take hours to review them if I wanted to find the ones that were worth showing, because there are some funny games now and then.

Maybe all my matches with E-MAN would suffice.

>> No.4381287

>I don't have any funny games with Guy


>> No.4381332

Ask and ye shall receive. All 224 matches I've played since turning on auto-save 1 month ago sorted by opponent. Should keep you busy for a while, but I don't think most of them are worth watching for a third-party spectator, honestly. If you want to watch complete and utter failure you can always just watch the games against Anonymous.


>> No.4381348

I see, thanks. It really does some nice damage and it's definitely easier to time than the 5AAAA one.

>skill up 214 and snag a CH broom ride when they go to punish
That's some good news for me, I use four broomride skillcards.

>> No.4381540
File: 528 KB, 588x701, Iku28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some replays I could upload for you. Do you want some?

>> No.4381725

US West.

>> No.4381809

Anyone want all 999 of my v1.03 replays? 57 MBs total, against a whole slew of different players--6A, Akagi (screwing around with Alice, got my butt kicked), anonymous, beatsstayflowin (2-2, woohoo!), Dimglow, Duckator (57 replays), E-MAN (91 replays), Giant Tree (33 replays), Guy (86 replays), Johan (38 replays), Krad420, Lim, Lolimew (44 replays), Lunker (70 replays), Magister (only 28 replays, including a 0-15 beating he did against my main with Utsuho. I really want to play him more), MVRC, Rabbit-Box (45 replays), raymoo/GP (61 replays despite the fact he started avoiding me because he doesn't like my play style), www, and ZomB (1-2 against his Suwako I think). Unfortunately, a fraction of them are corrupted but I don't have the time to search them out.

>> No.4381882


>> No.4382378

It can't be helped. All my v1.10 replays suck because the games were played in extremely laggy conditions, so both players made numerous errors.

Anyway, I'll just leave this here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ndu4hzn0wby

>> No.4382421

Good games, Ryas. Would you happen to be from SU? Your style reminds me of Suwako Moriya when I saw him fight Bob51. Anyway, I'd suggest mixing up your corner combos a little bit, and to not attempt to graze/mash out of strings and wake-up quite as much as you were.

I saved a bunch of those replays, you showed me some pretty nice stuff with Suwako. It was nice fighting a good froggy!

>> No.4382426


When was the last time you went outside?

>> No.4382440


GG, Guy. I was pretty hard-pressed to even get any attacks out while under all the attacks. And yeah, trying to graze on wakeup is a pretty bad habit of mine. As for your question, I'm not exactly sure what SU is referring to, so no, I'm definitely not that guy.

>> No.4382454
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raymoo doesn't like your style? The only slightly annoying thing that comes to mind is when you play keep away with Meiling, Marisa, or Komachi, and that's mostly because I'm too aggressive and leave myself wide open if I have to chase my opponent around too much.

>> No.4382461

Today. And it's not just some aberration since I also take classes and play sports. In fact, I'd have a lot more replays if I didn't take a 2-3 month break from playing Soku.

>> No.4382477

Ah, alright. I was just curious; I don't think I remember seeing you around, but I guess I have a sorta bad memory. Mmm, one more thing: don't fly around when you're low on orbs too often. If the opponent has spellcards, it's likely you'll eat around 2k-3.5k punishment out of either a guardbreak or running out of graze midair and eating the rest of the attack. It also makes it much easier to peg you/break orbs with attacks like Sakuya's Bounce No-Bounce knives.

>> No.4382483

don't feed the troll. That's about, what, 30 minutes a day? There are many people that play far more than that.

>> No.4382498

Wow a you got a lot of replays there it could be worth to watch some of them

>> No.4382513

What is SU? I have seen that mentioned a lot but I have no idea of what it refers to.

>> No.4382521

He was upset because I was zoning him.

>> No.4382536

I get upset when you zone me.Because you end up winning if you keep it up properly. </3 impatience.

>> No.4382545
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>> No.4382563

SU= Scarlet union

Its a weird site with bizarre and kinda stupid tourney rules

>> No.4382998

GGs Disco

>> No.4383007
File: 194 KB, 600x600, Iku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Johan. Although I'd prefer it if you didn't sandbag.

>> No.4383027

Sorry for that but its the way I play sometimes, if not i would corner you and never let you hit me. Its more entertaining to me as I give a chance to attack, even if I die

>> No.4383054
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>> No.4383062


>> No.4383092
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>> No.4383096

I joined, hoping to enter some decent site but wow. Those are some stupid rules.

>> No.4383229

These are most of my 1.10 replays. I have thousands more but they're all from earlier versions.

US Midwest

>> No.4383315

still hosting

>> No.4383312


Duck, that is the strangest Patchy deck I have ever seen in my life. All system cards+Silent Selene?

>> No.4383600
File: 646 KB, 1600x1200, Iku14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great games, Saje, but I need to get some sleep. One thing I'd suggest is blocking Iku's 22C instead of trying to graze and attack, if you're getting it by it a lot. The Patchy games were the most fun. I almost came back with that invisible health bar

>> No.4383634


That's it Disco? So short... What happened during that first match? I know the Typhoon thing screwed everything up (sorry, didn't know you were one of those who try to negate its effects on a match). Thought it was a desync or I severely misjudged you which is why I went on to try the Komachi Catfish deck I copied. Regardless of that though, you gave my Komachi/Tenshi a real run for their money. Every time I went to try anything I had 6C HJC9 6C in my face. I'm not used to being on that side of the lightning spam. Good games.

I'm actually surprised by how safe that move is. Never seems like it whenever I try to use it.

>> No.4383947

Good games Duckator. One of these days I'll stop sucking. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just go back to danmaku Wait, I'm terrible at those too...

>> No.4383964

Good games Yggdrasiface.

I have a spellcard, skillcard, and system card deck for each character. None of them are very good but they're fun to use once in a while.

>> No.4384622
File: 57 KB, 450x450, chibi_suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
U.S. West
Playing as Suika after three beers and a couple scotches tier

>> No.4384663

I'm at a loss for words. Aside from those two victories I just narrowly took from you, your Sakuya completely and utterly decimated me tonight. Sorry if you wanted to fight something besides my Patchy, but it was one of those, "Just one more! I must redeem myself!" sort of things. Royal Flare doing less than 3 orbs of spirit damage still makes me sad. You escaped one of them by literally a pixel of spirit. That last match though... Snow came up and I thought "Excellent! An opportunity to get rid of that Red Slashy spellcard I'm so afraid of because 66whatever has a stupid huge hitbox!" I then successfully break that card only to realize you have a 2nd one in your band, get hit by 66whatever, and then eat the 4k damage. Le sigh. Good games Guy.

>> No.4384672

Good games, Saje. I think Patchy is one of my new not-so-fun Sakuya match-ups (not quite as annoying Komachi, though). Such frustration, it can't be expressed: Horrible f.5A and j.5A spacing that makes the moves stop just in front of you, 5Couli completely shutting down a ton of my air attacks and knife set-ups, me apparently still living in some sort of dream world where 66C has graze frames on start-up (I ate a lot of punishment from that, derp), and did I mention Touhou 12.5C: the game?

Anyway, me baiting the Royal Flare then trying to fly down, land, cancel land time with hjc was pretty derp when that failed. I just wish I knew what the justification for this one thing is:

"Hey guys, remember that asthmatic librarian?"
"Uh, yeah, that's Patchouli. What about her?"
"Let's give her a faster melee speed than a combat-ready time-stopping perfect maid1"

>> No.4384712

Haha, it's pretty amusing how we BOTH emerged from those battles quite frustrated. See, I personally can't believe I actually let you, a physically impaired librarian, mash out of a bloody block string. And pegging me with the 236 fireball because I didn't hj high enough with my 6C hjc9 6C DERP.

I really don't mind fighting a single character as long as you're trying, though. I'll usually just leave if I either get bored or about an hour passes.

>> No.4384771

Here are some more replays in case you want to laugh at my terrible spacing: http://www.mediafire.com/?itmo5nlhmcn

Three posts in a row, wow, this Guy fellow just never shuts up.

>> No.4384802
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No takers, huh? Oh well, time for bed.

>> No.4384897

There are times I wish this were two people on a couch as opposed to netplay. We'd better be able to share in our frustration with a string of curses that'd only make us look like whining scrubs were such thoughts expressed in post-match commentaries. And it would be easier to hurt you for being frustrated with your own skills when you took 95% of the matches. I kid, I kid. Also, if you want to complain about an asthmatic librarian with faster melee than the time-stopping knife-wielder (frame data says otherwise if I'm reading it right, by the way), please allow me to complain about the knife-wielding assassin with denser bullets than the ranged combat specialist magician.

>> No.4384935

>There are times I wish this were two people on a couch as opposed to netplay

The swearing, man. Think of the swearing. You should've heard me when I got pegged by the Royal Flare I baited, or when j.5A stopped just short of your face for like the 5th time. While there's something to be said of playing while you're right next to your opponent, netplay does at least have a few, tiny advantages if you get past lag and dropped inputs and shit.

>> No.4385112
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This thread is autosaging now, but hey, if you have time, I'd love to see your replays. Please and thank you~

>> No.4385193
File: 213 KB, 720x720, kaguya on the internet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, thanks to everyone else that decided to post replays. It's nice to see how real players fight

Pic related. It's going to be me for the next few hours

>> No.4385208

>Youmu wins vs Meiling

"You don't use the Green Dragon Blade?
I've heard so much about it."

This would be the best patch ever. Tasofro, make it happen! ;_;

>> No.4385236
File: 369 KB, 800x600, Sakuya and Sanae share a pleasant conversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakuya wins vs Sanae

"And I thought you might be a better shrine maiden than Reimu. Seems like that's not the case."

Hahahahahaha, oh wow.
