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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43626417 No.43626417 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.9: https://nyaa.si/view/1666676

Previous: >>43524998

>> No.43626731

What do you guys think about physical copies of LNs? A lot of people I know say that they are better than reading digitally, but the price of physical copies feels way too high for what you get.

>> No.43626845

forget about that: audionovels are the real shit

>> No.43626912

I wish Japanese novels also had an equivalent to the "sksks", said Character tradition in English novels, occasionally its actually annoying tracking who is saying what

>> No.43626976

Never felt I needed that thanks to the blatantly obvious differences on speech styles.
And actually I find that sort of sksks annoying in western literature, sometimes on really bad cases nearly half the page will be sksks.

>> No.43627493
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What would you recommend to someone who love Infinite Dendrogram and Log Horizon?
Aka MMO based story

>> No.43627503

try Only Sense Online

>> No.43627538

I've been reading the manga, it's pretty nice indeed.

>> No.43627616

>Destiny Unchain Online
>ShangriLa Frontier
>Only Sense Online
>Free Life Fantasy Online
I'm intentionally avoiding "Isekai'd into a world that resembles or is identical to the game, but it's not the game", because if I don't then I can mention stuff like Moto Sekai Ichi, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.

>> No.43628179

Yeah but I feel like often the different speaking styles and yobikata are there partially for that reason

>> No.43628197

Has anyone tried Demon's Crest? The cover looks cute

>> No.43628303

Thank you Anon very much Anon!

>> No.43629286

I feel like a big part of my enjoyment of light novels is time spent enjoying the art, of course there are exceptions such as the monogatari series, but isn't the enjoyment of the art lost when listening to an audiobook instead?

>> No.43629492

>the price of physical copies feels way too high
Huh? Paperbacks are under 1000 yen. That's nothing.

>> No.43629525

I love physicals. Love holding them, loving turning pages, love looking at a filled up shelf. If you've got disposable income it's not really that bad IMO. Certainly cheaper on average than being a BDfag or collecting VNs. The real issue is storage space. Square footage on a home is a lot more of a cost concern than $5-$10 for a book.

Maybe one day it'll be acceptable to translate all the わs、ふむs, and ッスs directly. Or be formatted like a play script

>> No.43629535

Depends on how you obtain copies, as well as location. Someone ordering online from Africa won't pay the exact same price as a Japanese citizen who went to the store to pick up a volume.

>> No.43629547

That's just shipping costs. The trick is to simply load up and buy like 10+ volumes at once for efficiency. Also factor in that the yen is at some record lows and you'll be doing pretty good.

>> No.43629902

Beautiful elf!

>> No.43630138

i’ll only commit to physicals for series that i liked from start to finish. Digital is much better tho. being able to read anywhere, anyway is too big of an edge

>> No.43630164

W op, had no idea failure frame 11 had a cover pic out!
Since i basically call this thread home now, and fantran dumps are in the op, here are some ebooks i made. currently have kage jitsu, CotE and magie ex volumes i made with gpt

>> No.43630420

>currently have kage jitsu, CotE and magie ex volumes i made with gpt
>made with gpt

>> No.43630431


>> No.43630470

its only magie ex stuff, worded that wrong. the others are fantrans.
take it or leave it

>> No.43630836

Wording Destiny Unchain
also Bofuri

>> No.43630906

Most TLs don't bother translating speech quirks, feels like they would benefit from just formatting it like a play script from how indistinguishable everyone ends up being.
I think only JNC gives a shit about actually trying to TL speech styles and narration tone for that matter, everyone else is monotone as fuck, that comes with the problem of being really damn cringe, like one character who's just supposed to be kinda dumb got translated like a redneck or something.
Which is really dumb but somehow still a better translation than the average universal deadpan because it's clearly edited MTL.
Then again I'm on that camp of I don't care because I can just read it in jp, I have the luxury of being able to check the TLs for curiosity rather than necessity.

>> No.43631176

>like one character who's just supposed to be kinda dumb got translated like a redneck or something.
>every kansai dialect ever
i hate it

>> No.43631235

yes, but you can always see the pictures later

>> No.43631922

not always, sometimes they get translated as monotone too
which is worse, but still

>> No.43632138

what english dialect would you translate it as
and don't say brummie

>> No.43632166


>> No.43632184


>> No.43632188

See: >>43632184

>> No.43632219

There's a term for it that I forgot, but fictional Japanese speech are really just untranslatable in English most of the time.

>> No.43632226

speech quirks*

>> No.43632262

English is an hodge podge of other languages anyway, just leave in the romanization as is. if translators are just going to trim the japanese out of work, just stick to western crap then.

>> No.43632284

that's fine for fan TLs as a crutch aimed only at JP learners transitioning to japanese but they're not where the money is
what we need to do is make paid translation illegal and subsidize language learning programs for everyone.

>> No.43632303


>> No.43632316

Ah yes that's it. Thanks. I knew it was 役 something

>> No.43632318

You could do it like the translation for dragon quest 4 on the DS. Literally each town/continent had people speaking all sorts of weird ass dialects of English.

If I'm being honest I didn't understand most of the dialogue in that game because of that, but the same can be said of me for most Japanese dialects aside from some of the common phrases of kansai-ben.

>> No.43632330

squeenix does this a lot

>> No.43632339

>make paid translation illegal
>and subsidize language learning programs for everyone
And who do you expect to pay for this? i'm all for encouraging people to learn languages but lets be realistic here.

>> No.43632342

even that is not a proper translation because even the heaviest kansai dialect is not fully incomprehensible
speech styles aren't dialects

>> No.43632347
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I've actually just remembered that the Redwall series had the 役割語 concept but in English. Some of the animals talked funny. I remember struggling to understand some them as a kid.

>> No.43632351

Language learning "programs" never teach anything.

>> No.43632369
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>> No.43632400

Pfft if it was merely just some dialects this would be easy. You can get away with lazy TLs in an anime or something since they are voiced and can convey the manner of speech, but when in a book there's no such thing. Knowing who does ですわ, ござる, etc. is important.

>> No.43632406

even for the elevens this is a lazy shortcut to samuraihood, what you need to do in english is really write them like a jane austen novel

>> No.43632414

We can at least agree that it's doable in some form right? i'm not in favor giving localization shitters any justification

>> No.43632427

recreating something somewhat analogous is doable and it will serve its purpose of getting some kind of point across to monolinguals, but there is never any true substitute for learning another language.

>> No.43632431

>but there is never any true substitute for learning another language.
does this really need to be said every time? It's like saying gravity pulls people down.

>> No.43632437

here's the thing, i don't disagree with you, but at the same time it's a fool's errand
anyone that cares will just learn japanese, anyone that doesn't care will just consume it without thinking that deeply about it and that's it

>> No.43632448

>anyone that cares will just learn japanese
oh no no, there are definitely hordes and hordes of casuals who care enough to bitch about shitpress's latest danmachi or re zero fuckup on twitter, but don't care enough to learn japanese and free themselves from hell

>> No.43632465

I don't want this to come off as an insult (even though it is an insult) but you would be surprised how often you point that out to the average EOP, and they are either surprised at your wisdom or deny 1:1 translations are impossible.

>> No.43632481
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Guys? Ranobe?

>> No.43632483

Anon, i think anyone who comes here is well of aware of that at this point, it's a dead horse.
beat me to it.
IMO the goal of any proper translation is to get as close as possible to encourage people to learn the language. not even attampting to do that is why so much translations suck

>> No.43632486

tl note: ranobe means light novel

>> No.43632497

i want to smack his equine corpse a bit more

>> No.43632746

So i just started reading cooking with wild game, pretty good so far. hope there's a good balance of action and isekai'd knowledge wank (in the form of cooking)

>> No.43632798
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>> No.43632856

>horse is dead
>i'll just keep on beating it anyway
Try and see the point will ya?

>> No.43632876
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>> No.43632885

at least edit a manga panel or something

>> No.43632929

Is the point undead equine torture?

>> No.43632967

That wasn't even what the convo was about, but of course some people just cant help themselves.

>> No.43633017


>> No.43633039

No idea. does anyone know more about the romance in wild game?

>> No.43633633

machine tl note: light novel means 光の書

>> No.43633988

English fiction before it was lame

>> No.43634255

I think the translation of Reign of the Seven Spellblades did a good job of making Nanao sound old-fashioned and distinct in voice without having to be lazy and slap -degozaru on evetrhi.

>> No.43634548

Does anyone have the epub version of 賢者の弟子を名乗る賢者? I read the first two volumes and wouldn't mind reading more but it's also too expensive for what it is at ¥1100 a book

>> No.43634599

>at ¥1100 a book
what the fuck

>> No.43634672
File: 125 KB, 1024x576, 1661523240755160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dendro/TRPG/whatever title that makes anon mad
It's been a while and I haven't actually finished the LN but IIRC it's going on a mono end with the Cave Saber. MC kinda ends up as somewhat of a matchmaker for the side charas through his catering business after the first few volumes.
Not so much, unless by action you mean MC butchering carcasses left and right.
>Cooking wank
Somewhat yeah, it's one of those series that decides to say isekai ingredients should not be the same as current world ingredients and actually went through with it without going the easy "after a long time (30 minutes!) of studying the ingredients, MC made a Michelin 10 stars mochi out of a hellspawn potato." Fist few dishes being a naan burger and proto stew/curry instead of grorius Nipponese horse sashimi was also quite unexpected, never thought they'll acknowledge game meat (without sufficient preparation) as worse than dogfeed bad, the deer I got last year taste quite decent though.

>> No.43634742

ah yes, poor people, that thing that doesn't exist

>> No.43634856
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Saying he wants to have fa/tg/uy funtimes with her is probably the closest Erich has come to admitting he likes the criminelf.

>> No.43635099

those levels of self referencing are dangerous and are close to causing psychic damage

>> No.43638405

What's this image from?

>> No.43639218

that's mochikaeru
tl note: mochikaeru means toadally awesome

>> No.43639670

I read the first volume of Konosuba and then read the first volume of Sword Art Online, and i noticed that SAO is much, much more verbose and repetitive than Konosuba.
I swear Kirito explained that the NerveGear intercepts the the brain's signals to the limbs like 4 times. While Konosuba doesn't do this

>> No.43639828

Started reading My Yandere Girlfriend Hiding in the Dungeon Kills Me Over and Over Again (ダンジョンに潜むヤンデレな彼女に俺は何度も殺される)
it fucking hurts man it's my first suffering porn series since I refuse to read Rezero. I just want the mc to be happy. Now I'm asking for more recomendations.

Girl Ranking for those who read it
Sword >= Loli Elf > Vampire >>>>>>> Yandere hero

>> No.43639871

>fantasy comedy spends less time narrative handholding expotition than sci-fi game story
Big if true

>> No.43639915

Recommendations for what, more suffering?

>> No.43640120
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that's why konosuba is on this list and sao isn't

>> No.43641268

Any recommendations for tablets/e-readers? I read physical copies but I want something that's nice for traveling

>> No.43641306

Just get a Kindle or Kobo.
Kindle if you want to get stuck in Amazon's ecosystem, Kobo if you want to get stuck in Rakuten's. If you're going to pirate stuff only then it doesn't matter, they are both nearly the same hardware.
If you want to read manga too then get something bigger from Onyx Boox, but it will also cost much more.

>> No.43641310

>If you're going to pirate stuff only then it doesn't matter, they are both nearly the same hardware.
kobo is slightly better than kindle for this since you can just send epubs directly from Calibre instead of needing to wait for AZW conversion

>> No.43641526

at the risk of starting another autism spergout, or rather, hoping it does happen
what would you think is the difference between "it has no sex, but it's not the focus so it's fine" and "it has no sex, so it's annoying and shit"
because there's always a last straw that causes that sort of reaction, so what is the line in the sand that gets crossed for it to be one or the other?
and just to be clear, "has sex" i count anything from hyper detailed smut to "and then they fucked" fade to black, because it's less about actually using it for practical purposes and more the purpose of sex or lack of it in the story

>> No.43641551

nta but which one is better or are they the same?

>> No.43641556

Rakuten/Kobo's is much easier to remove DRM from and gives you an epub instead of Kindle proprietary format when you do

>> No.43641584

Is there any that doesn't require an account and can just read shit I upload through the phone? Via usb is preferred.

>> No.43641676

the line is very simple for me If the mc is not really interested in sex it's all good. But the soonest the mc complains about being a virgin, has ample opportunity to fix that issue, and starts flip-flopping around I get irritated. Only exception is if that character is interested in someone else so it would be reasonable to reject other advances

>> No.43641707

basically what >>43641676 said

When MC is surrounded by cute girls who want him but he's too focused on the PLOT/and or helping people and practically doesn't even know what sex is or he's stupidly pure for some reason it's totally fine, no matter how ridiculous it is. As soon as he cares but doesn't fuck it's stupid

>> No.43641907

don't think so, they all have an account system. But they all accept sideloading. If you want to upload from your phone you can either use Kobo and USB-OTG to copy the epub file directly with a file manager, or use Kindle and the "email to device" feature since I assume your phone doesn't have a built in MOBI/AZW3 converter

>> No.43642561

konosuba is better than sao.
when reading sao, i feel like the author thinks i'm an idiot because he repeats things he already explained a few pages ago

>> No.43642633

tbf it is perfectly reasonable to assume that any weeb picked at random is retarded, i know i am

>> No.43642650

given your attitude it doesn't feel the author's assumption is wrong

>> No.43642660

can somebody recommend some ecchi novels ?

>> No.43642709

it might help to specify just how ecchi you want it to be, ecchi can range from mild to basically being the entire focus of a novel. if you are just looking for ecchi in general, I would recommend searching novelupdates

>> No.43642749

there's magical explorer which got talked about last thread, but you're not being specific enough to really go out with mentioning stuff, just ecchi is too broad

>> No.43642763

The focus being more on the ecchi

>> No.43642779

well yeah but "give me softcore porn that may or may not turn to normal porn" is not narrowing down on much
from the top of my head there's, i don't know like himekishi ga classmate, maybe
the porn dungeon master stuff like 2 threads ago which i forgot the names of too, hopefully someone remembers them

>> No.43642790

i am not a retard, i know because i got tested, you are the retard

>> No.43643307
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it's out!

>> No.43643903

迷宮国 combined with that guy's outfit makes me curious, could be a really cool setting

>> No.43645096

I'm not sure what to read, tell me your 3 favorite LNs

>> No.43645231 [DELETED] 

three is too much to think about so read 信者ゼロの女神サマと始める異世界攻略
it's worth it once you realize how much the author foreshadows things

>> No.43645232


>> No.43645544

dumb enough to take the retard test but not dumb enough to pass, hello my brother

>> No.43645983

i see that really doesnt bother me, but what about prices/promotions? rakuten have their own deals like kindle unlimited?

>> No.43646632

literally who's this about, what

>> No.43646740

dude uses healing magic to become a physical powerhouse (by training until exhaustion, then healing, rinse and repeat)
it's comedy-focused but has lots of battles and the occasional tear-jerker moment
also a very likeable cast of characters, and it's a completed series

>> No.43646789

>That art style.
This is another shinkou LN isn't it.
And after actually takes a closer look at it, yep.
Somehow I keep finding more series from him I didn't have on my radar before, how does he do it?
Is he secretly an isekai'd person using his magic science to enhance his body to write at superhuman rates?

>> No.43646835

Never mind, I confused the artist for the author, he's just too ingrained in my mind as "the matty-kun LN illustrator".
Unless it turns out とーわ is just a pen name for shinkou, which would be even more insane and unlikely but funny to think about.

>> No.43646838


>> No.43646872

>by training until exhaustion, then healing, rinse and repeat
this kind of autism always gets me going
i'm in

>> No.43647862

wouldn't spaced repetition and redundant explanations be better for beginners?

>> No.43647888


>> No.43647953

eh depends from person to person
assuming you can read japanese just fine you will probably get tripped up by complex terms the first time they come up, look up the kanji (assuming it doesn't have kool furigana and just use that) realize what it means, and continue reading
the next time the term comes up you will just get it and not even slow down over it
from what i remember konosuba doesn't have any complex terminology of any kind, and while like 50% of volume 1 is just a glorified infodump spaced out with jokes, it's not hard to read at all

>> No.43649742

pretty dead

>> No.43649798

it's silent reading time rn

>> No.43650683

What is with cotc and weird surnames?

>> No.43651282

I mean cote

>> No.43651832
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Anyone read 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい?

>> No.43652776

it's in my backlog

>> No.43652835

amazon reviews call it standard naroukei done well, one compared it to Outlaw Star, and the only 1 star review complains about the author's morality. sounds promising if you ask me especially if you want the classic naroukei 展開 but in SPACE

>> No.43654195

That says basically nothing these days.

>> No.43654245

Very kakuyomuesque

>> No.43655051
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as for me
it's lulu

>> No.43657123

Where do you guys go to see how many copies an LN has sold so far

>> No.43657213

Muffin Town

>> No.43657256

himecut a cute

>> No.43657944
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>getting a ladyboner in church
daughter, I am disappoint

>> No.43662905

I still really like light novels

>> No.43662962
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x2048, 1683582872147186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli fears the bird

>> No.43662989


>> No.43663086

bought some new light novels

>> No.43663218

which ones

>> No.43663266
File: 211 KB, 1013x1500, 71YDjqsKJyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the newest smartphone, fushisha no deshi, maigo ni natteita youjo, shinja zero no megami and pic related

>> No.43663522

anyone know where i can find epubs for 脱法テイマーの成り上がり冒険譚 ~Sランク美少女冒険者が俺の獣魔になっテイマす~ |

>> No.43663949
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>> No.43664411


>> No.43664663

Bought all 29 volumes of Horizon and they came in pretty much perfect condition.
God bless CDJapan and their handling/packaging

>> No.43664712

How long will it take for you to finish all 29?

>> No.43664717

what's this from?

>> No.43664754

No idea. Given my work schedule and propensity to read a hundred things at the same time it could take a year

>> No.43664831

Pretty good. I'd give myself like 2+ years on a series that long since I'm a slowpoke.

>> No.43664862

I am too, it's just that since I'm self employed and without other obligations every once in a while I get a weekday or two where I can read for 7 hours straight

>> No.43666658

trpg volume 6 bonus

>> No.43668340

>Slime girl.
Well that's a first.

>> No.43669278
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*blocks your path*

>> No.43671944

new kuma kuma kuma bear chapter is out boys!

>> No.43672010

Impregnating yuna

>> No.43672115

Have this in my backlogue, is it good?

>> No.43672205

yes, it's the best take on monster girls i've seen
you'll have to read the ending in the wn though, because volume 17 which was supposed to be the finale never *actually* came out, even though it has a release date (in 2021) and is still listed in many online stores
amazon jp also shows the series as having 17 volumes but only 16 are listed
it's pretty strange

>> No.43672810

I appreciate that the 七つの魔剣が支配する author uses imperial units in his descriptions. Sure I know it's because it takes place in England, but it helps my burgerbrain visualize units of distance better.

>> No.43672819

that's enough of a negative to knock a whole point off a review

>> No.43672889

Agreed. it's the little things like this really sell the 'not harry potter" vibe.

>> No.43672916

wow arifureta is fun

>> No.43672993

It is right?
Could not be as good as mushoku tensei or overlord but honestly I enjoyed it more than both

>> No.43673012

it's a great ride

>> No.43673017

oh yes can't wait to read about what inane garbage yuna is up to today

>> No.43673062

At least Overlord was good, past tense.

>> No.43673087

just started Oreaku/evil lord, really starting to realize this author really writes shit that i enjoy and the whole "off his med's" narrative is overblown. hope Sevens is up my alley too

>> No.43673110

You're not on isek/a/i, act like it. No need to bait a shitstorm over a difference in opinion

>> No.43673111

>and the whole "off his med's" narrative is overblown
it really isn't, he just drops the other shoe deep into the story
>hope Sevens is up my alley too
if you didn't outright hate evil lord and otome mob, you probably will
that said, that one is the one that started the "off his meds" meme

>> No.43673139

idk, the alzer arc in otome mob is just bloated and poorly structed, that's a far cry from the narrative that it just jumps the shark and imo mobuseka slowly improved afterwords. The marie spinoff however....
So far i've yet to here similar thoughts about evil lord, care to enlighten me on that end?

>> No.43673165

evil lord hasn't had an "off his meds" moment beyond the minced meat woman thing, like sure it's fucked up but it's not "oh fuck why would you write this" because it's not really a paradigm shift for the story

>> No.43673313
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>chapter 737

>> No.43674376

pretty decent. the author clearly has a fetish, but it doesn't get in the way of it telling a story

>hope Sevens is up my alley too
I liked mob more but it's still good

>> No.43674717
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I don't care that quite literally nobody asked.
I want to FUCK Angie.

>> No.43675192

i'm just a sucker for villainess turned love interest types. keep her sidelined in the second arc was the biggest mistake for me.

>> No.43675251

I generally don't like villainess stories, but I like the ones where the protagonist is someone else trying to prevent the villainess from becoming the villainess in spite of their character flaws

>> No.43675260

Is this harder to appreciate if you haven't played any otomege?

>> No.43675280

Not at all honestly. otome mob's game is an otome if it were made by mecha shonen battle junkies with a sadist fetish...

>> No.43675313

That's what makes Angie work for me, she's less a villainess and more a victim of cruel circumstance that could fall down that path without anyone to support her.

>> No.43675341

no, it just uses the standard setting for otome games which is the protagonist, who is usually a commoner or lower tier noble, going to a private high school for nobles in a generically 18th/19th century european setting, except there's also magic. then a bunch of nobles fall for her and the villainess is usually one of their fiances. the genre as a whole borrows heavily from the dating sim Angelique so all you have to know is they're poorly copying the prototypical setting and adding mecha scifi shit

>> No.43675362

>the genre as a whole borrows heavily from the dating sim Angelique so all you have to know is they're poorly copying the prototypical setting and adding mecha scifi shit
I think that's what makes it work, despite the name it's functionally a dating sim setup for males (like what magical explorer is trying to do) with the genders swapped.
It claims to be something the reader likely doesn't know, but that's not the case, and it works because it's character driven more than setting drama really.

>> No.43675383

funny because that's the case in-universe too
like the game itself is supposed to be this uber-hard nonsense so the devs could shove micro-transactions everywhere to make it easy
but what is baffling is that it got incredibly popular to the point of having big name VAs and production values and i just imagine it being, in-universe, advertised as the dark souls of dating sims and i giggle like an idiot every time
it's great, it's a wild ride, i recommend it
fair warning it will have some "why doesn't the MC just sex already" so that will be off-putting to some, but i think it works with leon because he's spineless but trying to look like a tough guy, because he's kinda an ass

>> No.43675389

I feel like the MC's for these two series would be buds

>> No.43675498

Are there any battle royale type LNs?

>> No.43675550

there's quite the parallels, like nanami being very similar to luxion and the MC just kind of taking the banter
you may think an extroverted shonen protagonist and a shrewd asshole would be polar opposites but that's probably a best bud friendship archetype as old as time

>> No.43675556

...does hakomari count?

>> No.43675562

No (because I've already read it)

>> No.43675632

If you don't narrow it to "hunger games BUT..." and FS/N counts, then komarin or ひきこまり吸血姫の悶々 also counts, maybe.

>> No.43675647

FS/N does count, and it's more or less what I had in mind (particularly with the human + entity with powers pairing)

>> No.43675918

agreed. she deserves the ultimate happiness.

>> No.43679224

I'm reading ダンジョンに潜むヤンデレな彼女に俺は何度も殺される
It's kinda shit?
It feels like a really badly written mashup between arifureta and re-zero, with some random ass yandere elements, except the MC is just a completely blank slate that seems to feel nothing, and the power/game system is... basically not explained whatsoever.
Am I being too hasty in my judgement?

>> No.43679619
File: 601 KB, 1513x2220, 9134hPgm8SL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you could swap places with an ln protag, who would you pick?
for me it would be touya from smartphone, he's truly living the perfect life

>> No.43679655

Finished COTE Y2V4. What a boring conclusion for a special exam that span for 3 volumes. Please tell me if the next volume will be more interesting or not. I'm considering dropping this LN.

>> No.43679681

Did you pick this up because someone mentioned it here earlier?
The likelihood is that's me. Currently on chapter 99 going to go to 136 tomorrow
It's a fair assessment of the story and the game elements are just treated as part of the world the only reason the mc is not used to them is his upbringing being a shitty farmer. But the game system does get explored later on.
The mc doesn't have much agency and his motivation at the start is survival and revenge. But he does reach a point where he moves on from it and starts developing more human traits. And I think he feels more blank due to him not having anyone to bounce off of until later.

The only reason why I stuck on so long is that I enjoy the timeloop autism with actions having a permanent effect. Depending on where you are likelihood the first path lockout maybe the second you are completely reasonable it thinking its complete shit.

If you want here is 2 event spoilers to convince you to keep going
He gets out before chapter 60
there is a time travel plot line

>> No.43679691

its fun.

>> No.43679708

yuna from coomer coomer coomer bear

>> No.43679715

4.5 is a transition volume for v5, the latter of which has shit going down to a polarizing extent

>> No.43679764

The seethe from 5 is amazing. Actually had me fucking pissed hours after reading.
and you just reminded me we have 9.5 next even tho y2v8 felt more like a .6 volume

>> No.43679794

It was amazing in hidsight, honestly worth my salt in the grand scheme of things. Friendly reminder that kanzaki's classmates are retards

>> No.43679819
File: 480 KB, 1608x1175, Fx63wfraMAEKzB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her endgame?

>> No.43679917 [SPOILER] 
File: 161 KB, 1475x1080, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f742d64787652435266786a6a34773d3d2d313331363133373237372e313734343432373936353963366564303930313832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To become best girl no matter what it cost

>> No.43679950


>> No.43680033

Cid, but I'd actually realize that all the girls want to fuck me and take full advantage of it.

>> No.43680055

>Cid, but I'd actually realize that all the girls want to fuck me and take full advantage of it.
How does having sex help with being a shadow broker :^)

>> No.43680855

How do they do it? English TLs these days make me internally and externally cringe from how bad they are.
>Dark Knight.

>> No.43680881

trpg player
but max out on the sex skill stat and show that elf her place

>> No.43681029
File: 593 KB, 860x2838, nyaaaa😡😡😡💢💢💢.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wish someone would start uploading stuff from J-novel club again. Even big series might not get torrents for over a week nowadays. Only 10 out of 28 released! I need nyaa to open registrations!!!

>> No.43681039


>> No.43681081

i feel fucking old not knowing filenames could have emoji

>> No.43681088

it's just unicode

>> No.43681121

>JNC managed to grab infinite gacha.
That's news to me, but based ones.
It's probably the best "dab on smug fuckers that deserve it" story I have read.
>Dorkness too.
Even more based.

>> No.43681474
File: 424 KB, 1000x1480, dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought about Hajime but that'd be too much effort to get to the good parts. So probably Satou.

>> No.43681547

Takeuchi Ken's cinematic haremverse

>> No.43681560

Rakuten has a thing like kindle unlimited for magazines but I dunno about novels
They do have sales and promotions and whatnot

>> No.43681590

Nyaa's invite only now?

>> No.43681930

If it helps somebody has been uploading prepublication compilations to nyaa though those aren't ideal

>> No.43682083

Call it autism but I have toyed with the idea of "same setting rules, similar situation, different characters" like it's another seed generated on a roguelike, or the multiversal tree of life if you want to call it that, because I don't like the idea of interfering with the story even if I like some of the female characters.
Almost like at best, an alternate timeline where the original MC isn't there but I am, plus whichever changes end up happening.
And for that I think matty-kun's setting would be the best because it's ripe for amazing magic autism researching and experimenting.

>> No.43682805

Fuck. I just started reading it and like his interactions with horikita :(

>> No.43683165

i always wondered if there's autismos so far gone they are isekai preppers like cid or at least close

>> No.43683187

cid wasn't an isekai prepper he had the totally sane belief he was gonna use his skills in the real world
and he did

>> No.43684334

I'm at chapter 35, which I'm guessing is after the first route lock out.
I'm also guessing that the parasite becomes a human woman, and then there's a huge dejavu and that also gets shut down and that's route 2 lock out?
Oh well I'll probably keep reading it a bit longer.

>> No.43684453
File: 164 KB, 720x720, 1662797487316072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about good novels with bad/no adaptations

>> No.43684461

Dendro has no anime adaptation.

>> No.43684588

Are manga adapted from LNs ever good?

>> No.43684609

Maybe? I liked monogatari's manga. Shangrila's is good too though it's adapted from wn.

>> No.43684623

めっちゃ召喚された件 has a manga with amazing art
but if you mean that it doesn't cut anything, don't think so, by their nature an adaptation will skim the plot, especially if they are monthly manga

>> No.43685395
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1515, lightning priestess princess uses magic to feed the masses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright after a hiatus gonna try to blast through as much of himemikosama's book as possible today. just gotta get the popcorn ready.

>> No.43685974

紫色のクオリア has a good manga.

>> No.43686198

The registrations have been closed for probably a year. I don't think they even have an invite system at the moment.

>> No.43686692

How much time do you guys spend reading light novels every day? I have been reading more lately and feel like the ~2hrs a day I spend is a lot, but I was thinking that I probably don't read too much compared to others.

>> No.43686787

What's the registration for though? Seems like I can still access the site without it. Unless they're hiding loli/shota stuff

>> No.43686878

So you can upload as a user instead of just anonymously.

>> No.43687056

You can't upload at all without an account.

>> No.43687074

You sure? I mean I haven't uploaded anything in literally years, but this screen is still there.

>> No.43687082

Generally none, except for the latest WN updates. I just cannot stop binging when I read fiction so when I do read, it's every waking hour. Benefit of being a pseudo-neet

>> No.43687098

Cool, thanks

>> No.43687252

around 2 hours as well
though when i didn't have a job i frequently spend 5-6 hours reading light novels

>> No.43687521

I recently am off from work because of school about 5+ hours pretty much my replacement for youtube videos now and I went down the Wn rabbit hole so yeah and 3+
and when I am working I download LN audio books (even if it is just TTS) to make the shift pass by fast so about 8 hours then.

i should of stuck to LNs. WNs are an entirely new problem now

>> No.43689181

It kind of depends. Sometimes I'm not actively reading any LN (might be too busy with a VN or something) but not counting that I usually put in maybe 2-4 hours a day. Most of the time I try to read one chapter or so which varies in length depending on the series of course but usually they're in the 50-100 page range.

>> No.43691372

i feel unacceptably slow. it probably takes me ~40 hours to get through an average volume.

>> No.43691446

keep reading often and you'll take much shorter than 40 hours fast

>> No.43691482

A question about CotE. Did they ever mention what was ayanokouji's backup plan he mentioned in the case someone saw through double switching karuizawa's phone? From vol 4

>> No.43691967
File: 163 KB, 720x1022, v2-389ba7c14210e9cbc73f6a75aac8af93_720w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume 2 ended with a silly boss fight with literally like 5 'but he's not actually dead' moments where he took a swing at the heroes as they wer3 prematurely celebrating. Burning, bisection, quartering, throwing animorphic elementals at him, and then in the epilogue you find out he somehow survived lol

>> No.43692178

Every fight in the series follow the same template so you will have your fill of that soon

>> No.43692264

You guys aint lying, volume 5 is certainly crazy in good way. No stupid fistfight anymore, just good ol'battle of wits. wtf is Horikita thinking lmao
Also, has anyone got the epub for Vol 6+? Can't find it in the usual place. Thanks in advance.

>> No.43692285

bros i'm so sick of isekaislop but whenever a new one pops up I end up reading a bit of before dropping it. it's like junk food, i'm addicted.

>> No.43692306

NTA but the formula changes enough every volume to not feel that stale so that was enough for me.
I just like that sort of thing I guess.

>> No.43692308

kuma kuma bear fucking sucks ass. It's like the writer was aiming for literal children but got cajoled into writing for the LN market instead by some shady publisher. Amateur, childish writing, wouldn't surprise me if his literal child ghostwrote it.

>> No.43692378

love isekai

love children

>> No.43692382

Hope his child is a cute girl.

>> No.43692400

but there is rape and drugs mentioned

>> No.43692421

hope even more that his cute daughter wrote it

>> No.43692603

in the WN maybe, that shit gets scrubbed in the LN releases. can't have sex, violence, or drugs in our mass market appeal teen books.

>> No.43692698

Well I'll drop it if I get sick of it but I'm enjoying it for now so I'll keep reading.
Even mere mentions?

>> No.43694448

>かつて何百何千と測定器を握ってきたことはあるが、同年代の平均 を聞かされたことはない。ひたすら自己記録しか取り続けていなかっ たからな
I am on vol 5 of youjitsu but is ayanokouji a genetically engineered human or what?

>> No.43694489

>genetically engineered
nope he is the son of hooker/prostitute

>> No.43694751

Interesting. Then why did he say that he used measuring equipment thousands of times? I don't mind the spoilers

>> No.43695004

It ruins the fun but sure. Spoilers for V0 and late y1 and y2.
He was raised in a facility that attempted to create geniuses. The curriculum had taken both physical and Knowledge-based aspects so he is well trained and is used to measurement equipment since the project was led by researchers. He himself isn't very special from a genetic standpoint

>> No.43695051

Thanks. I heard that vol 0 is hard to find but are the scans out somewhere?

>> No.43695146

i really couldn't find it either I just got desperate enough and just read the mtl's

>> No.43695154

it's in the ln too though
there are no graphic descriptions of course but it mentions how bandits have raped wives after killing their children and husbands for instance

>> No.43695488

It was posted here a while ago

>> No.43695521

....seems like I actually downloaded it before but deleted it thinking that I wouldn't be reading youjitsu. Anyway, thanks anon

>> No.43695581

Btw anon, did they touch this
>>43691482 ever again the later vols?

>> No.43695602

do you guys buy most of your LNs as epubs, or are you good enough to just read the scans anyway?

>> No.43695643

I prefer reading as epub or physical because it's less tiring for the eyes, it's not like ln are hard to read anyway

>> No.43695649

Lol. Lmao. But yeah, mostly epubs. Even when I buy I rip and store them as epubs. Used to completely depend on scans before I found out sources for epubs though

>> No.43695814

>sources for epubs
are there ones other than what's in the pastebin?

>> No.43695872

Depends, are you looking for raws specifically? all i have are fantrans

>> No.43695906

only interested in japanese, personally

>> No.43695914

Understandable. someone here should know, try using the link in the OP

>> No.43695938


>> No.43695975

i used to read scans but i'm not a poorfag anymore so if i can't find an epub pirated i'll just buy it
alternatively physical, but it just gets a little too expensive with shipping for my taste so i kinda stopped doing that

>> No.43696013

I have them but I am not at my pc right now. Will try uploading tomorrow

>> No.43696222

My man

>> No.43696706

love isekai trash
love power fantasies
hate drama and tragedy

>> No.43696907

what even is the point of this ironic weeb attitude?

>> No.43696980

people like what they like no need for irony about it.

>> No.43697099

Just completed youjitsu vol 5. I now understand why it's ranked so high in every konorano. It just got everything in perfect portions: cute girls, drama, power fantasy, brain games. And high school politics that has something or other that everyone probably experienced themselves, though less dramatically.
Tangentially, are there any good youjitsu doujins?

>> No.43697515

There's just no other series that scratches the same itch CotE provides, even though year 2 volume 1 through 4.5 was a bit of a low point.
I wish

>> No.43698832

same and not ironically
i read lns to feel good not to start crying

>> No.43699525

Really love it when romances novels have alternate POV sections where the FeMC dotes on the MC.

>> No.43699875

Reading 永遠の戦士.
A machine weapon terminator fighting a war against aliens gets isekaied.
It's honestly fucking hilarious sometimes.
The protagonist isn't even human, so he has basically no morals and is a complete sociopath, and every sad sop who gets in his way meets some gruesome end.
This escalates to larger scales as he grows his forces and you can see his allies becoming more and more unhinged.

>> No.43700086

here anon. 2nd year 6,7,8 and 9

>> No.43702099


>> No.43703841

Thanks mate

>> No.43703917

Does anybody have epubs for 軍オタが魔法世界に転生したら、現代兵器で軍隊ハーレムを作っちゃいました ?

>> No.43705836

Is tokimeki memorial the start of 伝説の木の下 meme or is it from something older?

>> No.43706976

what I don't understand is power fantasies with ntr

>> No.43707364

Seeing so many series I didn't know before really makes me feel like a newfag, and that's despite years of lurking /a/ as a whole not just the isekai general.
Meanwhile I'm seeing new stuff here almost daily.

>> No.43707435

Does anyone happen to have epubs for 宝くじで40億当たったんだけど異世界に移住する past vol 6? Surprisingly decent for something I picked up based on a dice roll

>> No.43707932

Based shit eater

>> No.43708250

Anyone got any manga like 兄と妹のしたいしたいしたいコト?

>> No.43708262

Wrong thread whoops

>> No.43709344

Does anyone know a good alternative OCR to Manga OCR? It's good, but it always fucks up リ for り

>> No.43710108
File: 326 KB, 800x1224, Penguins Ihoujin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the GAIJIN WN, anons. fully translated and most epik.

>> No.43710784

I use this https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/mining-from-manga.html

>> No.43710806

kys spammer

>> No.43712144

>youjitsu vol 7.5 and 8
Kei's stockholm syndrome is cute.

>> No.43712961

>ほぼ完全書き下ろしになった都合で手が足りていないのと、Web版と並列して書いていると「……あれ? これ書籍版の設定? Web版の設定?」と自分の頭が縺れてエラいことになってですね。

>> No.43717816

nagi from 異世界でスキルを解体したらチートな嫁が増殖しました

>> No.43718178
File: 220 KB, 500x500, 世界最強の後衛 ~迷宮国の新人探索者~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the new volume and now I'm in the mood to re-listen to everything up until this point, it's been a while.

>> No.43720442

what's this from?

>> No.43721098

NTA, but it's from schuld's twitter about not updating the wn chapters recently. It's the trpg author

>> No.43722449

Mask girl is cute.
While giving as few spoilers as possible, is she a main heroine or does she get decent screentime?

>> No.43724131

Who are the guys in the silhoutte on youjitsu covers? I think it's chabashira, ichinose, horikita, ayanokouji, kushida, sudou and ryuuen from left to right. But that makes the lineup somewhat unorganized so if there's an official answer please tell me

>> No.43724609

She gets a lot of screentime.

>> No.43725659

anyone got the jnc epub for sponger life volume12?

>> No.43727133

it isn't on the usual sites? basically everything gets uploaded

>> No.43727225

Only sites i know are jnovels and justlight, neither have it and it came out 4 days ago

>> No.43727282

I want all my favorite LNs to get anime adaptations so they can then get merch and I can get figures or acrylic stands or pins or literally anything to spice up my bookshelf because man, bunko spines are so boring

>> No.43728357

You can get the completed pre-pub epub on nyaa, but it's not the proper release epub.

>basically everything gets uploaded
Not anymore, the people that used to do JNC stopped.

>> No.43728470

Completed youjitsu vol 11. The ending left a bad aftertaste, I would have liked it to be a bit more positive being the end of first year and all. But the final lines and the insert with protag and arisu was nice.

>> No.43728499
File: 458 KB, 1816x2560, 81TCbYU+XlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the japanese LNs for 信者ゼロの女神サマと始める異世界攻略 uploaded anywhere? I can only find the manga or the english translation

>> No.43728523

i bought them physically

>> No.43728690

You can't win them all.
Warning the beginning of y2 is slow

>> No.43728785

at least up to volume 3 are up on dlraw but yeah it's lacking updates

>> No.43728875

Anyone know where I can get 監禁王 epub? not on zlib

>> No.43728883

I don't mind even if it gets slow. Would even welcome the slowness if it comes from SoL. Those parts are what I find most entertaining in youjitsu, but unfortunately they lack in quantity. Other than that, I hope there's at least one absolute victory soon that would wash off this aftertaste

>> No.43730727

Started 2nd year. The new app and the first special test are already fucking nasty

>> No.43732530


>> No.43732753

On 七つの魔剣が支配する volume 6 and I like how Enrico built a copy golem of himself to take over in case he died. That's real dedication to your job.

>> No.43734558


