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435122 No.435122 [Reply] [Original]

how are you supposed to beat icicle fall? if I stay in the middle I get trapped, and if I move to the outside I can't do enough damage before the spell times out

>> No.435123


Suck less.

>> No.435128

it's not working

>> No.435132
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>> No.435141

You must be a troll. But let's say that I fell for it.
If you can't even beat such an easy spellcard then Touhou is not for you.

>> No.435144

Play on Hard or Lunatic. She doesn't use Icicle Fall then.

>> No.435148

I can't even beat patchy

>> No.435152

You playing on easy or normal? Easy just get right in front of Cirno. Normal, dodge and bomb.

>> No.435155
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>> No.435159
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>> No.435160


>> No.435161
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I'm going to answer this because I was a newb who for a long time was to ashamed to post that I couldn't beat the most retarded bullet pattern in EoSD.

Just stay at the very bottom of the screen and strafe left-right, her pattern is spread to thin to damage you much there.

I also felt really stupid when I kept getting killed by China's Rainbow spiral. I didn't realise for some reason that the pattern was cake-work if you hugged the bottom of the screen. I was pretty proud of myself of getting good at manouevering between the rows within the spiral though.

>> No.435163

wait what?

>> No.435175

What game is Icicle Fall in, anyways? I played PCB and while Cirno appears she was only around for about twenty seconds before flying away again....

>> No.435177

I too am a failure at Cirno. Rumia, China, and Patchouli are all easy enough but the damn nine kicks my ass. What the hell.

>> No.435178

On Easy, get right in front of Cirno, like your character is just about touching her. Her bullets will fall behind you. On normal, just dodge and bomb if you can't dodge.

>> No.435179


>> No.435183
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>> No.435185

I see. I've only played PCB and IN so far....

>> No.435184

If you have to bomb on Icicle Fall, just stop playing. Right now.

I'm serious.

This game is not for you.

>> No.435188

On normal, I find it pretty simple to dodge through one side, up, then down the middle again while avoiding the directed shots.

>> No.435193

I know. I know. I've been playing for three years now and I haven't gotten much better then when I started.

>> No.435192

>Cirno appears she was only around for about twenty seconds before flying away again....
>flying away

You are aware that you can and most likely should shoot your opponent, yes?

>> No.435196
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I always have trouble against ZERO STYLE, myself.

>> No.435198
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oh that worked, I feel 9% less shitty at this game now

>> No.435201

Obviously not beating her too well if she's flying away.

>> No.435199

I meant that she only took around twenty seconds of shooting to beat, at which point she flew away.

>> No.435204

if you do that how are you supposed to hit her?

>> No.435207

She is the strongest in Gensokyo, after all.

>> No.435208

To dodge Icicle Fall Normal: Do the same thing as easy. MOVE LEFT AND RIGHT.

You're done.

>> No.435215

but you can't damage her if you're not right in front of her

>> No.435218

I am facepalming so hard right now.

>> No.435220
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>> No.435219

Is that how you play the game? You just glue yourself to the middle of the screen and only move vertically?
Cause that'd explain a lot about this thread.

>> No.435284
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if I stay in the middle like >>435198 I can graze through the gaps but if I move too far to the side I can't hit shit

>> No.435294

I'm really depressed by the fact you took the time to make a diagram

>> No.435291


>> No.435296


>> No.435297

Your failure is only getting worse.

>> No.435299

100 hours in ms paint

>> No.435304

Do you use the second joystick to direct your shots, at the very least?

>> No.435308

no one of my usb ports is broken so I can only use one joystick

>> No.435323

Cluster Bombs? Please for the love of all that is right in the world tell me that you do in fact know how to use cluster bombs correctly.

>> No.435328

is this an advanced skill? I can't read the manual because it's not in english

>> No.435336

Next thing you know you'll tell me you don't use Options.

>> No.435387


You don't have to move very much,
in the heat of Danmaku, less is more.

You always do the minimal amount of motion necessary to stay alive and still keep damaging your target.

>> No.435436

Which why I'm eternally frustrated by the coarseness of movement in Touhou games. Even focused, a minute tap of a directional button will still send you two or three hitboxes worth of movement. You can't be precise.

>> No.435464

hold shift for focused movement

>> No.435487

Cast reading comprehension expertise on yourself.

>> No.435523

Holy X for bomb movement

>> No.435673

Try rapid-charging your camera in StB or using Yuyuko's focussed movement in IN. You might just be singing a different tune...

>> No.435687


>> No.436125

Wow. I just downloaded and played EoSD and it's MUCH harder than PCB or IN....

I also seemed to have a lot more difficulty realising when a bomb was necessary, as I only used one.

>> No.436229

ITT: Trolls trolling trolling Trolls

>> No.436240

ITT: 4chon

>> No.436250
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Well this seems like the best time to ask. I'm not getting enough Points to avoid the penalty. I'm not really playing for points, but that penalty is nagging me. How do I change this?

>> No.436262

by collecting more point items.

>> No.436272

Here's how you do it, it takes a little practice, but pretty soon it gets easy. Stay about 1/3 to 1.2 the way up the screen, firing in the centre and dodging the directed shots. Then a bit before the main part is about to hit you, dart forwards, then to your right, through the shots, then go to the top of the bullet formation and strafe back into the centre, drop down, and repeat.

Make sure you don't wait too long to dodge to the right, or you'll get trapped. Timing is essential.

>> No.436274


OK, maybe a better question is HOW to avoid the penalty?

>> No.436316

Move your character in such a manner that its sprite intersects with the sprites of the point items.

>> No.436334

That won't work unless the hitboxes touch.

>> No.436336

Honestly? I never play for points, so I don't even know much about the penalty. All I know is if you reach that you get an extra life, which is always a good thing.

>> No.436348

Jesus christ I hope you are all trolls.

>> No.436352
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I don't die nor use a bomb, and yet that penalty persists. How in the world am I doing it wrong?

>> No.436354

Probably have more than 3 lives per play selected in the options.

>> No.436355

isn't that penalty based on number of starting lives?

>> No.436368


>> No.436379

Before beeing concerned about Highscores, aim to BEAT the game first - good ending.

>> No.436393

>I meant that she only took around twenty seconds of shooting to beat, at which point she flew away.
Then you're doing something wrong. Cirno is not supposed to be able to fly away during PCB if you beat her.

>> No.436409

You DO know that there is a shoot-button?!

>> No.436421

Then I have never beaten her. ;_;

>> No.436424

Fail less. Even ReimuA can beat Cirno before she flies off. And ReimuA has the weakest shots in the entire game.

>> No.436435

I never use homing shots in any shmup if I can avoid it. Then again, Touhou needs a lot more dodging than most shmups do.

>> No.436439

Hot to beat Icicle Fall:
Evade the yellow bullets by dodging left and right a few pixels each time. When she stops shooting them, move between the falling white bullets to the left/right of the screen. Then return to the middle of the screen, repeat.

>> No.436443

That's because it's not a normal shmup. It's a danmaku/curtain-fire/bullet-hell/whateveryoucallit.

>> No.436453

My point is that even playing as the character with the weakest shots in the game it is still possible to defeat Cirno before the timer runs out.

Personally I've been only playing ReimuB to 1cc.

>> No.436482

My problem appears to be actually hitting her. If I dodge her shots, I'm not shooting her. If I shoot her, I'm not dodging and die.

I just tried with ReimuA and I think beat her. No text though, just a standard "you beat the card" noise and she disappeared.

>> No.436496

As long as she didn't fly off you beat her. Also, it is not that hard to weave in between her shots while shooting her. Watch some replays off of youtube or nico.

In PCB she doesn't even use any Spell Cards unless you're playing on Hard or Lunatic.

>> No.436502

>doesn't even use any Spell Cards

I typically lose more lives playing through the stages than I do actually fighting bosses. Mostly through getting physically hit by fairies as they move on-screen (or something just randomly fucking appear on top of my hitbox).

>> No.436507

>Mostly through getting physically hit by fairies as they move on-screen
Oh wow. That's....pretty lame. And stupid. How the hell do you manage that? It takes some sort of crazy skill to die from a fairy hitting you physically rather than hitting you with its danmaku.

>> No.436521
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He's obviously an item whore who floods the top

>> No.436554

>This topic

10/10, would read again. Most lulzy troll in a long time.

>> No.436719

Cirnooooooooo ;_;

Someone post the page from that doujinshi where they measure idiocy in cirnos.

>> No.436731



Enemy faeries move as slow as Cirno's thought processes. If you're colliding with them, then pay more attention.

>> No.436925
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>> No.436937

If you are having trouble with Icicle Fall then I suggest that you go out and buy yourself a length of rope to aid you in making yourself taller.
