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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4347099 No.4347099 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ eat fish? Is there anything more interesting to try other than tuna sandwiches? Anything interesting snackwise?

>> No.4347104


Fillet of sole, various salmon preparations, Chilean sea bass.

>> No.4347110

dehydrated fish such as haddock is very good.

smoked salmon is the best

>> No.4347119

Kippers and crackers = the best breakfast

>> No.4347124

Don't eat fish you barbarian. It's so easy to live vegetarian these days, so why would you do this?

>> No.4347135

Why in god's name would you WANT to be vegetarian?

>> No.4347138


This pic is basically 25% of my diet. Some sort of fish cooked or not on rice is one of my most basic meals.

>> No.4347141

Grew up with a lot of cod, never shook the habit.

>> No.4347149

Arguably not a fish, but breaded shrimp with fries is god tier.

>> No.4347171

fish and chips is the best.

>> No.4347177

I ate all kinds of fish in Japan, but I didn't know what I was eating most of the time. I just thought: "Oh, I'm being served some fish."

I was never a big seafood eater, but now I realize how much I like those little ocean critters.

>> No.4347179

i'd rather eat shit than seafood

>> No.4347185

I like a nice piece of fried salmon. Of course, I can catch it in what's basically my back yard, so I've acquired a taste for it.

>> No.4347186


but your misssing out on whales then

>> No.4347189

I eat fish like crazy, since it's incredibly cheap. My favorite is cat fish, but I like all fish, except most shell fish (crabs, lobster, etc.)

>> No.4347192
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>> No.4347197

Are you Chinese?

>> No.4347198

you probably already do

>> No.4347199
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>> No.4347200

Whale is the best meat in existence.

>> No.4347202

BBQ Salmon

>> No.4347206

So that I don't loose my brain mass and become a retarded hipster.


>> No.4347207

So many pale skins. I thought there would be more Asians/fish eaters in here.

>> No.4347208

I want to live in the Carolinas or the Gulf. My uncle does, and he's got a dock in his backyard as well as all the shrimp he could ever want ;_;

>> No.4347214

i tried "BBQ" Eel (even though it was pan-seared with some kind of sauce on top .. maybe teriyaki) once .. it was pretty good

>> No.4347219

/jp/ is crawling with dirty Commie Chinamen.

>> No.4347220

Too bad all the fish in the world will be dead or poisonous in 10 years.

>> No.4347222
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>> No.4347224

how can you see that?

>> No.4347225

Seriously? No one said Sea Cats yet?

Good question OP, I also snack on Tuna Sandwiches when I'm hungry and have wondered the same.
Cool thread.

>> No.4347233


Where do you live? Fish is incredibly expensive where I live (UK) so I can't really afford to buy anything other than tuna, sardines, and smoked mackerel

>> No.4347236
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>> No.4347244

I like fish. I wish I ate it more often.

>> No.4347247

OP here.

I've heard that a mediterranean diet is good for the health, and it has a lot of fish in it instead of other meats. But I've rarely eaten lots of fish before.

I think I will try out some kippered fish and baked/broiled salmon first, thanks.

>> No.4347248


I would eat broiled lobster tail with butter sauce and garlic every day and not get tired of it, if such a thing were possible. One day I will genetically engineer lobsters as large as cows and breed them.

Raw salmon melts in your mouth like butter, I eat it by the pound at Japanese restaurants. Raw tuna...I'm not a huge fan of tuna cooked or uncooked, I have no idea why the Japs love tuna so much, but I'll eat it if it's offered. It's filling but tasteless, a rather bland dish.

I also enjoy crabmeat, oysters, and New England Clam Chowder.

>> No.4347250

I like crab and shrimp, but not so much lobster.

>> No.4347259
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>> No.4347262
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>> No.4347263

I just ate a toast with butter and (raw) smoked salmon and some COCACOLA best thing evr, smoked salmon is prtty cheap here inIceland... heh

>> No.4347267

I was never really partial to stuff like shrimp, crab, or lobster. I prefer actual fish, personally.

>> No.4347270


So an island nation can't get cheap fish?

West coast US here, got all the fish I could want

>> No.4347272


I grill shrimps on my barbecue all the time and eat them w/ veg.

I don't like Crab because they have less meat to share than Lobsters. You only get like this thin stick of meat.

>> No.4347278

EU stole all their own fishing waters

>> No.4347283

Same here. Fish is so damn cheap over here. It's about 30% of my diet.

>> No.4347285
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>> No.4347289
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>> No.4347294

I really only like swordfish.

>> No.4347297

I like your style Arc

>> No.4347307
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Oh yeah, while I'm at it, I may also make the gigantic lobsters with moe features, and post pictures of them on /jp/. After everyone chooses a lobster waifu, I would then ship them off to your house for you to boil and eat, supposedly.

Though I know you softhearted saps might pull a Fuminori and fall in love with your large-eyed lobster waifu.

>> No.4347318

That's a top-tier fish, I think it's heavily affected by Deteriorating Ocean Conditions though which is a shame.

>> No.4347322

Don't make something so delicious moe. I'm going to be confused next time I eat lobster.

>> No.4347326

Oh okay never mind

>> No.4347356


Ever been to a Red Lobster, where they have those lobsters in tanks near the door?

After what you said, I may just write up a VN where you go to a restaurant and must choose between several lobster-girls for supper.

>> No.4347369

best fishes are milk fish, salmon and blue mackerel scad, calamari is fine too.

>> No.4347372
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you fiend!

>> No.4347373

I fry salmon and pour soy ginger sauce all over it. Tastes good.

>> No.4347379


>> No.4347383

Why don't Japs die from mercury poisoning if they eat fish all the time?

>> No.4347384

That's disturbing.
Still, I'd play it.

>> No.4347391
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Squid is the best thing to come out of the sea, their tentacles are irresistibly delicious. Lobsters and fsh got no shit on squids. Shrimp is the only thing that comes close.

>> No.4347394


delicious pritong bangus

>> No.4347397

In Russia, shovel fish are an enjoyed delicacy.

Watch the video to see what I mean:


>> No.4347402


Aside from the obligatory Bad Ends, there are alternate Good Endings such as you taking one of the moe lobster-girls home instead, or Harem Ending which results in you buying all of them and keeping them at home.

>> No.4347412

I fucking love fish.

but crab is the best

>> No.4347424

Fucking crustaceanfags ruin everything. Molluscs are the best.

>> No.4347430


I am a vegan, and as such I must let everyone know. You see, as a vegan I have self esteem problems, and by letting everyone know of my ethically and morally superior lifestyle I am proving I am better than you.

You see, I have a psychological impairment that does not allow me to differentiate between animals as food and humans. You know how pets like cats and dogs are bread with certain characteristics to make them more appealing to humans, well its like that except I am attracted to, I mean I feel for all the worlds animals.

I am educated (obviously as a vegan more educated than you) and believe in evolution. The traits that humans exhibit such as, poor ability to digest plant matter (I do fart too much and my breath wreaks), omnivore digestion system and lactose tolerance past adolescence are things I don't understand because its just carnivore propaganda that everyone just calls proven facts.

I, being so in tune with nature, only eat organic. Even though organic food means nothing, I choose to believe it makes me better. The food I eat is so natural, even though I must eat lots of heavily processed foods (like soy) fortified with nutrients (mostly made from the byproducts of bacteria one would never eat) I can't get just from plant life. And because it is not possible to maintain my health using only local plants, the extra carbon created by all the hauling of foods from around the world to me is offset by how awesome I am.

I am vegan, and although my diet isn't healthy or sustainable, I am better than you.

>> No.4347436

well done

>> No.4347441

All animals are delicious, humans included.

>> No.4347446

>You know how pets like cats and dogs are bread
Should be bred.

>> No.4347449

I prefer crayfish as it is easier to eat over crab.

>> No.4347457

No, they should be bread. Delicious bread.

>> No.4347464

OP here, thanks for putting a name with my picture. I think I'll try to find some, looks like it would be delicious fried in some olive oil and seasoned salt.

>> No.4347466

Speaking of delicious bread, why is it so tedious to make?

>> No.4347477


>> No.4347486

meat is murder

>> No.4347490
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I wish yukkuris were real... I'd eat tons.

>> No.4347493
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>> No.4347497

murder is delicious

>> No.4347509

enjoy your increased risk of alzheimer's, dementia, and rickets.

>> No.4347513
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What, you think the life of a plant is somehow worth less than an animal? You heartless cunt. Herbivory is murder.

>> No.4347514
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but crabs have little horns on the legs

you have to suffer to enjoy it, like a true man

>> No.4347520

I don't eat any animals, so how can you eat 3 times the sum of all animals?

>> No.4347521

Oh hey, I think I have the same model of Weber grill

>> No.4347522

I am a Jainist, I only eat vegetables that are already dead.

>> No.4347523

Wait, scratch that, I see a propane tank.

Enjoy your inferiority.

>> No.4347525

Lies from the pork industry

>> No.4347536

vegans/vegetarians are child abusers


>> No.4347542

When I run out of animals to eat, you'll be the first human in my belly.

>> No.4347544

Half of /jp/ are child abusers

>> No.4347561

It's wood/charcoal/propane

>> No.4347563

But those dead fruit and vegetables you eat are covered in micro-organisms. Every time you take a bite, a billion bacteria scream silently in unison.

>> No.4347571

That's why jainists have the most absurd diet ever:

>Jains practice a unique concept of restricted vegetarianism. They do not consume root vegetables such as potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, radishes, cassava, sweet potatoes, turnips, etc. However, they consume rhizomes such as turmeric and ginger. The reason behind this restricted diet is that vegetables grown underground or kundmul contain far more bacteria, and thus life, than other vegetables. Brinjals are also not consumed by some Jains owing to the large number of seeds in the vegetable, as a seed is taken to be a form of life. Strict Jains do not consume food which has been left overnight, such as yogurt which may have been set overnight, and have their meals before sunset because large amounts of bacteria grow overnight when there is no ultraviolet light from the sun to kill them. Most Jain recipes substitute potato with Plantain.[40]
[edit] History

>> No.4347576

What sort of devilry is this?

>> No.4347581

Why the fuck can't people just be plain old vanilla vegetarians? That's practiced all over the world and easy to do. But no they gotta be vegan or only eat raw food or some shit that makes life hard for no reason.

>> No.4347587

different fuel for different food

>> No.4347588

Ironically, those very same bacteria they're trying to protect are constantly trying to devour you, and it's only because of your immune system that you're able to stave them off.

I bet Jainists have weakened immune systems and most don't live past middle age.

>> No.4347598

>plain old vanilla vegetarians
Well, Jainism is a LOT older.

>> No.4347604

I'm interested in this foreign concept.
Tell me more.

>> No.4347606

I gag when I taste any hint of fish. It looks really good grilled though.

>> No.4347613

Can't be that old, humanity didn't even know of micro-organisms such as bacteria until the late 17th century.

>> No.4347624

I meant "older than the modern concept of vegetarianism"

>> No.4347627

Try smoked salmon on a bagel.

>> No.4347657

What's the difference between the modern concept of vegetarianism and the much older one?

Anyway I suspect that when hardcore Jainists started making rules about bacteria a lot of them said lol fuck that I'm going to keep eating potatoes, thanks.

>> No.4347843

>Grew up with a lot of cod, never shook the haddock.
This is what I read.

>> No.4348015
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>dirty Commie Chinamen
