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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43378095 No.43378095 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.9: https://nyaa.si/view/1666676

Previous: >>43166325

>> No.43378268

There's 1 book out in Rakuten kobo released 2021. I'd read it but what if it's good and I have to wait for another

>> No.43378686

couldn't have been that bad, at least it's not bad as-...
>11 is the reality show volume
i mean yeah it was pretty damn seethe worthy

>> No.43382305
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Vol. 20 Waiting Room

>> No.43383135

Best loli LN?

>> No.43384181

so... why are guild receptionists ALWAYS female?

>> No.43384202

Probably the same reason receptionists in real life are always female.

>> No.43384482

That's not true at all.

>> No.43384496

I mean I don't know what the number is in real life, but it's definitely overwhelmingly female in my experience. Like 80+%.

>> No.43384534

It seems to be consistently a 9-1 split. Obviously that's not the same as "always" but still

>> No.43384760

Fights and complexity are honestly kinda commonplace once you get out of the normalfag bubble of stuff most ironic weebs know.
Even back in the day before crunchyroll ruined everything by bringing in the FB-tier normalfags, NGNL was fairly popular and had that style of countermeasure-stacking fights.

>> No.43385223

Crunchyroll has been bringing in casuals since well before NGNL bro, they licensed Naruto in 2009.

>> No.43385300

Anime didn't really start to get big with FB-tier normalfags until the late 10s.
Even the leddit-tier ones only started to get into "the animes" around the early 10s with TTGL and KLK.

>> No.43385688

the guild receptionists in atelier tanaka are scary buff bald men if that floats your boat

>> No.43386774

I want to fuck Shiro while Sora sits on the same bed and contemplates society and the role of geniuses in it.

>> No.43389789

Can someone share 事象地平戦線アーディティヤ chapters up to February's?

>> No.43391710

I don't think i've seem complexity autism a lot it most of the time they lack the "flavor" necessary, there is a lack of mysticism a example that have it for me is Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru there is some fights are not even that autistic but the overall situation gives the flavor of "complexitiy autism"

>> No.43393544
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What are you reading and why is it not pic related?

>> No.43394104

still reading 魔女と傭兵
on chapter 70 now

>> No.43394481

the nonbiri nouka novel is an awful read, the anime was way better

>> No.43394941

Just finished Gimai Seikatsu v8
So much brooding about this time, but next vol is gonna be really spicy.

>> No.43395862

wouldn't call it awful, just boring
makes for good beginner material at least

>> No.43396868
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>> No.43398321

Can any anon who read NGNl tell me when did Jibril unleash a 天擊 against elves? I started reading from vol 4 but I don't remember anything like that from the anime which should have covered the first 3 vols

>> No.43398377

spoilerless answer, read practical war game, though i recommend you to at least reach volume 9 before that otherwise half of it will make no sense
also i think it gets mentioned offhand in either vol 1 or 2 around the time fi gets introduced? probably an scene cut in the anime

>> No.43399311

after kage amd 8manmai i am now convinced the anime can never be used as a replacement for book volumes

>> No.43399371

what was wrong with the kage anime ?

>> No.43399688

too much tech, and changed the settings of scenes too much which reduced their impact imo.
they especially butchered the initial rant about wanting to gain magic to overcome nukes in the first volume imo. it's probably just me being autistic and nitpicky, especially about how the fight scenes went. i don't normally care for fight scenes but i enjoyed reading them in kage. i pictured each as having a single unique element while playing up the opponent's misunderstanding, never taking too long, and shadow never being too flashy. the anime fights felt a lot more drawn out and bland.

it's a good anime by itself, but all the details just felt wrong.

>> No.43402630

while i have nothing to say about the time period change because it bothered me too, feels weird to see someone complain about the rest because it felt one of the only good LN adaptations i have seen in years
with a pacing of like 10 eps per volume it was an insane amount of attention to detail for each episode

>> No.43402684

yeah you're right i shouldn't complain so much when it's usually so much worse. but that's the thing, even at their very best, anime just can't replace reading the actual ln volumes.

>> No.43402753

well duh, it's just asking for the impossible to fully adapt the depth of a LN as an anime due to relying a lot on monologues and narration
it's probably possible with a manga source material because both are visual mediums, but with a LN source material it's just asking for the impossible

>> No.43402760

as mentioned earlier in the thread, the isekai nonbiri nouka anime is objectively better than the ln

>> No.43402790

yeah because nonbiri's novel version is so boring it practically reads like a greentext summary of events but without the 4chan sarcastic butthurt

>> No.43402838

my butt always hurts

>> No.43405271 [SPOILER] 
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Going to have to join the "it was kino" group here.
Yes a lot was cut despite using so many eps to cover just 2 volumes, yes the time period change was dumb, yes the anime original content was awkward at times.
But damn did it deliver when the gloves were off and it was time to show off.
I felt my soul orgasm during the first atomic, the second one and all the big fights also delivered, then the final ep was some of the best stuff I have seen out of the anime industry in years.
Fans of other series would kill for an adaptation this good, particularly dendrofags.

>> No.43405333

Is this a good detective LN or just another romcom with detective character?

>> No.43410633
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I don't get how an anime adaptation can fuck so much a LN without changing the story. And is not just the bad animation

>> No.43410646

wtf i was just thinking about arifureta and you posted this

>> No.43411665

the arifureta anime got me hooked on the wn and ln and i've actually rewatched it a couple times
the cgi is shit and the pacing is shit but it hits all the story beats that make arifureta fun and the ost is banging

>> No.43412185

I really gotta get around to reading this because the LN/WN would literally have to be a billion times better than the anime for it to justify its popularity

>> No.43413625

>the LN/WN would literally have to be a billion times better than the anime for it to justify its popularity
i mean, it kinda is?
the anime is hilariously, horribly, beyond bad
season 2 is somewhat better, but season 1 is just atrocious
even the music outside one or two good songs is at best average and phoned in
it's one of those adaptations that are so bad they actively detract from the source material
at least the manga is decent but outside helping you imagine things better (because honestly the LN art is kinda meh) it's not all that good either

>> No.43413914

It's painful to see how rare is it for LN adaptations to get decent adaptations, even manga ones have been trash for years now, ones like kagejitsu are basically a miracle.

>> No.43415193

what's the difference between Arifureta's LN and WN?

>> No.43415737

The plot gets extended (but not really changed) and some scenes have some changes to have a bigger emotional impact.
That said, you can read either version just fine, my only complaint is the final 2 arcs ballooning in size from like 1 volume each to like 3 each.
Which is not necessarily a bad thing because it helps develop the rest of the cast, but it's also not necessarily a good thing either.
The afterstory hasn't been adapted to LN either, and that's arguably when it REALLY starts to get good.

>> No.43416557

I can't watch anime anymore with all the CGI bullshit when i watched adaptions i already had to deal with changed plots and rushed stuff now i also have to deal with those ugly ass CGI abominations so i don't really care for shit getting animations anymore

>> No.43418632

公女殿下hater here. I ended up buying the latest vol because I am an impatient idiot (and because there's a long trip coming soon).
Here it is anonfiles com/m5ncC0p2z3/14_epub

>> No.43418663

cool thanks anon

>> No.43421162
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Trying to read youjo senki raw is killing me inside

Funny, saw a Japanese kid reading that in the train today. Was wondering a bit what it was since I only got a glance at the cover

>> No.43421325

Don't give up. After a volume or two, you'll be able to handle any Japanese military fiction like a champ.

>> No.43422612

Well, the isek/a/i thread is somehow getting worse by the day and it reached new lows just now so I will just ask here.
What do you guys recommend to put my handling of japanese to the test?
I mean something that doesn't primarily go for "dense" like TRPG, because honestly that one is more tedious than complex, it wasn't all that difficult, but something that's like "Be N3 or better or it's basically incomprehensible".

>> No.43423166

>put my handling of japanese to the test
>because honestly that one is more tedious than complex
>"Be N3 or better or it's basically incomprehensible".
What you're looking for is poetry, classical literature, and philosophical treatises then. Not LNs

>> No.43423188

that's mostly pretentious cope when "real literature" is in fact meant to be straightforward to understand out of necessity to portray whatever it is about
which is frankly not all that different from bullshit bakemonogatari fights

>> No.43423239

Similar question. I want to find light novels to read to learn Japanese. I want something that’s written straightforward without long details.

>> No.43423246

What do you mean? Prose is important in literature

>> No.43423257

for that you want manga or at least VNs
the more imagery, the more straightforward without long details the writing is. in novels they have to describe a lot more and give a lot more details in text.

>> No.43423263

unironically nonbiri nouka, it's so straightforward i would call it a downside

>> No.43423268

if you think prose means complexity you really don't know literature
what are you even doing here then?

>> No.43423525

I don’t think I like it, but thanks for a recommendation. I appreciate it
I guess manga works. But it’s just not that dense when it comes to text.

I would like to read something at High School level. Prose similar to Great Gatsby or Steinbeck.

>> No.43423542

any yuri recommendations? genuinely don't know what to read right now

>> No.43423941


>> No.43424050
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>> No.43424489

Prose isn't complexity, but variation in complexity is a tool that is often used in prose to accomplish the goal of conveying not only information but also other things like tone and feel. Mark Twain is straightforward, but his straightforwardness is not lacking in complexity where useful.

>> No.43424510

but anon didn't ask for "real literature", he asked for "Be N3 or better or it's basically incomprehensible"

>> No.43424574

being n3 is such a transient thing that you might not even be n3 by the time you finish a new book though

>> No.43424617

actually what's up with that weird phenomenon?
feels like people either hover forever in the "i'm starting to learn japanese" state or go from knowing nothing to being able to read to near-native levels in just 1-2 years if not less, nothing in between

>> No.43424639

are you a hikkineet who can afford to spend a whole day reading 2 pages of moonrunes or do you have a job and only have 3 hours from 7pm to 10pm to do what you want

>> No.43424731

i'm half way. I spent the first several months learning japanese with a part time job. when I started my full time job I was already able to comprehend most of the audio content I listen to at work and I could read without having to spam a dictionary. I agree if i started now it would be rough. but most LNs are only a couple word lookups per page for me (that being said, sometimes I'll randomly encounter a page with several or more things I need to look up, or several pages in a row where there's nothing to look up) so it's much easier to just naturally use my free time getting better. If anyone reading this is in a period of their life where they have lots of free time, I strongly recommend you start learning japanese now if you're considering it, cause when you have 8 hours+ of free tiem a day it's way easier to spam the dictionary and make anki cards every few minutes

>> No.43425103

Smartphone Isekai was very comfy to read. The larger than usual font size on the physical books might have helped as well, I guess

>> No.43427323

This is just my theory based on my own personal experience but you have reach that point where you can read the content you want without too much struggle. The permanent dekinai types never get there and just switch from one snake oil method to another. If you do reach that point, then you pretty much home free. You'll learn a ton from anything you read after that point and will rapidly improve.

>> No.43429802

new kuma kuma kuma bear chapter is out bros

>> No.43429833

does she get raped yet

>> No.43429895

does anybody have highschool dxd raw in epub format? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.43429903

I think you will only finds scans, maybe there is a OCR that can read folders that can generate a epub somewhere

>> No.43429911

yes, fina had enough of her shit

>> No.43429926
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My wife's novel. It's even good!

>> No.43430674

speaking from experience, automatic OCR off scans is unreliable and requires a lot of babysitting
call it cope but manual OCR is better anyway, should help you learn radicals which in turn make it easier to read and learn kanji to look it up faster without OCR

>> No.43431101

As both an ESL and chronic dekinai I could be talking complete shit here, but I don't think fluency and density are unrelated, as improved fluency makes it quicker and the less tedious it is to punch through the density, and easier to appreciate whatever feeling the dense text is trying to convey.

>> No.43431484

not everything is about "real literature"
i like dense shit like tanya as much as light reads like rokujouma just for different reasons

>> No.43431614

>classical literature
Unless you actually mean "literature written in Classical Japanese" (i.e. literally a different language), a "normal" novel is not really any more challenging than a typical LN. It just depends on the author's writing style more than anything else.

>> No.43431615

>Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.
is this actually the norm here? I came here for suggestions because the biggest hurdle from just googling seems to be that everything people recommend is poorly translated

>> No.43431625

it's just a general suggestion that applies to all translated media
just bee yourself but be aware, that's all

>> No.43431647

It's not like we have any real data, but I think most of the regulars in this thread read in Japanese. At least that's my general impression.

>> No.43431668

ok thanks. well I guess I'll make my request then

I want to read cgdct in LN form. it can be 1 cute girl or group of cute girls, and it can be SoL or another genre. a good translation is a must ofc. it doesn't need to be strictly cgdct in a conventional anime way, as long as the main character(s) match that tone.
I wouldn't have thought so, just because Japanese is a pretty tough language to learn

>> No.43431771

its not though

>> No.43431789

This is the niche general on the niche board where the half dozen moonreaders congregate, with a small influx from /a/ recently but most of those either just lurk or went back to /a/ because it was too autistic.
I dunno if it exactly qualifies but try Yuri Tama

>> No.43431857

*but try Yuri Tama. It's a yuri trainwreck plot but the train is made of marshmallows.

>> No.43431892

why did you correct nothing

>> No.43431936

>why did you correct nothing
He's very mindful of punctuation.

>> No.43432072

Can confirm I mostly lurk unless I can give recs, too much autism for me.
I'm learning japanese tho.

>> No.43432411

hmmm I don't mind yuri but I don't like when one of the girls is basically just a placeholder for a guy
I like when they're both girly.

>> No.43432447
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>basically just a placeholder for a guy
As a swordfag I take offense to that

>> No.43433266

With the crutches of the modern age, you'ld be surprised how far you can go with mediocre japanese skills.

>> No.43436102

What font do you use on your e-reader?

>> No.43436335

Hate how you lose indentation/formatting when using this. It was almost perfect

>> No.43436491
File: 369 KB, 1280x1436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nevermind paragraphs are properly templated so I can just add a simple css rule to add indentation myself
>section[id^="chapter"] > p:not(.cotx):not([class^="space-break"]) {
> text-indent: 2em

>> No.43436527
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>> No.43438754

Got any recs for some 学園バトル?
Already read IS and planning to read アステリスク and 落第

>> No.43439812

Kozuka Mincho Pro

>> No.43440465

I dunno if 七つの魔剣が支配する is a true school battle although it does have a battle arc but I recommend it anyway.

>> No.43440611
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Does this series get better later on?
I remember really liking volume 2 and 5, but the rest seems mediocre so far.

>> No.43441709

What's special about vol 2 and 5? I feel the core features of the series remains the same across all the novels so if you don't like the earlier vols you won't like the later ones either.

>> No.43441745

Well, in volume 2, Lawrence was cheated on by the priest, and he desperately begged everyone to lend him money. I like how Holo tried to be support of lawrence in his desperate moment. Speaking of Lawrence being desperate, I also like that moment where Lawrence demanded Holo to pay back his money, so she won't leave him in Vol 1.
I wonder there are more moments like these later on?

>> No.43442033

honestly that's a much better term than "battle harem" which better describes what i imagine is what ironic weebs talk about when they talk about the era before sao and eventually isekai

>> No.43442089

>ironic weebs
normal anons also called them battleharems mate, not everything is the fault of ironic weebs.

>> No.43442103

that the plague even spread here doesn't mean it's not a bad thing

>> No.43442251

Some good stuff from that old era, notably a few are old enough to have finished by now.

>"True" and centered around combat and an academy.

>Not quite "pure" 学園バトル, and centering more around the バトル than the 学園 part, but still carrying the same 真髄 to an extent.
とある魔術の 禁書目録

And some recent stuff, LNs which don't stick to old conventions but are still at least adjacent in 真髄
New frontiers, but at the same time plenty haven't really stood the test of time.

>> No.43442358

Oh, then you will actually like the later vols

>> No.43443317

Thanks anon, really appreciate it.

>> No.43446431

If I can't find an epub version of a book on Amazon what's the next best place in terms of being able to strip DRM? Right now I'm seeing it on Rakuten and Booklive and a few other places

>> No.43446597
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is anyone on this planet still following this shit unironically after the main story ended

>> No.43447269

I've never had any problems stripping ebook DRM from Rakuten. I used the Obok DeDRM extension in Calibre.

>> No.43448549 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 686x1200, yang.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43449013

I'm following it ironically

>> No.43449573

Honzuki's new volume is up. One more volume left for completion

>> No.43452314

honestly felt the ending was kind of meh
made me stop caring about following the LN too

>> No.43453057

anonfiles com/w6wdydq8ze/_DxD_zip

>> No.43453513

Thank you very much!

>> No.43453567

I have not read it at all, but I am aware of やがて君になる 佐伯沙弥香について

>> No.43454720

It's kinda fucked up. Not that I dislike fucked up shit but it's weird how it's so popular among normies.

>> No.43454730

I hated how the anime reduced itself to a boring generic isekai after season 1. Is the LN worth it?

>> No.43454775

unironically no, the anime is surprisingly faithful

>> No.43454918

That makes me incredibly sad. Season 1 is one of my favorite anime.

>> No.43454965

It's one of those LNs from someone that jumped into the bandwagon after cooking up an idea for a while like virgin road, tondemo skill, otome survival, etc.
It starts off strong because it's built off like 3-12 months worth of creative ideas, then instantly shits the bed right after due to the author being an animeonly that doesn't know what the fuck to do next because adaptations most of the time only cover volumes 1-3 if you're lucky, so they end up doing what "the isekais" do according to memes.

>> No.43455997

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.43456488

The series has Ascendance in the title, she was never going to stay a poorfag terminal cancer patient forever.

>> No.43457103

Does anyone know if there is a place that have a list of LNs that do NOT have a WN version? I know of old novels but surely there will be some LNs that don't have a WN even nowadays

>> No.43457283

Are you a bot?
>boring generic isekai after season 1
What even is a generic isekai for you? Honzuki could be boring but I really doubt you could call any part of it generic isekai.

Also, the anime is a fucking humongous piece of dog shit. If you have the patience and want to give it another chance, please try the LNs

>> No.43457300

dunno about generic but it's hard to take it seriously after >o my soup
especially when off text-feel and from how people shill it, it comes off as the next advent of spice and wolf or something "mature" along those lines

>> No.43457310

honzuki is a series beloved by literal schoolchildren, nobody is calling it mature your sperg

>> No.43457330

>your sperg

>> No.43457345

whose sperg

>> No.43457356

List of LNs /lng/ hates:

>> No.43457366

Honzuki is just a Mushoku Tensei genderflip
>otaku male died after achieving nothing
>normalfag female died after achieving her dream of becoming a librarian
>born with incredible magic power that makes him a prodigy
>born with incredible magic power that makes her terminally ill
>he travels the world raises his physical powerlevel and does hot blooded adventures while carrying waifus
>she hangs around in 1-2 locations raising her social powerlevel makes paper, fashion products and delicious food while being literally carried by husbandos
>he spends all day submitting to others whether hitogami or orsted, LARPs as a bootlicking salaryman
>she ascends to take charge of entire industries and damn anybody who gets dragged along in her wake
>he grooms multiple younger girls to be with them
>she NTRs multiple younger guys to be with someone else

the reverse of generic is just generic by inversion

>> No.43457375

thanks removed from backlog

>> No.43457394

Honestly this explains a lot behind how people talk about it.

>> No.43457404

I appreciate that you used spoiler tags despite not liking either series

>> No.43457492

I don't think you know what generic means.

>> No.43457493

It's hard to take seriously when all of the historical tech things are just painfully dumb, and usually wrong. How are you going to try and create dramatic tension around finding something to write with in a setting that uses wood fuel?

>> No.43457617

Ascendance of a Bookworm.
The Bookworm part is completely gone by now.

>> No.43457709

I don't know how things are going in the raw but in the translation most of the ongoing plotlines have at least some relation to books or the printing industry, whether that's her holeing up in the temple to collaborate with the Plantin company, visiting giebes to explore the possibility of setting up paper and print workshops in their provinces, trading rare books with other duchies, or the search for the Grutrissheit

>> No.43457712

Yeah nah, you are trying too hard to contrast it with mushoku. What husbandosexcept ferdinand are you even talking about? Comparing characters like benno and lutz with mushoku females is nonsense. Also who did she even NTR?

>> No.43457741

>The Bookworm part is completely gone by now.
Anon please. The most important happening in the entire series finding グルトリスハイト came around because of her bibliomania. Nearly every major event in part 4 and the first half of part 5 happens because of her bibliomania. What other displays of bibliomania do you even want to make the series worthy of having "bookworm" in its title?

>> No.43457757

>o my soup
That and the other food related stuff are a bit comical yeah, but not so much when you compare it to the events
>o my colored water from boiled leaves
brought around in real life

>> No.43457784

Talking about the anime in case you didn't notice.

>> No.43457813

maybe not for myne herself, but for self inserting female readers there are definitely multiple of desirable older male characters from benno to ferdinand to damuel etc and also hildebrand for shotacons
list of characters who got ntred by myne
>wilfried (not romantically but his sense of self worth got cucked)

>> No.43457824

Cool, but the same applies for the anime. Books/bookmaking stays in focus until the second half of the season 3 and only recedes into background because there are far more important issues (like the probability of her being kidnapped and turned into a breeding sow) to deal with. Certainly not because the series dropped the bookworm theme

>> No.43457851

>stays in focus
If you consider an excuse to advance a boring plot instead of the actual goal of the MC being "the focus", yeah, sure.

Still much worse than season 1.

>> No.43457861

>but for self inserting female readers there are definitely multiple of desirable older male characters
That I agree with (and actually disliked when I realized it on my second read). Even so, they are not really comparable with the mushoku heroines to any extent.
No really, what does this word even mean now? There are 0 cases of conscious mutual love until the second half of the part 5, that too only with ferdinand. Lutz - nothing but freindship, colored pink by reader's delusions. Lestilaut - just a muse, confirmed by author. Hildebrant - one sided puppy love. Wilfred - really anon?

Calling it NTR is funny but there are retards who will take you word for real and repeat it brainlessly

>> No.43457896

You're right, NTR is a very strong word and ideally shouldn't be used just for harem losers and I will now sudoku for adding fuel to cuckposters.

>> No.43457899

>If you consider an excuse to advance a boring plot instead of the actual goal of the MC being "the focus", yeah, sure
If I understand correctly what you wanted is a story about the ascendance of the bookmaking tech and books instead of the protag herself as a character. In that case you are right, this title cheated you and you won't really like the later volumes.

>> No.43457915

Infinite Dendrogram

>> No.43458599

Wait so 七つの魔剣が支配する isn't about a guy going around and fucking up top knights in other countries? I don't know anything about it besides the title. I'm gonna go read the description right now

>> No.43458618

nta but actually answering your question is a bit spoilery
wouldn't call 7spellblades 学園バトル but calling it that is not exactly wrong either
gray area i guess

>> No.43458630

You know of any stories where someone goes to fuck up top soldiers or knights of other countries? Thought 7spellblades was going to be about a guy growing strong and just killing the top knights for some or no reason

>> No.43458702

isn't that like, the usual (true) 学園バトル in almost all cases? especially with the eventual cross-academy tournaments or duels

>> No.43458742


>> No.43458859

You mean a story where they just so happen to do it or a story where that is the driving plot and motivation? Lots of the former, not so many of the latter.

>> No.43458997

>Lutz - nothing but freindship
I hope if a friend has ever told you that somebody is interested in you, you simply believed them instead of trusting your crippled instincts. Holy hell.

>> No.43459034

Far better than being a delusional shipper who can't wrap their head around the concept of platonical love

>> No.43459076

Don't be daft, he was a young boy with a crush on a neighbor girl. And the skinwalking old lady took full advantage.

>> No.43459083

See, this is what I call delusion. Never had any neighbourhood girl you treated like your own sister?

>> No.43459135

Doing so would have been rather mean to the neighbor.

>> No.43459306

didnt realize that
did the author abandon it?

>> No.43459374
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>Lutz - nothing but freindship
the author wrote the ink autist and her husband specifically to echo what myne and lutz could have been if she didn't get taken by the nobility, I dunno how much more explicit you can get anon

>> No.43459398
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anyone finish the whole thing?
i remembered being tempted to buy the entire volume even though im still practicing reading
hidari's art is just way too good

>> No.43459477

My understanding is that is how their relation would have developed if myne and lutz were left alone. But that's the thing: they could have "developed" a romantic relation if left alone, but there is no "puppy love" element at the point myne became nobility or thereafter in the main story.
If anything author is quite obvious in how she portrays romantic element. Read hildebrant's monologues or his reactions in the scenes with him. Now that is a puppy love. Similarly read how gil's reactions were portrayed. That's adoration+crush. Now compare them with lutz's monologues or his reactions.

>> No.43459804

>i remembered being tempted to buy the entire volume even though im still practicing reading
In my experience finding something I really wanted to read and couldn't put down followed by associated works lead to a huge breakthrough in my Japanese comprehension ability

>> No.43459925

Either one is fine but driving and motivation is better. Redo of a healer is technically one but eh already reading it and it's just a big harem
Hmm, you're probably right but they don't ever kill anyone and it's just a haha you beat me good job

>> No.43459956

>instead of the protag herself as a character
I think you mean "as an RPG character", which is what happens in the anime.

>> No.43461778
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New chapter out. Heh, a literal Monkeypaw as an MVP reward. But still, Vth Form doko? Mechagodzilla doko? Kumamon/Delta Megazord vs Sanic/Godzilla doko? Fran losing then taking revenge via arson doko?
War/senki or normal action series? For the former there's Rain (dead author), Denyuuden, anything Kawakami, Vanadis, and Der Werwolf; while for the latter we have Sevens, Heavy Object (technically), Katanagatari, Uchi no Ko (technically), that sword isekai whose name I forgot, Skellington Knight, and Summoned Slaughterer. You'll tend to see those stories under the OP/hiding strength tags desu.
Shield Hero? Are we talking about the (real) WN ending, the WN ending the author was forced to write, or the LN? Pretty sure he got severe "can't write a good ending"-itis. Looking back, felt like the author got lucky his story got to be in the first wave of isekai WN boom alongside Arifureta.

>> No.43462516

>anime just can't replace reading the actual ln volumes
Imagine still not getting what an adaption is intended for
Also this. the shit with the piano still lives rent free in my head. From episode 7 onwards i cant think of a single scene the anime didn't improve

>> No.43462530

>Imagine still not getting what an adaption is intended for
advertising for the LN? It's nice when they're actually good though.

>> No.43462535


>> No.43462542

well, Kage seems to have nothing to worry about

>> No.43463772

weird it's like in 3rd place when it comes to earning kadokawa money behind only the likes of overlord with just 5 volumes and a single anime season
kinda insane if you think about it

>> No.43463883
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next round of overlap announced
new hazure waku, and finally genjitsu shugi yuusha

>> No.43463897

>ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略 life.12

>> No.43463909
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also, new death march cover art

>> No.43463949

i want to fuck liza

>> No.43463999

unexpectedly cute

>> No.43464608
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How's is SukaMoka compared to the original? has anyone tried reading it?

>> No.43464669
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so, what's your settings?

>> No.43464718

I read the first one after finishing the original series, but let me be honest I didn't really like it that much.

I felt like the original series also lost direction with the story after the point where the anime adaptation finished introducing meaningless power levels with adventurers guilds in a dream world. Like you could probably cut the last few books and nothing of value would be lost from the original sukasuka.

The new series just tries to repeat the same emotional moments from the original series except with a new MC that's got more intrigue. I didn't really feel much charm from the MC nor the girls desu since it just felt like the same story.

The new story leans really hard on intrigue with the new MC's past, his motivation for wanting to "end the world", and wtf his family is up to, but I wasn't interested enough to want to read the 2nd book.

Idk, maybe I may continue reading it in the future since the lore is genuinely fascinating in sukasuka.

>> No.43465137
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sell me on picrel

>> No.43465223

I really liked the original, a novel with only 5 volumes is something special, and is hard to make an ending like that and not suck, as you said the lore is really interesting as well.
Shame about the new one though, i had my doubts and seems like i was right.

>> No.43465854
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Is audible a decent way to listen to light novels?

>> No.43466215

Is it true that literary Japanese has a lot of homophones that aren't normally used in spoken Japanese or is that a meme

>> No.43466226

why dont you find out by reading literary works

>> No.43466317

great girls
great chuuni nonsense
goes well with the MGR soundtrack

>> No.43466437

Since you were asking for Aditya, do you have the chapters for Avesta anon ?

>> No.43466584

from /a/
The Only Thing I Know For Real = Takeru in God Hunter form
A Stranger I Remain = Laugh Maker
Red Sun = Haunted
The Hot Wind Blowing = Onii-sama
It Has to be This Way = Takeru and Kyouya especially Vol 9
I'm My Own Master Now = Takeru fights Onii-sama for the Truth
The Stains of Time = Orochi
Collective Consciousness = Sougetsu
A Soul Can’t Be Cut = Kiseki
Rules of Nature = Mech Dragons
Dark Skies = Orochi and Mother Goose
Locked & Loaded = Kyouya

>> No.43466855

Yes. They have a ton of LNs available, and unlike the western audible where you have to buy each title (and the subscription only gives you "free" credits each month), the japanese audible is 聴き放題, so you can just download everything you want during the free trial month.

>> No.43466918

>Skellington Knight
that one SUCKS if it's the one i'm thinking of with the dark elf

>> No.43467827

Ending sucked but its ok

>> No.43468115

sweet. shame that buying them outright is quite expensive

>> No.43468263

Nope, sorry. I wanted to read Aditya first while waiting for Avesta's adaption

>> No.43468770

any decent LNs that has a yandere heroine?
>inb4 blood sign

>> No.43468831

Damn, I can talk about web novels here instead of on the isekai thread on /a/.
Anyone reading ゴルダナ帝国衰亡記 ~ハーレムはあきらめてください~?
The world building and politics are great, and the current war arc is really exciting.

>> No.43468906

Out of curiosity, which I will probably regret, what happened this time?
Haven't been on that general in months myself but feels like every few days someone complains about it.
It was already bad when I left so I can't imagine what could have happened to make them worse.

>> No.43468939

yeah, but there's no need to when you can just subscribe for a month and download everything new for less than what a single volume would cost

>> No.43468979

Does anyone have novels to recommend in a similar vain to All you need is Kill???

>> No.43468986

almost caught up with 魔女と傭兵
it's funny reading the author's comments from when he suddenly got his "big break" and novelization offer

>> No.43469165

Nothing in particular, I just popped up in there from time to time to recommend stuff, but there doesn't seem to be many Japanese readers.
Also there tend to be a lot of manga adaptation readers.

>> No.43469573

dungeon dive kinda has a yandere harem

>> No.43469860

Any Sagrada Reset enjoyers? Debating if I want to read or watch it first. Heard good things about the anime actually.

>> No.43470281

Sakurada reset? The one about the town that gives people super powers and a boy who can remember previous timelines and a girl that can rewind time (while losing her memories)?

I did enjoy the novel enough to finish the whole series, but if I'm being honest I can't remember any moments from the story at all. So it was probably quite a bland story. Never watched the anime though, so maybe it's way better.

>> No.43470994

is that senki?

>> No.43471022

Sasuga shadow sama

>> No.43471206

Not at the start, it becomes more senki in the later chapters.
Word of warning, there's a lot of degeneracy and debauchery involved, and some dark humor, although mostly in the later chapters.
It actually got exiled from narou because of it.

>> No.43471237

Oh and sexual humor, a lot of that.
A lot of characters have some sort of fetish.

>> No.43471557

>ironic weebs
rent free

>> No.43473586

I remember finding that novel on syo, wanted to read it because the 逆転 is always great for r18 novels, but the author himself says that it's a novel with no "practical" use so I never started it.

>> No.43474129

Yeah, it's not smut and it's not erotic.
The protagonist does have sex though.

>> No.43474366

I wish there was more of those no "practical" since i want serious stuff that have some sex at times

>> No.43476653

>A lot of characters have some sort of fetish.
That's always hit or miss honestly, it's always done either really well or really badly, no real in between.

>> No.43477383

There's serious stuff that has "practical" use too though.

>> No.43477675

As long its serious with a good story and cool fights then i'm cool with it,i'm a VNfag afterall

>> No.43478153

Yeah but VOLUME 6 WHEN!?

>> No.43478510

As another VNfag that would say the same about cool fights, what LNs have you found that you liked?

>> No.43478675

LNs with sex + cool fights or LNs with cool fights in general?

>> No.43479107

If something's sold out on CDJapan does that mean they'll never have it in stock again?

>> No.43479135

Depends, what's the actual availability status of the item?

>> No.43479154
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Literally "Sold Out". I checked their FAQ and it's listed as separate from Backorders so I figure that means their supplier won't take orders anymore but I'm not sure

>> No.43479165

okay what the fuck, I've never seen that one before. I would assume it's probably gone in that case.

>> No.43479194

>I've never seen that one before.
Really? Don't ever buy any old series from them? Anyway thanks, I'll get it somewhere else and hope they don't fuck up the packaging

>> No.43479204

I'm a big retard. Apparently, "sold out" is listed as "no longer available" on the search page and that's the same thing.

>> No.43479559

i'm not that into vns buuuut...
avoiding spoilers as much as possible
if not the gold standard, i would at least consider it the silver standard and bare minimum for chuuni/cool/kino or whatever you want to call it, i'm not going to start that autism trigger again
the LN hasn't adapted the afterstory, which is a shame because it's honestly the best part, but that doesn't mean the main story isn't good, because in my opinion it is
while it isn't a proper harem per se, hajime only really cares about yue for most of the main story, he does have sex
the fights are also, for the lack of a better word, "very anime", because while they aren't that complex, there's spectacle
not a mecha series, but for me close enough to satisfy the "guy fights with a vehicle" itch, the MC does have sex, the fights are also straightforward
one of my personal favorites, because the MC is completely fucking insane? have you heard people gush about dendro's "autism"? yeah this guy is what would happen if someone overdosed on the "out of the box creativity + deranged willpower" juice? the fights can also be called contentedly straightforward? extreme complexity applied directly?
there's sex? it's somehow one of the most sexual LNs i have read? except it's weirdly tactful? but it's also extremely EROS? dignified depravity?
if i had to sum it up, it would be arifureta 2.0, and not in a bad way, because the MC really loves to fight, technically has sex but there's little focus on it
probably the FOTM, recently got an anime adaptation, no sex and cid is too autistic for that, but he does have the autistic coolness, when read in japanese it takes itself extremely seriously with most jokes being dry comedy from how absurd it can be, it's fun, and unironically cool
if cid is an invincible badass that thinks everyone is entertaining his fancy, this is about someone being weak while everyone else thinks they are an invincible badass, comedy ensues, ulcers in MC's stomach ensue, regrettably no sex so far either
guy gets isekai'd into his favorite game then becomes powerful and gets laid
why this with that seemingly extremely generic summary be something i recommend? because the MC is also insane and that's entertaining to me
notably it's one of the few grind stories that i feel actually do the "autistic grindset" mentality well, something i feel LNs like hell mode and heavy knight fail to capture, those are only grind and all push no pull, but for this MC the grind has a purpose and it's applied whenever possible

>> No.43479764

none of those are R18 though

>> No.43479834

Loner isekai and space mercenary are, though only loner actually has any real focus on sex.
Haven't read half of those however.

>> No.43479844

those are both R15

>> No.43479885

nah loner isekai does have sexs, plenty of it
or do you mean you want straight up porn? because i don't see that often outside vns or games like eushully/alicesoft

>> No.43479931

It may have sex but it's still rated 15+.
The first comment in the chain was talking about an actual R18 web novel, and just what did you think "practical use" meant if not fapping?

There are plenty of novels with straight up porn in it. You obviously know about Narou right? It has an adult R18 section too you know. And just like the non-adult section there are plenty that managed to find a actual publisher to publish their novel.

Haven't read a R18 novel before? Make your first time unforgettable with a R18G web novel! I recommend this even to people who don't like guro:
>屠殺鬼 ~復讐を誓うケダモノの絶倫セックスに悶える女たちと、僕だけの女神さま~

>> No.43480012

>I recommend this even to people who don't like guro
But don't read it if you absolutely can't stand even a tiny bit of guro, lol.
I don't have a guro fetish but it was still interesting for me.

>> No.43480036

How guro are we talking?

>> No.43480078

Who's the rance (as a series, not the MC) of LNs? With everything that entails.
Yeah maybe rance is a bit too entry level but that's the joke.

>> No.43480087

The protagonist is a humanoid monster that eats people.
Lots of people get slaughtered and die.
Also plenty of hardcore rape.

It's not bad though since it's all text. No images to scar your mind with. Also other than the guro scenes the story is not that dark, it even has comedy scenes sprinkled throughout.
The author has this to say about it:

>> No.43480138
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Not that anon but IMO the Rance of LNs would be 王国へ続く道.
The protagonist basically has a dick for brains and wants to fuck everything. He's also dumb in a lovable way and travels around the continent fighting and having a good time. Eventually ends up in a position of power just like Rance.
The porn is kind of bad though. I'm sure the author realizes it too because partway though the series the porn scenes kind of turn into comedy scenes.
It's the 5th highest ranked novel on the 18+ side of Narou.


>> No.43480164

Late to the reply chain, but I want to throw in.
MC is a dungeon master, cute girls get captured, you know the rest.
Pretty inoffensive (unless you aren't into netori) and doesn't take itself seriously, a simple fap, maybe a bit too vanilla but should be good as entry level.
For something darker/more serious but with more or less the same premise, there's:

>> No.43480395

Sounds fun, picked up.

>> No.43483764

weird the cover makes it look all serious

>> No.43484200
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Speaking of ero LNs, does anyone know the current status of Zombie Afureta? There's no info whatsoever even after its 4th VN adaptation, I actually kinda like it desu.
The vampire mommy one? The one with the MC's literal horse marrying (then impregnating) a noble lady? IIRC he actually got NTRd by his own son, then he finally fucks off to be with his vampire mommy after that.
Hey, MC's whole larping as a knight feels rather wholesome yanno.

>> No.43484277

I finished 新妹魔王の契約者 recently, i like this dude novels if he put more effort into world building and the fights it would be some real good shit,aside of that one of my few other complaints is every girl getting even bigger breasts since i enjoy girls that have smaller and medium breasts aside of the giant bazookas

>> No.43484306

>IIRC he actually got NTRd by his own son
you have that backwards. the main character NTR's his son. the son was in love with his sister (the main character's daughter) but the main character ends up unintentionally fucking her (father-child incest).

also I think you quoted the wrong person because there's definitely no guro in 王国へ続く道

>> No.43487602

wait is it also senki?
oh boi

>> No.43491711

weird how this general seems to have bursts of massive autism every few days but it's mostly dead outside them

>> No.43491718

Autism is the path of heaven that most are unable to follow

>> No.43491865

Sometimes, I'm busy reading.

>> No.43492608

I'm 2 thirds thru vol 1 of ぼくは異世界で付与魔法と召喚魔法を天秤にかける, and while I don't dislike it thus far, the way the author jam fisted the romance in is really jarring.
He tries to handwave it away with a "oh, it's the suspension bridge effect", but the MC and heroine have known each other for literally a handful of hours at this point, and all of a sudden they are so deeply in love they with that they seem a pair of osananajimi that have secretly loved each other for decades...
It's honestly enough that I don't know if I'll go any further than vol1.
I've read someone in this thread describe 異世界迷宮の最深部を目指そう as functionally a full yandere harem or something, is that somewhat accurate? Because in that case I may read that next.

>> No.43492621 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.43492724

wrong board and thread

>> No.43492750
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>> No.43492810


>> No.43493990

what was it

>> No.43494051

Ot*nari tenshi. Apparently the guy who hates it became a mod and deletes every trace of it now

>> No.43494617

Yeah Saishinbu is definitely leaning towards a yandere harem, kinda like 黒の魔王 where girls basically meet the MC and develop into becoming yandere to the MC.

I remember dropping it after vol.5 since I got bored of it though. I'd honestly recommend https://syosetu.org/novel/232822/142.html as the yandere harem to go though.

It's got the intrigue with the harem members plotting each other + the MC being clueless of all this while desperately suffering and trying to save the world.

>> No.43494646

Anyone got any good audible recommendations?

>> No.43494739
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>it's a 体育祭 arc

>> No.43494746

>People are reading.
>They finish reading.
>They come here to autism.
>Get recs out of it.
>People are reading.
Dunno, sounds about right.

>> No.43495988

that doesn't make any sense there must be more to this

>> No.43496078

>WN abandoned
>LN stalled for 17 months
>Manga still going
How does this happen

>> No.43496152

>WN abandoned
Fully dependent on the author's motivation and time.
Some publishers like alphapolis make them take them down, but nobody else cares because it's free advertisement.
>LN stalled for 17 months
LN authors seem to have a lot of leverage when it comes to taking breaks and hiatuses, with some never coming back.
The only way they ever get pressured is by being big moneymakers like kadokawa does with the overlord author, and even then they can only squeeze one volume a year out of them on average.
>Manga still going
Manga adaptations are done by a completely different person and they can easily keep going even if the LN fully stalled.

>> No.43496517

Honzuki, because it's narrated by Iguchi Yuka

>> No.43496625

I fucking hate her jarringly high pitched voice. Myne's VA for drama cd 1 and 2 is a much better match imo.

>> No.43496971

Love my cute anime girl voices but I'd really prefer male narrators desu

>> No.43496983

Just started reading it and I'm enjoying it but man is the writer bitter about being unpopular in school

>> No.43500986

Do authors get more money from physical or digital sales? And for the purposes of measuring popularity and therefore market viability, do publishers value physical purchases over digital?

>> No.43501243

Saihate no Paladin? Considering the manga has had a couple of changes from the LN and extra chapters I assume the author is doing more work plotting things out for the manga and that will be the main story going forward.

>> No.43501259

At least in the US, digital royalty rates are lower than paperback royalty rates even when digital costs less to produce.

>> No.43501432

Have you ever thought that the story or characters in a novel were strangely familiar or that you knew some huge plot twist was coming even though you'd never read the novel before?

>> No.43501589
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Haven't actually read any of it, just found it while window shopping and thought the circumstances were weird (though not unusual I guess)

>> No.43501690
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Sure, Dendro/Danmachi evokes that feeling whenever I read them. Mostly because I'm a story/myth/folklore buff but also because said stories blatantly exposes their very own Chekov's gun whenever the opportunity arises.
>main character ends up unintentionally fucking her
Yep, sorry about that, haven't really finished Aegir's diary of fucking bitches because I was too preoccupied with Shinsuki na Adam and that one cave rapeslime story. I think I mistook her with that one designated NTR-notbait chara that actually fucks around willingly. Then again, I'm really only for the loli anyway desu.
>no guro
Also, yeah, meant to reply to the anon directly above me, my mistake.
Well, there's always Log Horizon if we want to talk about weird circumstances. Literally got an (actually decent) anime a year ago with the publisher saying "an announcement would be made regarding the series," yet there's still fucking nothing. Must be because it didn't use Database as its OP.

>> No.43501746

Just started read Rebuild World. I know I've never read it before but I get the feeling that Katsuya sets up a new nation and Sheryl gives up on Akira. Don't know why, not really asking for details, I just have a sense this happened.

>> No.43504133

any recs for "oneshot" or short LNs that are finished?

>> No.43504151

At the risk of triggering another autism spergout, is there a word for "chuuni edgelord but actually cool/actually has powers" like Lelouch?

>> No.43504281

Chuuni character in a well-written work

>> No.43504308

that's just chuuni
chuunibyou is imaginary powers

>> No.43504588

Damn, after seeing that cover and reading the synopsis I even kinda wanted to read it but now...

>> No.43505922

It's got a manga adaptation as well but I prefer the novel just because of how the title only makes sense in the last page of the short story where the manga changes the actual title of the story.

>> No.43505995
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Yeah, the funny (tragic) thing is that I found it because it got recommended as being similar to another one I was interested in. Unfortunately I guess they're a little too similar

>> No.43506678

Names? I'm only now starting to learn japanese so I can't just write the kanji.

>> No.43506714

never read them but "人脈チート" makes me think of those abilities some TRPGs have where you can have your PC call up/summon NPCs you have 'connections' with who are helpful for the current situation, including some really OP ones where your PC knows a relevant person in like every town. makes me curious about the book actually..

>> No.43506835


>> No.43508945

>that one cave rapeslime story
Are you the LDM hating anon by any chance?

>> No.43509567

as for me, it's kuma kuma kuma bear

>> No.43509823

Impregnating yuna

>> No.43509835

what if yuna got impregnated by her bears...

>> No.43510196
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>boot up an innocent-looking audiobook
>it's *actual* porn

>> No.43510255


>> No.43510288

innocent in the sense that it looks like your average harem ln not like there's graphic descriptions of human intercourse

>> No.43510449

I agree with you, I'm surprised that's the cover for an 18+ novel and I would've also been tricked.

>> No.43510547

How does audiobooks do the porn parts of +18 works? Do they get the person doing the noises?

>> No.43510590

>Do they get the person doing the noises?
I sure hope so otherwise that would be one serious ripoff.

>> No.43511689

shortly into genius prince I got the feeling that in the end it will be revealed he was executing a secret plan to conquer the entire continent all along specifically so he could marry his albino waifu

>> No.43511812

Anyone know if "世界最強の魔王ですが誰も討伐しにきてくれないので、勇者育成機関に潜入することにしました。" was dropped by the author? I liked it its also the only novel iknow mc have a harem since the beginning

>> No.43511898
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>> No.43512287
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Just finished TRPG 6. Honestly felt easier to read than usual. Vol 6 feels more like an orthodox western fantasy/Tolkien-inspired LN rather than what Schuld usually churns out. Derek/Dietrich is fucking cute dammit, which is quite something since I tend to hate Centaur characters. The Henderson feels a bit flat though, probably because I'm not as invested in Nakeisha as I am to Criminelf. Also,
>Unicorns will only submit to a pure master
>Leiznitz owns a unicorn
>the 300+ years old vitality glorifier wraith is as pure as the driven snow
Nope, just your resident Dendrofag. I've finished Death March and Hakai Me no Yuuri even when I hate them with my own fiber of being, so it's fair to say that I can pretty much stomach anything no matter how bad, fetishistic, and/or inane they were. Sides, I'm only reading LDM for the eyecandy.

>> No.43512386

Vol 6 felt like a road trip screwball comedy.

>> No.43513710

i'm surprised nakeisha is the only frontliner to score in a henderson scale ending so far given how erich keeps cooming over the perfect combat form of enemies like dietrich, nakeisha or the nameless ogre from volume 2

>> No.43514155

god I wish that was me

>> No.43517632

Is going from WN to LN always a mistake?

>> No.43517682

i don't know anon, it basically looks like a doujin cover in art style alone even before considering the blonde's outfit
not to shit talk it, but most doujins and that includes that image, have this weird "cheap" feel to them, like some washed up 30+ something artist is doing them
meanwhile rando harem lns feel made by newfag artists, because they either try too hard or look way too amateur

>> No.43517836

Which one you got burned by? Because on average it's mostly a near 1:1 transition plus illustrations.

>> No.43518799

>this is getting an audiobook in English
wonder what's the impetus behind the push to audio recently, how profitable can audio really be for a niche like mesucunny spiders?

>> No.43518948

>wonder what's the impetus

>> No.43519416
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Do you guys have any easy first novel recomendations?
i have been reading a tatsumi/esdese fanfic before bed and i realized i should instead reading more in nihongo since my bird brain keeps forgeting easy kanjis
I also dont mind isekai as long the vocabulary isnt hard.

>> No.43519436

owari no seraph was my first LN series, mostly easy to read at the time while not being completely boring (most of the time)

>> No.43519458

nonbiri nouka is as easy as it gets, to the point it's actively detrimental
isekai smartphone is straightforward in prose, flows well, but doesn't treat you like an idiot when it comes to kanji either
kuma kuma bear is also fairly simple-ish
sabikui bisco is what i can only call intermediate, it's not exactly simple, but it's not balls to the wall autism like dendro, let alone mahouka or to aru either

>> No.43519481

I'd recommend any webnovels since they're comfy with being able to look up dictionary definitions of words with browser extensions.

Specifically I remember starting with Mushoku Tensei, and I'd honestly recommend Infinite Dendrogram as well. The vocab isn't too bad on Infinite Dendrogram, it only gets complicated for some ability/character/job/chinese names.

>> No.43519507

you can do the same with ln epubs though

>> No.43519515

i think kage no jitsuryokusha ni naritakute is incredibly straightforward and easy to read, but it might just be that everything i've read before it were overly complicated wns.

>> No.43519537

I read this third or fourth and found it pretty easy as well.

>> No.43519572

kagejitsu is not a good first read due to relying on dry humor taking itself seriously which by itself is the joke
works as a good beginner read, maybe even second read, but definitely not as a first

>> No.43519586

>dry humor taking itself seriously
sounds like average british comedy to me

>> No.43519594

Funnily enough midgar is basically late-renaissance britain pretty much, and in the anime is very-early industrial revolution but about the same culture.

>> No.43519954

I would not suggest kagejitsu as a beginner read. It is easy to read, but some jokes, references and puns (like fuschiana = 節穴 = having bad eyes, not having a discerning eye) will go over the head without at least some experience reading stuff from the same memetic circle.

>> No.43519972

To be fair not even "professional" translators got most of the references and puns like the eggplant thing.

>> No.43520089

I don't think people who tl 魔剣士 as dark knights can be considered a standard for measuring difficulty but I agree.

>> No.43520941
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I would not recommend it as a pure beginner, but for different reasons.
While dumb/clever puns are part of the experience, I wouldn't call it essential, yes it's hurts not "get" the puns, but it's not a deal breaker.
But what I do consider one is not really "feeling" the atmosphere, on a first or even second read you're going to be stopping on every sentence to look up kanji, and you will take the face value dictionary meaning over what it should "feel" like.
For instance I can both say "Now the door is closed for you." and "The gates shut close, preventing thy entry." and you get the feel in english, but in japanese it's hard to get the feel when a lot of it comes from word choice (like how you normally wouldn't use "gate" in english) and how things are conjugated, both which are hard to recognize unless you're already used to it, and guides don't really teach you, you have to "get it" after reading and watching a few things.
Someone barely starting to learn is not really going to spot the difference, so most of the coolness factor is just going to fly over their heads and make it feel dry as fuck.
This obviously applies to anything, but I feel kage is one of those where it's a big deal, more than usual, especially when some jokes rely on things not sounding cool when they should, or sounding cool when they shouldn't, it's weird meta-comedy in that sense.
Don't let me stop you though, there's always rereading stuff afterwards to see what you missed once you're better at japanese and the pure plot is entertaining enough even if you were to MTL it.

>> No.43520995

see >>43424050

>> No.43521163

>eat the food
>consume the sustenance
>drink the booze
>imbibe the spirits
many such cases

>> No.43521942

Skipped ngnl vol6 because movie, but doesn't isuna gets her memory wiped after tet's story in the LN?

>> No.43525005


>> No.43525908

search youtube for 官能小説 for examples

>> No.43527999

oh i already read this
its indeed nice
