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43155304 No.43155304 [Reply] [Original]

how would you intergrate grazing as a mechanic in a turn based touhou rpg game?

>> No.43155393

It can work with a grid based positioning system like in Shining Force and attacks with warm ups.

>> No.43155467
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maybe by trying to do something similar to what fantasy maiden wars did, have a high speed and focused mode

in high speed mode you have your regular movement but danmaku will increase movement cost per tile along with reducing your evasion and defences

in focused mode you can ignore those penalties but it comes at the cost of movement being generally halved, and you no longer are able to dodge attacks but instead take a % of damage based on enemy accuracy when dodging

enemy spellcards also had a variety of other effects attached to them, and you could consume an action to bomb an area to remove danmaku/spellcard effects for a turn and some attacks were limited to which mode you were in as well

so in a turn-based RPG i see it being a mode toggle, something akin to how you wouldn't be able to dodge attacks anymore but instead would take a % of damage while also providing some other benefits such as buffs or avoiding debuffs/ailments maybe

>> No.43155535

Did you ever play black souls 1? Black souls actually has a speed stat that is dynamic. If you have a good read on your opponent's action speed you can attack multiple times before your opponent and dodge attacks.

Instead of always taking turns, your speed value fills up and if the bar is filled it's your turn. So you can build for pure speed (you can change your speed in game by unequipping/swapping items) and dodge everything

>> No.43155624

Mario & Luigi style.

>> No.43160290

Make it a turn based tactical RPG. Look at classic Xcom(attacks have spread), Valkyrie Chronicles(Dodging while attacking semi-real time), or Knights in the Nightmare(turn based but outright danmaku)

>> No.43163824

>how would you intergrate grazing as a mechanic in a turn based touhou rpg game?
It can work with a grid based positioning system like in Shining Force and attacks with warm ups.

>> No.43165876

Not to endorse gacha, but Lost Word added it in a thematic sense. Grazes act as shields. The player can have a character use a graze and auto-dodge an attack that turn. If a character runs out of grazes, they become stunned and super vulnerable to damage.
If a character survives running out of grazes, they're given a full set of grazes on the following turn.

>> No.43169251

So how is 2hu lost branch of legend?
looks like a decent Slay the spire clone.

>> No.43172000

I would like a Chimata themed Recettear.

>> No.43182957

I would not.

>> No.43192578

Can you make a Touhou fangame of any genre? Platform, RPG, fighting and racing are obvious, but how about more niche genres like stealth?
Would it be possible to have a stealth focused Touhou fangame like MGS?

>> No.43192764

Critical rolls on evasion checks

>> No.43192806

Do it like in Faselei!
>grid map
>each turn's action sequences are "programmed" by chip sequences in before each turn, meaning each turn shows simultaneously done sequences of certain amount of actions including movement (turning, slow/fast movement), attacks, defence, spell cards etc
>no "autoaim," you just try to predict the squares the enemy will be in and attack areas/singles of those
>can include melee
>can include obstacles
>someone attacks a square near you - you get grazing bonus

>> No.43193097

Sure, play as an extreme wilderness survival guy surviving in the forests of Gensokyo
