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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 747x600, Raggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4293473 No.4293473 [Reply] [Original]

This shitty board needs to be purged.

>> No.4293478

Shut up and give me my Nemesis gear, Ragnaros.

>> No.4293483 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.an on ta lk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4293484 [DELETED] 

Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.an on ta lk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4293486

Ask Onyxia, you're not getting shit from me until you farm your fire resist gear.

>> No.4293494

Whatever shitty 4chan-ish troll board sponsors raids/trolling of the topical boards needs to go away.

That's be "/b/" (4chan/"anonymous") or /co/, amirite?

>> No.4293496

Rag's looking kinda cool there.

I miss early vanilla WoW.

>> No.4293499

fucking wowfags. gtfo

>> No.4293504

This was the first time when I actually managed to make some friends, even if it was online. Was also the last time and lost them once the first expansion came out. I gave the latest one a try a month ago, shitsux and everyone is a mean cunt

>> No.4293505

goddamn 4chanfags.

Why don't you waste more of your life on that shitty board?

>> No.4293506
File: 403 KB, 1500x2000, warrior priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior to anything in warcraft


>> No.4293526
File: 533 KB, 1300x1096, c4fa6bf5ba43242f0f17763ac7c2bfaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, Momiji.

>> No.4293529

I agree, but this is not the right board for this shit.
OP please delete the thread.

>> No.4293532

Guilds have literally turned into jobs.

The GM is your boss. The officers are your supervisors. Piss them off and you get fired and replaced.

Don't show up for work every day? You're fired.

Come to work late? You're fired.

Mess up on your work? You're fired.

Also, you don't get paid. You pay your boss to work for him.

>> No.4293541


I hate this warcraft shit but that is actually awesome

>> No.4293545

Warrior priest?

That's called a paladin, which they have in WoW. Plenty of them.

>> No.4293562

They were always that way, and the alternative is a shitty guild where you wipe all the time because everyone else in an incompetent idiot.

What a strange game. The only way to win is to not play.

>> No.4293565

This is why I never play MMORPGs.

>> No.4293568


Seriously that was the peak of my one-month-long experience in WoTLK, even if the naming wasn't intentional

>> No.4293571

Before the expansion I had a hell of a lot of fun on Warsong getting up to 60 on PLD. But once I got there I lost complete interest, end-game is shit and "bought" gear didn't stand a chance against the raid gear 60's on AV. They were wrecking me, got boring fast.

>> No.4293585

I've started my character on Warsong back in '05. They couldn't understand that I can't speak Russian, damn it

>> No.4293588

except they are shitty

>> No.4293597


That's when I played, was on ally. Name was uh....Yoriko I think. Da capo was utter shit but I liked that character.

Too many BR's were on that server too. Always yelling out EL HORDA in STV, as if we didn't already know they were there.

>> No.4293621

I was playing some undead mage there with the habit of helping every single alliance players I came across and fishing on AV. I was also raging how giant faggots some alliance guilds were (because it tells everything from a person what guild they came from, right? Silly me) Migrated away as soon as I could to Neptulon

>> No.4293638

I really wish they would wipe out the current content and just make a whole new game.

WoW was awesome in vanilla because it was new. Now it's the same old shit with minor improvement every once in a while.

SW:TOR better be good and put WoW out of business.

>> No.4293680

WoW is too mainstream have itself pummelled to death by any game coming out. Its end most likely will come by Blizz's next MMO which will put WoW out of date (while running some remaining servers for a few more years to milk some easy money)


>> No.4293733

Yeah, because Star Wars and Bioware aren't mainstream or anything.
