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File: 92 KB, 850x854, __miyadeguchi_mizuchi_touhou_drawn_by_iganashi1__sample-8efc4aa8cb4f7b939207ab48404be8c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42675754 No.42675754 [Reply] [Original]

>"Spell cards rule is BULLSHIT"
>"That lazy blasphemous shrine maiden should exterminates those youkai FOR REAL, instead of giving them tea every Saturday!"

>> No.42675818
File: 263 KB, 741x1100, __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_kugelschreiber__3bf36ad4793624e90eeec72331add04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Satori gonna be the new Mizuchi

>> No.42677222

She's right on all accounts

>> No.42677377
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did they?

>> No.42677392

i'll exterminate her with my DICK

>> No.42681497

yes they did

>> No.42681880

You can be right and still an idiot for saying it. What's she gonna do, convince Reimu troublesome youkai should all be killed on sight and then be the first one to die?

>> No.42684998
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never got this whole thing to begin with, if vengeful spirits are that dangerous for both humans and Youkai, shouldn't they do that from the beginning instead of just sealing it?

>> No.42685311

so she's a grimsokyo fan?

>> No.42685809

Humanity won so hard that youkai had to segregate themselves behind a magic barrier to keep a small amount of humans contained by keeping them extremely ignorant, constantly spying on them, indoctrinating them, and not giving them any freedom to develop themselves naturally, trapping them in a perpetually feudal-esque society. And even that probably isn’t sustainable, since the villagers’ fear is mostly performative these days. The youkai have no real future, and many of them don’t have a meaningful existence at all, either completely lacking ambition and just flying around like Rumia, or poorly imitating humans like the Tengu and Kappa.
Mizuchi is just dumb and only looks at the villagers, who are just cattle and not representative of humanity at large.

>> No.42688542

I'm not surprised if Mizuchi was killed by a youkai when she was alive to warrant such genocidal hostility to them, probably even used to be an overzealous youkai exterminator before the barrier erected.
Hell with her having hair tube like Reimu and apparently always spying on her activity, it would be pretty fun to imagine if she's actually an ex-Hakurei shrine maiden who's absolutely seething that her successor is too lenient on youkai

>> No.42689024

"Miya" (宮) is palace but also can be understood as "shrine", hmm...
To be fair she doesn't necessarily know what is life behind the Barrier and why it was erected since she was sealed from indeterminate time. Still doesn't mean she's not dumb, she could do some recon and come up with an actual plan instead of possessions seemingly just to spite Reimu.

>> No.42689060
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This, the best they can do is annoy humans, they don't have souls and are loose ends, simply put they're just your fantasy friends created by delusions and schizophrenia, that's why they tightly hold unto hunting humans, they can't do anything better.

>> No.42689084
File: 121 KB, 600x899, 143FE08F-B39D-4034-B514-4CCAC1E8BC41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fallen shrine maiden" is a very cool aesthetic for zun to explore

>> No.42689363
File: 1.31 MB, 1011x1452, a25806d8-9c40-44d7-a2ad-5d76dfa2ce5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reimu is too friendly to youkai
>mizuchi is too hostile to youkai
very kino if zun intends for mizuchi to indeed be a dead hakurei shrine maiden, so he could be put a contrast between those two and their respective era of youkai-human relationship

>> No.42691252
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>either completely lacking ambition and just flying around like Rumia
I will give her a purpose

>> No.42693184
File: 2 KB, 384x384, 1674993337228898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half a month for the next chapter
oh boys! This chapter will be epic. I can feel it!

>> No.42693199
File: 122 KB, 1000x1300, 330771329_1131313110877328_4888964981339796330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purpose of eating you

>> No.42693314
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Reimu hairstyle in this manga also matches Mizuchi's

>> No.42696867

I will sacrifice myself to make her happy...

>> No.42698086

She is wrong

>> No.42704866

Did she's not aware that Gensokyo has been separated by outside world for century?

>> No.42704871

Mizuchi should die for an epic end to this manga imho

>> No.42705156

>Reimu killing girls

>> No.42708554

I can't imagine anyone dying here, since all Mizuchi actually does is make people take a nap.
The story is just entirely devoid of any actual stakes, which kills the drama, and while I understand that ZUN wouldn't want to kill off his cast, this is not the kind of story you can tell without actual murders taking place.

>> No.42709330
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perhaps there has not been a real death. but imagine what would happen if Mizuchi manages to manipulate someone like Okina or Junko.

>> No.42709340
File: 60 KB, 800x800, 1661735550706462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be like this!!!

>> No.42709511

>imagine what would happen
Nothing? Just like the rest of the manga?
It's hard to care about any potential setups when we already know that there will be no actual consequences to anything.

>> No.42709534

>It's hard to care about any potential setups when we already know that there will be no actual consequences to anything.
Yeah it's like modern day Simpsons. Back when it aired Homer actually had some self-awareness and was held responsible for crimes he commited.

>> No.42709567

fun applications for h-doujinshi though

>> No.42709736

>"Nothing? Just like the rest of the manga?"
>Kasen seals his evil half again
>Kosuzu becomes half youkai
>the three fairies move to the temple and earn Reimu's respect
It's annoying that they say that nothing happens in manga when each one of them has finished with a satisfactory conclusion for what they wanted to achieve. after all they are slice of lifes. detective satori is more of a linear story like SSiB, so how are you going to compare them to manga that are about exploring Gensokyo that the game can't?

>> No.42710068

critique of one of the basic concepts of touhou may point toward a end of the series?

>> No.42710726
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I was talking about the Satori manga, anon, which, unlike the others, isn't a slice-of-life story and instead tries to be a more serious story with an ostensibly threatening villain, which falls flat because ZUN is a hack.

And to be honest, the climaxes of the other manga tended to be pretty weak, too. I feel like the only story that truly acquitted itself well was the fairy manga, which managed to remain true to its tone, tell a full story (mostly for Clownpiece, but also conclude the main trio's arc), and actually deliver a real boss fight, instead of resolving it off-screen and blue-balling the audience right at the end.

>> No.42710796

But that's what I'm saying, that you can't say satori manga is going to have a weak ending just because slice of lifes have a weak climax. And those endings are like that because ZUN knew that it would be difficult for the artists to do action scenes when that was not how the manga was handled. On the other hand, here we have already seen confrontations like the one in Mokou, in addition to the fact that Flandre has already appeared. All this says that there will be more action. so you can't ignore all this and come out with a "nothing will happen like the others".
It is not that nothing has happened, it is that the plot is built before the climax.

>> No.42712422

>if Mizuchi manages to manipulate someone like Okina or Junko
Mizuchi already possessed fucking Yukari, and yet she did jackshit about it

>> No.42712499

at this point one wonders if Yukari is even powerful. If Yukari is so powerful, how did she allow herself to be manipulated so easily in the first place?

>> No.42713308

>If Yukari is so powerful
I am more inclined to believe he is humbling down 2hu fans in general, given how little by little he is destroying that misconceptions of 2hus being very powerful, biggest example of this being yukari, given how powerscaling "fans" couldn't shut the fuck up about yukari being able to manipulate the boundary of "anything" without limits. Outerversal/multiversal/universal retards in shambles forever. Yukari was made for hot loving sex with a human husband not for debating.

>> No.42713999

he started it by writing everyone so vaguely or hyping them up from various characters perspectives since he doesn't use 100% reliable narration and never elaborating until recently
it feels resentful the way he is writing this shit

>> No.42714193

Mizuchi capable of fucking posessing YUKARI makes her abilities more powerful than we once thought

>> No.42714235
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1723, afeab231-3943-4ff6-acfa-e6314cf1ad1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's still a Youkai, it's more like how she got to her, since she was possessed before she even showed up in the manga

>> No.42714250

Get off jaypee, Yukari. You're obsolete now.

>> No.42714274

Honestly, the worse part is her possessing gods, since those were previously claimed to be good at dealing with vengeful spirits.
Mizuchi just immediately possesses everyone without any struggle, and it makes everyone look like a weak bitch in a poor attempt to hype up an antagonist.

>> No.42714469

OR Yukari was overhyped this whole time, given that in every manga, we see ZUN throwing random shit at her that makes her either look retarded or weak. This would make perfectly sense if we take into consideration that all the previous information we knew about her came directly from people who are suppoused to believe yokai are a threat and not just a bunch of cowards who hid behind a barrier because a bunch of atheist didn't believe in them.

>> No.42714506
File: 760 KB, 1012x1452, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when she trapped whaletits in a bottle just because she saw people having fun without her?

>> No.42716398
File: 111 KB, 849x767, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_kide_koushin__sample-daeaab908d192e71d81f4fb7dd8a781a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding me that Yukari is a bitch that deserves to be treated badly

>> No.42716436

something like this I was thinking. that Mizuchi's goal seems to be focused more on spreading fear than destroying Gensokyo (or maybe she doesn't want to destroy it but rather submit it to her force or give power to humans?)
I think it's very rare that Mizuchi knows those involved in the incidents in order and still doesn't know that Yukari manages the barrier and takes the opportunity to do something with this (although perhaps Reimu is needed to destroy the barrier).

>> No.42716482
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>I can't imagine anyone dying here, since all Mizuchi actually does is make people take a nap.
Taking into account Flandre's participation, and that Mizuchi is a vengeful spirit, the idea that they exterminate her does not seem so far-fetched to me. maybe something will happen that allows her to rest in peace or reincarnate as a better person. I mean, she's already dead in the first place.

>> No.42717002
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>Flandre's participation
that's just Yukari copying Okina to deal with her problem and it ended with Yuuma being still alive and well

>> No.42721400


>> No.42724213
File: 543 KB, 735x1000, 565b9b32e40070abbd603206e1ecc0f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grrr... bad yokai!
She's needs correction!

>> No.42726534
File: 220 KB, 500x500, __watatsuki_no_toyohime_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__2b321b571882fed2886e0512313a4a53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grrr... bad yokai!
She's needs correction desu!

>> No.42728028

With every new Manga she keeps falling futher and futher.

>> No.42730741
File: 299 KB, 600x780, __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_shio_futatsumami__fee5051d2066c400468a3f654bbb2acd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking. we know that Satori was able to read Mizuchi's mind before passing out. Would Satori have managed to see Mizuchi's past or at least figure out a way to defeat her?
(I wish we would discuss things like this, instead of only reading people complaining about consuming something that according to them is poorly made but they still continue to consume it)

>> No.42731043
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probably depends on what she wants Flan to do, does she really think Reimu is going to catch her this time, or is she sending her on a different mission.

>> No.42736335

>Would Satori have managed to see Mizuchi's past
Satori can read memory?

>> No.42736390
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In SA she can read the mind and use the memories of the spell cards of the companions of the protagonists and imitate them. so i think she can.

>> No.42736727 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 360x450, mima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like they might need someone who knows Vengeful Spirits well and is also a very adept magician in order to neutralize Mizuchi. Even better if they too can't be possessed by her.

>> No.42736863 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 850x1258, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_and_mima_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_yamutarou__sample-02a3ddeea175e77978faa999d55c2763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not going to appear because she is angry with her daughter for doing inappropriate things with her friend.

>> No.42737317

So, nothing in all three cases. In first two we hadn't even known such characters exist before the manga, and the last is just irrelevant on scale of Gensokyo. Most fundamentally, all three don't even touch the state of everyone introduced earlier in the setting, which is what defines progression over time of Touhou as whole.
So, in-universe setting progression is capable of shifting status quo - the whole MoF to TD metaplot without doubt fundamentally realigned and underlined power balance in Gensokyo. Yet for the old part of setting nothing truly changed - we didn't know anything about supposedly existing old power balance, and newcomers didn't infringe on, say, Remilia, or Yuyuko, or Eiki - everyone continues to exist in the same state as they were first introduced in their game. And what interactions new characters have with old ones only ever add, not overwrite or remove anything from them all - say, Choujuugigaku didn't change anything about how Mystia lives, is characterized and so on - she just plays punk in addition to everything else she was before SoPM. The only possible exception is some attempts at character development like with Reisen, but those frankly drown in general uncertainty of what this character, his personality, actually was, and so rather qualify as addition, not change, too.
All this really follows from the fact that Touhou is kind of a character sandbox - providing girls for fans to play and make their own stories with, like dolls. And if you're a doll manufacturer, you don't order back all dolls of a given type to be broken down - you can only forget about old models or continue to roll out new accessories for them and sell new types.
Same applies with CDS - nothing will ever happen to old girls, it's a bad business practice to provoke fan outrage like this. The new doll of "Mizuchi" model is already advertised as for sale, not to be demonstratively executed as some from the background cast (distinguishable by their ugliness and sometimes manliness btw), therefore nothing truly bad will happen with her, she will settle on the same peaceful tea-drinking stasis as everyone else and be happily existing ever after.

>> No.42737685
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>character sandbox dolls
sums it up perfectly

Touhou is popular because it has a worldbuilding sandbox along with an autistic community that makes whatever the hell they want out of it.

ZUN can't write a decent canon story without upending the status quo and he knows he shouldn't, he just needs to draw girls with funny hats and flesh out Gensokyo (and the Touhou universe as a whole).

It's up to the fans to make things occur in Touhou with the characters and the world ZUN made, and more often than not it works out well and people enjoy it.

>> No.42737758
File: 103 KB, 850x1133, __konpaku_youmu_komeiji_satori_saigyouji_yuyuko_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_futa_nabezoko__sample-463c5f5fd8837571b497f14126351156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of text just to say that everything stays the same, and will stay the same.
like: what does it matter if it stays the same or not? I just want to see characters like Satori talking to other characters and making friends. To me that is a great development for someone who has been isolated and alone for so many years.
instead, what you want is for touhou to end or something like that, right?

>> No.42739695

Idk anon, even ghost like Yuyuko got possessed by Mizuchi

>> No.42742330
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She should appear then, her daughter miss her so much!

>> No.42743388

Yeah but Yuyuko is a weird ghost and not a fellow Vengeful Spirit. Believe in your bones!

>> No.42747208
File: 182 KB, 800x790, 800px-ZCDS-0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go anon...
It's been 16 years since her last appearance...
