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4256188 No.4256188 [Reply] [Original]

Hello anons, this is the seond thread in an attempt to bring back the less shitty /jp/ back.
This time we talk about Sengoku Rance.
Playing this in the background is required to post in this thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GauhWG340dI .

As you already know the canon route ends up with Rance unifying Japan one way or another, killing demon Xavier, the Little Princess nearing her awakening as the Maou and the Hero becoming a demon thus fucking up Humanity big time.
Plus Rance has now to face a reality without Sil as she's now cursed in a block of ice, let's speculate on the next game's events and how Rance will rape his way throught Sil's salvation.


>> No.4256193

>Implying /jp/ wasn't always shitty.

>> No.4256191


>> No.4256196

Kentarou was the Hero?

>> No.4256198

>>Rance will rape his way throught Sil's salvation.

Unless he can find a way to not have kids, this would be a no. And if he does find a way to not have kids, that sort of makes sill more worthless.

>> No.4256205


Yea, I hope he scores with miki. Out of all the things rance did, I hated him lying to kentarou and raping yukihime the most. Actually I hated most of the things rance did.

>> No.4256207

Rance is an ass, but not such an ass, he probably care for Sil at least as a friend.
Otherwise he would've trashed the ice cube and bought a new slave, it's not like he lacks the contancts for the slave market.

>> No.4256210

He is a Hero, so Rance is

>> No.4256213

By the way, what does the Holy Sword says about demon Kentarou ?
I can see Chaos being satisfied with a human, but the hero's sword satisfied with a demon ?

>> No.4256222


She doesn't care. As long as he doesn't go around killing people and keeps loving miki she's ok with it.

>> No.4256223

Oh damn, after listening to My Glorious Days I want to play Rance again. But I've finished all of the routes, the only thing I'm missing are just a few character clears

>> No.4256225

but Rance is like 22 years old, isn't he?
He shouldn't be the Hero anymore

>> No.4256233

>Implying Rance threads weren't shit with the shitton of noobs.

>> No.4256236


>> No.4256235

If Rance really becomes the hero I'm going to laugh my ass off in the next game.
Just imagine people praising the baddest motherfucker in the history as the savior of mankind.
It's like calling Genjis Khan a hero.

>> No.4256239


This happens in just about every game. Rance rapes and mostly only thinks about himself but is well liked anyway.

>> No.4256263

Kentarou is not the Hero. Rance is also not the Hero. We have no idea who the current Hero is.

>> No.4256277

Isn't the hero supposed to be borne as soon as the new demon kind is selected ?
By now he should be a teenager.

>> No.4256318

Is his true love Sill, though?

>> No.4256329

Too bad I never figured out to play this game..

>> No.4256330

mash buttons

>> No.4256333

Rance isn't that much of an ass

see Naoe Ai's H-scene

>> No.4256339

Hey, does kentarou join you in kill the monkey route?
If not, I might have to storm orochi without him...

>> No.4256350

Never really used Kentarou on Orochi.

>> No.4256353

so I used an action2 textbook on rance, and leveled him to 99.
Do I need more or is RANCE ATTACK SPAM gonna be fine? Kenshin and senhime are at max too.

>> No.4256356

99 Rance is pretty much overkill. Although a decent collection of other mid level still would be nice.

>> No.4256377

Well, I just tried conquered masamune but he didn't join. Is there a condition? I already got all 3 girls and went through the eyedrop thing.

>> No.4256378

You can't spam that unless you have monks or Sill to give him points again.

>> No.4256405

right, I just use sill to do rance attack 5 times.
shit is so cash.
Anyhow, I guess I should get mori first. Heard he's OP as hell in dungeons.

>> No.4256406

If you've got the eyedrop beat him and he'll join at the beginning of a turn, the same way Souun does. It's pretty low priority though

>> No.4256416

On a side note: if you clear any of his waifus he WON'T JOIN, NO MATTER WHAT

>> No.4256420

Kentarou is not the hero, the hero can't be over 20 years old. Kentarou is 21.
Rance is a glitch in the hero system, so he has the same abilities as the hero (endless level cap, god tier fighting abilities)
The fucker fought Arios when he was the hero and it ended in a draw.

>> No.4256496

What? Rance clearly has a level cap of 99, which is less than what xavier has.

>> No.4256522

By the time soun joined me on the Kenshin route i had nearly finished the route.

This "1 beginning of turn event only" thing is lame.

>> No.4256533
File: 981 KB, 810x650, takeda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm at war with Takeda thanks to Yukihime and they're assraping me. Any advice?

>> No.4256544

foot soldiers in the back line, really?

>> No.4256562

Just capture their two territories before the generals show up. You have a few turns before the first blitz. Oh, and get Uruza so you can rape their action flags with Kenshin

>> No.4256564

You may want to vassal Asai-Asakura, you won't get SAT bonus though but she won't whore herself either

>> No.4256578

If I don't then they'll just rape my back row units and I'll lose a fuckton of battle rating.

I've been at war with them for a while due to taking Tokugawa and the Hannies first. So the generels are already there. So would you suggest I go back, take Takeda first and then Tokugawa and the Hannies?

>> No.4256584

Taking them even with the generals is not THAT hard, you may turtle them while raping their whole army. Have you beaten Takeda before? Which If route are you on?

>> No.4256598

What do you mean by "turtle"? Usually they just use their commander charge whatever to rape my foot soldiers and then my normal units. I once managed to get close to taking the first of their territorries but then they just spammed "increase battle rating 2" and I lost by an edge.

Also I'm playing Ran Route 1 star.

>> No.4256615

I mean killing as much of their soilders in every battle as possible, Takeda has a huge army so they have problems replenishing their troops if their losses are big. The same way I've reduced the Demon Army's troop count to 3 commanders with 60 soldiers once

If you've beaten Takeda at least once before, you should try winning all 4 battles during the blitz to win them. Xavier won't destroy them for you this time, you know but the events are progressing on their own in this route

You can win the game from this point only by defending

>> No.4256627

You can beat Takeda by rushing them and conquering them before they do the 4 attacks in one turn, since the generals don't join battle all that often early on. Ran route is not the best for getting takeda bonus, anyway. If it's too late for that, remember that if you can capture the original two Takeda territories, it doesn't matter if they captured one of your other territories, because you'll automatically recapture them again when you beat them.

Oh, and save before the last territory capture battle. You -will- be fighting against the three generals and you can expect kousaka to try to assssinate you.

>> No.4256837


Thanks, I just managed to take them.

>> No.4256849

I just finished the game for the first time; what route should I do next?

I missed out on a bunch of Character clears and ended up getting practically no points.
I also just missed getting Kenshin.

>> No.4256870

Most people would say do Ran next - I personally recommend taking Elena as your bonus, doing 1-star, and choosing between the IF routes - They're all fun and worth doing at least once no matter which order you do them in.

... I do recommend you read the walkthrough for how to get into the IF routes because most of them have prerequisites you might not think are necessary.

>> No.4257131

It's normal to end with 0 points in the first run.

>> No.4257160

Miki is a cunt, Sil wouldn't be an ice cube if she wasn't so fucking stupid, that earns one rape right there.

>> No.4257175

Yeah, that fucked me over the first time, so much for Omachi.

>> No.4257190
File: 87 KB, 800x480, flag_ddr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaypee, I need your halp. I installed the game and it runs but no text displays. I have MS Mincho and MS Gothic installed. What do?

Have some East Germany for your efforts.

>> No.4257410

99 level cap appears in sengoku rance so dungeons won't be too fucking easy.
If they'd keep it unlimited, you can just level rance up to 150 or so and go rape orochi.

>> No.4257487

Do we write "Sil" now? I saw that Rance 02 used that way to write it and it makes more sense as it's a long "i" in her name, but the only translated game so far used "Sill" so I thought we're using that.

>> No.4257784

Heroes only have a level cap of 100. And they do not lose levels when they gain them. They will never ever die as long as they are still Heroes.

Rance's unlimited level cap is not part of the Hero system. It's a bug in the entire world system, just like when he fucks women, their level cap rises.

>> No.4258205
File: 98 KB, 478x600, Rance_6_-_package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished Ran's route and now finally got some points (71). So what bonuses are actually worth it?

Also I've never really done any dungeons since I just didn't have time since I was kinda constantly at war... guess I'll try to go for a kill Orochi route next time.

>> No.4258724


some of the bonus characters are pretty neat, I usually get Ai, Turban and Erina. It really helps to have extra people early. Also get the extra action fan and more NP if you need it. Some items are pretty neat too like that one that gives the one who has it a free defense shikigami right off the bat.

>> No.4258918

Should probably avoid asakura early if you don't plan to recruit yukihime or take on Takeda, it's not worth the pain in the ass. It's not like you get any decent commanders out of asakura anyway.

>> No.4258949

The bonus monk is great. Give him the Guts Armor and nobody can damage him.
Family bonuses are good too. Mouri and One Eye are great, Ashikaga is godlike but annoying to get.

>> No.4259030

And in sengoku rance female characters dont get level limits raised when you fuck them...

>> No.4259072

On Ran's route do you keep her from exploding? Cause I would like that.

>> No.4259088


Yes. Wouldn't be much of a Ran route without Ran.

>> No.4259084


that only happens in VI. Rance actually has to fap to increase his own level cap.

>> No.4259086

It cant be ran's route if she explodes.

>> No.4259090

If it didn't have Ran in it, it might be a good route!

>> No.4259096

So then it would be the route where Rance ends up with emo Soun and tries to comfort him?

>> No.4259099

Why couldn't it be a Ran route where she explodes and Rance sets out to destroy all demons as revenge for loss of his precious Ran? Fiction does that all the time.

What about the maid that explodes? Is there a way to save her?

>> No.4259109


>> No.4259111

That would be the true history route.

>> No.4259167


Only in Ran and Monkey routes.

As for the whole hero discussion, it'd be better to call Rance and Kentarou protagonists along with the former Hero.

>> No.4259195
File: 77 KB, 800x600, sengoku17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there H of Miki :(

>> No.4259215

No H that is.

>> No.4259602

>As for the whole hero discussion, it'd be better to call Rance and Kentarou protagonists along with the former Hero.
Actually, that IS what they are called: the three protagonists of Ranceverse.

>> No.4259746

the bad hcgs of naoe ai made me not like the game anymore

>> No.4259807


>using maeda


>> No.4259887

That's why it never happened in True History. Because Kenshin and Ai are still sane.

>> No.4260758

It brings me pleasure to know that the previous Hero, Arios, is now fairly useless.

Assuming Isoroku's ending has canon elements, we could be seeing *two* new heroes by the time Rance 10 ends. They only last 7 years, after all.

>> No.4261264

Rance IX is Helman arc... Rance X is gonna be epicness, plain and simple. Like Kichikuou except even crazier, and all canon.

>> No.4261399


The only age limit I was aware of for the Hero was that he loses all of his powers the moment he turns 20.

>> No.4261470

He also has to turn 13 to gain his powers, doesn't he?

Arios lost his powers. Assuming a new Hero appears right about now, he'll lose his powers in 7 years. By the time Rance and his multicultural kids unite the world, we could be seeing a second new Hero.

>> No.4262326

Any plans to translate Kichikuou yet?

I'm gonna start playing it in a few months (maybe a year), and if it doesn't get translated there aren't really gonna be any boards discussing it regularly...

>> No.4263826

Dudes who did Sengoku talked about doing Kichikuou but I doubt it'll start anytime soon.

>> No.4264581
File: 56 KB, 637x524, r4end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess some Kichikuou discussions will be possible here, some people played and I will too once I'm done with the numbered titles.
