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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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42085270 No.42085270 [Reply] [Original]

>Latest Release (0.560eWIP1) (same as last thread):

>What this is:
Shanghai.EXE was a Touhou-themed Megaman Battle Network clone.
Then the original developer got a C&D from Capcom and shut everything down, just before it was completed.
Luckily, someone leaked a donor-wall demo build, and the whole thing was made in C#, which meant it could be decompiled.
This is a modified/translated version of that demo build, implementing the end of the game following teased content, as well as various QoL changes and bugfixes.
The intent is to finish the rest of the game, which at this point consists of the postgame and some sidequests, with netplay being the final goal.

>Summary of changes since last year:
Linux version cleanup, experimental steamdeck support (reported audio issues, but no actual hardware to test/debug it)
0.560eWIP1 added a postgame boss to the debug room. Balance pass probably necessary, feedback appreciated.
Boss battles separated out from original Demo (exOmake) room, both turned into (re)movable interior room decor gotten from lotto codes.

>New stuff since last thread:
Plans and basic design work, but zero code besides some bugfixes.

Really not much to show for this year unfortunately, got a variety of excuses/reasons but listing them out won't magically add progress to the release, so no point dissecting it.
The textbook fallback when there's nothing else to show is to throw out teasers and hype instead, so that's what I'm doing this year I guess.
These are very much rough ideas though, and I'm already in the middle of reworking some of them that didn't stand up to more than 5 minutes of thought, so feel free to point out any issues and I'd be happy to scrap them and think up something better.

Probably doesn't need to be said, but these are all major spoilers ahead, they're literally my plans for future content.
I also realize that infodumping like this is usually a warning sign, I've followed my share of dead-end projects, but I've been at it this long already and I do genuinely enjoy working on this. Just the common curse of any hobby, there's never a good time to work on it.
On a related note, this post is early because something came up at the exact wrong time, so I probably won't be able to respond for a day or so too.

>> No.42085278 [SPOILER] 
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What I've got so far for the 1st area of the deep undernet. Upper area is 100% getting reworked both because it's shit and because technologically it doesn't work.
You might notice that on maps with ramps, they all tend to go the same direction. This is because the e/w ramps are actually 1 tile longer than n/s ones, which is just great since most the tilesets are in 2x2 blocks. Meaning, if you go up one ramp, and down a different direction, there has to be a half-tile somewhere.
Still workable if you know about it, but I didn't until actually tried plugging it into the map editor.
Works out though, I was never really happy about how the upper area turned out, the lower area feels ok to me but it all just went to shit once I had to consider linking 2 ramps, not covering a path, etc.

The main feature is the giant conveyor splitting the area, you enter from the main area on the left and fuck around until you decide to take the conveyor to the next area, a square/hub covered in the next post, then back through another warp onto the right side.
Major map objects with mechanics I'll cover next, but besides g/b/pmds there'll be 1 shop per side, probably both chip shops with various mundane but unfarmable chips. Another mechanic in the area might make "unfarmable" chips a bit less of an issue, but I'll get to that later.

The whole area theme, pulled out of my ass based on the one screenshot I pulled the tileset/background from, is "barebones inner workings of the net" compared to the stonework, plants, water, and IRL objects from heaven area. Where heaven area deals with souls, this is the trash compactor / crucible / disk defragmenter for the "physical" bodies.
Thematically, area 1 will be the "input/filtering" area, maybe something to do with currents, vortexes, feedback loops, idk.

Storywise I think I'll be lighter on the cutscenes/dialogue than heaven net, with just an initial one to introduce the area/tone, and whatever's necessary for story events or mechanics.
Story spoiler ahead:

On entry, you run into "Cirno" who spouts the same lines as the very first fight, "ignoring" anything Shanghai says. The fight will actually be against the V1 version, which should raise some red flags. After being beaten, the original defeat lines are reused as well (maybe? might be too short).
Mid explosion/defeat pose, she glitches out/resets. Things devolve from there into gmod/bethesda "ragdoll stuck in door" spazzout, until she blinks out of existence. Snappy comment from Shanghai, cutscene ends, you move on.
Cirno (v1? higher?) is then a moderately rare random enounter in the area.
Still not finalized, might have to make Cirno sapient for extra exposition/flexibility, but that might nudge the tone of the area from mechanical to actual-hell with afterlife punishment, etc.
Also want to imply somewhere that the regular V2/V3 ghost is being encountered and regularly beaten by random passerby as just another road hazard, but only if there's a natural way that isn't too memey.

>> No.42085289 [SPOILER] 
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The main feature I want the deep net to have is the ability to fight SP navis somewhere naturally.
My main concern is making it too "private servery" for lack of a better word, where it's a 2nd debug area with bosses lined up. At the same time, I can't make it a pain in the ass for no good reason, and BN3 basically had a boss lineup anyways with the time trials.
Here's what I have so far though:

For enemy navis: In Area 1, there are 6 small platforms, 1 for each enemy navi, with blots of themed noise (1). Similarly, in the hub area (2), there are 6 spokes with machines being attacked by that themed noise.
Finding and interacting with the Area 1 noise opens a "use a chip" screen like the chiptrader (to be implemented, with some UI work to make it obvious if a chip is used up/kept).
Choosing the navi's chip (V1/2/3? depends on what I lock behind finishing them) will dispel the noise, freeing the machine in the hub, where you can summon/distill/etc. the SP navi.
Alternatively, maybe a key item can be used? Antifreeze is still sitting around, maybe adding some real-world involvement could be good for the others.

The tricky part I'm finetuning: If the machines are too convenient, the roaming V3s lose the only incentive to be fought, and become just 100% annoying.
My current thought is that you have to run back and recharge the machine each fight (unless S-ranked). If you lose, you die anyways to reload and wasted time is its own punishment, if you sub-S, you can keep your reward or savescum another go. S-rank, congratulations, go again.
Could involve a virus gauntlet in the charging process to make it more tedious, idk. (w/ chance to heal/save before SP).
Originally I was coming up with all sorts of anti-savescum, X number of charges, sacrifice V3 to continue, etc. but it's not like this is an MMO with an economy to balance.

For friendly navis: Much simpler, since you can already sit there and just bully V3s out of them.
Another portal in the hub will take you to a beach (3) of the Data Sea, with a pier and a whirlpool. Tossing a V3 into the water will consume the chip and summon the SP.
Other things might show up on the beach/under the tides, who knows.
Never actually played legends, picking out an easter egg is as good a reason as any.

As for the non-story postgame bosses, I'm going to be completely original and link them to the bugfrag trader (4). With 3 frag types, the trader will use key items to accept the different types.
Still working out the reward pool since crimnoise and chiptraders already cover pretty much everything, could even do a pseudo-crafting system with X, Y, and Z amount of each frag. Could even randomize it per-game, but that might end up feeling more tedious than just full random if there's underlying system a regular player could work out.
After hitting some number of frags, the trader summons an energy ball, the postgame boss appears, you fight.
CirnoBX for frzfrag, that one devstream dragon for errfrag, kikuriHM for bugfrag. Because blue, red, and (kinda) grey.
Not sure on rewards or if/how they could be refought, but that's a question for when I actually make them.

The final mechanic is the one for unobtainable/limited chips/codes.
Specifics still being worked out, but something will cause noise to appear in a random battle (5). Hitting them will steal (in-battle) the next chip in your hand and mark a regular virus.
Killing that virus last (maybe with some mechanic?) will give you the stolen chip in a random one of its codes.
Not sure how to work around illegal/dark/navi chip farming, but I can always lock it behind enough endgame stuff to make it balanced.
This is also an avenue to introduce the watered-down PA chip idea that's been floating around, but obviously some balancing will be necessary, if that even goes in.

>> No.42085301 [SPOILER] 
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Other random stuff:
One of the few other things I have sprites/animations for are the turrets from the danmagun chipart, but I can't come up with any way to use them.
In-battle isn't an issue, I can reskin an attack I already did for CirnoBX, but out of battle the best I can think of is just another blocker (with nothing to block).
They'd just be kinda thrown in there to block off some dead end, and with that simple of a battle they'd really stick out. There's no way I'm doing another bloated blocker like the heaven net ones again, at this point I'm thinking about just tossing the spritesheet.

The idea I had for the troubleshooter ID was to add a pretty simple quest to unlock an undernet version of the request board, for sidequests that wouldn't really make sense to go on a public/moderated board.
I've kinda written myself into a corner by making it depend on completing the regular board though, since now I can't add any new ones there.
Still workable though, the undernet board's not going to be anything edgy, and things can be written around without too much effort.
So far, my sidequest plans include Flandre, the missing navichips, a music/idol request, the treasure of the net, some other stuff I scattered across the npc flavourtext a while back.
Just haven't implemented the board until I have at least one quest done, so that key item is just sitting around.

>> No.42085316
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Wew It passed so long from the last time, keep it up anon!

>> No.42085324 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.58 MB, 480x320, specialthanks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea I had when I working on the credits, I never actually made it back then and I would never have put it in because it's so stupid, but I ended up making it for today anyways instead of being productive.

>> No.42085516

>Linux version
I will now get most excited. Happy Channukah.

Can she handle that much without some assistance?

>> No.42086080

Man this has been a good week to be a Battle Networkfag.

>> No.42086226

Would it fucks with the encounter/battle system if Cirno v1 is treated as a normal virus?
I think it’d be fun to have all the v1s be normal encounter in Deep Undernet instead of viruses, even multiple copies and a mix matched assortment of v1 bosses. By Deep Undernet, you should be able to one shot the v1s anyway and they’re slower than some of the Heaven’s viruses.
Also, great job anon. I really looked forward to these annual updates.

>> No.42086291

If Deep Undernet is cyber hell it'd be funny if Carrie was a random encounter.

>> No.42086382

>the roaming V3s lose the only incentive to be fought, and become just 100% annoying.
The way it went with in exe6 is that the strongest rebattleable bosses (RV) will only give out money as reward iirc, so for chips you would still need to seek out the roaming ones. So that’s their balancing act.

And pseudo crafting thing sounds nice, especially for freezefrag because it’s pretty useless. As for the crafting thing being full random, that sounds kinda cancer.
How about something like X and Y frags controlling the ID of chips you’re getting and Z frag controlling the chip code?
If you want people to not share “recipes”, you can add a random “cipher” per player to shift the IDs of all battle chip a la caesar cipher.

Also looking forward to more Heat elemental Program Advance.

>> No.42089318

while funny, probably not good to put it alongside “capcom” with how anal these companies are
then again, this is already a c&d’ed project so

>> No.42092696

Potentially, there's some stuff in there to clear fullsync if it's any of the enemies are navis but that's something that can be fixed, even if there has to be flag to keep the existing roaming V3 behavior the same.
Hadn't even considered adding the other V1s but that's a good idea, only issue is that ideally I'd split the weaker and stronger V1s into two different encounter pools across areas, if I hadn't already made them one mega area. Might make another area then.

I'll be stealing that shifting idea, with a mapping based on some basic logic (ex. X:damage, Y:MB, Z:Code, Zenny:Filler etc.) that'll inject just a little bit of effort to separate it from just punching things in like the lotto codes.

I actually haven't put enough thought into the SP chip drops, and that might also affect the noise chip idea I had, since I completely forgot about illegal chips and how they only come from crimnoise rng.
I might just leave chip altcodes and regular chips to the crafting system, and finetune the battle noise for illegal chip drops, maybe some interaction with crimnoise. Possibly make it show up guaranteed if crimnoise is equipped, only in this area, also including if you summon an SP with it on? Battle GMDs you had to worry about breaking them, battle noise eating your chips should be about as limiting.

Also forgot about SP2-5, those could also be summoned by sacrificing V3s on top of the usual setup or something with streaks. Could also tweak the drops between versions, at the moment they're all the same except illegals in SP5, don't think they were done that way for a reason besides filling space so it should be safe to change.
Balancing will be a bitch though, might make SP2 the have (access to) the max rewards and 3-5 just for fun / higher chances, internally a lot of their behavior is just speed or damage multiplied by version etc. and not really balanced.

>> No.42096485

Oh yeah, V1 Ran isn't the same as V1 Cirno in HP and difficulty.

>> No.42101489


>> No.42105394

Oh shit, I forgot about this, I have a deck, I'll try to run it

>> No.42107332

glad to see you're still around, even if progress is only being made out-of-game

>> No.42112573

Bless you, anon. We are the hero we need, but do not deserve. Its been a while, maybe I should start a new game.

>> No.42112806
File: 1.84 MB, 1944x2591, touhou alice kiss shanghai doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you're too competent and self-aware to fall into the vaporware trap?
I hope you had a nice year and will have an even nicer year next year!

>> No.42116293

Oh shit, I forgot about this, I have a deck, I'll try to run it

>> No.42117334

So, people with a steamdeck trying it out, how is it running?

>> No.42123582

Very nice, thank you

>> No.42132051
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Thank you for your continuous effort.

>> No.42139120

Keep up the good work

>> No.42139924


>> No.42148213

Merry Christmas, anon. Hope you're well this year too.

>> No.42148467
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>> No.42151155

Hey anon, have a good Christmas. Keep up the good work.

From the guy who leaked 0.502 to /jp/

>> No.42153289
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Thanks for keeping up with this project anon! Your efforts are appreciated! Merry Christmas!

>> No.42159142

I do want to say, Anon. Thank you.

I heard about the unfortunate fate of the C&D order, and was bummed this would never see completion. Glad to know anon's spirit burns brighter than that.

Toss me your favorite character from either touhou, or Shanghai.exe with a reference, and I'll do my best to be a quick drawfag that doesn't flake, out as thanks.

>> No.42160475

First time seeing this kind of thread. How frequently do you make update posts? Or is it typically a once a year on the cancelversery type of thing?

>> No.42160815

Cancelversary and whenever I have a new release, so once a year on the cancelversary basically.
Last thread was technically a release 6 months ago, but mostly just a progress report, it was just the one postgame boss.
I've jut now realized the mega link never got posted, and it also doesn't even have .560eWIP1, but like I said it's not missing much.

Just happened to be someone with the right skillset in the right place when it happened, it's been as much for myself as anything else.
Honestly I've never had any issues with flakes, if only because I recognize I would be the issue since I ghost everyone for 6 months at a time, and don't bother.
If I could make a request though, Alice has always felt neglected, whether because she was transplanted relatively untouched and has all the existing art already, or because she's the passive observer/POV character to contrast with Shanghai, who steals the show. If it's a bit of a boring choice, throw me your favorite, any art is something I appreciate especially since that's one of the things I know just enough to tweak and cut up, but not enough to make any of my own.

>> No.42161111

I tried running it on my deck, but it doesn't want to launch. Not sure if I'm missing something or have something misconfigured

>> No.42164244

That's a shame, since I was hoping to play it on my own steamdeck some day. Hopefully it'll be fixed up by then.

>> No.42170492

why doesnt it?

>> No.42172679

Disappointing, but not unexpected. I'd hoped testing the build on a half-baked install image would mean it'd work on the real thing, but that was too optimistic.
Looks like the new SteamOS finally got released within the last month though, so that might be the way forward.

>> No.42179356

Just a bump from me, nothing more.

>> No.42182755


>> No.42184142

This is my first time playing a MMBN game, it's a bit weird having your attacks tied to chips, and the basic attack being so meh by comparison, but it's kind of neat. The moving around on the grid and having to dodge stuff is pretty fun. Like blobbers of old.

Not sure if I'm wishing it was more or less Touhou, tbdesu. I feel like it's straddling the weird edge where its just MMBN with some touhou character injected into it. Rather than fully committing to full on cyberpunk/digital era gensokyo with ports yokai use to infect, a MMBN world where the digital world is gensokyo and the programs are all the main characters and fairies and yokai as enemies, or just have it take place in normal gensokyo with more traditional looking buildings and what not.

Also, Keine-sensei wasn't the teacher. My disappointment is immeasurable. Please tell me she shows up somewhere in the future.

>> No.42185789

great, looking forward to it

>> No.42185841

She's a teacher in another town you end up visiting later.

>> No.42185893

God bless you OP.

>> No.42187503

I am a huge MMBN nerd, and this crossover is just really amazing for me. I do feel like this game is more MMBN than Touhou, but that doesn't stop me from being giddy at being able to fight Sakuya. MasterSpark as a Program Advance is just, so so good.

The game is basically a TCG + RPG hybrid action game, so basic attack serves more as a support than the main damage dealer. You do get customization program later on that just let you rapid fire the shit out of your basic attack later on, so there's that.
What I would suggest to make fights fun however, is to make a Unicode folder. As in, just put chips with the same alphabet (and asterisk) in your deck.
In the beginning, it seems to be a no brainer to have an A-coded folder. RayGun A, Shotwav A, BubbleBlast1 A, ColdAir1 *, Shotgun1 *. Put multiple copies of them in your folder.
Being able to use 5 chips in one turn is a huge gamechanger and you'll rake in a lot of rewards from random battle that you now have more option to make a folder that's really good.

>> No.42188034

I only played the first 2 games, but it really does feel like someone took a BN game and splashed a Touhou coat of paint over it. A lot of characters act far more in line with their BN counterparts than their Touhou ones. If I were to make a comparison, its more like the Pokemon romhacks where someone just swapped out the Pokemon in FireRed with Touhou characters rather than a complete overhaul like TPDP. This is my only complaint in a fantastic fangame.
Master Spark, which I discovered completely by accident, carried me up to the final boss despite otherwise not knowing how to build a folder. The difficulty really doesn't hold back, and I always felt pushed to the edge despite my crutch.

>> No.42188205

To be fair, PA folders fall off hard late game since the chips alone aren't the best for comboing or instantly deleting viruses
Dual code D/T or B/T with Aqua Witch and S code Earth Fighter are the "best" setups in the game even with the bubbleblast nerf

>> No.42188271

Oh believe me, I found that out the hard way. It was a refreshing moment to suddenly feel my shit get kicked in and have to actually learn how to get good rather than coast on an I win the game button.

>> No.42188401

Wouldn’t say PA folder fell of lategame to be honest, Masterspark would still do 1600 damage with full sync and ice road, which is enough to kill Druidman (and even SP5 aqua/poison bosses) in a turn or two.
It’s just that the PAs always use 2nd tier chips, so they’re obviously outclassed by 3rd tier chips.
T code is definitely the strongest code by far, ColdAir3, BubbleBlast3, and Typhoon all benefiting from Aqua Witch. Not to mention Gunsword PA.

>> No.42191956

Want a fun folder?
Dual code F/U with Grass/Ice Gaia
SP Viruses instantly delete themselves if they hit you with Synchbody on and you have access to some heavy hitting attacks like Utsuho DS, Flashbang, the Falzar PA, Black Napalm etc

>> No.42201205

Bump so I have time to get the drawfaggotry finished.

>> No.42204273
File: 217 KB, 768x768, Untitled165_20221229234152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, OP!

The "Item get" pose Alice does whenever she finds a chipset was super cute, so worked out well.
Thanks again for keeping the dream alive.

>> No.42204286
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And wasn't sure if I should have background or transparent, so have both.

>> No.42208663

like the navi symbol on her cape/collar thing

>> No.42209911

I knew that this was still being worked on, but I didn't think that it would be more than just some textures here and there getting polished or missing textures being added.
New areas, lame-o areas getting reworked, more postgame this all seems like real work ! Keep on !

>> No.42216924

Alice is cute!

>> No.42225125

works on my machine(windows 10)

>> No.42229170
File: 147 KB, 480x360, Splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, much appreciated.
I've actually been looking for a replacement for the current mspaint of the current map editor splash screen. Any objection if I crop it a bit and slap the logo on?

>> No.42235299

nice work

>> No.42237519
File: 127 KB, 768x768, Untitled165_20230101135847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's a hell of an honor.
Go for it, OP. Have a transparent one without the text if that helps with less you need to crop out.

>> No.42238093

Also as an aside have this!

I know the people working on this or already played this likely already have this, but here you go for the new friends.

>> No.42238107

Keked. Probably not something to put next to capcoms special thanks though.

>> No.42240410

keep going anon!

>> No.42247392
File: 750 KB, 3508x2480, touhou sunny see shanghai doll hold tea hands together smile sparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42256585

It's probably best put right there. Capcom has uh... not treated Megaman well.

>> No.42259365

God bless you man

>> No.42260964

Fair, but MM1 was alright!

>> No.42260966


>> No.42261833

is there a link for the map editor?

>> No.42264265

Anon, just asking, what's your stance on posting the release link somewhere else?
For example, putting it in youtube description.

>> No.42269902

Comes with the game, in the same folder as the game executable.

If it's public, it's public, do whatever. Mega link is fine too, just can't put it or the other graphics up on the actual repo itself.

>> No.42274468 [DELETED] 

Thank you once again for the updates, even if there isn't as much as you'd hope. I really like your areas with the undernet, though I don't know how well the unobtainable-farm (is that the right term?) would be on you coding-wise since it sounds pretty complex.
Call it something stupid like Hatnet would be my suggestion. I don't know of any synonyms for Co. Ltd though.

>> No.42276908

Thanks. It's just that I get comments about where to download the release every other video, but I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to just link it, considering the cease and desist thing.

>> No.42278574


>> No.42278636
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>> No.42281690
File: 88 KB, 524x772, touhou alice hands together shanghai between arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42284590
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>> No.42285540

Is there any note or something where v2 or v3 navis are and how to complete heaven area?

>> No.42285556


>> No.42285922

Thanks :)

>> No.42286807

It contains more information than any Japanese database

>> No.42290928

>So far, my sidequest plans include Flandre
Will the fight be adjusted to be less rough, and the Chip be added?

>> No.42291327
File: 73 KB, 554x554, 161652855892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not really that much into this board, I just came here to check how things were doing and tell you that all of you guys are awesome, Shanghai.EXE is one of my fav games ever and it brightens my heart to see that theres people working on it and the game might be fully complete one day, thank you.

>> No.42291580

When is the cancelversary? I know its an anual thing but I dont know the exact date so I dont want to miss it next time, this time I came here by sheer luck.
Is it 12/17?

>> No.42291868

is there a penalty for abusing dark chips? the guy that gave me one of them said there wasnt but im not sure i buy that, whats the catch?

>> No.42291945

in battle network the drawback is perma health loss
ie your HP 1000? Use a Dark chip? goes down to 999
in Shanghai I have no idea but im gonna assume its the same
save and reload to make sure

>> No.42292115

yeah i know the consequences in bn, thats why im traumatized to use them in shanghai
there is no health loss and it seems like the emotion window is only messed up for that battle and thats it
im still going to stay away from them until someone more experienced tells me about it

>> No.42292233

good idea

>> No.42292263

It's literally just a giga chip that messes with your emotion window. No HP loss or anything.

>> No.42292313

OP, I know youre not Koki, but I want to ask, is there going to be anything with the "Scybeasts"? In the game files theres this song that slaps pretty hard, and it got me thinking, is going to recieve any use? Are you planning something or is it just one of those things that the original team had plans for but after the C&D order got lost?

>> No.42292478

why were the megaman references on the zero chips removed? :c
been a while since i checked and in the last build they arent there anymore, is there any way to put them back in?

>> No.42297291

aren't all the megaman references removed? can't sue you if you don't use their assets

>> No.42299489

No, the lifevirus its still there in the dark aura chip.
So it was as a way to cover his back? I see, fair enough, still its a shame.

>> No.42305613

Dolls are the cutest

>> No.42307051

If I still remember by the time I get to it, sure.

12/19 actually, I messed it up too and thought it would be on the 18th when I was busy with something else. Better early than late though I guess.

Nothing big like a whole mechanic or miniquest, probably just going to be background infodump somewhere on the dragon boss.

It's all theater, they could send a C&D to the git hosts for using the color blue and what would I be able to do about it? As long as whatever intern can say "job well done, message sent", we're good until someone gets enough of a stick up their ass to start sending more emails.
