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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 266 KB, 2928x2048, dwarfmap1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4160001 No.4160001 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/, frequent /tg/ goer here. I am sure that some of you are familiar with the game Dwarf Fortress, a roguelike civilization simulator. What are your thoughts on a touhou full conversion including proper names, spell cards, mythos, and racial properties?

>> No.4160005

sounds good

>> No.4160008

Dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.4160014
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someone posted this last time I saw a thread here

>> No.4160013
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>> No.4160022

Oni Fortress, right?
Just no Yukkuri, please.

>> No.4160029

I heard there was going to be a 3D rendering soon?

>> No.4160031


>> No.4160034

With knives?

>> No.4160035


>> No.4160036


err, itsm e or those sprites appers to be cave-story based ?

>> No.4160058

Racial property mod would be rather easy and fun. I think /tg/ was talking about use of antmen a while ago? Something like that with a variety of youkai could be nice. Stronger ones like oni can even replace the lesser demons in the caves.

>> No.4160061


>> No.4160068

That would be awesome

>> No.4160090

sounds nice, does it exists?

>> No.4160095

I think the OP meant that he was going to develop it.

>> No.4160094

> Dwarf Fortress, a roguelike

>> No.4160101

Adventure mode.

>> No.4160103

Not a roguelike, no heritage.

>> No.4160110
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>> No.4160114


dem touhous man, dem fuckin' touhous.

>> No.4160135

Remember the myth about carps successfully climbing up waterfalls turning into dragons? Should be the first thing to be implemented.

Add mizuchi, umibouzu, funayurei and kappa to the mix and you'd understand why dwarves prefer alcohol to water. On the other hand, 100☼ ikuchi oil vials if you can catch and tame one.

>> No.4160142


>> No.4160146

I've been thinking of making a new one because that one sucks. I haven't been able to decide upon an Angband 3.1.1 modification or a T-engine game.

>> No.4160174
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Dem dorfs.

>> No.4160169
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Dem dorfs, man.

>> No.4160181
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I quite like the Stonesense visualiser.

>> No.4160189
File: 116 KB, 798x598, stonesense5p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4160196
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>> No.4160206
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>> No.4160220


>> No.4160230

I love DF and Touhou but I can't think of any way to satisfyingly combine the two

>> No.4160240
File: 286 KB, 1246x685, mirroredracksvis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a number of visualisers that'll render your fortress in 3D/2D graphics. Most just take a snapshot, though Stonesense can run at the same time as the game and autoupdate (and follow the game's camera).

Here's the Stonesense fort rendered in another visualiser.

>> No.4160266


Thanks, I'll check out Stonesense. Dwarf Fortress looked fun but all the symbols and shit kinda confused me.

>> No.4160297

Reminds me of Habbo,

>> No.4160351

It's simple, really. Call it Human Village. Replace demons with "special" touhous, kobolds with fairies, and other enemies with different types of youkai. If you're lucky you'll get halfbreed immigrants like Keine, but otherwise?

>> No.4160464

What the fuck, if all the DF threads in /jp/ are different people, then there are about 4 Touhou fortress projects going on at once.

>> No.4160489

something like this already exists?


>> No.4160495

No, but there have been SEVERAL topics about people saying that they're making one.

>> No.4160537

As long as they aren't the exact same thing, it should be okay to have multiple projects.

>> No.4160555

I think he's just surprised, not dissatisfied.

>> No.4160804

Do you have the script for it?
It seems to have been deleted/pruned.

>> No.4160851

I guess that could work. Hell I want to see fairies regardless of a Touhou mod. Maybe I'll add them myself, next version. They could come steal your shit and flip your levers and shoot iceballs at you and be general pests. And I'll make them trainable so you can trap them and use them like war dogs.

>> No.4160885

>Touhou DF

Kind of already being done:


>> No.4160909

No one likes Suika Fortress.

>> No.4161003
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Some random thoughts.

I'd prefer if dwarves and wildlife were kept as is. A group of dwarves struck in Gensokyo is a fun idea, and they fight right in anyway, being utterly mad and devoted to alcohol like every other resident.

If that can be coded, particularly old objects should become tsukumogami, either hostile or tame. The friendly ones would be way more effective than even war dogs, but it's time to shit your pants when your unused artifact adamantine spear turns into a hostile one and starts ripping your dwarves' lungs and kidneys out left and right.

Fairy sieges, as mentioned, could be fun. Even more if they can throw fireballs. In addition to the undead, Evil regions can be made even more fun via the addition of those blood-sucking undead trees (jyubokko?) and soul-eating monster bamboo (mannendake? )

As mentioned, since carp is not enough, the waters can be improved with mizuchi, umibouzu, funayurei, kappa and whale-sized ikuchi.

>> No.4161095


Looking through the archives, some of the ideas that are being worked on seem to be:

-Suika Fortress
-SDM fighting everything else
-Human village vs. Youkai
-Fairies vs. Touhou

>> No.4161111

There's no way to do tsukumogami, unfortunately. But yeah I think dwarves + Japanese/ZUN folklore works much better than Touhou Fortress.

>> No.4163000


>> No.4163059

a touhou fortress would be much easier to make once the new update comes out in two or three months
