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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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414745 No.414745 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.414748

not in the mood. hung out with a girl all day during the last weekend.
life's good, at least relatively speaking.

>> No.414753
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>> No.414755


>> No.414760

>not in the mood. hung out with a girl all day during the last weekend. life's good, at least relatively speaking.
>hung out with a girl all day during the last
weekend.life's good,
>hung out with a girl all day
>hung out with a girl
>a girl

but not a girlfriend.
ronery in ronery denial.

>> No.414767
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>> No.414770

Hey, let me be.
That's why I said "relatively speaking."

>> No.414773
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>> No.414776

>not in the mood.

Then hide the thread you silly little faggot.

>> No.414783

but i like being silly and respond randomly

>> No.414784

does making a ronery thread make you any less ronery?

>> No.414786

Why would that guy do that on a train in full view of other passengers?

>> No.414788

no, but misery loves company.

>> No.414791

I dunno, every once in a while there is a decent ronery thread where people actually make some insicive comments. Plus, I think it's just a natural rebound that these threads happen at night because anon has been insulting the shit out of each other all day and during ronery threads anon seems to behave in a much nicer way towards his fellow anonymous for some reason.

>> No.414792

he probably just bought them

>> No.414793

you obviously arent ronery enough to understand yet. give it time.

>> No.414795

also because misery loves company...

>> No.414807

are people in vietnam ronery too?

>> No.414813

who is more sympathetic to roneryness in your family? Sisters or brothers?

>> No.414816

I have no siblings.....

so ronery....

>> No.414828

Sometimes it'd be nice to have someone else, not even for sexual value.
But just to be ronery together...

>> No.414836

I have a brother and know someone who has a sister... both will just forget about you.

>> No.414855

I have a younger sister, she likes to keep me company when Im down.

>> No.414872

>Ronery threads like this was what /jp/ was originally created for, but moot ruined it when he said the evil word "Touhou." Nobody here wants to have a ronery conversation with those touhoufags because they fail harder than Gaiafags. A few days ago they were rioting over the fact that they couldn't roleplay as their favorite weeaboo characters and that they could no longer create fanfiction. The sad thing about this post is that I'm not kidding.

>> No.414877
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I'm ronery, but at the same time not.

Mainly because I spend nearly all my time in my imagination ignoring reality...

>> No.414878


Is she cute?

>> No.414882

yes. and its annoying as hell.

>> No.414887


why dont you (assuming she's >15) start fucking her then?

>> No.414893

uhh, sister.

>> No.414899


That never stopped the other brave anons who went down that path.

>> No.414900

Lurk moar, a sister is fine too.

>> No.414904

yeah, well let me put it this way... I would never try anything with her, but I wouldn't refuse anything from her either.

>> No.414909

Well at least you aren't a bullshitter like those 'My sister is really hot but the thought of fucking her makes me want to puke' anons.

Could we have a pic, or a description?

>> No.414913


This is why we can't have nice things. Grow a spine and make a move, or try and go for the pity sex angle.

>> No.414919

brown/black hair
brown eyes


>> No.414927


Wow, what an awesome mix! She must be stunning, how old is she?

>> No.414932

>well let me put it this way... I would never try anything with her


I'm calling bullshit, Germans and Japs have no problems with incest.

>> No.414936

17, I'll be 20 in July

>> No.414939

I don't really, just I dont want to make a move and ruin my relationship with her because as it is its pretty damn good.

>> No.414944

Is she as sweet as the imoutos in animu/doujins?

>> No.414951

I wouldn't know, I dont read any manga. provide an example.

>> No.414960
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>> No.414968

lol! she was actually lying on my bed like that a few hours ago when I got back from campus

>> No.414979
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why you have to go and make me jealous anon? ;_;

>> No.414985

lol, shes done that before too, but with pants on.

>> No.414993

Why dont u guys try rape?

>> No.414999
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>> No.415001

because I love her, shes my sister I would kill anyone who even tried that.

If anyone actually raped her, I would murder his whole family.

>> No.415003
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Must be tough being around her somewhat then.

Don't you ever get a raging hardon when she does shit like that? If I were you I'd be stealing pairs of her panties and fapping with them 24/7.

>> No.415005

it is kinda tough being around her some times, but its definitely better than being totally alone.

I gotta tell you though, when she falls asleep on my shoulder or something its so peaceful and calming.. I cant really describe it.

>> No.415004

Has she ever had a boyfriend?

>> No.415006

nope, shes an introvert, doesn't get along all that well with the kids at her school, especially the girls.

>> No.415007

>when she falls asleep on my shoulder or something its so peaceful and calming

Wow, you're luckier than you know anonymous.

>> No.415009

perhaps, but it can be torture in its own way...

>> No.415014
File: 120 KB, 826x1204, 1207634396142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what kind of things do you do together then? I've never had a sister but I always wanted one, and not for the reasons most anons say but because my brother is cold and distant and is, despite the fact he's very successful with women, continually unsettled. Do little sisters really look up to their older brothers then? Treat them as a role model and so on?

>> No.415017

you are really lucky, id like an imouto like that, but i just got an older sister... yuck...

>> No.415020

why doesnt she get along with them?

>> No.415023
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I talk to a friend of mine on MSN nearly every night. I almost never have anything interesting to say to her, but she listens and puts up with me. I'm a recovering agoraphobiac, so of course there's nothing happening in my life. I'm too much of a social recluse to ask her out anyway. Plus my agoraphobia keeps me from being able to maintain a relationship. I feel like becoming an hero.

>> No.415028


damned it. You're the luckiest anon in /jp/. I would trade my girlfriend for a cute sister

>> No.415029

well, we do pretty much everything together, Im her only real friend... I suppose it comes from us more or less being foreigners (we were born in Japan but moved to Canada at a very young age) She never could really fit in at school and she just gave up and stuck around me.

She always waits for me to get home from university, I have mostly evening/night classes this semester and she was upset about that because I wouldnt be home when she got back from high school.

She likes downloading all sorts of animu and watches those, she always prefers to watch with me. Shes also into games, rpgs mostly and when she doesnt have access to her computer/consoles shes got her psp/ds out

she also reads some manga on the computer too, shes much more into Japanese culture than I am, she can speak it fluently and read kanji. I on the other hand was more attracted to Germany and I speak/read German... uh what else do you want to know?

>> No.415030

you should watch koi kaze together.

>> No.415035


Can we have picture? I promise I won't fap.

>> No.415037


What is your sister doing right now?

>> No.415040

holy fuck, I just wikied that and checked... shes got the fucking manga of that

>> No.415042

Have you ever had a girlfriend, if not, does she ever bring up the fact you've never had one? What kinds of things does she say about the whole ronery situation etc?

>> No.415044


You know what to do.

>> No.415045


>> No.415046

HA, as if im going to post her picture on 4chan.

sleeping on my couch thing (its a couch but its only big enough for 1-2 people)

>> No.415058

I have not left the house in about 5 months ;_; so yes I am ronery.

>> No.415063

Ive never had an official girlfriend, I did get pretty close to a girl once but that didnt exactly work out because she already had a boyfriend... kinda funny really, she decided to go to the same university as him after highschool but he dumped her after a few weeks

as for what my sister says, I cant really remember anything off-hand but she mostly tries to take my mind off of things by getting me to play games with her or watch stuff

>> No.415065

guy with little sister, you should post with a trip.

>> No.415073

fuck its been so long, how do you do that again?

>> No.415082


name #[whateveryouwantyourtripcodetobe]

in the name field.

>> No.415088


>> No.415091

Is she cute?

>> No.415098

yes. Im not posting any pics though.

>> No.415099


thats great.

now, you said she had the manga for koi kaze....

>> No.415100

big tits or DFC?

>> No.415103

I checked her book case, shes got 5 of em

>> No.415104

in between

>> No.415107


There's 5 volumes in total. I've got it too.

>> No.415115

cup size?

also, have you ever rifled through her underwear drawers?

>> No.415117

no I don't go through her stuff, and B-cup I guess

>> No.415119

i just learned something new about these tripcodes - thanks!

also, what manga are these pics from, and is there english?

>> No.415120

crap, was me

>> No.415123

obviously you didnt

>> No.415124



Search for 'Translated Incest Pack 1' on rapidsearch. It's the one labelled 'Closing Sister'.

>> No.415127

So Gerhardt, what's your next move? Now that you know she loves delicious incest?

>> No.415129
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Can't have a ronery thread without the theme song.

>> No.415132

how the hell do we know if shes into incest? I dont have any move.

>> No.415133

ITT we're so ronery we hold a conversation with ourselves while pretending to be different people.

>> No.415135

she has the koi kaze manga... That's a pretty sure sign. Read it and you'll see.

>> No.415139

does simply having it necessarily mean that?

>> No.415142

pretty much. It's quite an emotionally intense manga.

>> No.415144

Borrow it from her.

>> No.415149

well, anyway I have to get up early for class tomorrow, or rather today. Ill be back tomorrow.

>> No.415152

ok, see you.

>> No.415182
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>> No.415188

stop being afraid of plants you pussy

>> No.415193


See you.

Also, this is a good chance to see if there are any updates from anonymous of seven.

>> No.415202

i hope he gets it on with his sister so i can live somewhat vicariously through him. god i'm pathetic. ;_;

>> No.415205

Even if he does get a more intimate relationship with his sister it's bound for a BAD END.

>> No.415216


Why do you lie?

>> No.415220


anon won't let that happen.

>> No.415224


>> No.415336

True love will prevail. ;_;

>> No.415341

Only in fiction, Anonymous. (;ω;)

>> No.415347

If they are both introverted then I can see it being a good end. Especially since it seems she is into incest by her choice of manga.

>> No.415348


But real life and anime are the same!

>> No.415349


She could just be interested in romance, in any form...or it could be she loves bad endings.

In any case, we can all hope that she is interested in incest.

>> No.415353

There is no midpoint as far as incest goes, you are either into it or you are not. The fact she doesn't find Koi Kaze disgusting, the fact she bought the manga, is proof enough that she finds the thought of it nice.

So add that with the fact she is introverted and a bit of an otaku and you have the possibility of the ever-rare GOOD END.

Also, anyone remember Anonymous of Sweden?

>> No.415354

No, remind us.

>> No.415362

Guy from Sweden, fucked his sister from 14 onwards (she was a year younger), then he left to go to college and the relationship fell apart, she then went on to study nursing and was angry at him because he 'left her' and went to a uni quite far away. Then with the help of /a/nonymous they got back together (he gave her a phone call and they met up and screwed).

>> No.415365

Oh ho. Good end.

>> No.415366

All relationships end in failure. There is no good end.

>> No.415374


Did they do more than just screw? I mean, is the relationship still going?

>> No.415377

>The fact she doesn't find Koi Kaze disgusting, the fact she bought the manga, is proof enough that she finds the thought of it nice.

Well said. And how she clings to him, that can only mean good end.

>> No.415379

No pictures, no proof.

>> No.415380

Time will tell, anon, time will tell.

>> No.415385


>> No.415390

lets be honest, no one is going to post pics, the risk isnt worth it, but he was telling the truth. Most of it was too mundane to be a fake.

>> No.415422


Could you go into more detail about it please (anon of sweden's story)

>> No.415423

faggot needs to ask to borrow the mango and see how she reacts

>> No.415439

I've got a 15 inch cock which I doodle my imouto with. She's pretty young, so she lets me do anything (arse-to-mouth!), but I need to cuddle with her afterwards.

>> No.415441


haha oh wow

>> No.415475

Gerhardt, do you realize what kind of girl you have?

You should know what to do.

>> No.415499

ITT: My E-Penis is bigger than yours

>> No.415923

I've seen better ronery threads.

>> No.416020

This is ronery incest thread ;_;

>> No.416037


Go back to it.

>> No.416045


You need to get an Italian friend, build a club house, and call it 'The Axis".

>> No.416062

Also, I hate to sound stereotype, but how much failure have most of the ronery people here had? Any 3 times? 10? I'm 24, I live in Japan, and I think I missed when the entire country paired off. But I don't give up because I honestly know it's something I need in my life to feel happy.

So, today, I get told by a girl that she's sorta seeing someone. Tomorrow I'll ask her to sorta take my number and sorta hang out sometime. And should that fail, I'll try elsewhere. If anyone ever told you life was going to be easy, it was a lie. It's hard, it sucks, but you do it anyway, because the other option is riding the train with you pillows.

tl;dr This sounds gay, but fight on.

>> No.416278

No anon, there is no hope for us.

>> No.416280


Get back to it

>> No.416309

Everybody is always seeing somebody. That's no reason to back off. If you can show her you're more interesting to her than her current boyfriend is, you're in.

>> No.416324

Listen, Otaku have been trained to mind their own business on a visceral level. It's in the gutz. Otaku fail at social because many conversation choices default to option (d): mind your own business. It's not that otaku don't want to try, it's that for every option (d) that exists in their minds, a better option has to be presented, THEN the habit of choosing option (d) has to be unlearned(somehow) and replaced with the better option.

>> No.416529

but ff8 taught us all that the answer is always secret option #4

>> No.416749


Right. Then another guy comes along who could possibly be more interesting than you, and she moves along.

Do you want someone like that? I don't.

The only possible answers are incest, dolls, or dakimakura.

Now get out.

>> No.416819

gaiafags = normalfags.

this has been understood for quite some time.

>> No.416835

neither. My family generally stay away from each other.

Not because we don't get along, just because that's how we are.

>> No.416844
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My wife likes to say "ze"

What does your wife like to say?

>> No.416862


>It's not that otaku don't want to try, it's that for every option /d/ that exists in their minds, a better option has to be presented, THEN the habit of choosing option /d/ has to be unlearned(somehow) and replaced with the better option.

>> No.416872


Bullshit. Sisters don't work like that.

>> No.416882



>> No.417131

Remember that Japanese guy on /a/? Someone asked him if his sister has ever asked him to have sex and he said something like 'Yes, all the time, it is very embarassing!'

>> No.417152


More info

>> No.417162

cant remember, it was so long ago.


I really wish I had bothered to save all those old 4chan threads I had saved. And my old 4chan images folder too. I lost a lot of those good image that came from the old /v/ (like that one with the girl buying a wii from that 'doug' guy and the sonyfag getting pissed off in the background).

>> No.417220


2channel appear to be talking about incest at the end of the thread.

>> No.417319
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Closing sister was great...too short, though.

>> No.417321

I wish there was a second volume!

>> No.417347

Gerhardt, update us on anything when you're back.

>> No.417373


we need a new incest-kun now that anon of seven has decided to bail on us.
