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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4138437 No.4138437 [Reply] [Original]

>Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
>Score: 8/10

It's just about confirmed by now. Let's all enjoy MuvLuv, folks.

>> No.4138449

Oh god I hope so.

>> No.4138450
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>> No.4138464

>there is no macro image for what I'm feeling

>> No.4138468
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How about this one?

>> No.4138471

Fuck yes.

>> No.4138483
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>> No.4138487
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Also, I hope we'll get a Memoria translation soon as well.

But right now let's appreciate what we're getting, because from what I've heard it's probably going to be awesome.

>> No.4138501
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I found one

>> No.4138505

> Easily one of the fun




>> No.4138512

So when do we start trolling it?

>> No.4138520


See >>4138505

>> No.4138522

A week after the honeymoon and everyone realizes that everything sucks forever.

>> No.4138523

A Flyable Heart translation would be nice as well.

>> No.4138529

> Heart
Sage for Disney.

>> No.4138531

So what I got from the review is that playing through the translated version of RuiTomo would be boring as fuck. Mediocre story, and humor which 99% of us will either not get at all, or actually get after reading 10 pages of TL notes.

>> No.4138561


>> No.4138570

> Peacefully eating food
What is this Disney shit, where is my GAR GORE REAL DEAL!!!!!?

>> No.4138577

So are we going to have to wait for him to play all the way through 11eyes and KimiNozo before he even starts translating another game?

Try reading the comment he posted under the review.

>> No.4138593

Anything but failtomo or france girls are good. So I am fine with KGNE.

>> No.4138602

Just as expected.
What's up with RuiTomo hate suddenly?

>> No.4138604

I wouldn't mind KimiNozo either, but I doubt Ixrec will rate it higher than MLA so it seems like a waste of time.

>> No.4138623

I'll be happy with anything we get.

>> No.4138631
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>> No.4138641

People think that the VN is bad without reading it because GG trolled everyone with it. A pity, because I wanted to see it translated.

Actually, is Ixrec going to take any side projects while translating Muv-Luv? I don't really care about it, but I don't want to wait for years before he starts translating something else.

>> No.4138653

I don't hate it and I will probably play it if it is translated. But with the flaws, do you really think this deserved to be translated over the other titles? I know this is subjective.
>failed spot checks
>long discussions which state nothing but the obvious
>irritatingly predictable "twists" and in some routes rather hollow conclusions.

My hardest gripe will be on this.
>long discussions which state nothing but the obvious
The game is treating you like an idiot spoonfeeding you every details until you got bored of it.

>> No.4138657

Ruitomo's the one with the trap that gets hit by the truck right?

>> No.4138688


Why the hell's nobody bothers to translate this!

>> No.4138702

Fuck yes.

>> No.4138720

Oh no, I'm not saying it should be translated over other titles. Personally I'd love to see MuvLuv or Baldr Sky in English, but even with those faults RuiTomo is good.
Lately we've been getting excellent stuff translated(Sharin no Kuni, KiraKira, Swan Song), would there be something bad about mixing some good games in there too?

>> No.4138858


>> No.4139178

There is a chance that NNL will translate it. Don't lose hope. The game is only a year old anyway.

>> No.4139201

Air intakes!

>> No.4139213
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Of course!

>> No.4139239

I really hope he wont choose MLA.
If it is that awesome, I want to have the full experience like everybody else. I refuse to read it before I've read ML and MLU, and they most likely wont be translated in a very very long time.

>> No.4139245

Ixrec said he'd actually translate the relevant parts of the previous VNs before MLA, so you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.4139246

Now you translate only people get to know the greatness that is Alternative, I look forward to going through it in English this time.

Been awhile too so I forgot quite a bit of it.

>> No.4139257

He's still going to do ML/MLU or whatever he deems significant for MLAs plot right?

>> No.4139266

I suppose I should just give up now and say that ML/MLA actually has a following and isn't just a /m/ conspiracy.

Maybe it started off that way, but I feel like many a /jp/ user has warmed up to the fact that it is actually a good game.

>> No.4139270

Sumika/Meiya's route is the only ones you need to do in Extra. And 90-95% of their routes are the same damn thing, just with a few different things in the middle and the very end.

Then Unlimited there is quite a bit of endings so he'll probably just choose one. It doesn't matter which one you see, all the same thing and none of them are the "true" end. Hard to explain, you'll know what I mean after you finish all 3 games.

>> No.4139278

Yes, i know. But i don't want just the relevant parts. I want to know the characters and the world as much as everybody else.

>> No.4139296


I...highly doubt people wasted time doing Ayamine, Miki, and Sakaki's routes in Extra. I did them later on after I finished Alternative, and holy shit what a waste of time that was.

Ayamine's ex-boyfriend is probably the only thing worth noting since you see him in Alternative.

>> No.4139297

>It doesn't matter which one you see, all the same thing and none of them are the "true" end. Hard to explain, you'll know what I mean after you finish all 3 games.

I *think* I know what you mean. It's probably something like Ever17.

>> No.4139307


He said all the routes are basically the same thing, so I'd imagine you'll know the characters quite well afterwards.

>> No.4139328

Miki's route was damn funny.

>> No.4139588

I don't know about you but I "waste time" on every route in every VN I play. Ever.

>> No.4139697

I believe he changed his mind and said he would go ahead and translate all of EX/UL if he chooses to translate MuvLuv.

>> No.4139949

I don't care too much which is picked, but I do feel like it would be nice with a relaxing comedy VN over action or porn.

That is sort of how I viewed Ruitomo, considering screenshots like the little girl with kitchen tools armor.

>> No.4139998

Ruitomo isn't really "relaxed".
It does have good comedy with lots of well though-out puns but it's not the main point of the game.
Ixrec probably didn't play much real comedy eroge so that's why he felt so excited about it in this review.

>> No.4140006
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>> No.4140039
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>> No.4140237

Seeing this has suddenly improved my day.

>> No.4140440

Fuck... This thread reminded me how much fun (and terrible) all those poll drama was... I truly miss it.

>> No.4140448

Is that CCS Sakura?

>> No.4140457

At this point in time I don't care anymore what they translate... im practically half way through MLA with atlas and text hooks...

Just hope they start translating anything.

>> No.4140526

So Ruitomo confirmed for shit right? According to the review from disney dev it features a ridiculous bad plot and the game's only redeeming feature are those 'LOL SO RANDUUUM JOKE XXXXXD' which results in the game being below average the the very best, exactly like the real deal fags told you beforehand.

btw disney devs won't translate Muv-Luv, stop deluding yourselfs

>> No.4140531

So has anything been done since the poll ended besides Ixrec grading VNs?

>> No.4140555

I heard he's been translating some furry fanfics.

>> No.4140558


u mad

>> No.4140611

I hope he doesn't translate anything for you ungrateful fucks. With all these crap "Disney-dev" and various other things you say on him, I wouldn't be surprised he'd lose motivation and quit.

>> No.4140632

He should just ignore those faggots. There are quite a few people, such as myself, who appreciate the time and effort he puts into the games we otherwise wouldn't get to play.

>> No.4140660

hahaha owow trolls everbody with rigged polls but starts to cry when someone counterattacks.
Sure is sore loser in here and pussycat furry disney dev

>> No.4140671

It's just one guy, dude.

>> No.4140680


Pretty much proven with this >>4140660, doesn't even try to mask his posting style.

>> No.4140686

Get out Disney devs.

>> No.4140687

That was like my second post today on /jp/ you flawless expert.

>> No.4140691

>I suppose I should just give up now and say that ML/MLA actually has a following and isn't just a /m/ conspiracy.
/m/ is too busy trolling itself to even consider uniting in some sort of conspiracy. There's a ML thread there once a month, tops.

>> No.4140724

No one is ever going to translate MuvLuv unless he's payed for it.
Deal with it.

>> No.4140741

That's what he gets for all of the shitty attention whoring and poll drama he caused. He practically ruined /jp/ and the VN fanbase by bringing all sorts of cancer in here.

If it meant Ixrec dropping off the face of the planet I'd rather he not translate anything.

>> No.4140753


Am I missing out on a great spammable meme here?

>> No.4140759

How dare he translate good VNs and try to figure out what people want, the sick fuck.

>> No.4140789

>Thinking making a shitty internet poll is a good way to gauge the fanbases wants instead of just attracting trolls and create drama.

Ahahah, you almost had me there.

>> No.4140815

If he cared about the fanbase he'd just translate KGNE, he knows all the loyal people have been waiting half a decade for it to be translated.

>> No.4140820

>There’s a pretty decent chance I will do RuiTomo someday, partly because I’m prolly one of the very few if not the only fan tler who’s able and willing to adapt it well. I also said at least a few times on IRC that I’d prolly tl it “just to prove I could.”
Ixrec - Inflated egos/General

>> No.4140828
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Since he loved Cross Channel, why doesn't he just play and translate Saihate no Ima already?

>> No.4140831

Retardation that ensued in the Ixrec poll threads. Ignore it.

I ignored those threads completely as well, so I never fully experienced the Disney/Real Deal memes until this one either.

>> No.4140832


What, same creators or something?

>> No.4140833

If you guys liked the games you'd learn Japanese, stop complaining.

>> No.4140856
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Same writer, pretty much considered as Cross Channel spiritual successor.
Longer and goes much more in depth in pretty much every areas.

Not that I care, I read it already, but since he is a big fan of Cross Channel he will probably love it to death.

>> No.4140902

What. No Kiminozo? Oh yeah, and will Ixrec do Total Eclipse too?


>> No.4140930

>will Ixrec do
>Total Eclipse

>> No.4140954

So this game will have Total Eclipse and a bunch of side stories about what happened before and after Alt?
Looks interesting.

>> No.4140992

Just seeing this make me want to play Alt again.

>> No.4141033

He hasn't played KimiNozo yet, and it doesn't look like he'll make a decision on what to translate until he has.

>> No.4141303

Could we get back to discussing how bad Ruitomo in reality is?

>> No.4141374

It's not code gayass in vn form like gg said?

>> No.4141380

But no one here has played it. I guess we can just call it disney shit if that's ok with you.

>> No.4141391

Ruitomo isn't bad.
The humor is pretty good, the story is interesting and Tomo is awesome.

I agree with the faults in the narrative though.

>> No.4141398

>He hasn't played KimiNozo yet, and it doesn't look like he'll make a decision on what to translate until he has.

He is making a decision before finishing the game he is currently playing.

>> No.4141609

...GG was saying that Baldr Sky is Code Geass in VN form. They picked to support RuiTomo in finals just to troll everybody.
He's decided that he'll do MuvLuv, currently he's playing 11eyes and he'll start next project when he's done with translating Inganock Web Novels.

>> No.4141648

It's over, we'll never have Baldr sky translated ;_;

>> No.4141661


>> No.4141686

It's that handful of disneyfags who messed up the first poll and ans had their disney shit win by 4 votes... It's all their fault ;_;

>> No.4141759

>He's decided that he'll do MuvLuv

Cool lie bro.
Never ever believed anything until the final product come out. I guess you guys should know by now after so many stalled projects and disappointment over untranslated VN and empty promises.

>> No.4141825

If you want a VN geass, play G-Sen.

>> No.4141831
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>> No.4142152

samefags and trolls should go back to /a/, stop shitting up our good board.

>> No.4142170

You're from #/jp/, which is the same as /a/. And you're speaking on /jp/ like you would on IRC.
Why don't you leave, instead?

>> No.4142192 [DELETED] 

>The First poll
Please refresh my memory Anon, which was the disney choice between Cross Channel and Muvluv?

>> No.4142210

> It's that handful of disneyfags who messed up the first poll and ans had their disney shit win by 4 votes... It's all their fault ;_;
Please refresh my memory troll Anon, what were these disneyfags and disney shit you speak of, back during the first poll when it was between Cross Channel and Muv-Luv?

>> No.4142214

oh i'm sorry anon, but /a/ is

<----- that way, maybe you should go back there, as ive been lurking here since before your balls dropped.

>> No.4142223

Is that so.
I've been tripbanned here since before you started posting.

>> No.4142243
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heh, i dont believe you anon, you are lacking the usual force. maybe its just from you trying to hard.

>> No.4142256

Dude I can see your underage.

>> No.4142280


>> No.4142283

Wait, is this faggot not going to read France Shoujo? The fuck is his problem? The game came in fucking 4th!

>> No.4142284

Can't wait.

>> No.4142287

if you actually lurked about you know i turn 20 on jan 19th, even some of the /b/tards know it, guess youre behind the loop

>> No.4142293

It's shit anyway.

>> No.4142313

Disneyshit only started during the rigged furry shit poll by neko. It is only labeled as disney because of the talking animals similarity.
I guess I am guilty as well for using it during that shitty poll but all these new guys using disney for anything that they dont like? I have no idea where they come from.

>> No.4142340


You expect us to know when your birthday is?
I have not seen a bigger case of unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.4142397

>implying it's more than one person saying Disneyshit/Real Deal in every thread

That faggot is trying way too hard, I wish he was a tripfag so he could be filtered.

>> No.4142418

Just filter Disney and Real Deal, I have not seen a single worthwhile post containing those terms.

>> No.4142485

He's going to read it. It's just that he'll start new project before he's finished with current one he's reading.

>> No.4142563

Fuck yeah.

>> No.4142847
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, 05_1600_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. This thread is still here. Also, welcome back, rEaL dEaL troll. The only remotely funny joke you ever made was the Mulan one.

With several VNs being translated (Eden*, Kara no Shoujo, Swan Song) and MuvLuv approaching, I hope the VN community will eventually chill out and enjoy the translated gifts granted to them. The expansion of our community is a true wonder to behold.

Now excuse me while I play and enjoy my Disney shit (Inganock).

>> No.4142895

Wow this thread really went to shit since I was last in it.

Proof that there is just way too many kids on /jp/ nowadays.

>> No.4144524

