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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4121798 No.4121798 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'm a 33 year old man. I'm married and have a 14 year old son. I mainly play Touhou, and have been loyal to ZUN for about a year and a half now.

Today, for the first time, my son installed Touhou Hisoutensoku on his PC and started playing. I watched him graze his first projectiles. He messed around with each of the characters for a bit, before deciding on Sakuya.

I asked him why he didn't choose Sanae (I hate the miko with a fiery passion) and he responded, "She looks like a slut to me."

I have never been so proud of my son than that moment earlier today.

>> No.4121803

Get the fuck out, normalfag.

>> No.4121805

Haven't seen this in a while.

>> No.4121811

This again?

>> No.4121812
File: 54 KB, 515x508, sanae47 logo co 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT wishful thinking.

>> No.4121816

Newfriend spotted.

>> No.4121817

Congrats OP

>> No.4122005


>> No.4122028

Some father you are, you should of started him out on 9.5 and tell him its only uphill from there.

>> No.4122041

He wants him to love Touhou, not throw it out the window from difficulty and the Missing Players.

>> No.4122049

So your son HATES female characters who look slutty? Quite the faggot you raised there, chief.

>> No.4122054

>had son at 19

>> No.4122082

What's wrong with that? It's common nowadays.

>> No.4122095

/jp/ - Anime / Random / Responding to Copypasta

>> No.4122099

>I'm a 33 year old man. I'm married and have a 14 year old son.
You wasted your life worse than I will ever be able to.

>> No.4122117
File: 11 KB, 400x300, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4122123

shut up jones
