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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4113254 No.4113254 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I'm pretty tired of people whining about wanting a Muv Luv translation. Well, I'm gonna translate it myself. I'm already ~63% done with the translation, but it isn't a fast process since I am typing while I read (no scripts). I have a bachelor degree in Japanese and have been living in Japan for 3 years now. I think it's safe to say that I am fully capable of tling this.

>> No.4113261

i want to believe.jpg
I really, really want to believe

>> No.4113258

Screenshots or it won't be taken seriously.

>> No.4113263

Wasn't it already being done?

>> No.4113267

I'm typing it on my old shit laptop, no internet. Also, I have no means of transferring any files to my internet enabled computer at the moment.

>> No.4113275


>> No.4113276


>> No.4113280

Go to store. Buy the cheapest thumbdrive they have.

>> No.4113281

Is this supposed to be a parody of gamepatch or something?

>> No.4113287

[01:47:48] <masat01> >>4113254 i want to beliv--wait, Ixrec, aren't you doing ml?
[01:48:01] <&Ixrec|SnI> not officially
[01:48:16] <&Ixrec|SnI> but I've actually been translating it for years now in conjunction with that guy from /m/
Furry devs will finish it faster than you.

>> No.4113288

Burden of proof, etc.

>> No.4113289

I planned on doing it tomorrow when I get off work. I needed a 1 TB drive, so I'm gonna shell out for one.

>> No.4113291

Please /jp/, have some faith. There is still some goodness left in the world.

>> No.4113293

master of the obvious.jpg

>> No.4113299

I'll believe you

Please don't break my heart ;_;

>> No.4113301

I knew it, MuvLuv was a /m/ conspiracy.

>> No.4113303

When I heard that someone robbed an orphanage on Christmas this morning, all the trust in my heart evaporated.

>> No.4113305

What is your tl speed? How much longer till you finish?

>> No.4113312

No there isn't.

>> No.4113308

Something that inconsequential ruined you? You must not be very informed.

>> No.4113310

I'm very sorry for your loss
I plan on finishing by the end of February.
And by Muv Luv Tl, I mean all the novels

>> No.4113313

Last straw, camel's back etc.

>> No.4113314
File: 1.16 MB, 1680x1188, 7862891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah HI MASAT!

>> No.4113316

Not among humans anyways.

>> No.4113324

> plan on finishing by the end of February.
2010, right?
If so, I'll be waiting for you.

>> No.4113332

Like I said on irc
all novels at 63%, his math is bad epspecially for a goal of end of feb

>> No.4113336

>Like I said on irc
Nobody gives a shit about what you said on irc. Jesus christ, just get the fuck out.

>> No.4113344

I majored in Japanese, not math, fucking troll.

>> No.4113352

oh shit my hd just broke down no muvluv for u XD

>> No.4113353

Planning on providing a portion of the translation for proof OP? I'm sorry for being skeptical, but this has happened before.

>> No.4113357

Your English is awful, Jordan. Go back to circlejerking on IRC; it suits you.

>> No.4113366

so funny
why can't you wait? I'll be uploading plenty of pictorial evidence tomorrow evening.

>> No.4113368

Oh god how I want this to be true.
Please don't be like that one dude who promised to scan Blood Alone vol.3 ;_;
I have faith in you.
If you're reading this, I'm still waiting for my scans ;_;

>> No.4113374

You should have made this thread tomorrow evening... is what I would have said if I thought you were serious.

>> No.4113375

I meant tomorrow, sorry.

>> No.4113386

> so funny
Something that is not funny is that it always happens to people who say they are doing something but provide very little proof of progress.

>> No.4113398

In before hard drive failure stories.

>> No.4113413

But then people might miss it. This allows people to schedule ahead of time.

>> No.4114557

Good going.
See you when you're done and have a proofread, edited, good-to-go complete patch.
