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4112256 No.4112256 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko Q&A time. Lets test how much you faggots actually know about the game.

The picture is from episode two.

Question 1 easy mode: Is Shannon dead?
Question 2 normal mode: Who killed Shannon?
Question 3 hard mode: How did they kill Shannon?
Question 4 lunatic mode: Why did they kill Shannon.

>> No.4112270

Q1: No
Q2: Shannon isn't dead
Q3: Shannon isn't dead
Q4: Shannon isn't dead

Are you happy now?

>> No.4112282

1. Yes
2. Rosa
3. Shot in the head by the stake shooting device
4. At this point Rosa was in a state of confusion. She assumed that pretty much all of the servants were in on the murder so she went to kill of them before they could kill her or Maria. George got in the way so she killed him as well.

>> No.4112285

Stake I guess.
Because Shannon killed Jessica.

>> No.4112284

After finishing Ep5, people are supposted to have figured out all those questions for all of the murders.

>> No.4112288

Question 1 easy mode: I don't play your shitty game
Question 2 normal mode: I don't play your shitty game
Question 3 hard mode: I don't play your shitty game
Question 4 lunatic mode: I don't play your shitty game

>> No.4112289

Stake shooting device does not abide by Knox's Commandments.

>> No.4112302

Namefags can't even pass fucking easy mode.

Here's some red text to make you look like a retard:
<red>It is impossible for someone to be alive with a gaping hole in their head.</red>
<red>Shannon has a gaping hole in their head.</red>

You must come up with a blue truth that takes into account the red truth, or you lose the first question on easy mode like the noob you are.

>> No.4112317

Correction: Shot with a gun, stake stuck in entry wound. The round used was a sort that would not result in an exit wound, whether because of it being low-power or because of the type of slug.

>> No.4112322

>Question 1 easy mode: Is Shannon dead?
Question 2 normal mode: Who killed Shannon?
>Question 3 hard mode: How did they kill Shannon?
>Question 4 lunatic mode: Why did they kill Shannon.
Because she was attacking them with stakes.

>> No.4112326

<red>Battler was with Rosa from the time Shannon left to the time Shannon's corpse was found</red>
<red>Kanon was killed before this event took place</red>

>> No.4112334 [DELETED] 

+8 points and a detective award goes to saging Anonymous.

>> No.4112344

1. Yes
2. Genji
3. What >>4112317 said, plus Genji locking the door with a duplicate of Natsuhi's key. (I don't believe it was ever said that there were no duplicates of that key.)
4. Fulfilling Kinzo's will. (Possibly.)

>> No.4112345

+8 points and a autopsy award goes to saging Anonymous.

>> No.4112355

<red>Natsuhi's own key was in George's pocket and the inside of the room was closed off</red>

>> No.4112363

I said "duplicate". Was it ever stated that no duplicates were made?

>> No.4112380

Whoops my bad.

+3 points to you.

>> No.4112400

Saging Anonymous wins the round, earning +8 points and a autopsy award. Anonymous earns +3 points and second place. The rest of you are idiots.

However let it be known that the detective did not notice a gun in Natsuhi's room.

Let it also be known that I was unable to find any evidence implying a duplicate of Natsuhi's key exists.

>> No.4112405

About the duplicate is easy, Krauss should have a key to Natsuhi's room, even if he never uses it and always asks Natsuhi for permission, is more of a symbol of trust

>> No.4112417

Well considering she's got a huge hole in her head and her brain is leaking out, I'd say yes.
Don't know.
Bullet to the head?
No idea

>> No.4112421

Yes, that is a reasonable explanation.

>> No.4112430

One point for you. Easy mode is easy.

Round two starting sometime between now and later.

>> No.4112448

1- fake body. But Shannon's persona did died
2-Beatrice "ate" her
3-DID faggotry
4-Because Beatrice wants Battler, not that creepy George.

>> No.4112465

<red>The door to Natsuhi's room was locked when Battler unlocked it</red>
Therefore, if Shannontrice wasn't in the room at the time Battler entered the room, she would have had to lock the door behind her. How was this accomplished?

>> No.4112474

>Stake shooting device does not abide by Knox's Commandments
You are trolling right?

>> No.4112493

Beatrice Sayo prepared the body in Natsuhi's room and lured George there.
She injured him but George managed to close the door to hide himself
But he died from his injuries anyways.

>> No.4112495

Different person from the one you quoted, but which makes more sense, anyway? Somebody building a device specifically to shoot the stakes into people, or someone just taking a gun out of Kinzo's study, shooting people with it, and sticking stakes in the entry wounds?

>> No.4112502

Ok +4 points, Shannontrice award and body double award.

>> No.4112506

Doesn't change the fact that an altered crossbow doesn't require a long scientific explanation.

>> No.4112507

>Stake shooting device
A gun. Then stake put in wound.

>> No.4112520

Guys, whether it's a modified crossbow, or a gun with stakes stuck in the wounds, the real question is "does it fucking matter."

I won't deduct points for either of those in most cases, just use whichever one you think is more likely.

>> No.4112559

1: Yes.
2: George.
3: Killer martial arts to knock Shannon out, then he rammed the stake into her forehead. Don't ask me where he got it, maybe Natsuhi keeps a couple around in her room for weighing down paper at night. Gohda died because he heard the stumbling from the struggle and went to Natsuhi's room to find out what was wrong. George obviously opened a can of whoop-ass on him too and proceeded to stake him as well. Coming to his senses, he realises he killed Shannon (as well as Magical Gohda Chef) and drops himself onto the third stake in remorse.
4: Wild conjecture at this point: Shannon told him she doesn't love him. George goes batshit insane, beats her up and carries out the murders as described above.

Been a while since I read the ep. 2 red text though (and the wiki really doesn't help, since I'm lacking context) so I might have missed something obvious like 'no suicides' or what have you.

>> No.4112581

A huge fuckoff crossbow shooting stakes seems more likely than no one hearing the bang when someone opens fire with one Kinzo's wild-west sawed-off winchesters.

>> No.4112638 [DELETED] 

+6 points or so. Lover's suicide award. Round 2 starting soon for reals.

>> No.4112656

+7 points. Lover's suicide award. Round 2 starting soon for reals.

>> No.4112685

Round two will most likely be about George or Hideyoshi's death in Episode three. However episode three is covered in darkness so I'm going to need some time to gather evidence.

>> No.4112729
File: 416 KB, 640x960, georgesdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I can't use this one, because it's too easy to say George is alive, which throws the entire island into darkness once again.

>> No.4112736

His death was confirmed in red though.

>> No.4112739

>Somebody building a device specifically to shoot the stakes into people, or someone just taking a gun out of Kinzo's study, shooting people with it, and sticking stakes in the entry wounds?
That depends on who built it and who uses it.

>> No.4112757

At the end of the chapter, I believe.

>> No.4112760

Yeah, but you can use Battler's trick from episode 4 (the one where he tries to solve Nanjo's murder).

>> No.4112761
File: 105 KB, 707x559, 1260031553773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't put it past Kinzo

>> No.4112764

The problem is the timing of that confirmation. It's far too late. For all I know George was alive when Battler saw his "corpse", then he later shoots Nanjo and jumps out a window killing himself.

>> No.4112769

Actually, Episode 6 apparently says that the detective can identify a person as dead or alive, as long as they are officially the detective by Knox's rules (i.e. they have detective's authority). And since Battler was the detective in the first four Episodes, the life/death status of any bodies he directly observed and judged would apparently be accurate.

>> No.4112776

Hmmmm... did Battler check Kyrie, Rudolf, and/or Hideyoshi himself in Episode 3, or was Nanjo the only one who actually examined them?

>> No.4112817

There's no rule against detectives being fooled.

>> No.4112830

Only Nanjo examined them. Meta-Battler did not confirm their deaths at 'that time' either.

>> No.4112842

I'm just going by what is said in Episode 6 and extrapolating back to Episodes 1-4.

>> No.4112874

I don't need episode six to use this as a mystery. The red key is enough. However I'm not capable of wielding that sword.

I will kindly ask if anyone knows of any evidence that George or Shannon or both are faking their deaths in that scene, evidence that would help satisfy Knox's 8th.

>> No.4112895

The detective can be fooled by the doctor.

>> No.4112919

I do not believe there is any evidence to that effect. However, here's something from Kyrie's Executed character TIP for Episode 3: "The stomach isn't a very lethal spot. Is it OK to kill in a different way and stick the stake in the corpse?"

>> No.4112922

In Umineko, that's only if the detective doesn't examine the bodies him/herself.

>> No.4112928

(Though Episode 6 is weird because it doesn't actually have a detective; Erika chose to take a different approach.)

>> No.4112939

Which Battler barely does.

>> No.4112950

Looks like no one cares for Kanon

>> No.4112971
File: 33 KB, 141x151, anontrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-Using magical butterflies to crush her barrier
4-To deny love


>> No.4112992

How does she die in episode 5

>> No.4113001

I like this thoery.

>> No.4113013

She doesn't. Only the cousins, Rosa and Genji are killed before the game is stopped because of Erika. Also, what the fuck are you doing not having read it yet?

>> No.4113033

>I couldn't pick up any signs of life.
This could count as an examination, and if you combined this with the red truth of episode six, you could attack George's ghost.

You could also attack it using the red key. Both are off limits to me though, so using this as the second round is out of the question.

So second round isn't happening today. Maybe tomorrow though, or perhaps never. Game results:

First place:
Saging Anonymous's theory:
Gohda killed Shannon with a gun because Shannon was attacking him with stakes. Gohda later died of his wounds.

Second place:
Anonymous's theory:
George killed Shannon with his marial arts. Then he killed himself after realizing what he had done.

Sayotrice fag's theory:
Sayotrice prepared a body double in Natsuhi's room. She then lured George to the room, killed him, and exited the room. As George was dying he locked himself in.

>> No.4113045

Seriously! That fucking bitch wasn't killed!

>> No.4113088

Stop wasting your time on 4chan and get to reading chapter five.

>> No.4113093

George death is easy in episode 3
ShKanontrice just lured him to the mansion, that's why he fucking jumped from the windows.
And then proceeded to run to see Shannon's body, to verify if she really is dead.
He finds the body, a fake of course, and get killed by ShKanontrice by behind.

>> No.4113095

also Krauss

>> No.4113109

Just because Hideyoshi doesn't have any development doesn't mean you have to forget about him ;_;

>> No.4113117
File: 325 KB, 500x636, 126293292772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Krauss, Genji, George, Jessica, Maria, Rosa and Hideyoshi died in ep 5, then the game was suspended because Erika declared she solved the case with only one and a half twilight then she used a stupid theory based on Kinzo being alive
But don´t worry B0MB killed everyone while they were blaming Natsuhi

>> No.4113121
File: 12 KB, 188x209, 1247695528562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better round 2: how Battler escaped from the guest room where he faked his death in episode 6. Any theories?

>> No.4113120

Krauss left the Island and left Natsuhi with all the problems. He's a smart man.

>> No.4113127

ShKanontrice, etc...

>> No.4113135

ah, but Battler's last line in the ep hints that he made a came back mirroring what he does in the ??? party later on

>> No.4113136

Aside from the usual Shkannontrice faggotry, one thing that bothers me is is "stake shooting device". I'll be really pissed if it truly exists.

>> No.4113140

It's not that simple. When Battler find's George's body, it's lying next to "Shannon's corpse".

Is Shannon dead?

>> No.4113149

Shkanon LOLOLOL retarded
Kumasawa Yoshiya LOLOLOL retarded

>> No.4113160

Nobody cared about Shannon in that scene.

>> No.4113167

it isn't that difficult for it to exist, mybe even the winchesters have some way to do it

>> No.4113178

1: yes
2: Genji
3: Small Bombs
4: Kinzo's Will

>> No.4113183

Fake body.

>> No.4113190

What are you, still reading episode 1 or what?

>> No.4113205

Never proved in red that a body double for Shannon doesn't exist.
If ShKanon is true, then she has to use one, see everytime she leaves a body behind like the first fucking episode for example.

>> No.4113206

<blue>The reason for this is because Shannon's corpse was known by Eva to exist in this room, because Shannon died on the first twilight.</blue>

Seriously though, I can't find a way to conclusively demonstrate that Shannon or George is dead in that scene, so the island is cast into darkness.

>> No.4113222


>> No.4113226

Does Ryukishi seriously believe that episodes 1-4 are enough to solve the riddles?

>> No.4113243

In episode five he talks about that a lot.

>> No.4113249

People saw ShKanon from as early as episode 2.
Just considering it solve half of the closed room easily.
After that the various side mysteries aren't hard to see.

>> No.4113252

Writers often believe tiny little clues here and there which could mean several things or nothing at all are actually blatantly obvious and will be interpreted exactly how they want them to be. If they aren't particularly good writers, they are generally wrong. So yes, he probably does, but he's wrong. Obviously.

>> No.4113266

Shkanon is just a possibility, we don't even know if the are accomplice/killer/culprit.
Problem is, there are a lot more possibilities.
We don't even know the mastermind's identity for certain.

>> No.4113273

If you were him to know how he interprets shit, or really lucky, like being stranded in the ocean, choose one direction at random and reach your destination.
And he even says that the most anyone can reach is 8% or some shit.

>> No.4113319

Battler only stares at the bodies. Everyone else besides Eva (and even THIS is towards strictly George and Hideyoshi) is batshit insane about not touching dead bodies. Battler never touched anyone's bodies. It was lampshaded in 2 when Beatrice is trolling him to put his hand inside Kyrie's and Rudolf's stomach and rip out their intestines to see if they are alive.

>> No.4113968


My biggest complaint about Umineko is the idea that a DID maid is completely normal to have, to the extent that no one ever bothers to inform Battler that Shannon has DID even after "Kanon" is introduced in EP1.
