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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40974946 No.40974946 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40974978

Should have been a Kenmochi OP

>> No.40974993

nah fuck that guy

>> No.40974998

Kenmochi is so weirdly out of his element right now he's reaching ib levels of nonderi.

>> No.40975004

What's that? You want a EN OP next?

>> No.40975023

But look at dat ass

>> No.40975038
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>> No.40975050

His brain is exploding from the multitasking

>> No.40975141

If I didn't know kenmochi well enough I'd turn into his anti just from this stream, this guy has the guts, at least.

>> No.40975152

the things i'd do to patanee

>> No.40975187

Can't wait for Kenmochi to totsu Salome and she accidentally speaks in her Debi voice

>> No.40975208

you mean her mito voice

>> No.40975222

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj26XhKIxQ coffee Jiyu

>> No.40975236

whoa jiyu's 3D looks awful

>> No.40975256

oh wrong like my bad

>> No.40975267


>> No.40975326


>> No.40975340

What happened again

>> No.40975342

Deron's in a dark mood.

>> No.40975454

Watch the stream or fuck off

>> No.40975456

no calls from hololive??

>> No.40975463
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>> No.40975478


>> No.40975488

ngo love

>> No.40975491

sleepy voice ngo...

>> No.40975523
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>> No.40975537


>> No.40975594


>> No.40975616
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This library is going to be massive

>> No.40975623

First 3D that I have 0 interest in in awhile

>> No.40975648

You're supposed to get excited for weekly mahimahi 3D in the morning

>> No.40975661
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sniff sniff

>> No.40975793

sleepy lize

>> No.40975802

Fucking Ago, forced Her Highness to wake up at this time to join his shitty totsu

>> No.40975842


>> No.40975872
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>> No.40975908
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>> No.40975919
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>> No.40975922
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>> No.40975932
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>> No.40975950
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>> No.40976003
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>> No.40976158
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>> No.40976198

Kenmochi was kinda out of his pace in the first half of the totsumachi, but he picked his pace up in the latter half.
totsumachi is always fun.

>> No.40976325

I can't believe Rion killed Kuzuha

>> No.40977562

Wanna talk about how Oliver's 3D debut will be the lowest viewed 3D debut in recent times because they kill viewerships since no one likes watching things with EN involved

>> No.40977578

not that anyone cares about oliver to begin with

>> No.40977642
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There's more to life than waiting for a holofag to reply to himself

>> No.40977677

rent free

>> No.40977682

yea but there's nothing else going on at this time

>> No.40977695


>> No.40977705

Nevermind it's ENshit

>> No.40977708

get rekt cocofag

>> No.40977710

dont worry, all your favorite girls are probably having sex with the EN boys already

>> No.40977713


>> No.40977727

elira finally interacting with her oshi

>> No.40977729

I had a good wank while thinking about Vox facefucking Tomoe today, I was watching porn in the meanwhile so I didn't exclusively jerk off to that thought but still

>> No.40977733

tomoe anon don't look...

>> No.40977735

Her oshi is Chigusa. Do you even watch her?

>> No.40977741

I bet she'd love it

>> No.40977742

she literally outed herself as fuwa oshi in like the first week of her debut

>> No.40977749

Wow, I really recommend filtering "cocofag" including all replies. Night and day difference.

>> No.40977750

It's funny that even this morning's radio is one of the lowest viewed ones. ppl really don't watch ENshit

>> No.40977759

3 of the best jp speakers in en and their tension is lower than selen's who doesn't understand a lick of japanese, this is literally boring

>> No.40977762

Why is EN pretending to be retarded? This isn't funny or entertaining. It's just awkward.

>> No.40977772

yeah night as in no posts in 3 hours lmao

>> No.40977775

get some new material faggot

>> No.40977783

The fact that he replied to himself in the reply chain following your post is funny.

>> No.40977784

It's unfair to compare Selen to other ENs. She's a different beast on every level

>> No.40977785

still more viewers than asacoco had by the end

>> No.40977790

You mean higher?

>> No.40977795

rent free

>> No.40977797
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>> No.40977810

fuwa will get pogman next time

>> No.40977818
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that was me all along what "he"

>> No.40977825

Because Pomu can't keep up and that's the best they can do.

>> No.40977850

hope we get more JP livers again or at least ex-kr yikes. tomorrow will be another EN shit too

>> No.40977854
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>> No.40977861


>> No.40977862

you will watch the EN and you will be happy

>> No.40977876

I wonder if in a year this is gonna be looked back on as the equivalent to the shark posting in /vyt/?

>> No.40977877

nihongo jouzu eigo jouzu do you know? do you know? va-ry intaresutingu

>> No.40977887

oh no people are posting about nijisanji in the nijisanji thread, the horror, you should fuck off now if you're being such a faggot

>> No.40977900

There's various factors at play here, there are other faggots aside from cocofag/ENfag who disturb the thread. Like the management hater for example.

>> No.40977914

It's seriously not as bad as whatever the hell is going on with /vyt/ right now

>> No.40977918

Her oshi is Pekora according to her PL tho

>> No.40977919

all me

>> No.40977922

are you guys looking forward to meiji's reincarnation on thursday?

>> No.40977953
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>> No.40977954

I swear meidos were way more vigilant towards this thread way back. Off topic numberfagging and shitposters got deleted within the hour

>> No.40977957

Elira and Millie announced it in their schedules

>> No.40977963

hololive debuts new member already?

>> No.40977968

talking about nijisanji isn't off topic you wannabe hall monitor

>> No.40977981


>> No.40977985

Maybe Fuwa is actually brain damaged he genuinely finds this fun

>> No.40977997
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>> No.40977999
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>> No.40978005

That would actually be contraproductive in this situation. Just ignore bait, thats all.

>> No.40978007

to be honest it's nice that he wants to learn English but the others could at least try not treating him like an idiot and baby down the language. That one day with selen where they mostly spoke JP was pretty nice.

>> No.40978010
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>> No.40978023
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>> No.40978025


>> No.40978028

I'm not 100% sure on what you mean since I haven't touched the other thread in years, but I imagine things will just keep getting worse with more EN that debut and more EN getting involved in JP events. Like how last year was fine for a good while with a bit of shitposting here and there until that one male group debuted

>> No.40978029
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>> No.40978036
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who knows, maybe it will be fun

>> No.40978037

I'm not the hall monitor guy, I'm talking about when people used to post Hiyoko screencaps to shitpost.

>> No.40978038
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>> No.40978043
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>> No.40978044


>> No.40978050

ok, not sure what that has to do with anything

>> No.40978056

Just reminiscing.

>> No.40978064

not any chance, she probadly wants to join an idol company or a singer company

>> No.40978074

nah she's an fps gamer girl now, you're not keeping up

>> No.40978097

What is it this time?

>> No.40978101

he can suck something else

>> No.40978102

I have nothing but respect for this artist for drawing the exact same scenario for years.

>> No.40978113

the child is mine

>> No.40978139
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>> No.40978156

What happened is the realization the entire thread is just an endlessly growing piece of meat for these parasites to subsist off of entirely due to a consistent year+ of taking the lowest form of their bait, and the only actual solution is to introduce even more problems by tripling the speed of the thread so they can no longer shift it whenever they want some giggles, leading to a complete and utter lose-lose scenario.

>> No.40978162

what's with the spoiler though

>> No.40978165

So people would read it and no other reason.

>> No.40978172

Vshojo girl took a jab at them in an interview

>> No.40978189
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>> No.40978199

Russia or the dragon or both

>> No.40978208

I tried DDD because that guy in the VTA said it's good but dropped it when it was revealed that the girl on the cover is actually a guy.

>> No.40978214

i think axia was trying to tell us something
not just antis, but all of us

>> No.40978235
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boy is being naive, streaming is a deal with the devil, no one cares about him streaming a game, people watch for the drama, your soul for our entertainment axia, the contract has been signed

>> No.40978240

no it will get worse. /VYT/ looked similar to this before losing all of its life

>> No.40978242

It's me, the guy who's always complaining about cocofag. can you translate this for me?

>> No.40978248

you're not fooling anyone cocofag, at least change your posting style

>> No.40978251

Does he not realize that ppl make money out of it?

>> No.40978262

maybe its just not his style

>> No.40978263

What’s wrong with EN appearing on Fuwa’s radio?

>> No.40978265

who the fuck calls it /vyt/

>> No.40978267

whats the point in posting on an anonymous board if i cant complain all the time

>> No.40978269

it makes the cocofag mald

>> No.40978272

The fact that he's a guy is the best part wtf.

>> No.40978274

nothing, cocosperg just wants to shit up the thread with an imaginary enemy.

>> No.40978289

that's literally like 20 pages in

>> No.40978306

To be fair, it's more than literally anyone on this board has ever read.
I bought the ebook since Chihaya's first stream but still haven't touched it

>> No.40978316


>> No.40978319
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>> No.40978323


>> No.40978365
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salome on the front page

>> No.40978371

Middle finger too small

>> No.40978379

boobs too small

>> No.40978381
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>> No.40978396


>> No.40978418


>> No.40978419


>> No.40978443

You forgot this thread is full of fags

>> No.40978486

that kind of internal struggle as it happens is one of life's most beautiful things

>> No.40978575
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>> No.40978592

I cringed at Kenmochi's holofaggotry

>> No.40978602

same, he could really fuck off with that shit

>> No.40978616

I would forgive him if was dating one though

>> No.40978617

He is OG Soratomo tho, she probadly was the reason he became Vtuber

>> No.40978620

Did he call anyone

>> No.40978690
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>> No.40978711

I hope Sharpness goes to Austrailia and gets raped by the EN aussies

>> No.40978726

I was gonna be like he'd let Maria but I don't think she's actually a loli... are dolls lolis when they're not Rozen Maiden size?

>> No.40978737

pirate is too frail and weak to do anything, lazarus is a little bitchboy and the himbo wouldn't be able to find his penis.

>> No.40978750

You forgot Sonny...

>> No.40978755

no I didn't.

>> No.40978766

Who are those people?
What is a himbo??!

>> No.40978775

Isn't the alien guy from Australia? Your description didn't make me think of Sonny at all.

>> No.40978786

I completely forgot about the new ones, methman and the doll are Australian but I haven't watched any clips or streams of them.

>> No.40978799
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You've never heard of banned hada?

>> No.40978970

luca planking to 800k
selen blair witch

>> No.40979019

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9lOxB9pBFI luis card shark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F28Ydxg6VSQ elu apex

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u8QzWbKdC2M muyu
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LxGF9hXZgt4 mirei

>> No.40979232

Why the fuck do y’all hate EN so much?

>> No.40979238
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https://twitter.com/wakakesuke/status/1561616579057463296 Damn, Oliver's female voice range is impressive.

>> No.40979663

EN banter is harmless, funny, and a less significant part of these threads than the whiners make it out to be.

>> No.40979676

noon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0ZJFy_Zwkw
chipex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9vnK_temNU
nagao english with shu and petra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QdzUnnh6jg
genzuki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I4eqKCszqk
muyu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWhPZ44gmos
onoharu cult of the lamb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuEO2hWGBKk
kanda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urZ2z4nk3yU

>> No.40979683

seriously tho

>> No.40979915


>> No.40979951

EN is just JP. There isn't a single thing an EN liver has done that is better or worse than JP livers.

People hate Gawkman for the exact same reasons they love HinaP.

>> No.40980003

I hate all ASMR sluts equally and was hoping people got banned over the new rules

>> No.40980069
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Well that's just a different discussion entirely. My point was that in the case of livers themselves it's just a matter of language rather than content when it comes to the indistinguishable amount of hate they get here. Onimama is beloved for a variety of reasons but I've never once seen people here go "What the fuck is wrong with her, why's she humping Utako's tits like that?" like they'd do whenever someone in EN talks about dipping their balls in sulfuric acid or whatever dumb shit it is. It's all just the same brand of dumb shit across borders and always has been. Zea, Roha, and Pomu are all freaks in a similar vein as Mito, Chaika or the REAL Debi Debidebiru.

>> No.40980077

just ignore them
they clearly just hate themselves and project their hatred of their own english-speaking selves onto EN

>> No.40980084

The "amount of hate" you're talking about comes from a single, very mentally unstable person. Or 2 at most. What's crazy is that also they seem to actually follow what EN members are doing, with the only intention of getting mad at them.

>> No.40980087

anyone who hates EN is not a real fan and should leave the thread

>> No.40980091

That was specifically why I said
>indistinguishable amount of hate
in my defense. I don't know if it's one person, two people, ten people or blue people. But I also agree with the other anon and probably countless others who have or will read the post because this isn't exactly a new breakthrough in the topic either.

>> No.40980095


>> No.40980101

If you actually gave them a chance I'm sure you'd love them. Stop the blind hate.

>> No.40980113

nuiposter whenever you wake up has nui cleared XB3 yet

>> No.40980124

Isn't she busy with LaL right now?

>> No.40980127

I only hate some of them for their retarded takes and like the rest, can I stay?

>> No.40980145

setomiya talking about axia

>> No.40980174

i vaguely remember hearing her talk about it being an off-stream game for her

>> No.40980178

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L7Rvuqxifo seto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VNIS7dAJ50 nui livealive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thVWoPtL3C8 shiba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuEO2hWGBKk haruka cult of the lamb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWhPZ44gmos muyu

>> No.40980198

why did you reply to the fucking faggot that always has to start discussion about EN by bitching about people hating them? They're a shitposter

>> No.40980203
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Previous thread

>> No.40980207

you're the shitposter always trying to hate on EN hard
you've been doing this for years

>> No.40980235

ASMRhate has been a thing since 2018

>> No.40980268

I hate this. I'd rather mito take a full break instead of being in this kinda-there-but-still-on-break thing she's doing right now with no clear end in sight. It's like being left half dead.

>> No.40980310

RJ400655 is cute

>> No.40980325

First time?

>> No.40980344

I was also there for her year-start break last year but it's 2 weeks vs 2 months.

>> No.40980396

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N6QUabnPnI naraka powerpro

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VxbhBVLP-40 deron

>> No.40980449

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd9CrFQ09r0 lain craft

>> No.40980561

I meant vtubers in general, I can count a dozen people I've watched who've taken months-long breaks and while it always sucks never once would I have ever been disappointed with dumb shorts. It's proof that they're not quitting.

>> No.40980635

Honestly, I like this better because I was going absolutely insane when there was total radio silence during that 2 weeks. Now I'm just going insane a little.

>> No.40980666

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh0sC0YthwQ hayama edf

>> No.40980711

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoLU1NhLZ7k rion

>> No.40980725
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>> No.40981102
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>> No.40981106

I dont get people clipping the ラジオ体操 streams and then uploading like five separate couple-minute long clips that cover basically the entire stream start to finish.

>> No.40981110
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Mirei Mahjong

>> No.40981123


>> No.40981224

did management did something that pissed her off again? the (半ギレ) in the closing statements of the 100 questions interview and now this is turning me into a schizo.

>> No.40981230

I have bad news for you anon

>> No.40981250

they're forcing her to be idol
mayuzumi was right about everything

>> No.40981268
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>> No.40981283

Kinoshita is perfect for Sakuyui. Super excited.

>> No.40981295

the management sucks but mayuzumi is also a faggot

>> No.40981301

en supporter rhetoric is now starting to resemble nigger apologism

>> No.40981325

he also follows every /vt/ gossip and comes here to whine about it, he doesn't watch any streams just comes here to shitpost, like this

>> No.40981418

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIQWHZ9JIyw 900k

>> No.40981426

looks like he'll be the next to hit 1 mil

>> No.40981447

bro trust me hinaP ASMR is the same as "come here my little cumslut" ASMR it's just the language bro

>> No.40981452

you forgot the racial slurs this time

>> No.40981455

I don't think Chii can make it to Predator these days. Shitters have given up and it's all cracked people playing

>> No.40981501

>REAL Debi Debidebiru.
Fuck off to /vt/ with your narrative shits

>> No.40981515

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IygLcz_sE0I amamiya pokemon usum
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLhz1o3q4Ck kanato cult of the lamb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SqQ80Wz-wQ shellin cult of the lamb

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/guTPotENnDM mito

>> No.40981550

https://youtube.com/shorts/0fwFszlQBMU who eats tomato like this

>> No.40981586

I've started eating lots of cherry tomatoes recently because of her, it's not exactly the same but I can see why she loves them

>> No.40981601

https://youtu.be/3AOuwDdLa8k Ritsukin in unusual collabs again

>> No.40981662

triggered EOP threadwatcher

>> No.40981732

I watched Kenmochi's Ngo totsu clip and youtube is recommending a shit load of hololive's channels now
Fuck you Kenmochi, he was going to shill hololive in his birthday but didn't give a shit about other nijisanji's girl's live concert huh.
Is it a bit sad that the management doesn't give a shit about female livers other than the popular one and now even their male co-worker also doesn't give a shit about them.
No wonder Meiji and Mellissa quit

>> No.40981739

if you only watched the bloody stream you'd know that you're supposed to blame gilzaren, just end yourself already

>> No.40981743

Anon if you actually cared about that you should mark the recommendations with not interested or don't show me this channel.

>> No.40981748

this is why EN is better, at least they don't use every platform they have to shill for hololive

>> No.40981759

That shit doesn't work and they always comeback
I've been doing that shit to holo for years now and recently EN

>> No.40981775

Worked for me, holo clips only ever show up occasionally on search but never my home or related video recs.

>> No.40981784

What the fuck Ritsukin is actually good at apex

>> No.40981790

>Anon if you actually cared about that you should mark the recommendations with not interested or don't show me this channel.
Already did for year but it only comes out after I watch Kemoshi's clip, if it's not for the totsu has the my favorite girls, I couldn't give a fuck about that faggot

>> No.40981793

that means you have holo in your history because the algorithm still sees that you have it in your records anon…

>> No.40981794

scarle sucks some holoen male's dick whenever he comes in and derails her stream. What a fuck waste of a design and pomu shills that one hologirl all the time because they are friends or something

>> No.40981803

Change region to Japan

>> No.40981807

define good, she's playing casuals in pisslow now

>> No.40981808

but that holo talk wasn't even in any of the girl's totsu part, unless you're telling me you count gilzaren as one

>> No.40981812

When will Roa comeback?

>> No.40981825

What's the point of coming back when it'll be super awkward and either no one would talk to her or she wouldn't approach anyone for interactions

>> No.40981826

Ritsukin is the new buispo...

>> No.40981837

so a hololive member coming to someone's stream and then the streamer replying to them is the same level as kenmochi shilling hololive completely unwarranted all the time, by the way the same thing has happened in jp streams dozens of times as well, ollie, rushia, matsuri just to name a few have posted in people's streams and the streamers replied to them
and the bird girl mentions pomu too, like you said they are friends, and pomu doesn't use events with 60k viewers to start shilling for hololive, kenmochi lacks any consideration

>> No.40981840
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, midori internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40981849

What the fuck is that awful English, we'll always know it's you making these retarded posts because of it. Did you get bored of making retarded posts about Salome already?

>> No.40981853

It appeared on the title of the top clip when I searched for the totsu clips

>> No.40981860


>> No.40981863

Did he shill Chima's concert so people can check her archive?

>> No.40981866

the most hilarious moment was that time when he shilled holofes and their holo game. Like imagine pekora saying "please check nijikoshien out" lol

>> No.40981867

gilzaren was being a piece of shit by the way, it wasn't even funny, he was just being a cunt, not just to ago but to kagami, fuwa and kaida as well, kenmochi still should've just moved on from it instead of dwelling on it

>> No.40981879

of course not, he only cares about hololive

>> No.40981882 [DELETED] 

This isn't your K-pop circlejerk, fuck off to discord or reddit if you can't handle constructive criticism of your favorite male liver

>> No.40981883

the only real crime kenmochi did last night was not calling mito

>> No.40981890 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't be surprised if in their heads hololive is still that small little cutesy idol company that needs their promotion but then again they might just be cunts

>> No.40981899

Fucking piece of shit male, I always hate that cocky faggot since the Naruse thing

>> No.40981901

I wouldn't be surprised if in their heads hololive is still that small little cutesy idol company that needs their promotion but then again they might just be cunts

>> No.40981905

but naruse was at fault

>> No.40981916

he actually literally did nothing, and kenmochi making fun of him for no reason wasn't even the worst thing in that stream, it was a goodbye stream for chitose and he was just fucking around and giggling the whole time

>> No.40981925

made fun of peple because they were bullied by management isn't nice

>> No.40981926

i didnt know we had ago anti

>> No.40981929

salamat pagi

>> No.40981931

He can't post in English lol, is he Chinese or something?

>> No.40981933

truth to be told, I always disliked kenmochi and wanted to see him gone

>> No.40981939

for all the bitching about japanese politeness and respect they sure don't mind people being absolute assholes for no reason

>> No.40981946

>japanese politeness and respect
those are for the 社会人

>> No.40981954

Anyone who shills hololive's concert while ignoring Chima's concert is my enemy

>> No.40981956
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See you guys next thread.

>> No.40981963

I'm not the anon that's been complaining about him but last night's totsu lowered my opinion of him for a different reason. Namely that he's nearly five years into this career and spontaneously decided to cold call 16 livers at 1am, while being out of your element and displaying generally shit planning skills all around for that part of the stream. That stream has 調子乗りすぎ written all over it.

>> No.40981965

vtuber interactions are constantly mired by people having to be considerate and respectful, except for males who are popular enough it seems like, they can be just inconsiderate douchebags and it's your fault if you don't like it, same as ibrahim mocking salome for no reason at all and then his fans sperging out but then they bitch that a girl doesn't "deserve" a collab with lulu and whatever

>> No.40981977

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWG3sBK78NI dazzlecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXyE6ML4IqY mahiro phasmophobia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU4xEEdqdfw rin ff14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSioXRNBvhQ muyu leos ritsuki apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIptV3CLXf4 leos pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AOuwDdLa8k ritsuki pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFOnZgL_S-c haru akina umise chihusa

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1x7oTOnJ_kY akane

>> No.40981980

Oh you're the same autistic retard from before.

>> No.40981984

oh you're the same autistic retard from before

>> No.40981998

There's a thread about him on /vt/ right now

>> No.40982036

Anyone knows what is the best way to tell Kenmochi stop doing that? Anon did it for Alban and it helped

>> No.40982039

The management nurtured that shit attitude because they are playing favorites, anyone who isn't cash cow like ROFMAO, Chonoir, Sanbaka, Mito, Salome is just a second class citizen

>> No.40982059

>Does he not realize that no matter how much he talks about them, they aren't going to let him leech?
How much of a retarded fucking newfag are you? Toya has been talking about how much he loves Hololive for years.
Off the top of my head, there was the time he said he enjoyed Hololive's loli streams:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M-vAqNqdwA [Embed]
And the time he said he wished they would do it again:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSTRkWmGLeo [Embed]
And the time he accidentally exposed himself as a koronesuki:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fj6OZlBcWE [Embed]

So what the fuck are you talking about, you insufferable faggot? Toya is a bro and I'm saying that as a diehard hololive fan.

>> No.40982080

Salome is being treated as a second class citizen though, sanbaka and Mito have to walk on eggshells, it's just popular males who get to do whatever they want and then whoever criticises them ends up being at fault, don't think it has anything to do with the management either, it's just how viewers act for some reason, just look at the whole phenomenon of junfags, you can also imagine if it was a female vtuber who did what Kenmochi did in Chitose's graduation stream, fucking around and cackling the whole time and making fun of Naruse for no reason, the end result wouldn't be that it was Naruse's fault, if it was a female vtuber she'd get crucified for being rude

>> No.40982083

Stop spamming and talking to yourself already.

>> No.40982085

these threads have sure gone downhill at incredible speeds ever since mito died

>> No.40982104

Nah, these raids feel tame compared to years ago since it's only a few anons with broken english.

>> No.40982113

Then you can delete the clip from your watch history or remove your like from it. Hell, put your watch history on pause then you'll only get new recommendations based on your likes

>> No.40982114

Nah, honestly the problem is scoped nicely into ROFMAO, the epic show that tells livers to run to the studio on their day off just for a prank. The sad male idol denial he's been doing adds to the irony, and I'm not surprised if he got the idea for last night's gyakutotsu from fuwa.

>> No.40982119

Well, you even have fangirls who defending him right now in this thread, the nijimale's fans are acting like K-pop fans more and more.

>> No.40982123

As if mitofags weren't content with shitting on everyone else because they only cares about Mito.
It's just two retards replying to themselves

>> No.40982124

what's wrong with calling people at night, serious question

>> No.40982125

when did the "raid" start? there hasn't been any new ips for a long time, you're not still not some authority on this thread you faggot

>> No.40982134

Mitosperms acting up, I knew it. Notice how when talking about playing favourites he never mentions JKgumi or Mito herself.

>> No.40982139

Leos should be invited to more Apex collabs he's made for this

>> No.40982146

not just now the "haha naruse"s a little bitch haha" retard has been here for years, because it was somehow his fault that kenmochi was being an absolute dipshit in a supposedly sad graduation stream where girls were crying about their friend leaving while kenmochi was fucking around like an unruly child

>> No.40982148

the only thing mitofags have posted here ever since her break are dying "mito… mito…" posts, fanart dumping and posting her tweets or video uploads without any description

>> No.40982151

Mito didn't go out of her way and shilling hololive's concert while ignores Chima's concert

>> No.40982163

huh am i the only one who saw this then >>40980268

>> No.40982164

But that's turned into a term of affection for him

>> No.40982165
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>> No.40982174

I barely watched anything of rofmao desu but sure the management is acting more and more like some antiquated stupid idol company, still though the fans are fucking weird too, not just on the jp side but even in this thread, you can't criticise any popular males because it's just banter bro but then crucify muyu because she had a giggle at some fictional characters at no one's expense

>> No.40982177

But you're the one who always shits on Muyu

>> No.40982178

never seemed like that to me and the pretext for it was retarded too

>> No.40982181

haha pog ligma sigma deez nuts down bad down good

>> No.40982189

Someone's really going into Kenmochi because he did a gyakutotsu?

>> No.40982192

I never even talked about her once before, I just see people shitting on her for what, because she was having a giggle at some game? Ibrahim meanwhile will get people sperging out to defend him even though he was in the wrong for picking on Salome

>> No.40982201 [DELETED] 

Just ENfags spamming

>> No.40982202
File: 164 KB, 1754x1103, 1661252441784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are fucking retarded, I don't care about stupid drama and I would gladly sacrifice everyone in this thread just to bring her back.

>> No.40982207

I was pretty sick of him constantly shilling hololive for no reason anyways and it illustrates the larger problem that popular males get to do whatever they want while everyone else has to walk on eggshells

>> No.40982216

the most ironic part is that you don't even speak japanese

>> No.40982227

Nobody in this thread shat on muyu for the proseka thing, all agreed the proseka fanbase was schizo like how we shat on them for trying to pile on Yashiro for his shipper tweet. IIRC the criticism was for when she directly replied to a attention whoring fanchi on Twitter, which she probably shouldn't. The fansa cover thing was clearly shitposting.

>> No.40982235

Literally only one anon here watches Muyu and no one else knows shit

>> No.40982242

how is it being shitposting make it any better?

>> No.40982243

the thing with proseka wasn't even about vtuber fans, it was a proseka fan thing
like this dude said, even Yashiro got shit on a bit

>> No.40982246

I ain't happy with the management's favoritism, if they are going to shill the unpopular nijisanji girls more then I will stop

>> No.40982254

nobody here discusses males, to be honest no one discusses anyone, the thread is dead

>> No.40982282

truth be told. the /vt/ general is unironically better and doesn't give 200 replies to braindead baits

>> No.40982334

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0thdriAbmE lain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVI7HZ5O_SM lize kart
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IffzA9I5rA inuicraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VLV_lcHAD4 yumeo genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPUmpoV_iEA kanda ff14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak9NqvMP2sU sukoya touken ranbu musou

>> No.40982349
File: 168 KB, 1000x982, FaqRAWAaIAAwLE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Muyucchi

>> No.40982369

Stay strong anon, I only recently got into her via that moment where she scared the shit out of hapi.

>> No.40982379

I started watching her on occasion because you kept stubbornly recommending her. Pretty cute.

>> No.40982386

I don't think I'm that anon, I rarely talk about her

>> No.40982423

>Hima collabing with Koro-min
Can we have collab with Cha-cha later?

>> No.40982424

There're many male's cock sucking fans here tho, they will jump at your throat for a mild criticism of their male oshi

>> No.40982451

Oh damn. I hope he knows he's probably Muyu's strongest soldier.

>> No.40982457

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwV_q22At20 kou aikatsu

>> No.40982464


>> No.40982466

you mean idolish7

>> No.40982467

When will Mito come back

>> No.40982485

the day after tomorrow in nijinoon, the day after that in minecraft courage test (nazono will also be throwing the first pitch for the se-league collab that day), then pray she'll be doing something for 900k or AI mito retirement date. Otherwise you'll be stuck waiting until her birthday or Fantasia/Nijifes.

>> No.40982505

Kimodameshi next month

>> No.40982517

I'm retarded and thought it's happening this week. Fuck.

>> No.40982522

maimoto is an akkun unicorn

>> No.40982547

The porn mag contest collab better happen, it's been too long since the draft stream. I also want to see kurumi joining a vnomikai.

>> No.40982582

They already tried with kaza

>> No.40982581

The will of D (doutei)

>> No.40982607

We are not in 2020 anymore

>> No.40982616

They're trying with ako

>> No.40982627

natsume's book gets shilled, gameru got shilled, most shilled music unit is nornis, no idea what people are complaining about.

>> No.40982634

she carried them to champion!

>> No.40982636


>> No.40982640
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirei Mahjong with pro Doppo

>> No.40982645

where? on their own channels? wow

>> No.40982651

also it's almost all female livers in the re:lie thing

>> No.40982653

For Yashiro it was mainly just people who hated Nene. Whenever he tweets about the nightcord ships they don't care but since Nene was involved in that tweet they suddenly cared about Yashiro's official involvement with Proseka or some shit

>> No.40982663

Yaokoku 1000 character limit zatsudan

>> No.40982670

>natsume's book gets shilled
That's because of her talent and Kadokawa doing than Anycolor
>gameru got shilled
Does it even have famous VA guest? Second class gameshow I guess
>most shilled music unit is nornis
Ako is still getting nothing tho, isn't guest at popular concert or event, no new outfit, don't have her own concert or spotlight at big event

>> No.40982696

Did you miss ako's collab with repipi armario and sanrio? What an obvious shitposter.

>> No.40982741

They're already at 998

>> No.40982754

night kingdom...

>> No.40982760

1000 days of night kingdom

>> No.40982764

how many viewers will that bring towards her? is it comparable to getting a promotion in front of 60k people like suisei got?

>> No.40982799

At least people here still care enough about nijisanji to argue like this

>> No.40982861

how much RP do you need to reach Pred this season?

>> No.40982893

Rank 5 was 46k and rank 150 was 28k last I checked. Probably around 20k for pred?

>> No.40982926

it's 22k...
chii standing at 17.5k

>> No.40982930

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC9fyBxLzMk New link

>> No.40982960

https://www.twitch.tv/nasera2434 nyasera

>> No.40983006

I want nijisanji girls to get a better treatment and become more popular so their career last longer instead of this shit favoritism and they became second class citizen when nobody gives a fuck about them, included the male in their company

>> No.40983010

I'd be content if he just didn't shill for hololive constantly

>> No.40983035

17694... chii might make it

>> No.40983059

and he didn't say anything about Chima's live really offends me

>> No.40983070

Why are you guys still responding to him like he isn't shitposting?

>> No.40983073

I don't care if someone doesn't do something, people don't keep up with everything all the time but then spending a chunk of your stream shilling hololive when you don't even acknowledge anything within your group then that's pretty jarring

>> No.40983082

why don't you just kill yourself? you'll never be a janitor you faggot wannabe hall monitor

>> No.40983083

why is it that voltaction already have membership but ranunclus don't :(

>> No.40983089

Ponto has it, Umise doesn't know what to do for membership content yet and Muyu hasn't streamed enough yet

>> No.40983091

do they really? that's pretty funny

>> No.40983095

If you want a circlejerk to suck your male idol's cocks, go to reddit or discord, there're plenty of fujoshi like you there. Peple here are discussing the state of nijisanji's female liver's
unfair treatment

>> No.40983100

Ponto opened it for her birthday, she's uploading her old VTA videos on a dripfeed I think monthly.

>> No.40983105

i dont know about others but i just opened a seraph stream and everyone in chat was a member. must've done it a while ago

>> No.40983113

i want to have sex with hayun

>> No.40983115

I was wondering why Salome doesn't have a membership either but at least she has fanclub

>> No.40983121

What's fanclub like anyways?
Anyone in this thread in any?

>> No.40983128

the tomoefag said he's in tomoe's

>> No.40983137

they sell you their period data there

>> No.40983144

I already know Salome's data though, she should be menstruating this week

>> No.40983146

Salome's fanclub is her safe space

>> No.40983151

It's essentially Fantia/Fanbox, I read Mugi's blogs there

>> No.40983154

Membership is always depend on individual.
Some Liver just wasn't ready on what they prepare for member exclusive content.

>> No.40983157

so the same thing as mengen

>> No.40983160

What's the book she's writing about anyways?

>> No.40983163

I want to join one, but I'm waiting for someone I'm actually a member for to open a fanclub. It sounds like fun.
I did think of joining Mahimahi's, but eh.

>> No.40983178

>I read Mugi's blogs there
you can do that on instagram

>> No.40983208

I vaguely remember Shiina describing it as a very 全固定 space making it good for sharing stuff they're not even comfortable with sharing in mengen.

>> No.40983209

She will even post Q&A video there

>> No.40983210

Is it more expansive than the stuff that she just puts on her note?

>> No.40983218

Hima and Koromin collab are so nice.
Both are old viewer of each other.

>> No.40983240

It's more mundane stuff

>> No.40983284

I have no idea what Fantia/Fanbox is like for non-illustrators

>> No.40983336

"I ate and shit"

>> No.40983338

so pretty much the same thing as mengen

>> No.40983351

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj1arvf94mc he sure likes maikura

>> No.40983362

Twitch partners can now stream on other platforms, cool.
You can't stream in two places at once still, but it's a start.

>> No.40983371

seraph has been to germany

>> No.40983374


>> No.40983402

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX57FwGmgW8 yashiro custom robo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l4SgksQmyo natsume
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOoNK5yE5xg kohaku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr6lTTeFPN8 kagami lost judgement
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CI5EwwW-Ws ponto splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njm7e8ScCp4 hima coromin mh rise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WxXj1yyvmY haruka miyu nari phasmophobia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGse4c5bHf4 miyu pov

>> No.40983403


>> No.40983406

Good to know that even Japanese hate Almudron

>> No.40983412

kohaku streaming without ngo and it's not karaoke
something is wrong

>> No.40983424

I've only played the Gamecube custom robo, but is it just me or does Custom Robo V2 have way more variety in body types and equipment?

>> No.40983430

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBxXM_vSV6w ars the forest

>> No.40983446

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxy5rhPJQUY pog

>> No.40983448

she's pregnant

>> No.40983467

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhM44VhfW0k claire tokimemo

>> No.40983476

with me

>> No.40983484
File: 105 KB, 722x404, 090iok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she forgot the time after not streaming so much

>> No.40983487

did she shove up a smartphone in her vag for you?

>> No.40983505

that wasn't too pog desu, I would even say that it was kinda mid

>> No.40983566
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>> No.40983576


>> No.40983599
File: 2.18 MB, 2700x2000, 1633300807190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her!!

>> No.40983614

Ooh, very nice. And oh god Nugumu's there

>> No.40983617
File: 33 KB, 331x331, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40983654

yes, nijimales can go to hell

>> No.40983678
File: 535 KB, 1000x2857, Fa1OyX5aIAAXalS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40983701

Who's the blonde beside Peanuts?

>> No.40983778

Milana Lavina

>> No.40983801

there it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trIAmFNOL_8

>> No.40983829

wow i can't wait for generic marshmallows about apex to hear things we already knew!

>> No.40983862

what??? a vtuber stream doesn't contain important information??? say it ain't so

>> No.40983864

What did Peanuts do to you

>> No.40983902

Peanuts isn't nijimale

>> No.40983948

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjMEX_BYnPg kanae dead of night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5R-zVH_wqc kuzuha cult of the lamb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trIAmFNOL_8 traplover and chihiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5twPsaiy6S4 ebio splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQDdPmn64qU ririmu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aREAizhTmiI hibari konbini

>> No.40983987

He's Kenmochi's boyfriend?

>> No.40984008
File: 149 KB, 783x1141, FaRjUG-aUAAWYYX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40984054

hololive concerts are also nijisanji while Chima isn't nijisanji then

>> No.40984099

it's actually nice that she confirmed that gen 1 of nijisanji weren't meant to be streamers and their job at first was just advertising the phone app, not that it's new information but it's good to hear Chihiro confirm it

>> No.40984113


>> No.40984151
File: 26 KB, 424x235, uogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still could use better questions than this

>> No.40984201

should've asked for the color of her panties and how many dicks she sucked instead

>> No.40984224


>> No.40984233
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>> No.40984239


>> No.40984242


>> No.40984358

there you go, have some boob talk

>> No.40984402
File: 56 KB, 442x319, dhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you tamaki

>> No.40984408


>> No.40984425

big if true

>> No.40984449


>> No.40984674

here we go

>> No.40984789

where are we going?

>> No.40984791


>> No.40984813
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, Fa2x-yUagAE_dRc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40984812

retirement house

>> No.40984825

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=965tcx3q9IY hakase geoguessr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YRJT2dWSRo belmond asmr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPXN8rhEczE cat fumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRKAyRV9C1Y akira

>> No.40984849
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x3024, Fa2yAF9VsAA8i4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40984932

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqSSBjQTau8 cute dorks

>> No.40984961
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>hinaP ASMR is the same as "come here my little cumslut" ASMR
It actually is but she focuses more on the loving/teasing femdom aspect of it than the rough/insulting femdom type, though recently she's been dipping her toes into NTR even getting Aiue Oka to draw for her so it's probably more like "your dick is pathetic and will never satisfy me as much as His".

>> No.40985067

isn't hinaP's lewd ASMR on a completely different moniker and not nijisanji affiliated?
Why is that even an argument?

>> No.40985103

Anon, I...

>> No.40985117

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYbqkSRiuIY rin ff14 island sanctuary

>> No.40985132

She also really exclusively does stories/long-winded scripts rather than something like RP. It's just different.

>> No.40985159

that's hot

>> No.40985162

It's like a 80/20 split between talk of her DMM and talk of her as a Liver and been that way since debut. I agree it's a bit unfair to put the two on the exact same layer because one is free and public and the other is paid and "private" but the original anon was insanely retarded so it all works out.
More importantly I can't believe it's been 4 years.

>> No.40985180

vox has been doing the exact same thing too btw

>> No.40985211

they're different on the virtue of HinaP being a woman alone

>> No.40985230


>> No.40985246

its fucking cringe but its story-based and not gawking

>> No.40985263

"it's different because they're japanese girls" is the exact same logic tourists use on a daily basis, don't engage

>> No.40985283

bro they don't even post in the thread
they just hate EN in general
probably from another company projecting that hatred onto us

>> No.40985285

yeah it's different because it's japanese(different language) and a girl(different demographic and gender-dynamic)
at least show an example from a JP guy engaging in similar shit for your retarded comparison

>> No.40985288

Anon he's talking about you

>> No.40985297

have you ever looked at twitcast

>> No.40985303

cry about en more retard

>> No.40985310


>> No.40985314

no racial slurs this time?

>> No.40985317

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA6537Yf2r0 more cat and fumi

>> No.40985318

that's close enough yeah

>> No.40985326

Your existence is so pitiful

>> No.40985339

good morning cocofag

>> No.40985342

funny thread guys, keep up the good work

>> No.40985355

just leave man we're tired of you

>> No.40985358

I could actually think of more JP guys who've done weird vaguely erotic shit like sleep or shower streams than those who haven't. Even Kanda did one once upon a time.

>> No.40985361

kill yourself

>> No.40985376

no racial slurs this time?

>> No.40985382


>> No.40985384

you tell me >>40981301
we're tired of you

>> No.40985415
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>> No.40985426

woah why wasn't it deleted, that's a bad word

>> No.40985436

every anon that dislikes you isn't the same anon

>> No.40985437

please understand, the staff of this site is severely underpaid, I heard that the admins make below minimum wage

>> No.40985440

himu-chan's boobies...

>> No.40985449

don't forget your racial slurs, that'll convince people that you're an organic poster and not some tourist

>> No.40985462

It's all management's fault that they nurtured the popular ignorant male like Kenmochi and their fanatical female fans while treat the female side as garbage

>> No.40985475

gilzaren was right and suisi's concert was leagues ahead of rofmao

>> No.40985485

How did "people do erotic ASMR" devolve into this shit?

>> No.40985486

not that the management doesn't suck but I don't think they had a large role in this, it's not like junfags are mostly women or anycolor's management has anything to do with junfags being retards

>> No.40985495

What did Ago do, did he shittalk chinese, indos, or filipinos? Did he have numbers too big?

>> No.40985500

into what? it's cocofag hours, the only thing you'll hear from him is incessant whining about en and saying how good hololive is

>> No.40985508

he mentioned hololive when gilzaren brought up suisei's concert

>> No.40985514

shilling for hololive as usual, like they'd ever even spit in his general direction

>> No.40985517

honestly hololive has been improving so much recently, their concerts are really well-done now, sadly nijisanji simply don't keep up

>> No.40985518

I can't believe management is forcing Yashiro to do fanservice for his female fans during streams..

>> No.40985522

Can you talk about Chima's live please? Don't ignore one of the best nijisanji singer like that
Also fuck that faggot Gilzaren too, I thought he was watching nijisanji but nope, lets shill hololive's concert instead

>> No.40985523

anon had a mental breakdown because suisei was in a clip's metatag and it caused holoshit to show up in his homepage
tribalism overload

>> No.40985537

Have you seen his playlists

>> No.40985544

fuck off kenmochi

>> No.40985550

it was joke

>> No.40985552

how are these shitposters still awake?
It's been 6 hours...

>> No.40985560

faggot lazy vampire should just graduate already, his retarded fake voice was never funny either

>> No.40985574

Just learn japanese

>> No.40985578
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>> No.40985584


>> No.40985592

go for it cocofag, you've been shitposting for years just based on clips and reading threads

>> No.40985599

So it was the europoors shitposting this entire time instead of the burgers

>> No.40985603

No, I don't want to infect my youtube with hololive's STD

>> No.40985614

this is amerimutt hours though, this is always when the cocofag shows up

>> No.40985617

They never will, they'll keep screaming about whatever triggers one specific anon and force it as hard as they can. Hope you're excited for the next year of shitting on Gil-sama.

>> No.40985616
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tribalfaggots deserve the rope.

>> No.40985630

eat shit

>> No.40985647

he might even do a stream in that year, lazy trash

>> No.40985671

Eastern Europe is the SEA of white people

>> No.40985696

which part is supposed to be the funny one? where he said that nijisanji sucks and hololive is better? ah what a kneeslapper am I right

>> No.40985702

ah, the time when hololive was leeching everyone included independent Vtubers and then dropped them when they don't need the clout anymore, what a bunch of bitches and whores

>> No.40985727

I swear this thread has more posers than DJT

>> No.40985737

At least Jamal is a real person. I'm still struggling to decide on if half of the posters here aren't just literal robots who somehow awoke to blind hatred.

>> No.40985757

>literal robots who somehow awoke to blind hatred
is a really apt way to put it. Wow. It really does kinda feel like that.

>> No.40985765

Why is sperg like that

>> No.40985778

Repressed homosexuality.

No seriously, he had a 5-hour-long straight breakdown over how straight he isn't a couple weeks ago.

>> No.40985779

the cocofag is just like that, it's a mental illness

>> No.40985795

don't forget the racial slurs for your /pol/ rant, nice samefagging though

>> No.40985796

What confuses me why he keeps calling everyone cocofag while defending EN. It sounds... backwards? Hypocritical?

>> No.40985799

that's just what it's like to be autistic

>> No.40985817
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>> No.40985822

God, I hope I don't sound like that to people.

>> No.40985823


>> No.40985835

watch out you'll upset the lithuanians

>> No.40985846

I'm not afraid of their hitmen

>> No.40985853

they'll start some /pol/ sperging about china if you're not careful

>> No.40985855

This bitch doesn't help to promote other nijisanji to her hololive audience, fucking parasitic whore

>> No.40985860

why do you hate china so much

>> No.40985865

they killed his reddit dragon

>> No.40985883

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M84RR_IqJoA naraka powerpro

>> No.40985886

Anger is a choice. Will you be a man? Or will you remain a slave to your sad passions?

>> No.40985898


>> No.40985919

Too deep, should post that on nijisanji's reddit or discord instead

>> No.40985925

I don't think so, Just because both are EN it doesn't mean they accept Nijisanji EN since at the end of day Nijisanji EN is still part Nijisanji and they are enemy for those people.
Oh and Luxiem success bringing out more male vtuber into their safe space.

>> No.40985952

more importantly holofags, including the cocofag, hate EN because they have a primarily chinese audience and they still just endlessly seethe about china

>> No.40985967

EN is EN. Are you some kind shit connoisseur?

>> No.40985989

He's posting here, you are, and so am I. We're all shit eaters for willfully spending our time in a thread that hates more JP chuubas than EN chuubas.

>> No.40986003

3/4s of this thread isn't even participating in this retarded shitposting, and you should stop too

>> No.40986008

lead by example

>> No.40986016

With each year I become more of an anti

>> No.40986031

You've now realized it doesn't even take 1/4th of it to completely derail, and (you) are a direct part of it and likely have been for months.

>> No.40986053

This nijibara episode makes me think they should hold another 大喜利 tournament, like the ippon GP held in uiha's channel a year ago.

>> No.40986056

count me as another one, the girls side doesn't have any fun project anymore, it's completely lifeless

>> No.40986070

it is kind of weird how tactless some people still are after years of streaming, kuzuha used be a jackass too but he improved a lot over the years while others only got worse

>> No.40986085

dare I say, nijianti thread

>> No.40986089

truth to be told

>> No.40986090

It took one guy to kill the main thread. I'm sure the resident shitposter here wishes he could be that efficient.

>> No.40986105
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>> No.40986117

I know I could count on gwelu to make her collab.

>> No.40986125

he was an ignorant young teen, but Kuzuha personality isn't bad unlike some guys are full of themself because they are popular with a large diehard fangirls

>> No.40986142

I think it's more that kanae rubbed off on him and he learned that it's good to be considerate of people while others continued to be frat boys who look at unkochan as an example

>> No.40986144

it's funny when you shit your ESL out due to sheer autistic rage

>> No.40986155

the absolute self irony of this post

>> No.40986158

>It took one guy to kill the main thread.
Completely incorrect. It took people leaving and allowing it to become a hub for finding and ditching literal whos to kill the thread.

>> No.40986171
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>> No.40986219

lmao, get a better insult, can't handle the truth about your ignorant male idol huh

>> No.40986228

I've vented the issues with kenmochi out of my system earlier and this guy is really just out here to shit up the thread huh? What a sad creature.

>> No.40986244

just venting bro don't worry about it, some people just have bigger systems

>> No.40986246

hanging around the OG fps streamers instead of
the narcissist idol group help

>> No.40986254

just let it out then, the shitty management team doesn't read any shit in here

>> No.40986279 [DELETED] 

SEAfriends were beaten as children and it has been scientifically proven that developing anger issues is a way to cope with child abuse.
It is a sad existence.

>> No.40986289

interesting how the fps nerds are the least toxic of the bunch

>> No.40986299

Kuzuha at the final boss

>> No.40986300

does that apply to lithuanians too?

>> No.40986311

you are on /jp/ tho

>> No.40986315

Well, Kuzuha already taste the flame. It traumatize him.

>> No.40986319

That's a really underwhelming final boss.

>> No.40986323

I thought it's a roguelike there's an end boss?

>> No.40986335

I doubt it's the lack of flame that's the problem, shame that kagami didn't rub off on the other 3, he's a pretty considerate guy but I guess his voice is too low among the other 3 dumbasses

>> No.40986337

The benefit of having a big male fanbase instead of yume/fujo girls who constantly worship everything you did

>> No.40986435

Eh, i felt like this is more of Kenmochi himself rather than ROF-MAO.
People joking at Pudding and Voice Pack, but his personality kinda showing whenever those topic got brought up.

>> No.40986451
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tsumiko is sex

>> No.40986460

alban gamescom sponsor

>> No.40986468


>> No.40986508
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>> No.40986524

pomu metal wolf chaos

>> No.40986530
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>> No.40986534

Please join hololive

>> No.40986545

Hi Kenmochi

>> No.40986547


>> No.40986558

it would be a weird dynamic to hear meiji refer to bora as her senpai

>> No.40986576

How would that even happen? Meiji and Bora both retired.

>> No.40986586
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aogiri hs

>> No.40986601

meiji literally joined vspo

>> No.40986605

sorry, ramune and tsuna then

>> No.40986613

I looked at the new girl's twitter and it could be Meiji but I don't give it a very high chance

>> No.40986614

yes please

>> No.40986663

healthy cleaire

>> No.40986702

That doesn't look healthy at all

>> No.40986704

The messy room or the stick legs?

>> No.40986711

There's no way they'd let an 11 year old in there.
Qpi is a bad influence.

>> No.40986721


>> No.40986731

she won't be 11 years old anymore

>> No.40986744


>> No.40986770

I still don't think it will be her. If it is, well that happened (in the future), but it doesn't seem right

>> No.40986783

She seems like idol type than gamer type, goes to vspo doesn't change anything

>> No.40986794
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uiha's sister is so cute

>> No.40986802

I don't know where you get that from, she spent 10 hours playing lol every day as meiji when she wasn't playing ff14 where she's also a triple legend or grinding granblue guild wars, she is completely a gamer type, she just also likes anime songs

>> No.40986817

Na she was definitely a gamer type. She played a lot of community-driven and MP games.
The main issue is the types of games. Who knows, maybe she'll become less of an addict and open up to more games if it is her.

>> No.40986821

More than anything she seems to be the fragile and sensitive type. Or maybe that faggot here was just lying.

>> No.40986828

I think pessimist is a more accurate description of her but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything

>> No.40986853

If it is Meiji then it'll just make me more of an anti

>> No.40986868

There was that one anon here who claimed that she said in deleted members streams that management stressed her and her workload was too much. Maybe she's retarded, a liar, or that anon was lying.

>> No.40986869

I did tell you, never believe the excuses that people give on graduation if it's something really vague, they're just being diplomatic because they don't want to burn bridges

>> No.40986885

I still don't understand what that has to do with anything, how is that related to her being an idol or a gamer type?

>> No.40986899

Oh shoot, sorry I misread what the reply chain was about. Was dumb.

>> No.40986908

It happens

>> No.40986932

Didn't people have to audition to be in Raindrops? Why the fuck did she audition and then go MIA for most of it and end up quitting anyway? She unironically caused their downfall and instead have Threetards ROFLMAO and the gamer fags being pushed

>> No.40986953

lalafells punching zenos will never not be funny

>> No.40986965

who knows really, she seemed to be on a good track until the roa stuff happened and then she mental boomed for some reason, I'm not sure why, it's not she was close to either roa or meiro but for some reason it broke her mental completely and she largely disappeared until she ultimately quit

>> No.40987002
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>> No.40987005

They should just disband Raindrops. They’re not even performing at Nijifes

>> No.40987012


>> No.40987021

I don't see anyone called Meiji on their roster

>> No.40987026

https://twitter.com/NemunokiVVV/status/1562158615439368193 I never expected this from kuzuha

>> No.40987032

Akina is kind of floating in the air too, I wouldn't be super surprised if he quit sometime soon, they should put Joe in a different unit and leave Ryushen, Elu and Masaru together

>> No.40987051

it was joke you stupid autists. No wonder you keep arguing with the resident shitposter for hours then pretend he replied to himself and it wasn't your retardation at all

>> No.40987057

But what if it is her

>> No.40987058

what was a joke?

>> No.40987071

https://twitter.com/Ramune_Shirana3/status/1562002667915730944 can meiji do this?

>> No.40987078

yeah but like what's wrong with china?

>> No.40987080


>> No.40987084
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>> No.40987094

nothing, china is the greatest country in human history

>> No.40987116

they haven't invaded taiwan yet

>> No.40987117

Sure, all she need is to paid some pro as stand in.

>> No.40987118

This is just Harusaki Air

>> No.40987132

nah but shit dude I could start playing valorant now and with 3 months time I could gather enough clips where I headshot some people with playing 10 hours a day, not that it's representative of my gameplay 90% of the time but 2 minute highlights don't really mean anything

>> No.40987158

I'd guess that they'll either go for it in 2025 or 2027, if brandon gets reelected then they'll probably go in 2027 if he doesn't then they'll go in 2025

>> No.40987166

in two more weeks they will shoot down pelosi's plane as they said

>> No.40987183

It was literally one random guy on twitter who said that, this is the problem with trying to get any perspective on china from the west, some random guy posts something on twitter and then the western press goes OMG CHINA SAID THAT, not really, a random guy on twitter said that

>> No.40987206

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcAtPAN-5Lk why did no one talk about this

>> No.40987210

why didn’t any jp liver watch gamescom

>> No.40987215

was there even anything worth looking at?

>> No.40987231 [DELETED] 

China's position is getting stronger, it has time on its side—America is incentivized to force China's hand sooner rather than later.

>> No.40987244 [DELETED] 

Obviously, it's america who wants to bait china into a war because they can't afford to attack themselves, time is working against america and within 3-5 years they won't be able to maintain their peripheral provinces anymore, hell they can barely maintain them now

>> No.40987249

new outlast looks like it may have co-op

>> No.40987250

I watched the Alban stream for a bit and I kept seeing forgettable early access space games

>> No.40987278

The only game that i found interesting is the Table top one by Subnautica def and goat sim 3 might be good collab game

>> No.40987287

Maybe some "SOULSLIKE" games for the usual bunch, but that's about the only thing I saw.
To be honest I was half paying attention at the best of times. I have zero interest in any game shown. I'd sooner play a game of eye-rape ASCII-art than any of them.
Maybe some of the space games, which there were quite a few of.
Whether half of them even make it to a JP translation is more the question.

>> No.40987291

It goes against thread’s narrative

>> No.40987292

nobody cares about either of them

>> No.40987315 [DELETED] 

I think it could be the other way around, if brandon gets reelected then that's 2 more shit years for americans and if he loses then china could start their attack during the election season, brandon would issue martial law using it as an excuse and then repooplicans would freak out, say that it's a collusion and start to actually revolt

>> No.40987326


>> No.40987335

oh wait that's the same thing, never mind I'm dumb

>> No.40987356

was there any black myth info? pretty sure that's the only soulslike game that people are looking forward to

>> No.40987357

Nijisanji thread

>> No.40987364


>> No.40987369

EN shitcord thread actually

>> No.40987387

I legit don't even remember 90% of the games names that were shown off and I just watched it.
Oh that game, yeah that was shown. Not sure if it was new or not.
Yeah that could interest a few people.

>> No.40987408

I bet they just showed the new gameplay videos that came out a few days ago, still no date though huh

>> No.40987436
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>> No.40987456

made for sekuhara

>> No.40987474

https://twitter.com/seto_miyako/status/1562175431867895808 why would you post this in public?

>> No.40987674

https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1562170376204984320 magic

>> No.40987677


>> No.40987732
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>> No.40987793

Truly the witch of calamity, putting a curse upon us all.

>> No.40987827

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=489c-XAlnHQ fuwa ars morning

>> No.40987828

What did I do to deserve this?

>> No.40987882

finally no EN

>> No.40987959

tyhey said the word

>> No.40988005

oh shit Aia can take her glasses off? I wish she could take all the clutter off her, her design is cute but there's just too much christmas decorations on her

>> No.40988030

11. hoshikawa 26774
12. shu 25430
13. tomoe, gwelu 28812
14. naraka, yotsuha 26213
15. selen 25503
16. solo 31803
17. akina 33952
18. sasaki, shiina 27178
19. 3 noctyx + indog 22184
20. chaika 30659
21. 3 en girls 26266
22. ars 28,954
it's at such a good time for en viewers too, what's the problem here? should be like 20k higher

>> No.40988061

hey diogo

>> No.40988084

Half of music project shit were dead with people quit left and right, may as well go full idolshit like ROL-MAO and Chronoir, idolshits will sell no matter what

>> No.40988085

I'm watching Peanuts play Fortnite

>> No.40988086

I seriously doubt the average EN viewer knows Fuwa. They barely know main branch members outside the usual ones that were popular with esl translated clips

>> No.40988118

Disband Trinity too since no one cares about them

>> No.40988122

at least they're actually active

>> No.40988131

I sure more people care about them than solo Kaza

>> No.40988137

Yeah, put Lize, Furen, Salome in an idol unit, shit will sell with their unicorn fanbase alone

>> No.40988168
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>> No.40988175

fuck off, don’t post him here

>> No.40988192
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>> No.40988208

no more exclusivity for twitch partners but you can't multi-stream

>> No.40988210

Gibara really killed her career

>> No.40988226

more like Deron, Salome and Uiha

>> No.40988247
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>> No.40988256


>> No.40988260

>Lulu killed Lize's idol career
>Gibara killed Kaza's idol career
>Meiji killed Raindrops
>Melissa probadly was planned to be in Nornis and Ako was just a last minutes decision
Are nijisanji female girls cursed?

>> No.40988267

*pushes up glasses letting light reflect in them*
Err actually, within Trinity Hakase and Rion have a higher percentage of Hololive fans and therefore arguably a higher percentage of unicorn adjacent people watching them. Hehe there you go

>> No.40988271

too green

>> No.40988279
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>> No.40988299

Ars was EN before EN.

>> No.40988313

likely to quit in a year
doesn't suit for idol
More like Claire, Salome, Lize
Here you go, the cash cow seiso idol group

>> No.40988316
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*spills yogurt on your glasses*

>> No.40988324
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>> No.40988328

Do we tell him?

>> No.40988330

bruh are you actually saying that Deron is not a stage singer? really now, claire is in denonbu

>> No.40988350

too green

>> No.40988351

Why are you replying seriously to the ESLfag instead of ignoring him or funposting? Geez

>> No.40988352

Go back

>> No.40988354
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>> No.40988365

I don't think you understand why people keep telling you that phrase anon.

>> No.40988366

lmao, touch grass, people are discussing nijisanji's livers in nijisanji thread here

>> No.40988371

Is Denonbu successful? I never hear about it anymore. Kinda feels like a waste of their time

>> No.40988372

Is Kanda the only one uploading his Twitch archives to YT? Everyone should do that

>> No.40988376
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>> No.40988378


>> No.40988379

Kanae does to my knowledge, but only sometimes.

>> No.40988389

I thought that was Mao when I looked at the thumbnail.

>> No.40988428

Jiyu has been uploading them too, they're all in korean though

>> No.40988452

So I can imagine Miyako doing a funny anteater face in anticipation for a dick before her face.

>> No.40988547

sera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSMMq7Q-kwM

>> No.40988567


>> No.40988575

Fuwa is pretty popular with overseas fujos actually

>> No.40988607

They had a bit of a following but the crypto announcement killed a large chunk of their traction in the west, it didn't seem too popular in Japan aside from seiyuufags or people who just casually listened to the music (which is pretty good)

>> No.40988642

>killed a large chunk of their traction in the west
It had anything in the west to begin with?

>> No.40988687

It was ppl who never ever heard about denbou at all raiding a tweet simply because they saw the word crypto in it

>> No.40988693

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFfWjrGYTN4 umise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxjK30WeQ2I mahiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxntRDnlufc sukoya

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OMFPWZ1pl0E mirei

>> No.40988704

there's a fan translation twitter account that gets retweeted by the official one

>> No.40988714

really happy with what management has been doing with EN and across both branches males. It's good to see resources going to what gets the most return on investment—that's what's most important, after all.

>> No.40988758
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>> No.40988930

Since EN brings in a lot of money, has there been any major improvements anywhere because I haven't really noticed anything too different

>> No.40988984
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What was that one BR game Kanae played with Fairys that was kinda medieval themed? I just remembered it when I was taking a shit and it's been bothering me trying to find it for the past dozen minutes, especially since Youtube just cut me off and won't let me keep scrolling down Kanae's archives.

>> No.40988996

Realm Royale

>> No.40989007

do you mean blood hunt?

>> No.40989015

That's it, thank you anon. I'm a little weirded out because when I looked it up to confirm it seems it got an update just today and I don't keep up with news like that at all...

>> No.40989017

oh shit, there's a big update for realm royale after two years of nothing

>> No.40989028

Maybe they might try the update, they did play it again semi-recently

>> No.40989074

Utako, Hisupi, Miyako, Pute, Mirei.

>> No.40989095

elira cult

>> No.40989103

me likey

>> No.40989172

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V4BFjcIExE kaza

>> No.40989191
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>> No.40989199

Nursing handjobs with Utakomama! Going to love hotels with slutty JK's Hisupi and Setomiya! Shoving my face and dick into Putechi's Putechi's! Public humiliation with Gungun! Nakadashi with Ichigo!

>> No.40989354
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>> No.40989382

I want a jiyu

>> No.40989457

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_gPZ9p-3Tg luis card shark

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NX5oCcMdFi0 muyu

>> No.40989592
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selamat pagi

>> No.40989594


>> No.40989864


>> No.40989889

millie pancake

>> No.40989921

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4pjwUvPT2A elupex

>> No.40990089

https://youtu.be/yQi8FiiCM0E noon

>> No.40990100

I've always really, really like these crafts/cooking handcam streams ever since Neru-chan awoke me to them so long ago. I really hope they make a bigger comeback in the main branch soon.

>> No.40990129

Handcam has been NG in the main branch for a long while and you can't cook in the studio, tough luck.

>> No.40990137


>> No.40990138

rosemi vegeta

>> No.40990149

I know, and I miss the hotpot streams to this day...

>> No.40990200
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>> No.40990296

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx3fDjGyz8k mahiro sumeru

>> No.40990298
File: 546 KB, 1049x562, 1661312173056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire purpose of lieverse is to pay lize to play out a horny teenager and make her say lewd lines. and I love it

>> No.40990410

oh shit did they finally add that region? i thought it was like an end-of-year thing

>> No.40990412

She was happy about it.

>> No.40990418

It just got added less than an hour ago.

>> No.40990431

watching my favorite nijigasaki and master

>> No.40990470

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gjOVvmUh6c chihiro apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odjtIrRe10M nui umamusume

>> No.40990530


>> No.40990563

wtf i love management now

>> No.40990802

rosemi wants mito in forknife

>> No.40990847

Unironically one of the best ideas to ever grace the scene.

>> No.40990876

Furen said in her twitcast that she came to like nijisanji after seeing iinchou's 10分でわかる. The list of mito children just kept on growing...

>> No.40991013

Burger hours are slow actually
