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File: 133 KB, 450x368, umineko-Siesta1-mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4080330 No.4080330 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, let's talk about the Siesta Sisters. I haven't seen any conjecture about them, although I apologize if this has already been done.

Now then, we know that the Siesta Sisters probably represent weapons used during the murders. We also know that there are four of them, yet one of them is dead.

We know that there are four guns, of the same type, in the study. Sisters, if you will.

Therefore, I believe that the sisters are the guns and that the killer also knew that the gun that Rosa had in Episode 3 no longer worked, for whatever the reason.

>> No.4080331

siesta 22
siesta 108

>> No.4080362

this was said in ep5, they're the ammo for the personally modified winchesters Kinzo did. that's why they work for the 'dragon lord' and Kinzo turned into one in the ep4 tea party, he 'created' the siesa sisters, the rest of the siestas are possibly more kinds of ammo, but they're not real since they didn't appear in real world

>> No.4080379

I'm assuming they appear in Episode 6? That still doesn't change the theory; up until then we only knew of the four. I'll have to read episode 6, but they still need to be related in some way.

Also, 45 and 410 appear together in the mansion, at the same time Rudolf and Kyrie are there. Both wielding guns.

>> No.4080391

So then why do the Siestas strangle people to death too?

>> No.4080396

I don't recall at all what you are talking about concerning the Ep. 4 tea party. However, in Episode 5, all they said was that it was likely that the Siesta Sisters were also weapons used in the murders, but the investigation was still ongoing. I don't recall anything else.

>> No.4080421

Krauss and Natsuhi? That I haven't actually figured out, although I can't think of any weapon foreshadowed before then that could also strangle them. In any case, it could be a representation of the killer, who now has both guns, actually strangling them personally? Like I said, I'd have to reread.

I only thought of the theory because it explains why Rosa didn't fight back, as well as timed well with the appearance of the Sisters.

>> No.4080437

Something of note with the Siesta Sisters as weapons is that, no matter what, they are never on Beatrice's side. In 3 they work for Eva-Beato, in 4 they work for Goldsmith, and in 5 they work for Erika.

So, if they are guns, then I take this to mean they are not guns used by Beatrice.

>> No.4080441

Well, it is technically possible to strangle someone with a gun. I would have to look at the scene to see if there are any clues.

>> No.4080443

no one but natsuhi was killed by a gun in ep1, right?

>> No.4080447

I want to squish them

>> No.4080448

Stakes in foreheads are hard to do. Shooting them in the head then planting a stake in a wound is a better way to do it.

>> No.4080455


Of course, nothing is stopping Beatrice from sticking the stakes in gunshot wounds that are already there. And not all Wounds are in the right place.

>> No.4080458

Technically true, although in episode 5 doesn't Erika only use them in meta?

Also, I really need to reread episode 4 to see what is actually useful. However, if they work for Goldsmith, that still makes it conceivable that they are the guns. If someone can be recognized as the new Kinzo, it's likely that they obtained a key to the study as well.

However, it is interesting. Perhaps if "Beatrice" is someone on the island, they were only responsible for the first two episodes. Perhaps the fifth as well, with the reappearance of the stakes.

>> No.4080459

What do you mean by that? The bodies that had a stake jammed in them somewhere but died from something else?

>> No.4080461
File: 97 KB, 664x600, Higurashi__Ryuguu_Rena_by_Hibari_chan16..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabbits! wanna take home!

>> No.4080465

Of course after I post this, I notice people talking about how stakes can be planted in gunshot wounds. Which would explain the depth of the stakes in many of the bodies and is something I hadn't thought of.

>> No.4080470

the siestas names are types of ammo, It's mentioned in eps 1-2 that Knzo loved the western and the guns and liked modifying them, that's why I said that in a certain sense, he 'created' them. During the tea party in ep4, kinzo turns into a dragon becauseof the ep4 1st twilight and that everyone acknowledged his presence and so on
ALso, about weapons used in murders, the whole ep4 is about people killed by guns if you read the TIPs, those guns were just too powerful for being winchesters, that's why I said that they had been modified as mentioned in previous eps

>> No.4080486

Ah, yes, that would make sense if I had actually known anything about ammo. Yet I still think it's possible that they each correspond with a specific gun. I'm not sure it's possible to modify a gun to shoot many different types of ammo.

>> No.4080488

Of course, that only makes this more confusing. Now, the murderer(s?) need to not only shoot victims from impossible angles and from the other side of doors but also somehow jam stakes in them afterwards.

Not to mention the question of why they wanted to enact such a circuitous method of killing people, but that's really the big "why dunnit" of umineko as a whole.

>> No.4080493

Even if it wasn't, Kinzo has a bunch of guns.

>> No.4080506

So is it the (modified) Siestas who fire the stakes into the bodies?


>> No.4080508


Well, yes. Episode 5 is the only game thus far where we don't see ANY murders happen (we only get glimpses of Hideyoshi's, and we see Kanon's in episode 1)

So no, the Seistas aren't used for murder in 5, but they're still antagonistic.

>> No.4080514


I like using Occom's Razor when I can. What's more likely, that someone invented a stake firing gun (which is only debatable allowed under Knox's rules) or that someone shoots someone with a normal gun and sticks a stake in afterwords.

>> No.4080515

So was it just a coincidence that Maria had four toy rabbits and one of them broke?

>> No.4080516

Well, that's only true if you believe that the closed rooms are truly closed. My problem with the shooting the guns and then placing the stakes is just how loud it would be.

>> No.4080518

Well it's obvious people aren't always KILLED by stakes. How do you kill by hitting a leg with a stake? Sure, a person will bleed to death, but the other characters usually arrived rather soon, like in ep 1. If there were no other visible wounds, it's possible it was via strangulation, poison, hit to the head, whatever. But stakes are just for show.

>> No.4080522

Wasn't it Maria that created the siestas?
556's description said that she liked playing the trumpet and she was destroyed by the black witch, like the model rabbits Rosa bought for Maria.

>> No.4080531

Maybe they weren't killed by a gun. Maybe they were strangled and then hit with a stake. Still much easier than hitting a living person in the right spot with all your might.

>> No.4080528

In Umineko, symbolism isn't always consistent. I think this is why the personalities of meta-people can change dramatically from scene to scene. So they might have been representing something else that time.

Alternatively, you notice that they never fire on Battler in that scene? Perhaps it symbolized someone secretly readying the gun.

>> No.4080534


mind = blown

>> No.4080542

Could be a red herring. They served King Pendragon, even if they're often associated with Maria. Could be a combination of both, personified by Maria's imagination, but based on ammo. ...I don't know how that works. Rosa had the ammo, or something?

>> No.4080549

Maybe not completely a coincidence, more that the fantasy settings are shaped after parts of Maria's own fantasies? It is interesting that it fits, though.

>> No.4080558

Yeah, it's weird how they coincide exactly with the bunny band--more so than with the gun theory.

Two possibilities.
1. Red herring. This is somewhat lame, but it's possibly just a coincidence.

2. Some real person on this island has played with Maria every year for a long time. Maria and that person have probably been sharing ideas with each other. She's a kid and no one else ever listened to her stories and occult crap, so whoever Maria thinks is Beatrice may have modded the guns (after learning how from Kinzo?) and for whatever reason was inspired by her.
Or it could be the other way around, beatrice person tells maria about the guns, she makes cute personifications of them and merges them with her bunny band.

This is all wild conjecture.

>> No.4080577

Still, with the amount of force needed to push the stakes in as deep as they were, it'd need to be some kind of weapon or a strong adult in every case.

>> No.4080590

That said, the theory that the victims were shot first, than the stakes were driven into the wounds releases any kinds of restrictions on possible murderers. Like, to stab the forehead with a stake you need someone like Gohda, but this way it could be done by Kumasawa. Not to mention there's no need for any stake guns. The noise is sort of an issue.

>> No.4080601

Good point. But there's also no way to modify a gun to shoot stakes. Even if there was, the stakes would have been shattered or damaged in some way.

A crossbow would possibly work.

>> No.4080606

Just watch you guys, in the end of the last chapter R07 will reveal that in Umineko's canon, witches exist, Beatrice murdered everyone using magic, and the "illusion of the golden witch" is really just reality.

We'll all shit ourselves.

>> No.4080637

I hate you.

>> No.4080649

was awhile since i read ep2 but didn't rosa ask maria to reload the gun while she beat up a goat with the gold bar and pen stabs?

>> No.4080660

More like Battler is the culpit

>> No.4080682

It was stated in red that he wasn't, otherwise it would be an excellent troll.

>> No.4080717

Even considering when it was implied in EP4 that the Battler playing the game isn't the original Battler or something? Or maybe he's completely nuts and doesn't even hes the culpit and wasn't able to even percieve the red text right. But that latter option is just getting way too meta.

If this is proven wrong in 5 or 6 well shit because I haven't played them yet.

>> No.4080752
File: 41 KB, 378x359, 1231545624099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4080759

>wasn't able to even percieve the red text right
No way. Red text is red is red. Also Meta battler and pre-ep5 battler have objective viewpoints.

As for implying that Battler isn't the original Battler, that was totally Beatrice trolling him. It was said in red that he is Kinzo's grandson and/or he is rudolf's son. The only thing that proved was the Asumu wasn't his mom.

On that note, Asumu and Kyrie were both delivering children on the same day and Kyrie supposedly had a miscarriage, which is why rudolf didn't marry her. It's possible that Asumu had the miscarriage and somehow stole Battler from Kyrie. To this I will add that for half siblings, Ange and Battler look very similar.

>> No.4080764
File: 41 KB, 150x225, sonichu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. If magic exists, then abominations like Sonichu also exist.

>> No.4080776

And this is why "When they cry" refers to the fans when the ultimate troll end is revealed.

>> No.4080782
File: 279 KB, 897x925, 7803975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're adorable magical bunny girls and the best characters in Umineko.

>> No.4080785

This reminds me that Maria is a genderswapped young CWC

>> No.4080786

it wasn't, just beato didn't actually answer to that blue truth

>> No.4080800

Please R07, give us a Siesta sisters end

>> No.4080807

why not just super big harem witch end sans the oldies: eva, virgilia, bern, 34, and hanyuutits?

>> No.4080809

ok then, Virgillia and Siestas.
Beato, Gaap and Hanyuutits can go go home
