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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 281 KB, 595x800, Happy New Year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4033024 No.4033024 [Reply] [Original]

What is your new year resolution /jp/?

Mine is to get back into college....possibly move out.

>> No.4033033

Get Rika into my bedroom.

>> No.4033035

None, because any new years resolution I make that requires effort won't happen.

>> No.4033041

Get in shape
Study harder


>> No.4033042

To achieve all of the things that I wish for.

>> No.4033050

play iM@s translated

>> No.4033051

Hopefully get in touch with my dad and apologize for being a jackass.

>> No.4033059
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Keep up my good grades at university, keep studying Japanese, exercise more, and grow a beard and mustache so I can look like a fucking viking or something.

>> No.4033062

To achieve transcendence.

My New Years' resolutions are just as unrealistic as everyone else's, but at least I have proper goals.

>> No.4033086

to maybe not sleep all day and stay up all night...

>> No.4033097

I've already followed through with that. Only 2 weeks left of being a NEET.

>> No.4033098

Or an Icewind Dale character, anyway.

>> No.4033102

Haha, yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.4033119

Winter term is the worst time to get back into college

>> No.4033124

Get in shape, move out, become a better person, go to comike.

>> No.4033129
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There's already a thread about this.


>> No.4033134

Check my mail tomorrow, find out how long it'll take to graduate from A&M's Maritime Academy with a Marine Transportation/Maritime Administration dual major, finish my application and get in contact with a guy that's offering me connections for selling shares in people's life insurance policies.

Oh, losing weight would be nice too.

>> No.4033142

Get a job since I've been a NEET for far too long. Maybe start exercising too since I'm starting to get a little tubby, the only exercise I currently get is a daily fap and walking to and from the bathroom/kitchen.

>> No.4033148

Have less frequent dumps.

>> No.4033151

This one is better and has had a post within the past two hours unlike the other!

>> No.4033159

I'm actually thinking about saving up and going to Japan next winter for Comiket 79. Pick up the last Umineko episode, grab some doujins, enjoy the country in the winter, celebrate New Years there...

That'd be a nice resolution.

>> No.4033172



>> No.4033182

Same here.
Got into an average college placed downtown (which is filled with thieves and robbers), but it's out of the house.
I wonder if my parents will find out about the college's high break-in rate...

>> No.4033192

Get a steady girlfriend rather than sticking my dick in random fat women at parties.

I wish, Gonna try to drink less soda

>> No.4033195


what state do you live in? hope it's not ca

>> No.4033196

Enjoy prescribing medicine for the rest of your life.
I'll go for a Ph.D.

>> No.4033200


So one dropout is a lot now?

>> No.4033212

This can't be /jp/...

>> No.4033214


>> No.4033227


Some core classes that are pre-reqs for others aren't offered at that time.

>> No.4033230

The only time I've heard someone talk like this is in a Haruki Murakami book.

>> No.4033238

If I cared I could have finished college by now...

>> No.4033252

Now, now, we'll probably fail all our resolutions and stay here anyway.

That so? Well, damn. Oh well, I'll just have to make due. Putting off going to college for another year probably isn't good anyway. Plus, my parents are kicking me out anyway, so it's either the dorms, or a homeless shelter.

Do homeless shelters have internet access?

>> No.4033261

To stop being a faggot.

>> No.4033267

You can always go to a library.

>> No.4033273

>>4033252 Do homeless shelters have internet access?

I think that'd be the least of your worries.

See if there are any frats you can join and bum free/cheap housing for a semester or two.

>> No.4033292


I don't pretend to leave /jp/

I just need to pass 2 more exams and I'll finally be able to study whatever I really want in my speciality without annoying compulsory courses.. that's all I need this year

>> No.4033298

>suggesting frats

>> No.4033328

Buy some new figs, mmm maybe a new rice cooker

>> No.4033340

/jp/ is actually all irl tough, frat guys. We just act like this to relieve suspicion.

>> No.4033362


>> No.4033369

Harmonize him!

>> No.4033410


>> No.4033412

But he didn't imply any harmony.

>> No.4033425

this is what the idolfags really believe.

>> No.4033575

to take it easy

>> No.4033583

My new year's resolution was to learn to read and write Japanese, but then I saw how much kanji there were

>> No.4033603
File: 28 KB, 330x500, remembering-the-kanji-1-heisig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn Japanese, or at least finish 'Remembering the Kanji'

>> No.4033617

Practice my Japanese daily if possible, then translate Flyable Heart.

>> No.4033634

I've got that coming in the mail. I heard some of /jp/ likes Tuttle's Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese though so who knows. I gotta wait til I have enough money for that and the Kanji Learner's Dictionary.

>> No.4033641

Godspeed anon.

>> No.4033642
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NOTHING. I spent the whole year as a NEET, barely going out. My only wish for 2010 is that I can keep this going.

>> No.4033690

Pass my fucking cartooning class that a fat bitch teaches. I want to hate her dead.

>> No.4033702

Get the girl I love to love me back, somehow..

>> No.4033710

I love you. ;_;

>> No.4033714

It is unfortunate that 2D girls are incapable of emotions. However, using your imagination, it's almost the same thing.

>> No.4033718

get a job, lose some weight, pass all classes

>> No.4033746

I have decided to get better college grades and nice washboard abs.

>> No.4033758

That is.. very nice of you to say.
But I find that that somewhat hard to believe as you must not know very much about me..

I wish I had a better imagination.

>> No.4033773 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 366x687, 1262241623628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come out to my mom and sister about wishing to be the little girl; working towards becoming the little girl.

>> No.4033780

Girl, maybe. Little? Sorry bud.

>> No.4033817


I can cut off my legs, that'd get me down to about 4 feet!

>> No.4033818

Get a perfect vs Mokou

...which will require absurd luck on her last non-spellcard attack :(

>> No.4033933

Cut off my dick and eat it.

>> No.4033945

>>4033298 implying all frats are still as they were depicted in collegiate comedies, most notable being Animal House

While some people still take Greek stuff seriously, few people really care about it anymore. Besides, you can just fake the whole fazing stuff as it is and do the bare minimum for frat fees/activities/etc. Also, if the person considering the homeless shelter is even half-decent with schoolwork, he can just tutor other frat members for some social standing.

>> No.4033949

I've always wondered what it would taste like; it's not muscle like most meat is, after all. What does erectile tissue taste like?

>> No.4033959


>> No.4033968


>> No.4034971

That's it, /jp/?

No more goals? Ideas? Pursuits?

Let's forget resolutions, bros. Let's make them REVOLUTIONS. Do something amazing, bros.

>> No.4034975

I want to see a doctor and get rid of my crippling anxiety. Then everything else will fall into place.

>> No.4034983

Get in shape, socialize more, make more money, travel more.

>> No.4035011

Do it! I have faith in you, anon. Just take that first step and make sure it's what you really want to do, otherwise the doctor won't help at all. Put some effort into it, and it will pay off.

I like this. How do you plan to make more money, anon?

>> No.4035014

Save $100 of every paycheck
No masturbating ever forever

>> No.4035017

Uhhh, I don't know, finish reading majikoi before it's translated?

>> No.4035026

That's a decent start. Just make sure you keep this determination, okay? I want to see you succeed!

>> No.4035032

lose weight, 20 lbs or like that
get transferred to a better uni
talk to people more

>> No.4035039

Try to find a decent path to jog or run on. It may not work everything that you need, but it will be a good start and definitely get you motivated! It should also help with talking to people more, even if it's just a little bit.

What do you study and where do you want to go, if I may ask?

>> No.4035053
File: 219 KB, 1527x775, jnhgjnhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but, that's personal...

>> No.4035094

I don't know, work more I guess, or find a better paying job. Either way I'd like to visit most of the world before I "settle" into a "career".

>> No.4035101

Y-You... don't know how to... touch type... ?

>> No.4035112

>sight reading
I'm so shitty at this, maybe I should work on it this year...

>> No.4035119

I'm referring more to the typical technique of using all fingers, rather than just using both index fingers like I do, which is very slow, and often means I depend on peeking down for some reference. I've put up with this half-assed technique for way too long.

>> No.4035137

lose weight and grow hair

>> No.4035138

Good luck, it's the thing I look least forward to practicing on, but I practically can't sight read as it is. I just depend on memorizing all the time, which takes quite a lot of time.

>> No.4035156

-Practice piano daily. Be able to play 5 different Touhou songs by the end of the year.
-Study kanji and grammar daily. Read an entire untranslated VN (or 200 chapters of manga) by the end of the year.
Research video encoding techniques. Download ISOs from PD and encode shows for myself.
-Practice building and painting gunpla.
-Finish my general education at community college.

>> No.4035174

It's sort of pathetic too, I've been playing instruments for 6 years now (2 on trumpet, 4 on french horn, few months on piano only recently) but I'm still terrible at reading rhythm. I do everything by listening and memorizing as well. Guess I'll buckle down and work at it especially this year. Good luck with your goals as well~

>> No.4035175

-Plan to lose 5KG from 75 to 70kg.
-decrease my waist size from 33 to 32.
-learn japanese enough to play entire VN without any translation tools.

>> No.4035184

- Get back into photography.
- Drink less alcohol.
- Bike harder.
- Get a cute girl to shit in my mouth.

>> No.4035237

So are those books useful for composing? What music theory books do you recommend?

Transcribing does teach an awful lot though. I recommend it for all musicbros.

>> No.4035265

more drawfagging like last year

>> No.4035283

Study more Japanese and pass JLPT Level 2.
Procrastinate school work less.
Start exercising.
Practice more piano.
Read more books.

>> No.4035301

-Gain enough proficiency in Japanese to be able to have an unaccompanied vacation there, and hopefully attend comiket by the end of the year

Sports and fitness
-Attempt to increase muscle definition in upper body by weight training
-Lose excess weight that was put on during the christmas period by dieting and regular exercise
-Take up cycling again. Attend track meetings.

-Practice writing lyrics
-More quality practice on the guitar instead of messing around, the goal is to be able to play Malmsteen's "Trilogy suite" by the end of the year
-Study the work of highly-regarded guitar players in order to gain a better handle on creative phrasing
-Take up bass guitar and keyboard playing.

-Continue attempting to achieve good grades. The goal is to maintain a position in the top 50 academically ranked students.

-More practice at cookery, emphasis on efficiency and consistency rather than technical ability or complexity of dishes

Personal aims
-Never look down upon or be an asshole to anyone who wishes to learn.
-Deflate the swollen ego. With academic success has come arrogance, and this needs to stop.

>> No.4035317

Get a cat
Learn piano by myself

>> No.4035534

It's great to see this, /jp/.

Keep it up! I know you can do it!

>> No.4035579

what the hell. This isn't the /jp/ I know.

>> No.4035596

>What is your new year resolution /jp/?
1cc UFO on lunatic.

>> No.4035649

Is there something wrong, anon?

>> No.4035652

What books in particular? The books under counterpoint are some of the best investment of your time, if you're willing to dedicate some serious studying to it, and you plan to use counterpoint in your compositions (you should, in my opinion, counterpoint is what separates a composer of good craftsmanship from a simple pop musician). And you'll constantly hear about how the great composers studied the original edition of The Study of Counterpoint (technically it was called Gradus Ad Parnassum then) and Bach's WTC. Though I'd recommend having a little fluency in general composition before doing advanced study of counterpoint.

The other books could definitely be useful for a composer too, but it should be pretty obvious what the real purposes of them are.

Overall, I don't really have too much other books to recommend, still very much an amateur myself, but if you specify a subject, I could tell you what books I think should be good books according to my research, even if I haven't read them myself. For example, for orchestration, the best you can find is probably Adler's The Study of Orchestration. For composition, Brindle's Musical Composition and Russo's Composing Music: A New Approach are solid recommandations. Not too sure about harmony, gonna try out Salzer's Structural Hearing later, but no idea how much it will help me.

>> No.4035657

Today I have learned that every anon on /jp/ plays the piano and are studying Japanese.

>> No.4035741

I'm intending to finally get around to play VNs. Only played about 1 the last 5 years. Been simply stockpiling them and never playing.

>> No.4035760

But I'm doing neither of those things.


>> No.4035762

You really should, bro. No more excuses. There's no reason to be on /jp/ if you don't have VNs to talk about, so you should take the time you spend on /jp/ right now and spend it on VNs instead.

>> No.4035765

....you're not my friend.

>> No.4035779

Come on bro. There's more to /jp/ than VNs.

>> No.4035785

Why are you so cold?

>> No.4035788

Get back into programming and finish a few games.
Get back into pixel art, origami and and papercraft, make some pretty objects.
Read all the books I got for Christmas (about 12).
Get a job.

>> No.4035793

Nobody said 1400x900 or some shit? Amazing.

>> No.4035988

To not break up with my girlfriend.

Five months going strong, now.....

>> No.4035991

Get in shape.

Same resolution since 2003.

I'm still fat.

>> No.4035993

Why would you even think of breaking up with her?

Tell me about the relationship you two have, if you don't mind.

>> No.4035994

None. Did any of your resolutions for 2009 happen? No. This is so pointless.

>> No.4035999

That's a lovely attitude. I'm not going to give you a bullshit pep talk, because I think you know what's wrong with it.

You make it, anon. That's it.

Deal with it.

>> No.4036002

1920x1200 here

>> No.4036005


Sure. I've come from a family with an abusive, ridiculously huge sibling and no father, and my girlfriend comes from a normal, wealthy family. I've also had relationships with people who treat me terribly (girlfriends, "friends," etc.), where I've always been the one taking care of people.

However, my girlfriend, I found, is the mothering type. So, for the first time someone's asking me if I'm okay and if I want to talk about things. The first time she asked I burst into tears. Pitiful, yes, but because I've never had anyone ask me that before.

She knows I've got issues that I'm going to therapy for, but she sits with me while I watch my anime and rubs my back while I'm feeling ill or depressed. I'm just used to people leaving me, thus the "stay with the girlfriend" resolution.

>> No.4036008

People say that you reap what you sow, but their biggest problem is that they forget to water it.

>> No.4036017

For some reason, this doesn't sound good.

Just..... make sure she doesn't make you completely dependent on her and then use that opportunity to abuse you.

>> No.4036020 [DELETED] 

We come from a similar (although not exactly the same) background.

Recently I met the most perfect girl (yes I mean perfect). All I can say is that I'm going to fight for it, anon. I'm going to fight for it and it will work.

I don't know why I'm writing this. Maybe it helps a little, I don't know.

Fight for it though, okay anon? Make it work!

>> No.4036025

Give it your best anons, I'm sure at least a few of you will make a few of your resolutions come true.

>> No.4036031

To unite my emotionally abusive and dysfunctional family.

Next year we WILL have a good motherfucking Christmas and New Year.

>> No.4036035

Last year, I resolved to gain strength and lower bodyfat.

This year, I resolve to read more books.

>> No.4036077

Well, so far on this New Year, I've just cleaned my entire PC. It's no longer a disorganized mess.

My resolutions are to continue my good grades in school, and enjoy myself otherwise.

>> No.4036085

>and enjoy myself
That's a pretty good resolution, actually. People always forget how important it is to take it easy.

>> No.4036095

Well, it's after I do all the things that are supposed to be done. In 2009, I had a really bad habit of slacking on school work and everything. ;_;

>> No.4036318

Stop this fucking normalfag crap you moronic bunch of pretending retards

>> No.4036336

1) Stop wasting time on porn.

No fap 2010!

>> No.4036356
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1227578378212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting.

>> No.4037475

- Try to get a first in my degree.
- Make a good start to my legal diploma.
- Start posting on /jp/ again.

>> No.4037477

>athens !SysNpnp3nU
Faggot spotted. gb2/ck/

>> No.4037487

Oh athens-chan. You're so silly.

>> No.4037506

Try and make some money I guess

>> No.4037516

try to find a reason why I shouldn't kill myself, try not to kill me in the cops.

>> No.4037527

Leeeeegal diplooooma? Are you serious? Have fun being a 1L, loooooseeeer!

>> No.4037534

Go back to 3D animation

>> No.4037535

That's the American system. Legal Diploma over here just means LLB.

>> No.4037555

In that case, have fun not having the prestige of having a terminal degree, limey, or whatever you are.

>> No.4037585

In Law? Are you serious?

It means nothing, you get a training contract and the company tells you what to specialize in. Simple as that. Who the fuck wants to get an LLM or a PhD in Law unless they want to do research on jurisprudence?

>> No.4037621

Become both fit and strong (family got me a weight bench for christmas)
Stop masturbating, as it's just a manner of worshiping something that we've conditioned ourselves is too good for us
Actually get around to implementing one of the ideas I've had
Finally get the FMG up and rolling

If I can achieve at least one of these, I'll be satisfied.

>> No.4037709

JD is terminal as far as I'm concerned. It's fun forcing people to call you "Dr. Anon".

>> No.4037714


Notto dissu shitto agen.jpg

>> No.4037729

Study harder, keep focused and make sure that I actually end up following shit through this year.

>> No.4037779

In Germany, they used to call people with a Master's "Magister".
I think that somewhat made me choose to do a Master's, at least at first, before I got how useful it would be.

>> No.4037827

Damn, I give up. Magister just sounds so much cooler than Doctor. You win this round, Germany.

>> No.4037859

Being called Magister is mind bendingly cool. I can already imagine my cane and the cloak flowing in the wind.

>> No.4037888


I've heard in Germany they have titles which differentiate medical doctor from PhD doctor, is this true? Furthermore, if someone were to have both of these qualifications, would you address them with both titles?

>> No.4037958

Get replacements for my birth certificate which I lost.
Reget my drivers license which I lost.
Get my passport.
Get back into school and finish my degree (1 semester away from completing).
Stop slacking and take the initiative at work so that I can advance my career.
Pay off my financial debts.

>> No.4037966


>> No.4038404

gb2college then, collegefags

Stop fagging up the internet with your cancer

>> No.4038694

Welcome back, Athens-kun. I honestly admit that I missed your presence on /jp/.

>> No.4039602


I'm glad you're back. Like the previous anon said, I've really missed your posts as well.

>> No.4039626


>> No.4039638

Get laid
Actually translate a full game
Get all A's (4.0 GPA)

None of those 3 except the first one should be a big problem.

>> No.4039665

and graduate at the top of the college freshman class.

>> No.4039672

>Get laid
Go back to /a/.

>> No.4039718

Good goals!

What do you study if I may ask?

>> No.4039735

Double Major, one minor
Majors: Japanese and Comp. Sci
Minor: Journalism

At least I have the propensity to try.

>> No.4039736

Woman's Studies

>> No.4040010

Ah cool.

Why did you decide to take on so much?

>> No.4041575

Read SICP.
