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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3952855 No.3952855 [Reply] [Original]

Yes I know this is form Sankaku inbr4 hurr durr etc...

>Otaku incensed at a mangaka’s decision to portray a heroine as being a non-virgin have launched a campaign of harassment which has seen the writer forced to close her blog, reporting that she is “heart-broken” over their hateful attacks.The mangaka in question, Sasuga Kei (real name Keiko Sasaki), currently writes “G.E. Good Ending,” a popular love comedy serialised in Shonen Magazine.However, she made the mistake of portraying a “dojikko” character (Shou Iketani) as ending up with kiss-marks on her neck after an amorous encounter in the back of a car – fans complained that for this formerly prim and proper girl to be sexually involved with someone was an outrage, with 2ch spewing forth such criticisms as: “Honestly, we just can’t idolise a heroine who isn’t a virgin.” “In a shonen manga it’s weird to have a romantic manga with so little idealisation.” A subsequent flood of comments to her blog, most harshly critical, led to the mangaka closing her site, saying “I just don’t have the confidence to continue with my site.” This is of course not the first time the depiction of a girl enjoying normal sexual relations has sent otaku into a rage at having their fantasies of de-virgination shattered…

I mean god damn it people, real life is like that, girl get banged when their 16 etc... Bitter Virgin was one of the better manga I read, and the girl sure as hell wasnt a virgin, leave that virginity crap alone.... fucking otaku virgins.

>> No.3952858
File: 55 KB, 450x350, gefinal6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read GE because of this, I dont see a damn thing wrong with it, I guess it's not translated to this part, but it's stated in the last chapter that she had sex and filmed on video.

>> No.3952862

How could anyone idolize a slut? Might as well idolize the 3-D.

>> No.3952868

Sounds like a slut to me

>“I just don’t have the confidence to continue with my site.”

Also, butthurt at that

>> No.3952870

you won't find any sympathy here. this is what /jp/ actually believes. I'm sort of glad they never leave their homes to inflict themselves upon society.

>> No.3952875

read the first few chapters seemed okay.

Although purity means nothing to me.

>> No.3952876

Otaku are never getting laid unless they are paying for it. So I would have told them fuck you.

>> No.3952883

Otaku are pathetic sub-humans, what did she expect them to do?

>> No.3952890

first few chapters are OK but the mangaka TROLLED HARD in the later chapters.

>> No.3952891

Yeah, that's how Japanese otaku roll.

She knew a non-virgin heroine would make her readers buttmad, yet she went and did it anyways.

>> No.3952896

>She knew a non-virgin heroine would make her readers buttmad, yet she went and did it anyways.
What a champ.

>> No.3952899

I thought all this non-virgin slut hate was a joke...

>> No.3952904

I know right? Now she wont ever again succeed in the otaku market as long as people can connect her next artist name to the current her.

>> No.3952905

That is why you should go back to /a/.

>> No.3952908

I want her to be PURE like ME.
*is 300 pounds, has neckbeard, hasn't showered in weeks*

>> No.3952909

As you can see it's not.

Also she sure trolled us with that scene where the boys talk about how it's a hassle and uncool to be a virgin, you have to watch over her you can have fun with sex if shes a virgin. And so a desperate girl tries to get fucked for the sake of being cool and attractive.

>> No.3952910

o hai there normalfag

>> No.3952912

I've been here since the split.
How come they can't stand a real and believable story concerning anyone but themselves?

>> No.3952914


>> No.3952920
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If the mangaka was fully conscious and was capable of making her decisions; she would have chosen wisely and not make her a non-virgin. If she did it so she can gain some more readership or more sales, she's oblivious to her market audience.

>> No.3952921

> popular love comedy serialised in Shonen Magazine.However

she fucked up bad...REAL BAD

>> No.3952923

Because the whole point of fantasy is to escape reality? Since it's fantasy, anyone can put forward what their "ideal" viewpoint is, and these faggots decided that every female must be virgin. Each to it's own.

>> No.3952925

Typical Japanese males. Only they are allowed to have sex on their own terms.

Most of you are as bad as muslimfags, christfags and moralfags when it comes to women.

>> No.3952927

If you are surprised or appalled by this you need to get the fuck out

>> No.3952930

a few hickies makes you a non virgin?


>> No.3952932

I for one love a story and you think they might like one by itself without their childish preconditions.

>> No.3952938

I'm surprised Good Ending had that much of a vocal fanbase actually, rather than their reaction itself.

>> No.3952949

Japanese otaku are strong christian conservatives that believe in sex only after marriage.

>> No.3952951

>Shonen Magazine


>> No.3952959

well considering 99% of the girls in the manga are non virgin aside from that one non virgin slut and the girl's bf is a playboy. the possibility is pretty damn high.

>> No.3952963

OP's story is from shitkaku and they always fall for Japanese trolls.

>> No.3952973
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It was never about virgin vs non virgin.
Slut != non virgin
Kohaku is not a virgin but she is as pure as a snow.
The mangaka is just being stupid for portraying her character as a slut and deserved it.

Who would read a manga regarding normalfags with their slutty girlfriends?
I enjoy /jp/ materials because I liked to get away from the harsh reality of the real world and lived in my own fictional world whenever I can. ;_;

>> No.3952983

Many would read such a story, actually.
The character in question was presented as pure at FIRST, is the problem.
And involved with the main LOSER hero.

>> No.3952987

>Many would read such a story, actually.

>> No.3952988

they call them shoujo but this is published in a shounen magazine under shounen genre

>> No.3952995

Considering the way most of them live, they really are manchildren, so no can do there, they will have their prejudices.

>> No.3953000

For starters, people of a yonuger age instead of butthurt otaku who are 17+ that take an interest in the story.

>> No.3953005

>For starters, people of a yonuger age instead of butthurt otaku who are 17+ that take an interest in the story.

>Shonen Magazine


>> No.3953012

The mangaka isn't too bright either. Not surprised since it is a female.
>shounen magazine
If it is published in a sinen mangazine nobody would give a fuck.

>> No.3953013
File: 59 KB, 582x307, 08172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ok sempai. grats on getting the playboy sempai you admire and dumpi me on the day of our date for him. now i'm gona go over to that park over there and cry liek a faggit.

>> No.3953016

Yes, because only the people of 12-18 read Shonen magazines and stories, everyone else spontaneously explodes.
It takes a ronery adult to complain about this kind of shit.

>> No.3953025 [DELETED] 

then where else would put it to appeal to younger people?

>> No.3953032

This is why women mangaka should stick with shoujo. Girls don't give a fuck about non-virgin sluts. Hell they even like being trolled

>> No.3953033

Confirmed for NTR title of the year?

>> No.3953035

then where else would you put to appeal to younger people?

>> No.3953039

Of course you keep it in Shonen Magazines, but you cannot help it if ronery adult otaku read your story too and are a vocal annoying fanbase.
There is no escaping it.

>> No.3953041

Downloading Good Ending now to see if it is good.

For anon that interested in it.
/msg Coraline xdcc send #5167

>> No.3953044

not going to work most males don't like NTR

>> No.3953047

Vocal annoying minority, actually.

>> No.3953049

DDL here.

>> No.3953053

tell that to kanagi's author

>> No.3953056


Do girls like NTR then?

>> No.3953059

most of them don't care either way

>> No.3953060

Of course

>> No.3953061

Is there a lesbian manga where the main heroine girl interest get fucked and raped by other guys?

>> No.3953063

That's what I am saying. There is no escape from butthurt adult males.
Except for Shoujo, cause they never want to admit even anonymously on the internet that they read it, but they will rage over them nonetheless.

>> No.3953070

Of course. Women are NTR in the living flesh

>> No.3953076


That's what i meant, reverse NTR i guess you'd call it

>> No.3953079


you're a woman aren't you?

>> No.3953084

Ok. I just read the first chapter.
That slut character isn't even the main heroine.
It is pretty obvious from the first chapter that the MC will end up with Yuki.

>> No.3953090


oh japan

>> No.3953094
File: 85 KB, 565x543, 1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just got trolled bro

>> No.3953103

No, I just have a waifu from a domain where she will never be soiled, so I can read manga, books etc without worries of what happens and think I am that personally involved with the characters.

>> No.3953104


>> No.3953112
File: 250 KB, 826x1200, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Is it translated up to that part yet?

Anyway it is already implied how the girls in the manga are slut in the first chapter. Why are they surprised?

>> No.3953121


>> No.3953123

Its the last translated chapter. 11 i think. Scans are running at 17 at the moment?

>> No.3953136

Yes for one there is this hentai manga called Semen Junkie.

>> No.3953138
File: 223 KB, 700x510, 2279600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep chapter 11 is about that but is this true, >>3953013

If yes FUCK YEAH BEST MANGA. Needs subs(scans).

>> No.3953143

I'm curious as to why people think that once a girl has sex, she is somehow different afterward? That's not actually the case, evidenced by the fact that the retarded otaku in question can't even tell if she's a virgin or not until it's practically stated explicitly. If you liked a girl before, but then you stopped liking her after it was stated she's not a virgin, you didn't actually like her in the first place.

In before illogical rebuttals.

>> No.3953151


>> No.3953155

It is very much true. So far the sweet sempai-chan has done nothing but shitted on the creepy stalker-san protagonist non-stop. Its pretty sweet.

>> No.3953161

How does it feel to be a woman?

>> No.3953163

feels hormonal man

>> No.3953166
File: 34 KB, 700x700, 1261134325957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah.
At least this manga admits, the protagonist if a fucking loser and should stay home watch anime and play games also mmos. He has no business with normalfags.

>> No.3953168

You couldn't put this into any of the other active threads?

>> No.3953173

Holy shit.
This manga is pretty realistic for once except for the pussy MC.
All the girls that appeared so far are totally slut.
If I was the MC I would have fuck Eri and Yuki already.

>> No.3953182

Okay? If a girl is openly portrayed as a slut, what's the use complaining about it? It's not like you're being led-on to think she's "pure" and then all the sudden BAM SHE'S STUFFED WITH 20 COCKS. Certainly that would be rage-inducing, but that is NOT THE CASE. If the girl is not portrayed as "pure", being surprised when you find out she's not a virgin is like watching straight porn and being upset that you have to see a dong.

>> No.3953185
File: 64 KB, 512x384, 1470374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'd pull out the famous "How can you love her if you cant eat her shit?" quote as a picture but I cant here find it.

>> No.3953188

So I just scanned through the raws and I didn't even see the damn hickey? It was only mentioned in conversation. So I'm either missing pages or otakus are complete faggots.

With the way they were bitching I was imaging the girl getting fucked complete with blood dripping down her leg.

>> No.3953191

eri still wanted to go out with the guy she likes. yuki is a lesbian now because of her ex.

>> No.3953193

Coming at the comiket near you @ 12/30/09.

>> No.3953194
File: 45 KB, 200x200, 1231809197484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's beyond chapter 11?

>> No.3953197

I looked up to 17

>> No.3953201

Only logical conclusion
>otakus are complete faggots

>> No.3953208 [DELETED] 

Well Eri was totally giving up her body to him and Yuki obviously like the MC and was defenseless at the love hotel.

Oh well the manga isn't exactly A++ tier, and nothing of value would be loss if she just decide to go on a hiatus or finish the manga.

>> No.3953211

This is wy we cannot have nice things. Also what the fuck are male otakus doing reading a love comedy manga?

>> No.3953216

Well Eri was totally giving up her body to him and Yuki obviously like the MC and was defenseless at the love hotel.

Oh well the manga isn't exactly A++ tier, and nothing of value would be lost if she decide to go on a hiatus or finish the manga.

>> No.3953217

Chapter 16 features the hickey part

>> No.3953224
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, snapshot20090222230332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much superior to 4ch
>adult behaviour

>> No.3953228

shonen manga
shonen manga
shonen manga
shonen manga
shonen manga
shonen manga
shonen manga

>> No.3953231

I'll ask again, what the fuck are males doing reading love comedy?

>> No.3953232

eri wanted to give him her body because of the manga logic of NON VIRGIN = AWESEOME
yuki merely treated him as "friend" which you will find out if the scanlator ever translate them or read the raw.

>> No.3953234

Dont most of us read that, since we have no real live romance experience at all?

>> No.3953236

YOU LITTLE FUCK WOULD WANT TO READ A STORY WHERE SLUTTY BEHAVIOUR IS NOT ONLY TOLERATED BUT PRAISED AND IDOLIZED? You know not like that stupid Nagi incident I mean damn being fucked in a car like a little pig and bragging about it is not acceptable. GTFO. YOU ARE NOT PART OF OUR FAMILY

>> No.3953239

For the fanservice obviously.
I just read the first 11chapters after seeing this thread.
It is pretty much just a generic 100% Strawberry and I''s clone with slutty heroines and heavy fanservice.

>> No.3953240
File: 241 KB, 467x470, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so I did miss a chapter. Place I was downloading from had the file names all wrong.

Anyways wow what a slut~~

>> No.3953243
File: 16 KB, 245x350, 1142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe because it's described as shounen and slice of life and not tragic, drama and shoujou?

>> No.3953245

Oh gawd kill yourself.

>> No.3953256

Fuck, japanese otaku are pathetic. Even more pathetic than you /jp/ faggots.

>> No.3953257

I agree with this, pretty much all that again.

>> No.3953258

This thread smells like /a/

>> No.3953266

hahaha owow what do we have here? A gaia communist on drugs mind-controlled by NGO believe systems

>> No.3953267

Reported to Mango in /jp/ LOL

>> No.3953269

Keep this shit out of /jp/, you are encroaching upon my happy bubble

>> No.3953271

lol how do you even get this broken

I'm true original NEET and I still can't conceive of a reason to get buttmad about this

>> No.3953278

It's more about the otakus then about the manga, I do believe otakus are jp related.

>> No.3953287

The extreme misogynistic streak in hikkis is really pretty distressing. Fortunately they'll never have any power in society.

>> No.3953290

You like sluts? It's not about the rage but about the action. And not somewhere in the big world but in one of the nerds magazines. Just unbelievable. Sluts in my fucking 2D world, what the fuck. Just what the fuck was she thinking? Maybe she's paid by feminists interest to do that in order to 're-educate' japanese men to embrace sluts because idealism is a strong feat that must be teared down by any means

>> No.3953293

Well clearly we aren't at that stage where we read lame shounen manga.
I wouldn't even read it if I didn't see this thread.
It is good to laugh at how those 2ch otakus are trolling the mangaka website until she closed it down though.
I mean if you can't take criticism online why do you even go the internet?
It is like the Gainax Gurren Lagann scandal all over again.

>> No.3953295


They're otakus, they're pathetic, there't nothing to discuss here.
This is something for normalfags to make comments like >>3953287 on /r9k/

>> No.3953330

Guys who sucks with chicks spends 11 chapters trying to gather courage to ask the girl he likes out.

She isn't specially hateful of him; Instead, she starts to develop a certain affection for the main character. It's clearly hinted she's falling in love with him. They decide to go on a date.

A certain senpai who was her old crush suddenly reappears to her, asking if her feelings for him are still the same.

She answers "Yes." It's only said she had a hicky in her neck. Everything after that is wild speculation.

>> No.3953348

>Everything after that is wild speculation.
Yes. She filmed herself getting rammed with 200 black cocks. Nothing slutty about that, just the usual Shounen shit.

>> No.3953351
File: 70 KB, 1024x576, snapshot20090328180704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH SHIT so more like real deal manga depicting women like they really are: FUCKING LITTLE COCK HUNGRY WHORES

I need my rage-o-meter to be filled, someone provide me a link

>> No.3953357

Well, I'm sorry that you have a terrible personality. I hope you grow out of that some day.

>> No.3953363

Keep convincing yourself of your brilliant personality, slut. Oh wait, you don't have to. That's what white knighting boyfriends are for.

>> No.3953365

Dont bother if you cant read moonrunes, as the translations only go up to chapter 11, and nothing totally awesome happens by then.

>> No.3953376


>> No.3953377

Terrible personality? Since when is cheating and being a liar an admirable trait? Not another faggot who reads his NGO propaganda. You know all those retards these days who grew up without or with a malfunction familiy? IT'S YOUR FAULT for destroying family values. Once you decide to fuck like a little pig and get pregnant you should surrender your personal rights and only care to be a mother. Period. NOBODY FORCED YOU TO BE A SLUT. Your own fault and now take responsibility. Period. THIS SHOULD BE MADE LAW beause it's the final destination before complete socialist takeover and Brave New World style slavery.

>> No.3953380

Found already a source with DDL

>> No.3953386
File: 305 KB, 818x1200, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta admit it is pretty real deal and better than most unrealistic portrayal of girls/women in other manga. This manga actually show how dumb most girls are.

The main heroine was implied to be fucked and filmed by her first boyfriend to show to his friend.

The 2nd girl (the one depicted in the OP) was probably fuck by her playboy sempai.

The 3rd girl is even dumber and thought that NON VIRGIN = AWESEOME. Pic related.

>> No.3953421

Awesome. Nerds and jap otaku's should use this work for educational purposes, something that proves them right instead of raging about it. All women in modern days are sluts because they have been raised that way to be little weak-minded, indecisive, useless whores who just copy the trainwreck of a popculture that ideolizes being stupid and unresponsible, shallow and peer-group controlled. It's nothing extraordinary to see 12y old girls suck dicks because it's normal in their peer-group. How can these kind of low-level biomachines supposed ever become adults?

>> No.3953426

I hate you guys.
That first chapter made me remember how I was in middle school. ;_;

>> No.3953444

this a shoujo manga hiding in a shonen Magazine

>> No.3953447

Why would people want to read stories, about how real life is shitty?

>> No.3953448
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women ;_;

>> No.3953454
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>> No.3953466

Manga is for entertainment, not escapism.
Get a better mindset for reading stories.

>> No.3953469

entertainment is escapism

>> No.3953471

Only if you are a sad, sad man.

>> No.3953477

Which is the very reason youre on /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.3953480

You are a sad man if you are on /jp/.
If you read manga, play vidya etc to escape reality instead of entertainment, you are a sad, sad man.

>> No.3953482


Uhh, how can they be syrprised after such pavês? I'm willing yo bet that the only reason the mangaka's site was attacked was because some sort of pseudo raid. One of them must have screamed "this one character is not a virgin!" and a bunch of fags that only read shot like Lucky Star followed.

>> No.3953703


Really? Yuki told the protagonist that she had sex with her ex-boyfriend on camera in the latest RAW? From what I remember, it was only a flashback scene inside Yuki's head, and the sex was only >implied by the flashback images. But the flashback scene wasn't clear at all. For all we know the ex-boyfriend could have been fucking another girl while on camera.

Yep, looking at the picture, it *could* be Yuki, or it could easily have been another girl. Unless the author explicitly stated in the latest RAW that Yuki did have sex, thereby causing the otakus to go into RAGE mode.

>> No.3953711

Yuki hasn't told anyone anything. All the rage is from the other girl having a fucking hickey.

>> No.3953741


From what I heard, the rage started to build up the moment the otakus suspected Yuki was no longer a virgin from her flashback scene. The tennis captain getting a hickey was just the final spark needed to light the fuse and blow the author's website.

Lol Japan.

>> No.3954167

>I mean god damn it people, real life is like that, girl get banged when their 16 etc...

That's the thing, we don't give a shit about real life anymore. WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SLUTS ANYMORE. We have given up on them, and turn to anime and manga to escape to our own ideal world where girls are pure and not fucking retarded backstabbing whores like they are in reality. Anime/manga should not emulate reality, nobody reads it for that reason, if we wanted to see about the lives of sluts we could watch any show on tv or engage in any other kind of normalfag activity.

This is what bothers us the most. If sluts appear in manga, their behavior should be condemned, always. Tolerating it is bad enough as it is (we have to do that in real life all the time), but glorifying it is just unthinkable. Keep that fucking feminist bullshit out of my entertainment.

And this. The worst of it all is that girl leading the MC on, showing him she has an interest in her, and then at the slightest opportunity of getting a cock belonging to some CONFIDENT ALPHA-MALE inside her she jumps at it. That behavior is just repulsive, and worse than just the concept of her having had a relationship before and have had sex.

>> No.3954180

It's a story.
Not all characters are supposed to be a minority's perfect vision. That would be fucking boring and resolved in 8 chapters.
Shy guy likes girl, gets a bit less nervous, confesses , DONE WHOOHOO.
Seriously?And this is a school romance, not Eden with the purest girls with no fault where love goes smoothly always.The girl went with the guy she had a crush from the start.
It's too bad that stupid fans are the vocal ones.

>> No.3954194

Latest thread about this: Yuzuki ba in Kimi no Iru Machi has gotten a new boyfriend, that's why she dunped Haruto, the same rage in 2chan

>> No.3954199

I prefer virgins, but there is nothing wrong if a girl isn't one.

>> No.3954200

>comparing 3D to 2D

>> No.3954203

If you stupid fucks wouldn't be so fucking insecure about yourselves, this thread wouldn't have gotten any replies.

>> No.3954204
File: 857 KB, 2097x3028, Scan_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit.

>> No.3954211

Why so angry?
Just read the drama and laugh at all the japanese trolling and the coward mangaka that couldn't take any criticism.

>> No.3954226

i feel like reading this shit for the controversy

>> No.3954248

I hate women.
I wish they'd stop encroaching in my 2d fantasies with their sluttiness.

>> No.3954261

You fucks have no clue about why we don't like nonvirgin sluts.

It's fine if it's with someone she loves and the man is not some DQN, not fine otherwise.

>> No.3954275

You see, why we don't fucking complain if an eroge heroine have sex with the main character (or even their pair sub-character, kind of like why we don't fucking whine about hitozumas having sex with their fucking husband)

Use your brain for once, seriously.

>> No.3954283

Thank god Otaku are unlikely to reproduce...


>> No.3954295

I think the massive popularity of Hatsune Miku and Touhou, where the fandom has become responsible for defining the series, has emboldened otaku to think that they can somehow influence and control a series.

>> No.3954296

Except you're defining all non-virgins to be sluts

which is just stupid.

idolizing "purity" is just as bad.

>> No.3954298

fun fact: our human's natural selection is leading to domesticated humans

>> No.3954301

yah...so what.
humans have been domesticted the moment we realised that sexier and healthier guys/girls lead to sexier and healthier children.

>> No.3954302

Has /jp/ figured out that not all "irl" women are sluts yet? If you took some time to look at your college or online community, you may even find a virgin girl who isn't all that bad looking. Reality however is still harsh, and strings are attached to these kinds of women. If they're virgin and around your age, they're most likely religious, or fucked up in one way or another. Or online, they could just be stupid high school students who have not yet been exposed to slut behavior to infect their minds with. One thing you can never escape, aside from the extremely rare gems you may never find, are the lies, deception and backstabs. Sure, the girl may be virgin, but whos not to say she won't become a slut later like the one in the manga here? It is ENTIRELY possible and I'm more than willing to bet your ass it's happened to someone out there in the real world too. Anything can happen in the real world, and while in a sense is also true for manga, not in the sense that a girl can become a corrupt, vile and slimy backstabbing lying slut cunt like women IRL can. Well, GE being the recent exception.

I guess I just defeated what I was originally trying to argue.

>> No.3954303

Author was as much of a dumb bitch as her characters. WTF, sluts and feminist propaganda in a shounen magazine? There's a place to publish that shit and that's not a shonen magazine.
Good Ending? More like Terrible Ending, am i rite? The only possible good ending is the MC growing some balls and go on a killing spree school days style.

>> No.3954309

I've been liking GE. It would be a shame if the harrassment forces the mangaka to abandon or change the story.

On the other hand, the otaku probably buy the magazine and probably want only manga they like in it, just like anyone else would.

I can't sympathize with their reasons, though, as I read manga for story and possibly art. Idolizing girls is the best way to ensure you stay a creepy virgin for the rest of your life, and puts you a step closer to being a dangerous criminal.

>> No.3954319

Slutty behavior should be condemned REAL OR FICTION.

Are you really that stupid not to understand this?

>> No.3954326

>and puts you a step closer to being a dangerous criminal.

this is what feminists really believe.

>> No.3954330

with a manga called good ending this was probably planned from the beginning and it's gonna get worse

>> No.3954333

>puts you a step closer to being a dangerous criminal.


>> No.3954334

Biology fag here, not really.
Sexiness in male is closely related to testosterone levels. But testosterone has an immuno-depressing effect. Therefore high-testosterone men are likely to die younger. Of course they will probably have many children before dying but still sexy != healthy. Evolution don't care about your well-being only your reproductive success.

>> No.3954338

Condemn it?
Sure. It's a behavior that sis reprehensible etc.
Prohibiting it's very appearance as an event in a story cause you want a fictional girl untainted?
What's next, murderers should not exist in a story?
Liars should not appear at all?
Little kids that ring a doorbell and run appearing should be the cause the fans rally in order to get the author lynched?
get a grip.

>> No.3954339

Apparently the mangaka named Good Ending because of the Good End found in eroge?
Harem end confirmed?

>> No.3954345

So does that mean men who look more like girls live longer?

>> No.3954350

Nobody is prohibiting that.
But nobody is obligated to like it too.

>> No.3954351

What the fuck is this mormon shit?

Also, seriously? Damn, I hope the comic artist doesn't take all this shit way too personally. I mean, at the end of the day, all she's getting shit from is from oversized man children. It's like being insulted by a goddamn ant, who gives a shit?

>> No.3954352

>i can't think for shit

>> No.3954356

How silly. These heroines are nothing more than what happens after your little VNs are over.

Hypocrisy at its best.

>> No.3954357

I like how you started by trying to explain how all women aren't sluts and finished by saying they'll eventually turn into filthy whores.
Playing devil's advocate doesn't suit you, lad.

>> No.3954361


Actually, no, slutty behavior is not something to be condemned, any more than having ADD or autism, or PTSD. The slut is the biggest victim of this behavior, and needs help more than anything. Encouraging people to hate and mistreat sluts is hateful and ignorant.

Be a little more perceptive, people.

>> No.3954368

>encouraging slut

you don't have to encourage them, they are everywhere already.

>> No.3954369

Opinion voided.

>> No.3954370

Woo, what a retort.

>> No.3954373

Being a slut doesn't have the same effect as those other disorders you named.
When you're a slut, your disorder fucks with other people.
You don't see ADD kids screwing people's lives because they can't focus for ten minutes.

>> No.3954378

Of course they do not have to like it.
But it's one thing to do not like the direction of the story because of your tastes, and another to say 'no slut characters in my story, I fantasize about pure girls'.
If you do not like it, stop reading it, enforcing your retarded logic is ridiculous.

>> No.3954385


non virgin != slut

Read >>3952973.

Learn to differentiate a slut and non slut.
It might saved your life. The mangaka is just being an idiot. It is pretty obvious that 2ch is trolling her and how stupid it is to close a website just because of some insulting comments?

>> No.3954394
File: 52 KB, 418x509, acf40a74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non virgin, not slut. Acceptable

>> No.3954402
File: 6 KB, 130x100, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non virgin, slut, acceptable.

I just defeated all your logics. What now.

>> No.3954404

clearly you fail biology
healthy in evolutionary terms is "the ability to produce offspring"

so it doesnt matter if you're god, if you're shooting blanks, you aint healthy.

also, i said sexy AND healthy, i have no idea what you're on about, i never said sexy=healthy.

>> No.3954405

No, no. After the VN ends they are happy together forever and won't fuck anyone else.


That's what they want you think, bro.

>> No.3954406
File: 51 KB, 500x600, 1a3c1ed3f0d4bc968fab9dd36e6984fc509ad316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Haruka be so good when her daughter is so shitty

>> No.3954409

you forgot the 18+ tag. that makes everything different.

>> No.3954410

I'd probably rage more if the manga wasn't shitty to begin with.

Then again, if I were a 2ch troll I'd send hate to the mangaka too just because I could. I figure that's what 75% of the hate is coming from at any rate. No one gave two shits about her manga and it wouldn't surprise me if she's doing this for publicity.

>> No.3954413

>Implying konomi is shitty

>> No.3954415

If you have the power to do something, you do it.
I see no problem in attempting to get the world to suit your tastes.

>> No.3954416

>encouraging slut
If that's what you got from the post, then I suppose either your english speaking skills or your mental facilities are doubtful enough that I feel it would be difficult and unrewarding conversing with you.

So you don't think that being able to lose attention easily is a problem for someone who's driving a car? Think about how many accidents can be caused by not paying attention for even a moment.

>> No.3954417

This is how women think and I hope you are a woman for your sake. Otherwise you disgust me.

>> No.3954422

Ah, good example, but I have a better one.

Remember Doukyuusei 1? There was this athlete heroine named Mina, I think. In Doukyuusei 2, she appears again, but it turns out that ht e protagonist of the previous game had been cheating on her. You had the option of winning her over, and even better, do what the DQS1 protagonist did not: Make her happy.

>> No.3954424

ADD people don't really pose any dangers when they drive.
You don't need to focus that hard to avoid killing yourself and others.

>> No.3954430

While im against the whole "burn the sluts" mindset, i dont agree with you on your part.

everyone has a responsibility for their own actions, they're a grown adult.

its not an excuse to say "i couldnt help it" at such an age.

>> No.3954431

Good point.
She is acceptable as a slut.
Guess the Good Ending mangaka need to improve her character design and personality if she want to make her sluts acceptable.
Poor characterization imo.

>> No.3954436
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>> No.3954437

depends on how bad the ADD is.

>> No.3954450

If you aren't able to focus enough to drive a car, there's no fucking way you were able to get a license.

>> No.3954458

Your job as an author is amuse your readers, not making them rage and scream in pain. She trolled them, she's getting trolled back.

>> No.3954459

let me rephrase, it depends on the severity of ADD, as well as how faithful you are to following your pill schedule.

>> No.3954461

holy shit this thread is incredible

Yeah we all know the character is the self-insertion for every single /jp/ pure virgin scum there is but seriously get over it, high school is long over.

>> No.3954469

I'm telling you.
If your ADD is too severe to enable you to drive, you won't be able to get a license.
You need to focus ten times more when getting your license.
If you can't do that, you're screwed.

>> No.3954473

I consider anyone bitching about what the mangaka did with her own story to be on the same level as those who promote censorship simply because they don't like the material.

>> No.3954474


Actually, it was growing in popularity with 2ch. Until the author decided to introduce sluts into the manga. Then the inevitable otaku rage happened, and now the manga's and author's reputations are trashed.

>> No.3954478

>but seriously get over it

No, we won't forgive.

>> No.3954484

Since when, seriously, the day when authors only care about catering to their fans will be a sad day indeed.

sure, its okay here and there for "fanservice" or what not, but to dedicate their work to it? hardly.

>> No.3954485

The whole "sluts" thing otakus seem to rage about so much is essentially a misdirection in the first place. Otakus, lacking the ability to form an actual relationship with any human, desire a companion who, because of her lack of experience (sexual or otherwise), will not realize his flaws. They want someone so stupid and ignorant that they will blindly love them- in other words, someone with the mentality of a child. This is why so many weeaboo fucks are also pedophiles, but those who retain some small semblance of moral dignity will settle for a woman with a child's mindset. Thus, the "sluts" mentality comes not from there being anything inherently wrong with a sexually active woman (in fact most healthy individuals would prefer someone with knowledge and experience with whom they could actually have an intellectually stimulating relationship), but from the fact that any woman who is educated enough to understand that the otaku is a selfish misanthrope would be ruined for him.

>> No.3954490

Actually, invoking emotions over the story and characters is the point. Motherfucking definition of drama, especially with tragedies.
Έστιν ουν τραγωδία μίμισης πράξεως σπουδαίας και τελείας,μέγεθος εχούσις χωρίς εκάστου των μελών εν τοις μορίοις ηδυσμένω λόγω δι' ελέοθ και φόβου περαίνουσα την των τοιούτων παθημάτων κάθαρσιν.

>> No.3954497

I wish for nothing more than an educated woman.
I just don't want her with dirty cocks inside her.
I don't even care about having sex with her.

>> No.3954502

Everybody whining about hurp durp otaku scums, go read my posts.


And use your fucking brain.

>> No.3954504

Well, telling the author to publish her shit elsewhere and forbidding something to be published anywhere are different things. I bet some few girl readers are loving this shitty manga because they can totaly relate to the characters. We can respect at least that.

>> No.3954513

Too bad she is a coward and shut down her website.
It would be funny reading the comments.

>> No.3954515

but people focus more during the test than in a day to day situation.

so passing a test still makes you suceptable to distractions.

>> No.3954518

You will only make sense to people who use the same fucked up thought process as you.

>> No.3954522

>i can't think for shit

>> No.3954524

The people complaining probably have not any interest on real women anymore.
Go spit your feminist "experienced are better because sluts think so" arguments elsewhere. We have no ears for you.

>> No.3954525

You obviously don't know the highest causes of traffic accidents. It's distraction. ADD is a disorder where people ARE EASILY DISTRACTED. Guess what? ADD increases the likelihood of an accident, if not mitigated with pills and such.

They don't keep you from retaking the test if you failed. All it takes is a little luck and/or a lenient instructor.

Because people don't seem to get it, the point of this post was that they should be cured. Not condemned, not condoned, but cured. Mental diseases have only recently started to be recognized as such - just because sluttiness isn't recognized right now doesn't mean it isn't a disease. Even if it isn't, treating a slut as a leper or a whore isn't going to help her stop being a slut - it's just going to cause pain.

If you just want to cause pain, and I know some of you do, then go ahead and condemn them for being a slut. Otherwise, just leave them alone.

>> No.3954529


Dude why are you replying to an obvious copy pasta seriously.

>> No.3954533

>Not condemned, not condoned, but cured.
Please enlightened me on how you want to cure stupidity?

>> No.3954534

>curing sluts

derp they became sluts because they wanted to

>> No.3954535

Your shit, at least.
And why can't you post normally and say 'You cannot think for shit?'
Do you think the quote adds a coat of acid wit or something?

>> No.3954539

holy shit could you guys please talk more about fucking sluts with dripping wet cunts eager for thick black cocks riding cars suffering from ADD because I really do want to read more about that thank you.

>> No.3954541

>derp i can't think for shit

>> No.3954546
File: 37 KB, 400x267, woman only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, Japan sucks like that.
I mean, okay, I'm glad for all the anime and so forth, but Japan is a sexist, shitty country which is why I can't play VNs.

>> No.3954548

I'm bored as fuck. This is /jp/, after all.

>> No.3954556

Living in Thailand is detrimental to building proper counter-arguments, or is it just you?

>> No.3954559

You're mad at a women only section on the train? Do you know how much molestation occurs on those things?

>> No.3954564

LOL japanese perverts

>> No.3954568

>implying i want to correct your retardness just because you can't think for shit.

>> No.3954575

Extensive testing would be necessary, but my first impulse would be to consider it as a confusion between sex and love, usually related to the trauma of being abused or raped while young, possibly by her father, and especially from the man saying he only raped her because he loved her.

The cure would generally be to find other ways to show her love other than sex and make sure she understands that those mean as much as sex or more. This being simple, but at the same time it would require the one curing her to devote himself to her purely, and restraining his own desires. Something I doubt people here can really do.

>> No.3954577

At least I can spell and do not repeat myself.

>> No.3954583

You know they made a section of a train women only to prevent groping, etc right?

>> No.3954597

Loving without measure is as bad as sluttiness.

>> No.3954608

There's not so much rape in Japan as fiction makes you think.
They choose to be like that because all her stupid friends told her it's cool to fuck everyone.

>> No.3954621
File: 89 KB, 565x530, 1146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3954623

Man check out that guy's face. It's practically the author's little "FUCK YOU" to the NEETs.

>> No.3954632

all this pseudo-psychology is boring

any other good NTR manga?

>> No.3954635

'See this faggots?
The girl goes out with a guy she likes instead of the lead with whom she did not really have a relationship. Great trolling'

>> No.3954636

Oh /jp/, you are so silly.

>> No.3954637
File: 15 KB, 482x307, 1261496183907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3954643

I like the premise of this scene better. Afterall, his gimpface.bmp wouldnt be half as satisfying in other settings.

>> No.3954646

Man... I went to onemanga hoping to see more than 11 chapters out, and it doesn't look like it'll be very consistent either.

>> No.3954651

Mangaka should have published in a shoujo magazine. Everything would have been fine.

>> No.3954653

No shit, son. Youre going to pick up sufficient amounts of kanji to read manga faster than get this shit translated.

>> No.3954657

Well good thing I happen to be studying now anyway.

>> No.3954659

Not even /jp/ would stoop so low... or would they?

>> No.3954668

I think /jp/ would go for the traditional western way of expressing displeasure. By which I mean pitchforks and torches.

>> No.3954670
File: 234 KB, 810x1200, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story bro

>> No.3954681

Well we havent pushed Katawa Shoujo out of the web yet. Which means that we.... like it?

>> No.3954687

I wouldn't be surprised. /jp/ is the closest equivalent to a real life tsundere.

>> No.3954689

Oh geez, a non-experiences in matters of love girl wondering whether she might like a guy, but never committing herself to him and choosing her first (mentioned) crush ?

>> No.3954695

You know, I really like GE, because the characters almost have human personalities.

What you faggots are missing is that this slut behavior is not being idolized or encouraged. It's quite the opposite, in fact. What's going on in the story is stupid high school kids acting like stupid high school kids. We're supposed to feel Utsumi's pain over this betrayal.

Sometimes a good story punches you in the gut.

>> No.3954698

What 'betrayal'?
At most, he was rejected.
Sympathize with that.

>> No.3954699

Katawa Shoujo is doing it the right way.
We just don't like the stupid spamming.

>> No.3954706

We all were Utsumis in high school ;_;

>> No.3954707

>We're supposed to feel Utsumi's pain

People don't read shounen to feel pain. Author is still a dumb bitch.

>> No.3954715

Maybe you should judge a story by its content and not its demographic?

>> No.3954716

feminist spotted. go and read your shojou manga and get out of my shounen mango

>> No.3954719

This.... kind of reminds me of Yamatogawa's art... Interesting.

>> No.3954721

Tell it to Japan. I don't give a shit.

>> No.3954727

Yes. And the demographic tends to be the judges. Which it did, resulting in this glorified shitfest. The fact still stands, that people dont read a story called "Good End" on Shounen Jump to get punched in the gut.

>> No.3954728

I wish I could, but I am unable to express my rage with the proper level of condescension in japanese.

>> No.3954731

It's easy to say that when you are not putting your money in a magazine that is supposed to be ridden of shit like that.

>> No.3954770

A girl can be a non-virgin without being a slut. Such characters, for the most part(meaning, outside of the extremist POV), are generally accepted.
Girl been in a serious relationship before, that for some (legitimate) reason didn't work out? Non-sluttish
Girl been raped? Shit sucks, but not sluttish.
Girl going out to fuck some guy to look "cool"? Sluttish.
Girl fucking random guys just for fun? Sluttish.

Also, inb4 "Misogynist!". The same things apply to males.

The general response to the mangaka here was a bit extreme, yes. But half of the people here condemning the Otaku are just as bad. You're generally telling people not to force their views on others, and you're doing the exact same thing.

>> No.3954790


No one's complaining about otakus "forcing their views on otakus" so much as that the otaku's views are just bad. If otakus actually had any authority to force their views on anyone, society would probably be somewhat similar to Saudi Arabia or Yemen.

>> No.3954797


they don't care about 3d women, so no. however if they did, women would have short skirts and hair accessories.

>> No.3955087

Most reasonable post made so far.

>> No.3955562

>idolizing "purity" is just as bad.
No, it is not. In fact, purity is a virtue which feminists (sluts who don't want to be called sluts) are actively trying to make seem like it "doesn't matter" and is "old-fashioned", only so they can live like a whore without any repercussions. Well, we'll be the judges of that.

Saying idolizing "purity" is bad is like saying idolizing faithfullness is bad, which coincidentally, is something feminists tend to do also.


THIS. The point isn't that this author can't write garbage like this. The whole point is that she shouldn't expect the people she is trying to market her work to to like it.

You can be as artistically free as you like, but then don't complain if your values differ greatly from those of your target demographic that they shun you.


>Saudi Arabia or Yemen
Yes, there is no alternative other than the opposite extreme, right? Either women can be total sluts (read: "sexually liberated" in feminist language) or get stoned to death for being raped. Asking them to not fuck on the first date or while already in a relationship is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE, right?

>> No.3955631
File: 421 KB, 972x1400, ge-good-ending-17_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is why they raged?
