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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39493302 No.39493302 [Reply] [Original]

>makes an exhibition of old concept art and many interesting trivia about one of the early games
>makes sure no pictures are allowed so people who are too busy or overseas won't be able to see any of it.
>lets a DMCA claim get sent to the moriya website, disabling access to even the pc98 games that aren't available anywhere anymore.
>sells a new limited edition CD for a day but then still take down reuploads of the tracks featured in it, without even posting them himself on spotify.
Why is he like this suddenly

>> No.39493325
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retiring after 19 so hes cashing in as much as he can

>> No.39493359

He only cares about gachas now.

>> No.39493412

who are you quoting

>> No.39493478

im so tired of crossies

>> No.39493664

>makes sure no pictures are allowed
I fucking hope he's preparing a book of all that stuff for sale at least, otherwise that's just a dick move for absolutely no reason at all

>> No.39493704

Who are you quoting?
Your bad posting habits aside I'm pretty upset with ZUN's recent string of decisions.
He doesn't want the official 6 and 7 height chart to be public knowledge

>> No.39494248

He's only let PC98 be playable at said exhibitions, so I imagine that's probably a major reason why he also went after the PC98 games online.
As for the CD; I have no idea about that shit, I think it's something to do with a song technically not being for Touhou on there. But he's also enabling scalpers which is very disappointing. Just fucking release the CD you dunce.
Touhou's not even feeling indie, let alone dojin anymore.

>> No.39494639

>2hu gacha licensed
If you have more than two brain cells, you can see what's going on.
One, the free-for-all of the foreign scene is no more since the Steam release of the game.
Two, time to think about retirement.

>> No.39494940

For fucks sakes why doesn't zun release an art book
He has a ton of hand drawn concept art shown in one of the older interviews and they look pretty amazing and I bet almost every fan is gonna want a copy of it if it were ever made.

>> No.39494989

ZUN doesn't exist to serve his fans. He just makes stuff and allows others to experience what he creates as he wishes.

>> No.39494998

Honestly if he did a guidebook style work like PMiSS with his art that'd be fucking awesome
But I guess it's easier to just pay your friends whatever to draw illustrations, even way back then

>> No.39495025

>doesn't exist to serve his fans
>still expect his fans to pay up like piggies for bugged ridden games
Pick one.
If he had actually lived by that belief, then just releasing them for free/being OK with piracy at the very least would be alright for him.

>> No.39495171
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>> No.39495173

Why would he ever do that? He doesn't care if you play the game or not, he's giving you the privilege of experiencing it. Pay up or fuck off.

>> No.39495194

That or he knows how so called more appealing artstyles sell better, or it could be an excuse to hang with friends in the scene

>> No.39495383

Uh, why would they be mutually exclusive, are you retarded?
If you make something and don't make it perfect and people still buy it, that's your fault? Guess we need to take down Bethesda and From to name a few.

>> No.39495393

If you expect someone to pay then it's a product for others and therefore you're catering to others.

>> No.39495420

That's really not at all how it works. You put out a product and whether people pay for it despite its flaws is on them. The only time it's "bad" is if you falsely advertise

>> No.39495433

Why does jp expect ZUN to suck their dicks?

>> No.39495485

This is where you keep being wrong.

>> No.39495519

If he didn't want people to experience them without paying then he shouldn't even release them at all. He's expecting payment so you can play his games.

>> No.39495763

>Why is ZUN like this
He's Japanese.

>> No.39495816

The Jews of East Asia

>> No.39496052

Nothing stops me from putting a $10 tag on my poop drawing on convention. If it doesn't sell I leave, if someone buy it that's on them as long as I don't coat shit and deliberately "goad" people to buy my drawing.
I might do something to improve if I feel like it or due to certain circumstances but there's no real obligation to do shit.

>> No.39496600

ZUN can do whatever the fuck he wants also who are you quoting

>> No.39496623

>ZUN can do whatever the fuck he wants
Whatever happened to doujin spirit? The spice must flow.

>> No.39496666

Family to feed, brewery to open up, the money must flow

>> No.39496679

He isn't hurting for money.

>> No.39496729

You're not ZUN, you don't know that.

>> No.39496742


>> No.39496818

I don't need to be him to infer that he isn't hurting for money. Touhou is huge in Japan, they have conventions for it every year, and he runs a brewery on top of it all.

>> No.39496857

Nigga he's got kids, a brewery and a wardrobe to fill up with flower hats, don't act like you know how, he might be barely scraping by.

>> No.39497333

Doujin artists also earned money. Always have

>> No.39497350

Wow what a poor man...

Still pirating, though. He brought this on himself. You would think he would learn by now to expand his market outside Japan, creating remakes of older games, and hiring translators.

>> No.39497521


>> No.39497527

zun probably just doesn't want people to know how good the pc98 games are because he's getting long in the tooth

>> No.39497570

It is practically impossible to find Touhou anywhere in Japan. It's all mainstream anime shit, even in Akihabra say for one store. Touhou has mainly been big in online spheres and has hardly left those sphere to be seen by the greater public eye. Idk how much gachas, his games and CDs, Reitaisai and Comiket nets him but I don't think it's a very large amount.

>> No.39497595

Trying to keep a tiny niche of copywrited material going while not being struck down by the owners because you caught their eye is doujin spirit. If people wanted to play the early games so bad, some one should remake them and sell them themselves.

>> No.39497720

because he's an old autistic alcoholic

>> No.39497967

its a lot harder to do to something like 2hu because unlike a corporate property that the other doujin artists have some solidarity in avoiding you'll be pissing off another technicallyadoujincircle and other circles will see that and not like you for it. Not that you still cant do it, but you will definately not recieve any warm welcome from other circles if you plagarize content in a way zun wouldnt want. I dont understand this kind of autism, but judging by how many people say "you have have my permission if you use my ideas/characters/etc" while getting fucking zero permission from anyone else for theirs in the west, It's not really surprising how prevelant this stupidity is. It's only made worse by how gay copywright and trademark are.

>> No.39498158

Honestly, that fans seem to believe what a creator makes belongs to them and that the creator owes them more content and that they should have the right to do what they want with that content for free even if they make money off of it themselves makes me more supportive of copyright laws, even if I think the idea of plagiarism outside of word by word copying and piracy outside of selling bootlegs are dumb things to go after. Like if you buy the game, you own the game and if you want to make thousands of copies and give them out that's fine, but believing that someone is obligated to sell something to you or allow you direct access to it is asinine. Without copyright, it'd be just like the translation scene, a bunch of worthless lazy nobodies begging for content from the handful of providers all the time instead of contributing, and then having the gall to complain when it's not served exactly the way they imagined it.

>> No.39498306

Once he got his first Steam paycheck, doujin principles go out the window. Nice going, westernoids.

>> No.39498484
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>It is practically impossible to find Touhou anywhere in Japan. It's all mainstream anime shit, even in Akihabra say for one store.
It's still pretty prevalent in Akiba if you look through the surface.

Funny thing related to that, I took a random photo of Colonel Sanders' reflection and later noticed there's an UFO catcher full of Touhou figures in the background.

>> No.39498649

>doujin spirit
Nobody stops you from creating derivative works using the 2hu characters and setting. Even commercial ones, though maybe you have to ask ZUN for permission. He even allows gachashit, so it's doubtful that he will stop you from releasing anything 2hu related.
Try to release a fangame of Disney characters and see the difference when their lawyers rape you from twelve directions.

Why the confusion about piracy of the main games? Is it because PC-98 cannot be found at any store? This should be solved if someone slaps ZUN.

>> No.39498707

Doujin spirit means creative freedom, not free games you dumb consumer

>> No.39499238

ZUN's never going to resell the PC-98 games at this point since Alicesoft would slap the taste right out of his mouth if he did.

>> No.39499699

>>Why the confusion about piracy of the main games? Is it because PC-98 cannot be found at any store? This should be solved if someone slaps ZUN.
still convinced he vaguely wants the old series to remain dead

>> No.39499786

>You would think he would learn by now to expand his market outside Japan, creating remakes of older games, and hiring translators.
All this demand that needs money to realized but cosoomers still whining about wanting the game for free

>> No.39499851

You're going to flip when you find out what comiket means.

>> No.39499887

Marriage. That's it.

>> No.39499893
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>> No.39500070

>>makes an exhibition of old concept art and many interesting trivia about one of the early games
Fuck I need to see that, no idea why many companies are so against showing old concept art.

>> No.39500699
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>Still pirating, though.

>> No.39500893

He has not only gacha money but merch money, manga money, ENGLISH TRANSLATED manga money, streaming service money and probably more avenues that I've lost track of. That's not counting the brewery.
My man is not hurting for cash. He is fine. Also a consoomer buys shit no matter what, not pirate.

>> No.39501515

fuck ZUN, touhou music megapack is still mine you nigger

>> No.39504171

>Honestly, that fans seem to believe what a creator makes belongs to them and that the creator owes them more content and that they should have the right to do what they want with that content for free even if they make money off of it themselves makes me more supportive of copyright laws, even if I think the idea of plagiarism outside of word by word copying and piracy outside of selling bootlegs are dumb things to go after.
because thats objectively right, children should have financial access to the content that made up their childhood. it is absolutely a fucking crime that they cant. 28 years was enough.

>> No.39504204

he doesnt have the rights?

>> No.39504245

Fuck off back to your shithole

>> No.39504588
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>Hate Gigachad
>Love Aniki, who was basically /jp/'s version of Gigachad

>> No.39504610

Who are you quoting?

>> No.39504651


>> No.39504877

Reminder to report and ignore trolls.

>> No.39505008
File: 56 KB, 640x400, hrtp makai 16-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is probably referring to how stages 16-19 in HRTP's Makai route use a modified CG from AliceSoft's Toushin Toshi 2 for the stage background. Presumably without permission.

>> No.39505055

People who disagree with your opinion is trolling now?
Go back to social media.
That isn't even getting into the library licensing issues. I also assume the other HRtP backgrounds are ripped from other games seeing as he never quite hit that same level of quality again until Windows era, but it's probably a pain in the ass to match everything up.

>> No.39505257

Aniki isn't the Gigachad of /jp/. What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.39505343

This whole thread deserves to be destroyer, Meido are you there?

>> No.39506095

Mate, Meido hasn't been here since Christmas 2020.

>> No.39507229

yo momma

>> No.39507424

Can't he sell the other PC-98 games? Many people don't even play HRTP because it's not danmaku.

>> No.39507858

"Uhm yeah sweetie the niggerization of this one man is YOUR fault"

>> No.39508387

the money ZUN makes from touhou derivative works, conventions etc. should prevent him from needing to milk the PC98 games and remove the Moriya download links
this is all so disappointing ><

also with lost word and the Touhou titles on Steam, you'd think he wouldn't *need* to resort to this?
if I'm remembering correctly ZUN clamping down this hard is quite rare, right?

>> No.39508397

It really is. ZUN was accustomed to making a tasteful, modest income selling a limited quantity of physical copies at conventions and real life retail, he never made much money off these. Once he put his games on steam, he got a taste of the massive, extremely lucrative digital copies and western paypiggies that buy shit just to fill their steam library and increase e-peen.

>> No.39508565

What the fuck are you talking about? ZUN only accepted piracy in the West because it was the only way for Western fans to experience his work. Now that it isn't, Western fans are like any other and have to pay what is owed.

>> No.39508580

That's exactly what I mean. He assumed the west was not interested on his games until he saw the fuckhuge sales to westernoids on steam and realized "holy shit all these years I've bee giving my games for free to people willing to pay so much" and went on a DMCA spree.

>> No.39508613

please understand
must fund alcohol addiction

>> No.39508642

The pc98 games are probably owned by his university and not by him.

>> No.39508662

and yet the copyright strikes are certainly by zun and his own lawyer looking to rinse websites like Moriya clean of the last freely available 2hu games ><
plus I mean if the pc98s were released again ZUN would be the only one standing to profit

>> No.39508674

At the cost of Touhou no longer being remotely doujin/indie, I guess...

>> No.39508687

The definition of indie is so fucked even "small publishers" are considered independent
It means nothing anymore, and hasn't in a while

>> No.39508728

He owns ZUN soft dude.

>> No.39510562

And this is my fault, and his decision is also my fault, somehow. Even after me downloading the japanese version of th6 and so forth until SA (because fuck) off the internet.

Its all my fault, and never his.

>> No.39511084

Doujin/Indie was never meant to be anti-business and that everything has to be cheap or free.
Nothing says you can't sell your homemade stuff for $1000 and people forgot even circles like Crow's Claw like to take down reuploads and prevent free-sharing since long ago, and that corporations like merchandise company always has presence in doujin market and ZUN have worked with them for a long time. Gacha is not different.

>> No.39511696

ZUN is holding Tasogare Frontier back from going the way of French Bread and Type-Moon and they intend to drag him kicking and screaming out of the doujin world if that's what they have to do.

>> No.39512442

I haven't been into Touhou since Th16. What the fuck happened to the franchise?

>> No.39513198

Tasogare is essentially one guy who only makes games when ZUN asks him to, and even then they're delayed for years.

>> No.39513212


>> No.39513357

They've made lots of other games like basically every good Touhou fangame (e.g. Patchcon and that puzzle game with Satori's family)and Grief Syndrome. It's only ZUN's shitty fighters that they don't care about and as long as ZUN keep coming to them for those games, they can't be free to move on and make what they want.

>> No.39514880

You're like 10 years too late.

>> No.39519279

Gatcha does have the difference of being of being even more retarded that merchandise, by merit of being jpgs and aleatory. So theres not even autistic japs I can pay for my gay ass toys from those stupid claw prize machines

>> No.39519487

makes sense

>> No.39519504 [DELETED] 

Zun is a hack

>> No.39520099

ZUN is a genius.

>> No.39529470 [DELETED] 


>> No.39529593

With how he's acting now I wonder how much ZUN regrets not having whoring out 2hu from the beginning.
His wife probably yells at him every night for all those billion yens he missed out.

>> No.39529855

I bet ZUN made over 50 million yen off Steam. Touhou 18 had 3000 people playing it on release day on Steam.

>> No.39529904

This is something I don't understand about gacha players. Why pay hundreds of dollars trying to get the character you want when you can download the pictures and voice lines from the internet?

>> No.39530048

Ha it's like an NTF

>> No.39530237

I'm happy for ZUN that he's finally getting some of the money he deserves. The amount of money he makes is probably 1%-5% of the entire Touhou industry. There's entire companies that do nothing but work on Touhou fan games. But like many things Japanese involving foreign market opportunities. He's over a decade late. People get upset because he has a face and the studio that made Touhou Mystia's Izakaya, NextNinja and CAVE don't have a face.

ZUN should do console releases first as digital releases then physical Switch and PS4 releases. Steam sales are only a taste of the sales he could get.

>> No.39530715

How many times are you willing to buy the same game?

>> No.39530979

Not him, but if they include new content I would bt knowing ZUNm it is probably going to be the same thing over and over, nothing new :/

>> No.39533535

>The amount of money he makes is probably 1%-5% of the entire Touhou industry.

The Touhou industry has got as big as it's become *because* he made only 1%-5% you fool. It created an incredibly low cost of entry and that money circulated and spiraled and grew exponentially in the industry. There's a damn good chance you and I wouldn't have ever heard of Touhou if it wasn't for those few people in the beginning telling their friends about it, and those friends pirating it for free. In fact, there's a damn good chance that ZUN's latest DMCA stunt is going to kill Touhou for good.

>> No.39533595

So the Touhou fan games that have been sending out DMCAs is perfectly fine and it's only bad when ZUN does it? You also completely missed my point and went off on some bitchy topic that has nothing to do with anything I said. Good job.

>> No.39533722

The subject matter is Touhou, so I don't need to address your off-topic drivel about other matters.

>So the Touhou fan games that have been sending out DMCAs is perfectly fine and it's only bad when ZUN does it?
This is a strawman. I did not even hint at this. By the way, DMCA notice can only be substantiated when it's the *copyright holder* issuing them, so your implication that others doing it with regard to Touhou is moot.

And yes, I do have a problem when ZUN issues out DMCAs on content *HE HIMSELF* has stolen and committed gross copyright infringement by not only hosting, but profiting from other people's work. https://spaztron64.github.io/th98tuc_site/

And, Considering that Ruw (and by extension ZUN) is willing to fight against preservation efforts of a set of long abandoned and discontinued games for a discontinued computer platform with no re-release in sight, there's no better time to bring the legality of these games' existence to the public spotlight.

>> No.39534282

this would have never happened if that one twitterfag didn't blow shit out of proportion

>> No.39534646

You're finally starting to understand

>> No.39534684

Now that 2hu has officially declined into the dark ages are there even any fan gmes worth buying?

>> No.39534774

>In fact, there's a damn good chance that ZUN's latest DMCA stunt is going to kill Touhou for good.
No it won't. Stop doomposting.

>> No.39534957

People seriously overestimate the relevance of western fans.

>> No.39535085

The simple truth is that 'doujin spirit' and whatever has never been about releasing shit for free and making it available for everyone. If anything it's the opposite.

>> No.39535128

Dojin spirit is making something because you can, regardless if you make income from it or not.
Chasing after "lost" money is not dojin spirit.
Of course pro DMCA fags misunderstand that point entirely.

>> No.39535257
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Americans think that everything must be done for a profit, they have no hobbies or passion other than making money.

>> No.39535702

Copyright all you want Zun
The community has already lived off pirating things its not gonna suddenly go braindead and say "welp guess the only way is to order a physical CD copy of this old game and install it on my computer that doesn't have a CD drive any... oh"

>> No.39536030

It's not even lost money at this point. Those PC-98 games are outdated and not even sold by him anymore. What ZUN is expecting to gain from this bewilders me.

>> No.39536667

Mystia izakaya is the popular thing but it truly is good, but you already knew that.
Another weird but also good fangame I would say is Undertale 2, dont ask and it is also free

>> No.39536700

>Dojin spirit is making something because you can, regardless if you make income from it or not.
Not quite
Proof is... everyone who made a profit off of it. Feee stuff is rare

>> No.39536720

Bro ZUN is Japanese not American...

>> No.39536729

Comiket stands for Comic Market, not comic free for all

>> No.39537196

>Guess we need to take down Bethesda and From
Yes. They are pests and need to fuck off.

>> No.39537273

51st state.

>> No.39537283

Man you're a pathetic faggot

>> No.39541141

Do you think Comiket is the only place dojin content is released?
The profit is so low for most creators unless they're popular. Printing (cd, books, other assorted goods) costs outweigh sales.

>> No.39542473

>Do you think Comiket is the only place dojin content is released?
Not what I said. My point is that profit is evidently a point.

I should also imagine that the majority of creators would stock and print enough with the expectation for either breaking even or a little green (otherwise again, it's a "why do it at all" thing if you could just release it for free online--why? Because you want money)

>> No.39542521

To create connections with the fanbase and other creators? To see more content that they personally like in the world?
I don't think many people would bother making half of the bizarre content that they do if it was all about profit. Getting into dojin with the expectation of solely making money is foolish.

>> No.39542545

You can create many more connections and spread them father online, no? It's excusable to not use such methods 40 years ago but the means are there. You don't even need to print anything to create like this. So, why put a price tag on it?

>> No.39542630

Things with a price tag have more value.

Something free is free. You don't expect anything, as it's free. If it's good, cool. If it's bad, oh well, it's free.

If something costs 10 bucks, you want something for it. You expect something for it. And as a creator you want to deliver something for it. Something people are willing to pay for and feel happy about.

It's less about making tons of money, and more about putting value on the product. Of course exceptions can always exist.
Also sharing stuff online isn't free. You still need the hardware and software to actually create stuff, that costs money. Online only can also go under with all the huge amount of content available, especially free content. Physical stuff isn't available unlimited and goes out of stock eventually. That in itself also puts more value on the product.

Biggest issue of online only really. The value of things is just not anywhere near of something that has a limited quantity. I always said this about the gaming industry. The digital market is a good and bad thing. Good thing for them is: Can't sell your game. Bad thing is: You won't buy something that you don't want to play now, as it's gonna be cheaper later on anyway.

>> No.39542754

>Things with a price tag have more value.
>Something free is free. You don't expect anything, as it's free. If it's good, cool. If it's bad, oh well, it's free.
That isn't really true, it's made up, it's a lie of capitalism--not that I dislike capitalism.

Also software is... was (once upon a time, I know adobe has been shit about this for several years) a one time fee, or no fee if you're a student. Value isn't even real, value is just what people determine. The actual embodiment of this mythical doujin spirit you purported Japanese makers having (of which most do not have) is actually possessed rather plentifully in the west via webcomics. Yes, costs go into those, but the main content--the comic--is usually entirely free. Monetization, if the creator even wants to monetize, is optional via merchandise or physical releases or is provided from running ads--nothing in the way of the content, though.

Given how violently a lot of Japanese artists--or, in fairness, most traditional comic artists or book authors--tend to react to piracy, it certainly sounds like "I want payment for my efforts", and no matter if that payment you expect is large or small, it's payment you're expecting and payment that undermines some idea of creating for creating's sake.

I say this, personally also, as someone who both creates for money (professional writing) and writes for free (fanfiction). I prefer the latter, to be honest. I actually DON'T really understand deriving pleasure from profiting for what you create, and my paying gig is less about "writing" and more about "using the skills I have to earn money". Still creative and still enjoyable, but I've written much more stuff for free than for profit.
I don't begrudge seeking profit. I don't think any of this means anything.

>> No.39543035


>> No.39543964

You've never played a manager tycoon game or something? You sometimes just wanna make things because number go up genuinely just feels good. Nta just wanted to add my few cents (aha im so clever)

>> No.39544413

Why do people care so much about Moriya Shrine DMCA? Don't they know they can just simply google Touhou <number here> download and boom, you have several download links? I just re-downloaded th9 again 2 days ago.

>> No.39544738

I imagine the reason people are worried is that the Moriya Shrine DMCA will start a domino effect that will shut down numerous other sites hosting the same content

>> No.39546024

That's understandable, but the thing is, we don't have to rely on big sites, I downloaded Touhou 9 from a random video on youtube, while it was downloading, I found that there are tons of vids with links to the rest of the games, it might not be centralized as it requires you to search for it, but it gets really hard to take down, especially by people overseas who don't even know the basics of english.

>> No.39546057

It's not just the official games, but fangames as well. Some of the fangames shown on the townhouse archive are much more difficult to find online, if they even are online at all.

>> No.39546379
File: 474 KB, 1000x1000, 496687b8d4f52c1605cb94e2339fbcba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread reminds me of that scene from the Simpsons where Homer's talking to fat loser who's whining about Itchy and Scratchy while wearing a "Genius at Work" t-shirt.

Do you guys really think ZUN owes you anything after literal decades of free-for-all? Doesn't he deserve to make money on a product he's poured his entire life into making? You tards are just butthurt because ZUN isn't literally completely ignoring foreign piracy of his games anymore, and getting into shitfits because you can't access the oldest and non-canon games in a series with a billion and a half entries as easily as you used to be able to.

Presumably, everyone here is a Touhou superfan, so why don't you have these PC98 games downloaded already? And if you do, why are you butthurt they got taken off the most centralized place you geeks could get them?

This is pathetic and I'm glad this is mostly western yankee doodle contrarian complaining, and not something that ZUN will likely ever hear about. I like Touhou, and it'd be a shame if he gave up or began to hate making games because of sudden fan backlash after nearly 30 years of total camaraderie.

>> No.39546395

It's not like they make Touhou spin-offs every year. All these good games were also made in-between official spin-off productions. Nothing really stops them other than motivation/ideas.

>> No.39546421

Subjective. Japanese don't see gacha as an issue so they welcome it into doujin scene.

>> No.39546445
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i think it's fine for him to take down the games that can be bought on steam, foreigners have a way to buy those games so he has no reason to tolerate piracy. But as for the games that aren't on steam, especially the pc98 games, he should've left those up on the shrine. But at the end of the day the DMCA did nothing, if you don't know where to find other downloads for the game, you're an idiot

>> No.39546666

>DMCA did nothing
I remember something like if infringement gets brought up to you and you let it slide you basically give away your right to ever DMCA anything, so ZUN is probably just going along with what his lawyer mutt is saying here

>> No.39551081

Youre a retard and those islanders too, fuck off

>> No.39551105

"No you see it is good that ZUN is deleting his roots and his old games, because you see you are an idiot for not having them already and you should definitely keep sucking his dick bro. Yeah yeah it doesn't matter that shooting the pc98 stuff down leaves a bad taste in the mouth and almost makes it seem he doesn't want those things shared from the hands of old fans to new fans, Touhou Is For Everyone! (tm)"

>> No.39552937

technically it's up to him to decide whether those games persist or not, in a way?

May be illegal though. I think the US had archival laws or something

>> No.39554565

>No you see it is good that ZUN is deleting his roots and his old games, because you see you are an idiot for not having them already and you should definitely keep sucking his dick bro. Yeah yeah it doesn't matter that shooting the pc98 stuff down leaves a bad taste in the mouth and almost makes it seem he doesn't want those things shared from the hands of old fans to new fans, Touhou Is For Everyone!
This but unironically.

>> No.39554858
File: 1007 KB, 1303x1129, 5b46ac630714f556f858c435dd08d906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad taste in the mouth
>almost makes it seem he doesn't want those things shared from the hands of old fans to new fans

What a pathetic, selfish argument. Consider someone else besides your self for a second.

>> No.39554993

It's more selfish to put something out there for people to see and then take it back and condeming the people who saw it

>> No.39558562

Because he is married and his daughters needs to eat well.

>> No.39558576

His property his rules.

>> No.39558847

>Doesn't he deserve to make money on a product he's poured his entire life into making?
I want to buy the PC98 and early windows games, but that doesn't seem to be an option.

>> No.39558879

You misunderstood him. He never said it's about releasing things for free. Just that income isn't relevant.

>> No.39558986

Can't the same be said to ZUN as well?

>> No.39558994

Despite the fact that his property contains the stolen property of others?

>> No.39560840

>Despite the fact that his property contains the stolen property of others?
maybe those pc98 stuffs that's probably one of the reasons for him to " take it back"?

>> No.39560913

I don't care, I will "pirate" ZUN's shit, because that's what's good for me, and he will try to stop me, because that's what is good for him.
I don't like how people try to present themselves as "morally" superior for taking one stance or another. It's tiresome. I can't realistically stop anybody from doing that, I just want you to know that I think you are ultra gay.

>> No.39561456

But why show case the games at special events?
If you really wanted to ignore it, why pimp them out? He could just not acknowledge them or not allow people to play them at these events yet he does both anyway.

>> No.39561894

Youre retarded, get killed

>> No.39561911

Stfu ZUN. Don't file DMCA complaints on abandonware, cunt.

>> No.39562022

My honest thoughts on all of this is that his legal team had to do it to maintain their outlook as a professional company.
I don't think ZUN really gives a fuck or that he has changed.
I think his hand is being pulled and he doesnt have much say on it.
All though this is probably cope.

>> No.39562799

No no please understandu
must buy alcohol, addiction des

>> No.39563875

> Get wife.
> Have 2 kids with said wife.
> Realize that you need money to make your wife and two pieces of shit happy.
> Turn passion project of your life into profitable franchise with gacha and shit, despite being against it for years.
> Bare fangs on fans for doing something that they were doing for years and was directly connected to your fucking passion project becoming worldwide phenomenon.

ZUN is an empty shell of who he was, a drone driven by need to satisfy his woman and two human larvae.

>> No.39564272

To be honest I find this to be the best case scenario.

>> No.39564369

We already know who's doing it on behalf of ZUN, and it's not like this is a sudden change in policy.

>> No.39564865

Didn't he make a game, only show it at a convention, and no copies of it were ever released?

>> No.39567091

What kind of game was it ?

>> No.39567467

Not that anon but Gold Rush I think.

>> No.39567658

He talked a bit in Magical Astronomy about how the cost of living in industrialized countries like Japan has increased and with that increase causes low birth rates

>Like a proverbial Noah's Ark, capitalism had exacerbated society's inequalities through economics. As a result, nations across the board had shown a decline in birth rates, though this was all merely a sign that they had entered capitalism's final stage: population control.
As one of the first nations to have had to turn its attention to the issues brought on by rapidly declining birth rates and population collapse, Japan was able to skillfully avoid the downsides brought about by this depopulation. Moreover, thanks to the efforts of its chosen people, it was able to successfully revitalize its national character, rich in industriousness and mindfulness.

>> No.39567864

I honestly never even knew or heard about them until /jp/ made me know. I always got my touhou media either from other /jp/sies sharing links, or importing it from Japan, like any other civilized anon would do.

>> No.39568723

He's right though, in the sense that pretty much every action that people make is motivated by what's good for them. Your morality is another's immorality. Touting oneself as morally superior is subjective nonsense that isn't going to change either side's behavior.

>> No.39569080

>lets a DMCA claim get sent to the moriya website,
But was it really him?

It's understandable, seeing how much he's allowed in the past. With cooperation with Good Smile, touhou has truly become corpo

>> No.39569858

Touhou's been working with Good Smile for a long time to allow selling Touhou figurines, anon. Same with a lot of merchandise company.
Corpo getting involved in doujin scene is nothing new and gacha is just another product in the market.

>> No.39569868

It's a good point, figures are still a niche thing.
Gacha, frontpage of app store, now that's something else.
Does this still follow the doujin spirit?

>> No.39569920

which again retard, loops back around to me having not a single reason to care about you not wanting me sharing my opinion or proclaiming myself superior. If I can and want I will.
Theres no reason for me to care about objectivity, subjectivity, or changing anyone through words but by action and force.
I could say more but im sleepy and forgetting my points.

Ill end with the idea that peoples common morality isn't determined by what's good for them but by their aspirations and desires, even if it is to their detriment.

>> No.39570043

You are an ultra gay faggot.

>> No.39570055

no u

>> No.39570094

Yo mama.

>> No.39570167

Considering that HSiFS made at least 1 million US dollars when it came out on steam, yeah he probably thinks that he should've done it sooner.

>> No.39571090

>which again retard, loops back around to me having not a single reason to care about you not wanting me sharing my opinion or proclaiming myself superior.
But you do care. You wouldn't have posted your original message otherwise.

And you're getting defensive for no reason. Never did I say that I don't want you to stop being a fool. Just that you're a fool for unwittingly acting so foolish.

>> No.39575721

Touhou manga are not doujin manga and are though kadokawa or something. Touhou hasn't been fully doujin since EoSD era.

>> No.39575737


>> No.39578855
File: 221 KB, 1440x1080, FDMLoWXUUAEOwwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doujin anymore
Then why is it so hard to license my fanwork overseas?

>> No.39579912

ZUN is a faggot. Fuck touhou.

>> No.39582327

ZUN is a saint, (Dragon)God bless Touhou.
