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File: 54 KB, 679x422, Rea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3947638 No.3947638 [Reply] [Original]

The reason I come to /jp/? The eroge/VNs threads.
What is lacking right now? An eroge/VNs thread.
So I'm making one.

Rea always related, from the eroge I'm playing right now.

>> No.3947655
File: 49 KB, 248x400, chara_aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent eroge I've played. It's just a nukige, but it's a damn arousing one. Was one of my first a couple of years ago, and I've replayed it again recently.

>> No.3947665
File: 336 KB, 355x500, 786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Swan Song, was excellent. Now I'm reading Carnival.

>> No.3947675

Enjoy the countless rapes, I did.

>> No.3947682

So hows Parfait, I have heard its great, is this true?

>> No.3947688

Pretty enjoyable so far, Rea is the best tsundere ever.
The best thing about it is the pacing, there is no boring moment in it, it's really constantly entertaining.

>> No.3947687 [DELETED] 

What does Parfait have to do with Carnival or Swan Song?

>> No.3947711

OK good to know, *increases Parfaits priority in my backlog*. I just love it when stories have good pacing and Giga seems to have it well it in their games.

>> No.3947715

Any new rape games?

>> No.3947723

what about light novels?

>> No.3947734
File: 156 KB, 600x450, comipadvd_taitl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should probably go in a new thread, they don't have much connection with VN/eroge.

>> No.3947773

Besides Usodere!, this month lacked decent VNs, right now I'm just wasting time playing agarest.

>> No.3947805
File: 59 KB, 500x495, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Pulltop's new christmas game?

>> No.3947814

I'm not touching it, looks like a nukige and I don't like them.

>> No.3947839

Have you played Caucasus? Is it any good?

>> No.3947871

Its EGS scores and comments certainly don't look encouraging.


>> No.3947874

It's not a nukige.
It's a pure love eroge with lots of heartwarming moments and an awesome soundtrack.

>> No.3947879
File: 162 KB, 1024x600, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this, âge? Why is the manager in a Saint Seiya like armor... I don't... I don't even...

>> No.3947913

You should play the first Ayu-Mayu game.

>> No.3947950

So what is to be expected of 2010?
Any titles worth waiting for?

>> No.3947952

Personally I'm looking foward X Days.

>> No.3947956

2010, not 201x

>> No.3947960

Navel will reveal their new project in a few days.

>> No.3947961

Hanaoto FD. They better include enough delicious Akiko.

>> No.3947965

Is that worth playing?

>> No.3947968

That's the Gold Cloth of Aries, so it's definitely from Saint Seiya.

>> No.3947970

Another Oretachi game from the looks of the silhouettes. Either that or Princess Princess.

>> No.3947977

If you liked this one you'll like it I guess.
It's stupid but fun in its own way.

>> No.3947982

I can't play any new VNs nowadays because I always get filled with nostalgia and go back running to my old games.

Doukyuusei 2, fuck yeah.

>> No.3948004
File: 168 KB, 1024x600, oh_look_it_is_goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even even understand what's going on, only that it's a parody of a lot of things. I guess I relly need to play the first one. Any idea of where to get them? I only stumbled upon this because I was looking for the voiced versions of Succession and Atonement.

>> No.3948023

Looks like another Oretachi game. I see Naru, Hiyoko, and Asuka.

>> No.3948044
File: 126 KB, 330x924, Giga_stop_teasing_dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Dive2, and I want fucking proper fandisk with Shizel, 0- and 7-world routes right now.

>> No.3948248

I hope it's Princess Princess. I want to fuck Sia's mothers.

>> No.3948260

Nitroplus has a new game in works. Same team as in Demonbane, delicious Niθ art.

>> No.3948555

Just finished Shinobi Ryuu after 2 days.

Good game but the interface needs to be more intuitive. Took me two gameovers to figure out the gameplay.

>> No.3948567

Rea is a model tsundere, Shana could take lessons from her.

>> No.3948605

I have taken notice that most of you are reading through absolute tripe. I, as a mature VN gamer, only play top quality eroge which offers a compelling story, a well thought out world, and immersive gameplay. So take my advice and better yourselves by playing Baldr Sky and Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3948611

>>Sengoku Rance
>>compelling story

>> No.3948613

Rea is love.

>> No.3948629

My Flyable Heart progress is dreadfully slow, proving that my Japanese skills are pretty damn bad. Might put that on hold and clean up my backlog a bit, starting with Sekien no Inganock

>> No.3948646

Parfait was great, Rikako's route was goddam amazing.

>> No.3948647

Mahou Tsukai no Yoru by Type-moon, Aoko, Touko and another girl, will be interesting

>> No.3948659

Tsukihime remake, Rewrite (hopefully), Mahoyo, the new Nitro+ game, possibly Taiyo no Ko as well.

>> No.3948673

Whatever raiL-Soft (most likely) releases in July.

>> No.3948675

It will be hard for 2010 to be better than 2009 VN-wise.

>> No.3948696

Both in new relewases and translations.
Unless a crazy motherfucker does Muramasa in 2010.

>> No.3948700

yeah, 2009 has been great year, it's hard to top:
Baldr Sky
Mugen Kairou 2
crap forgot what else came, but I was sure that there were more high quality titles that came this year.

Heck I'd say there hasn't been this good eroge year before with the ammount of great titles that came. Or has there? Anyone knows any other year with many great titles?

>> No.3948703

Well 2010 possibly has Taiyo no Ko and Rewrite, which with those teams have to be god-tier.

>> No.3948712
File: 1.01 MB, 800x1000, 1260552856179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rea reminds me a bit of Sora (should be the other way around I know).
GIGA does the best tsundere.

>> No.3948743
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wouldn't consider Sora a tsundere tough, she just comes out as a bit of tsunderish due to situation. But if Rea is bit like Sora then I just have to play Parfait that much faster as Sora was my favorite character in Sky.

>> No.3948750

You forgot Oretsuba.
2005 had Sharin no Kuni, Swan Song, Parfait, Ayakashibito, Tsuyokiss, Gunjo, Saihate no Ima,

>> No.3948756
File: 100 KB, 806x632, pretty soldier wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "VN" I am playing right now. Not only can she kick ass, but she can cook too.

This game makes me angry at the randomness, but it is over so fast that id doesn't matter.

>> No.3948764

Wait what? Someone actualy managed to finish that thing?

>> No.3948767

Man, that was the worst eroge I played. I rarely drop one, but that managed to achieve it quickly.

Playing inganock here. Kinda disappointing.

>> No.3948772

Yea, got everything unlocked, took two tries. Not worth it, but my 100% kicked in and I raged my way through it twice.

>> No.3948778

Compare translation scene in 2009 to 2008. We might get fuckload of stuff translated next year.
Personally I'm hoping for Sumaga...

>> No.3948785

Even if someone picked up Muramasa, you're crazy if you think it would be done in a year.

>> No.3948789
File: 70 KB, 806x652, cfr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. First try and I got Somia end. Gotta try again but this time my aim is Judy.

>> No.3948796

I'd say it would take a year for the text, but I wonder how they would fix the presentation.

>> No.3948800

I got tired replaying this for getting all the endings.
Judy is awesome though.

>> No.3948827

How did you get tired? It allows you to skip the battles.

>> No.3948832

A hacker guy did some tools already which rotates the vertical textbox into horizontal. He made some screenshots demonstrating it some months ago, so it could be doable to a degree, but it'd be a pain in the ass probably.
That said, I find it really unlikely.
Oh I liked that. Cecile and Renard was my favorite. Judy is nice too.

>> No.3948840

There is a basic 'split' (At the Somia sex decision IIRC?), and some of the girls need to have you restard at quite teh early point, so even without battles, it takes some time(and theer are a couple new ones).
Plus, the translation was quite buggy and crashed often.

>> No.3948853

>Plus, the translation was quite buggy and crashed often.
This. I can't bring myself to finish it due to having to save every 5 minutes in fear of it crashing.

>> No.3948878

Strange, I didn't really have any problem with it. I remember a critical error once in a while, but it was definitely not every 5 minutes, more like few hours.

>> No.3948892

Holy Furmolie, I'm glad I dropped this one before I got that far.

>> No.3949366
File: 147 KB, 806x632, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Usodere.
Fuck yeah sickly little sister type character who turned into Scrooge Mcduck when she grew up.
Fuck no childhood friend character who turned into a whore when she grew up.
