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3940128 No.3940128 [Reply] [Original]

So it seems if Australian government has its way, /b/ will be blocked from viewing to Australians but not /jp/

maybe the PM is interested in sengoku rance and the many VNs out there??

>> No.3940135


/b/ is an ocean of shit, /jp/ is a puddle. Would you rather they ban 4chan in its entirety?

>> No.3940149

Yes. The fewer of those bogans we get here, the better.

>> No.3940161

>implying internet filter will pass legislation

>> No.3940170

agreed i really do hate Australians

well the new filter will also slow down Australian's already slowpoke internet speeds so the majority of them would have extreme trouble accessing the rest of 4chan, so its basically an entire carpet sweep of 4chan to Australians, given that it actually works when it comes out

>> No.3940183

government will pretty much have christian fags and just about every other type of religious fag on there side so unless the greens don't crack... Australia is fucked

>> No.3940205

Abbott is a Christian Conservative - he'll have the Opposition pass it.

>> No.3940210

98% disapproval rating since last poll, plus last time Aussies introduced a filter it was cracked in 10 minutes by some snot-nosed kid.

I think you may have to deal with Ausfags for a little while longer

>> No.3940242

If you think any site like 4chan will exist after ACTA comes in you are dreaming. They will be watching everything you do online to make sure you don't infringe anyones copyright. Three strikes you are out with as much certainty as a good guess it was your IP address and it might have been infringing and your Internet is gone.

>> No.3940249


I live in a country that isn't a complete police state, so yeah.

>> No.3940253

Ausfag posting on 4chan

>> No.3940422

ACTA is going to be an international treaty just like the WTO and WPO. Every country will be signed up. That is why they are doing all the negotiation in secret and behind closed doors. It will be enforced everywhere. The Japanese are pushing it big time along with the USA and EU.

You might want to pay closer attention to this stuff since it matters.

>> No.3940495

I've only ever known one Australian who posted on 4chan and he was a meme-spouting, "anti-Scientology" shithead, so I choose to judge an entire nation based on his actions and welcome the coming Australian police state.

Oceania, 'tis for thee.

>> No.3940510

I am Australian.
Sadly there are lots of those, I can't argue it, all I can do is apologise. Sorry, man.

>> No.3940521

well you really have met the majority of Australian's who go on 4chan then

i choose to believe that for the minority of people who live in Australia, go onto 4chan, but at least show an ounce of intelligence when picking what to post, that it shouldn't come to

well that really just leaves about 3 people but still...

>> No.3940522

Are you Aussies conscious that your country is as bad as China?

>> No.3940528

Most Australians restrict their internet usage to porn and facebook, with little /jp/ activity due to download limits.
Only the most dedicated fit in here.

>> No.3940533

oh quite
the majority of sensible people in Aus do believe that Kevin Rudd is China's bitch

>> No.3940538

It isn't yet, will be soon, but not yet.
Once the populace realises what "percentage drop" means, or rather Channel 10 "exaggerates" (ie. Mistakenly speaks the truth) it and everyone jumps on the bandwagon, this law should be steamrolled.

>> No.3940541

I admit I judge Australians on someone who just pretended to be Australian but whom is in fact now I know Canadian. So you all are motherfuckers like ISM to me. I refuse to give up my prejudice so easily.

>> No.3940670

oh don't worry i share your prejudice for the majority of australian's like you do and i live in Australia (thank god i wasn't born there XD)

>> No.3940911

I apologise profusely for the actions of my fellow Country-mates, though if /b/ is banned this filter may go better than expected.

>> No.3940959

Certain Japanese treats like Tsukihime would earn an RC ban here, so anyone who comes here would be advised to join in the protesting on the 30th.

>> No.3940983

God damn it. This is why /a/ should be on img

>> No.3941001

Australian Censorship Banzai!

>> No.3941007




>> No.3941014

Protip: Leftist and Liberals love internet filters and thought policing. Now get back to school or learn howto politics
